Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume1 Chapter1 5

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Monday of Uneasiness. Part 5.


A white cup was filled about seven tenths to the brim with a red, steaming liquid and placed in front of me.

This is a liquid called 'black tea.'

"Would you like sugar or milk?"

A relatively short, pony-tailed girl offered a stick-shaped item from the basket. This girl was, if I remember correctly, also a first-year. I forget her class and surname, but she was the petite sœur for Hasekura Rei-sama, the Rosa Foetida en bouton, and I think her name was Yoshino-san.

"No, thank you."

I thought in a daze after refusing. Umm, what was milk again?

Ahh, I'm so confused.

The one who was the most surprised by Sachiko-sama's declaration was none other than Yumi herself. She was frozen in place, even oblivious to the uproar around her. How many times must Sachiko-sama petrify her in one day?

Let's settle down and talk about it. Is what happened, and thus everyone moved into the room, past the door with the "meeting" plate.

Sachiko-sama, who'd made the selfish declaration in the first place, left behind her sœur, Yumi, even if the declaration was a temporary loss of mind, and angrily shouldered her way into the room. Prepared for battle, would be the most suitable way to describe her state.

"… War, with Sachiko-sama."

In reality, if you went by image, the two of them probably were more suited to being in completely separate positions.

"Oh dear, what a helpless onee-sama, leaving her little sister behind."

When Rosa Gigantea embraced Yumi by the shoulders and walked into the room, Sachiko-sama seemed to have realized her clumsiness and so she stood up, pulled out the seat next to her, and beckoned, "sit here."

Then, when everyone sat down, black tea was distributed. And that was where we were.

This room had an atmosphere unlike any other school facility. Just like the stairs and the hallway, the floor and walls were of worn, wooden boarding. Aside from the one adjacent to the hallway, the other three walls each had a wooden-framed bay window, and the clean cotton curtains for each were opened and fastened with a thin ribbon. The size was about half that of a classroom, and there was an arrangement of flowers on the elliptical table in the middle of the room that could probably seat up to eight people. Rather than a student council headquarter, it felt more like an old, western-style dining room.

Of course, the three Roses were seated at the table, as were Sachiko-sama, Yumi, Shimako-san, and Tsutako-san, who was treated as a guest. Rei-sama and Yoshino-san pulled chairs over from around the washstand by the wall.

The electric pot was making a bubbling sound, having had fresh water recently added. I had never even imagined students elegantly sitting and drinking black tea after school in a school building. At some point, even cookies were placed on top of spread tissues.

I had no idea you were treated this well when you became a Yamayurikai staff member.

"Let me start off by saying, please do not misunderstand, we put in a lot of personal effort into keeping this a pleasant space to be."

As if reading Yumi's mind, Sachiko-sama, sitting right next to her, whispered. The Yamayurikai budget was not used for tea, she seemed to be want to say. Each member brought in tea themselves, and cookies tended to be donations from classes that had cooking class.

"If you prefer, we have coffee and cocoa. They are, however, instant, so their taste is not top-notch."

Rosa Chinensis smiled.

"So come and play any time you wish. As you are Sachiko's sœur, you are a valuable friend."

Lowering my guard and then nonchalantly firing off the main question. The Roses certainly were not a normal kind of people.

(That, that's right, the crucial matter was still left unanswered.)

Sachiko-sama's bombshell of a statement had left everyone staring at each other.

While certainly not having forgotten, Yumi honestly wished she could simply forget. She could not think of a reason. In fact, having ended up as a victim of an accident, she could not grasp why she was being made to sit in such a seat. It felt more like she was being summoned as a witness for a trial or a parliament.

"Oh, Rosa Chinensis, so you accept Sachiko's assertion?"

"But Rosa Foetida, if Sachiko has made the decision, we are not in the right to pursue the matter, am I wrong? Rosa Gigantea, do you have an opinion?"

"I think whether we accept it or not should be left for later. At the very least, not while one of the protagonists is looking like her eyes might pop out in surprise."

Immediately, everyone looked at Yumi.

(Pr, protagonist, does that mean me-!?)

"Poor thing, she's struggling to grasp the circumstances."

The Roses giggled. Yumi began thinking they were simply having fun at her expense.

(Of course, that has to be the case. It must.)

She could not think this gorgeous membership would have taken that earlier joke seriously. To begin with, regardless of what condition Sachiko-sama was in, there was too much impossibility in her making Yumi her little sister.

(Wait, wait.)

Maybe it's all a joke that Sachiko-sama is a part of. Of course, that must be it. Then it all makes sense. "We apologize, our joke might have gone too far." –if they were to say that now, I could laugh, return, "I knew it was weird," and squeeze out of this in one piece.


"No matter what anyone says, Yumi is my little sister."

Sachiko-sama still refused to bend with her statement. What could she be thinking?

