Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi: Volume 4 Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Mordred's tombstone

Part 1

- Stop it! Please stop…!

Ansarivan was destroyed right in front of Silvia.

It was an act of destruction.

In St Durham square a place for the public to rest, there is a huge beast- gray- the Necromanica was crazily attacking.

For every step the Necromanica made the buildings collapsed fragilely like logs.

Silvia’s legs felt weak and slumped to the ground.

"Princess-sama, please pull yourself together!"

Even when Ash was shouting by her side, Silvia was scared and did not respond.

- Aaa.....a dream?

Silvia was looking at the past events from up high. She felt ghostly.

- How embarrassing for me to actually become paralyzed while sitting on the ground......

Silvia high up in the air felt that ‘useless’ is the only word that can be used to describe herself.

How useless am I, no wonder Ash scolded me.

"What are you joking about...... what sort of princess are you! Which royal knight family are you from! If you really are an excellent royalist, then prove it to us!"

Ash lifted his right hand.

"Sorry but no offence!"

Just like what she remembered, Ash slapped Silvia in the face.

Thanks to that ruthless blow, Silvia manage to escape from the shackles of fear, and was determined to fight side by side with Ash.

Even that incident had just happened a few months ago, but it felt like it had been years.

It is probably because she had lived her life to the fullest for the past few months, she got this feeling. Furthermore, the changes of her academy’s life happened after the birth of Eco.

-Why is it so?

Silvia suddenly felt something was not right.

She felt something when she was looking at the Necromancia from this perspective.

-I recognize the Necromancia? How could......

Logically speaking, this is the first time Silvia witnessed such a creepy monster.

In fact, she had never seen such a large, black haired dragon in her entire life.

However, Silvia now felt that the Necromancia looked very familiar.

-Could it be!

Silvia have an idea

Once she had found out, she was thinking that how could she be this slow.

- Is it Mordred!?

Mordred was brother Julius’s Pal, but was personally killed by Julius.

- Yes! That face and actions...... indeed they look like Mordred's! I was too careless, how could I not realize it earlier!

Part 2

The morning of the fifteenth day of the month of cancer.


I had finally discovered a crucial clue- Silvia at the same time, jumped out from her bed.

“Er… I’m at…?”

Silvia did not feel quite right.

The scenery in front of her eyes was not the familiar ceilings of the Epona’s house.

After she looked around again, Silvia finally remembered....

"I had forgotten...."

…This is Silvia’s bedroom in Fontaine City. Silvia was lying down on the bed with a top cover and surrounded by luxurious curtains.

"Are you awake, Princess-sama?"

Cosette who was waiting in the room slowly pulled back the bed curtains. Silvia felt relieved after she saw her gentle smile.

“Morning, Cosette.”

"Good morning, princess-sama. Just now, I thought I heard you shouting a guy’s name.... Even when you had secretly promised yourself to Ash-sama, yet you are still thinking of another person. I felt contempt with princess-sama’s unfaithful behavior."

Unfortunately, the few words from Cosette had disrupted Silvia’s calm mood.

"N-Nonsense! Mordred is a dragon's name!"

"Hehehe, just kidding, but you actually did not deny the sentence ‘secretly promised yourself to Ash-sama’."

Silvia’s cheeks suddenly became hot.

"It is nothing like that! It is because there are many places for me to comment on, I had just forgotten about it!"

“Then I’ll try to believe that what you were saying was the truth. Hehehe.”

After Cosette purposely laugh, she pulled back the entire curtains of the bed. Then she walked towards the window and pulled back the curtains covering the windows.

The glaring morning ray flooded into the room the next moment.

Silvia getting down from her bed spoke behind Cosette:

"Hey, Cosette. Before breakfast, I would like to go to a place."

Cosette smiles while answering.

"It is my responsibility to take care of Princess-sama. I would be happy to follow Princess-sama even to both ends of earth.”

Part 3

Not many people can be seen early in the morning in the Fontaine city’s town center.

The shops also seem to close today. A empty street is full of a cooling light breeze which suits this spring season well.

Silvia put on the dragon riding academy’s hat to cover her eyes and she also wore her uniform.

By seeing Silvia’s dress up, no one on the street should be able to figure out that she is the fourth princess. Contrary to that, it is Cosette who was in her maid attire following right behind her looked a lot more striking.

There are occasion where the watchmen will approached them for a safety check, but as long as Silvia lifts her face-

“Aren’t you Princess-sama! I’m sorry for bothering you!”

