Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi: Volume 1

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Novel Illustrations

These are novel illustrations that were included in volume 1.


Lautreamont Knight Country; people called it the country of Dragon Breeders.

To its north was the Zepharos Empire, while to its south was the Chevron Kingdom.

Sandwiched between the two major powers: a small country, with a population of no more than five million, had a special academy.

Ansarivan Dragon Riding Academy.

Educating and guiding teenage boys and girls who formed contracts with dragons –- an academy for Dragon Breeders.

Chapter 1 - Eco the Dragon Girl

Part 1

Ash's body shuddered. He clearly felt the presence of someone sneaking into his room and crawling onto the bed.

You're not letting me off tonight either... ?

In the pitch-black darkness, the girl's hair and skin had a piercingly cold radiance.

The full moon outside the window overhung the horizon, despite Ash clearly recalling that he had closed the curtains before sleeping.

"Fufu... it's a beautiful night, don't you think so?"

The girl looked at Ash disdainfully with the eyes of a conqueror, her lips showed a bewitching smile.


Ash, who was lying on the bed, suddenly could not move.

The girl had sat on Ash's abdomen with her legs spread out. Instead of any weight, however, Ash could feel warmth coming from the part of his chest that was in contact with the lower half of the girl's body.

A faint aroma permeated the room.

What a bewitchingly beautiful girl.

She had pink waist-length hair which shone silver, snow-white skin and ruby-coloured eyes.

She was only wearing the bare minimum of clothing and was almost naked.

The two big bulges on her chest in front of Ash's face shook slightly.

On each side of her head grew a horn that was no different from a dragon's.

"Who are you? Why are you always- uuuuu!"

Ash's question was forcefully interrupted. The upper half of the girl's body slowly approached and hugged Ash tightly.

Her smooth white skin came into contact with Ash's body.

Her luscious lips whispered into Ash's ear.

"I will also dote on you well tonight."

After letting out a hot breath of air, the girl nibbled Ash's earlobe. *Kaa—* The sound was similar to that of biting the ear's bone.

“N-no...... Don't do that......!"

Ash's body trembled non-stop as if struck by lightning.

The girl greedily devoured Ash's body. Neck, chest, waist, arms…… the numbness from her tender tongue and sparkling teeth sliding across his skin almost made Ash lose his mind.

As usual, the girl shifted her body as she pleased. It was like a dance.

It had been seven days since the appearance of the mysterious girl: the girl who appeared at Ash's bedside every night, and spent every moment teasing him playfully.

Who on earth is she? What motive does she have? Why are there two horns growing on her head?

The girl never answered questions. Instead, she always danced on Ash's body and left taking light steps slowly.

The girl's teasing was in full force. Ash would always end up lying on the bed exhausted after the ordeal. Sitting by the window, the girl lifted her beautiful slender legs and demonstrated a composed expression.

According to his experiences from the past six days, the girl was now going to disappear before Ash's eyes.

After all, this is only a dream...

When he opened his eyes, he would just see morning as usual.

At least, it had been so for the past six days.

"My name is Navi."

Ash was shocked from suddenly hearing a name that he did not recognise.

This was the first time hearing the girl say her own name.

Ash gathered the last bit of his strength, barely managing to lift up the upper part of his body.

"Navi...... Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

"To entrust myself, the one who is about to be born soon, to you... consider it a form of ritual."

"I don't get what you mean."

"See you, until next time when we meet in real life!"

Navi's figure became countless silver particles and disappeared in the bright moonlight.

Part 2


At dawn, Ash was abruptly awoken by the sound of a large cannon being fired.

A few seconds later, he then realised that the huge sound was actually from the releasing of fireworks using Oracles.

Ash was in Apollo House, the dormitory where male students of the Advanced Course lived[1].

A few months earlier, after completing three years of basic courses, Ash had successfully become a first-year student of the Advanced Course and earned the qualification to live in Apollo House.

The biggest difference between Apollo House and other dormitories was the one person, one room system. Compared to the past whereby three people had to squeeze into one small room, life in Apollo House was like heaven.

"'s cold!"

Ash's shoulders shivered the moment he got out of bed.

The dawn of early spring still carried a deep chill. Resisting the impulse to rush back into bed, Ash pulled open the curtains.

Ash's room was on the third floor. One could see a whole field by standing by the window.

There were many students in the field at dawn carrying out preparation work for the "celebration". There were also a lot of riders on their dragons.

Teams of Stradas[2] swept across the horizon in preparation for the celebration that was about to start.

The giant lizards running back and forth on the field were the brilliant Asias.[3]

"It is about to start."

The field of such a size was shrouded in a mysterious and unusual atmosphere. Ash started to get nervous.

"Yo, Ash! Time to get up!"

At that moment, Ash heard his friend's voice accompanied by the sound of door knocking.

"Raymond? Give me a moment!"

Ash frantically took out the bandage from the first-aid box.

He wrapped the bandage around his left hand to cover up the «Seikoku»[4] on his arm.

The pattern on his arm was the proof of a Breeder.

At the age of seven, Ash took part in the «Orphan Ceremony» held in Albion Forest and had a dragon larva put into his body.

Unfortunately, Ash's memories of that time were foggy with a lot of parts missing.

Since he obtained the «Seikoku», by logic he should have seen Mother Dragon within the deep parts of the forest. However, Ash did not even have the slightest impression of having any memories of that scene.

I really messed up, Ash thought in self-mockery.

Compared to other students, the «Seikoku» pattern on Ash's arm was unusually large.

Similar to a tattoo of a unique design, it extended from his elbow to his wrist like a jet-black snake.

"......Sorry to keep you waiting."

Finished with wrapping up, Ash opened the door to his room.

His good friend, Raymond Kirkland, was standing at the door with a hearty smile.

"The bandage again? Why don't you try something new?"

"Hmph, a normal person like you won't understand my feelings at all."

Ash was displeased. Raymond could not help but shake his head with a bitter smile.

"Sorry, it's my fault...... Hnn? Your face is red. Do you have a fever?"

"No. Actually,......I had weird dreams for the past week."

"Weird dreams? What kind of weird dreams?"

"A beautiful girl crawled into my bed, then......she did a lot of things......"

It was really embarrassing to speak about this sort of things. Ash blushed while recounting what happened.

Raymond could not resist laughing.

"Are you that desperate for a girl? That is too exaggerated!"

"Are you any better? We are in the same situation!"

"Nonono, I am different from you. It's not that I'm not popular with the ladies; it's just that I have not yet found someone suited for me."

Raymond took out a small mirror and started admiring himself.

Almost all the students of Ansarivan Dragon Riding Academy knew that Raymond had severe narcissism. To be fair, everyone acknowledged that Raymond was a handsome young man. However, people did not dare to get close to him due to that personality of his that destroyed the great impression he gave due to his looks. It was like ruining your own image the moment you speak.[5]

"......What are you visiting me for so early in the morning?"

Ash said unhappily. Raymond walked into the room as if that did not concern him.

"Did you forget? The competition that we were looking forward to for so long starts today. Speaking of the competition, you must not forget about flirting with girls!"

"What has flirting got to do with the competition? You should also get out there and enter the competition!"

The righteous Ash raised his volume, but Raymond had an evil smile.

"If I didn't remember wrongly, you should be the first Advanced Course student since the founding of Ansarivan Dragon Riding Academy to still have a larva in his body?"


Even if he did not wish for it to be so, Ash could not deny that fact. That's right, Ash's dragon companion was still sleeping in his body without any single sign of waking up.

There was not a single change since that year when he was chosen to be a Breeder at the age of seven.

To the students of Ansarivan, to rouse the dragons in their bodies from slumber was the most basic mission.

Other students had obtained their pals in the first year of basic lessons. All except Ash.


This was a very sacred word, representing "the dragon nurtured by the Breeder himself". A larva still sleeping within the Breeder's body cannot be addressed as a pal.

"Ash, to participate in today's competition, you seem to need something."

"Yeah, I need a dragon."

"That's right. So, do you want to borrow my pal?"

Raymond's pal was called Brigid.

Borrowing Brigid was, of course, one of the options Ash was considering. Actually, Ash already knew that Raymond was planning to skip the competition this time.

However, just accepting Raymond's suggestion like that really hurt Ash's dignity so Ash decided to refuse tactfully.

"I can also borrow Arianrhod[6] from Max. He's a member of the Student Council and thus cannot take part in the competition."

Student Council members made up the executive committee of the competition and were unable to participate. Max also clearly stated his intention of not participating in the competition.

"You're too naive, Ash. Do you think that Max will lend you his pal?"

"What is it about me?"


Raymond jumped in surprise. Turning around, Max was there leaning on the side of the door in perfectly good condition.

"Good morning, Max."

Ignoring Ash's greeting, Max silently adjusted the position of his glasses with his hand.

Maximillian Russell: Ash's classmate, honour student bestowed the title of Dragner by the Paladin, and also the Student Council's treasurer.

"You two being so noisy early in the morning, what happened?"

"Ash was crying and begging me to lend him Brigid to participate in the competition."

"Who's crying and begging to you?! Max, can you lend me your Arianrhod? It's just for today."

Yes, for a particular reason, Ash had to participate in today's competition no matter what.

"You want to borrow my pal? In your next life."[7]

"There's no need to be so ruthless, right?"

"Let's not discuss this matter right now......"

Max sized up Ash with his sharp eyes.

"You should see for yourself the state this room is in! Didn't I remind you again and again that you must keep your own room clean?"

The overbearing Max walked into the room with big strides and immediately started cleaning. Ever since moving into the Apollo House, there has never been a day when Ash's room was clean and neat.

"This scene sure brings back memories."

Gazing at Max working hard at cleaning, Raymond could not help but shake his head with a bitter smile.

—Ash, Raymond, Max.

When they were still Basic Course students, they had gone through sentimental times together at Merk[8] House. At that time, having a room to yourself was still a faraway dream and the three of them had to squeeze into a small room. Ash and Raymond had a hard time dealing with Max, who was a neat freak almost to the point of it being an illness.

"......I have always wondered."

Done with cleaning, Max turned around and looked at Ash.

"Why can you ride other people's pals?"

" should I say this......"

"By logic, dragons only allow their own masters to ride them. There have been many Breeders in the past who have tried riding other people's dragons but they all failed."

"That is indeed true, but I have obtained consent from the teacher, so it should be all right?"

"Why are you still so indecisive when doing things, just like in the past? Sigh, if you really intend to participate in the competition, just borrow Brigid. I'll inform the Student Council president."

Ending with that authoritative tone, Max left without turning back.

"I wonder who's the one that hasn't changed at all."

Raymond shook his head with a bitter smile once again.

Ash suddenly drew close to Raymond.

"You will lend me Brigid, right?"

Raymond nodded his head, his eyes having a peculiar glow.

"Of course, you must make that princess change her impression of you!"

Hearing that, Ash's expression instantly became serious.

"I have that intention, too."

Part 3

The grand fireworks were dazzling.

There was a tense atmosphere in the academy, accompanied by excitement in the air.

The "race" Raymond spoke of was one of the names it was commonly known by. The official name was "Aries Dragon Riding Festival". An annual grand event held in the month of Aries (fourth month).[9]

It was also a springtime activity held by Ansarivan Dragon Riding Academy.

Ash, having changed to a Dragsuit,[10] arrived at the academy's sports field.

It was a cloudless sunny day, weather suitable for a race.

Many students on dragons had already gathered on the sports field.

By a rough estimate, there should be around fifty plus people.

Ash was riding on Brigid, which he borrowed from Raymond, using the reins in his hands to guide Brigid towards the middle of the field.

"You're in a good mood today, Brigid."

Brigid replied Ash's greeting with a low cry like a spoiled child.

Brigid was an Asia fancied by Ash. Having four greatly developed legs and no wings, Brigid did not look like a dragon but more like the large types of lizards.

Cheers suddenly arose from the students on the field.

"A good morning to all students."

The radiant Student Council president appeared at the centre of the temporarily constructed stage.

The Student Council president did not have a loud voice, but her words were full of confidence and had a penetrating power.

Fiery red hair, elongated eyes, her beautiful body emitted the cold radiance of a marble statue and terrifying killing intent. Even the petals dancing in the wind paled in comparison.

Rebecca Randall.

The «Scarlet Empress».

Her red hair, bold personality and unparalleled strength were her attractive points as the school idol of Ansarivan Dragon Riding Academy.

Even the academy's combat skills instructors could not beat Rebecca on her Maestro Cú Chulainn.[11] When talking about the strongest student of Ansarivan Dragon Riding Academy, 99 percent of the students would immediately think of Rebecca.

"The weather is great today— sorry, I don't want to talk about such nonsense."

The students on the field lowered their heads snickering. "The weather is great today" was the principal's pet phrase, but the festival was an event held by the Student Council, thus the principal did not have to go on stage to deliver a speech.

"Students of Ansarivan Dragon Riding Academy, not only is the Aries Dragon Riding Festival a sports competition, it is also Ansarivan's fine tradition with the results of the race included in the official records. Since you all have decided to participate in the race, then you should aim to stand on the victory podium.[12] However, I'm aware that fine tradition and official records are not enough as reasons to motivate you to achieve victory."

The students started snickering again, but the snickering stopped quickly.

"So I decided to award the winner a day-long date ticket as a prize. As for the person you are dating, that will be me, Rebecca Randall."

The moment Rebecca finished speaking, cheers immediately arose from the students.


Rebecca roared. Instantly, the students were quiet like before.

"Next would be a speech by the representative of the participants. Advanced Course first-year, Princess Silvia Lautreamont."

At Rebecca's signal, a female student's figure appeared at the other side of the stage.

Ash subconsciously clenched his fists.

"The princess is actually the representative of the participants......!"

Silvia's dazzling golden hair was tied up at the back of her head. Wearing a Dragsuit with the royal coat of arms sewn on it, she leapt off her pal— Maestro Lancelot[13] and slowly walked up the stage.

The Lautreamont Knights royal family's fourth princess Silvia.

The «Ice Blue Princess».

She was the daughter of the ruler of Lautreamont Knight Country, who holds the title of Paladin.

Ash, whose pal still had not been born after such a long time, had always borrowed the pals of other students during practical examinations.

Otherwise, he would have been retained for the year.

To other students, riding other people's pals was suicide; but to Ash, not only was it not dangerous, it was something natural to him.

No matter how short-tempered the dragon was, it would obediently allow Ash to ride on its back. Whether was it a Strada, Asia or Hydra,[14] he could control it with ease.

Unknowingly, the "Genius Dragon Tamer" Ash's reputation increased, becoming a famous figure of the academy.

Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi v1 027.jpg

That accident happened a few days ago.

Ash borrowed Raymond's pal Brigid to participate in dragonback combat training. Being skilled in combat, Ash defeated his classmates one by one in a short time.

It would be a lie to say that he did not feel proud of that.

Concentrated on combat training, Ash did not notice Lancelot walking behind him at that moment.

Not only was physical contact between dragons very dangerous, it was also a situation the academy did its best to avoid.

Everytime before class, the instructor would always patiently remind them.

Fortunately, Brigid's butt only gently bumped into Lancelot's left leg. Both dragon and rider did not suffer any injuries. However, Ash's presumptuous actions infuriated Silvia.

"What do you take combat training for? If you come to the lesson thinking that it is just a game, you will get into trouble sooner or later!"

Other than her special status, Silvia's strict and hardline way of dealing with things was one of the reasons for her being one of the academy's famous people.

Her serious attitude in class and her feat of letting Lancelot grow into a Maestro in only a short time undoubtedly gained her the admiration of many. Her unreasonable demeanour, on the other hand, was widely criticised.

Everyone acknowledged that Silvia was a born beauty but not even one student was willing to be friends with her.

"Urk......sorry, it is my fault."

Ash jumped down from Brigid's back and bowed his head respectfully, apologising.

If this was the usual Silvia, she would have calmed down. Facing an opponent who had admitted his mistakes, Silvia had always been forgiving. It was said to be one of the knight family's precepts.[15]

However, it was not the same this time.

Silvia, still angry, examined Ash from head to toe, not intending to let him off yet.

"You should think with that pea-sized brain of yours! Who exactly is paying the fees for your schooling, uniform, food, accommodation and teaching materials?"

"......Are you talking about the palace?"

"Of course not. Though the one paying is the palace, but the money used comes from the people's taxes. If you continue to have that mindset that this is just a game, then you should just quit school as soon as possible so that you would not continue wasting the hard-earned money of the people!"

"What? Quit school? Are you serious?"

"There is no free lunch in this world. That is one of the Lautreamont family's precepts!"

There was contempt in her ice blue coloured eyes. At that moment, Ash realised why Silvia was called the «Ice Blue Princess». There had been almost no points of intersection between Ash's and Silvia's paths during the phase of Basic Course. This was the first contact between the both of them.

Even if she was a princess, Ash's pride did not permit him to give in.

"The Lautreamont family's precepts are none of my business! I have already apologised. What else do you want me to do?"

"This is not a problem that can be solved by just an apology! You still do not have your own pal, right?"


A sensitive issue of his having been mentioned, Ash was rendered speechless. It seems Silvia also knew some things about Ash.

"Hmph, like master, like dragon, maybe it died long ago!"

Hearing that, rage burned in Ash's heart.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Let it be, Ash. She is the princess, you cannot win against her."

Behind him, Raymond tried to stop him but Ash ignored him.

This was not the first time that he suffered such humiliation. It was no wonder that Ash was the target of humiliation from everyone since he still did not have his pal.

If the insults were directed toward him, Ash could still bear with it.

However, if it was an insult directed towards his pal, he would not let that go easily.

Ash would fight back with all his strength till the other party apologises.

Similar situations having occurred several times, Ash, who should have been the victim, slowly became the problem child in everyone's eyes.

Talking about the most troublesome person in the academy, ninety-nine percent of the students would think of Advanced Course first-year Ash Blake.

"Take back what you said immediately."

Even if she was the princess of the kingdom, she should not humiliate others as she pleases.

So, Ash took a step forward, having no intention to hide his anger.

The lesson was interrupted. Everyone's attention was on Ash's confrontation with the princess.

Part 4

Silvia, who had ascended the makeshift stage, observed the students whom had assembled in the sports field.

Finally, her blue pupils stopped abruptly at one place.


It was evident where Silvia was looking. She was, obviously, staring at Ash.

That day, Silvia had not withdrawn her words. If the other party had been a boy, at that time Ash would’ve clouted him. However, as expected, even if he wanted to, Ash couldn’t hit a girl. Moreover, she was a princess in the palace circle.

Instead, he had, reluctantly, proposed an condition.

------ If I am victorious in the race in a few days, you will take back the words you said a while ago!

Silvia, nonchalantly, had commented: “That would be fine” and agreed.

That was the answer that Ash wanted.

Silvia, once she stopped staring at Ash, opened her mouth.

An icy voice shook the atmosphere, reminding everyone of the winter that had just passed.

“You must try your best in any competition. That is my family’s motto ------ no less”

Silvia then descended quickly from the stage and, riding smartly on Lancelot, returned to the sports field.

After a few seconds of silence, only a sparse amount of applause arose from the sports field as everyone was taken aback by Silvia’s haughty attitude.


“It is obvious that Lancelot is the outstanding one, not his owner.”

“What is so great about his master?”

“Wasn't the first paladin originally a knight of the Chevron Kingdom. In other words, only just a fortunate soldier, nothing more. Definitely not royal.”

“As expected of that brother’s sister”[16]

Ash nonchalantly glanced at a few same grade female students, who were murmuring quietly behind him.

At first, Ash had taken no notice of their conversation, however:

“That brother’s sister.”

That part of sentence caught his attention.

The ‘brother’ that the female students had said, obviously referred to Prince Julius.

------ Dragon Slayer Julius.

Although he was the eldest son of the Knight family, he violated the biggest taboo.

No one knew why he would slay his dragon, as he was publicly executed for breaching the taboo before he could disclose his motive.

To bring his name up at this occasion, really wasn’t thoughtful.

Even if he had shamed the Royal Knight Family, that was ten years ago. There really wasn’t any good in bringing up these old matters.

“…… She really doesn’t have an easy life.”

Ash, suddenly, began to sympathize a little for Silvia’s plight.

Part 5

The competition was about to start.

The row order of the contestants had been sequenced according to the results of the mock competitions that had occurred during training class.

Usually, the fastest riders were placed at the front.

However, this year’s dragon riding competition was different.

The players who were placed at the front, were the worst scoring students of the mock competitions.

Apparently, it was Rebecca’s suggestion; her reason being that the competition would be more exciting.

As a result, based on the new rules, Silvia, who had scored top in the mock competitions, had no choice but to be placed in the last row.

Aside from Silvia, Ash was also in the last row.

Although the student council had made an exception to the rule to allow him to use another student’s pal to participate in the competition, just to be fair, his starting position had been purposely positioned in the last row.

Without doubt, this type of order doubled as a safeguard against a sudden surge of contestants once the race had started.

Nevertheless, despite these new rules, this situation could be said to be favorable to him. [17]

To be allowed to participate in the competition, was already a one in ten thousand chance [18]. Furthermore, to be placed beside Silvia, was the perfect opportunity to execute their showdown.

With every minute and second that passed, he gradually became more and more focused [19].

Silvia didn't talk to him.

Likewise, he felt that there wasn’t a need to converse with her.

Finally, the preparations before the race were finished.

The cheers coming from the audience around the sports field’s border had reached a climax.

All around, a unique sense of tension filled the atmosphere.

Ash clearly felt his own heartbeat gradually quickening. During the mock competitions, he had never felt so nervous.

“On your marks!”

Rebecca’s voice emanated from mid-air.

Clad in a uniform, she was riding on her pal’s back. Essentially, this was breaching the school rules, however, as today was the annual Dragon Riding Festival, no one had raised that issue.

Arms akimbo, she now stood majestically on top of Cú Chulainn’s head. Her high-spirited heroic bearing immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

This was her riding position.

As Cú Chulainn’s body was too big to find a suitable saddle, and also, because she had publicly expressed that she did not want to restrain her beloved pal with a rein and saddle, this evolved into her current unique riding position.

A suffocating silence enveloped the audience, as she lifted a magic carbine [20].

Only the sound of one’s own heartbeat and the deep breathing of the dragons could be heard.

“Get set ------”

The carbine’s muzzle was aimed at the sky.

Then, when the flash of an Oracle illuminated the horizon, the gun let out an enormous bang.

Around fifty dragons, at the same time, started to run, leaving behind a cloud of dust.

The Stradas, whose tails a smoke bomb had been tied to, formed into a column and, at the same time, flapped their wings and flew. While that was happening, the smoke from the smoke bombs formed a seven-coloured rainbow in the sky.

Part 6

Brigid did not betray Ash’s expectations. After his flawless start, he ran flat out, hot on Lancelot’s tail. As they moved around the academy’s sports field, the competitors maintained a distance between each other.

Then, in the midst of loud cheering, they passed through the school gate that led to the city district.

“Full speed ahead!”

At Ash’s urging, Brigid let out a roar.

Ash intended to, with all his strength, rush through the avenue leading St. Durham Square.

Maestro Lancelot, possessed an astonishing speed. Within a blink of an eye, he had already overtaken many competitors.

Brigid tailed closely behind Lancelot’s body, where the effect of air friction was the least, ascending the ranks with him. However, when Lancelot was about to enter a narrow city road, which was connected to St. Durham Square, he suddenly slowed down.

“……… That’s odd.”

Ash, who had been following Brigid, raised his head and looked ahead.

“Them ………!”

