Zero no Tsukaima:Volume7 Chapter9 - MTL

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Chapter Nine: Rout

It was advent festival tenth day, and everything looked like usual.

Thanks to a continuous snow, the town turned into a world of silver.

Groups of two Tristain soldiers were patrolling in town, and currently one of the soldier called the other.

“Hey, aren’t they from Rossa’s patrolling unit?

“Indeed. But what are they doing here?”

One of the patrolling colleagues group was standing in front the inn and doing something in an surreptitious manner.

“Hey!” one called out. However, there was no answer. They just kept on working silently.

“Isn’t that a bag of gunpowder?”

One muttered in a hasty voice. And indeed a few sacks of gunpowder were placed there.

Rossa’s patrolling unit soldiers were carrying bags to the inn.

“HeyHey! It’s a hotel not a warehouse. Navarre’s unit soldiers are staying in there. It’s too dangerous to bring such easily exploding things inside.”

He approached and tapped soldiers shoulder. But the face that turned around shocked him. It was an expressionless and soulless face. Sensing something evil in that face, the guard set up a spear.

“Hey! Put the bag! Put!”

At that moment, another soldier pulled out a pistol from his belt and shot at the guard down.

Another guard tried to ran away screaming. But a dagger, thrown by the first soldier, sank into his back. The guard fell down with a thump.

Then they silently returned back to placing bags into a hotel.

Then a match cord was inserted and ignited with a flint.

After a few seconds, with a huge explosive sound, inn and all resident soldiers were blown off.

* * *

Located in the city's prime block, on the second floor of the inn coalition forces leaders were discussing the future strategy of the invasion. 

“The truce will end tomorrow. Carrying the replenishment goods must be finished by tonight.”

Chief of the general staff Wimpffen reported while looking at the parchment on the table.

“It will be on time. But I thought that during the truce Albion would try a surprise attack…”

“You think other side does not have same problems? They needed to buy time because enemy preparations were not complete. That’s why they settled for the truce so easily…”

Marquis Handenburg said gloomily. Wimpffen gave him a piercing glare. De Poitiers stepped between the two. As the main commander he understood the necessity to buffer subordinate generals’ conflicts.

But then…someone knocked against the door.

“Who? We are in a military council.” Said Wimmpfen.

“A delivery from royal family. It came this morning.”

Delivered goods were a gorgeous punnet where royal arms have been carved. A letter with financial minister’s stamp was attached to it. Moment when he saw it, the complexion of De Poitiers changed. He started to read the letter voraciously. After finishing reading, De Poitiers muttered cheerfully.

“Finances minister congratulates with premonition!”

De Poitiers with his digit opened the box top. Wimpffen and Handenburg looked into it as well. Once seeing what was lying in the box, both of their eyes popped wide.

“Ooooooooooh! Field marshal’s cane!”

Indeed, it was a splendid field marshal cane that was carved from the ebony with golden royal family's crest on it. Staring at his own reflection on it, De Poiters gave a joyful cry.

“Normally, there should be official regulations to pass. ‘This cane is reminder of the successful victories under your command.’ With a congratulation note from finances minister. Though the war has not ended yet, Allied Forces had successive string of victories now. The enemy army shuts itself up in the capital and did not come out. Encircling and winning a final victory was only a matter of time. The last decisive battle and it is said, and confirmed by finance minister’s signature, that I will command with the field marshal cane.”

“Congratulations, Your Excellency” Handenburg and Wimpffen shook hands.

“Well… with all what has been said it is all in my grip. We cannot get too careless now, no carelessness!”

De Poitiers said, but could not hide a wide grin on his face.

Booom! Boom!

At that moment sounds of loud explosions resounded behind the window.

“What’s happening?”

With a suspicious expression on his face, De Poitiers approached the window, still gripping the field marshal cane.

Window faced to the plaza. There soldiers ran around pointing fingers at something. He noticed emblems on their capes.

“Aren’t they from the La Shien unit?”

It was eastern block, while these patrolling units were responsible for the western side of the town. Why they are here? Moreover, why they are fully armed…

Marquis Handenburg stepped next to De Poitiers as well.

“They must be soldiers not from my army either. I did not gave an order to march…”

Then they both looked at each other…

Soldiers turned their guns aiming towards two people standing at the window.

And then a sudden volley came.

The last thing that De Poitiers saw was a sight of field marshal cane riddled by bullets shattering into small pieces.

Frozen from shock, Wimpffen saw De Poitiers and marquis Handenburg, who stood by the window, fall. He could not understand what was happening.

The next moment officers jumped into the room.

“Revolt! Revolt started!”


“Rossa’s unit, La Shien’s unit and part of Germania’s army stationed in towns Sai district caused the revolt! Their clashes with our army are happening in various places! It’s too dangerous to stay here!”

Then officer saw shattered pieces of window and lying bodies of De Poitiers and marquis Handenburg, and stood upright in front of Wimpffen.

“Y-your orders, Supreme Commander!“

* * *

The breaking down of Allied Forces stationed it in City of South Gotha happened fast.