Everyone without exception will apologize while bowing and then immediately buzz off.

Later, Silvia arrived at the mausoleum area at the west side of the city.

This is not a common mausoleum, but a special one that is used as a graveyard for the dragons.

There were two guards on duty at the entrance to the mausoleum.


Silvia was confused.

There were never any guards in this area. There ain’t anything that’s worthy to be stolen by thieves in this mausoleum.

“Princess-sama? Why would you come to this type of place?”

The two guards reacted just the same as those previous watchmen and Silvia and Cosette were allowed to enter the mausoleum.

“Lets go, Cosette.”

“Yes, Princess-sama.”

Silvia decisively stormed into the mausoleum.

It is said that Mordred’s ashes was placed in the underground of the mausoleum. Perhaps the reason Paladin Oswald did so was to bury the name Mordred along with its ashes.

After walking for some times on the stone stairs, Silvia arrived at her destination.

Unexpectedly, there were already visitors at Mordred’s tomb.

A woman in armour.

A thin and tall knight.

And a woman who has the height of a child.

There was also a basilisk standing behind the small size woman. Basilisk is said to be the same species as an Asia. It is a beast which has the looks of a lizard.

If it is possible, Silvia wouldn’t want to meet with the three people and the beast. That’s because there’s always trouble whenever she met them.

“Ane-ue! And also… Glenn-dono and Avdocha-dono!”

Upon hearing Silvia’s greeting, the three of them turned their heads back at the same time.

Veronica was the first to speak among the three.

“Ain’t you Silvia! Why do you come to this place?”

Veronica eyes were as cold as they used to be, like an eagle who found its prey. Even though Silvia trembled, but she still replied calmly.

“I’m here because I remembered something. Ane-ue why are you here? Anyway… let alone Glenn-dono, why would Avodcha-dono is also here?”

“What! Are you not satisfied that we are together? Do you want me to tear your clothes into two again? Do you want to show that pair of cow like breast in front of your ex-fiancé?... Ouch!"

Veronica without any warning knocked Avdocha’s head with her Gauntlets on, which made her cried in pain with tears in her eyes.

That punch should hurt a lot… Silvia pitied her. Anyway Silvia had tastes the pain from the pair of knuckles for numerous times.

“Avdocha, when were you given the right to lecture my sister.”

“Uuh. You tyrant! My head is now swollen!”

The lady, Avdocha Kiltzkaya was called ‘Avdocha The Convict’ by the crowds was an ex-terrorist and now was the leader of the foreign force in the knight country. Previously, during Veronica’s visit to Ansarivan, she had caused many troubles for Silvia.

“Yes, so you still have extra energy to talk nonsense.”

“Ouch! D-Don’t hit my head anymore or else I won’t be able to grow taller!”

“You had already passed twenty years-old and yet you are still thinking of growing taller? What a joke?”

“Don’t be mean!”

Even Avdocha can’t do anything when facing Veronica. Because that she look like a child, so she is now like a kid being scolded for some pranks.

“It has been a long time, Princess Silvia."

Glenn greeted and bowed in front of Silvia, without being bothered by Avdocha’s and Silvia’s argument. He is still the same beautiful guy that will make your eyes glitter.

Glenn is Julius’s best friend and also Silvia’s ex-fiancé. Even after their marriage had been canceled, but it is still embarrassing to meet like this.

“Glenn-dono, I’m happy to see you in the pink. But back to the topic, why are you here?” “I’ll answer that question.”

The armour on her body made a clear loud sound when Veronica turned around. Just like she had lost interest in a toy, Avdocha was left by a side.

Veronica with a tone as heavy as her armour said:

“Actually, Mordred’s ashes were stolen.”

“When was it stolen?”

“We are not sure about the time. Anyway no one would expect that anyone would want to steal ashes. This mausoleum does not even have guards before this. Maybe… They were stolen years ago and it is just that we do not realize it.”

“…Then how do you found out about it now?”

“Of course it is the clue from the Willingham Mausoleum incident. The enemy is obviously using the ashes of the dragons as materials to make their weapons. That’s why I had given the order to check on every mausoleum that has the dragon tomb.”

“And the one who was in charge of the checking was the foreign force leaded by me.”

Veronica was not bothered by Avdocha who wants a reward and she shrugged her shoulders. “…And the result is just like what you can see.”

“What do you mean?”