Four competitors, side by side in a row, had obstructed the way ahead. Upon closer inspection, Ash immediately realised that they were the same four female students who had slandered Silvia before the competition.

Ahead, the narrow city road meandered endlessly, plagued with numerous challenging turns. It seems that until I have exited the city district, I will have to be patient, Ash thought to himself.

All of a sudden, he grasped their intentions.

“Those people ………”

They were probably here to target Silvia.

Whenever other competitors approached from behind, they would, at once, automatically create a small gap to allow them to pass.

Bit by bit, Silvia’s ranking was deteriorating. Soon, she, along with Ash, would be last.

Ash was at a loss.

Overtaking Silvia wouldn’t be hard. The female students obstructing the way ahead should let him pass. After all, he was a bystander to them, so there wasn’t a need to make things hard for him.

“You people really have taken things too far!”

Infuriated, Ash couldn’t help but shout at them.

“Do you really not care?”

He exclaimed, in a loud voice, as he spurred Brigid to Lancelot’s side.

Due to the difference in height between the Maestro and Asia, Ash had to look up at Silvia.

In contrast, Silvia glanced down at Ash, her face etched with contempt.

“……… There is nothing that can be done about this, whether it is blocking our way or working together, it doesn’t violate the rules of this race.”

“Now is the time to act noble! Could it be that you aren’t angry at all?”

“I don’t want to talk to enemies! Go away, it’s none of your business!”

“You excessively prideful person, no wonder you can’t make any friends!”

“Y-You, what did you say!”

Ignoring Silvia’s protests, Ash spurred Brigid ahead, quickly leaving Lancelot behind and approaching the four female students, whom were blocking the way ahead.

As expected, as soon as one of the four girls noticed him, she promptly shifted over, creating a gap on her right.

Ash, without looking at any of them, spurred Brigid straight towards the gap that she had created.

They probably had thought that he was just going to pass through.

“Fu ……… you are wrong!”

With a flick of the reins in his hand, Brigid’s enormous body immediately moved to squash the female students beside him.

They were now extremely close together, almost reaching the point of breaking the competition’s rules.

“Hey, what are you trying to do?”

One of the girls paled [21], due to fright.

Due to turmoil caused by Ash, the four riders who had been in an orderly row, were now shortening the distance between themselves. Soon they would collide into each other.

There was only one option to prevent this; to relinquish their positions. However, if they did so, they would destroy their row formation.

Without doubt, this was the goal Ash had aimed to achieve, and, after achieving the upper hand, he didn’t overlook the chance to gibe at them:

“I’m very sorry for the trouble I have caused. This dragon was borrowed from someone and it seems to be a little disobedient!”

The expression of one of the girls, suddenly changed.

“You are Ash Blake!”

Whether it was luck or not, Ash’s name seemed to have an profound effect on them.

“It’s the Number One Problem Child in the academy!”

“Uhh! Stay away from me!”


The four female students promptly broke formation and, after a brief period of turmoil, they all fell hopelessly at the side of the road.

Their high-pitched shrieks, along with the roars of the dragons, reverberated endlessly in the narrow city road.

Silvia, who had been behind, deftly dodged the female students and dragons, and quickly picked up speed.

“W-Who told you to meddle in other people’s business!”

In spite of her brusque tone, her cheeks, however, turned slightly red.

Part 7

After leaving the city district, he journeyed north on the main road, arriving at Fianna Forest.

The forest was also a part of the competition’s course. The skills required here now, were vastly different from the ones needed to navigate through the city roads.

After just entering the forest, a strange thing happened.

“……… Brigid?”

Brigid, who had been tailing Lancelot the whole journey, suddenly slowed down.

Silvia, obviously, took advantage of this opportunity. In a nick of time, she had disappeared.

“What’s wrong ………?”

Brigid, finally, stopped walking.

He was breathing heavily and his expression was one of great pain.

Ash, now, had finally realised the mistake he had made.

“I was too careless.”

While Ash had been preoccupied with following Silvia, he hadn’t noticed that Brigid had run out of stamina.

From the start, Brigid had always maintained the same speed as Lancelot, in spite of the difference of stamina between a Maestro and an Asia. Generally, in order to successfully finish the competition, the pace to complete it at, should have been determined from the stamina of the dragon.

“………Sorry, Brigid.”

After he had apologised, Brigid let out a soft snort, as if he was ashamed of his physical strength.

Now, groups of competitors, bit by bit, had caught up. One by one, they raced past Ash’s side.

The sound of thunderous rumbling shook the earth, as the air filled with dust.

The sight of a group of Asias running in the forest was spectacular to behold. Ash could sense the ground incessantly rocking. For a very long time, it didn’t subside.

Ash’s competition, at his point of time, had concluded.

Between him and Silvia, a winner had been determined. His goal to force Silvia to take back her words, in the end, wasn’t achieved.

If this was described as unfortunate, it would be a lie. Ash had really wanted to complete the competition. For the entire time, he had made a bee line for the finish line.

However, oddly enough, Ash’s mood was rather carefree.

“It turns out that competing with the princess is quite interesting.”

No matter how reluctant, he couldn’t deny this fact.

Then, at that moment------

A rustling noise, without warning, came from behind.


Ash instinctively looked back, staring at the forest behind him.

“………Who is it?”

For safety reasons, Ansarivan’s security guards would patrol the forest during a race.

In the forest, to sense another person’s presence, wasn’t something to make a big fuss out of.

However, whoever it was, hadn’t replied. If it was really a security guard, he should have already appeared directly before Ash, who had been eliminated.

Ash heightened his awareness and cautiously surveyed the surroundings.

Although he hadn’t discovered any suspicious figures, he felt as though someone was watching him. He could feel a sense of foreboding growing within himself.

“Wait for me here.”

After leaving Brigid there, Ash walked into the depths of the forest.

Part 8

Fianna Forest, bordered on the west by Rubina Lake, was located northwest of the city Ansarivan. It’s one of the largest forests within the borders of Lautreamont Knight Country.

As Ash ran in the forest, so as to not trip over the tree roots that crawled over the earth like a web of intricate blood vessels, he constantly looked down at his feet.

Then, once again, he sensed the presence of someone else.

“Found you!”

Trusting his own intuition, Ash threw a stone at the bushes in front of him.

The bushes rocked left and right, making a rustling sound.

“Your intuition is quite keen. It really is one of your talents”

Stated a voice that possessed both the vitality of youth and the staid of seniority.

“You are ………?”

From the bushes, a tall thin man emerged. In his left hand, he held the very stone that Ash had just thrown.

Though he was dressed in a traveller’s garb, which wasn’t out of the ordinary, Ash was shocked into silence.

This was because that man was wearing a silver coloured mask on his face, which covered everything except for his nose and mouth.

In addition to this, his gleaming sliver hair was streaked through with strands of crimson hair, which brought to mind an image of silver silk slowly shedding blood, as well as the blood used to write cursed scripts.

In his right hand, he held a black object that emitted light.

“A mechanical weapon from ……… the Empire[22]?”

Ash, dumbfounded, stood on the spot, unable to move.

It’s not like he didn’t know about it.

On the other side of the steep mountain range, lacking the blessing of dragons, the Empire, nevertheless, had a highly developed civilisation based on machinery.

The weapon that the masked man held in his hand probably was the product of mechanical engineering. If he remembered correctly, it was a ‘short machine gun’, a gun that combined the portability of a pistol and the rapid fire of a machine gun. Ash didn’t dare to act rashly. He knew that man could easily, at a moment’s notice, riddle him with so many bullet holes that he would look like a honeycomb.

Perhaps it was because he had perceived Ash’s wariness, the corners of the man’s mouth twitched faintly upwards.

“Young man, you are very bright.”

“You are ……… a soldier of the Empire?”

“Do I look like one?”

Ash didn’t know what to decide.

That object in the man’s hand was a weapon manufactured by the Empire.

However, that man didn’t have an Empire accent. Instead, he had a strong Chevron Kingdom accent. Aside from that, the way he spoke was highly refined. To be more precise, he was speaking so-called ‘King’s Chevrish’.

Ash realised that he was in a precarious situation.

If the masked man was from the Empire, why would he be lurking around the outskirts of Ansarivan for?

Maybe, he was an Empire spy.

The Chevron Kingdom and the Zepharos Empire, the two great powers of this continent, had been in a Cold War which had, already, lasted five decades.

Sandwiched between those two countries, was the Lautreamont Knight Country, the Chevron Kingdom’s child country.

Initially, the Knight Country was part of the Kingdom[23], therefore, the relationship between these two countries would, naturally, be much closer than any of their allies.

Currently, should armed personal from the Empire appear within boarders of Knight Country, this country could, and would, interpret this as a military operation of the Empire.

However, Ash’s strength was finite. He was definitely incapable of opposing the man before his eyes.

“Young man, how old are you?”

The masked man’s unexpected question distracted him for a moment.

“……… Sixteen. Is there something wrong with that?”

“That’s strange. Why do you still have larva within you?”

Ash, astounded, subconsciously retreated a few steps.

“H-How do you know?”

“The curse on your body allowed me to clearly perceive that.”

“Curse ………?”

Ash frowned. He never would ever have expected to hear, from the mouth of a person from the Empire, words so unscientific.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have the time to ask what those words truly meant.

“Get away from Milgauss-sama”

A tender, yet commanding voice resonated in his ears.

Reflexively, he looked back and saw a petite figure moving towards him. Then, immediately after pulling an object from its left bracer, the shrill sound of air being sliced sounded by his ear.


Moving his body quickly, Ash awkwardly dodged the surprise attack. A pitch-black serpent passed through the space where his head had been. Actually, upon closer inspection, the pitch-black snake was actually a long whip, the preferred weapon of the Tantalos Tribe.

Those who master this weapon are said to have an unpredictable attack. Even soldiers armed with swords, guns, or cannons aren’t a match.

Ash dived onto the ground and began to roll, attempting to distance himself.

Although his attacker was also wearing a mask, from their exposed eyes, he determined that it was most likely a young teenage girl.

Her beautiful jet-black hair was fixed at the back of her head and, despite her petite stature, her eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Ash, improvising on the spot, got up from the ground, grabbed a handful of dirt, threw it at the girl, turned and ran.

“Argh ………!”

The girl flinched and, for a brief moment, shielded her eyes. Then she began to pursue Ash.

Ash, sprinting, plunged into a nearby thicket.

“Damn ……… why am I so unfortunate!”

Upon rushing out of the forest, his field of vision immediately widened.

Above him, a dazzling blue sky stretched as far as the eye could see, forcing him to narrow his eyes.

Barren rocks, big and small, littered the ground.

Ash swallowed. This situation wasn’t good. Ahead of him there was a ravine. Its edge was around ten steps away. Ash looked around but couldn’t find a bridge.

“Obediently accept your fate!”

The girl appeared from within the forest.

Ash, with his back to the cliff, confronted her.

“When did I ever wrong you?”

“Meeting us. This was your greatest misfortune.”

The girls tone was flat, lacking any rise or drop in pitch, making her sound emotionless.

“That’s absurd!”

“War needs no reason.”

“Isn’t there an armistice?”

“Armistice? That nothing more than something we pretend to adhere to. In reality the war between the Empire and the Kingdom hasn’t ended!”

The girl kicked the ground, and, brandishing the whip in her hand, slowly forced Ash towards the edge of ravine behind him.

Though Ash scored quite well in the class of fighting techniques, this girl’s movements were too fast. He could only, step by step, retreat backwards.

In a few more steps, he would fall into the ravine.

“Hmph ……… I wonder how long you can continue to struggle for!”

She sounded irritated. In fact, she was most likely an impetuous person.

------ Now!

Ash grabbed the end of the whip, which had missed him, and then, with a great pull, broke her balance.


He grabbed her by her collar and, using her own momentum[24], hurled her away. Her body traced a parabola in the air. Ash was surprised, as he hadn’t expected her body to be so light.


Falling heavily, the girl gave a painful cry and her right hand involuntarily released the whip.

“Uguu ………”

Still conscious, tears of misery appeared in her eyes. Aside from that, she was constantly squirming, as if in great pain. She probably wouldn’t be able to stand for a quite a while.

Steading his breathing, Ash slowly extended his right hand towards the mask on her face. He wanted to see what she looked like. Then, just at this moment.

------ Bishi!

A peculiar noise, similar to that of an object fracturing, could be heard.

“Eh ………?”

Ash could hardly believe his eyes.

The outcrop [25] supporting their weight, unexpectedly, had begun to collapse.

This was most likely due to a geological fault in the rock. This fight should never have been performed in this kind of location. Then he noticed it, a warning sign labelled “Beware of Collapse”.

“Ku ………!”

Ash had no time to ponder. He lifted the girl and threw her forwards.

She landed safely on a stable piece of outcrop.

However, in doing so, he didn’t have enough time to escape. Instead, he fell along with the rocky debris into the ravine.


The immense drag of the wind almost tore his skin.

Ash was scared of falling into a bottomless ravine. Then, at this moment, he felt his left wrist heat up.

“Eh ………?”

A flash of light burst through his clothing. The «Seikoku», which extended from his elbow to his wrist, suddenly began to emit heat and scarlet light.

The shrill sound of the wind was silenced.

In fact, all sound was silenced.

“Ugh ………!”

Ash felt an excruciating pain within his chest, as if it was being torn in half, as though something was trying to break out of his body.

The pain almost caused him to lose consciousness.

While bearing the pain, he looked down at his chest and found that it was exuding a dazzling radiance.


Ash gave a great scream as his consciousness gradually began to fade.

However, within his hazy vision, he saw something clearly.

A girl was floating in mid-air.

Completely naked.

With her eyes tightly closed and her arms open, she floated next to him.

Subconsciously, Ash reached out with both his hands towards her petite body.

She slid with no resistance into his arms.

Around them, a blinding light had, unbeknownst to them, enveloped their bodies.

Not only that, but their descent had slowed down.

Hugging the girl, Ash slowly floated down, like one would within a child’s fairy tale.

Before long, they landed on a rock beside a creek.

The ball of light, which had protected them, instantly turned into countless particles and disappeared without a trace.

“Am I safe now ………?”

Ash mumbled to himself, as he looked down at the girl in his arms.

The breathing of the girl, whose eyes were still closed, sounded rather peaceful.


Ash felt a little ardent as he realised that the girl was naked.

Her dainty figure, along with her slightly bulging chest, and her smooth and delicate white skin was definitely something that was hardly ever seen within this world. In fact, it gave rise to the illusion of an angel descending into the world of mortals.

Her age was probably around fourteen or fifteen.

Gently laying her on the ground, Ash swiftly took off the coat of his Dragsuit.

Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi v1 055.jpg

Just with this coat, he was able to sufficiently cover her petite body.

“Fuu ………”

With this done, Ash feeling relieved, sat on the ground.

Yet again, he looked at the face of the girl.

“Could she be ……… Navi?”

Within his mind, an image of the girl who had, since the start of this week, been teasing him within his dreams, surfaced.

“No, you are similar for sure ……… but still a little different.”

To draw an analogy, Navi would be a succubus from a Gothic novel, possessing a face that retained the innocence of childhood and also the charm of a mature woman.

On the other hand, the girl before his eyes was just a girl. Ash couldn’t feel any mature charm from her.

“……… eh?”

Ash frowned. Something small, circular and ivory coloured, protruded from top left and right of sides her head.

“What is this?”

With his fingertips, Ash gently probed the mysterious protrusions.

It was soft and a little flexible and seemed to be made of some kind of cartilage.

The mysterious protrusions had a peculiar feel to it, making him want to touch it again after touching it. However, Ash resisted the urges to touch it again, as it would be impolite.

Looks like those mysterious protrusions weren’t accessories but part of her body.

“Could it be ……… horns?”

The little protrusions on top of her head, indeed, seemed to be identical to the horns of a young dragon.

Ash couldn’t help but recall the details of the events, that had happen prior to now, in his mind.

The girl had emerged out of his body and she had two horns growing from top left and right sides of her head.

As a result, there could only be one conclusion.

“……… is this young girl my pal?”

Ash was dumbfounded.

He had always wished to rouse his pal from sleep, however, why was his pal a girl when everyone else’s were dragons?

“Uuu ………nnn ………”

The girl’s long eyelashes quivered a little.

“Huwaaa ………”

The girl, in contrast to her beautiful appearance, gave a great yawn.

One of her double eyelids slowly began to open.

Ash, subconsciously, leaned forwards and looked at her face.

Her ruby coloured pupils were very fascinating.

Bleary eyed, she suddenly opened her eyes wide and her facial expression became one of shock.



Ash, receiving a slap on his cheek, fell backwards and his head became immersed in the creek.

Fortunately, the stream wasn’t deep, so aside from his sorry figure, he wasn’t hurt.

“S-Such great strength ………”

With blood trickling from his nose, Ash struggled to get up.

“To go so far as to take advantage of a sleeping lady really is too much! Don’t you know who am I?”

Blushing hard, she suddenly stood up.

The jacket that Ash had draped over her body, slid off.

Her dainty naked body was clearly visible.

However, she made no move to cover herself.

“P-Please put on your clothes first before you talk!”

Ash quickly looked away.

“Clothes? Ridiculous! Clothes are just items humans create to hide their ugliness.”


“That’s right, a proper dragon doesn’t need clothes!”

“I don’t care whether you need clothes or not, just put them on!”

After saying that, Ash turned his back on her.

“I know that you are a dragon! Well ……… strictly speaking I’m not sure. However, even if you’re a dragon, right now, you are a girl!”

“So what?”

“That ……… naked girl standing in front of me ……… is making me lose my calm”

“Hmph! Such a useless guy. Like I said, humans are really ------”

At this moment, a strong gust of wind blew through the ravine.

Though it was now spring, it still felt chilly when a gust of wind blew on the body.

“A ……Ahchoo!”

Compared to her arrogant attitude just then, her sneeze was extremely cute.

After her sneeze, an unimaginably huge gust of wind headed towards Ash.


Immediately, Ash clung onto the rock next to him and, like this, prevented himself from getting blown away.

“A dragons’ sneeze turns out to be quite formidable ………”

After calming himself down, with his back towards the girl, Ash proceeded to defend his opinion:

“You’re right, clothes make people look better. However, apart from that, they also protect against the cold!”

“Muuu ………”

The girl pouted, as if she didn’t quite agree with Ash’s point. However, in the end, she accepted his opinion.

Before long, there was a rustling sound.

Cautiously turning his head around, Ash saw that she had obediently put on the jacket.

As her body was very petite, just the jacket was enough to cover her important parts. However, her legs were still exposed.

Her white tender thighs caused Ash to hold his breath. Wearing just a male jacket, her current appearance, compared when she was naked, caused one to fantasize even more.

After directing his gaze away from her thighs, Ash sighed a few times.

“There is something I want to confirm. You should be the dragon that was within me.”

“Strictly speaking, I was only temporarily borrowing your body.”

“Weren’t you within my body for too long? I’ve already become a first year Advanced Course student!”

“What did you say?”

The girl eyed Ash with an ominous glint in her eyes.

Her expression, as sharp as a sword, rested on Ash’s chest.

“N-Nothing ………”

Ash, a little overwhelmed by the girl’s reaction, could only reply like this.

“I am not an ordinary dragon. Do not lump me with the others.”


Clearly displeased, the girl planted both her hands on her hips and looked at Ash.

“Listen carefully, I do not think that you think that you are my master at all! Who cares about the secret agreement of Albion ………”

Ash was a little surprised when the girl mentioned that historical term.

------The secret agreement of Albion

Long ago, confronted with the crisis of extinction, the dragons stipulated a treaty with humans who wanted their magic.

“……… That being said, you and I share a common destiny. Although you can't see it, we are bound together by an invisible thread.”

What she was talking about was probably the so-called Astral Flow.

“After combining with humans, dragons are able to get a supply of the Astral. As a result, dragons obtained the strength to survive, thus overcoming the crisis of extinction.”

This knowledge was taught during the Basic Course. The Astral was something similar to “qi”[26] and was the source of greatly-needed strength.

The history of the dragons was far longer than that of humans. With each new generation, the Astral contained within their bodies decreased.

Due to the lack of the Astral, before becoming fully grown, many young dragons died prematurely.

If young dragons were unable to mature into adult dragons, sooner or later, dragons would go down the path of extinction.

Concerned by the current situation, the dragons decided to combine with the humans who possessed the most Astral Flow, thus avoiding extinction.

“Quite so. However, even so, I don’t believe the dragons owe humans one. Instead, humans should feel honoured.”

“No, shouldn’t you at least feel a little thankful?”

Having just finished speaking, Ash’s abdomen received a blow from the girl’s elbow.


“By the way …”

After glancing at Ash, who was writhing in pain, the girl, thinking about something, suddenly turned away. Her vigour, that she had displayed just then, disappeared and was replaced by bashfulness and embarrassment.

“M-My name ……”


Ash, puzzled, frowned. The girl turned a shade of bright red and shouted.

“My …… name, my name! Give me a name! T-This is a, somewhat, very important thing!”

“Do you really want me to give you a name?”

“It can’t be helped! Although I don’t approve of the secret agreement of Albion, I too, can't break the rules! You must give me a name for the contract to be complete!”

“Is that so? The dragons also have so many difficult rules.”

“I-I don’t need things like your sympathy!”

Faced with the girl's extreme attitude, Ash made a bitter smile.

“If that’s how it’s going to go, relax. I have already thought of your name”

Ever since he had become a Breeder, he had always remembered this name.

“Your name is Eco”

Compared to Lancelot and Cú Chulainn, it was a little out of fashion. However, it was a rather historical name, frequently appearing in historical or religious textbooks.

------First year of A.S.B. [27]

For the first time in human history, a young maiden succeeded in rousing a larva from its slumber.

Her name was Rosa Maria.

After her death, people referred to her as a saint, as she was the primogenitor of Breeders.

At that time, her pal’s name was Eco.

“Eco ……”

The girl looked distracted and her dangerous expression eased up.

“Nnn, not bad. Eco …… congratulation for thinking up this name. Fine, for now I’ll spare you!”

“Phew, luckily you quite like this name.”

If the name chosen had been deemed unacceptable, perhaps he would have become a victim of violence. Coming to this conclusion, Ash could feel cold sweat starting to form.

“Oh, by the way, although you had just awoken, you seem to be quite knowledgeable about the secret agreement of Albion and Astral Flow.”

Although Ash didn’t say this with the intention to flatter, she, nevertheless, puffed out her chest in pride.

“This is the greatest difference between wisdom-filled dragons and the stupid, ignorant humans.”

“Seriously, humans aren’t that bad, are they?”



Eco suddenly began to stare off into the distance, taking Ash by surprise.

“In order to survive, the still slumbering larvae will automatically inherit relevant knowledge. As this inherited knowledge is beyond generations, there is no need for others to teach them.”

“Wow, that’s amazing …… By the way, since you are a dragon, why do you take the appearance of a human?”

“This ……”

Eco lowered her head in thought. After a while, she could only helplessly shrug her shoulders.

“It’s no good, the Dragweiss doesn’t contain records pertaining to this …… No, there should be related records, except they can't be accessed. Forget about it, I don’t know! Don’t ask about it anymore, or I’ll crush you!”

“That’s no good ……? I still want to live for a few more years!”

Thinking about Eco’s unordinary strength, Ash shuddered.

At this moment, Ash suddenly remembered something, he still hadn’t introduced himself!

Thus, he calmed his wild heartbeat, and extended his right hand towards Eco. Regardless, Eco would always remain his pal.

To obtain his own pal had been his wish for many years.

“Muu …… what are you doing?”

“I’m called Ash, from this day on, I am your master!”


