Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi: Volume 1 Epilogue

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Part 1

Year 1356 A.S.B. The month of Aeries.

Inside the deep forest is a meeting of a boy and a girl.

Part 2

Not long after her seventh birthday, Silvia had departed from Fontaine City and had arrived at Albion Forest.

Albion Forest- A holy place where the mother dragon resides.

Needless to say, she came here for the Orphan Ceremony which was an obligation stated by the Royal Knight Family.

Once a person was selected by the mother dragon, he or she would become a Breeder.

Silvia had sworn that she would return as a Breeder.

She was unable to forget about the sudden disappearance of her brother.

As the heir to the throne, Julius who was granted the title Dragner at his teens was being called the Dragon Slayer.

According to the rumours, Julius had killed his Pal. However, Silvia was not able to understand why her gentle brother would commit such a crime.

Silvia really would like to question her brother face to face.

With those thoughts, she challenged the Orphan Ceremony…

Part 3

[1] “Stoooooop!”

Although her determination was touching, Albion forest is not as easy as it seems.

The trees were so high that they reached the skies and the air around was humid.

The rotting leaves and the dirt didn’t give a pleasant smell.

Every time she saw a rat, a snake or even a spider, she would run away crying. Although she yearns to be a knight, Silvia was really timid.

In the end, she fell and twisted her leg.

The pain was so immense that she couldn’t even take another step.


Her only support was a stuff toy that was brought with her as a lucky charm.

It was a very important stuff toy to Silvia.

It was called Lancelot. A few years before, when she went to Arkham the capital of the Chevron Kingdom, she had gotten it at the market there.

She thought that Lancelot was cute but that was not the case for the people around her. Even the maids who served her said that Lancelot doesn’t look like a dragon.

Her tears were staring to flow out.

The Orphan Ceremony was about to end and she will have to go home empty handed.


She hated her incompetence. Even though she knew that she must not remain at this place, her legs were ignoring her will.

Just when she started crying, there were rustles in the bushes in front of her.


A boy appeared in front of Silvia who was trying to run away. Like Silvia he must have been one of the attendees of the Orphan Ceremony.

The boy walked towards Silvia and stretched out his hand.

“Are you hurt?”

The boy asked without hesitating but was scolded by Silvia. To Silvia, the boy’s words hurt her pride as a royal princess.


But the situation seemed to be the other way round. Silvia looked to be in pain when she tried to stand and at the same time, Lancelot fell on to the ground.


The boy picked up Lancelot with a look of surprise.

“Is this… a Chimera?”

“A dragon!”

Silvia with red cheeks objected and tried to grab Lancelot back.

“Haha…So it is a dragon. My bad.”

The boy showed a bitter smile. He then turned around and knelled down.

“…What kind of a behavior is this!”

Silvia was not able to understand what the boy had in his mind.

“Isn’t it obvious? I am going to bring you to the entrance of this forest.”

“What! Doesn’t this mean that I am going back? And didn’t it also mean that I am going to give up on this Orphan Ceremony?”

The boy nodded his head as if that was the most obvious thing to do.

“Of course. How can you even search for a dragon with an injured leg?”

“Shut up!”

Silvia’s scold gave the boy a shock.

“I-I need a Pal! Going back is out of the topic!”

“What is the thing that you call Pal?

Silvia was in rage when she saw the boy stare at her confusedly.

“A-As a citizen of the Knight Country, how can you not know what a Pal is! Remember this! A Pal is a dragon who would become your partner! It is a sacred word!”


But Silvia did not intent to end it just like that.

“By the way, what are you even doing? Since you have time to mind about me, why don’t you spend your time looking for dragons? Could it be that, you…?”

“W-What about me?”

Silvia approached him. The boy’s face was red from embarrassment and he looked away.

“Or maybe you are just pretending to search? Recently, I had heard rumours that spiritless children like you were increasing…

“About that… I also want to meet a dragon… I think?”

Although his words don’t match with each other, Silvia had at least forgiven him.

“Then, let’s go! I will now tell you my family motto! Listen carefully!”

