Absolute Duo:Volume 2 Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 『《GameKouryou Battle》,Start』

Part 1

“Alrighty then, how many of you remember about the inter-league match ☆“

Most of the class raised their hands at Tsukimi’s question.

Of course, it was most of the class not all of them.

“……….Kokonoe-kun. Why. Did. You. Not remember~?”

Tsukimi was poking my forehead with her fingers while making a business smile.

“I recalled back when I heard it just now”

“I’ll kill you”

Tsukimi returned to her true-self for an instant and mumbled something before putting back her smiling mask on again.

“Okay okay, it looks like there is one very pathetic person who did not remember sensei’s talk so, I’ll explain this once more♪Late this month, there would be an interleague match with the 2nd years held. And the name is <<Kouryou battle>>, Okay?“

“Is it something like the <<Newcomer battleNew blade battle>>?”

“Yes yes. But this time it isn’t a <<Duo>> battle but instead it is a battle between the grades. The first years vs the chosen members in the 2nd year”

“Sensei, I got a question. Why does the 2nd year have to go with chosen members?”

“That’s because, if we normally went with everyone in the 1st year vs everyone in the 2nd year then it won’t be much of a battle right?”

Tsukimi replied back with the harsh reality in a light tone to the girl who asked.

Sublimating to <<Level 2II>> is the condition to promote to year 2.

Judging on how strong I got after the physical enhancement, if we fight the whole 2nd years then we will have a hopelessly large difference in battle potential even though we are winning in numbers.

Tsukimi then continued explaining the rules.

The contents were roughly summarized.

○Everyone in the 1st year, and 4 teams of <<Duo>> chosen for the 2nd year.

○Usage of the <<Blaze>> permitted.

○Time limit is 1 hour.

○The place is at the training area.

○It would be the first years’ victory if the flag is toppled within time limit.

“……………which means, it’s alright to think of this as a Botaoshi[2E 1] right”

Tachibana was the one who said that bluntly.


(It is totally different from the <<Newcomer battleNew blade battle>>…………..)

Different from the <<Newcomer battleNew blade battle>> which is attentive to actual battles, the <<Kouryou battle>> this time feels like a contest-----no, a game.

Judging by the rules, the first plan of the 2nd years would be not having their flags toppled so, they would probably in their defensive side. However, as long as we use the numbers crossing 40 people and attack while having the mindset that there is no necessity to defeat the 2nd years then-------

“You are making a face as if the 1st year has the advantage?”

“……….we-well I do think so”

She hit the bulls mark, and I nodded while contemplating whether my thinking was wrong.

“Tentatively, the 2nd years’ percentage of winning is about 70% for this”

8 vs 40----

There is no way we would lose if we look at numbers but, the 2nd years have already overcome strict training during the 1st year and most likely have a few numbers of <<Level 3III>> within them.

Also, the reason why their winning percentage crossed 70% is because they form strategies to cover up the difference in people.

“So with that said, if you all don’t use your heads then you all will get beaten up senselessly you know, ♪But, you all would win if you topple the flag so good luck ♥”

(Ya-re Ya-re. Don’t say it like it’s easy………….)

Even though we have 10 <<Level 2II>>, the 2nd year have gone through accumulated tough training during their first year. Incomparable to us, they probably had tactics and strategy slammed into them and more importantly, the biggest problem is that they might have a <<Level 3III>>.

(As expected, it is important to make a good plan……..)

Although I was thinking that, honestly speaking I really want to try and have a front on match with the <<Level 3III>>.

Even if I don’t win, having a battle with a strong person will become an important experience.

“Ah, oh yeah. It seems the 2nd years are going to have their members selected today so, let’s go spy on them♪“

“That’s one heck of a bold way to spy…………”

“I don’t think we will get exposed if we go quietly ☆”

“There is no way spying with 40 people and above would not get exposed…………”

In the end, after we accepted to boldly go observe them, everyone in the class moved to the training area.

There was already a battle royal commenced in the middle of the battle field to choose the members and we sat down at the audience seat.

(Hn? The chairman is here too………..)

I found the girl wearing a gothic dress at the visitor seat.

Just like usual, Mikuni-sensei was sitting beside her and the 2nd year’s homeroom teacher were sending their sights to the battle field.

“Tooru. What are you day dreaming for. You’re going to miss it”

“A-aah, sorry……….”

After I quickly looked at the battle field when I got rebuked by Tora-----

As expected from the <<Level 2II>> group who has accumulated training for the past 1 year.

I made a breath of admiration when I saw them freely using their <<Duo>> and excellent combinations with their physical abilities as if it was normal for them.

There were 3 people in there that stand-out.

Judging by the clear difference in physical abilities compared to the other 2nd years, they are probably <<Level 3III>>.

Within the 3 of them, it seems 2 of them were <<Duo>> and were providing cover for each other’s gaps while maintaining a non-aggressive defense.

Even though they were targeted by several opponents, they would counter back with great combinations each time.

The remaining person was quite skilled and kept defeating other opponent students one after another because there was a difference in physical ability.

Soon, the battle royal has come to an end and the 3 <<Level 3III>> stood victorious as if it was natural.

“How do you look at it? Think you can win?”

“Their total power would be tough for us but, since toppling the flag are the rules then it’s the plan after the initial plan”

When I looked over to Tachibana sitting beside me, she replied back like that.

As if to continue my words, Yurie and Tora gave their comments.

“From what I can see, it seems they are just slightly slower than Tsukimi-sensei. If it is 1 on 1 then, there is by no means they are unbeatable opponents even though there is a difference in <<Level>>”

“Fuun. No matter if there is a difference in physical abilities, I would still win”

“E-err………….we would win if we topple the flag right? Listening to everyone’s talk, It sounds like you all want to fight with the <<Level 3III>> people though……………..”

Miyabi looked troubled at our appearance.

