
From Baka-Tsuki
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Info about myself

Hobbies: Translating, drawing, colouring images. Games: Real life, Elder Scrolls Online - maybe?

Favorite light novels: All of em.

Contributes by: editing light novel illustrations, translating novels Jap>En.

In charge of illustration for projects

Dropped the in charge section, lately I'm just working randomly, on random series, at random intervals. Also I will not work on LQ raws, it's a waste of my time.

Translation schedule

1. Antimagic Academy vol. 3

2. ELYSION virtual region vol. 2

3. Antimagic Academy vol. 4

4. Waiting for ELYSION/Antimagic raws to be out.

About schedule

The high priority translation project will be ELYSION virtual region. That's because it has lower number of volumes, and it is a project that's CAUGHT UP, with Japanese release, and I want it to stay that way. However that doesn't mean I'm forgetting about Antimagic Academy, and it will be steadily continued until caught up with available raws.

Current tasks - a mini-schedule for smaller events

@At the moment I have a lot of work to do, as such the projects are on hold again~

1. ELYSION virtual region volume 2?

2. Antimagic volume 4.

∞. Plans for teaser projects on hold for now, lots of work to d