Maou na Ore to Fushihime no Yubiwa:Volume 3 Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Value of existence

We were safely rescued by the hotel’s personnel a while later.

That the communication device Lilith-san had brought hadn’t broken with the impact of the fall was the silver lining on a dark cloud.

Being around two hours later than Zonmi and the rest, in the end I was brought to my room.

There, before my eyes, was an incomparably pointlessly super-deluxe suite room.

The ceiling was so high that you could play volley ball at that place, and the bed somewhat looked like one for a princess to sleep on, with attached curtains.

The point that personally struck my fancy were the flawless security measures.

The lock looks sturdy, so it should be difficult for Manami to make a night visit [1] (this is important).

The perfect anti-sister countermeasures.

Since, while looking for something to change into, I found a folded yukata[2] inside a chest of drawers I tried changing into it for now.

“How surprising. I’d never thought I’d come to wear a yukata at the Netherworld…”

I dare say this too is one of the achievements of the late Maou.

Lying on the bed like that, I waited for someone to come tell me it was time for dinner.

Checking the time with my cellphone, it’s 8 p.m.

I don’t know if there’s a time difference between the Netherworld and the world of humans, but going by my internal clock, that has the accuracy of a Swiss radio clock, there’s no doubt that it’s time for dinner.

Being guided to the hotel’s dining hall, we took seat in a zashiki[3] and, like that, we waited for our food.

“Uhehe. What kind of food will they bring in, oniichan?”

“I don’t know, but… Judging from the luxury of the room… Won’t they bring rich-class food?”

“And what kind of rich-class food, specifically?”

“Errrm… What is it…”

As I don’t usually grant myself luxuries, it’s a terribly difficult to answer question.

“What kind of rich-class food… Kyouko.”

“… Eh? W-w-w-why do you pass it to me!?”

“I beg you! You are the only one I can rely on.”

Zonmi and Iris, who have lived at the Netherworld for a long time, have a slightly off sense of values.

“… Understood. If I have to answer, then I’ll answer.”

Glad to be relied on, Kyouko wasn’t as annoyed as she wanted us to believe.

“Yup. Please.”

“Eeeeeerm……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Salted salmon roe?”



“Wait a minute! How come you look at me with eyes full of pity!?”

“Kyouko… Poor child…”

“Oneechan… If you were going to go with fish roe, at least make it caviar.”

“Uuu… Being made a fool by these siblings is terribly infuriating…”

Feeling for Kyouko like that, time passed flying.

Has it been around 10 minutes since we took seat? The maids that appeared before us started to line up dishes on the table one after another.


“Oniichan… This seems…”

“… I see. Is this a joke?”

The meal that was brought in deserved to be called wretched.

If I have to sum each part up in a simple explanation—.

Something that looked like a frog with lots of eyes. Something that looked like a tiny human with grass growing on its head. Something that looked like a goat’s head. A soup with something that looked like a live water strider[4] swimming on it. Raw meat (as for meat of what, I don’t have a clue).

… Since they have an instant effect of loss of appetite, they may be good for dieting.

If we talk about the only thing that looked edible among them, it should be the sorry quantity of what looked like bread rolls served on a basket.

Each serving of cooking brought made Kyouko & Manami & my (world of humans team) bodies tremble.

In contrast with us, Zonmi & Iris (Netherworld team) were keeping their cool.

“Wow. Sauté of hundred-eyed frog… Haven’t they brought something sumptuous?”

“Traditional local cuisine that makes you feel good old Netherworld culture. It arouses your appetite.”

“…F-for reals?”

Since everything up till now wasn’t very different from the human world, I lowered my guard.

I was sure that, on the same roll, they’d come with Japanese style food…

“Then, without delay—bon appétit.[5].”

Minding her manners, Zonmi started chewing on the raw meat before her.

What the heck. It’s too late, but… I feel that’s the first time I truly get what Zonmi being a monster means.