Eco not only refused to accept Ash’s goodwill, but also widened her eyes and stared at Ash.

“W-what’s the matter?”

“You seem to have misunderstood something, I think I’d better clear it up. You are not my master.”

Straightening her runway-like chest, Eco’s eyes began to emit a strange aura.

“I’m the one who is your master!”

Once again, a bone-chilling icy wind blew through the ravine.

Part 9

…… A few hours later.

Sure enough, Silvia didn’t betray people’s expectations, with a manner befitting of the Jedi in ‘Return of the Jedi’, she claimed first place and------

Security guards within the forest found Brigid, decided that the rider must have encountered a mishap, and immediately formed a rescue team, and began to search for the rider.

The rider was called Ash Blake, a first year Advanced Course student who rode his friend’s pal to compete, the Number One Problem Child of the academy.

The student council president, Rebecca, and many other students all joined the rescue team.

As Fianna Forest covered an extensive plot of land, at first, they believed that the rescue operation wouldn’t succeed; however, before long, they found Ash and Eco.

Cú Chulainn, with Rebecca riding on its head, without turning back, flew straight towards the ravine bordering the forest, as if attracted by some sort of force.

Afterwards, Rebecca commented:

“Today was the first time Cú Chulainn disobeyed my order.”

End of “The Awakening of Sleeping Beauty ~A.S.B.1365.4~”.

Chapter 2 - The Streets of Ansarivan

Part 1

The news of the number one problem child in the Academy Ash Blake gotten in an accident in the dragon riding festival and his Pal was finally born spread like wild fire.

However, his finally born young dragon Eco is a girl with horns.

Just to settle Eco’s problem, there were two main opinions given during the staff’s meeting.

One of the opinions was to send Eco to the dragon house for strict discipline. While the other opinion stated that Eco shouldn’t be sent to the dragon house because she looked like a human.

In the end of the day, they couldn't come up with a good solution. That is why all of them agreed on letting Ash took care of Eco in his own room for the mean time.

Part 2

At the end of the walkway, in the third floor of the Apollo House,

“This is my room. Hurry!”

After he opened the door, he gave Eco a push on her back.

“Grrrr…. How dare you as a dog to order your master.”

Eco turned around and glared at Ash.

“I don’t remember becoming your dog at all!”

“Then you can just be my meat slave!”

“Do you even know what does that mean?”

Eco crossed her arms and smiled proudly.

As usual, she was going to show off her knowledge she got from the Dragweiss.

“It is a slave who provides its hungry owner with its own meat.”

“I am not some food!”

Ash was getting uneasy with the Dragweiss but he still shoved Eco into the room and ran in himself.

Then he quickly had the door locked.

Students were standing outside along the walls of his room with their ears glue towards the wall. Ash didn’t even have the strength to chase them off.

Apollo House is a dormitory for males.

Every time a beauty with comparable standards to Eco came, there was always a huge uproar.

“Hmm… What a poor looking room.”

After giving it a glance, Eco stated her first impression.

“I guess this is for today… I am gonna sleep.”

Until just moments ago, Ash had been kept held in the infirmary.

After he was found in the ravine and was brought back to the academy, he was questioned by three parties; the board of directors, the staff and the student councils. He was now tired both physically and mentally.

“Hold on!”

Eco was blocking Ash who was going to jump into the bed.


“Since I am your master, this bed is mine.”

“Hey! Where am I supposed to sleep then!”

“Hmph! You can just sleep on the floor!”

“You gotta be joking!”

“I am not! If you continue to disobey, I am gonna squash you!”

Eco was pointing her fingers at Ash. She then removed the shirt that Ash had given her and moved towards the bed.

Her white skin and curves can be seen.

“W-Why are you removing them!”

Ash immediately turned aside, his heart was beating non-stop.

“Didn’t I mention it before, that a proper dragon doesn’t need clothes! Can’t I have some freedom during my sleeping time!” Eco angrily answered and moved towards the bed.

“Zzz… Zzz…”

In just a while, she was already fast asleep.

Her previous glare had turned into something pure angel like.

“Good grief…”

Ash rested himself on the laid out futon and blanket.

Although he was not used to sleeping on the floor, he still couldn’t resist the urge to sleep.

Since it was a holiday on the next day, he didn’t have to worry about waking up early.

In just a few moments, Ash was already in a deep sleep.

Part 3

It was midnight.

Ash felt something was in his futon and he woke up.


He didn’t have the luxury to continue sleeping.

He felt as if his heart was going to burst.

“Eco! Wake up!”

Before this, Eco had just occupied his bed.

It seems weird that she was now squeezing herself into the futon.


Eco who was still sleeping was gluing herself to Ash. The feel from her skin also caused his heart beat to speed up. Then, he remembered that Eco was naked.

Although Eco was not as sexy as Navi, Navi only appeared in his dreams.

But this right now was reality. The softness of her skin and her body heat was not something from a dream could match with.

“This looks… Delicious.”

Eco was sleep talking.

What kind of dream was she actually dreaming… Just when Ash was wondering, Ash felt an unknown feeling on his body and he trembled.

It seemed that Eco had given him a bite.


It was called a nibble.

It can usually be seen done by a young dragon.

Being nibbled by a Pal was a breeder’s privilege.

Every time Ash saw his friends being nibbled, he was full of envy.

But, this nibble…. Is a little bad for his heart.

Although he knew that Eco is a dragon, she still looked like a girl. Right now, Eco was nibbling his chest.

“Please…. Stop…!”

Although he asked her to stop, he never really forced it. It didn’t feel bad being nibbled by Eco. No, it even felt great.


Unfortunately, it had ended.

It was possible that she was sleeping or even possible that this was a different type of nibble from Eco.

Without any reason, Eco’s bite was getting stronger and stronger.

“Uoooo! It hurts! I really hurts!”

Ash was shivering.

He was horrified by the thought of being eaten. The word food kept on echoing in his mind.

Even though she looked like a girl, Eco was still a dragon.

In the worst case scenario, it would even endanger his life.


Ash pushed Eco to the side with all his might. Her teeth marks were left on his chest. Though there was no bleeding, it would probably take a few days for it to disappear.

“Zzz… Zzz…”

Without knowing Ash’s troubles, Eco continued to sleep.

-Are days like this going to continue?

She should really be sent to the dragon house for strict discipline… Or at least that was what Ash thought of.

Part 4

The next morning, Ash was woken up by an unexpected guest.

Since some times before, there seemed to be someone knocking on the door nonstop.

Ash who doesn’t have many friends could only think of Raymond and Max.

“Can’t I at least have a good rest during my precious weekends…”

Ash was mumbling while he was walking towards the entrance.

Ash was shocked the instant he opened the door.

“Good morning Ash Blake. You shouldn’t oversleep even if it is a weekend.”

Rebecca was standing at the doorway. Right behind her stood Max who was in charge of the accounts with a sour look.

“P-President! This is the boy’s dormitory!”

“Say my name.”


“Being called president is a little too stiff and unnecessary.”

“Ermm… Rebecca-san?”

Ash called out without a second thought which made Rebecca smile.

“Hmm… That’s great. I am here for Eco.”

“I am grateful for you to take your trouble to come here.”

“That is not necessary. By the way, how’s Eco?”

“She is still sleeping…”

Ash was startled when he turned around and looked at the bed.


Eco who had just woke up was rubbing her eyes and sat up.

The blanket fell off and her white chest was exposed.

“Wha-! That’s not the case!”


Max pulled his collar as he was trying to explain the misunderstanding.

“You beast! Do you even know what you had done!”

Luckily, Rebecca interfered and stopped Max.

“Max! Calm down! They didn’t seemed to be sleeping together since there was a futon on the ground. Am I right?”

“Of course!”

“Then explain why she is naked!”

Ash started stuttering because of the tone Max was using.

“Erm… No, that is… Eco said she is a proud dragon and she does not require any clothes. Apart from that, I don’t have any clothes for her.”

“Hmm… Just as what I expected. I had brought something for you, don’t worry about it.”

After a glance from Rebecca, Max handed Ash a bag unwillingly.

It felt a little heavy.

“I gave some clothing to Eco. Though she is a dragon, her appearance is of a girl’s. You can’t expect her to be moving around naked. Just take it as a birthday present from the student council.”

“T-Thank you very much. I am saved…”

Ash lowered his head.

“However, as for the daily needs, you have to buy it yourself. Do you have enough money?”

“… It is a little tight.”

Be it a noble family or a traders family, it had nothing to do with Ash who was born in a small village at the borders.

“If that’s the case, you just have to fill in this form and pass it to the management.”

The form that Rebecca gave him was used by students to apply for the funds for the upkeep of their Pals.

“Strictly speaking, this is only used to apply for the riding equipment… Well, Eco should be a special case. Then, there is one more thing.”

Suddenly Rebecca turned serious. Though she still maintained her statue like beauty, her muscle was all tensed up.

“Actually this morning, it had been decided in the staff meeting that Dr.Cornwell was asked by the academy to examine Eco.”

‘Huh! By saying Dr.Cornwell you are saying she is that…”

She owned a laboratory in Ansarivan City and held the highest authority in dragon research. Ash had never seen her before.

“That’s right. She is that famous person. Since she is always busy, the date to examine Eco has not been decided yet.”

“I understand. No worries, I will take care of Eco until the time.”

Ash’s serious expression made Rebecca smile.

“Good answer. One more thing, after you are done with everything, please drop by the student council’s office. I have many things that I want to ask you.”


“Hmm… I will be waiting for you then.”

Rebecca left with a smile while being followed by Max.

Part 5

“Try putting this on…”

While trying to avoid looking at Eco’s body with the sun right at her back, he handed her the bag.

Eco suddenly turned angry.

“Didn’t I mention it before? I will get into trouble if you don’t at least put on some clothes.”

“Hmm. Are you trying to say that you are not pleased with my body?”

Eco walked approaching Ash while being fully naked.

Ash was panicking and immediately turned around.

“That is why I had told you that it is common knowledge to wear clothes in the human society. Anyway, don’t you feel cold with nothing on?”

“Hmph. This sunny day is like a gift for me who has just been born. It is not necessarily for me to-”

Right at that instant, a yellow butterfly that had lost its way flew into the room and landed on Eco’s nose.

Eco’s nose twitched.’

“A…. A….Achoo!”

It was a cute sneeze.


Strong winds were created from her sneeze. Ash was blown up and banged into the ceiling like a frog being run over.

“Ouch! It is just like a dragon’s sneeze…”

Ash who had just crawled up found that he lost the bag. After a quick search, he found out that Rebecca’s belongings were scattered all round the ground.

To his surprise, Eco was actually holding one.


It looked like she seemed to have some interest in it since she was at that age.

Part 6

Just like what he had hoped for, Eco had put on the clothes.

The clothes given by Rebecca was a cute dress that had a similar design to the school’s uniform.

Regardless of the collar ribbon or the puff sleeve, it matched Eco perfectly. As for the beret, it could be used to cover up Eco’s horns.

On the other hand, her boots were stylish and the size fitted perfectly. Ash was amazed at how sharp Rebecca was.

Eco didn't seem dissatisfied when she was looking at the mirror.

“Hmm… Not a bad design from a dumb human.”

Ash was relieved.

“Nnn. By the way, is this Ansarivan, the academic city?”

Ash was surprised by the sudden question.

“According to the Dragweiss, there should be many shops on the streets of Ansarivan.

“That right.”

Ash was starting to admire the Dragweiss. It seemed that Eco inherited a huge amount of knowledge. It would be perfect if they didn’t have any knowledge on those weird stuffs.


“Huh? What did you just say?”

“I said… I will allow you to bring me to look around the streets!”

Eco turned aside with her cheeks blushing.

Ash gave a wry smile. It seemed that Eco wanted him to bring her for a walk in the town.

Though the Dragweiss may be useful, it still didn’t feel safe walking on the streets alone. The reason she didn’t ask Ash directly had probably to do with her honour as a dragon.

“Alright then, even a dragon needs a walk.”

“Don’t say it like you are bringing a dog for a walk!”


Ash almost fainted from being punched right in the belly.

Part 7

After claiming two thousands Eccles for the upkeep of his Pal from the management, Ash brought Eco to the city.

Two thousand Eccles is equivalent to a month worth of job pay of a government official. Of course this was the first time he held such a large amount of money.

“This is Ansarivan…!”

Eco was amazed the moment she stepped into the streets. Even though she had knowledge regarding this, still, the real thing never failed to amaze her.

The amount of people increased the moment they entered the main street. Since today was also a holiday, most of the people were students.

On both sides of the streets were stalls and the street was full of the smells of foods.


Suddenly, Eco’s stomach gave a loud growl.

All the pedestrians around were shocked. Nothing less could be expected from a dragon.

Eco blushed.

“I-It is not like I have any choice. I haven’t even taken my breakfast yet!”

Ash couldn't understand why she was embarrassed about her stomach rumbling while she could walk around naked.

“Yeah right, I almost forgot…”

Ash had not taken any breakfast because of Rebecca’s visit. All of a sudden, Ash started to feel hunger too.

Eco was puffing her cheeks in protest to Ash.

“A dragon must eat five time a day, don’t you know that!”

“I heard about it during my years in the basic class… But is that really a necessity?”

“That’s obvious!”

Ash was looking at Eco’s small body frame in disbelief.

“The daily cost is going to increase…”

“What did you just say?”

“No, nothing.”

“Mm… What’s that? What a nice smell!”

Eco was pointing at a stall. A noisy group of girls of Ash’s age were gathering there.

“That’s a crepe stall.”

“What’s that?”

“Huh? Is it not recorded in the Dragweiss?”

“It is just a food. There is no need to purposely access the Dragweiss. It requires magic to make a search!’

“I see… Crepe is a popular dessert in Ansarivan. Do you want to have a try?”

Basically, dragons are omnivores. They shouldn’t have any problems eating crepes. At least that was what Ash thought.

“Of course!”

There were three girls before them and Ash and Eco were queuing up at the back.

“Is it our turn yet?”

“We need to be patient. It is bad to cut queue.”

“Hmph… Looks like we don’t have a choice. However, since they have the guts to make a dragon wait, it better be good or else I will have this store crushed.”

“That doesn't sounds good…”

Suddenly Ash felt that someone was staring at him.

“Is there anything?”

Eco asked.

“Nothing. I just thought that I felt someone staring at us.”

“Huh? It is impossible for someone looking at us in such streets.”

“… I don’t think that I have enough confidence to say that.”

Since ages ago, Ash's intuition had always been sharp.

If it was not because of that, he wouldn't be able to spot Milgauss in the forest.

“… It must have been my imagination.”

He had become oversensitive due to that incident.

Right at that moment, the girl standing right in front of him had ordered an Ansal flavored crepe.

In just a moment a rose-like smell filled the air.

It made them hungrier.

“I think I am going to have an Ansal.”

After taking a look at the price list, an Ansal crepe cost about a hundred Glorins. While the rest cost only fifty Glorines. Although it was a little expensive, with the money he received for up taking a Pal, this is nothing.

“What about you, Eco?”

Without any reason, was straightening her chest proudly.

“Huhu, of course it is Ansal. It is the etiquette of a dragon.”

“…It seems so.”

The so called Ansal was a high quality herb that was produced in Ansarivan. Apart from the usual use as spice, it was also loved by the dragons. To them, it was similar to cigarettes and booze to humans.

Finally it was Ash and Eco’s turn.

“Two Ansal crepes please.”

After receiving the orders, the shopkeeper roasted the batter with an amazing speed. When it was almost done, the shopkeeper place some pale green coloured cream on it.

The area surrounding them was full of the smell of Ansal.


Eco was looking at the shopkeeper in amazement. Ash’s heart skipped a beat for a moment when he saw Eco with a look of curiosity.

Stop! Eco is a dragon… Ash hurriedly reminded himself.

Part 8

There was a public bench not far away from the store. Since it was empty, both Ash and Eco sat on it.


Eco was eating her crepe.

“Nnn… It is delicious!”

“Thank god. The store is now safe from being crushed.”

“Don’t joke with me! Whoever dare to lay a finger on it have to go through me first!”

“Hmm… Anyway, I think only you have to ability to crush it.”

In just a few seconds, Eco finished her crepe completely. She seemed to be not satisfied with it and was eying Ash’s.

Since he was surprised by Eco’s eating speed, Ash haven’t even taken a single bite.

“Haa… Guess I don’t have a choice. Wanna have a bite?”

“Can I?”

“Well, I can't bear seeing you with that kind of face.”

Eco was overjoyed when Ash handed her his crepe.

Her innocent looks while eating the crepe was like a small animal. Ash suddenly felt like he was feeding his pet.

After eating, tightening her fist and declared:

“It had been decided! This will be my meal!”

“This is just for dessert. You have to eat meat if you are a dragon! Or else you won’t grow!”

“How dare a mere dumb human like you order me! Have you forgotten that I am your owner…. Aaa!”

Suddenly, Eco was blushing and was panting.

“Hey… are you alright?”

“M-My body…. It is hot…”

Eco was suddenly embracing Ash with watery eyes.

Their limbs were rubbing against each other.

Ash could feel Eco body heat through the clothes.

“Hey… What are you doing?”

“N-No more… I can’t….”

Eco pushed forward.

Ash could feel her chest.

Then, Eco started licking his the area around his collar.


Ash turned numb from being licked by her soft and warm tongue.

“….Eco? What is happening?”

“Please… Do something… I-I can’t…. No more…!”

Just when Ash was getting confused, the rosy lips was approaching him.

Beneath the lips were pearl like teeth.

There were smells of Ansal mixed in within her hot breath.

“Could it be that…!”

Ash could only think of the only explanation.

This is caused by the Ansal.

Ansals were loved by dragon. To them, Ansal were like tobacco and booze in the human world.

Though she was born with the look of a girl, at the same time she is also a young dragon. It seemed that it was bad to her if she took in a huge amount of Ansal.

“Eco! P-Pleaese…. I beg you!”

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Eco was approaching him like an animal in heat.

If this were to be left alone, they will be caught for disrupting the peace of the city.

“Mama, what are both of them doing?”

“Don’t look! Just keep moving!”

Just as expected, glares from the people around were piercing him. Although Ash felt like running away right at this moment, he couldn’t even stand up from being held tightly by Eco.

At that moment, someone was standing beside Ash.

“W-What are you thinking….? Doing something as shameless as this in the public!”

The scold shocked Ash. It sounded familiar. No, it doesn’t just sound familiar.

As expected, he saw Princess Silvia her royal highness herself.

“The enemy of women shall face the hammer of death! This is my family motto!”

An iron fist that had enough force to break a rock swung at his face.

Part 9

“With this, you should be alright.”

The person who took care of Eco was Silvia’s maid, Cosette Shelley.

Since she herself was quite a famous person in the academy, Ash knew a little about her. Even though they were on the streets, Cosette was wearing the palace’s maid attire. Quite a number of people were looking at her out of curiosity.

Eco started to regain her sense after drinking the water given to her by Cosette who had gotten it from a nearby shop. According to Cosette, the Ansal will be diluted if a huge amount of water was drunk.


Although her cheeks were still red, at least she could finally sit still. Ash breathed a sigh of relieve.

“Thank you, Cosette-san. You really helped me there…”

“Tee Hee, you are welcome.”

“Tsk. I am surprised that you fed a young dragon Ansal! What did you learn in class!”

Silvia scolded.

“Didn’t Princess-sama feed the newborn Lancelot with Ansal Tea too?”

“Don’t talk about the past!”

Silvia was blushing. It seems she too had the same experience.

“Before that, why was she born in the form of a human and not a dragon? It has become a rumor in the entire academy.”

“Huh? I didn’t know that Princess-sama, who dosen’t even have a friend, would be interested in gossip.”

Silvia was blushing again.

“Be quiet! I-I had no interest in any kind of gossip. Cosette was always talking about all kinds of things, it was just by chance that I heard it!”

“Huhu… Every time I mention about Ash-sama, don’t you become excited?”


In truth, everyone knew that Silvia was always alone.

She would make everyone nervous with just her presence alone.

It happened not because of her status as a Princess. Alright, that is probably one of the reasons. However, the main reason was because of her stubbornness.

“Well, hasn’t everything turned out well? At least you found Ash-sama.”

After being pointed out by Cosette, not only her cheeks, even her ears were red.

“What are you talking about! I did not come to the streets on purpose just to search for him!”

“Alright, alright. We will take what you said as the truth. Heehee...”

Although Cosette looked like an honest person at first glance, she was actually a bully. Silvia was almost in tears.

“Didn’t Princess-sama have something to say to Ash-sama? Please don’t worry about me. I will turn around and face the other side.”

“Don't joke with me! Even when you are facing the other side, you will still try to listen!”

“Huhu. That is the duty of a maid. Just take me as the statue of Venus at the end of a street.”

“Venus! You look more like the reincarnation of Mórrígan herself!” [28]

At that moment, Eco’s nose twitched.


A cute sneeze.


A strong wind was created in front of Eco and it had flipped up Silvia’s skirt.

It was white and laced.

Also, the knots on both sides of her waist were all imprinted in Ash’s mind.


“Don’t look!”

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Just when Silvia’s iron fist was going to knock into Ash’s face, Eco made her move.

She stretched her arms from under Ash’s armpits and stopped Silvia. It seemed to be a reaction only possessed by dragons. It seemed that she was no longer drunk.


Ash was surprised that Eco protected him.

“What are you doing?”

Silvia asked in a cold voice.

“You on the other hand. What are you trying to do when you are just a dumb human. This person’s master is no other than me. The only person in this world who can punish him is me!”

“What kind of logic is that!”

Eco and Silvia were confronting each other as if Ash was unrelated.

“Hmph… Whatever.”

Silvia was the first one who backed off. She lowered her fist and turned around. Her golden hair looked dazzling while being blown by the air.

“Ash Blake! I have only one thing to tell you!”

Silvia turned around facing them.

“T-That is… What I had told you previously was wrong.”


“During that time, I lost my temper. In truth, your Pal was born successfully.”

Silvia who was embarrassed had her sight wandering around. At one moment when her sight and Ash’s connected, she immediately looked away.

Seeing that, Cosette was grinning with a hand in front of her mouth.


“I-In another words… Err… How should I put this… I will take back what I said. Admitting one’s fault is my family’s motto!”

After that, Silvia left.

“Then I too will take my leave.”

After announcing her leave, Cosette gracefully waved her skirt and left following Silvia.

Ash’s mind turned blank after being suddenly apologized to.

-Like master, like dragon, maybe it died long ago!

During that time, Ash challenged Silvia just to make her take back her words. Since he lost the race, he didn’t think it is necessary for her to apologize. Furthermore, he was no longer haunted by her words since Eco was born safely.

However, Silvia still insisted on apologizing even though she was the winner.

“Hmm… She would definitely be the most popular person in the entire academy if she had always acted this way.”

Ash grinned. The next moment, he felt pain on both sides of his cheeks.

It seemed that Eco was squeezing the both sides of his cheeks.


Eco was glaring at him with a half-opened eye.

“Could it be that… You have some special feeling for that female? Or is that you have forgotten that I am your master?”


If he ever tried to object, he feared that his face would be squashed. Thus, Ash apologized.

Part 10

After buying Eco’s daily needs, Ash was standing in front of a public toilet with both of his hands full of grocery bags. Eco had mentioned that she needed to use the toilet and that is why Ash was standing there.

“How long is she going to make me wait!”

She had entered the toilet for some time and had no sign of her coming out. To make it worst, Ash could take a peek since it was the ladies.


“What is it? Please don’t bother me.”

“Are you interested in the ladies?”

