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Hello my friend. Stay awhile and listen.

Greetings from Germany. Here's life how it has to be. Love and Peace, Fun and Games. We're all happily dancing and singing around all day. But there's one thing that is missing:

It is FAITH! Faith in in the goddess! God is a crazy woman, that's common knowledge.

And she appears in this world as a being called "Suzumiya Haruhi".

My only purpose - the single reason for my existence - is to bring the grace of the goddess nearer to my compatriots. And now it's time to fulfill this fate!

In the name of heaven!! For the German language!!

Well, as you see, my English is only enough for a few commom phrases. By the way, if you ever get the chance to play the game "Shadow of Memories", DO IT! It's a little older but has a very funny English synchronization... and Eike Kusch! ^_^b

I hope I can help my brave german comrades with their translation with my nonexistent Editor-Skills. For contact call: [email protected]

P.S. 75 + 6 ?!! You wanna kill me??!