I mean… Raw meat? Don’t you know about fire?

No matter how fine it look on the exterior, a pretty girl happily chewing on raw meat is something I want to avert my eyes from.

“Monster tamer… Is thy body all right?”

“… Ah. Yeah. It’s nothing. Let’s dig in[6].”

Since my hopes for the dinner have become nothing, there’s no other way.

Let’s leave the weird things to team Underworld, us team world of humans will go with the safe thing and eat just bread.

When, pulling myself together, I extended my hand to the inside of the basket—I noticed something unusual.

“…T-there’s no bread.”

Strangely, there was no bread.

Looking around in bewilderment, I saw Kyouko and Manami apologetically munching on bread.

“… Ah! Since there were so few, before I knew… Sorry… This was first come, first served…”

“I mean, Manami is a human! I don’t want to eat such a femininity lowering food!”


It seems that while I was nonchalantly checking on the food they were bringing, the four girls have ended up eating all the bread inside the basket, and speaking about my share, there was none left.

“Oniichan. It’s fine. Don’t worry. ♪”

Manami winked to me, who had my shoulders down in dejection.

“Manami… Could it be that… Your own share…”

Will you give me part of your meager share…?

Maou na Ore to Fushihime no Yubiwa 3 p113.png

A-a goddess!

A goddess has descended!

“If there’s no bread, then eat frog![7]


I’m an idiot for expecting something from her!

“… Kuh.”

Since it has come to this… I can’t but accept my fate.

Thinking normally, simply missing dinner may not seem a problem, but you can’t make fun of a male high schooler’s appetite.

I’m really hungry from playing at the beach all day long.

“I-I give up being humaaan!”

Instigated by my sister, I made a decision; I cut a piece from the closest frog with lots of eyes (Iris called them hundred-eyed frogs) and put it in my mouth.

What will happen?

“… Delicious!”

It was surprisingly delicious.

The collagen-like eyes that seemed to slide down my throat had a richer flavor than I thought and tasted like freshly squeezed milk.

Sure, they may look a bit like that, but… In the human world there also are strange foodstuff that are considered delicacies.

Going straight to the point, after that, I challenged one by one the Netherworld dishes.

Since all of them were delicious, before I knew it I was eating them with gusto.


To me, who was straying more and more from being human, Manami sent glares of open scorn.

× × ×

“… Something’s weird.”

I first noticed it after I came back from the toilet.

Something’s weird… With their spirits.

It’s especially obvious with Zonmi & Kyouko.

Zonmi’s yukata is slightly disheveled, and she’s showing a sexy appearance with her bra straps exposed.

Kyouko, also in a similar condition, was even humming.

“Erm… What the heck’s happening here?”

I tried asking a maid that coincidentally passed by.

The maid smiled wryly,

“I reckon they are under the effects of a specialty of the Netherworld, Tengu’s[8] Clear Water.”

“… Tengu’s Clear Water?”

How come they drank such a suspicious thing… Ah!

“Could it be the water that was inside the glasses?”

“Yes. Tengu’s Clear Water, despite tasting roughly the same as regular water, possesses a strong magical power recuperation power.

Besides, it’s a high-class item good to health that has a relaxing effect and also strengthens the sexual desire.

… However, if drank by unaccustomed people, due to the excess dopamine and serotonin segregated by the brain, their consciousness…”

“So, in easy to understand words… These guys are drunk?”

“That’s what it comes to.”

“… I see. Thanks for the explanation.”

Well, now.

What do I do?

Since we’ve almost eaten up everything already, I’m willing to put an end to the dinner like this, but…

The problem here is, how will these drunkards return to their rooms?

Even though we are well acquainted, being nursed by the male me… I don’t know if I will be told off later.

I’ll better go with the safe and discuss it with Lilith-san.

Set on that, when I turned back.

“… Chiharu… Where are you going?”

I was stopped by the drunk Zonmi (with glassy eyes).