[Well, I guess I want to fight since we are at it anyway] [Ya---. That’s right] [Fuun, I’ll fight and win it]

“Ya-re Ya-re…………I understand your feelings but, everyone in the class is comrades in the <<Kouryou battle>>. There might be one vs one when it is needed in the strategy but, it would be helpful if you all prioritize the victory of the class as the fundamentals”

Tachibana made a wry smile while telling her opinion after she saw the reaction from the 3 of us.

“The class’ victory huh…………Tachibana has that kind of side huh”

“What do you mean about that side?”

“Well look, the first thing that would come into me and Tora’s head would be to fight with someone stronger. While Tachibana feels like you would work hard with everyone”

During the <<Newcomer battleNew blade battle>> too, I recalled back the feeling she was pushing Miyabi’s back.

“Fumu……..it is probably from the circumstances in previous environment. In terms of future prospects, I will have to lead everyone in the dojo so; my feelings in stressing on harmony are strong”

Maybe because Tachibana is next heir of a big dojo, she is like that.

Recently, she has gained popularity because she became the mediator of the class and attends to people with that type of conscious.

“The power of harmony instead of the power of individuality huh…………….I would immediately think about myself so, I seriously think Tachibana is amazing to be able to think like that”

“Wh-what are you saying, all of a sudden………..”

Tachibana averted her sights in embarrassment.

“And, judging by the way you said it just now, I hear it as if you and I are completely different”

“Hnn? Do we have something in common?”

Me who was the first one who brought out the individuality and Tachibana who takes harmony importantly, I wonder if there is any common point between the two of us.

“Fufuu. Even though I am like this, I pretty much hate to lose you know”

“…………..haha, well that goes to me too”

After talking about myself happily, Tachibana opened her eyes wide in an instant and laughed back.

“Alright then, now that the 2nd year members are decided, let’s go back to the class room and have a strategic meeting ☆ If you all lose, then I’ll beat you all up ♥”

(What <<sheTsukimi>> say does not sound like a joke…………..)

While thinking that, I stood up from the seat.


At the path towards the training area outside, I saw the gold girl with a butler attending to her enter the room and stopped my legs.



After the gold girl saw me, she sharpen her sights towards me-------

She did not talk to me and continued going down to the battle field.

(What is she planning to do………?)

I wasn’t the only one having that question.

Not only my 1st year classmates, but the 8 2nd year members that just got selected were also staring at Lealith.

It was only normal. For the 1st years, she was the transfer student that has completely not shown her face in the classroom since the first day’s HR.

For the 2nd years, that’s because an unfamiliar student and what’s more a foreign beauty suddenly appeared.

In the middle of the gathering eyes of curiosity, Lealith stopped in the center of the battle field before saying something doubtful to the ears.

“I am sorry since you all just got your members selected but, can we have the <<Kouryou battle>> now. But, taking account to tiredness you all have, I will take you all on alone”


Shock was running about in the training area.

With just the contents she presented, most of the people became taken back and could only send their sights towards Lealith.

The first one that regained his composure first was a second year male------one of the selected members talked to her in astonishment.

“Oi oi, what are you saying after appearing out of nowhere suddenly. Saying things like the <<Kouryou battle>> and taken us on alone, I don’t get it”

“……………Then, I will teach that body of yours”

“Huh? What did you say……..”

“I won’t say it twice”

In replacement, she shows it with her actions.


In response to the <<Word that carries strength>>, the <<Flame>> dance around-------and manifested the <<Unrivaled BlazeOne kind of a blaze>>.


The <<RifleGun>> <<Blaze>> which is heard to be non-existent.

The young man getting pointed by the gun------no, almost every student there doubted their eyes.

Immediately, a dry gunshot echoed and the young man shook his body for an instant before collapsing backwards.

While looking at that appearance, Lealith rotated the <<RifleGun>> in her hand.

After a moment of silence, roars of angers were released.

[What are you doing!!][Hey, what are you trying to pull!?][You picking a fight!!]

The 1st years hold their breath when the 2nd years released killing intent.

Lealith made a cool smile and looked towards the visitor seat while gathering the sights on her.

“Looks like things won’t settle peacefully, so can I have the permit for the <<Kouryou battle>>, chairman?”

Lealith said that brazenly at the situation she made up.

“……………that’s quite sudden. I would like to hear the reason”

“Is it okay after I am done”

The gold girl looks like she is not planning to say the reason.

“Seriously………..your selfishness is a real problem”

Chairman Tsukumo made a small sigh------

“I understand. I specially allow the <<Kouryou battle>> to commence now”

“Thank you, Chairman. Well then, now that we got the permission--------“

After making a wink, Lealith turned back to the selected members.

“<<GameKouryou Battle>> Start!!”

At the same time she finished saying that, the gold girl slipped in to the girl holding the <<Hammer>>.


She would never have imagined that she would jumped into her chest area after throwing away the <<RifleGun>>’s advantage point.

Taken back, the <<Hammer>> user was getting trusted by the <<RifleGun>> while Lealith gave her a warning.

“Everything will immediately end if you daydream………….like this”

*ZuTann!!* A gunshot echoed and the girl collapsed forward.

“…………..6 more to go”

Finally at this point, the remaining 6 selected members switched their body and soul into battle mode.

In response the change in their expression, she narrowed her Sapphire blueblue gemstone eyes and made a fearless smile.

That sharp glint in her eye makes her look like a hunter in front of its prey.

“Alright………who want to be the next one to be hunted?”

*Pann*!! The sound of a bamboo sword hitting men[2E 2] echoed.

“Okay, 1 men. Match over”

The referee let out a spiritless voice while lying down on the chairs lined up.

The practice occurring now was not any kind of special training but just a normal kendo class.

Although the <<Blaze>> we use are different, we should aim to learn martial arts from the start to end as the fundamentals and get better at using it in your own battle style.

