Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume1 Chapter1 4

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Monday of Uneasiness. Part 4.

The Lillian Girls' Academy High School Student Council was named the Yamayurikai (Mountain Lily Council) in homage to Maria-sama's soul.

Maria-sama's soul was a blue sky, was an evergreen oak tree, was a Japanese nightingale, was a mountain lily, and was a sapphire. That was the song you were made to learn first, upon entering kindergarten.

(But why is it a sapphire…?)

She had wondered this as a child, and had dragged that bewilderment to the present. Blue sky, evergreen oak, nightingale, mountain lily, and then spontaneously a sapphire.

She could understand the comparison of Maria-sama's soul to such beautiful things, but a materialistic symbol such as a jewel, as opposed to natural beauties such as the sky and plants and animals had always felt out of place. Plus, a sapphire was an expensive possession, so while anyone could look up at the sky and bask in its beauty, only a select few could adorn themselves with sapphire.

(But a lady the stature of Sachiko-sama probably wouldn't find the sapphire out of place.)

And that was what went on in the mind of Yumi, who stood rather blankly in front of the Rose Mansion.

Lillian, being what would have to be considered a 'school for upper-class ladies', was filled with daughters of comparatively prosperous households. Yumi, who'd been attending the school since infancy, technically counted as a daughter of a company president, for her father was the president of a designing office.

While the exchange of their parents' occupations was not standard practice in the classroom, people nevertheless slipped out this sort of knowledge every so often during regular conversations, and from this you could hear of doctors, lawyers, company presidents of smaller enterprises, department heads of larger enterprises, university professors, and other such varying degrees of remarkable titles.

However, the Ogasawara Sachiko she was about to meet was on a different level from such ladies. She was the granddaughter of the president of the Ogasawara group, an extensive management over department stores and leisure parks, among other things, and her mother was reportedly of former nobility, making her a princess of perfect pedigree.

The Rose Mansion. It was called a mansion, but it was actually a small building, roughly half the size of a classroom, taking up floor space in the corner of the courtyard for high school buildings. However, being an independent building used solely by the student council and, with the aid of its wooden two-story appearance, you could surely see why it became known as a mansion.

"I wonder if Sachiko-sama is really in here."

Yumi-san said to Tsutako-san, temporarily lowering the fist she had raised for knocking.

"Well she wasn't in the classroom, and everyone says the Yamayurikai council have been gathering in the Rose Mansion after class every day to prepare for the school festival."

With that, Tsutako forced Yumi to look back at the door. Apparently she had tagged along purely as an escort. Yumi was the main dish. She wanted to complain, whose fault is it that she had come this far, but she had to restrain herself until she got a copy of the two-shot photo. Plus, as Tsutako-san mentioned, if things went well, she could undo the ruined reputation she might have garnered in the morning, and if things went really well, she could be on speaking terms.

"Yes. They come here every day…"

In other words, there was no turning back.

Yumi raised her fist again, but could not bring herself to knock on the wooden door.

(Ahh, how weak I am.)

However, for any normal first-year student, Yumi not-withstanding, it would have taken a considerable amount of courage to knock on this door. That was why Tsutako-san knowingly did not hurry her. If Tsutako-san were to ask, "can't you even knock?" Yumi was prepared to counter with "then you go ahead."

She felt sweat in her palm. That's odd, it's not a sweat-inducing temperature.

Her heart began throbbing more violently, and her legs began trembling.

The world beyond this door was too alien.

Just as she lowered her fist, giving up all hope, a voice called out from behind the two.

"Do you have business with the Yamayurikai?"


Yumi and Tsutako-san spun around like a spring-loaded mechanism.

"Oh dear, I apologize. I seem to have surprised you two."

Standing there was Toudou Shimako-san.

Yumi sighed heavily, relieved. If Sachiko-sama appeared when she hadn't yet steeled her resolve, she might have fainted. Well, even if fainting was an exaggeration, it was definite she would have disgraced herself even more than she had done in the morning.

"Shimako-san, too, why…"

And as Yumi began to speak, Tsutako-san, at her side, elbowed her lightly. "Idiot."

"Shimako-san is Rosa Gigantea en bouton, so she would obviously be here."

"Oh, yeah."

She was not a "regular first-year."

"Yumi-san and I wish to speak to Rosa Chinensis en bouton. Shimako-san, would you act as an agent for us?"