Silvia straightened her back and spoke in a loud voice.

“A knight’s pride is with his dragon!”

“Hold on! If I am to look for the dragon, what about you? Won’t you be lonely?”

Silvia turned silent. The word ‘lonely; had pierced through her heart.

“Tsk… You really shouldn’t act strong.”

“But… To give up because of some injuries…. Never! That will never happen to me!”

The boy laughs.

“Now I understand. You wanted an Orphan no matter what, no?”

“That's it.”

“If that’s the case, then there is only one option left.”

The boy clenched his fist as he stared at Silvia.

His gallant looks made Silvia’s heart skipped a beat.

“We will look for the mother dragon together. I will give you a piggyback.”

Silvia was lost in words.


“Of course.”

Once again, the boy turned around and knelled down. Silvia continued to doubt for a moment but she was finally able to make up her mind.

Her heart was beating quickly when their bodies were touching against each other.

“Let’s go!”

The boy started walking with Silvia on his back.

Part 4

…The dream ends.

In Epona House the girls’ dormitory for the advance class students.

At the top most floor, in a room specially designed for royals, Silvia slowly opened her eyes.

The night had ended and the morning rays pierced through the gaps in the curtains.

Silvia sat up after rubbing her sleepy eyes.

“Stop, Princess-sama… That is bad…”

Sleeping on a bed next to her, Cosette was having a weird dream.

Silvia was having a headache thinking what kind of a dream she was dreaming.


Not long after her seventh birthday, Silvia had visited Albion Forest.

She met a boy there.


Silvia unbuttoned her pajamas and exposed her bare chest.

Her Seikoku was imprinted at the middle of her chest.

It was about the size of her palm and was looked similar to the ancient language.

Silvia touched her Seikoku.

“I wonder when he is…?’

She felt nostalgic.

“That being said…”

Before parting, Silvia gave the boy her Lancelot.

It was to show him her gratitude.

She also hoped that the boy will never forget about her.

Although her memories of that time was not clear, she could still clearly remember that the boy took it with a smile.

Part 5

It had been three days since the attack on Ansarivan.

According to Ash and Eco, the dragon who caused all this trouble was called a Necromancia.

There were about thirty people injured in this incident and luckily there were no casualties.

As for the building, four of them were totally destroyed and one was half destroyed.

St Durham Square was temporarily closed to the public while the restoring works were on going.

Thinking carefully, this kind of destruction is a miracle considering the amount of magic that the Necromancia possessed.

Of course, these were all thanks to Ash and everyone’s effort that had minimized the destruction.

The investigation on the Necromancia had only started.

Part 6

In Ansarivan, there was a tradition where friends will celebrate the birth of a Pal.

It was also known as the Pal Party.

Usually, every person’s Pal was born on their first year in the basic class.

However, Ash’s Pal never born during the three years of his basic class years and he was now a advance class student.

It seemed that he had forgotten about this tradition.

The attack from the Necromancia had given them a day off by the academy.

It was Rebecca who suggested organizing a Pal Party.

Although Ash was very grateful, his room was in a total mess. Max had clean it for him a month before but it had returned to its original state.

“Alright… I guess we have to clean it until tonight.”

Ash started dusting.

If it was Max, it would have been done in just a few moments. Max would probably clean it with great vigour the moment he saw his room. However, Max was injured and Ash shouldn’t be asking for his help.

“Zzz… Zzz….”

Right now was the time for Eco to take her afternoon nap. Ash continued with his cleaning.

First, Ash threw away all the rubbish that was lying on the floor. He then made up his mind to throw away all the unwanted things too.

Next, he took out all the unwanted clothings and book from the closet that he no longer needs.


Ash suddenly stopped cleaning.

Something strange had fallen out from the closet.

“Stuffed toy?”

Ash didn’t not have any habits of collecting stuffed toys. To say nothing of the stuffed toy that didn’t look cute at all.

On a second though looked a little like a dragon but somehow, he felt that it looked more like a Chimera that appears in myth.