"Personally, I would like to ask Yumi-san too, not just Sachiko."

"M, me…!?"

Yumi flinched at the sudden shift of focus. As had been evident, Yumi had not been able to grasp the circumstances. It would be easy to say "I don't know," but she could surmise from the atmosphere that such a statement would simply corner Sachiko-sama into a further predicament.


If possible, she wanted to be an ally for Sachiko-sama. However, how could you fight when you didn't know who was an ally and who was an enemy? She wished Sun Tzu could teach her the art of war right there.

"If I say so, it must be so, am I wrong? There is no need to confirm with Yumi."

She stands firm. Sachiko-sama looks unwilling to crumble her firm stance.

"Ah, umm…"

"Just be silent for the time being."

Zap! Even to her ally, Yumi, she was merciless.

Of course, had they really been sœurs, onee-sama's order would be absolute, so she would remain silent. But as that wasn't the case, Yumi felt Sachiko could have been a bit kinder.

"It seems you want to continue this conversation without Yumi-san, but I won't allow that."

Rosa Gigantea's eyes sparkled.

"Sachiko. You simply dragged a passer-by into this mess for the sole purpose of escaping from the job imposed on you, right?"

(Job imposed on her…?)

The moment Yumi tilted her neck to the side, a person sitting far away raised her hand and said "wait." That was Tsutako-san, who Yumi had forgotten existed.

"What is it, Takeshima Tsutako-san?"

"I am honoured that you know of me, Rosa Gigantea."

"Yumi-san notwithstanding, there is no student that knows not of you. You are notorious, after all."

I'm sorry I don't stand out – Yumi whispered, deep inside.

"I am grateful."

Tsutako-san continued after fixing the position of her glasses.

"I do not mind if you simply wish to consider me an outsider, but may I ask one thing, having been allowed to listen in on the conversation?"

"Of course?"

"I have no idea what is going on."

Why Sachiko-sama had to declare Yumi to be her sœur. What connection that has with this "imposed job." Tsutako-san seemed to be wanting to know.

"That is true, forgive us for not explaining."

Rosa Foetida nodded. Sachiko-sama urgently stood up.

"There is nothing to explain. I chose a sœur, that is all. The meeting is over."

"How selfish. If you wish to break up the meeting, you may return home by yourself. Of course, Yumi-san will stay here with us."

Sachiko-sama had no choice but to sit back down to Rosa Chinensis' words.

"To put it shortly, Sachiko decided to reject a job for the school festival she had previously accepted, today, after all this time."

"Because you changed your story."

Sachiko-sama complained, but Rosa Chinensis continued.

"The story did not change. Even if there was not enough information presented at the time, your own role remains unchanged."

"Umm, … what is Sachiko-sama's job?"

Now Yumi asked.

"Ahh, we were short on explaining once again. Actually, for this year's school festival we are planning to hold a play."

"The Yamayurikai staff will get together and perform."

It sounded extremely extravagant. Yumi wished greatly to be allowed to watch.

"Us three Roses, being part of the executive committee for the school festival, are busy every day. Of course, that means the boutons will have to be the central figures for the play."

Rosa Foetida added that they planned to borrow members from the dance club as extras.

"Dance club, what play are you expecting to perform?"

Tsutako-san eagerly asked, it seems her blood as a cameraman was beginning to catch fire.

"Cinderella. The dance ball scene."


"And, and the lead role?"

Forgetting her situation entirely, Yumi also became excited. This one had her 'closet Sachiko-fan blood' catching fire.

"Of course, Sachiko."


Sachiko-sama, as Cinderella.

Then Rei must be the prince!? A splendid recital contest of two boutons.

It's beautiful just imagining. Too beautiful. It was getting into Takarazuka territory.

I have to secure a ticket, no matter what. I wonder if they hand out numbered tickets prior to the event, or something. It was something to look into before heading home.

Wait, hold on.

They did mention Sachiko-sama rejecting the job earlier. That means she wants to stop being the lead actress-.

"This year we intend to call upon a guest from Hanadera. Sachiko seems to object."


"It's customary. As both schools neighbor each other on the same hill, Lillian and Hanadera Institute help each others' student councils during the school festivals. We helped out during their school festival last month, too."

It sounded like a neighborly relationship from the countryside. Funerals, weddings, fires, moving. No matter what, people are willing to take a break from work to help out, that sort of custom.

I had a culture shock when my grandfather died in Yamanashi, and his neighbor took a break from his bank, even though it was a busy time at the end of the term, to help take condolence calls. But to see the same thing carried out so close, and by high school students, at that.

"I have no objection to the inviting of a guest. But I see no reason why the Hanadera council leader has to be the prince."

Sachiko-sama muttered.

Ah, I see. Rei-sama is not the prince.

