Golden Time:Volume4 Prologue

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Status: Incomplete

13% completed (estimated)


Golden Time 4: Prologue


Since that Wednesday, ten days had passed.

Two hundred and forty hours.

Had he noticed the way time was passing, it was already the second Friday since then. As Banri headed to the staff room, his sports bag slung over his uniformed shoulder, a soundless chill ran up his back.

The school building in midwinter, past 7pm, was quietly getting dark and chilly. The other students were already gone from sight. All the lights had been turned off except for the staff-room, and walking alone in the corridor his slippered feet were illuminated by the green emergency lights.

In time with Banri's steps, the clubroom keys in his hand jingled. Of green and of yellow, it seemed that when the two plastic tags hit each other they made a noise. It was such a little sound, he had not noticed it before.

Accounting for and inspecting the equipment after club activities, being in charge of returning the clubroom keys to the staffroom after everybody had left, was what in the running club was called being the "Last Act", and the second years had come to take turns in doing it. Up to now Banri had done it many times, but it was perhaps the first time he'd done it by himself.

Perhaps, or rather, for sure. It was the first time.

Banri's feet stopped for a moment. Until now, Linda had gone with him every time. When it was Banri's turn to be Last Act, Linda had come with him.

It had already been ten days since then. So many days had passed because he had come to ignore Linda.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the week opening, Monday, Tuesday, a second Wednesday, with Thursday, and then today Friday--- counting them inside his head as if to make sure, once more his feet moved. When he stepped forward, he grabbed the strap to his slipping bag, putting it back in place with a grunt. It would be like this from now on, he’d decided. …Thinking about it over and over, as if convincing himself, was strangely upsetting.

Nothing was felt, Banri firmly shut his lip that had roughen up. He decided that he would become a gloomy and silent person. Alone, he resolutely lifted his head up.

Just like the way he is now, he would never hear Linda’s voice ever again, forever. Hayashida Nana is not involved.

After he knocked gently, he opened the door and went inside the teacher's office.

For Banri who kept walking alone in the cold and dark corridor, the radiance of the interior’s fluorescent light was too strong for him. His eyes fazed. To add it up, the atmosphere was too dry because of the heater’s over effectiveness. He directly went to the side of the wall to place the keys in the hooker as the shine kept on repeating countless of time.

[Excuse me~, I’ll go back to the Track Club, thank you very much~]

Ou, he bowed his head to the direction of the distant Teacher’s voice. Just like that from the (そのまま尻《しり》からあとずさりするように) he left the room and closed the door.

Alas, it’s the cold, dark and silent corridor again. The midwinter world.

Today’s Ootori mission had come to a completion.

<~~13% Completed~~>

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