As if thinking, nice timing, Tsutako-san immediately began speaking to Shimako-san. Even though they were both en bouton, the difference of comfort between white and red was drastic.

"Oh, if that is the case, would you like to come inside? I believe Sachiko-sama is on the second floor."

Swaying her curls, Shimako-san opened the door and beckoned to the two, whom were rooted to the spot outside.

Not just beautiful, but kind and cute as well, Toudou Shimako-san. Yumi-san stood awestruck for a moment.

Because of this, it was easy to see why Sachiko-sama and Rosa Gigantea would scramble over her. She was, after all, the type of person you would love to stand next to and walk with. Pure white, with soft, brown, curly hair.

In contrast, even with the same colour of hair, Yumi simply had unruly hair. She had managed to subdue her jumpy bristles with ribbons by dividing them in two. –A wild animal part cotton-candy, part Savannah.

"Come in?"

Shimako-san spoke to them once more, holding open the door.

"Let's go, Yumi-san."

Gulping hard, Tsutako-san grabbed Yumi's arm. If all else failed, she was planning to drag Yumi down with her.

After taking one step, a mysterious space surrounded them.


Immediately inside was a blow-through floor. When you turned left, you were greeted by a steep staircase. Straight ahead as you reached the second floor was a stained-glass window the size of a door, and the evening sunlight stretched down like it had walked down the steps and to the lower floor.

There was no sign of life on the floor. To the right and above that were rooms, but as Shimako-san said, there didn't seem to be anyone on the first floor. Knowing this, it was apparent that even had Yumi knocked on the door, it was likely that no one would have noticed anyways, causing her to feel exhausted even before beginning the monumental task that lay ahead.

"This way."

Shimako-san deftly walked up the stairs, holding down the pleats of her dress so they wouldn't rub against the stairs. Yumi and Tsutako-san looked at each other, nodded to each other, and followed suit.

Roughly half of a year since becoming a high school student. For Yumi, the Rose Mansion was as forbidden a space as a Sister's residential ward.

"Um…, Shimako-san?"

Yumi suddenly felt anxious.


"Is it alright for you to bring in an outsider this easily?"

Shimako-san stopped and turned around at the highest step, briefly looking surprised before saying "Oh dear."

"Why do you consider yourself an outsider? This building is being used as the Yamayurikai headquarters, so the staff members maintain it, but each and every student is a member of the Yamayurikai. We more than happily welcome people who wish to speak to us. Of course, if a hundred students all pushed in at once the floor might collapse?"

Lowering her shoulders a bit, Shimako-san laughed.

As she said, this old wooden building probably could only fit fifty people at once.

Yumi wondered, during what era was this built? The Lillian high school buildings were definitely not new by any account, but even their stairs did not squeak like these.

After climbing the stairs, a biscuit-shaped door appeared on their right. When they followed Shimako-san toward the door, they suddenly heard an earsplitting voice.

"Even so, why do I have to do it?"

It was a loud enough voice to have traveled through the door. When Yumi thought about how such a loud voice didn't seem befitting of the Rose Mansion, that same voice yelled once more.

"This is tyranny! The onee-sama are being mean!"

The word "mean" and the plate hanging from the doorknob reading "Please be quiet, as we are in the middle of a meeting" felt strangely unbalanced.

Incredible. A student capable of saying "mean" in the presence of seniors.

This was, after all, the Rose Mansion. There was no doubt that, inside, beginning with the Roses, distinguished members sat, almost enshrined.

A normal student couldn't attend this meeting and say "the onee-samas are being mean."

"Oh, good. Sachiko-sama seems to be present."

Shimako-san turned the doorknob.


"Then that voice was Sachiko-sama's…"

Yumi was, honestly, stunned. That Sachiko-sama would raise her voice in such a way, would use a word like mean and sound so cross while at it. It seemed like Tsutako-san was just as stunned.

On the other hand Shimako-san just smiled, saying "It's always like this," and opened the door without knocking.

And that exact moment.

"I understand, then. If that's what is being demanded, then I just need to bring her here! Yes, I will bring her here at once!"

And with what could be taken as a sharp parting remark, one student shot out of the room. It was an unfortunate accident that arose because she had been leaning on the doorknob just as the door was opened from outside.