"Then what would you have him do? Cinderella? Will Sachiko do the prince, then?"

Yumi was probably not the only one who thought, 'that might be more interesting.'

"Why does it end up like that. I was just thinking, maybe back-stage work like carrying around props-."

"How could you even insinuate making a guest do menial labour? We were the judges for their main event. Even if it might have worked, they did not request us to pour tea. Although Sachiko might not have known this, having skipped out on the appointed day?"

"What I cannot stand is that we are changing role distribution now, two weeks before the school festival."

It was a verbal dispute between Sachiko-sama and Rosa Chinensis. A duel between sisters.

"And as I said, Hanadera's council leader was intended to be the prince from the start."

"That's a lie. Rei was saying the prince's lines all the way up to yesterday."

"I was told from the onset I was just a stand-in."

Rei-sama raised her hand to fan away the electric pot's vapours.

"See, look. Aside from Sachiko, everyone knew. If you are still in disbelief, you may speak to the handicrafts' club whom are working on the costumes. The princes' costume is being tailored to suit Hanadera's council leader."

"So you decided this while I was not in attendance."

Sachiko-sama grinded her teeth, frustrated at how her position was becoming disadvantageous.

"Oh, wake up, we have no need to call secret meetings. … Ah, however, come to think of it, Sachiko did skip out on a number of meetings. We might have decided upon this then. However, in that case you brought this upon yourself, did you not? You always fled when we had a meeting with Hanadera. This is what happens when you never deal with your dislike of men."

(Dislike of men?)

I got it! Yumi clapped her hands in her mind.

To combine everything so far, Sachiko-sama accepted the leading role for the play, as decreed by the Roses. Whether it was intended or whether it was an unfortunate communications miss, only Sachiko-sama missed out on the notice that Hanadera's council leader was to play the prince's part. Having found this out today, Sachiko-sama became as furious as the raging flames, and proclaimed that she was withdrawing from the leading role. The reason is, -well, because she hated men.

(But, hating men…)

She'd never thought about it, but Sachiko-sama and the description 'hating men' seemed to fit together perfectly. There were students in Yumi's class whom admitted to having arrhenphobia or simply hating men, and she did have the same sort of aura.

(I wonder if she dislikes her father, too…)

As she absent-mindedly had such thoughts, she felt as if she was being stared at, and when she looked up, she noticed Rosa Gigantea, jaw protruding and eyes narrowed, laughing at her.

"You're amusing."


"You were going through life's many phases."


Yumi rushed to suppress her face. However, it was too late. She couldn't take back the 'life's many phases,' and a great wave of red attacked her face, like it was delivering a finishing blow.

"You have an unpredictable nature, you're pretty fun."


Is almost definitely not praise. Even though my grade in Japanese is rather average, I can tell that much, Rosa Gigantea.

"Hmm. However, how does Sachiko-sama disapproving of the lead role tie into her making Yumi her little sister? The plate outside says 'in a meeting,' but does that mean you were discussing a role change?"

Tsutako-san continued her my-pace questioning. However, Rosa Foetida smiled bitterly and lowered her shoulders.

"Well it was meeting, in the beginning."

The staff members who packed into the Rose Mansion after school every day for school festival preparations. Presumably, they intended to discuss a number of problems that had arisen.

They began the meeting without waiting for Shimako-san, who was going to be late because of day duties. Plus, as she was just a bouton, her attendance was not mandatory.

To explain things a bit, the Yamayurikai is the student council, as it would be called in an ordinary school. The official staff members that would be called the "staff" were the three Roses, Rosa Chinensis, Rosa Gigantea and Rosa Foetida. These three filled the student president, vice president, secretary and accounting roles, as per the management structure passed down through generations.

No one really knows when the student council roles became synonymous with the Roses. Whether the chicken or the egg came first. Anyways, when someone mentions the Yamayurikai staff, they mean the red, white and yellow Roses.

However, beginning with the student council, they are also the School Festival Executive Committee, they organize the seasonal events such as the Freshmen Welcome Party and the Graduate Farewell Party, and though not as gaudy also are the Budget Committee and hold general student meetings, and perform a vast number of other small duties, certainly too much for the three to handle alone. As such, you could almost call them apprentices, but the Roses have their sœurs lend their hands as assistants. As long as there is no stunning upset, the Yamayurikai management tends to be passed down in such a way, so that the little sisters of the Roses are called boutons. Everyone accepts them as Roses waiting to blossom.

"Most of the agenda was easy to make decisions on, so the meeting was going smoothly."

"Then Sachiko began complaining about the play appointment."

"When we teased her to silence her, she exploded. Sachiko carries herself well outside, so she's popular, but she has a rather violent temperament, so it is extremely difficult to keep a handle on her."

The Roses said plainly.

"Tease!? That was not mere teasing, you were driving a stake into my heart!"