“Of course. If I am allowed, I would even enter and take a good look...”

“So you are this kind of a person… It was wrong of me to think highly of you, Ash Blake!”


Ash immediately came back to his sense. Who exactly was the person who was talking to him?

Unfortunately, the moment he turned around, he was kicked.

“Ouch! What the hell are you doing!”

Ash regretted what he just said.

“What the hell are you doing…? Yeah, right. That was what I was going to ask you!”

The person in front of Ash was not some stranger. Right now, she was scolding with her arm crossed. Her golden hair at this moment looked like a lion.

As usual, Cosette was following Silvia from behind and was smiling.

“Why were you standing around suspiciously in front of the ladies? You look like a total pervert no matter how I look at you.”

“No… It is just that Eco had not come out from the toilet yet and I am a little worried. That all is what I was thinking. Nothing apart from that.”

“Why don’t you mention it earlier? I will take a look in your stead if you are okay with it.”

Ash was grateful for Cosette’s help.

“Please do!”

“Let’s go, Princess-sama.”

“Me too?”

“Helping those in need is the responsibility of a royal. That’s is from the proud family motto of the Lautreamont Knight Family.”

“I-I knew that!”

Silvia was in shock when the driving seat was taken away from her by Cosette. She then hurriedly entered the ladies.

Part 11

Moments later, Silvia and Cosette returned.

“We didn’t see Eco but in exchange, we found this on the floor.”

What Silvia was holding was Eco’s beret.

“This… This is definitely Eco’s hat. But why?”

Since Eco entered the toilet, Ash had been standing all along at the entrance.

He will defiantly see her if she had walked out.

“Apart from the hat, we also collected these.”

Cosette who was standing beside Silvia showed him a handkerchief.


Inside the handkerchief were sparkling powders.

“This is…?”

“In my opinion, it should be the powders of a Bright Dragon crystal.”

A Bright Dragon Crystal is the crystallization of the dragon’s magic. At the same time, it was used to activate the Oracle.

Without borrowing the powers from the Bright Dragon Crystal, humans were unable to use magic. In the first place, it was the dragons that brought magic into this continent.

“It was possible that someone kidnapped Eco with the use of the oracle.”

Ash was full of shivers when he heard Silvia.

“That is why I kept on having the feeling of someone peeping at us.”

“Really? Then the culprit must have been targeting Eco since the start.”

“Damn! Just why…!”

“Stop panicking! Try thinking what you had learned in class.”

She was staring at him with her ice blue eyes.

“The bond between the breeder and his dragon will not break this easily. Even if you can’t see it, there is the Astral flow.”

“Of course I knew that. It is just that what am I suppose to do?”

“If she was a Maestro, you would just have to summon her… But it will be impossible for a newborn. In another world, you have to go to her.”

“But how the hell am I to know where she was!”

“That is why you must stop panicking. As a breeder, you should have a Seikoku branded on your skin given to you by the mother dragon.”

Ash certainly has the Seikoku branded on his left arm. Unfortunately, he had lost his memories of the meeting with the mother dragon. But, of course this was not a good time to discuss that.

“Tell me what should I do?”

“The Seikoku is not just a mere tattoo. It is the door for the Astral Flow.”

“By the way… During the time when Eco was born, I certainly remember that my Seikoku reacted.”

“Put your thoughts on remembering that feeling. Then call out to Eco.”

Ash finally knew what she was asking him to do.

“I will give it a try. Thank you, Princess-sama.”

Silvia blushed.

“N-No need for that! Dragons are holy beasts that symbolized our country. It is my duty to help those who are in need!”

After saying that, she turned around.

Cosette was grinning from behind.

“Let’s begin.”

Ash rolled up his sleeve and removed his bandage. The sight of his Seikoku gave Silvia a shock.

“T-That is your seikoku?”

“It seems so…”

Ash had always hated his Seikoku. If it is possible, he wouldn’t even want anyone to know about it. But, right now, it is an emergency.

“What should we do next?”

“It is hard to describe this in words…. First, focus your thoughts on the Seikoku. Then, think strongly about Eco.”

“This seems to be overly abstract. Are you sure about this?”

“It is not like I have a choice. The Seikoku was the product of magic. It would be impossible to describe it using a human language since the beginning.”

“Well, anyway… I will give it a go!”

Under the sight of both Silvia and Cosette, Ash lifted his left arm and held his left wrist with his right hand.

Next, he focused his thoughts on the Seikoku on his left arm.

Ash could somehow feel the Seikoku being heated up.

“Please… Tell me Eco’s location…”

After a few mumbles, Ash was thinking only about Eco.

Since he was seven, Eco who was in his body had never left his side even once.

Eco should have born earlier... had overslept for an extra three years.

Even so, Ash had always been waiting.

Even when he was looked down upon, he had always been waiting.

Eco was finally born. Although it was unexpected and there were many unexplained things going on, still there was one obvious truth.

Eco is his Pal.

“Answer me, please…”

Suddenly, Ash’s Seikoku had turned red.

“This is…!”

The magic from the Seikoku had taken the form of a butterfly. It seemed to be leading Ash.

The location should be where Eco was.

“I can see it!”

Compared to Ash, who was over the moon, Silvia and Cosette seemed confused.

“…What do you see?”

It seemed that Silvia and Cosette were unable to see the butterfly formed from his Seikoku. First, Ash don’t have the time to explain to them and secondly, he did not know how to put this into words.

“I am heading to where Eco is!”

Ash started chasing after the butterfly.

“Hold on! It is dangerous to go there alone! I will go with you!”

“I will follow Princess-sama even if we are heading to hell.”

“Please don’t speak of such unlucky stuff!”

Ash was not bothered by any of them and continued to chase after the butterfly.

Part 12

The butterfly that was formed from magic could easily fly past humans. Ash and the rest were avoiding the other pedestrian while they were running along the alley.

“This is…”

The butterfly had finally arrived at an isolated corner of the eastern district. It was a mansion built in the middle of a huge land. Since it was old, it looked like a haunted house. It had not yet been confirmed whether there was anyone staying there.

“A-Are you sure that Eco was here?”

Silvia was shocked.

Silvia who was usually full of confidence had turned pale.

“The Seikoku had certainly showed us this place.”

“I-I see.”

“Hey, you don’t look good at all. Could it be that…. You are scared?”

Though Ash was just fooling around, Silvia overly responded.


It was obvious that Silvia was lying. Although she didn’t look like it, she was actually very timid.

“A-Anyway, we can only depend on the Seikoku’s lead. In the worst case scenario, I just have to summon Lancelot and have this place burnt down.”

“Huhu. This is more like it.”

“No, it is bad to summon Lancelot in the middle of the streets! Cosette-san, please don’t encourage her!”

Just when they were arguing, the butterfly flew into the house.

Silvia was right, right now, they could only depend on the Seikoku.

“Wait for me, Eco!”

Ash pushed open the metal door. ‘Crrrreeek’ came the sound for the rusted hinges rubbing against each other.

“What in the world is that?”

Once they stepped into the garden, Silvia turned shocked.

Every certain distance was a stone slab. It looked as if it was a magic circle. At the top of the stone slab was a Bright Dragon Crystal. All of them were glittering.

Although they were unclear of its usage, it seemed to be able to activate the Oracle.

“These stone slabs certainly look weird.”

Ash too had stopped in his tracks and was looking at the stone slabs.

“For a rundown looking house to posses such a huge amount of bright dragon crystal, it certainly doesn’t look natural. You usually have to have a huge amount of money to buy this amount of Bright Dragon Crystal… I have a bad feeling. First, let us check the background of the owner of this house…”

“We don’t have time for that. We must first save Eco.”

Ash rejected her suggestion and rushed in. It was not that Silvia’s suggestion was wrong. It was just that they didn’t have the time to do any investigation before they found out about Eco’s condition.

“H-Hold on! W-Wait for me!”

As expected, Silvia, who was timid, hurriedly chased after Ash.

Part 13

Being shone under the familiar warm light, Eco woke up with a yawn.

She remembered that she was in the toilet of the shopping district and was going to wash her hands. Her memories after that were blank.

After realizing in what kind of a situation she was in, Eco was horrified.

“W-What is the meaning of this!”

Eco was lying down facing the ceiling and was tied up. Apart from her knee socks, she was stark naked.

The tools that were used to tie her up were made from strong materials. Eco couldn’t move an inch even after she tried with her entire might.

“What is happening…?’

Eco was looking around.

There was not even a single window. The sources of lights were from lamps powered by Bright Dragon Crystals. Eco was probably familiar with this kind light because she is a dragon.

In the area around her were many medical tools. The bookshelves by the walls were also stuffed full with documents.

There was a dragon model that was being placed on a table. It was not just a model but also a specimen. It doesn’t feel good looking at it.

“Where am I?”

At that moment, a door was opened slowly.

“How do you feel?”

The person by the door was a woman wearing a spectacle.

“Who are you? How dare you to do such a thing to me!”

“I can see that you are in a high spirit. I like it.”

Eco’s threat was useless against the woman.

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‘Clank! Clank!’It was the sounds of her heels when she approached Eco.

“It is really unbelievable that a dragon was born in the form of a human.”

“What did you say?”

The woman’s words had caught Eco’s attention. It seemed that she kidnapped her while knowing that she was a dragon.

“What actually was the dragon thinking? For them to send a young dragon like you into this world?”

“H-How am I to know!”

The woman had become more curious.

“Did you really not know? Didn’t you share the memories of your dragon ancestral? According to the ancient documents, such a thing happens.”

“If you are talking about the Dragweiss, then to further disappoint you, I can’t access it on my own yet.”

“I see. So, I just have to question your body directly.”


Suddenly the woman’s hand started to move.

There was a silver flash right in front of Eco’s nose.

With a closer look, the thing that pierced the wall was a scalpel.

“D-Don’t tell me that…. You…”

The woman replied naturally while taking out a second scalpel.

“Dissection is the basic for biology.”

Part 14

Ash was running on the corridor where its floor had started creaking.

Every time they saw a spider or a rat, Silvia would give a squeak. Although Ash would like to look at her while she was making those looks, his priority was to save Eco.


Ever since just moments before, a change occurred in his Seikoku on his left arm. It was getting hotter and lights started glowing. Though all the windows in the house were sealed up, thanks to the lights from his Seikoku, they were able to see clearly.

Finally, the Seikoku led them to a door that led to the basement.

It looked sturdy.

Just when Ash was wandering whether he should try calling out or bang in, Silvia made her move.

“Move to a side! I will have it blow open!”


Ash who turned pale took a few steps back. Silvia took out a red Bright Dragon Crystal.

“Crimson Ex-Breath!”

At the same time the Bright Dragon Crystal glows, a power was shot at the door.

After a loud bang, the door blast opened.


Ash shouted the moment he entered the room. Because it was excessively done by Silvia, dark smokes appeared all over the place.

Ash was worried that Eco was injured by it.

Finally the smoke cleared.

“…What a rude bunch of brats.”

Standing right in front of Ash was a lady in white.

Her spectacles made her look like someone knowledgeable. As for her age, she looked like she was around twenty five. Also, she was wearing a white lab coat which made her look like a doctor or a researcher.

Right behind her was Eco lying stark naked while being tied up.

“What are you doing to my Pal!”

Ash was full of rage when he saw Eco lying in that condition.

Eco was almost in tears when she saw Ash.

“You are late! Untie me this instant!”

“Sorry…. Why am I apologizing?”


Eco was getting mad but since she was tied up, Ash couldn’t feel her imposingness. On the other hand, her looks made it bad for Ash’s heart.

After moving his sight away from Eco, Ash was glaring at the women in white.

“What is the meaning of this?”

“I am just performing my duties given by the academy. Alright, I admit that my method is a little too forceful.”

The woman answered calmly.

“Duties given by the academy?”

Just when Ash was being confused, Silvia who was standing behind him suddenly shouted.

“She is… Dr.Angela Cornwell.”


“I had heard rumors that the professor had a laboratory in the city… Never in my entire life had I ever thought that it is located in this kind of a place.”

“You must be kidding…”

“Doctor, I had always been a fan of your thesis.”

Silvia took a step forward and shook hands with Angela in the same way she would have treated a country’s guest.

“It is my honour, your highness.”

Angela who answered without hesitating had somehow loosened the tension.

Ash was staring at her with his mouth wide open.

-Dr. Angela Cornwell.

It was a name he had heard from Rebecca that morning itself. She was a highly rated scholar whom was asked by the academy to examine Eco.

However, Rebecca had mentioned that she was busy and it may require some time before she could examine Eco.

Since everything was written on Ash’s face, Angela smiled.

“I always receive many boring request from the academy. Though at first I was not at all interested in this at all…. My motivation gushed out when I heard that a dragon was born in the form of a human. I had been spying at both of you since this morning.”

It appears that the feeling of someone spying on them that Ash had was from Angela.

“Since you just received your request from the academy in the morning… How did you manage to spot us?”

“Ash-kun, I had always been noticing you. Aren’t you the Breeder who doesn’t have a Pal? At the same time, aren’t you also the genius who can ride on any dragon? It is you who didn’t know that you are famous through the school.”

“I see… Wait! Hold on!”

Ash was overjoyed when he was praised by a beautiful adult woman. However, he regained his sense immediately.

“No matter what the reasons are, what you are doing is kidnapping! On the other hand, what are you trying to do with that scalpel!”

“Of course for dissecting.”

Angela answered as if it was a natural thing to do.

“D-Dissecting! Are you serious!”

“That’s right. Even if it is a dragon, we would have to dissect it if we want to know more.”

“…You disappoint me! Eco is going home with me!”

After he declared, Ash moved towards Eco.

“I won’t allow that.”

Angela blocked right in front of Ash.

“…What are you trying to do?”

“How would I let such an interesting sample walk away easily. Also… Apart from her, there is another thing that caught my interests.”

Angela was staring at Ash’s Seikoku.


Only then Ash remembered that he had forgotten that his Seikoku was exposed.

“So that’s a Seikoku huh? Until today, I had seen many Breeder’s Seikoku, but something like that is a first time for me. Can I take a closer look?”

“Absolutely not! You don’t even know the reason why I tried so hard to hide this!”

When Ash was enrolled in the academy, there were many students who noticed his abnormal Seikoku and treated him like a monster.

In truth, to the rest of the people, it looked like an ill omen.

“I see… You are afraid of your own Seikoku.”

“T-That's not true!”

Ash cheeks were getting hot. Just as Angela had said, Ash was afraid of his own Seikoku.

“Hey! Don’t ignore me!”

Eco’s call had averted his attention away from his Seikoku.

Eco was still being tied.

“Anyway, please move aside!”

“Then we will have Her Highness to decide this.”


Silvia was troubled because the topic was suddenly shifted to her.

“A-About this… I can more or less know how the professor feels. Since Eco was undeniably a special dragon.”

“As expected from Her Highness.”

Her words made Angela smile. However Silvia still continued to speak.

“But, dragons are holy beasts that symbolize our country. I will not allow you to dissect her!”


Although her explanations seemed to be slightly off topic, Ash was still thankful for that.

“… How disappointing.”

At that instant, Ash felt that the air in the room had turned sticky.

“Princess-sama, please stay alert! Angela is well known for doing what it takes to make her research a success.”

Although she was speaking in a calm tone, Cosette’s face had gotten serious. She stood in front of Silvia and was facing Angela.

“... Not bad for just a maid.”

Angela’s facial expression had changed. Killing intents were gushing out from behind the two lenses.

“Professor…. Don’t try anything rash. I can summon Lancelot anytime.”

“That doesn’t bother me at all. Why don’t you give it a try?”

“Fine with me!”

Silvia was holding her Bright Dragon Crystal.

“In the name of Silvia Lautreamont! Lancelot! Answer my summon!”

There was just only the sound of her voice.


Ten seconds had passed, twenty seconds had passed… A minute had passed.

Nothing had happened at all. The room was full of silent. Ash was hoping for Lancelot to make a magnificent appearance.

“H-How is this possible!”

Silvia was speaking out her mind.

“Have you not notice? This mansion is being protected in an Oracle field.”

“Could it be those stone slabs in the garden…!”

Angela gave a victorious smile.

“Correct. That device was used to create a barrier by using the Oracle. No matter what you do, as long as you are in this room, Lancelot will never arrive. This device was normally used to prevent any break in.”

“Prevent any break in? Then the reason that we are able to enter easily is…?”

“Just as expected from Her Highness herself. When I found out about the both of you, I had the device shut off.”

The way of Angela’s speech had become crueler.

“Princess-sama… This person is dangerous. We have to leave this place even if we are forced to use Ash-san as a meat shield.”

“I am a shield?!”

What Cosette said was bothering Ash and he made a comment on it, then he immediately turned around facing Angela.

“Are you sure that you want to do this? You will be charged for treason by just pointing your knife at Princess-sama.”

“So? Even a Princess shall not bother with my research.”

“Seems like we have to resolve this by force.”

While she was speaking, she activated the Oracle.

“Crimson Ex-Breath!”

After a shout, a flash came from her Bright Dragon Crystal and then it was followed by a bang.

While trying to keep himself from being blown away from the blast, Ash grumbled:

“I think you over did this! Even with all this, she is still a professor that could be considered as the country’s treasure!”

“It is not like I have a choice! This magic itself is hard to control!”

“Both of you, don’t you think that this is not a right time to argue?”

The person who had interrupted the both of them was unexpectedly Cosette. She was staring at the pile of smoke.


Ash was dumbstrucked.

“You thought that you could win by using Oracle?”

Angela remains standing even after the smoke had cleared. Apart from her lab coat being torn and smoking, she was totally fine.


Ash noticed her bracelet had a black stone on it.

It was not just a normal rock.

Judging from it special radiance, it should be a Bright Dragon Crystal.

“Now that I think of it, the professor was famous for using the Oracle…”

Angela smiled at Silvia as if she was pitting her.

“It is too late. I will not allow you to leave this place until I am done with dissecting her. Dark Mother Lullaby!”

After she had summoned the Oracle, a flash came from the Bright Dragon Crystal on her bracelet.

At the same time, there was also a change on the floor.

Beautiful patterns started to appear.

“This… A magic circle.”

Silvia lost her balance right after she cursed.


Cosette who tried to help Silvia had also lost her balance.

“Urgh… What is this…?”

Ash’s legs too had started to betray him.

Although his consciousness still remains, with just a little push, he would be baited by the Oracle.

“This is a magic circle drawn using the powder of a Bright Dragon Crystal. We won’t be able to learn this in the academy. But…. How do you manage to remain conscious?”

Angela was looking at Ash with looks of unbelievable.

“What are you doing! If you fall asleep right now… I will never forgive you!”

Eco was shouting even when she had turned pale white.

Eco’s tone was still being haughty. But considering Ash had fallen and she was going to be dissected, it was understandable.


Ash’s Seikoku was burning.

Ash's Seikoku was glowing with red colour similar to yesterday when Eco was born. Right now, it looked like a burning torch.


Ash was shocked from the amount of heat burning on his left arm.

He was no longer sleepy.

For the first time, Angela’s face looked shaken.

“Could it be that… Eco’s magic was sent through the Astral Flow…?”

Anyway, Angela seems to notice the change of Ash’s left arm.

“No matter what…!”

Ash swung his left arm the same moment he stood up.

The winds created had blown off the magic circle. At the same time, Angela’s bracelet was destroyed and the black Bright Dragon Crystal broke into pieces.

“I-It can’t be!”

Angela who was always calm was definitely shaken.

“Return my Pal right at this moment!”

While ignoring Angela who was stunned, Ash moved towards Eco.

The strong binding tools were broken by Ash in just a blink of an eye.

“*Sob*… You are late!”

Eco who was freed was hugging Ash while complaining. Then she started crying.


This was an unexpected development for Ash and he started panicking.

For the time being, Ash tried comforting her by patting her back. But just as he touched her bare back…


It was probably that Ash’s fingers were cold or Eco’s body was over sensitive, her body jerked.


“You… How dare a pet like you dare to touch me!”

Once again Eco swung her fist and Ash was knocked against the wall.

Part 15

Time flew past. Without noticing, it was already four in the evening.

After leaving the laboratory, the four of them were heading back to the dormitory.

Eco who was tired of crying was sleeping peacefully on Ash’s back. Her face looked like an angel.

“Good grief, what a bad day… Sorry for involving you even though it was our problem.”

“Don’t worry about it. It was Princess-sama who chose to save Eco.”

Cosette who was walking side by side with Ash was smiling. Although she too was carrying Silvia who was fast asleep, her footsteps were steady.

Just like Eco, Silvia who was always acting strict looked just like angel after she was fast asleep.

“Cosette, are you alright?”

After Ash had saved Eco, she immediately stood up. Since Silvia had yet to be woken up, it signifies that Angela’s was using a strong magic. However, Cosette doesn’t seem to be affected at all.

During the entire time, it was Cosette who found Eco’s clothes, Cosette who coaxed Eco and Cosette who help Eco put on her clothes.

If it was Ash, he would be panicking all along in the laboratory.

“Huhu. That is because I am a maid.”

“It is just because of this?”

“Of course.”

Cosette was always replying him with a smile that could even ward off evil. Even Angela’s anger was soothed by her smile.

“Ash-san I actually have a favor to ask.”

“What the matter?”

“Please keep today’s incident a secret. It is because…”

“Aaah… Alright.”

Ash understood what Cosette was trying to say.

To save Eco, Silvia had trespassed Angela’s mansion and was put to sleep from an Oracle. It could be a disgrace to the royal family.

“I understand. Though it is a pity that I am unable to announced Angela’s bad doing, I still think that she had gotten what she deserved.”

Seeing Ash smile, Cosette burst out into laughter.

“When she found out that her Oracle was useless against Ash-sama, she was in a shock. During that time, Ash-sama looked great.”

Ash’s heart was beating nonstop since this was the first time he was praised by a girl.

“That’s not it. During that time, I was only thinking of saving Eco. Putting that aside, were you watching the whole incident?”


As if she was trying to hide something, Cosette just replied with a playful smile.

Once again, a woman who is full of secrets… Ash thought so.

Part 16

The second day.

Something happened out of Ash’s expectation.

Even before the first period, the students were silenced by a woman in white who entered the classroom.


Ash and Silvia shouted at the same time. Everyone around was staring at them.

The lady stood on the podium and smiled.

“I am Angela Cornwell. I came here as replacement of your previous homeroom teacher Sebastian-sensei who has retired.”

“What the…”

There should be one more year before Sebastian-sensei reached his retirement age. This should be the work of Angela.

According to the academy, it is an honor to be able to hire a person like Angela as a teacher.

“You can call me ‘Angela-sensei’.”

Both Ash and Silvia were staring at Angela with their mouths open.

“S-She never learns…”

Since their teacher was suddenly changed into a beautiful lady, while being led by Raymond, all of the boys in the class were cheering except Ash.

Needless to say, Angela was still targeting Eco.

“Please take care of me.”

Just as expected, Angela was glaring at Ash with her eagle like eyes with a cold smile.

"My Baby Dragon ~A.S.B.1365.4~" is closed.

Chapter 3 - Necromancia's Attack

Part 1

The month of Aries had ended and it was the arrival of the month of Taurus.

The problem concerning Eco's lodging was put on hold and no decision had been made yet because of the incident where Angela had become a teacher in just a flash.

In short, Eco was still sleeping on Ash's bed.

The problem they were facing was, Apollo House which was the dormitory where Ash was staying at is a male's dorm. Furthermore, Eco is an extremely beautiful girl as long as she kept her mouth shut.

And Ash was staying with such a beautiful girl.

It was obvious some weird rumours would emerge among the students who were living in Apollo House.