As soon as she thought a person had flown out, Yumi felt a light impact on the front of her body. Then, her sight tilted, the ceiling spun, and she felt a sharp pain at her rear.

Ignoring Shimako-san, who had used the door as a shield, and Tsutako-san, who had held back to be last in line, the direct hit almost seemed like the person had aimed directly at Yumi, who was second in line.

That's why the "ah!" was the person who flew out, and "uwah!" was Yumi's voice.

"Are you alright?"

She heard Shimako-san and Tsutako-san's voices.

"Hnn… nn."

It had become a confusing situation, and she didn't know what was happening. Only her buttocks had hit something, but a soft pressing feeling remained around her stomach and breast. Plus, because someone else's hair was covering her face, even though she knew she was supposed to be facing upwards, she had no idea where she was and she had lost directional senses.


Murmuring that, the person lying on top carefully raised herself. When Yumi's vision cleared, the first thing she saw was none other than Rosa Chinensis en bouton, Ogasawara Sachiko-sama. She, too, had not yet realized what had happened, and simply sat, slowly shaking her head.

The straight, long, black hair swayed like the hair for models in commercials and, gradually, returned to their native positions. The difference with TV was that a floral scent accompanied this hair.

"Aww. That was a flashy fall."

"Eh, she got crushed by Sachiko's 50kg? How miserable-!"

"Heeey. Victim, are you alive?"

The students whom were in the room slowly crept out, having noticed the crash. It was a line-up you could only see in a Yamayuri general meeting. Rosa Chinensis, Rosa Foetida, Rosa Gigantea. Next to Rosa Foetida were her bouton and her respective petit sœur.

"Eh, I crushed someone!? Are you alright!?"

Having finally realized what happened, Sachiko-sama hurriedly tried to raise Yumi.

"Sachiko. You shouldn't simply move them. If they hit their head it could be disastrous."

Rosa Foetida en bouton came forward from the crowd. Second-year chrysanthemum-class number 30, Hasekura Rei-sama. Being the daughter of a martial arts family, she had probably seen her fair share of people who had gotten concussions.

However, her sailor collar and low-waist plaited-skirt uniform made her seem even more like a handsome person in male attire – a sight that was a rarity in Lillian. A slender figure with very short hair. Even this uniform, that seemed like one that an antique doll would wear, was worn by her like a man's formal divided skirt.

"Ah, I'm alright, I only hit my back."

Yumi hurriedly stood up. Her butt still throbbed, but otherwise it seemed like it could turn into an uproar.

"Are you sure?"

Sachiko-sama leaned forward with a worried look.

Ahh, if you look at me at such short range, I feel like running away. Your beautiful eyes will get sullied.

"Yes, as you can see."

Unable to bear the atmosphere, Yumi stood up and hopped around like a phoenix bird. She disliked her clownish behavior, but the atmosphere felt like had she not done so, they would have called an ambulance.

"That is a relief."

Perhaps relieved, Sachiko-sama hugged Yumi tightly. The same feeling in her breast as before. Ahh, so that's what it was. It was Sachiko-sama's breasts. Because of the uniform's construction, it's difficult to tell the difference between different peoples' figures, but her breasts are along the lines of the abundant. … This wasn't the time to be thinking of this. Graciously, at the moment, Sachiko-sama was embracing her.

"By the way."

Still embraced, Sachiko-sama whispered in Yumi's ear.

"You are a first-year, are you not? Do you have someone to call onee-sama?"


That moment, she thought of that first-year student who self-destructed by wearing a loose tie. In her stead, Sachiko-sama berated her onee-sama.


Would she drag in a sœur over colliding? In this case, it was an accident, and Sachiko-sama had been the one that had crashed into the standing Yumi.

"Which is it?"

Sachiko-sama whispered urgently.

"I don't… why?"

Because it felt like a secretive conversation, Yumi also suppressed her voice as she answered. Then.


"Um, what…"

"No worries. Just do as I say."

Extremely forceful. Without given any reason, she was dragged out in front of the extravagant members.

"I have a report for the onee-sama."

As opposed to the hysteric voice that cut through the door, Sachiko-sama had returned to the icy voice of norm.

"Oh my, I wonder what is starting?"

Rosa Chinensis inquired with an intellectual smile. As expected of Sachiko-sama's onee-sama. She had the composure and presence of someone who could make even Sachiko-sama dance on her fingertips.