“Fufu, you lost 1 hit magnificently”

After I went to the waiting room after the match, Tachibana made a smile while coming to greet me.

“That’s because that guy became skillful”

It seems Izumi has good senses and was conspicuously improving these days.

If this goes on, it looks like he would progress more than Kigami who is his partner with martial arts experience.

“By the way Kokonoe. Did you learn juukenjitsu[2E 3] before?”

“Aah. Something wrong with that?”

“No…………..considering all that, each time you swing your sword, I feel some kind of weird awkwardness there…………..Something like………..yes, you are hesitating or something…………..”

Tachibana’s insight was correct.

There is reluctance when I swing the sword.

That’s because, the sword to me is a deadly weapon.

It is an only normal fact when speaking it naturally but, it is varies for each individual.

Because it is an existence I hate since my sister’s life got taken away in front of me, so each time I swing it down------even I am reluctant to hold it. Even if it is a bamboo sword.

“……………Kokonoe? Sorry, did you feel bad about it?”

“Ah……..n-no, I guess I can’t trick Tachibana’s eyes. Actually, it’s been like that since last time. It might be a chance just now but, I will think a lot about things like whether I should be attacking there or not”

“So I guess the fist is totally different”

“It’s totally different. I am more suited for this”

After swinging my fist lightly, Tachibana averted her conscious from my sword.

“Fumu, juu[2E 4], huh……….so the arts from your place is mainly using the body huh”

“Aah. Is there something wrong with that?”

The Juukenjitsu I learned before is just like its name shows, the combination martial arts of juu and sword.

Rather than using kenjitsu[2E 5] I prefer jujitsu------from the word it looks like judo but, in reality it mainly exists of-------Atemi[2E 6](Blow), throw, Kime[2E 7]--------and that became my foundation fighting style.

“Errr…………I have no intentions to deny the arts you learned but, I feel that it’s a little consciously inclined to attacking. Advancing forward might be good but, you would eventually get big injuries someday if it’s like that-----------“

Tachibana send her sights over in worry.

“Haha, so that means you’re worried about me huh. Thanks”

“I-I am not really worry about you alone. It is only natural to be concern about my friends and comrade………..”

“I understand. Well, just like Tachibana said, my arts are relatively weighted on attacks if I have to choose either one. But, it’s not like I neglect blocking, I got taught half-way because of circumstances”

“I see. I guess it can’t be helped since everyone has their own circumstances………..”

Things like transfer school probably floated in her mind.

Tachibana did not ask any further and agreed.

“Hey, Kokonoe. I might still be immature but, I think I can teach you something decent”

Tachibana’s movement could become a reference for me.

Especially the defensive body movement and blocking is probably beneficial to apply in the usage of the <<Shield>>. However-----

“To me, this is something I desire but, is it really okay to say that you will teach someone else in other arts that easily?”

I heard that technique leakage in the arts is extremely strict.

I wonder if this thing is okay for Tachibana who is the next heir for the old martial arts style of a distinguished family.

“Of course. The Tachibana door is always open and is always interchanging with other arts and skills. But, my guidance is going to be strict so be prepared”

“Haha, please be gentle with me”

“Fufu, inside the 18 Tachibana arts there are techniques to handle fighting with weapons unarmed so, I think it would definitely be beneficial for you. However-----“

After making a small distance, Tachibana continued her words.

“Leave these thoughts after we fight her. I would feel sorry breaking your battle style’s balance with techniques remembered in hasty preparation”

“…………We are going to fight with her-----Lealith, huh………”

While pondering, I recalled back the time just a few hours ago.

The memory of Lealith’s <<Kouryou battle>> she commenced in her own arbitrary…………..

Speaking of results; it was Lealith’s one-sided win.

Many vs one and completely in the disadvantage, what’s more there were 3 <<Level 3III>> inside the 2nd year side.

I found this out later but, Lealith’s <<Level>> is <<Level 2II>>.

Taking the victory even though her physical abilities are certainly lower than the 3 <<Level 3III>> is one of the reasons why she got the name <<Exception>>.

<<Unrivaled BlazeOne kind of a blaze>>------<<RifleGun>>.

We got shown that <<Power>> in front of our eyes fixedly.

“Alright………who want to be the next one to be hunted?”

At the same time when she rotate her <<RifleGun>>, *Come on* beckoned them with her hand.

2 people got provoked by her.

One of them was a <<Level 3III>> and from what I can see the other one was a boy with a powerful physique holding the <<Mace>>.

Both of them closed in the distance, and lunged an attack almost at the same time.

Lealith avoided the <<Level 3III>>’s attack without making any large movement-----

*Gakinn*!! And blocked the <<Mace>> with her <<RifleGun>>.

However, Lealith did not hold her ground there and got blown away.

(……..no, she jumped just now!!)

The moment gold girl who jumped backwards to kill of the impact, was about to hit the wall-----

She made a vertical turn with her body and fixed her posture before kicking the wall and flew up.

She then shot a bullet at the <<Level 3III>> mid-air.

Next, the moment Lealith landed on the ground and rotates the <<<RifleGun>>, she swiftly pointed the gun at the <<Mace>> user and-------shot his chest.

I heard someone muttered [Amazing…..] at the movements that looks like it’s from a stylish hard-action movie.

But, in battle field there was another meaning of surprise there.

“N-no way………..for those guys to get beaten that easily…………!”

“What is with that <<Blaze>>………”

Just 10 seconds right after Lealith announced the commencement of the <<Kouryou battle>>, 3 people-----what’s more within them there was 1 <<Level 3III>>------were defeated and the 2nd year selected members were getting agitated.

Agitated, which means it’s a chance.

“Like I said, if you day dream………..wait, I don’t have the duty to say it twice”

Before the 2nd years regained their composure, Lealith pulled the trigger and one person collapsed-----

She then easily dodged the attack of the comrade she made an enemy out off and countered back.