Ash scratched his head.

“Err… What is this thing…? I can’t remember at all.”

Ash could vaguely remember that this toy was important to him. But he couldn’t remember why it was important at all.

“Anyway, I better leave it in the closet. They would be sure to laugh at me if they saw it.”

Part 7

Ash continued to clean his room until the evening.

“…Almost done.”

Ash’s voice had woken up Eco from her afternoon nap.

“Hey! You are irritating! “

Ash replied patiently.

“Whatever the case, today’s party is for me and you. There will be many things to eat.”

Rebecca was in charge of the food for the party. Everyone was looking forward to it.

“…Eh? Really?”

Eco became wide awake the moment she heard that there will be many foods.

“…Ash, it’s me.”

Rebecca’s voice could be heard from the other side of the door.


Ash ran to open the door.

“Hallo Ash. Have you done with your cleaning?”

Rebecca asked an important question the moment they meet.

“H-How did you know!?”

“Naw… I just have a hunch. Well, well, I also brought an important guest with me.”

Silvia was hiding behind Rebecca’s back.


“I didn’t really intend on coming but I was dragged here by the president. It is not like what it seems!”

Silvia was scolding him the moment they met.

Ash suddenly had a strange feeling. After noticing it, his heart was pumping up and down nonstop. The Silvia right now was not wearing her usual Dragsuit but an evening dress.

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“Huhu… I came here because I haven’t seen Princess-sama being this interesting for a long time. By the way, the Princess took three hours to choose her dress.”

Cosette was laughing from Silvia’s back.

“S-Shut up!”

Silvia turned red.

With Rebecca, Silvia, Cosette and non the least Eco when she was quiet, Ash’s room was full of beautiful girls.

“Hey! Don’t forget about us! We won’t be missing out from such a nice event!”

However, Raymond’s voice had brought him back from paradise. Right beside Raymond, stood Max.

“Keeping an eye on the president was also a job for me who is in charge of the accounts. I am not here for the celebration!”

Max was no better than Silvia. When did the job of keeping an eye on the president had fallen on the person who keeps tracks of the account.

Both Raymond and Max were holding a hug bag. They were probably using it as an excuse to join the party.

With that, the Pal Party begins.

Part 8

Lights powered by Bright Dragon crystals had brighten up the room.

Many foods for the party had been lined up on the table. One of the best few was roast chicken with herbs. Eco felt like she was dreaming.


Suddenly her eyes rolled in agony.

“Hey! Do you have heartburn? You shouldn’t have eaten too much of fatty food.”

Ash gave a wry smile.

“It is not like I have a choice. It was because the chicken was too delicious!”

“Please don’t push the blame to the chicken.”

“Alright, alright. There are still many more chickens. Anyway, Eco is our main character for today. Just eat as many as you like.”

Ash turned confuse once he heard what Rebecca had said.

“Huh? Isn’t it me who is the main character?”

“Hmm, now I remember. I totally forgot about it after I saw how Eco eats.”

Rebecca made a bitter smile.

‘No matter when it is, cuteness is always justice. A bastard like you should just move aside!”

Raymond spoke of a terrible thing casually.

“A healthy room means a healthy life… What a bunch of work to be done.”

Every time Eco finished the food on her plate, Max would definitely clean it away.

“The dragon is the symbol of our country. That is why Eco is our main character.”


Only Cosette was smiling while bringing them new bottles of drinks.

Part 9

After some time, everyone was getting dizzy and most of the people stopped speaking. Raymond and Max were fast asleep.


Eco who had satisfied her stomach was almost asleep.

“Are you sleepy?”

Ash asked but he was scolded by Eco.

“Hmph… What did you take me as…? I still want to eat…”

Although she stubbornly tried to stay awake, she could not resist the urge to sleep. Ash could only carry her and place her on the bed.

Even so, it was weird for Raymond who usually stays up late to fall asleep this early. Also, it was unnatural for Max who valued his pride highly to sleep unprotected in front of everyone.


By taking a closer look, their faces were red.