"This girl-."

After leading with that, Sachiko-sama whispered toward Yumi and informed her, "Introduce yourself." She had just realized she had never asked Yumi for her name.

"Ah, first-year peach-class number 35. Fukuzawa Yumi."

When she tried to introduce herself to Sachiko-sama, she half-turned Yumi's body. Apparently, she had wanted her to introduce herself to the Roses.

"I see, Fukuzawa Yumi-san. How do you write that with kanji?"

"Fukuzawa from Fukuzawa Yukichi, you add 'right (右)' to a shimesu-hen (ネ) for Yu, and Mi from the year of the snake (巳)."

"A joyous, and good, name."

Rosa Gigantea smiled brilliantly.


Finally, Rosa Foetida looked at Yumi from head to toe, as if appraising her.

"What with this Fukuzawa Yumi-san?"

All of a sudden, Yumi had been surrounded by the three Roses.

Maybe this is how it felt to be a frog hunted by a snake. Even though her name had "snake" in it, she wanted to be pardoned from this. If it weren't a snake, it was a briar forest. They say pretty roses have thorns, but she definitely realized the Roses weren't merely pretty onee-sama.

Even though she had only hit my buttocks, her head felt light from the invisible pressure. What was Sachiko-sama planning to do after capturing a frail first-year?

"Onee-sama. Would you please cease staring in that way? Look, Yumi is absolutely terrified."

(Yu, Yumi…!?)

Woah, woah.

She didn't even know her name until just now, and yet they were already on a first-name basis? Is, how Yumi would have liked to retort, but because it was Sachiko-sama, her mind simply went blank.


The standard at Lillian was to add –san to the end of every name, so first-name basis was limited to only extremely close relationships. Even her parents went by a "friend-like parental relationship," so she was called "Yumi-chan" by her parents. The only person to call her simply Yumi was her little brother, who'd become cheeky as of late.

However, it sounded good. To be called "Yumi" by Sachiko-sama.

Even though she didn't really know what was happening, it felt good, so she decided to play along with Sachiko-sama. Even she could come in useful to her. –That sort of feeling.

"That's true, it could have been unpleasant, we apologize, … umm, Fukuzawa Yumi-san."

Rosa Gigantea craned her neck for a slight bow. This person was Shimako-san's grande sœur. Her face was, in contrast to Shimako-san, more of an exotic look, but she was still far too beautiful to look at up close. Her graded semi-long hair flowed behind her hair like wind and looked pretty.

"However, we cannot help but be attentive to Sachiko's, as Rosa Chinensis en bouton, conduct. I hope you will understand?"

"… y, yes."

Yumi could understand why the Roses would be attentive of Sachiko-sama. But she could not comprehend why they would be staring so intently at her.

"Rosa Gigantea. I would appreciate if you did not speak to Yumi so off-handedly."

Sachiko-sama stepped in front of Yumi, as if shielding her.

"Oh, since when did Yumi-san become your personal possession?"

Rosa Gigantea raised an eyebrow and giggled. Having had her fault taken away, even Yumi, standing obliquely behind of Sachiko-sama, could tell she was beginning to contort her face in anger.

"Well, Rosa Gigantea. Let us hear what Sachiko has to say, first."

"Oh yes, that's right. She did say she had something to report."

As Rosa Chinensis and Rosa Foetida brought back order, Sachiko-sama seemed to cool down, lose her angered look, and then nod.

"I will have you carry out that promise from earlier."


Rosa Chinensis asked back.

"As long as I choose now, everything is settled, correct? In that case, I am choosing Yumi."

Sachiko-sama grabbed Yumi's shoulders and pushed her out front. As if she was showing off a newly-bought toy.


Because Yumi had no idea what was said "earlier," she had no idea what was happening. Rather, she had been brought into a mess without knowing it.

She looked to Tsutako-san and Shimako-san for help, but they both shook their heads. They had both arrived at the same time as Yumi, so they, too, could not grasp the situation.

"Would 'earlier' mean the parting remark you cried out right before you walked out that door?"

The three Roses looked intently at Sachiko-sama.

"Of course."

Smiling triumphantly, Sachiko-sama flowed on, speaking the words that plucked the spirit out of the entire room:

I declare Fukuzawa Yumi to be my petite sœur.

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