Part 2

The class room of the first year advanced course.

When school was about to dismissed, Raymond walked towards Ash's table.

“Yo, Ash. Why don’t we go and have some fun since we are free?”

“Sorry, I have to go to the student council’s office.”

Raymond’s eyes widened.

“Student council…? Why?”

“Err, the president asked for me.”

Rebecca had informed Ash to find a free time to visit the student council’s office about a week ago. Since Eco had gotten used to the campus life, it should be about time for him to make his visit.

“Is it true? I think Rebecca Nee-san should have many questions for you. Or many she wants to blame you for something… Just by thinking…Haaa… Haaa.”

“I have nothing to say to you…”

“Err… did it go well?”

“What is it?”

Ash asked while Raymond pushed his face nearer.

Raymond was looking totally serious.

“You… Aren’t you teaching Eco on the bed?”

When Raymond had ended his sentence, the entire class turned silent.

Everyone was looking at Ash with suspicious eyes. Everyone in the academy knew that Ash’s pal was born as a beautiful girl.

“Don’t say something that will make people misunderstand! Don’t you know that Eco is a dragon?”

Raymond smile sinisterly.

“Right, anyway I knew that you don’t even have the guts to do it.”

“Then just don’t say something that will make people misunderstand!”

“Haha… Could it be that you are the one who was being taught?”


Because Raymond who had hit the bull’s eye with just a guess, Ash was a little taken aback but he dare not speak back.

Part 3

The student council office was located at the highest floor of the academy’s centre tower.

Ash gulped when he was standing in front of the grand door.

From a long time ago, Ansarivan’s student council had a huge power. They not only dealt with the academy’s council but they also have the right of speech in the city council. According to some rumours, the student council president’s power is superior to the mayor.

“Please enter.”

Before he even knocked, the student council president’s voice could be heard. This made Ash tremble a little.

“Sorry for interrupting.”

He timidly opened the door and walked into the office.

Rebecca was crossing her arms while standing by the window that was at the far end of the room. There wasn’t another soul in this room. When he noticed that they were alone, Ash who had felt uneasy from the start was now sweating nervously.

“Ahhh, Ash. You finally came!”

Rebecca turned around and stared at Ash.

With her marble statue like beauty together with her crimson coloured hair, it let out an amazing feeling. Even her body proportion outshone other people. Her curves were perfect and not even her uniform could hide it.


Rebecca Randall who had received the Ark-Dragner title was not only well known in Ansarivan. Her name was widely spread in the entire Knight Country.

Even in the well known Holy Dragners of Lautreamont had only one in a ten of their members who received the title Ark-Dragner.

Judging from that, the requirements to obtain the title Ark-Dragner is very strict.

“Fuu. Don’t be shy. Just take a seat.”


Ash sat at a corner of the sofa, frightened.

Rebecca sat beside Ash without even a second thought. He smelled something refreshing.

Ash was uneasy.


Ash was nervous because of their close distance where they can feel each other’s breath. Since there was also a sofa located right opposite, logically speaking, Rebecca should have sat there.

However, Rebecca showed a playful smile.

“To get to know another person better, sitting side by side is the best choice, this is common knowledge for dating.”

“I-Is it…?”

“Young man, you must remember it. Next time, if you are on a date, remember not to sit opposite of her.”

“No, dates or whatever… It is still a far away dream.”

Ash was blushing in embarrassment while Rebecca unexpectedly was enjoying that.

“Hmm… In another words, no one had noticed your true value yet.”

“True value?”

“If for me, I still haven’t determined how good of a man you are.”

Rebecca suddenly stopped smiling and moved towards the main topic.

“In short, I am here to discuss the things regarding Eco with you… Saying that, what is she doing when you are in class? You can’t just keep her in the man’s dormitory right?”

“Ahh, Cosette is helping me with that. I don’t think that it will be a problem.”

After the kidnapping incident a few days ago had ended, Ash had told Cosette his trouble when they were chit chatting. Cosette immediately volunteered to help take care of Eco. Since Costte also had nothing to do when Silvia was attending classes, she can accompany Eco in Ash’s place.

The only think he worried about was whether Eco will accept Cosette. Until today, it seemed like there was no such problem. In front of Cosette, Eco was always acting mature.

“Hmm… Cosette huh? There won’t be a problem if it is her. I had met Cosette a few times before and she is not someone to be underestimated.”

“So Rebecca-san also thinks so?”

Ash gave a wry smile because he was thinking something bad about Cosette.

“Umm… It is said that when the Paladin sent Princess Silvia to Ansarivan, about a hundred maids and guards were sent together.”

“Uwaa! It must be troublesome…”

“The Princess of course had gone against the Paladin’s will. In the end, because the Paladin insisted, she brought Cosette alone along with her. Judging from that, Cosette is something.”

“It is true…!?”

“Back to the topic, you are also something.”

Rebecca was looking at him sharply until he started to sweat.

“W-What are you talking about?”

“When had you started to have this close relationship with Cosette?”

Rebecca’s beautiful face was getting closer. The refreshing smell was getting stronger.

“Err…About that…”

Being asked something unexpected, Ash’s head started spinning.

“How dare you hide something from me? It isn’t good you know. By the way, you are not thinking that Rebecca Randall is someone simple right?”

Rebecca’s face was getting closer and closer.

Even thought there was a faint hint of a smile by her lips, her eyes were not smiling at all.

“A-Alright! Please promise me that… Don’t tell anyone about this.”

“Alright, I guess.”

Rebecca nodded and moved her head backwards back to her original position.

Ash took a deep breath and told her everything about the incident where Eco had been kidnapped.

Part 4

The seventh dragon house was specially built for Maestros. Apart from Rebecca’s Cú Chulainn, there were four more Maestros.

“Take it slowly, there are many more.”

Seeing Lancelot was gulping down the thickly sliced meat, Silvia smiled.

Normally, jobs like feeding, preparing the beds, balancing the nutrients, cleaning… were done by the groom of the dragon house. The breeders on the other hand just need to focus their thoughts on studying.

However Silvia had always taken care of Lancelot on her own.

Everyday, she will always visit the dragon house five times. She will feed it on her own, clean the dragon house and even give Lancelot a bath. If Lancelot felt itchy, she will sure to be there to give a scratch on that spot.

Under Silvia’s care, Lancelot who was born as a Strada had grown into a beautiful Maestro.

Her achievement was acknowledged and she had received the title Dragner in the young age of fourteen.

The title Dragner can only be received by a breeder whose Pal is a Maestro. It had been a tradition in the Knight Country.

Of course, Silvia was never satisfied with her current achievement. Her aim was to become a ‘Great Dragner’. Just the title Dragner could never satisfy her.

“Alright Lancelot… Next will be an Ark-Dragner.”

Silvia patted Lancelot after she spoke out her thought. Its silvery white fur was thick and felt nice.

Suddenly, Silvia pressed her hands against her chest.

Silvia’s proof of a Breeder the Seikoku was at the middle of her chest.

Her memories when she was seven came into her mind.

To obtain an orphan from the mother dragon, Silvia had entered Albion Forest alone. However, she injured her leg and was crying while standing. She left the palace with the thought that she will definitely become a breeder but-

Then there was a young boy who reached out to her.

Like Silvia, the young guy was here on the same day for the Orphan Ceremony.

-I will give you a piggyback while we look for mother dragon together.

Silvia’s heart beat increased when she thought about the guy.

If not for his help, Silvia would never have become a Dragner.

“That’s right… I had made a promise with him. I will become a great knight. If I did anything that should not be done by an owner, I want you to scold me.”

Sadly, Lancelot only had its eyes on the meat and was not bothered by Silvia.

“Tsk, what a child you are.”

Silvia shook her head and gave a wry smile. Although it had become a Maestro, it was still a young dragon. Compare to Cú Chulainn, its body size was definitely smaller.

“Speaking of that…”

Silvia was thinking about Ash.

The only student who dared to challenge Silvia Lautreamont.

In the end, Silvia had won the match but she didn’t have the feeling of victory. On the other hand it can be said as a losing feeling.

Ash had given Silvia a help on the race’s position arrangement.

She clearly understood her attitude of looking down on her enemy.

Only that she had never thought that such a despicable method will be used. If not for Ash who made use of the chance, Silvia would not be able to win.

“Ash Blake… I have never seen such an irregular guy. He could even ride on other people’s Pal as he liked which is out of common knowledge. In the end, what is the trick he was using-?”

Just when Silvia was mumbling, there was a cry of help from outside of the dragon house.

“A dragon has gone mad!”

Part 5

After Ash had told her everything, Rebecca sighed.

“Hmm… For such a thing to happen. Angela-sensei is also a troublesome person. She is one of the best in the continent in dragon researching.”

“I had never thought that teacher could be such a great person…”

“She is a total dragon maniac. She had thought of becoming a Dragner since she was still a child. In the end, she was not selected in the Orphan Ceremony…”

“I would never hand an orphan to her if I were the mother dragon.”

“Perhaps not being selected had left her with trauma until today. However, Angela-sensei’s skills and knowledge are the real stuff. Lets observe her for the time being.”


Ash couldn’t hide his sad looks.

If it is possible, he doesn’t want to have anything to do with her for a second time…

“That’s right! There is one more thing about Eco. It is about when you were in the forest and you said that you had encountered some uninvited guest.”

Ash with a ‘Hah’ lifted his head.

Many things had happened after Eco was born and he had forgotten about it. The suspected to be Empire’s soldier who was lurking around in the Knight Country territory. This is not something to be overlooked.”

“In the end, just who are those two?”

The masked man called Milgauss with an extraordinary temperament.

The girl who wanted to have Ash dead.

“Hmm… ‘Milgauss’ should be a nickname. It doesn’t look like an Empire’s surname. Perhaps he could be the Empire’s agent. If that’s the case, this is not a problem that a mere student could solve."

Ash had never thought of Rebecca as a ‘mere student’, but he chose to keep this thought to himself.

“Anyway, I will pass your message to the peace keepers’ office. However, if the masked man is from the Empire’s army, I am afraid that the peace keepers will also be helpless.”

Although she remained calm, the way she had spoken was terrifying.

“It should be alright, right? Ansarivan is an academy for breeders and not a military school. It shouldn’t be targeted by the Empire.”

“That’s right. We are not the military’s backup. The paths that a Breeder can take is not only limited to joining the Knight corps or the dragon elite troops. What’s more, Lautreamont Knight Country was built with the rules that no dragons were allowed in the military. However, it is still the truth that THAT WAR had changed Lautreamont Knight Country and Ansarivan.”

-That war.

That is the ‘Xenoglavia War’ that was triggered fifty two years ago.

Since Lautreamont Knight Country was established, it was the first time that the dragons were sent to war.

It all begins when the Zepharos Empire’s armies from the north attacked Chevron Kingdom’s territory in the south.

The Empire’s armies were armed with many mechanical weapons and had a huge amount of destruction force. In just a short moment, Chevron’s Royal Knights that was said to be strongest mounted troops in the whole continent was wiped out.

The Chevron’s king who was worried sent a secret messenger to Lautreamont Knight Country.

In the end, the dragons who were not involved in any wars for four hundred and fifty years flew towards the battle field once again to save their allies.

The Holy Dragners of Lautreamont led by the Paladin himself joined the battle and the Empire’s armies that had suffered great casualties were forced to retreat.

After that, the Kingdom and the Empire signed a truce.

“To the Empire, Ansarivan was not only a place for the military backup, but also a factory that produces mass destructions weapons. In another words, it is a military base. Just by judging from this, it is highly possible that Ansarivan is their target for the preparation for the next war.”


Seeing that Ash had turned pale, Rebecca smiled.

“Don’t have to be surprised, Ash. Who do you think that the Ansarivan’s student council president is?”

“That… It is you, Rebecca-san.”

“That's it. Cú Chulainn and I will protect Ansarivan at all cost. That is why I want you to join us.

“Even me?”

“Yes, even you.”

Rebecca pressed forward and their shoulders were touching each other.

“Do you not want to join the student council?”

Ash was shocked by the unexpected invitation.

“That’s impossible! Since all the student council members are Dragners.”

“So one cannot join the student council if they are not a Dragner? I don’t remember such rules. It was just by chance that it looked like that in this year.”


“I heard from every person around you that you are called as ‘The Boy Who Can Ride Any Dragon’.

“No, that exaggeration is…”

“You don’t have to act humble. Even I could not ride on another person’s Pal.”

Before anyone noticed, they are at the distance where their nose could touch. Rebecca’s beauty was drawing closer.

Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi v1 149.jpg

Ash suddenly noticed that Rebecca’s palm was on his knee.

Rebecca’s body heat could be felt by Ash.

Ash’s heart was at the verge of exploding.

“To be exact, I want you.”


“Can you please think about it?”

“No, but… If I… The student council-”

At this moment, as if helping Ash who was getting anxious, the bell rang. Compare to the normal bells, this bell doesn’t sound stable.

Judging from the continuous ringing of the bell, it should be the emergency bell.

“Level two emergency state…?”

Rebecca had recognized the meaning of the bell in just a short time and moved towards the side of the window. Ash too was taking a peep outside.

The ‘level two emergency state’ in Ansarivan means that a certain dragon had caused havoc and had flown out from the dragon house.

The entire school ground could be seen from the student council office.

Just as expected, a Strada was running amok. Its body was small and it looked as if it was just born days before. It still couldn’t spread its wings let alone flying.

Rebecca gave a wry smile.

“Haa, this happens usually during this time of year. It will end in a short while.”

As expected of the student council president Rebecca, she was calm.

A few grooms had arrived at the scene and had the dragon surrounded with nets.

Dragons are living things with high intelligence, however they are also short tempered. Especially during the times when they were young, it was not unusual for them to turn mad because of some small matters. Even their owners could do nothing about it.

Of course all the grooms working in the dragon house had undergone special training to handle such situation. Just as Rebecca had said, the incident could be settled in a short moment.

Ash himself had lost interest in the incident and wanted to leave the window side.

“This is bad!”

Rebecca suddenly shouted.


Ash’s eyes widen.

Silvia who arrived at the scene jumped on the young dragon that had gone mad.

She looked like she was trying to suppress the young dragon with her own power. Her actions doesn’t match her usual self for it was a foolhardy decision.

Apart from their owner who they acknowledged, the dragons will never allow anyone to ride on their back.

Just as expected, Silvia was trying her best to just cling on the dragon’s back. She was in a fix because she could be thrown out anytime.

Silvia’s action had obviously caused trouble to the grooms.

Ash mumbled:

“Is she an idiot! What is princess-sama trying to pull…?!”

“It is most probably because of her ambition to surpass you.”


Ash couldn’t understand what Rebecca was saying.

“From what I can see, Her Highness is a perfectionist. No matter what kind of losing it is, she hates it. When there is a classmate who can ride any dragon exist, she was burning with the ambition to surpass you.”

“Just because of such things…”

Ash frowned.

“To Her Highness, it was never ‘Just because of such things’.”

“Urgh… If that’s the case, I will go and help her!”

“There is no need for that.”

The voice that hurts like a whip forced Ash to stop.

“It is true that you have some unusual talent. However, are you confident enough that you will be able to suppress the young dragon and at the same time prevent Her Highness from getting hurt?”

“About that…”

Rebecca’s sharp words had made Ash speechless. If it was to calm down the young dragon, Ash himself was more than enough.

However, Ash doesn’t have to confidence to guarantee to be able to save Silvia without getting her hurt.

“So, what should we do…?”

“Didn’t I had said it just before. Who do you think that the Ansarivan’s student council president is?”

Suddenly, Rebecca humped onto the window frame. Her red hair that looked like it was on fire was dancing with the winds.

“Hold on…! Rebecca-san? What do you think-”

“I will end this quickly.”

With that, Rebecca disappeared.


Rebecca jumped down from the window.

Ash was shocked and took a peek downwards from the window.

“Answer my summon…Cú Chulainn!”

Out of a sudden, there was a twist in the space beneath Rebecca and Cú Chulainn appeared majestically.

When she had landed safely on Cú Chulainn’s back, she spoke strictly:

“In my name Rebecca Randall, present me the Ark you created!”

Cú Chulainn roared in respond to Rebecca’s summon.

There was light surrounding Rebecca’s body.

Her uniform that she had worn until just now had dissolved in the sea of lights.

In just a short time, her naked body was exposed. However, because of the excessive brightness, Ash was unable to look at her clearly.

The next time Ash opened his eyes, Rebecca’s body was already surrounded by a dazzling knight’s armour.

She was just like a knight from the legends looked godly.

“That is… the Ark!”

Ash had heard before about it in the rumours but today was the first time he witnessed it with his own eyes.

The Ark was the proof of an absolute loyalty from a Maestro to its owner.

The moment a Dragner received an Ark from his Pal, he will be known as an Ark-Dragner.


Cú Chulainn’s huge body had flew up into the sky.

The strong wind pressure nearly had Ash who was standing by the window blown off.


Silvia’s scream was heard from down below. She was floating in mid air as if she was sent flying by a chariot.

Ash leaned his body out from the window frame and shouted:


Just before Silvia lands on the ground, Cú Chulainn accelerating downwards. In Ash eyes, Cú Chulainn was like teleporting.

When Cú Chulainn was again flying upwards, Rebecca had caught Silvia

“Ash, Her Highness is in your care!”


Before Ash could even respond to it, Rebecca had her eyes poised at the student council’s office’s window and threw out Silvia.

Although the distance was not even two meters, but to throw a country’s princess, it was not at all normal.


Ash shouted in surprise and caught Silvia. They were in the so called ‘Princess carry’ situation and he must stand firm no matter what.

In Ash's arms, Silvia had lost her consciousness.


Even under such situation, Ash’s heart was beating rapidly. His left hand that was supporting Silvia’s lower half was touching something soft and elastic. Also, the was a flower like fragrance coming from her dazzling golden hair.

At that moment, he heard Rebecca’s spell coming from outside of the window.

"Appear… The certain hit magic spear…”

There was a flash in respond to Rebecca’s spell and an enormous spear had appeared.

That is the Ark-Weapon that only an Ark-Dragner could use.

An Ark was not just simply an armour.

The Ark was stored with strong magic and it comes with a one and only Ark-Weapon.

“Gáe Bolg!”

Under Ash’s eyes, Rebecca swung the magic spear Gáe Bolg!

The strong magic transformed into a ray of light and was shot down onto the ground. There was a small explosion on the ground beside the rampaging young dragon.

If there was a slight mistake, the young dragon would definitely die. However, it was Rebecca that we were talking about. The shock from the explosion had caused the young dragon to faint.

Part 6


After a while since Rebecca had the young dragon suppressed, Silvia woke up while lying in Ash’s arms. When she found out that she was carried by Ash-

“Wha…! What are you doing…!”

She was blushing.

“Uwaa! Don’t move around! I can’t hold on any longer!”

The moment he warned, Silvia fell.

“Urgh… What are you doing!”

Silvia was glaring at Ash with tears in her eyes.

“Didn’t I warn you that you will fall! Anyway why did you do that? You would have been dead if not because of Rebecca’s help!”

“You… Don’t even understand how it feels!”

At the same moment she shouted, tears were dripping from her eyes.



To hide her crying looks, Silvia turned around and ran out from the student council’s office.

“What is the matter, Princess-sama…?”

Ash mumbled. Next, there was a voice coming from behind.

“Don’t worry. It is my duty to deal with the Princess.”

Turning around, Rebecca who had changed back into her uniform was sitting on the window frame and was with a smile full of confidence.

Part 7

The next day after the young dragon’s incident was a school holiday.

Ash had again accompanied Eco to Ansarivan City. In truth, Ash wanted to pass his time in the dorm, but-

“The crepes are calling out to me!”

With this reason alone, Ash went out with Eco.

“Alright, let’s hunt down the crepe stall!”

After passing by the main door that separates the academy and the city, Eco immediately dragged Ash with her.

“Does a food made by a stupid and ignorant human being taste that well?”

“Sh-Shut up! It is the humans that are stupid and ignorant! The crepes had nothing to do with this!”

Eco’s face turned red when she replied to Ash’s tease and she continued to march on forward. Eco’s response made Ash feel a little bad… Maybe he should reflect on that a little. Ash chased after Eco’s small back and knocked into someone.


Ash just lost his balance for just a moment but the other person had fell on the ground.

“Sorry, it was my bad!”

Ash immediately held out his hand.

“No… Me too. Because I am careless…”

The person answering was a girl at Ash’s age range. There was also a flower basket by her feet. The combination of her black hair and her oat colour skin was very striking. Her worrisome looks together with her exotic face gave a special feeling.

The moment she saw Ash, her face stiffen.


Her eyes widen.

“Is there anything… On my face?”


The girl grabbed the flower basket and fled. In a short moment, she managed to blend into the crowd.

All the pedestrians beside them were looking at Ash with the eyes that listed him as a pervert.

“T-That’s not the case! I did nothing at all!”

After he explained to the people around him, Ash left the place as if he was running away from something.

“Running away after looking at a person’s face, what a rude child she is…”

While cursing, he arrived at the crepe stall. Although she doesn’t even have any money with her, Eco was calling out to the stall keeper just like a regular customer.

“Give me one Ansal Crepe!”


Part 8

Anya who was the girl who pretended to be a flower seller was breathing heavily while hiding in an alley where there were no other signs of life.

Previously, the moment she saw that guys face, she thought she had seen a ghost.

Last month, the guy who should have been dead was walking on the streets leisurely. Just that had given her a great shock.

“That’s impossible!”

He should have been dead.

He had fallen into a pit less ravine and it was impossible for him to be unscathed.

It should have been more logical if it is another guy with the same looks.

“No, that’s not it!”

It can’t be a mistake. That face, that voice, that tone… He was the one Anya met and killed in the forest.

If that’s the case, why is he alive?

According to logic, the chances for him to be able to survive were zero.

However, it was still the truth that he was alive. She had seen it with her own eyes, it was undoubtable.

It was surprising for the guy not to recognize Anya. However, thinking carefully, during that time, Anya had a mask on her face and she was wearing her Tantalos battle suit.

On the other hand, no matter how you look at it, right now, Anya was just a flower seller. It was understandable if Ash couldn’t recognize her. That is her only life saver.

“What should I do…”

That day, when she had returned back to Milgauss from the ravine, Anya had thought that it was impossible for the guy to survive so she reported with ‘He was terminated’.

Milgauss only replied with a ‘Thanks for the hard work’. Apart from that, he didn’t ask the specifics. To Milgauss, that guy was not at all important.

Anya was lost. Should she change the report that she had told Milgauss?

-The guy who fell into the ravine was actually still alive.


Only until today she was going to show her report to Milgauss, that’s ridiculous. Also, the problem was not that simple.

For some time, Anya felt that there was a thorn that was piercing her chest.

At the time when the cliff was falling, the guy had given Anya a push. Thanks to that, it was not Anya who fell down the cliff.

Even at the moment he was fated to die, he had chosen to save Anya.

To Anya who had spent her life living in the mountains, she couldn’t understand any of his actions.

If the guy used her as a stepping stone and saved himself, she could at least understand that.

In Anya’s village, there were many people who acted that way. From another perspective, if they are not tough enough, they mustn’t think about surviving.

“I… What should I do?”

Anya mumbled while she was staring at the basket of flowers blankly. Her mind was in a mess. If she did not meet up with the guy, she wouldn’t have to face any trouble.

“Anyway, if I was born as a flower seller… Would I be happier?”

Anya suddenly turned angry and her flower basket fell on the ground.

She won’t allow herself to think about stupid stuffs for even a single moment.