“About that… Rebecca-san, what actually is in this bottle?’

Rebecca calmly took the bottle.

“ Muscat [2]juice. A popular product from Asarivan. What about it?”


Ash gave a wry smile. Anyone would have known if they just read the label on the bottle.

Anyway, it was a party night. It wouldn’t matter much.

The problem is, even though they had emptied three bottles of juice, Rebecca’s face never show a hint of change.

“Hey! The simpleton over there!”

Suddenly, someone was smacking his back.

Being called a simpleton is not something he fancied.

Ash had a bad feeling. When he turned around, he found out that Silvia was glaring at him.

“What’s the matter?”

Silvia was obviously drunk.

The hem of her dress was in a mess and her inner thighs could be seen. Her face was red and her eyes were watery.

“To begin with, since a long time ago, I had started to hate you!”


“Why can you ride on other student’s Pal? Isn’t it weird? What the hell is with ‘The boy who can ride on any dragon’! You are bending the law of nature!”

“I-I also don’t know…”

Ash glanced at Rebecca in hope that she come to his help. Unfortunately, Rebecca was search for a bottle opener with Cosette while she was holding a new bottle.

“Don’t look around when someone was talking to you! This is from my family motto!”

Silvia was crawling towards Ash. Ash could see her cleavage.

Silvia may look like a slender type but in fact, her size was giving Ash trouble.

“Since you are born with such great talent, why don’t you work hard in your studies? No matter how much talent you posses, you won’t turn out successful if there is no hard work!”

“You are complexly right…”

After Ash gave a simple reply, Silvia swallowed a full cup in a one-go and started spurting nonsense.

“The worst thing is…. Why would I even be bothered by a problem child like you…?”


“You can never be compared with that boy.”

“…That boy? Who is he?”

Silvia’s slip of her tongue had caught everyone’s interest.

“This is totally unexpected. For there exist a boy who is able to stole Her Highness’s heart. By all mean, could you please tell us who the lucky guy was?”

Rebecca was totally into it.

“Eh? T-This… That…”

Silvia seemed to be in a pinch. Her face turned from red to white. Suddenly, she was no longer drunk.

“N-Nothing! Just forget about it!”

“How could it be nothing? Your face moments ago looked just like the face of a girl in love.”

“I-I never make such a face!”

“That’s impossible. Nothing can deceive this Rebecca onee-san’s eyes. Well, the night is still young. Why don’t you tell us more about the boy?”

“If you are talking about such topic, I must also take part in it.”

Cosette immediately approached Silvia. Right now, Silvia was totally surrounded and was shaken.

“T-That is a story from a long time ago…”

Silvia was red in her face and her eyes kept wondering around.

“Alright, alright. We won’t question you anymore. By the way, I would like to tell you the reason for me to organize this party.”

Her smile disappeared and was replaced by a serious look. Both Ash and Silvia exchange glances and there was no longer a relax feeling in the party.

Both Ash and Silvia straighten their bodies and sat properly.

“During that incident, I was sad that the student council don’t have enough man power. By including me, right now there are only four members in the student council. That is why I would like to invite the both of to to join the student council.”

This was the second time Ash was invited.

Silvia was the first to reply:

“Lancelot and I will gladly join. I will not let such a thing happen another time. During that incident, there is nothing that I am able to do…”

“Hey! How you dare act humble! Without you and Lancelot, I am the one who is not able to do anything.”

“Shut up! You don’t even know how I feel.”

Ash tried to comfort Silvia but it came to an opposite result.

“You are always steps in front of me! Do you even know what you had done? For example, although your Ark was a mimic…. But you were still an Ark Dragner at that time!”

Ash finally realized after it was mentioned.

“So I see…”

Ash’s innocent answer was adding oil to fire.

“Are you making fun of me!”

“Calm down both of you. I am right to say that the Princess’s reply was OK?”

Rebecca changed the topic and stare at Silvia intently.

“Yes! I will do my best! By the way… I want you to call me by my name. At least at the Student Council, please call me Silvia. I don’t want to be treated like a princess.”