The only ones remaining were the <<Level 3III>> <<Duo>>.

“Well then……..this would take around 1 minute I guess”

*Kurun* Lealith rotated the <<RifleGun>> in her hands.

(That is a habit more than a provocation)

However that trivial habit-------even though it’s for an instant but certainly, she would not shoot.

And the remaining 2 <<Level 3III>> did not miss that instant.

They were holding <<Small sword>> and <<Scaramasax>> respectively and attacked the gold girl.

Different from just now, Lealith made a huge body motion to dodge for the first time at the sharp blade combinations.

But she could not run away.

There was a difference in physical abilities and she is not allowed to run away.

The 2 blades were attacking in repeated rapid succession and Lealith was only in the defensive.

But, the moment after she dodged the <<Scaramasax>>-----

“How about this?”

While twisting her upper body, Lealith moved the <<RifleGun>> behind her hips and shot a bullet. It was a so-called acrobatic shot.

The <<Small sword>> user was the one who collapsed.

The moment his <<Duo>> collapsed, the <<Scaramasax>> user took his sights off Lealith for an instant.

---That chance became fatal.

His legs got swept and he tumbled down-------and at the same time he raised his face, the gun was thrust towards his forehead.

“Right at the 1 minute mark I guess”

Lealith made a fearless smile-----

And immediately, the gunshot to indicate the end of <<Kouryou battle>> echoed throughout the training area.

Absolute Duo Volume 2 Non-Colour 7.jpg

“I am sorry to say but, you took 1 minute 6 seconds”

“A-ra, that’s disappointing”

Rather, she replied back happily and Lealith turned her <<RifleGun>> into the <<Flame>> and scattered it.

While looking at that appearance from the visitor seat, the gothic girl started talking to Lealith.

“The <<Kouryou battle>> is something to allow the 1st year gain experience by fighting stronger opponents in equal ground depending on the strategies and-------at times, possibly defeating the opponent”

“Yes, I know”

The Chairman raised her eyebrows at the gold girl’s careless reply.

“Then why did you do something like this, commencing it alone and what’s more destroyed the original schedule date by wishing for the commencement of the <<Kouryou battle>> to happen, I would like you to tell me as promised”

“I want to open a party”

“…………what do you mean?”

“I am saying that I want to open a party to deepen my relationship with my classmate. And what’s more I want to make it grand”

“In what way is that related to the <<Kouryou battle>>”

The Chairman asked again at the reply that is not an answer.

“That’s because I had no choice. The <<Kouryou battle>> was clashing with the date, when I thought of borrowing the arena”

“……….which means, you wanted to end the <<Kouryou Battle>> quickly because of own personal reasons”

“Bingo. That was helpful, I can finish this faster”

The Chairman made a sigh at Lealith who made a wink.

“Seriously…………….you did something problematic for me……I have to either commence something with the same contents again in the future or maybe prepare something different……..this is a headache”

“Then there is no problem”

Just what is, everyone in the training area lend their ears to Lealith’s words.

“Just like what you saw, my ability has surpassed the 2nd year selected members. If you say it is possible to defeat stronger opponent in equal ground depending on the strategies then………….could you show that to me?”

“……..i see. Which means, you want to hold a dance party”

“Yes, that’s right. We will dance. The dress up would be <<Blaze>> and the flowing song would be dances of sword strikes”

“Kuhah, this ojou-sama is one hell of a rampaging horse”

Contrary to the words she said softly, Tsukimi made a smile.

“Let’s see, the title would be-----“

While saying that, the gold girl stopped at one point.


The target her sights were pointed at was-----me.

“…………Just how much you messed her up”

Inside the echoing sound of bamboo swords hitting, Tachibana asked me while I was recalling back the events from a few hours ago.

A few days ago, I roughly told everyone about the case of me being dragged outside the academy by Lealith.

I did not tell her about the <<Duo>> matter but, a lot happened and I got scolded by her.


Tachibana made a big sigh at me who replied back with a wry smile.

“-----With that said, when you all go out together with your escort, just take position and pay attention ♪Of course for attacking too, be very aware for sniping------“

(…………sniping huh)

While receiving Tsukimi’s lecture blankly, I got reminded of Lealith’s <<RifleGun>>.

(3 more days left to the <<Survive>>……..)

In replacement for the <<Kouryou battle>>, the event hosted by Lealith that got decided opened hurriedly-------the <<Survive>>.

The content of the new <<Blaze practice>> rules are below.

○Everyone in the 1st year vs Lealith alone.

○Usage of the <<Blaze>> permitted.

○Time limit is 1 hour.

○The place is the northern block of the A la mode.

○Either one of it is the victory condition for the 1st year team.

A. Everyone is not eliminated (Everyone is not unconscious)

B. Scatter the rose attached onto Lealith’s chest.

Only 3 things changed.

First is the opponent.

Even though it became one person, Lealith defeated the selected 2nd year members with ease.

She is <<Level 2II>> like us but, it’s better to think she is much stronger than us judging by the abilities we saw.

Next is place.

There were 2 reasons while the A la mode grounds were selected.

The first one, if the place has many obstructions then the 1st year team is extremely in the disadvantage. It makes a lot of sense, from what i saw from that one battle held in the training area.

If it’s a place with obstruction, then wouldn’t the premises of the academy be okay too--------the answer for that question is the 2nd reason.

It seems (According to Lealith), it is more interesting to fight in a shopping mall compare to the school.

Incidentally, the A la mode was reserved by an Ojou-sama of a big company with a reason of making an independence movie-----which will never complete.

The last would be the victory condition.

Regarding this, I think we have quite the advantage.

Lealith have to continue running around and hide, and needs to eliminate everyone one of us who just needs to survive.

If I think by standing on her position, it was not hard to imagine how annoying that would be.

(Nonetheless, I have no intentions of running around)

For the second one, it would be our victory if we scatter the rose on Lealith’s chest; it was very like her.