She stomped on the flowers that had scattered on the ground.

“I am an idiot! I had already decided to follow Milgauss-sama! Being besides Milgauss-sama is my source of happiness!”

When Anya was shouting out to her own self, the bell that signified noon rang. It was about time for her to return to Milgauss.

Part 9

The noon bell had rung.

Ash and Eco arrived at St Durham square after leaving the crepe stall.

Eco immediately took a bite of the vanilla flavoured crepe.

Because she was not allowed to buy the ansal flavoured crepe, Eco didn't seem happy after leaving the crepe stall.

“Hmm… Vanilla is also not bad!”

Eco’s eyes glittered.

“That’s good to hear.”

Ash was thankful for the vanilla flavoured crepe from the bottom of his heart. With just a mere fifty Glorins in exchange for a smile, it was worth the price.

“Hmm, a holiday like this is not bad at all.”

While Eco ate the vanilla flavoured crepe as if she was in heaven, Ash looked around the entire square.

In addition to the locals, there were many tourists. They should be tourist from Chevron Kingdom that was located adjacent to the Knight’s country. Although they were the same race as the Knight Country’s citizens, they could be differentiated by their speech pattern and their clothing design.

“Hey, why are they gathering there?”

Eco asked after she finished her crepe.

“Of course they are there to look at the sacred statue.”

Ash was looking at ‘St Durham’s statue’ from afar. It was one of the most important cultural properties in Ansarivan.

“Whose statue… Is that?”

“The first Paladin, Durham Lautreamont. He was a historical figure dating to five hundred years ago.

“The armour on the statue… Isn’t it like an Ark?”

Ash was proud of Eco for her to be this sharp.

“You knew it?”

“Of course. The blue print for the Ark was kept in the Dragweiss.”

“So, using that blueprint, could you make an Ark?”


Suddenly, Eco was glaring at him and Ash was shrinking.

“Are you an idiot? That will be just a mimic. The blueprint design passed down by ancestral-sama is only intended as a reference. The exact thing could never be re-created.”

“Is that so… Now I see.”

Ash believed everything she said.

“So, Eco, you will create an Ark for me, no? Before that, you have to first become a Maestro- Ouch!”

His foot was stomped on by Eco and made him jump around in pain.

“What are you doing!”

Ash barked back however Eco’s face was unexpectedly red. She was acting shy and was avoiding Ash's sight.

“…What happened?”

“Quit joking! Why would I… As the owner make an Ark for my pet dog? Isn’t that illogical!?”

After that, Eco ran off.

Only then, Ash remembered his past lessons.

To the dragons, to present their owner with the Ark also bears the important meaning of ‘Giving their everything to their owner.’

“So I see.”

No wonder Eco denied it with her face red. At the same time, Eco was a little cute at that moment.

“Hey, wait for me!”

Ash smiled and chased after Eco.

Part 10

They had been walking until Eco stopped her steps in front of a café that was facing St Durham Square.

The café was called Essarois. It is famous for its herbal teas and is especially popular in among the girls. The designs of its interior are also stylish.

The shop is always full of couples during the weekends. For Ash who had never dated before, it was a spot that had to be avoided.

By looking through the glass window, even at that moment, the shop was full of couples.

Ash sighed.

“Just in case, there is something that I would like to make sure… Are you interested in such shops?”

“What a nice smell.”

Eco was sniffing around. Although she looked like a girl, she is totally like a young dragon when she was doing so.

“This is…”

Ash finally noticed the sweet smell coming from the shop.

“Isn’t this Ansal! No, definitely not!”

Since the shop is famous for its herbal tea, of course Ansal tea would also be on the menu. Naturally, Eco who is a dragon would also react to it.

“Uuh… Why bother. Don’t you know that Ansal is in the cultural of the dragons and it is the so called taste of an adult dragon."

“What are you even talking about! You are still a young dragon! Do you even want to repeat the previous incident again!”

“What happened previously?”

“Great! So you don’t remember anything after you became drunk! I guess all the more we should just forget about this conversation! From now on, you are forbid to go near any Ansal till you become an adult!”

“Huh! I won’t forgive you! I won’t allow such thing to happen!…Nnnn!”

Eco suddenly squeaked and bend her body down. She was rubbing her thighs against each other as if she was trying to endure from using the toilet.


Ash had a bad feeling.


Just as expected, Eco embraced his chest. Even though he had his clothes on, he could still feel Eco’s hot breath clearly.

“Hey, don’t tell me that… You had gotten yourself drunk just from the smell?”

“Haa… Haa… Please… My chest is tightening.”

Eco’s eyes had turned wet and her cheeks had turned red. Her entire body was heating up. Ash felt like he was hugging a massive pile of flame.

“Damn… What a troublesome shop!”

His priority is to bring Eco away from this shop.

If such a thing continues, Ash feared that he could not remain calm. Just in case if he was spotted in a place like this by his schoolmates…

“Hey, isn’t that Ash? Doesn't he look lovey dovey!”

Unfortunately, it happens that it was Rebecca who was talking from behind. Besides, there was also a girl who was standing behind Rebecca.


Ash was shuddering. Again, he had prepared himself to face Silvia’s iron fist, but-


Perhaps she was still troubled by yesterday’s young dragon’s incident, she was hiding behind Rebecca and remained silent.

Part 11

To go to a place where the Ansal is absent, Rebecca brought the gang to the Dragon Fang public restaurant in an alley.

“This is… Dragon Fang?”

Ash was slightly disappointed because he thought that Rebecca would bring them to a classy restaurant.

Dragon Fang is a restaurant for the public that provides good food with low price.

“Hmm. It is a good restaurant. I have no complains on its quality and quantity. Also, it is half price for the student council members.”

“So I see…”

It was a lively shop full of laborers with well built bodies.

Since there is just an empty table for four, Rebecca sat together with Silvia while facing Ash and Eco on the other side of the table.

Rebecca and Silvia.

Namely, Scarlet Empress and Ice Blue Princess.

The two great beauties of the academy were sitting together with Ash. If they are spotted by Raymond or the rest, it would be natural if they died in a fit.

Silvia turned her head to a side since she don’t intend to even utter a word. She was definitely still shadowed by yesterday’s incident. Even though he felt like comforting her, however he had his hands full with Eco.


Eco still looked like she was not fully awakened yet. Since that’s the case, he tried feeding her a few sips of water.

After Rebecca ordered a three people’s sets, she smiled wryly at Ash and Eco.

“To be frank, you had never failed to impress me.”


“No, you don’t have to apologize. Rather than that, I am actually enjoying myself.”


Ash was distressed and heartbroken.

“Anyway, remember to be careful and beware of the Ansal herb. Next time, it is better for you not to get close to Essarois. Though the Ansal Tea there is of top quality, it is still too early for Eco.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

After Ash answered, no one spoke a word. The reason was caused by none other than Silvia. She had kept her mouth shut for whole time caused the people around her to become nervous.

“That being said… It is rare to see Rebecca-san together with Princess-sama.”

“Ahh, it was me who invited her out.”

After the incident of the young dragon had ended yesterday, Rebecca had indicated “ I will take care of the Princess myself.” However, it seems that what is happening today had nothing to do with yesterday’s promise. It is also a surprise that Silvia would accept Rebecca’s invitation.

Even if it was an order from the student council president, Silvia is still the country’s princess. She could have rejected the offer anytime.

Rebecca smiled cheekily and took out a piece of paper.

“Do you still remember the ticket for the one day date? The attached prize for the dragon riding festival. I must fulfill my promise and Silvia had her duty to perform as the winner.”

“Ahh… Now I remember.”

Now it had started to make sense.

Ash had totally forgotten about it. The winner in the dragon riding festival, could have a day’s date with Rebecca.

For the stubborn Silvia, the words ‘Duty of the winner’ is definitely the irresistible sure kill words.

“Together with yesterday’s problem, the princess had her mind crowded with many problems. Though I did try my best to help her, she had been this way since the start.”

Although Rebecca was regretting this, she still managed to squeeze out a cheerful smile.

“Sorry for the wait.”

Right at the moment, the waitress had arrived with their dishes.

Part 12

“I am back, Milgauss-sama.”

Milgauss was enjoying the full view of Ansarivan, in the clock tower. With his mantle waving in the direction of the wind, he looked like a veteran solider.

Anya was in the disguised of a flower girl while Milgauss himself was dressed up as a mercenary.

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It was very silent on the top floor of the clock tower of the old shrine.

Even the noisy streets looked as if they were from another world.

Gazing at Milgauss back from behind, Anya thought that he was an ‘Unpredictable man…’

The shrine that was facing St Durham Square was indeed very old. Usually it was not open to visitors. In addition to problem that was cause by technical errors, the renovations for this shrine could not be continued and since then, it had remained closed for ten years.

Moreover, the security was light and anyone could break into the shrine after breaking open the lock at the back door.

The person who knew this information is none other than Milgauss. Even when it is only information that only the locals knew of, Milgauss treated it as if it was obvious to anyone.

Anya had always been curious of Milgauss's origin since the beginning.

Even when he was a military man in the Empire’s army, his movement had always been graceful. It even felt like he was born in a noble family. Even his pronunciations are beautiful and are fluent in both the Chevron language and Empire’s language.

“How are the streets?”

Milgauss’s question brought Anya back to her sense. Even though he was looking at her coldly through the mask, it still made Anya nervous.

Apart from Milgauss and Anya, there was not a third person in the clock tower.

Even though they are still on the job, Anya was a little disappointed. She certainly could not show the girly side of her.

“It was peaceful on the streets. Nobody is thinking about any wars.”

Ansarivan is a lively city. Anya had initially thought that the city that teaches breeders should be filled with killing intends. Yet, not even a hint of war could be felt from this city.

When she was walking on the streets in disguised as a flower girl, Anya found out something.

To the residents of Ansarivan, the dragons are called ‘lovely beasts’ and not a military weapon. Ansarivan is never the so called “military base for dragon training’.

“That’s right. In this street, not even a single soul thinks that dragons are military weapons. Ansarivan is a very friendly city."

Milgauss spoke in a nostalgic tone but it only lasted for a second.

“However, Anya, there is no meaning behind the friendliness.”

Milgauss took a step forward and there was a coffin like box next to his feet.

Milgauss silently opened the lid of the box. There is no corpse but a single sword in it.

It is not a normal sword. It was a broad sword with the size of a grown man.

It looked like a typical zanbatou[29] from the ancient drawings but its blade is black and its hilt was decorated with beautiful jewels just like a refined masterpiece. With a closer look, they were bright dragon crystals.

Milgauss lifted the huge black sword and chanted the incantation.

In just a little while, the clear blue sky was covered by dark clouds.

Part 13

Saute duck, Beef fillet cooked in wine, spare ribs, vegetable and mushroom soup, walnut bread…. All of the dishes were served one after another and they took away Ash’s attention.

The smell of the gravy and spices were stimulating his appetite.


Suddenly, Eco reacted.

Once she found out about the smells of the foods, Eco had snapped out from the drunken state. Eco who cares for only crepes is after all, still a dragon. Her eyes were nailed to the meat dishes.

“Don’t worry about the amount, just enjoy yourself.”

Before Rebecca could finish her sentence, she had already started stuffing herself with the duck. The skin was roasted nicely and its gravy was dripping.

“Mmm… This is the first time that I had tasted such a nice meat.”

Eco’s eyes were glittering from being touched had her sight on the beef. She just simply took a piece of the beef with the fork and gave it a bite.


The beef seems to be very tasty since Eco looked as if she was in cloud nine.

Ash was also happy just by looking at her.

On the other hand, Silvia was working her knife and fork silently. Whenever Ash and her eyes met, she would glare at him to keep him away.

Just then, Ash remembered what Rebecca had told him.

In my opinion, the princess is a perfectionist. She had always wanted to be the first. When she met a classmate who can ride any dragons, she will take you as her rival.

In another words, the reason she tried to suppress the young dragon on her own is because of none other than Ash’s fault.

Ash made up his mind and spoke to Silvia:

“Hey, Princess-sama… Is it really my fault?”

“I don’t know what you mean by that.”

Her sharp glare pierced his forehead.

“I am talking about yesterday’s incident… The way you acted yesterday isn’t really like you at all.”

Immediately, Silvia’s cheeks had turned red.

“D-Don’t be too full of yourself! Why would I even do it because of-”

At that moment, a loud bang came from outside.


The sudden thunderstruck had shocked Silvia. She was covering her ears with both her arms and was shaking tremendously. No one would ever thought that she had this side to her.

“What a weird weather...”

Ash had a bad feeling about this and looked out from the window.

The once clear sky was now covered by thick black clouds. The darkness outside made it hard to imagine that it was still noon.

“Hmm… That’s not a good sign.”

Eco who was still eating suddenly stood up. Her face sank was staring intently at the sky outside of the window.


Ignoring Ash’s call, Eco ran out from the shop.

Part 14

“…Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Appear! Child of magic technique. Thou shall be…”

At the same moment Milgauss finished the incantation, under the sky filled with dark clouds, a change was happening on the streets.

Anya’s eyes widened.

A dragon appeared in the middle of St Durham Square.

“That’s… A Necromancia...!”

Anya sub-consciously speaks of the word that should never be spoken of.

Letters of blood red colour appeared on the surface of the huge sword that Milgauss was holding. They were words of an ancient language that Anya could not understand.

It looked as if blood were actually flowing out from the sword itself. The cloud had become thicker and sounds of the thunders had become more and more frequent.

The Necromancia- A dragon that was resurrected using ashes.

Though she had heard about it before from Milgauss, it was still her first time seeing it.

Summon the Necromancia and analyze its combat strength.

With that, determine whether it could be used in actual combat.

This is the main purpose for the infiltration. Ansarivan is the selected location for the experiment.

It is like a hammer that smashes off the previous peaceful atmosphere.

This situation made Anya who just finished her investigation in the town bite her lips.

It made her think about her homeland that was full of blood and destruction a few years ago.

-But…. This is war.

Anya reassured herself and clenched her fist while looking at Milgauss from behind.

Part 15

The group went chasing after Eco in the alleys and had finally arrived at St Durham Square.

The Square was in a mess.

The locals and the tourists were standing still like statues.

Even when they should be running away for their own sake, everyone just remain still and stare at the monster.

“W-What is that thing!?”

Ash was shocked when he entered the Square.

There, a huge beast landed in the Square.

“Is that… A Dragon?”

Its entire body is covered with fur that made it look similar to a Maestro.

However, though it looked like a Maestro, its body fur was deep grey in colour and it smelled bad.

“Its body is rotting…”

Ash gasped.

Apart from that, its body size was surprisingly huge.

The Square that can hold thousands of people and right now had a quarter of it being occupied by a sole dragon. If it lifted its head up, it height should be around the same height as the towers around.

A roar that made people shivers was heard under the dark sky.

It sounds like hundreds of flutes not being blown uniformly. The sound was so terrible that it could even wake up the dead.

The loud roar that followed with a strong gust that managed to topple the St Durham’s Statue in the Square.

In a little while, the entire square was filled by a rotten smell.

Only right now the people started running for their lives. While confronting with such a supernatural situation, the situation was no longer under control. Although the Ansarivan’s security tried their best, it was obvious that they are lacking man power.

Followed by sounds of agonizing cries for help, many helpless people were continuously being pushed down. Even the customers in the shops facing the Square were running out one by one.


The base for the St Durham Statue was in rubbles and the stone statue itself was lying on the ground. Eco was standing beside the statue.

Right in front of Eco was the dragon that brought all the troubles.

“What is she even thinking!”

Ash was panicking and was trying to drag her back. However, he was blocked by the rest of the tourist who were running for their lives.

Eco suddenly removed her Beret and showed her horns.

It seems that she was trying to show that she is a dragon.

“Refrain yourself, you lowly beast! Don’t you know who I am! Don’t you know that there are many excellent shops in this street?”

For just a moment, the entire square turned still because of her loud voice.

Her imposing attitude touched Ash.

Even if it is just a little, after all, that weird thing is still a dragon and just maybe it understood Eco.

The dragon’s gaze slowly turned towards Eco.

For just a moment, they made eye contact with each other. But suddenly there appeared tentacles from its body and started attacking Eco.



Ash shouted but the tentacles continued to wrap around Eco’s body and her four limbs and she was now hanging in mid air. Her uniform were torn by the tentacles and her undergarments and skin were exposed.

“You! Knock it off!”

It was useless no matter how she struggled. Also, the more she struggled the tighter the grip of the tentacles became.

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Once again the dragon roared and showed its pink mouth. A few teeth in its mouth that was arranged nicely dropped off. Only now Ash noticed that even its teeth were rotting.

“Damn… What should I do?”

At that instant, a light ball of purple electric appeared in its mouth.

The purple electric light ball was then released followed by another roar.


A building facing the square was swallowed by the ball of light and was covered with dust.

“Attack magic…!”

Ash was dumbstrucked.

It was a high level magic that could only be performed by Maestros.

The building that was destroyed was a four story building. The first floor was Café Essarois while it was an apartment from the second floor onwards.


Ash was dumbfounded. Just how many innocent people were involved right now.

A few moments later, the smoke cleared out.


Not only the building remains, but also there isn’t even a single causality.


Ash shouted in joy. Rebecca who was riding on Cú Chulainn in her Ark had cast defence magic and neutralised the attack.

“Essarois is a place filled with the dreams of the girls. I as the student council of Ansarivan, I will have it protected until my death.”

Rebecca’s declaration received cheers from the residents.

Of course, Rebecca wouldn’t let such cheers get over her head and she started reciting the spells.

"Appear! The certain hit magic spear!"

The summoned weapon appeared above Rebecca’s head.

“Gáe Bolg!”

The magic spear turned into light particles and was shot towards the loathsome dragon.


Ash’s eyes widened.

A new ball of light appeared in front of the dragon and it turned into seven layers of shield.

“It even knew defence magic!”

“Gáe Bolg!” pierced through the first layer of shield.

Then it continue was also broke apart easily.

However it was obvious that it had slowed down.

Every time it broke through a layer, a large amount of magic was used up.

The fourth, the fifth… the sixth was penetrated.

Ash was praying while looking at Gáe Bolg’s path.

And then, there was a crack in the seventh shield and it was pierced through.


At the same time when Ash was cheering, Gáe Bolg exploded at the dragon’s head.

The flash caused their eyes to be blinded and it was followed by a loud bang.

The thick smoke had the dragon covered.

Everyone was thinking that Rebecca had won.

Even the securities that should have led the people to safety were cheering happily.

Then, the smoke started to clear up.

Everyone turned silent.

The cheers were silent up by a hole in a head caused by the explosion. Even so, the dragon shouldn’t be able to live on after its brain was destroyed.

“What in the world is that thing…?”

Ash was shivering.

The dragon has not yet fallen and Eco was still hanging in mid air.

The next moment, the wound on the head started regenerating.

It felt as if the wound itself is another living being.

After the wound was healed, the dragon returned to its original looks but its eyes looked even more menacing.

Suddenly, it swung its tail.

After seeing it using high class magic, Ash was surprised to see it change its style to physical attacks. It seems that Rebecca too, was also caught off guard by it which led her to being slow in her reactions.


Rebecca shouted in surprise.

Although it was just a simple physical attack, the buildings behind the dragon were demolished like toy bricks.

Right now, they could only pray that the people inside the buildings had escaped safely.


Ash clenched his teeth.

He could only watch the dragon turn the city in ruins as a bystander.

At that moment, Ash thought of a single person.

-Milgauss, the masked man.

Since the day he met him in the forest, the still cog had been connected and started spinning. However, it was his instinct that told him that. There was never a single proof.

“W-What in the world is that dragon?”

Once he heard the familiar voice, Ash was brought back to his sense.

Turning around, he saw that Silvia had arrived at the Square.

When Silvia saw the weird dragon, she fell on her backside and was shivering in fear.

Ash immediately came to her side.

“Get a hold of yourself! Princess-sama!”

Though Ash was shouting loudly, Silvia never answered. Seeing such a supernatural sight had caused her to lose all her sense.

Right at that instant, a flying dragon appeared on top of St Durham Square. It was obviously a Maestro since it had silvery white fur.

“Ash! Bring the Princess as far away as you can!”

It was a familiar voice.

He was the accountkeeper in the student council and also one of Ash’s few friends.


“Leave this to me!... Uwaa!”

Max wasn’t able to finish his sentence.

The grey dragon seeing that a new opponent had appeared immediately gave out a loud roar.

At the same time, it released its ball of light with purple electric.


Under Max’s command, Arianrhod immediately cast its defence magic. Though it managed to reduced the strength of the light ball, still it had hit and fell towards the ground.

Originally, a dragon shouldn’t be able to fly with such a build. It’s wings are only for decoration purposes. It was magic itself that enables it to fly.

Ash was shocked when he saw Arianrhod fell towards the ground.

“For it to even bring down Arianrhod with just a single hit…”

Arianrhod had no longer any magic to defend against the second attack.

Rebecca who foresaw that ordered Cú Chulainn to glide down in the area in front of Max and Arianrhod. Without delaying a single moment, she cast her defence magic.


For the defending party, Rebecca had totally lost her mobility.

This is the worst situation.

The only choice left is to wait for the Holy Dragners of Lautreamont to arrive. But could the town people really hold on until then?

After all the entire town was already used to the peaceful life.

For example, the entire strength of the security office was just hunting rifles and wooden batons. For offices where they have dragner working there could only be found in the big cities.

The dragon was approaching Rebecca slowly. It probably thought of Rebecca as first to be removed as a target.

Every time the weird dragon took a step, the earth shook and the beautiful tiles turned into rubbles.

It felt as if it was a moving hill. Numerous tentacles had appeared right now and were gripping on Eco.

“Aahhh! What the hell is this thing trying to do!”

Eco continued to struggle. Even though she lost all her mobility, she still had decided that she is not going to ever give up.


That’s it. I must save Eco.

After all, Eco is Ash’s Pal.

She is none other than Ash’s Pal.

“If it is me… Am I able to do it?”

Ash questioned himself.

An answer flashed through his mind. It gave Ash shivers. But still, it is a gamble.

Right at the instant, Ash remembered Eco enjoying her crepe happily.

“Hold on, it still hasn’t reached that stage yet… Eco!”

There were still many nice things in this word that Eco knew nothing of.

He was not going to let her die like this before teaching her everything.

Ash finally made up his mind.

“I will protect this city. Everybody. And also Eco!”

Yet, there was still one more problem.

Ash needs Silvia’s cooperation to make his plan success.

“Princess-sama! Please get a hold of yourself!”

He shouted towards Silvia who was still sitting on the ground in shock.

However, Silvia’s expression was still blank and continued to shiver. It was as if she is a totally different person from her usual majestic self.

Ash was getting mad.

“Don’t joke with me…. What kind of a Princess are you! Where is the usual family motto! In such times shouldn’t you prove to us what exactly is a royalty made of!”

Ash lifted his right hand.

“I will apologize first! Sorry!”

And he gave Silvia a slap on the face.

The sound was clear.


Silvia was staring at Ash dumbstrucked. At least her thoughts were now focused. Although her red cheek was hurting, she had finally calmed down.

“Princess-sama, I had a request. Please summon Lancelot immediately and bring me with you!”

“Bring you? Where to?”


Ash was pointing at the moving dragon.

To be more specific, it was above the dragon’s head.

Immediately Silvia knew what he was thinking right now.

“Definitely not! Are you even thinking properly!”

Silvia’s anger raises and stood up suddenly.

Good, this is great. This is the Silvia that I knew of.

Ash stood in front of Silvia. He took a step forward, took a deep breath and shouted to the dragon: “Your opponent is me!”