“Where… I’m going to Lilith-san…”

“Again, you’re going to another woman?… So… Do you prefer big-busted girls?…”

Zonmi’s stare grew cold.

“… You don’t have to say it so full of spite.”

“No. You always give some reason, Chiharu… You wander there. You wander here. Isn’t it like you don’t have fidelity?… *HICCUP*”


Befuddled by the drink, she grabbed my arm close.

“Chiharu… You should be more faithful. Once again, returning to the beginning, you should reward me for being your first contract.”

“Reward… And what should I specifically do?”

When I asked, Zonmi looked at me with upturned eyes,

Maou na Ore to Fushihime no Yubiwa 3 p119.png

“… Please never ever leave my side… Don’t make me feel anxious.”

She clung to my arm.



If you tell me those things, even I could misunderstand…

“Or else… Am I not enough? You are not satisfied only with me, Chiharu?”

“It’s not like that. Zonmi is there, always helping me.”


Zonmi, while rubbing her cheek to my arm in a good mood, just said.

“Chiharu… I like you.”


Ca-calm down.

Let’s think it calmly. In this case, “like”… Has the meaning of something like “I like you as a friend” or “I like you as a contract partner”.

Even if it had the meaning of “I like you as a man”, since, as you see, Zonmi is completely wasted, it’s not like she’s saying what she really feels[9].

In any case… this may be the first time a girl has looked me in the eye and told me “I like you”. Surprisingly, I feel that not even Manami had straightly confessed to me with an “I like you”.

“M-me too… I like Haru?[10]

I looked at the source of the voice, and there were panties.

“W-what’s the matter, Kyouko!?”

For some reason, Kyouko had entirely taken off her yukata—in her undies, it seems she’s breathing a bit roughly.

“… Somehow, my body’s hot… I’ve drunk lots of water, but… I totally can’t cool down. Uhehe.”


I see.

Not knowing that the water in the glass is the source of the heat in her body, to chill out, she drank water once more?

As a result… She has ended dead drunk.

“Haru… How’s it? How’s my underwear?”

“… No. Nothing special.”

Am I imagining things?

This situation looks like something I’ve lived before…

“In case something happened during this trip… Hang on, I tried to choose something sexy?”

“I-is that so…”

Certainly, to the Japanese Kyouko, these panties based on pink&black make her seem more adult-like than usual.

I can’t recognize her.

Kyouko’s panties, compared with the quality of her usual ones—.

Have experienced… A quick evolution…

“… Ku! How incorrigible, panties, panties… Was there a big bargain on panties, you?!”

“Uuu. Bargain… It’s true that before I used to buy underwear of 3 for 1000 yen[11] at the local department store, but… I now diligently spend money on my undies!?”


I don’t have a clue.

What the heck are these two talking about?

“… Anyway, put some clothes on right now. Or else, I won’t let you get near Chiharu!”

“Shut up! Be quiet, ghoul! Now it’s my turn! Haven’t you totally appealed to him just now?!”

“… Ku!”


Turn, she says.

Since when do you have to pick your turn to speak with me?

Somehow, Zonmi has put a “you’ve got a point” face before Kyouko’s claim.

“Hey… Haru…”

Hearing the strangely coquettish voice of my childhood friend, I got unconsciously nervous.


“Do I have no charm?”

“No. I think that you’re totally charming, but…”


“It’ not like…”

“Then, why haven’t you ever put a finger on me?”


Perhaps, I’m also drunk.

Though they are nasty words even for me, I spilled my true thoughts that I tried do hard until now to not say to them.

“You are a monster and I’m a human… so…”


The moment Kyouko heard my speech, her face clouded, and she finally showed a smile that just said “as expected”.

“Understood. Haru has been holding back since he thinks it’s unethical for humans and monsters to marry, isn’t it?”

“… T-to be frank, that’s how it goes.”