Sachiko-sama was agitated by the reminder.

"You said I have no right to speak, as I cannot even find a petite sœur."

"I did say that, but that did not mean 'Regardless of who it is, get a petite sœur.' To grab the first first-year you see upon stepping outside, how hasty, how simplistic. You are not warashibechouja[1] after all."

(… Warashibechouja.)

A bead of sweat appeared on Yumi's forehead.

(So that would make me a straw.)

Well, thanks to their explanations, I can see what's going on, but this is becoming ridiculous.

"Warashibechouja, that is splendid. If I remember correctly, it had a happy ending, did it not?"

Sachiko-sama, now you're making no sense.

"So you intended to simply hold onto Yumi-san until you found a better person? I cannot accept such a relationship. As your grand sœur even my dignity would be in tatters."

Rosa Chinensis sighed, disgusted. However, Sachiko immediately responded, staring straight at onee-sama.

"I will take care of Yumi forever. I will train her and turn her into a magnificent Rose. There is no problem then, correct?"

Even if that was prompted by the way the conversation was going, was it wise to say such big talk? It would just magnify her shame when she would have to take it back.

"Stop saying things as you think of them, Sachiko."

"Why do you claim I am simply thinking as I speak?"

"You just met Yumi-san just now. How could you make such a promise?"

Invisible fireworks kept scattering.

However, it was three versus one. Plus, the three were the strongest third-years among the Lillian Girls' Academy High School students.

"If I am not mistaken, you did not even know Yumi-san's name until just earlier?"


Sachiko-sama's tone fell. As if seizing the opportunity, Rosa Gigantea spoke softly.

"Isn't that enough? That's enough stubbornness."

That's right, Yumi thought. It was better to admit defeat in a dignified manner. If she did not want to be Cinderella, there would surely be other ways to resolve the matter. Little sisters are not there to be impulsively bought. She should think harder and find a more suitable partner.

Of course

If Sachiko-sama were to choose another first-year, it would be a shock. Even if it was arbitrary, Yumi was happy Sachiko-sama announced her to be a sœur.

"Please wait."

Just then, Shimako-san stood up.

"I think Sachiko-sama and Yumi-san did not just meet."

Until then, she had faded into the background like she didn't exist. Like Rosa Foetida en bouton and her petite sœur, it might be that boutons are supposed not supposed to intrude unless needed. Sachiko-sama seemed to be the exception.

"And why do you think so?"

Rosa Gigantea asked her own sœur.

"Because Yumi-san came to visit Sachiko-sama."

"Eh? I thought Shimako brought them here?"

Rosa Chinensis shifted her eyes between Yumi, Tsutako-san and Shimako-san.

"It seems we did forget to ask why Yumi-san and Tsutako-san came here."

Apparently everyone simply assumed that Shimako-san had brought her personal friends, or had brought students volunteering to help with the school festival, or wanted to bring up a problem with a club or the gymnasium usage, or something of the sort. Of course, there was no helping this, as Sachiko-sama's hysteria and the collision and the sœur declaration had left everyone in a confused state.

"Is this true?"

Rosa Gigantea directly asked Yumi, not Sachiko-sama.

"… yes."

Wrangling out an almost inaudible voice, Yumi answered. Even though she had nothing to be faulted for, she disliked these situations. It felt like when her mother was asking for her reasons after a sibling fight as a child.

"I have proof, too."

Tsutako-san took the opportunity to cut in. She handed something to Rosa Chinensis.

(Ah, the photo from the morning…!)

She only got a glimpse, but there was no doubt it was the two-shot photo.

But still. The situation seemed to be settling down, but the two classmates, whatever they were thinking, complicated everything again.

"I see, so the two had already met before. Excuse my discourtesy."

The snapshot made its rounds, and finally fell before Yumi and Sachiko-sama. In this way, Sachiko-sama learnt of the existence of the photo.

Yumi lay in wait, curious as to how Sachiko-sama would react.

When Sachiko-sama took ahold of the photo, first she tilted her head to the side the slightest bit, then slowly began to look at Yumi.

She's contorting her forehead. But it wasn't a look of displeasure.

(This-, this puzzled look-.)

Sachiko-sama whispered so that no one else could hear.

"I wonder when this happened."

I knew it.

She had completely forgotten.

Even though it had occurred just that morning, the fact that she had already forgotten meant that Yumi was too bland to remember. Either that or, for Sachiko-sama, it was too trivial to bother remembering.

Either way, Yumi was disappointed. If her face wasn't remembered, then there was no need to fix her reputation.

However, with that knowledge, Sachiko-sama's actions were nothing short of bold. In her mind, she had taken a first-year she'd never met and declared her to be her sœur.

She has no right to be angry at being called warashibechouja.