Rebecca nodded in satisfaction.

“Understood. What about you, Ash?”


Just as he was speaking, he felt an immersed pressure coming from beside.

It was Silvia who was glaring at him as if she was telling him not to hesitate.

“A-Alright! I will join!”

Although he felt that he was forced to join, he could only move forward step by step since he had made his promise.”

“I am grateful for both of you! Then let us proceed to the simple welcoming ceremony.”


Just when Ash was confused, Rebecca made her move. Her lips were placed on Ash’s face. He could clearly feel her heat and smell.


Ash who had not yet recover looked at Rebecca as her lips left his face. It was probably because of the shock, he somehow felt that her eyes were charming.

“Hey! You call youself a man from the Knight Country? Tsk…”

“Hold on! You as my dog how dare you acting all lovey dovey with all these females!”

It was Eco voice that had over shadowed Silvia’s. Though she had been sleeping before this, right now, she was like a raging ball of fire.

It was rare to see that Eco and Silvia agrees with each other. But it was Rebecca who stepped forward and protected Ash.

“Now I see… Both of you are jealous.”

Eco and Silvia were in lost of words when Rebecca hits the bull’s eyes.

“N-Never! I would never be shaken by such a trivial matter!”

“T-That’s right! Jealousy only exits in the feelings of the dumb humans!”

Seeing that Eco and Silvia were trying to explain themselves out from this mess, Rebecca roared in laughter.

“Huhu. It feels quite nice toying with both of you.”

After saying, Rebecca kissed Eco and Silvia on their cheeks.


Eco and Silvia were silenced.

“Alright! With this, the ceremony ends. Welcome to the student council!”

Right after Rebecca declared…


A weak voice like an old man came from behind Ash. Max who had woken up was looking at them.

“During the time when I join the student council, why isn’t there any ceremony… Ouc!

The glass that Rebecca was holding smashed into his forehead.

Max fainted immediately.

Ash who witnessed the entire incident felt shivers.

Rebecca continued to smile as if nothing had happened. Ash felt as if he was seeing a devil.

“Well, both of you should have known Max from the accounts. As for the vice president and the secretary I will introduce them to you on another day. Although both of them are a little hard to deal with, they are nothing lest from a great Dragner.”

When Ash heard the words ‘a little hard to deal with’ instinct told him it was nothing good. Thinking again, only Rebecca and Max were present during the Necromancia’s attack. What kind of students are they to make Rebecca describe them as ‘a little hard to deal with’.

But Ash’s attention was averted.


Cosette happily filled everyone’s glasses with an amber colour liquid.

“Thank you.”

The last person that Cosetee went to was Angela. Cosette was not at all surprise and continued to fill up her glass.

But Ash was shocked.

“Hold on! Why are you here!”

When did she manage to get in?

He definitely could not feel her presence until just a moment ago.

“Eco-chan and Ash-kun are both precious sample for my research. Since I am not allowed to dissect, I could a least do some close observation.”

Angela then smiled coldly to them.

“I had heard of all of your good deeds at St Durham Square. Now, I must listen to the details from you.”

After gulping down the entire glass of wine, Angela’s cheeks turned rosy. In an instant, her cold attitude disappeared and was replaced by an adult feel.

However, there was not a hint of smile coming from her eyes. It gave the feeling of being dissected by them. Ash felt as if he was a frog being targeted by a snake.

Without knowing what Ash was thinking, Eco and Silvia scolded at the same time:

“Hey! Why are you being attracted by this female!”

“Are you even a man of the proud Lautreamont Knight Country!”

Eco and Silvia took Ash as being falling in love. He however was innocent to begin with.

“The nonsense will stop here.”

Rebecca raised her voice.

She stood up majestically and gracefully lifted her glass.

“For the new members who join the student council…. Cheers!”

The night had just begun.

"The Knight of ECO I" is closed.

References and Translation Notes

  1. Since they were children, all of the conversation language used were quite simple. If there were to be any tough language used it would be because of the translation.
  2. A type of grape.
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