In order to show her confidence that she will not lose if she fights normally, she imposed a handicap onto herself.

But even so, the gold girl probably thinks that her victory is something unshakable.

(The source of that confidence is the <<Unrivaled BlazeOne kind of a blaze>>------the <<RifleGun>>, huh…………..)

Just how should I fight an opponent with a super far-range weapon while I am a super close-combat fighter.

I know that it is only natural to somehow get close to her no matter what but----------

(Bullets that surpass the speed of sound…………how am I going to slip past that…………)

Originally, it would be suitable to go with the No plan like the <<Newcomer battleNew blade battle>>.

But for this time, I have to make a counter-plan for this <<Survive>>, the possibility of things ending before I could get close to her is very high.

(I can’t dodge that as expected…………)

And when I was worrying in my head-----

“Hello hello! Kokonoe-kun!!”

I got called out with a loud voice and Tsukimi was staring at me when I noticed.

“Did you listen to Sensei’s talk?”

“Ah…….so-sorry, I did not listen"

After I apologized, I could hear laughs coming everywhere in the class.

“It would be problematic if you don’t listen properly…………..even though I said that, i was talking about the class has ended a little earlier because I taught you all everything I needed to teach”

When I looked to the clock, there was only a few minutes left to the end of the class.

“Then I don’t have to really pay attention………….”

“You didn’t hear it to the last part because you were daydreaming right?”


When I fumbled my words, Tsukimi brought her face closer and moved her mouth without letting out her voice.

“I’ll scold you, you know”

There is probably no mistake that she will destroy me.

“By the way~, what was Kokonoe-kun daydreaming about? Is it perhaps about Lealith-chan?”

“………….yes, that’s right. Even though I said that, I don’t mean it in a weird way; I was just thinking how I should fight against the <<RifleGun>>”

“Just dodge the bullet ☆”

“Don’t ask for the impossible”

I shouted in reflex. But------

“Ahaha, It’s true that it is impossible for your current <<Level>>”

I understood Tsukimi’s announcement-----and several people moved their expression including me.

“Haaaai, Sensei. I have a question”

That slow voice was from a girl called Kibitsu.

Just like that absent minded personality, she does not leave any good results in practical skill practice but her studies are quite good.

I often spot her talking closely with Miyabi.

“Since you said it is impossible then, are you saying that we can dodge it sooner or later?”

“Un, once your <<Level>> get to <<Level 4IV>> you can somewhat dodge it I guess♪”



“Is that true………….”

“Of course of course ☆ You will become somewhat able to see it♪”

Together with Tsukimi’s tone, it was unexpectedly hard to believe.

But if that is the truth then, it would be okay to call the <<Exceed>> beings that surpass humans.

“That’s amazing---.but, I feel <<Level 4IV>> isn’t really that faraway----”

Not feeling that surprised, Kibitsu said that in a calm tone.

(It’s true that, it’s not that faraway………..)

It’s 2 more to go if I think that I am <<Level 2II>> now.

As if to deny that thought, Tsukimi erected a finger and swing it left and right.

“That is unexpectedly far you know. Reaching <<Level 3III>> is still bearable but, the <<Level 4IV>> wall is very very high. So high that around 3 or 4 people at most is only able to reach it every year”


There were various reactions, there were people who raised their voice, turned speechless, and stood up but most of the students were surprised or in discomposure.

That is only normal. Judging by the first year students, it’s like saying around 70% of us would drop out really.

“Ah, but but, you all are qualified to graduate the moment you all reach <<Level 3III>> so relax ☆ Look, it would be unfavorable for dawn organization if they ask for too much ♪”

A relaxed atmosphere spread out at Tsukimi’s follow.

As expected from the Dawn organization-----it looks like the academy side thought about that too.

But, if the system is like that then------

(It would be great if they did not kick out the loser in the enrollment ceremony………..)

The ponytail girl floated in my mind.

Are they saying that they have no use for people that can’t survive when they have to live.

Cutting them off just because they failed in an exam once is a little------

No, it should not be a small lost, thinking in future prospects.

In the first place, as long as people who has the <<Qualification>> is rare, it would be very inefficient since not everyone is able to enroll if they want to.

However, that question stopped and left a small thorn inside me when a boy asked Tsukimi a question.

“Sensei, why is sublimating from <<Level 3III>> to <<Level 4IV>> that tough?”

“Hnn, I think it’s obvious that there is only 1 difference through maths. Well to make things simple, almost everything until <<Level 3III>> is physical ability enhancement. But-----“

Tsukimi made 3 fingers stand at first but, made it four once she reached the middle of her talk.

“Mental strength enhancement will start from <<Level 4IV>> and it would bring out the true power of the <<Blaze>>”

<<Blaze>>------a weapon that is able to defeat someone without hurting.

However it has highly classified information that, if killing intent is put inside, it would become just as a deadly weapon.

I thought that was all it is there is.

If I were to name other advantages then, I thought it would be around the specificity that we do not need to carry it around because it is different from normal weapons but………

(True power--------what kind of power is within the <<Blaze>>………..?)

However unfortunately, the chance to know about that was postponed.

“Well, if you want to know the true powers at <<<Level 4IV>> then confirm it yourself with your eyes when you get to that, and class is going to end any time now ♪“

The chime rang just at that timing.

“Well then, we will be having physical enhancement training like usual in the afternoon so, be careful to be not be late ☆”

After saying that, Tsukimi left the classroom.

“-----Ah, yeah yeah”

The moment I thought she did that, she came back with movements like a playback.

“For the sake of my cute cute students, and because Kokonoe-kun begged while crying, I will tell you all the method to handle the<<RifleGun>> ♪” I don’t remember crying nor did I beg but, I kept silent since I was curious about what the method was.

While looking at everyone in the class holding their breath, Tsukimi made an annoying long pause and-----

“Dodge with your spirit ♥”

She told a completely useless method.