"As you can see, Yumi and I, as shown in the photo, have already established an intimate relationship."

Wait a second.

Now armed with a prop, Sachiko-sama seemed to relinquish her hysteria and adopt a more logical attack.

What fast regeneration. The whisper of "I wonder when this happened" must have dried at the rate of a gas-based drying machine, such was the speed at which she recovered.

Sachiko-sama persisted.

"Plus, I feel you have no right to intrude on who I choose to be my sœur?"

It seemed she was fully intent on keeping to her lie about Yumi to the bitter end.

No, that's not the case. Sachiko-sama probably wants to convert it from a random declaration to reality. It was hard to say, but probably to get out of being Cinderella.

"Indeed. Even if you came up with it on the spot, to have qualms about you proactively choosing a petite sœur or intending to tear you two apart is not within our rights. You are first and foremost a student in this academy."

Even so, Yumi felt they had to say something. –Lest this goes in a bad direction.

Sachiko-sama was still Rosa Chinensis en bouton, and was destined to become Rosa Chinensis in half of a year. For her to call this normal, average student her sœur, even for a moment, was synonymous with creating an uproar. There was no need to even test this.

Sachiko-sama slammed the table with enough force to overturn cups.

In that case, Tsutako-san is unique enough to be a better fit. Even so, why did I have to be the one to run into Sachiko-sama.

"Okay, I approve."

Eventually, Rosa Chinensis said that, and Sachiko-sama's expression brightened. With just that, the atmosphere in the world transformed into a glittering space. Right, just like the scene where Cinderella has magic cast upon her.


Rosa Chinesis continued, smiling.

"This does not mean you do not have to be Cinderella. Just remember that."

"The promise!?"

Sachiko-sama slammed the table with enough force to overturn cups. Cinderella after the magic had worn off.


Rosa Chinensis laughed scornfully.

"You made that up yourself, did you not? I clearly said that people without a little sister have no right to speak. Therefore, feel free to speak, from now on."

"Then please remove me from the role."



"Hating men does not fall under 'a critical reason for which the change of roles is the only solution.' In your case, it is not like you have an allergic reaction from seeing men, or you feel like vomiting, or anything, correct? Just because you say 'I do not want to' does not mean the world will conform to your wishes. We call that self-centered. I am sure you, as the next Rosa Chinensis, are aware of that fact?"

With that, Rosa Chinensis, put her hand to her cheek and exaggerated despair.

"I am sure this comes back to my inadequacy at teaching. But I had no idea you would not understand such a basic thing."

What a pity. Sachiko-sama had no retort.

Perhaps in this way, the Roses become stronger from generation to generation. It felt like I had just experienced a dreadful dressing room scene.

"I am leaving."

Sachiko-sama abruptly stood up.


Rosa Chinensis remained sitting, looking up at the sœur whom she had just crushed.

"Let me confirm one thing. What is Yumi-san to Sachiko?"


"Do you still feel as though Yumi-san is your sœur?"

Rosa Chinensis is probably asking whether, now that the role of Cinderella is unrelated, Sachiko still asserts Yumi as her sœur.

"Of course-."

- I retract what I said before. Of course Sachiko-sama would say that.

After all, making Yumi her sœur was a big act to extricate herself from being Cinderella. With that no longer possible, there was no reason for her to keep Yumi, whom she didn't know the face nor name of, as her little sister.


"Of course, Yumi is my little sister."

Sachiko-sama said something unexpected. Yumi sat up and apprehensively searched Sachiko-sama's face for clues.

She was hysteric until just recently, and she was confused, so maybe she messed up her use of Japanese. Surely she must have meant to say 'she is not my little sister.'

"Onee-sama, are you attempting to slight me? You make it sound as if I made Yumi my sœur for the purpose of using her."

Woah, woah, but wasn't that the case? However, because the opponent was Sachiko-sama, Yumi held back on her desire to interject.

Will someone please say something, in my stead?


Rosa Chinensis nodded, satisfied.

"If you were to throw away Yumi-san now, I would have had to cut our sisterly ties."

Why do things have to become so outrageous?

There was no premonition of this when I woke up. When I stepped out of my house, when I walked through the school gates, nothing was different than usual.

Only, my sailor collar was bent. From something so trivial, I was sucked into such a big incident. I felt like a person in a vortex.

However, for someone stuck in a vortex, it kind of felt like I was in the outfield.

"Did you hand her your rosary?"

"Not yet. I would not mind performing the ceremony in front of everyone, if you so desire?"

"That sounds good."

Wait a second.

Is no one going to stop Sachiko-sama? At this rate, this average person is going to become the petite sœur of Rosa Chinensis en bouton. This isn't the time to be saying "that sounds good" while smiling and sipping cooled tea!

"What's wrong? She looks like she wants to say something."

Rosa Gigantea noticed Yumi's expression.