“But, If that’s the problem, hasn’t it been solved? Since, look, Haru right here is a demon-human crossbreed… Monster, I gather.2

“… Ah!”

How come I didn’t notice something so obvious?

Up till now, I’ve been automatically working to keep my reason no matter how charming as women where these girls using the racial wall between monsters and humans.

However, now’s different.

Just as Kyouko has said, since I’m now aware that in me flows half the blood of a monster, there’s no need to feel at loss before romance.

Thinking like that, I suddenly became conscious of the girls before me and I noticed my face becoming hot.

“Fufu. It works, it works. Once more…”


Co-could it be that I… Am dancing on Kyouko’s palm!?

How come?

This is something I haven’t felt before any other girl… I get an incredible feeling of having lost at being played by Kyouko.


Right after I thought like that.

With unsteady gait, Zonmi got between Kyouko and I.

“Wha, I told you not to hinder me during my turn!”

“You can’t, you can’t! Anyway, you can’t! I don’t know about turns and such, but going further… Stop approaching Chiharu and me!”

“And why?”

“That’s… Because I am his very first contract partner! And since I’m his very first contract partner… Chiharu must treat me as the most important! People that came later please leave!”


It seems that Kyouko has something to say to that.

“Who has come later?! You… You know nothing about Haru!”

“The time you’ve know him and the depth of your trust are not related. Being Chiharu’s initial partner… I’m the one who’s able to know Chiharu the best.”

“Humph! Surely it may be as you say and the most important thing is not how long one has known him… But! If that’s what you propose, then the order of the contracts doesn’t matter!”


Kyouko’s remark left Zonmi at a loss of words.

In the ebd, Zonmi put a resigned face.

“…Very well. Nephilim. Since you are willing to go to that extent, let’s decide here and now if you are suitable as Chiharu’s partner!”


How has it come to this!?

“As you wish!”


Sill in a state of excitation, Kyouko agreed to Zonmi’s proposal.

… Why did I kept looking both of them without saying a word?

That is, if those two who had the power of monsters seriously battle, the surrounding could get destroyed to the point it couldn’t be recovered, but… Just this time, it’s different.

“Tah! Tah!” “Ei! Ei!”

Zonmi & Kyouko were exchanging blows as the yelled to each other unintelligible mumblings.

Maybe due to the tipsiness, their power was at a cute level.

References and Translation Notes

  1. Yobai. I think I explained it already, but it’s an ancient Japanese custom where a men sneaks inside an unmarried woman’s room at night to have sex. The man doesn’t need to know the woman, the woman cannot refuse, and it was considered at the same level as the current picking up. The only ones who could stop the tryst were the males of the house.
  2. Summertime style kimono (traditional Japanese clothing); ornamented ones are usually worn during summer festivals, but more simple ones are often provided by inns, lodgings and hot springs to wear as a housecoat.
  3. A tatami floored room or partition they usually have in traditional or Japanese food restaurants (except rotating sushi and the like) where, for extra cash, you can keep your intimacy (opposed to the tables, at the sight of everyone, and the bar, that is, well, the bar, if they have it).
  4. An insect that uses its long legs to stand over water.
  5. The same “itadakimasu” usually translated as “let’s dig in” or left untouched; I chose this since it goes better with Zonmi.
  6. But this is Chiharu.
  7. A reference to a quote falsely attributed to Marie Antoinette, queen of France during French Revolution (until she was beheaded) that goes “if there’s not bread, let them eat cake”. Note that the reason the true noblewoman who said that said it was because she didn’t know that cake was much more expensive than bread.
  8. Name received by a kind of god or demon, protectors of the mountain, that are either humanoid birds or half-human half-birds with a long nose.
  9. Last time I heard of it, there was an idiom that went “Children and drunkards tell the truth”, or something in those lines.
  10. It seems that drunk Kyouko tends to add question marks at the end of her sentences.
  11. Just under $10.
  12. In English.

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