(I was an idiot to expect something…………)

“………A union?”

Since we were having clear skies today, we decided to spread a sheet out on the lawn outside and have lunch on it today.

There is a different kind of charm, surrounding stacked boxes cramped with many dishes from the cafeteria buffet under the warm sunlight.

Pleasant winds blew past by, the smell of grasses tickled my nose, and it feels as if the food is more delicious compared to usual.

In the middle, Tachibana asked us if we should make a union for the <<Survive>>.

“Umu. You all know that there are people that have already teamed up right? I thought it would be good if we team up and challenge her just like them”

Although everyone in the class is comrades in the <<Survive>>, it’s not like we are a big rock.

If there are people that wants to fight then there would be people that would want to run and hide to avoid losing consciousness.

That is why the peoples that chose to fight, got along together and joined hands; and several teams were made just like Tachibana said.

From what I saw from Lealith vs the selected 2nd years, she is not someone that we can beat just because we gather more heads and everyone most likely understands that.

But, the range of strategy would broaden if we increase in numbers and the winning percentage would increase.

So Tachibana invited us after thinking about that.

“If it is okay with you all, how about it?”

Tachibana turned her face around and looked at me, Yurie, Tora and the rest.

“………….well, I don’t mind but, how about you Yurie?”

This has nothing to do with the <<Duo>> this time…………nevertheless, I’ll try asking Yurie------

“If Tooru wishes for it”

After she answered, it looks like Yurie was planning to fight as a <<Duo>>.

“If that is the case then let’s team up. Pleasure working with you, Tachibana”

While saying that, I got a hamburger.

“Umu, it’s decided then”

“Fufu, let’s work hard together, Yurie-chan”


“What about you Tora?”

“Fuun. Normally, I don’t like grouping up and fight………….but, even I know the likelihood of me winning is exceedingly low if I fight that woman honestly like an idiot at this current stage”

(You could have said it honestly……..)

“So it’s okay to say that the members here are in a union right?”

Tora nodded and Tatsu who was stuffing food into his mouth *Muga**muga* nodded too, and with this the battle union with the usual members has been established.

“So let’s decide how to fight then”

After I said that while picking up the octopus sandwich, Tachibana *I have waited for this* made a smile.

“Fufu actually, I have already thought of several plans already. Would you let me explain it together with the building map? Of course, you all can say anything you want once you all thought of anything”

“You’re really into this”

While feeling a sense of admiration to her, I bite into the chicken nugget.

“Fufu, it’s only natural. I told you before but, I hate losing and like making plans like this”

(As expected from a Shogi lover. Now that I think about it, she said she made lots of plans during the <<Newcomer battleNew blade battle>> too, and defeated 3 to 4 groups…….)

……………while recalling back the things I heard during GW, I picked up the Tatsutaage[2E 8] with my chopsticks.

“Ah oh yeah. I have something to say before telling the plans------“

*Mogu**mogu* when I was stuffing my cheeks with the Tatsutaage, Tachibana faced towards me.

“Kokonoe. Did you think I did not notice you eating only meat from just now!?”


I was really surprised.

……………enough for the meat to get stuck in my throat.

“Hn, Hngu….!! oOfuu……….nnGu, fuooo………!!” [To-To-Tooru-kun, are you okay………!?][What are you doing………..]

Worried and astonished voices came flying to me when I was hitting my chest.

“Wa-ter……..! Give, water…….!!”

“Seriously, this is the certainty of divine punishment”

While saying that, Tachibana started pouring barley tea into my paper cup.

---But, i did not have the leisure to wait and took the nearest paper cup while having teary eyes.

“Uh!? Wa-wait, Kokonoe. That’s-----“

I heard Tachibana said something but, I did not bother about it and washed the barley tea inside down my throat.


After drinking up the cup, I made a big exhale.

“………..fu, haa………..haa…………haa. I thought I was a goner…….”

“Are you okay, Tooru”

I thanked Yurie who was rubbing my back.

“A-aah. Somehow………”

While nodding, Tachibana send her sights towards me.

Although I prepared myself to get lectured for only eating meat-----


Tachibana’s face was red for some reason and she was trembling.

“What’s wrong, Tachiba-----“

“Ko-Ko-Ko………Kokonoe you pervert---------!!”

Tachibana suddenly shouted that while running away.

We looked at her back absentmindedly and see her off.


(It’s tomorrow huh…………)

In the night before the <<Survive>>.

After getting out of the baths and leaning on the wall, I absentmindedly thought of Lealith.

The <<Unrivaled BlazeOne kind of a blaze>> which holds unparalleled power----- the <<RifleGun>>.

But that weapon is not the only one strong.

From the way she moved her body she showed during the fight with the selected 2nd years, it’s understandable that she is quite used to fighting. That is why, I am looking forward to tomorrows <<Survive>>.

It was clear from her attitude that this started because I rejected Lealith’s invitation but, that was not all.

I think we came up with all the possible plans I could think off and only have one plan to handle the <<RifleGun>>.

But, I have no idea whether or not if it is possible and more importantly, I don’t know if I can get to the distance to execute the plan.

(I have to do without practice, I guess. And…………..)

Other than the strategy and plans, there are some things I thought I needed to do no matter what.

That is-----

“Tooru, apple tea”

“Ah……..aah, Thanks”

I regained myself when Yurie called out and stopped my thinking.

After taking the cup filled with apple tea, I took a sip.


I clearly felt the hot fluid flowing down to my stomach.

Around the time I put my mouth on the cup for another sip, Yurie came over to the distance where our shoulders were touching.

After she sat down, Yurie drank the cup she was holding with her small mouth and *Gulp* that sound came from her throat.

“It is delicious”

“Yeah, it’s tasty”

I agreed with the smiling silver girl.

The milk tea I drank with Lealith was delicious too but, this apple tea has the even taste of deliciousness.