"I wonder if she has qualms about performing the ceremony here and now."

"Oh come now. Is there any student dissatisfied with receiving a rosary to become a formal sœur?"

Quipped Rosa Foetida, as matter-of-factly as if she were repeating an equation.

"But see, some people prefer to be alone."

"Well aren't you romantic."

That's not what I mean, that's not what I mean, but-. Yumi sat speechless, unable to find the timing to butt into the Roses' musings.

As for what Sachiko-sama was doing while Yumi stuttered, she had quickly reached into her breast pocket and retrieved her rosary.

(Are you serious!?)

Once you place that over an underclassman's neck, you can no longer take it back. It might seem over-the-top, but the sanctity of the give-and-receive of a rosary is like that of a marriage registration.

Or maybe I was the one being insane. This is all a dream. The typical pattern, where the alarm rings as the rosary is placed around my neck, waking me up.

(But do you feel pain while dreaming?)

When I hit my butt in the hallway, it actually hurt. I tested this by pinching my arm, and it did hurt.

"Stay still, Yumi."

Sachiko-sama orders. The rosary in her hand was on stand-by above Yumi's head, its lace opened wide for ease of placement.

If that hung around my neck, I would become the petite sœur of Sachiko-sama, whom I adored.

Botamochi[2] from the shelf. A top from the gourd.

No, more like a horse. A spinning top from a gourd is no surprise. But if you plucked a horse out it would be like 'are you serious?'

Ahh, this isn't the time to be thinking about that. There is only one thing to think about.

Is this okay?

Is it okay to just become a sœur like this?

"Um, umm…"


Yumi and Shimako-san simultaneously shouted.

"Sachiko-sama and the other onee-samas, everyone forgot the most important thing."

"Important thing?"

"Yumi-san's feelings."

"Yumi-san's feelings?"

The Roses scoffed.

"Do you think she would refuse the rosary?"

"I will not presume. However, I feel it is proper to hear her feelings."

Shimako-san said this firmly. While you might not expect it from how she looks, when it comes to it, she stands up for her opinions. As expected from Rosa Gigantea en bouton. Even so, as a fellow first-year, it was an envious trait.

Anyways, the ceremony was halted, so I was thankful of Shimako-san.

"Indeed. Even if it is an offer from Rosa Chinensis en bouton, there are those like Shimako who say 'I'm sorry.'"

Rosa Chinensis lightly threw a ball to check Shimako-san. It seems that rumour was true.

"However, Yumi-san is Sachiko-sama's devotee. Of course she wouldn't refuse?"

Tsutako-san spoke to Shimako-san, almost like idle chatter.

"I agree. She… Yumi-san, just by observing her I could tell she was a Sachiko fan almost immediately."

Rosa Gigantea nodded. I see, she saw all of my facial expressions because she was observing.

If that's the case, maybe Sachiko-sama likewise figured out in an instant, and that would explain why she had no hesitation in dragging Yumi into the mess.

And by her side, Sachiko-sama was rolling the rosary in her hand, seemingly oblivious to the outcome of the discussion. It seemed she was supremely confident that Yumi would not refuse the rosary.

"Still. There is that chance. Shall we ask, then?"

Rosa Chinensis turned to Yumi and asked.

"Sachiko wants to make you her sœur. Have you the intent of accepting?"

Asked so directly, Yumi lost her words.

Become Sachiko-sama's petite sœur was a fairy tale, like marrying a Hollywood Star. But because it was an unattainable dream, you could continue to dream, and enjoy it.

And now, a ticket for an express train to that dream was in her grasp.

It would be a lie not to say 'yes.'

But deep down, she thought, 'is that okay?'

Everyone stared at the silent Yumi. Then, Yumi solidified her resolve and spoke.

"I apologize. I cannot become Sachiko-sama's sœur."

Everyone began murmuring.

"Now it's getting interesting."

Rosa Gigantea irresponsibly laughed, Rosa Chinensis rolled her eyes, and Rosa Foetida was petrified with jaws agape.

"Do I, have the right, to ask why?"

Sachiko-sama trembled a bit.

"I was certainly a fan of Sachiko-sama, but."

"What, did you become afraid after seeing her true self?"

Rosa Chinensis cut in and asked Yumi.

"Not at all."

Although it was slightly different from her selfish image of Sachiko-sama, she was glad she could see the human side – her sulking and her being angry. Because of that, she felt she couldn't attribute it to disliking Sachiko-sama's personality.

"It's hard to explain, but. Because I'm a fan, doesn't mean I would do anything to become her little sister…"


"Because as a fan, I do have a bit of pride."

"It's disgraceful to be expected to follow orders, tail wagging and all."

"Not quite, but…"

I thought it was hard formulating how I felt into words.

"Well, either way, Sachiko got rejected again."