Ash stood in front of Silvia. He took a step forward, took a deep breath and shouted to the dragon:

“Your opponent is me!”

Strictly speaking, Ash didn’t even know if the dragon could even notice his voice. Basically the reason for him to shout was to keep his thoughts from wavering. Still, the dragon did stop its footsteps.

It turned its head slowly and glared at both Ash and Silvia.

Silvia facial expression changed immediately.

“Are you an idiot!”

“I'm alright. Princess-sama please summon Lancelot immedi…!”

Before Ash could finish his sentence, the dragon shot a ray of light at them. It was definitely a different type of magic.

Ash only understood that a strong energy shot pass the area above his head.

He raised his head in terror only to find out that the building behind him was crumbling. The three storey building behind him experienced a direct hit from the attacking magic.

How high exactly is the temperature need to melt debris of the building? Before Ash could even think about it, the building had crumbled.

The pile of wreckage was falling towards Ash and Silvia like a waterfall.


On the spur of the moment, Ash tried to protect Silvia. He could only shut his eyes and pray.

Part 16

“Hey…! Until when are you going to stop acting in such manner?”


Silvia’s cold voice had given him the push to open his eyes.

Ash though that he was buried under the pile of wreckage, but-.

He felt the wind blowing.

“I am flying…?”

Both Ash and Silvia were in mid air.

Only then Ash realized that he was riding on Lancelot’s back.

Seems like Silvia had summoned Lancelot in the nick of time.

The streets down below looked far away.

Even St Durham Square looked miniature.

The huge body that occupied a quarter of its space still exists.

The problem is Ash was grabbing on to Silvia who was holding the reins from behind and his right hand was even grabbing on to her breast.

The soft feeling made him lost his calm. Since just now where the building started to crumble, his thought had always been blank.


“Don’t loosen your grip! You may fall!”

Silvia’s warning made him calm down his thoughts and he started apologizing to Silvia. However, he continued grabbing on her.


Obviously Ash had also shifted the position of his right hand. It was probably that he was thinking too much but somehow Silvia’s face had turned red.

At that moment, the dragon released its second attack.

Lancelot in return roared loudly and cast its defence magic. A huge amount of pressure could be felt. Yet, Lancelot remained unharmed.

“Just as expected.”

Ash praised.

“This kind of level is child’s play for Lancelot. Back to the main point… Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Ahh, please bring me to the appointed location. It must be none other than me to execute it.

“… Then I can only have faith in you. Lancelot!”

“Ooooon.” Under Silvia’s order, Lancelot roared.

They were gliding downwards towards the dragon.

The third and the fourth wave of attack were released but Lancelot avoided all of them with an amazing speed without even activating its defence magic.

The distances between both parties were getting shorter until their entire fields of vision were covered by the dragon’s body.

Ash was looking for Eco.

Ash had prepared himself for the worst possible situation, where Eco was swallowed whole by the dragon.

Until now, this is the only chance where he can save Eco.

He made up his mind and stood on Lancelot. To keep his balance, he held on to Silvia’s shoulder. Silvia remained silent while allowing him to do so.

The countdown begins.

-Ten, nine, eight, seven…

They were getting closer to the ground.

-Three, two, one…

Lancelot flew pass the weird body in a very close distance.


Ash jumped towards the wall of grey furs.

With a ‘Bump’ Ash landed safely. However, he slipped and nearly fell off but managed to cling to the furs.

The dragon felt something on its head and was pissed. It shook its head vigorously. For that short moment, Ash felt like he was going to fall off anytime.

He crawled with all his might until he finally reached the space in between the two horns.

Thought there are still many places that could be considered, it was his instinct that told Ash that this was the best place.

With both of his foot on stable ground, Ash immediately stood up.

At the same time, he thought about the feeling of his first ride on a dragon. Basically the situation was the same as yesterday where a young dragon lost control.

A newborn Starda had gone rampage because its master had mistakenly fed it with Ansal Tea.

Just when the Grooms were in a fix trying to keep the situation under control, Ash who had just passed by, by a chance jumped onto the rampaging dragon.

He just had a hunch that he was able to do it.

In the end, he received a good amount of scolding from the school’s director even though he managed to calm the dragon down.

That’s right, that young dragon was called- Lancelot.

“…That’s right. I totally forgot about it.”

Ash smiled wryly. The Maestro that Silvia was riding on and the drunken Strada fitted perfectly in his memories.

He finally realized why Silvia was obsessed comparing herself to him.

At the same time, Ash gained his confidence. Since he was able to calm Lancelot down, this weird dragon should not be a problem.

“Let’s begin…”

Through his feet, he forced his conscious into the dragon like growing tree roots and spoke to the dragon gently.

“From now onwards, I am your master.”

The dragon stopped its footsteps in reply to Ash’s words. Although it still continued growling, at the least it had stopped moving.

“That’s it. This is how it should be.”

Ash was smiling from the bottom of his heart.

Just when Ash was thinking of giving it one more push, the dragon swung its head upwards like a trebuchet.


Ash who was not prepared for this was thrown out.

Just moments before knocking into a building, Lancelot flew to his rescue.

“Phew… Saved.”

Ash sat on Lancelot and was just behind Silvia.

“I have never seen an idiot like you!”

Silvia scolded while she was holding Lancelot’s reins.

“Just a little more I could have...”

Ash was speaking with a serious tone. There was not even a hint of him joking. Silvia who had turned speechless looked just like a graceful woman from the back.

What Ash said made sense. He was going to ride it.

Part 17

“Haaa… Haaa…”

Eco looked pale. She was hurt by her inability to break free due to her lack of strength.

“Tsk… For a descendant of a mighty dragon…. To lose to a low born dragon…”

Just when she was provoking the dragon…


Ash was thrown out and had made a nice curve with it but was saved by Lancelot.

“What in the world is he trying to do?

Eco was horrified.

What Ash was doing was reckless.

That’s right. Ash was trying to tame this weird dragon by riding it.

If there is to be a single error, Ash will be squashed like a bug.

“Hold on! What are you doing? Why don’t you run away!”

Eco who could endure it no longer shouted.

“Eco! I will save you!”

Ash replied while sitting on Lancelot’s back. He seemed confident judging from his tone.

That sentence had made her realized that Ash tried to save her instead of running away.


Eco was struggling to escape the tentacles.

But the more she struggled, the tighter their grips became.

Right at that moment…


Right in front of Eco, the dragon’s belly split open.

On both of the sides of the belly were aligned with row of sharp fine teeth.

It looked like an insect eating plant.

“I-It must have been a bad joke.”

Eco’s face turned pale.

Numerous tentacles appeared and Eco was swallowed into the mouth that looked like the gates of hell.


Just when she almost lost conscious, she could barely hear Ash’s cry

Part 18

“It seems that you have woken up, my sleeping beauty.”

The bewitching voice had woken Eco up and she hurriedly looked around.

“This is…”

A mysterious room.

The floor was laid by square tile of black and white alternating.

Beside the four walls were statues that had not been completed. An incomplete human body. Incomplete beasts. Models of castle and shrines. And also transports that Eco had never seen before.

Right in front of Eco who was sitting on the bed was a suspicious lady. The lady was sitting on an antique chair lazily. Her brilliant red dress looked extra conspicuous in the monochrome room.

Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi v1 205.jpg

On the lady’s head were horns of an adult dragon.

“This is the Dragon Workshop. Also, I am called Navi.”


“You just have to take me as another personality that is responsible to teach the immature you… Don’t you think that this is great?”

“I don’t really understand. Also, what’s with your appearance?

Eco was getting uneasy since the first time she saw Navi.

Her looks, hair style and skin colour were exactly like Eco’s. The only difference is that Navi was a few years older.

“Hee hee. Are you worrying about my body? This design is based on a five years older version of you.”


”Still, this is just an assumption. You just may not grow up this well. Especially your breast.”

Navi purposely put emphasis on the breast and deliberately shook them.

Eco was getting mad for being made fun of..

“Hmph! It is not like bigger is better!”

“Of course, even the shape is important. But for you… Worrying about the size should be your main concern.”

“What a detestable woman! I will squash you!”

“…Now lets us stop this useless talk as he is going to die if we let him continue what he is doing.”

With a single wave from her right arm, a crystal ball appeared. A high concentration of lights was released by it and a projection of Ash struggling with the weird looking opponent could be seen.

“He is still reckless!”

Eco was looking up towards the screen which was the ceiling.

“In a first look, this is not a bad idea. After all he was born with that gift to ride any kind of dragons. However, this opponent is too much for him to handle. He had no chance of winning against that Necromancia.”


“That’s right. It is a dragon that died once but was resurrected by human technology.”

“Tsk! What should we do…? There is nothing in my ability to help him.”

Eco was saddened.

“Hey, do you know why a holy dragon is called a Maestro.”

Eco was puzzled by the sudden question.

Before the existence of the secret agreement of Albion, the holy dragons were craft workers. This dragon workshop was built by a group of great Maestros. The Ark is only one of the many things created by the Maestros.

Eco finally understood what Navi was trying to say.

“You are telling me that he is lacking an Ark?”

“Good answer. And of course the only person who can present him with the Ark is only you as his Pal.”

“But… How can I…? That’s it!”

Eco remembered her conversation with Ash in St Druham Square.

“-Hmm, if it is the blueprint for the Ark, I have the access to it.”

“-If that’s the case, can you use the blueprint… To create an Ark?”

“-Are you crazy! That’s is nothing but an imitation.”

Even though it is an imitation, it is still an Ark. Certainly, Eco's pride does not allow her to make a copy from her ancestor, but this was an emergency.

Eco accessed the Dragweiss immediately and focused her thoughts. Without delay, the projection on the ceiling started changing.

“It is not like I have a choice either.”

Since year 10 of A.S.B where the secret agreement of Albion was made, there were many blueprints left by the dragons. Apart from the Arks that were worn by humans, there were also those that were made as a trial.

The total amount of blueprints easily exceeds a thousand.


Eco was disappointed after read the blueprints.

Every single blueprint was full of details and even copying may become a difficult task.

“Come on! How am I to copy this!”

Just when she was feeling troubled, the thought of St Durham’s Statue flash pass.

She instantly summoned St Durham’s Ark’s blueprint.

             Time of production	Year 846 A.S.B/ Month of Libra/ 2nd day.
             Name of knight		Durham Lautreamont 
             Ark Weapon		Magic sword Caliber

Compare to the present, the design and structure five hundred years ago was simpler.

“If it is this Ark, I should be able to do it!”

“You’re naïve.”

Navi smiled coldly.

“Why? Supposing I had no experience in making an Ark, I still inherit the basic knowledge. So what are you even-”

“It just doesn’t work that way. An Ark is an armour that was custom made for its knight. If you just make a copy of a previous work, he won’t be able to wear it. If you force it on him, it may even endanger his life.”

“What! Then this isn’t even an option to begin with!”

“Hehe. When did I mention that? The Dragweiss had collected a huge amount of blueprints since the old times. It is possible to select parts of the armour that fits him from this amount of blueprints.”

By shaking a crystal, an infinite amount of blueprints appeared on the ceiling.

“…Could it be that!”

Eco finally understood what Navi means.

“That’s right. We will select parts of the armour that fits him and reorganized them.”

“But, can I do it? For starters, how am I going to know if the parts suit him?”

Eco was worrying about the most important part.

Before an Ark was made, it requires that data of the person wearing it. First is the height and then follow by a mountain full of information.

“That’s impossible!”

“Ara. If you are talking about his data, I already have it here with me.”

Navi smiled cheekily touched Eco’s forehead with the crystal ball. In an instant, all the information in the crystal ball flowed into Eco’s head.

“This… Is his data?”

Eco was able to construct a three dimensional structure using the huge amount of information.


Eco blushed. Ash image in her mind was stark naked. Every single detail on his body was clearly recorded.

“A-A perfect data…. But how did this data get into your hands?”

“I was expecting something similar to this to happen. Just before you were born, I sneaked into his dream. Actually I finished collecting my data in just a night but since he is too cute, I had been doing that for a whole week.”

“H-How dare you toy with my pet dog!”

Navi was laughing in front of the angry Eco.

“I can see that someone is jealous.”

“T-There is no way that I-I….”

“Is that so? But why are you blushing?”

“I am gonna squash you!... Erm, this is not the right time and place to argue!”

“That’s the spirit. So let’s begin.”

Navi slowly stood up.

“I don’t know whether I am capable of doing it but… this is the only choice left!”

Eco finally made up her mind.

Part 19

Even though it had been three times, Ash never gave up. On the other hand, he was saved by Lancelot every single time.

Lucky for him, the grey dragon had Lancelot locked on as its target. Every single attack was directed towards Lancelot which in turn, reduced the amount of destruction towards the city.

However, there is a limit to the amount of magic that Lancelot possesses. In truth, it flying speed had been greatly reduced.

“Lancelot is at its limit…”

Ash understood her frustration from her words.

“I understand. This time will be the final!”

Silvia signal Lancelot to change its direction and dive down towards the middle of the square. Right at that moment…

“Tell me it's not true…”

Eco was suddenly swallowed into the dragon’s belly.


Ash shouted in dismay.

They were not able to make it in time.

Eco was eaten whole by that monster right in front of Ash.

“Damn!... It's my fault for being weak…!”

“Don’t give up!”

Silvia reminded Ash who felt that he was going to break apart in despair.

“She may still be alive! If you give up at this moment, she will definitely die for sure!”

Ash immediately kept his cool. Silvia was right. If not because of she was holding the reins with both hands, she is sure to give him a slap on the face like what he did to her.

Suddenly, the Seikoku on his left arm started hurting. It was the same feeling as the time where Eco was kidnapped by Angela.


The reaction from the Seikoku made him felt relief.

This proofs that his link with Eco had not yet been cut off.

“Yeah… I mustn’t give up yet. Princess-sama! Please bring me to where that monster is!”

“That’s the spirit!”

Once again, Lancelot started diving downwards.

Part 20

“Give me a break! Why can’t I get it right!”

Eco was shouting in desperation.

The opponent that Ash was battling was a Necromancia.

Its element is ‘dark’.

Naturally, the Ark that she is going to present to Ash should have the ‘light’ element in it. It had been a common knowledge since the ancient times that light can conquer darkness.

“Urgh…! Just as expected, this is impossible…”

Eco was sitting on her knees in disappointment.

Tears were dripping from her eyes. It was the first time Eco ever cried from the feeling of regret.

“Don’t give up!”

At that moment, Eco heard something.

The owner of the sound was none other than Ash.

“Is it him…?”

Eco lifted her head up.

Ash was still continuing his fight.

While fighting against the dragon, he was calling out to Eco.

“I will save you! I still believe that you are still alive! That is why… That is why, you mustn't give up!”

These were not spoken by words. They were spoken through the Astral Flow that connects the dragon and its breeder.

She felt warmth from the bottom of her heart.

Eco knew from where this warmth came from.

Druing her time as an Orphan, Eco had always been inside Ash.

She could never forget about this warmth.

Even when he was going against the odds, Ash never ran away from anything.

He even dare to face such a monster.

For how many times had he stood on the dragon’s head and for how many times had he been thrown off. Right now, his clothes were like rags and there were many obvious bruises and wounds on his body.

Even so, his eyes never stop glittering.


Eco clenched her fists.


That’s it. Ash was fighting for her sake and her pride doesn't allow her to stay still while waiting to be saved.

“That’s right… It is totally unforgivable… That is why…!”

Her tired body was once again filled with magic.

Her overflowing amounts of magic crystallized outside of her body and were sparkling.

“This is…”

Eco never once expect herself to have such a large amount of magic.

Her field of vision widened.

“I can see it!”

Eco could not keep herself from smiling.

“Almete, Gorjal, Peto… Espaldar……”

Even thought the amount of blueprints in the Dragweiss is abnormally large, the Eco right now had the ability to handle all of them.

“Brafoneras, Faldaje… Escarcelas……”

In among the parts that suits Ash, Eco selects the ones with light element and combined them.

“Bufetas, Hombreras, Brazales… Codales….., Antebrazos……. Manoplas……….”

Compare to those who create the Ark from scraps, Eco’s actions may seem detestable.

Eco could never be able to object for shaming the tradition and placing a curse on her ancestral.

“Quijotes… Guardas… Grebas…… Escarpes……….”

However to Eco, it would be a worst sin to just be a bystander and witness all the fun.

Eco no longer hesitates.

With mixed emotions, she had chosen the final part.


At that instant, Eco had opened the gate that leads to a brand new world.

Part 21

No matter how badly he failed, he had lost count of the number of times he returned. Right now, he was lying on Lancelot’s back in anguish.

The pain was so immersed that he could no longer feel his limbs.

“Lancelot is really at its limit. This will be the last chance we have...”

Silvia’s voice was obviously shaking. They really must succeed. The moment Lancelot used up all its magic and can no longer fly, everything that was done will be in vain.

Ansarivan will be in ruins and Eco will definitely die.

It will be impossible to save all the refuges unharmed.

“Tsk… What should I do…!”

Just when Ash was in a pinch…

“You are the one who shouldn’t give up!”

Eco’s voice was heard in his mind.

“Eco? Eco! You are still alive!”

It had been sometime since she was swallowed by the dragon but Ash could clearly hear her voice.

“Isn’t that obvious! No matter what I do, I can never look for a substitute for my useless pet dog, so just take this as a gift.”

“Huh? Take what?”

The next instant, Ash was surrounded by dazzling lights.

“This is…!”

His eyes’ widened.

An outline slowly appeared in the light and transformed into a brilliant armour.

“I-Isn’t that an… Ark! It is godly…!”

Silvia squeaked when she turned around.

It had a strange feeling.

It was a heavy looking armour but it doesn’t feel that way.

Perhaps it was the strong amount of magic that removed the weight.

Even though he just wore it, he could feel an overflowing amount of magic.

“With this… I can never lose.”

Ash smiled confidently and spoke facing Eco who was inside the dragon’s belly.

“Thank you Eco! I had received your feelings!”

Unfortunately, Eco replied with a scold.

“D-Don’t joke with me! That is just a mimic! Not an original! I have never thought of presenting you with it at all!”

Eco was certainly full of objections.

Ash smiled bitterly.

“Let’s go, Princess- sama!”


Ash who had been equipped with the Ark was full of spirits.

Silvia didn’t waste a single moment and ordered Lancelot to dive down.

Although it had used up most of its magic, it still answered Ash and Silvia’s call by raising its speed.


Ash was speaking to her from the back.

“… What is it?”

“Lancelot is a good dragon.”

“What does that have to do with this?”

“That is why you should never again try to ride on another dragon.”

“A-Are you an idiot! What are you saying at a time like this…”

“This is the best time to tell you this. You had Lancelot who is the best Pal. So, what is the thing that you are craving for?”

“I-I… Definitely knew that!”

Lancelot made a great roar in reply to Silvia.

They are getting faster.

The huge grey body was getting closer.

“Now’s the time!”

Ash jumped.

He felt that his body had blend into the wind.

After drawing out a curve in the air, Ash landed on the dragon’s head.

Thanks to the Ark, Ash could even stand on the dragon without clinging to its fur.

He could even feel the dragon’s body heat through the armour.

Right at this moment, Ash was one with the dragon.

It can’t be wrong. The Ark had pushed Ash’s gift to its maximum potential.


From his feet, his consciousness was growing into the dragon like roots.

If Ash was to be described as a tree, then the dragon is the earth.

At the same time, Ash could feel the dragon’s rejecting feeling in his mind.

Ash shouted.

“It doesn’t matter whether you are god or even the devil himself…”

Ash was like a tower in between the two horns.

“For what I know, every dragon will bound to be ridden by me!”

Suddenly, there was a change in the dragon’s body.

Its folded wings were suddenly flapping.

The dragon was flying towards the sky.

Part 22

“…Seems like we had stepped into an ambush…”

Milgauss sighed when he saw the Necromancia flying away from the town.

Milgauss was the person controlling the Necromancia.

The huge sword in his hands was not only the switch, it was also the controller.

However, Milgauss was never successful in making the Necromancia fly but that boy had it proved to him.

Even so, Milgauss was dead calm. It was just as expected.

Anya was sweating when she looked at Milgauss.

It was a cold sweat.

The boy who was riding the Necromancia away from the city is THAT BOY.

Anya had never reported to Milgauss about their meeting in the streets. She didn’t expect the boy to appear right there.

“Where exactly did I meet that boy before…?”

Anya was trembling from that single sentence.

“Well, whatever.”

Luckily, MIlgauss never question any further.

“The experiment ended with a failure, but we still obtain some useful results. That boy and also… that girl.”


Anya was confused. Did he mean Rebecca Randall the Ark Dragner?

Or is it Princess Silvia who was flying on Lancelot?

However she was wrong.

“Didn’t the Necromancia capture a girl? The one with horns. She is probably the one who presented the boy with the Ark. Even though she looks human… She might be descendant of a dragon.”

“I never…!”

Milgauss had no intention of speaking anymore. He silently kept the huge sword and gazed at Anya through the mask.

“We will retreat for now.”

Anya knelt down immediately.


Part 23

“I did it…!”

The grey dragon spread it wings and flew up towards the sky with Ash.

It was getting higher and higher and further away from the town.

Right now, Ansarivan town, the plains beside and Fianna Forest looked like toys.

This was all according to his plan. First he had to bring this dangerous dragon away to ensure to safety of the townspeople.

Ash could understand the dragon’s thought through the Ark.

The muzzy thoughts suddenly turned clear. If felt as if the Ark had translated the dragon’s feeling into words that Ash understands.

There was anger.


Hatred too.

And also- Love.

“I see. You also had a master in the past.”

Ash didn’t know where this dragon came from.

He only knew that this was just a normal dragon that grew up in Ansarivan.

At the same time, it told Ash its wish through the Ark.

Ash understood the sad wish.

“…Necromancia? Something that disobey the logic of this world? Do you really want that?”

It once again assured Ash.

It trusted as like it did to its master.

“Are you really sure that you want that?”

The Necromancia was asking for Ash to kill it.

That is the only way out.

“But… what about Eco after I killed you?”

Ash was worried about killing the Necromancia because Eco was still inside the Necromancia.

After knowing what Ash thinking was, the dragon reassured him.

“Ermm… Can I really trust you?”

The Necromancia nodded its head.

It promised to protect Eco.

“…Alright. Leave everything to me.”

The moment he had made up his mind, an image of a sword appeared in his mind.

Although the Ark was created hastily, Ash still had obtained the same power as an Ark Dragner.

Similar to Rebecca’s Gáe Bolg, every Ark Dragner must possess an Ark weapon.

The Ark was glowing and an immense amount of magic flowed out.

The details of the Ark Weapon were circulating inside Ash.

It was a sword. A sword with light as its element.

Following the information, Ash chanted the spell words.

“Appear! The sword that was graced by the light! Please lend me all your powers that are able to repel darkness…”

The area on Ash’s forehead was flooding with light.

A tremendous amount of magic was flowing.

A huge sword that was taller than Ash appeared.


After lifting Aix-les-Bains easily, Ash jumped.


Ash was falling. Starting from the dragon’s head to its belly, the sword that wields light slashed through.

The dragon split into two.

The sword transformed into silvery lights and cut through its bones and flesh.

The tough body of the dragon burst into parts like a paper.


The destroyed body turned into grey particles and was blown away by the winds.


At the same time, Eco was thrown up into the sky.

She was probably thrown up by the dragon before the attack.


Ash was diving at Eco’s direction.

He was also accelerating using the magic of the Ark.

There was not even a hint of fear.

Ash stretched out his arms.