(Although this is just an instant………….)

Yurie probably feels the same that this is delicious too.

The time I go through with the silver girl, sometime feels gentle and calm so much that I feel guilty.

The memories painted with sadness, rage, resentment and despair, got forgotten even though it was temporarily.

I could feel the warm normal days which I have lost before.

I sometimes worry if I am allowed to get that warmness.

But, it’s true that there is a part of me that does not what to let it go.

“…………..Tooru. Are you thinking about tomorrow?”

“Aah. Tomorrow----rather, I am thinking about Lealith”

“Is that so…………”

*Kupi* Yurie took a sip of the apple tea and opened her mouth again.

“Tomorrow……….for tomorrow-----let’s win, definitely”

“Win huh………..That’s true, it’s not good to think that it’s okay to lose”

Let’s win, instead of work hard.

Different from the way she pumped herself up during the <<Newcomer battleNew blade battle>>, I thought Yurie was reliable.

“Alright, then………let’s go to sleep already”


Around the time when the date was about to change, I was going to get to bed but-----

“Tooru. Err……….is it okay to sleep together?”

“………tonight too?”

Yurie nodded when I asked again.

Yes, tonight “Too”.

Actually for the past few days, Yurie has been saying she wants to sleep together.

This became frequent, ever since the time Yurie told me the reason why she was a <<Avenger>> like me on that night.

“……………I understand. Let’s sleep together.

“Ya--. Thank you very much, Tooru”

Yurie made a happy smile.

(Well, I guess I have no choice………….)

Although by accident, she has found out about my past and because of that she told me of her injured heart and memories she did not want to talk about originally.

Her feelings are probably unstable because of that.

In order to divert that sad feeling even if it is little, I continued patting Yurie’s head until she fall asleep for tonight too.

Just past noon in the next day.

We went outside the premises to head to the place where <<Survive>> is going to be held.

We got off the monorail and after we got on the personal bus that was waiting in front of the station, the bus reached the rooftop parking stop in the a la mode in around 10 minutes.

The bus we are riding on now is the only one in this place which usually has many cars stopping too.

“Seriously…………..just how are they, to be able to borrow the whole place”

“What’s more it seems it is borrowed for 3 days. Just how much did this cost”

After looking around the deserted parking spot, I mumbled that and Kigami matched up with my talk.

They considered that the building interiors would be more or less damages so, they borrowed the place for a few days for repairs as reserves.


After Kigami noticed I was the one that called out to him, he raised his eyebrows and distanced himself from me.

(What is it? Did I do something to make him hate me……..?)

After I twist my neck, Izumi who is Kigami’s <<Duo>> hit my shoulder.

“That fella Kigami, lost to you during the <<Newcomer battleNew blade battle>> right? That’s why he is looking at Kokonoe with rival eyes. Since he has a very sporty personality, he seriously hates losing”


He probably guessed what we were talking about. Kigami shouted at Izumi.

“Hei Hei. So see you later Kokonoe, let’s work hard. Also, please don’t be angry at him”

“Aah, I get it”

With a light heart, Izumi ran towards Kigami.

“Fufuu, that was a disaster”

“Well, I can’t be helped.

It seems Tachibana heard the talk and made a wry smile, I also replied back after shrugging my shoulders.

“And, looks like the organizer is here”

I don’t know what car model it was but, a high-class looking black car was reflecting the sunlight while showing itself on the rooftop parking spot.

The car then slowly stopped beside the bus we rode on.

The first one that got of the car was not Lealith but her butler-----Sara.

After Sara made a respectful bow, the figure of the gold girl who is her master, appeared from inside.

With the black car as the background, the eye-catching beautiful Yellow Topazblonde hair was shining under the sun and her Sapphire blueblue gemstone eyes were like gems.

A girl wearing black clothes showed herself from behind while wearing a bewitching smile.

Within the many people holding their breath at them, Tsukimi who rode on the bus to lead us mumbled something.

“Seriously, why am I the only one that has to take care of the brats………….”

“Maybe they didn’t want to let you on because you will cause a ruckus?”

“I’ll crush you……………primarily with one of the 3 great desires”

“Please no”

Since she is someone that would seriously do it, I distanced myself by taking a step back just in case.

“Everyone. There is a talk the chairman wants to present. Please keep quiet”

Mikuni-sensei started the progress and everyone’s sights gathered on the chairman.

“Everyone, how do you do. Everyone should know this but, we were supposed to commence the <<Kouryou battle>> today. But-------“

The gold girl lowered her head after the chairman directed her hands to Lealith beside her as if to introduce her.

“Due to the wish of the Lealith=Bristol over here who enrolled here from our sibling academy, St Foren academy, the plan has changed to commencing the social gathering----<<Survive>>”

Even though she says it’s a change in schedule, the goal for the <<Kouryou battle>> to make us challenge stronger opponents with strategies has not changed in the <<Survive>>.

Because of that, the chairman talked to make us have fun fighting against Lealith no matter how we do it.

“I pray from the bottom of my heart that you all would gain good experience from this <<Survive>>”

It’s not like there was any special change; the whole thing will start once Lealith enters the building after we entered the building first for 10 minutes.

After the explanations were over, my classmates went inside the a la mode building one after another to start the <<Blaze practice>> which is borrowing the name of social gathering.

But, I only took a backward glance at everyone and did not move from this spot.

“It’s okay to head inside with everyone first, Yurie”


After I lightly tap the silver girl’s shoulder while she was slightly raising her eyebrows, I head closer to Lealith.

“What is wrong, Kokonoe Tooru?”

The chairman stopped me when I was heading towards a different direction into the building.

“Sorry. There is something I want to talk with Lealith before this start------“

“I have nothing”

“…………..And that is the case”

Her clear rejecting voice interrupted my words. Of course, it was Lealith.