"Poor Sachiko, two consecutive upset losses."

"The first-years this year are really something."

The Roses surrounded Sachiko-sama. Although rather than consoling, they seemed to be having fun.

"If you think I'm pitiful, will you do something about Cinderella?"

Sachiko-sama forced a smile.

"Oh dear, Sachiko, who hates being pitied, is starting to beg."

"How rare."

"You say to do something, but do you have anything in mind?"

Even though they know.

If you were to step back and look at the whole scene, you would see an interesting image. Sachiko-sama had turned into a toy for the Roses.

"Drop either me or the Hanadera council leader from the leading roles."

"Oh what are you saying, just because you were rejected by Yumi does not mean we have to feel that much pity for you."

Of course, that sort of logic wouldn't fly. However, I began to think it was a bit cruel to force her to dance with a man like this.

She was so averse to co-starring with a man that she tried to make Yumi her little sister.

"Ah, um."

Yumi suddenly shouted out.

"You were still here?"

Perhaps because she was still stung by the rejection, Sachiko-sama sounded bitter. Even though, as they stood next to each other, she clearly would have known had she left, how uncute.

"Um, would it be possible to tell the Hanadera council leader to step aside this time?"

"Are you trying to back up Sachiko now?"

Rosa Chinensis swayed her jaw-length hair happily.

"It's not about backing her."

Yumi surprised herself, noticing that she was opining to Rosa Chinensis.

For whatever reason, she felt different from usual.

"We sent a formal commission to the Hanadera council leader, so that is impossible."

"Then how about swapping Sachiko-sama's role, at the very least?"

"Swapping roles?"

"For example, swapping with Shimako-san's role. Shimako-san is just as pretty as Sachiko-sama. Plus she is also Rosa Gigantea en bouton."

Shimako-san, at having been singled out, shot a look of "how could you say that!" Yumi put her hands together and apologized, in her mind. Even though it was a supposition, maybe it was a bad idea.

"Shimako, a first-year, for the lead role?"

"I think first-year second-year is inconsequential."

"That is true."

I thought, just one more push. Rosa Chinensis stared up at the ceiling in thought.

"Since it was a communication mishap, it seemed like everyone was laying the blame solely on Sachiko-sama. But everyone also-"

And then a voice cut in.


Sachiko-sama, standing next to me, suddenly shouted.

"If you say any more, I will not forgive you."


Rather than the usual hysteria, this was a more weighted tone.

"I understand you are saying this for my sake. However, please do not trouble the onee-samas over me."

Sachiko-sama laid a soft hand on Yumi's shoulder, then snapped right and lowered her head to the Roses.

"I apologize. I will scold her later."

The shoulder she was touching felt sad. Even though I'd tried to help Sachiko-sama, it might have been a complete whiff.


Rosa Gigantea mumbled.

"What Yumi-san tried to say is true. As Sachiko did just find out today, and the responsibility for that lies at least partly within us. How about we think about the role a bit more."

The other Roses immediately began countering. No matter the reason, the costume and posters were already ordered, and as it was almost time for the dress rehearsals, role re-distribution was too tough, seemed to be the strongest argument.

"However, forcing her to dance with a man is wrong, too. For Sachiko's sake, as well as ours."

"I see. People who coerce their juniors into doing things are not fit for leading the student council. Plus, 'Cinderella' is going to be our banner production."

"But it's hard changing roles now."

Rosa Gigantea happily cut into Rosa Chinensis and Rosa Foetida's worries.

"Basically, we just need to make Sachiko willing to play Cinderella."

"Even though we cannot change the Prince?"

"Yup. And without changing the cast."

Rosa Gigantea explained.

"Lets have a bet."


"Unsparingly forcing her to do Cinderella is unfair. So we'll give Sachiko a chance, and if she loses, she has to undergo the penalty."

I see.

However, what is bothersome is how she seems confident that Sachiko-sama would lose.

Rosa Gigantea whispered into Rosa Chinensis and Rosa Foetida's ears, already gaining their approval. It seemed like she was using Sachiko's numerical inferiority to her advantage.

"If I win?"

Sachiko-sama asked, unperturbed.

"I'll promise this time, once and for all, you can step out of Cinderella."

"I understand. I accept the bet."

"Sachiko-sama! You're accepting the bet even without asking what it is!?"

Even though it might have been meddlesome, even Yumi burst out out this.

"It hardly matters. It makes no difference if I lose."

Sachiko-sama's rather surprisingly a gambler. Even though she was fastidious, she didn't seem to disgust bets.

"Well, as per Yumi-san's request, I'll explain the rules of the bet."

Rosa Gigantea simply stated, suppressing a laugh.

"Whether Sachiko can make Yumi-san her sœur or not. Of course, Sachiko will be betting on 'yes.'"


The one that was surprised the most was, of course, Yumi.