Eco stretched out hers too.

Both of them were close, but yet so far away.

The pressure from the strong wind seemed to be able to cut through skin but Ash still shouted:


He made a kick in the air by releasing the magic in the Ark.

Eco once again stretched out her arms further after being called.


This was the first time Eco call his name.

The fingers met.

Then they felt the weight on their palms.

Now they were grabbing each other’s hand.

Not wanting Eco to leave his side again, Ash made a pull.

Eco was embracing his chest.

While hugging the delicate body, Ash could feel her body heat. He had decided to land on the plains below.

With the protection from the Ark, they remain unharmed even after falling from a few hundreds of meters from above.

The dark cloud in Ansarivan had disappeared.

At the horizon, the sun appeared once again.

“We did it!”

Just when he smiled, the Ark broke into light particles and disappeared. Similarly, Aix-les-Bains which was in his belt had also disappeared.

Just as Eco had said, this was just hastily made.

However, it did actually manage to save Eco.

“Thank you, Eco.”

“I-Its nothing!”

Just as expected, Eco turned to a side. She really hasn’t changed at all.

Just when he started smiling, his smile turned into horror.

“Hey… What’s with your fist?”

Her fist was bleeding.

Surely it was hurt when she was caught by the Necromancia.

“T-This is nothing.”

“What are you even talking about.”

Ash held her hand and licked her wound. It was a usual practice in Ash’s hometown when children hurt themselves.

It may be obvious to Ash but-

“W-What are you doing!”

Eco was getting mad and started rampaging.

“Stop! It is just for disinfection, disinfection I say!”

Eco who turned embarrassed bit his neck.

“Stop! This is not a joke! I might even die…!”

Eco who was probably tired finally calmed down.

“Hey, Eco?”

Ash was getting uneasy but Eco was already fast asleep. He showed sign of relieved and smile bitterly.

“A boy who can ride any dragon?”

Some corrections should be made.

Or at least until he found a way to handle Eco.

End of "Dark Grey Invasion ~A.S.B.1365.5~".

Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi: Volume 1 Chapter 4


Part 1

Year 1356 A.S.B. The month of Aeries.

Inside the deep forest is a meeting of a boy and a girl.

Part 2

Not long after her seventh birthday, Silvia had departed from Fontaine City and had arrived at Albion Forest.

Albion Forest- A holy place where the mother dragon resides.

Needless to say, she came here for the Orphan Ceremony which was an obligation stated by the Royal Knight Family.

Once a person was selected by the mother dragon, he or she would become a Breeder.

Silvia had sworn that she would return as a Breeder.

She was unable to forget about the sudden disappearance of her brother.

As the heir to the throne, Julius who was granted the title Dragner at his teens was being called the Dragon Slayer.

According to the rumours, Julius had killed his Pal. However, Silvia was not able to understand why her gentle brother would commit such a crime.

Silvia really would like to question her brother face to face.

With those thoughts, she challenged the Orphan Ceremony…

Part 3

[30] “Stoooooop!”

Although her determination was touching, Albion forest is not as easy as it seems.

The trees were so high that they reached the skies and the air around was humid.

The rotting leaves and the dirt didn’t give a pleasant smell.

Every time she saw a rat, a snake or even a spider, she would run away crying. Although she yearns to be a knight, Silvia was really timid.

In the end, she fell and twisted her leg.

The pain was so immense that she couldn’t even take another step.


Her only support was a stuff toy that was brought with her as a lucky charm.

It was a very important stuff toy to Silvia.

It was called Lancelot. A few years before, when she went to Arkham the capital of the Chevron Kingdom, she had gotten it at the market there.

She thought that Lancelot was cute but that was not the case for the people around her. Even the maids who served her said that Lancelot doesn’t look like a dragon.

Her tears were starting to flow out.

The Orphan Ceremony was about to end and she will have to go home empty handed.


She hated her incompetence. Even though she knew that she must not remain at this place, her legs were ignoring her will.

Just when she started crying, there was rustling in the bushes in front of her.


A boy appeared in front of Silvia who was trying to run away. Like Silvia he must have been one of the attendees of the Orphan Ceremony.

The boy walked towards Silvia and stretched out his hand.

“Are you hurt?”

The boy asked without hesitating but was scolded by Silvia. To Silvia, the boy’s words hurt her pride as a royal princess.


But the situation seemed to be the other way round. Silvia looked to be in pain when she tried to stand and at the same time, Lancelot fell onto the ground.


The boy picked up Lancelot with a look of surprise.

“Is this… a Chimera?”

“A dragon!”

Silvia with red cheeks objected and tried to grab Lancelot back.

“Haha…So it is a dragon. My bad.”

The boy showed a bitter smile. He then turned around and kneeled down.

“…What kind of a behavior is this!”

Silvia was not able to understand what the boy had in his mind.

“Isn’t it obvious? I am going to bring you to the entrance of this forest.”

“What! Doesn’t this mean that I am going back? And didn’t it also mean that I am going to give up on this Orphan Ceremony?”

The boy nodded his head as if that was the most obvious thing to do.

“Of course. How can you even search for a dragon with an injured leg?”

“Shut up!”

Silvia’s scold gave the boy a shock.

“I-I need a Pal! Going back is out of the topic!”

“What is the thing that you call Pal?

Silvia was in rage when she saw the boy stare at her confusedly.

“A-As a citizen of the Knight Country, how can you not know what a Pal is! Remember this! A Pal is a dragon who would become your partner! It is a sacred word!”


But Silvia did not intent to end it just like that.

“By the way, what are you even doing? Since you have time to mind about me, why don’t you spend your time looking for dragons? Could it be that, you…?”

“W-What about me?”

Silvia approached him. The boy’s face was red from embarrassment and he looked away.

“Or maybe you are just pretending to search? Recently, I had heard rumours that spiritless children like you were increasing…

“About that… I also want to meet a dragon… I think?”

Although his words don’t match with each other, Silvia had at least forgiven him.

“Then, let’s go! I will now tell you my family motto! Listen carefully!”

Silvia straightened her back and spoke in a loud voice.

“A knight’s pride is with his dragon!”

“Hold on! If I am to look for the dragon, what about you? Won’t you be lonely?”

Silvia turned silent. The word ‘lonely; had pierced through her heart.

“Tsk… You really shouldn’t act strong.”

“But… To give up because of some injuries…. Never! That will never happen to me!”

The boy laughs.

“Now I understand. You wanted an Orphan no matter what, no?”

“That's it.”

“If that’s the case, then there is only one option left.”

The boy clenched his fist as he stared at Silvia.

His gallant looks made Silvia’s heart skipped a beat.

“We will look for the mother dragon together. I will give you a piggyback.”

Silvia was lost in words.


“Of course.”

Once again, the boy turned around and knelt down. Silvia continued to doubt for a moment but she was finally able to make up her mind.

Her heart was beating quickly when their bodies were touching against each other.

“Let’s go!”

The boy started walking with Silvia on his back.

Part 4

…The dream ends.

In Epona House the girls’ dormitory for the advance class students.

At the top most floor, in a room specially designed for royals, Silvia slowly opened her eyes.

The night had ended and the morning rays pierced through the gaps in the curtains.

Silvia sat up after rubbing her sleepy eyes.

“Stop, Princess-sama… That is bad…”

Sleeping on a bed next to her, Cosette was having a weird dream.

Silvia was having a headache thinking what kind of a dream she was dreaming.


Not long after her seventh birthday, Silvia had visited Albion Forest.

She met a boy there.


Silvia unbuttoned her pajamas and exposed her bare chest.

Her Seikoku was imprinted at the middle of her chest.

It was about the size of her palm and was looked similar to the ancient language.

Silvia touched her Seikoku.

“I wonder when he is…?’

She felt nostalgic.

“That being said…”

Before parting, Silvia gave the boy her Lancelot.

It was to show him her gratitude.

She also hoped that the boy will never forget about her.

Although her memories of that time was not clear, she could still clearly remember that the boy took it with a smile.

Part 5

It had been three days since the attack on Ansarivan.

According to Ash and Eco, the dragon who caused all this trouble was called a Necromancia.

There were about thirty people injured in this incident and luckily there were no casualties.

As for the building, four of them were totally destroyed and one was half destroyed.

St Durham Square was temporarily closed to the public while the restoring works were on going.

Thinking carefully, this kind of destruction is a miracle considering the amount of magic that the Necromancia possessed.

Of course, these were all thanks to Ash and everyone’s effort that had minimized the destruction.

The investigation on the Necromancia had only started.

Part 6

In Ansarivan, there was a tradition where friends will celebrate the birth of a Pal.

It was also known as the Pal Party.

Usually, every person’s Pal was born on their first year in the basic class.

However, Ash’s Pal never born during the three years of his basic class years and he was now an advance class student.

It seemed that he had forgotten about this tradition.

The attack from the Necromancia had given them a day off by the academy.

It was Rebecca who suggested organizing a Pal Party.

Although Ash was very grateful, his room was in a total mess. Max had cleaned it for him a month before but it had returned to its original state.

“Alright… I guess we have to clean it until tonight.”

Ash started dusting.

If it was Max, it would have been done in just a few moments. Max would probably clean it with great vigour the moment he saw his room. However, Max was injured and Ash shouldn’t be asking for his help.

“Zzz… Zzz….”

Right now was the time for Eco to take her afternoon nap. Ash continued with his cleaning.

First, Ash threw away all the rubbish that was lying on the floor. He then made up his mind to throw away all the unwanted things too.

Next, he took out all the unwanted clothing and book from the closet that he no longer needed.


Ash suddenly stopped cleaning.

Something strange had fallen out from the closet.

“Stuffed toy?”

Ash didn’t not have any habits of collecting stuffed toys. To say nothing of the stuffed toy that didn’t look cute at all.

On a second though looked a little like a dragon but somehow, he felt that it looked more like a Chimera that appears in myth.

Ash scratched his head.

“Err… What is this thing…? I can’t remember at all.”

Ash could vaguely remember that this toy was important to him. But he couldn’t remember why it was important at all.

“Anyway, I better leave it in the closet. They would be sure to laugh at me if they saw it.”

Part 7

Ash continued to clean his room until the evening.

“…Almost done.”

Ash’s voice had woken up Eco from her afternoon nap.

“Hey! You are irritating! “

Ash replied patiently.

“Whatever the case, today’s party is for me and you. There will be many things to eat.”

Rebecca was in charge of the food for the party. Everyone was looking forward to it.

“…Eh? Really?”

Eco became wide awake the moment she heard that there will be many foods.

“…Ash, it’s me.”

Rebecca’s voice could be heard from the other side of the door.


Ash ran to open the door.

“Hallo Ash. Have you done with your cleaning?”

Rebecca asked an important question the moment they meet.

“H-How did you know!?”

“Naw… I just have a hunch. Well, well, I also brought an important guest with me.”

Silvia was hiding behind Rebecca’s back.


“I didn’t really intend on coming but I was dragged here by the president. It is not like what it seems!”

Silvia was scolding him the moment they met.

Ash suddenly had a strange feeling. After noticing it, his heart was pumping up and down nonstop. The Silvia right now was not wearing her usual Dragsuit but an evening dress.

Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi v1 245.jpg

“Huhu… I came here because I haven’t seen Princess-sama being this interesting for a long time. By the way, the Princess took three hours to choose her dress.”

Cosette was laughing from Silvia’s back.

“S-Shut up!”

Silvia turned red.

With Rebecca, Silvia, Cosette and non the least Eco when she was quiet, Ash’s room was full of beautiful girls.

“Hey! Don’t forget about us! We won’t be missing out from such a nice event!”

However, Raymond’s voice had brought him back from paradise. Right beside Raymond, stood Max.

“Keeping an eye on the president was also a job for me who is in charge of the accounts. I am not here for the celebration!”

Max was no better than Silvia. When did the job of keeping an eye on the president had fallen on the person who keeps tracks of the account.

Both Raymond and Max were holding a huge bag. They were probably using it as an excuse to join the party.

With that, the Pal Party begins.

Part 8

Lights powered by Bright Dragon crystals had brighten up the room.

Many foods for the party had been lined up on the table. One of the best few was roast chicken with herbs. Eco felt like she was dreaming.


Suddenly her eyes rolled in agony.

“Hey! Do you have heartburn? You shouldn’t have eaten too much of fatty food.”

Ash gave a wry smile.

“It is not like I have a choice. It was because the chicken was too delicious!”

“Please don’t push the blame to the chicken.”

“Alright, alright. There are still many more chickens. Anyway, Eco is our main character for today. Just eat as many as you like.”

Ash turned confuse once he heard what Rebecca had said.

“Huh? Isn’t it me who is the main character?”

“Hmm, now I remember. I totally forgot about it after I saw how Eco eats.”

Rebecca made a bitter smile.

‘No matter when it is, cuteness is always justice. A bastard like you should just move aside!”

Raymond spoke of a terrible thing casually.

“A healthy room means a healthy life… What a bunch of work to be done.”

Every time Eco finished the food on her plate, Max would definitely clean it away.

“The dragon is the symbol of our country. That is why Eco is our main character.”


Only Cosette was smiling while bringing them new bottles of drinks.

Part 9

After some time, everyone was getting dizzy and most of the people stopped speaking. Raymond and Max were fast asleep.


Eco who had satisfied her stomach was almost asleep.

“Are you sleepy?”

Ash asked but he was scolded by Eco.

“Hmph… What did you take me as…? I still want to eat…”

Although she stubbornly tried to stay awake, she could not resist the urge to sleep. Ash could only carry her and place her on the bed.

Even so, it was weird for Raymond who usually stays up late to fall asleep this early. Also, it was unnatural for Max who valued his pride highly to sleep unprotected in front of everyone.


By taking a closer look, their faces were red.

“About that… Rebecca-san, what actually is in this bottle?’

Rebecca calmly took the bottle.

“ Muscat [31]juice. A popular product from Asarivan. What about it?”


Ash gave a wry smile. Anyone would have known if they just read the label on the bottle.

Anyway, it was a party night. It wouldn’t matter much.

The problem is, even though they had emptied three bottles of "juice", Rebecca’s face never show a hint of change.

“Hey! The simpleton over there!”

Suddenly, someone was smacking his back.

Being called a simpleton is not something he fancied.

Ash had a bad feeling. When he turned around, he found out that Silvia was glaring at him.

“What’s the matter?”

Silvia was obviously drunk.

The hem of her dress was in a mess and her inner thighs could be seen. Her face was red and her eyes were watery.

“To begin with, since a long time ago, I had started to hate you!”


“Why can you ride on another student’s Pal? Isn’t it weird? What the hell is with ‘The boy who can ride on any dragon’! You are bending the law of nature!”

“I-I also don’t know…”

Ash glanced at Rebecca in hope that she come to his help. Unfortunately, Rebecca was searching for a bottle opener with Cosette while she was holding a new bottle.

“Don’t look around when someone is talking to you! This is from my family motto!”

Silvia was crawling towards Ash. Ash could see her cleavage.

Silvia may look like a slender type but in fact, her size was giving Ash trouble.

“Since you are born with such great talent, why don’t you work hard in your studies? No matter how much talent you posses, you won’t turn out successful if there is no hard work!”

“You are completely right…”

After Ash gave a simple reply, Silvia swallowed a full cup in a one-go and started spurting nonsense.

“The worst thing is…. Why would I even be bothered by a problem child like you…?”


“You can never be compared with that boy.”

“…That boy? Who is he?”

Silvia’s slip of her tongue had caught everyone’s interest.

“This is totally unexpected. For there exist a boy who is able to stole Her Highness’s heart. By all mean, could you please tell us who the lucky guy was?”

Rebecca was totally into it.

“Eh? T-This… That…”

Silvia seemed to be in a pinch. Her face turned from red to white. Suddenly, she was no longer drunk.

“N-Nothing! Just forget about it!”

“How could it be nothing? Your face moments ago looked just like the face of a girl in love.”

“I-I never make such a face!”

“That’s impossible. Nothing can deceive this Rebecca onee-san’s eyes. Well, the night is still young. Why don’t you tell us more about the boy?”

“If you are talking about such a topic, I must also take part in it.”

Cosette immediately approached Silvia. Right now, Silvia was totally surrounded and was shaken.

“T-That is a story from a long time ago…”

Silvia was red in her face and her eyes kept wondering around.

“Alright, alright. We won’t question you anymore. By the way, I would like to tell you the reason for me to organize this party.”

Her smile disappeared and was replaced by a serious look. Both Ash and Silvia exchange glances and there was no longer a relax feeling in the party.

Both Ash and Silvia straighten their bodies and sat properly.

“During that incident, I was sad that the student council didn't have enough man power. By including me, right now there are only four members in the student council. That is why I would like to invite the both of you to join the student council.”

This was the second time Ash was invited.

Silvia was the first to reply:

“Lancelot and I will gladly join. I will not let such a thing happen another time. During that incident, there was nothing that I was able to do…”

“Hey! How you dare act humble! Without you and Lancelot,the one who was not able to do anything was me.”

“Shut up! You don’t even know how I feel.”

Ash tried to comfort Silvia but it came to an opposite result.

“You are always steps in front of me! Do you even know what you had done? For example, although your Ark was a mimic…. But you were still an Ark Dragner at that time!”

Ash finally realized after it was mentioned.

“So I see…”

Ash’s innocent answer was adding oil to fire.

“Are you making fun of me!”

“Calm down both of you. I am right to say that the Princess’s reply was OK?”

Rebecca changed the topic and stare at Silvia intently.

“Yes! I will do my best! By the way… I want you to call me by my name. At least at the Student Council, please call me Silvia. I don’t want to be treated like a princess.”

Rebecca nodded in satisfaction.

“Understood. What about you, Ash?”


Just as he was speaking, he felt an immersed pressure coming from beside.

It was Silvia who was glaring at him as if she was telling him not to hesitate.

“A-Alright! I will join!”

Although he felt that he was forced to join, he could only move forward step by step since he had made his promise.

“I am grateful for both of you! Then let us proceed to the simple welcoming ceremony.”


Just when Ash was confused, Rebecca made her move. Her lips were placed on Ash’s face. He could clearly feel her heat and smell.


Ash who had not yet recovered looked at Rebecca as her lips left his face. It was probably because of the shock, he somehow felt that her eyes were charming.

“Hey! You call yourself a man from the Knight Country? Tsk…”

“Hold on! You as my dog how dare you acting all lovey dovey with all these females!”

It was Eco voice that had over shadowed Silvia’s. Though she had been sleeping before this, right now, she was like a raging ball of fire.

It was rare to see that Eco and Silvia agrees with each other. But it was Rebecca who stepped forward and protected Ash.

“Now I see… Both of you are jealous.”

Eco and Silvia were in lost of words when Rebecca hits the bull’s eyes.

“N-Never! I would never be shaken by such a trivial matter!”

“T-That’s right! Jealousy only exits in the feelings of the dumb humans!”

Seeing that Eco and Silvia were trying to explain themselves out from this mess, Rebecca roared in laughter.

“Huhu. It feels quite nice toying with both of you.”

After saying, Rebecca kissed Eco and Silvia on their cheeks.


Eco and Silvia were silenced.

“Alright! With this, the ceremony ends. Welcome to the student council!”

Right after Rebecca declared…


A weak voice like an old man came from behind Ash. Max who had woken up was looking at them.

“During the time when I join the student council, why wasn't there any ceremony… Ouch!

The glass that Rebecca was holding smashed into his forehead.

Max fainted immediately.

Ash who witnessed the entire incident felt shivers.

Rebecca continued to smile as if nothing had happened. Ash felt as if he was seeing a devil.

“Well, both of you should have known Max from the accounts. As for the vice president and the secretary I will introduce them to you on another day. Although both of them are a little hard to deal with, they are nothing lest from a great Dragner.”

When Ash heard the words ‘a little hard to deal with’ instinct told him it was nothing good. Thinking again, only Rebecca and Max were present during the Necromancia’s attack. What kind of students are they to make Rebecca describe them as ‘a little hard to deal with’.

But Ash’s attention was averted.


Cosette happily filled everyone’s glasses with an amber colour liquid.

“Thank you.”

The last person that Cosette went to was Angela. Cosette was not at all surprise and continued to fill up her glass.

But Ash was shocked.

“Hold on! Why are you here!”

When did she manage to get in?

He definitely could not feel her presence until just a moment ago.

“Eco-chan and Ash-kun are both precious sample for my research. Since I am not allowed to dissect, I could at least do some close observation.”

Angela then smiled coldly to them.

“I had heard of all of your good deeds at St Durham Square. Now, I must listen to the details from you.”

After gulping down the entire glass of wine, Angela’s cheeks turned rosy. In an instant, her cold attitude disappeared and was replaced by an adult feel.

However, there was not a hint of smile coming from her eyes. It gave the feeling of being dissected by them. Ash felt as if he was a frog being targeted by a snake.

Without knowing what Ash was thinking, Eco and Silvia scolded at the same time:

“Hey! Why are you being attracted by this female!”

“Are you even a man of the proud Lautreamont Knight Country!”

Eco and Silvia took Ash as being falling in love. He however was innocent to begin with.

“The nonsense will stop here.”

Rebecca raised her voice.

She stood up majestically and gracefully lifted her glass.

“For the new members who joined the student council…. Cheers!”

The night had just begun.

"The Knight of ECO I" is closed.

References and Translation Notes

  1. There seems to be another name for the courses such as Yunios for Basic Course as seen in the manga, since my raws used the terms "Basic Course" and "Advanced Course", I shall leave it be
  2. Literally air/winged dragon (second interpretation was from my translation from Chinese), the only dragons other than Maestros that can fly
  3. Literally land/earth dragon, it's pronounced as "Aahsia" instead of the way we pronounce the name of that particular continent
  4. "星刻", literally star-marked/carved
  5. This is a more literal translation of the expression used
  6. A goddess from Celtic mythology, "arian" meaning silver and "rhod" meaning wheel, many names used in the series are related to Arthurian legends or myths of the same culture
  7. Chinese expression meaning that it is impossible to do or achieve it.
  8. Couldn't really find a name with a mythological reference, so I chose one that had Scottish links, do tell me if you found the right name that sounds the same
  9. The names of months in the story are taken from the names of the horoscopes in order.
  10. Term for the clothes worn when riding a dragon
  11. An Irish mythological hero. Do google it if you are interested.
  12. The place medalists in sports competitions stand on when they received their medals.
  13. One of the Knights of the Round Table in the Arthurian legend
  14. Literally water dragon
  15. Basically a set of principles that family members have to abide by. You usually see this in families with prestigious backgrounds
  16. Chinese phrase that basically refers to the fact that brothers and sisters are the same ... something along the lines of that
  17. Chinese phrase. Basically the equivalent of "play into the hands of (Ash)"
  18. In other words, very lucky
  19. Chinese phrase that literally translates into "retracted his state of mind"
  20. A carbine is a gun used by horsemen, do Google it!
  21. Chinese phrase 花容失色. 花容 - Literally means flower colour / radiance [And it referrers to a beautiful girl] and 失色 - means to lose colour
  22. Although the sources don't say so, this 'empire' refers to the Zepharos Empire
  23. Kingdom here refers to the Chevron Kingdom
  24. Do google Aikido !!!
  25. Exposed bedrock
  26. Look it up here!
  27. (After Saint's Birth)
  28. The Morrígan("phantom queen") is a figure from Irish mythology who appears to have been considered a goddess of battle, strife, and sovereignty
  29. 斬馬刀a type of long sword
  30. Since they were children, all of the conversation language used were quite simple. If there were to be any tough language used it would be because of the translation.
  31. A type of grape.
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