“I have something to say no matter what”

“I won’t say-----“

“Kuhah, isn’t it okay? Specially allowing something small like a talk, ojou-sama”

Lealith moved her eyebrows, at Tsukimi’s forced verbal argument.

It might be a revenge for making her move here with the bus or maybe she has something against Lealith who moves around by using the <<Exception>> shield as she like-----

I don’t know what her reasons are but, it was a lifesaving question to me.

“That’s true. Just like what Rito says, isn’t it okay to specially allow a talk?”

“…………..i get it”

“Thank you for the recommendation, Chairman………..and Tsukimi-sensei”

“Kuhah. It’s okay. It looks like things are getting interesting anyway”

The lifesaver had a useless reason.

“I’ll say this first; it would be a problem if the starting time becomes late if you talk for too long. Please end everything within 5 minutes okay?”

“Yes, I understand”

After making a smile while looking up at me, the chairman took a step back.

I finally come face to face to the gold girl and called out to her name.



Even though she was averting her face away, I did not care about it and talked to her-------and lowered my head.

“I am sorry to refuse your <<Duo>> invitation”

“……………..after saying you wanted to talk, is that all you wanted to say?”

Even though she was facing away while leaving it as it is, her bad mood was straightforwardly being told.

“Aah, that’s right. I could only say the reason why I refused that time so------sorry”

“You don’t really need to lower your head. It does not change the fact you refused my invitation even if you apologize and whether you do. Of course, I have no plans to even give an atom of consideration in the <<Survive>> later”

“Aah, I don’t mind that. I really want to fight with Lealith’s full strength anyway”

I trust my fist at the gold girl.

“I will go at full strength too. If both of us go at full strength, I feel we will accept each other without any reserves and stop being in the winning and losing relationship once the <<Survive>> is over”

“…………You’re an idiot right”

“I sometimes think that”

“I don't even know how to reply that………..”

Lealith faced her back towards me, thinking that there is nothing left to talk about.

I thought this when I saw the back of the gold girl.

Once everything ends, definitely………..

“Then, I’ll wait inside. Let’s talk again after this ends”


After I said my goodbyes and was heading inside the building-----

Lealith opened her mouth while facing her backs towards me.

“I will become that girl’s power----------you said this right”

“Yeah I did”

Lealith turned back and looked towards the entrance to the building.

Yurie was being pointed at by her Sapphire blueblue gemstone eyes.

“Then prove it”

The gold girl took a glance at Yurie and stared at me.

“But I will not forgive that-------I will have you know how useless you are”

I did not reply to those words and ran towards Yurie.

I muttered to no one in particular.

“I already know that……………”

It is because I am useless, that I am here.

Part 2

“We will accept each other if we go at full strength-------he is just like a child”

Lealith did not reply anything to Sakuya who said it in astonishment.

“Sakuya-sama. We have confirmed their deployment in the vicinity. There are no problems if we start anytime”

“Good work, Mikuni”

After Mikuni finished giving out orders to his previous students, he reported to Sakuya.

This is still a public area even though it is fully reserved, and in order to commence the <<Blaze practice>>, the <<Exceed>>s deployed from dawn organization are securing the vicinity.

“Since that is the case, let’s start this”

“Yes, I understand”

“Ojou-sama please becareful”

“Thank you, Sara. I can have fun for around 1 hour…………..well, it would be nice if they last that long”

Lealith replied that to her personal attendant and faced towards the building entrance before Sakuya talked to her.

“The battle between the same <<UnrivaledOne and only>> but does not have the same <<Blaze>>, and the same two that has driven them away…………..i am looking forward to see it, Lealith=Bristol”

“Pray that it will meet expectations…………for them that is”

Last time in the chairman room of Kouryou academy, the words Mikuni said------the person that got driven away.

Yes, just like Tooru and the rest, Lealith has driven away a <<Level 3III>> at <<Level 1I>>.

However, unlike Tooru and the rest, it seems it was to measure the power of the <<Unrivalled Blaze>>.

But the biggest difference would be that the gold girl driven that person away alone and what’s more uninjured.

“I’ll be going then”

Lealith swayed her Yellow Topazblonde hair with her hand and entered the building.

After the automated door closed behind her, the outside sound got cut off and silence immediately wrapped around her.


During the middle of slowly descending the escalator that has stopped because the power supplies were turned off------

Each time she descends one floor after another, she understood that her feelings were uplifting.

Lealith was fighting with a different type of nervousness compared to her hunting hobby; she likes this electrifying atmosphere.

She naturally leaked a smile at her throbbing heart.

(Like a child, huh………..)

Even though Sakuya said that, Lealith understood Tooru’s words.

But, since he said to accept each other, bringing out our full strength would not be enough.

She thinks it is an indispensable condition to show the <<Power>> to be able to accept each other.

(Can you keep up with me? My full strength that is)

At that instant-----

The sound of something cutting through the air, and her thoughts was produced.

A surprise attack. It was an <<Arrow>> aimed towards Lealith.


*Pashi*!! The arrow disappeared together with a dry sound.

No, it’s different. Lealith caught it with her hands.

“N-no wayyyyy………..”

The girl that shot the arrow------Kibitsu was taken back at the event that just happened in front of her.

The time she regained her composure was when Lealith threw the arrow to the ground and making it turn back to the <<Flame>>.


Even though she quickly nocked the arrow for the second shot, Lealith was already pointing her gun towards Kibitsu.

The moment she pulled the trigger, the gold girl proclaimed this.

“<<Survive>> start”

Immediately, the gunshot echoing throughout the building became the starting signal for battle.

Translation Notes and References

  1. A game of toppling the opponent’s flag not capture the flag
  2. Faceguard hit in kendo
  3. 柔剣術
  4. Soft, basically like unarmed
  5. Sword skill
  6. A vital hit at a person’s body
  7. Locking technique
  8. Fish/meat flavored with soy sauce and cooking sauce, coated with starch and then deep fried

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