“The things are just like what I had expected. Many of the dragon bones were stolen from all over the country,”

“How could it be…”

Silvia was clenching her teeth.

The enemies’ movement was not just a step ahead, but two or three steps ahead.

This type of cowardly technique must be from the Zepharos Empire who knew that ‘Machines will never be able to win against the dragons’.

“There’s another thing, Silvia. I had heard about your heroic fight at the Willingham Mausoleum while riding on Lancelot. I’m proud of you.”


“For one moment, Silvia didn’t understand what Veronica was saying.”

Only after a few moments later, she finally felt it from the bottom of her heart.

That’s right...Veronica praised me.

“Thank you anee-ue.”

After Silvia thanked her while smiling, Veronica’s face turned red and she turned it aside.

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“Hmph... don’t get overjoyed yet. You are now still a little chick and your priority is to strive towards an Ark-Dragner. Then we will remove that bastard Oswald from his throne.”


Silvia felt troubled.

Veronica totally hated her father who is like nothing but a commoner until the extend where she will even call him ‘bastard’.

“By the way… I have something to tell anee-ue.”

Silvia showed a serious expression.

Perhaps that Veronica felt an abnormal air around Silvia, she silently nodded and allowed her to continue to speak.

“It is something related to anii-ue. A few days ago, I met a guy called Milgauss at Willingham Mausoleum. He is the Empire’s henchman.”

“I have a report regarding that man… so, what has he to do with Julius?”

“Please listen to me calmly. Even though this is just my intuition… I think that Milgauss is anii-ue.”


The person who shouted loudly wasn't Veronica but the quiet Glenn who was standing behind her.


“It’s imposible! That man is still kicking… and had become an active spy for the Empire… That’s absolutely outrageous!”

Silvia could understand how Glenn felt. Glenn and Julius were best friends when they were studying in Ansarivan.

“Generally speaking, what proof do you have Silvia-sama-”

“Keep your cool Glenn,[1] the person who you are speaking to is my sister.”

Veronica was like a beast trainer trying to tame a beast when lecturing Glenn.

“I’m… Sorry.”

Even a person like Glenn knelled down and apologized on the spot like a beast being whipped.

“I still have something to report to anee-ue. You had just said that Mordred’s ashes were stolen… After some careful thought, the Necromancia that attacked Ansarivan looked a little like Mordred.”

Veronica was stunned upon hearing.

“…Silvia, you musn’t tell anyone about this. The truth of Julius is still living will cause a great impact on the Knight family. Plus Mordred who was suspected to be the Necromancia is another problem… This information should be kept confidential. Do you understand?”

“Yes… anee-ue,”

Silvia immediately promised without a second thought.

Part 4

Silvia was separated with Veronica and the rest at the entrance of the Mausoleum.

“We’ll now head back to town.”

“Yes princess-sama. We still have not yet decided what you are going to wear tonight.”

“For the masquerade…? Sad to say, but I’m not longing for it.”

Silvia sighed.

“Ara, this is a good chance to invite Ash-sama. Anyway, this is a masquerade. The difference between social statuses can temporally be pushed aside. You just need to get immersed in the atmosphere… Then the two of you will be at the balcony alone after the dance. With the holy rays of moon light as a background, both of you will kiss passionately while hugging each other.”

“What nonsense are you mumbling about! You have been reading too much of those third grade novels.” [2]

Silvia’s face was as if it is on fire. After she scolded Cosette, she remembered the scenario during dinner time yesterday.

Oswald suspected that Ash and Silvia doesn’t have a simple relationship. Ash who was interrogated in the end swore that he will never touch even a single strand of Silvia’s hair.

"Princess-sama and I...... Are not in a relationship!"

The words that Ash used to beg Oswald kept on repeating in Silvia’s mind. Paladin? He is just a useless guy! But Ash was so scared that he use ‘not in a relationship’ as a shield!

Silvia was getting mad.

But what confused her most is her own thought. She just heard the words ‘not in a relationship’ but why was she this mad about it.

“Arrgh! I can’t stand it! What’s wrong with me!”

Cosette while looking at the troubled Silvia, she smiles.

“Princess-sama had also already begin the journey of youth!”

"Reunion ~A.S.B.1365.7~" is closed.

References and Translation Notes

  1. This is written in order form.
  2. Third grade is considered low grade (first is the highest) and it usually means hentai. For those who don’t know what hentai mean… err… google it…
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