(I thought I was done here!?)

"You were already refused once. Getting her to accept your rosary by the school festival is almost impossible. However, the moment it happens, you're immediately off the hook. In exchange, you will participate in dress rehearsals as normal until that time comes."

"I see. If I do not want to hold hands with Hanadera's council leader, I need to seduce Yumi as soon as possible, correct?"

"That's right. We will not interfere in any way. Winning or losing is entirely up to you. I think the terms are pretty fair, would you agree?"

"Sounds better than I expected."

Sachiko-sama already looked like she was confident of winning.

"Oh, and, one more thing."

Rosa Gigantea spun around to Yumi and spoke.

"No accepting the rosary simply to be useful to Sachiko. The moment you say okay and the Cinderella role becomes vacant, you're stepping in."

"Eh, why me?"

"What are you saying? When you accept the rosary, you become Sachiko's sœur. Of course it becomes your duty to fill the vacancy left by your onee-sama."

Are they insane?

"I, I, I can't replace Sachiko-sama! That, that's impossible!"

"No worries. You won't accept the rosary. As long as you stay true to that, Sachiko is guaranteed to lose."

And if it falls to Yumi, that would be amusing in itself, says Rosa Gigantea, a dreadful thing to suppose.

"Then, then rather than a bet between the Roses and Sachiko-sama, it becomes a match between Sachiko-sama and I-."

"You can look at it that way. … Well, if you're going to regret anything, regret that you the Buddhist heart that made you think, even for an instant, of helping Sachiko."

Rosa Foetida's word choice of "Buddhist heart" felt out of place at Lillian Girls' Academy.


Tsutako-san muttered, as they walked along the gingko tree roadside.

"Why didn't you just say 'ok'? If Yumi-san became her little sister, it would have been so easy to negotiate."

The autumn sun was falling quickly, and when Yumi was freed from the Rose Mansion, you could already call it twilight.

"Then Tsutako-san, you were worried more about the photo than me, during that whole time?"

"Of course. Who do you think I am?"

The photography club ace, Takeshima Tsutako-san, I think.

"But it's getting interesting."

Tsutako-san said the same thing as Rosa Gigantea.

"Because it's someone else's business."

"I'm at ease because it's someone else. Ah, that's right, now it's Yumi-san's turn to finally collect land tax. It's disappointing that another precious sœur-less person leaves the world, but, well, if the opponent is Sachiko-sama, it's only a matter of time, I think? It would have been more amusing to designate a deadline date, in my opinion."

"Tsutako-san, you think Sachiko-sama is going to win?"

"Because Yumi-san seems so much less energetic about this."


To be honest, I was thinking the same thing. When attacked from head-on, I can't help but wonder if I would end up shaking my head vertically, crushed by sheer power.

"But. Cinderella is on the line, so I can't just lose."

When I raised my fist with resolve, Tsutako-san corrected, "That word choice makes you sound like you want to play it."

When we arrived at Maria-sama's statue, we stopped and put our hands together. This is customary. Heading to school and leaving from school, every day one time each. Actually, any time you passed by this statue, you always greet her.

(Maria-sama, today was a terrible day. If it's possible, please return me to my peaceful days as soon as you can.)

I opened my eyes and turned around, and then.

"Wait right there."

It was déjà vu. Just as in the morning, an icy voice that seems to have come from Maria-sama.


Whether she had come running, she was panting and standing roughly 10 meters behind Yumi.

"Remember this. I will absolutely become your sœur."

Even amidst the odorous fallen ginko nuts, the figure of Sachiko-sama standing straight and proclaiming the challenge was awesome.

"Gokigenyou. Do have a safe trip home."

Having said all she wanted, Sachiko-sama smiled and vanished off to the school buildings.

"She looked pretty cool."

Tsutako-san quipped, as we watched her off.

Even Yumi, that moment, felt her resolve teeter off its base.

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Translator's Notes and References


  • The Takarazuka Revue is a famous all-female theatrics group in Japan, in which women play both the male and female roles.


  • Literally translated, 'the straw millionaire,' it's a fairy tale about a poor man who was down to some straw, and after he exchanged his straw, he continued to make exchanges until, in the end, he became extremely rich.


  • I don't think this is a standard Japanese phrase. She's saying "it's like pulling a snack out of a shelf, our a horse out of a gourd," essentially trying to say it came out of the blue. I decided to leave it in, for cultural reference's sake.


  • This is a baseball reference. Pitchers often throw balls back to their bases in order to, bluntly, try to tag out runners. This is called 'checking the runner,' and is in reality a way to keep fast runners honest, by ensuring that they don't get too greedy by stepping far away from the base. In this case, Rosa Chinensis was throwing a light jab to Shimako-san, as despite their being on relatively friendly terms, the latter DID reject her sister.