Commanders were surprised by the sudden revolt. Or one maybe one should say that the cause of the revolt was what made them confused. More so, because there were no reports about discontent rumblings from soldiers, nor disorders.

It’s as if revolt really started from nothing.

Soldiers were at a loss as well. Comrades-in-arms, with whom they fought and celebrated victories together until the other day now attacked them with lifeless expressions and weapons in hands.


Even if the commanders shouted so musketeers could not pull a trigger, bowmen could not shoot the arrows, spearmen could not throw spears.

“…We c-cannot shoot, sir!”

“No! You idiots! Revolts are part of the enemy king’s army!”

Though the commander tried to cast a spell at slowly approaching expressionless soldiers… he saw a commander in their front lines and shook his head.

“Maurco! It’s me! Maurice! What are you doing! Why are turning your wand at us!”

The only answer was a bullet. It hit the ground at his feet, and the commander ordered to retreat.

“Damn! Retreat! Retreat now!”

“W-where to retreat?..”

“As if I know! Retreat anyway!”

In the morn , the defensive lines was broken by the king’s army.

And…finally, a redoubtable report was brought by the dragon knight scout.

It said that Albion’s main army of Londonium began to move, aiming straight to the City of South Gotha.

On the outskirts of the city's temporary headquarters Wimpffen took a decision. Obviously, as he was now the main commander of all operations.

„We‘ll retreat to Rosais. It‘s no use to stay here.“

And the order to retreat was given to the whole army under his command.

* * *

The army excited over the victory that marched forward now returned as a defeated army, reduced to 30,000 people due to revolt. All faces looked exhausted and the mood of despair floated around.

General De Poitiers was a betrayer and organized the revolt, no, the general was killed, they all were manipulated by an unknown magic and were made to kill - within the defeated army, the truth mixed with various rumors.

However for commanding officers and soldiers such rumors helped to survive. Only animal-like survival instinct whirled in heads of men who ran away.

The confusion became even bigger once it became clear that Albion’s main army joined the revolts in pursue.

Troops of Allied Forces postponed in thing and long groups thin and long retreated down the highway that lead to Rosais.

Among them, there were Louise and Saito too.

With a sword over his shoulder, Saito called out Louise who was trudging next to him. He hasn’t talked to Louise since the second morning of advent festival when he returned to their room. But even though they haven’t talked to each other for almost ten days… only poignant words came out.

“So where is this honor of the war?”

Louise looked down.

“Look around.“

A group of the officers rode pass them on horses at a full speed shouting “Out of the way! Out of the way!”. Infantry unit, surprised, stood by the side of the road. Musketeer and spearman showed no reaction though. Everyone discarded their heavy weapons as they were escaping.

Long live the king's military victory, we have to win an absolute justice, to honor fallen soldiers have made

“Now they do not think they can survive. Yesterday they all were shouting ‘Long live the king’s military victory! We have to win for the absolute justice to honor the fallen soldiers!‘, and now they are enraged at their own collegues?“

“I hope Guiche and Rene are alright…”

Saito said looking distant.

Saito woke up with the shouts “Revolt! Revolt!”. He want to a temporary command headquarters… it was already gone. All members ran away. After the messanger with an order to retreat came, they immediatly left their weapons.

Saito turned around. Scarron , Jessica, Siesta and all girls from 'Charming Fairies' inn followed after him.

Why such uproar and why the order was given to retreat? He ran after, Siesta and other people from the inn followed him.

“Sure I am a honorble royal army man. I do have to encourage their people to escape abandoning me, it is the highest honor.“

Louise kept on trudging.

“Do you understand now where the true honor lies? Do you now understand the meaning behind teachers words? They all did… they just wanted to live, that’s why they tried so hard to escape.

Saito rattled with an aura of superiority. Mostly because he felt too depressed to talk about anything else.


Louise finally opened her mouth.

“Disgrace? I like it that way. The honor of victory! Justice! Made a lot of noise, but in the end nature showed the truth and made them be honest.”

* * *

Allied Forces including Wimpffen who arrived first to Rosais asked for a permission to return to their home country. The answer from the monarchic government prefecture that could not swallow the circumstances was short “Withdrawal permission not given Explain the circumstances in higher detail.”

Half the number of Allied Forces were killed and turned to the other side, De Poitiers was killed? The fact seems not to sound sane. They seemed to doubt if it was a fake report. Is not a fake report? Wimpffen could not blame home government for that. Perhaps, even I, after hearing such a report will not be able to send permission and to believe it spontaneously.   The defeated army was concentrating in Rosais.

Wimpffen began negotiation with his own country.

He insisted many times repeatedly that the way the things were going they were heading to annihilation.

With much effort he gained the permission to retreat… after a half day. Very valuable half day. The half day that could be fatal for Allied Forces.

When the defeated army begun embarking… further bad news reached from the dragon knight scout. The Albion’s main army from Londonium is moving faster than expected

The way things were going…

“At tomorrow’s daytime, the enemies main army will burst into Rosais.”

He looked at the map and asked the subordinate.

“How long it would take for an army to fully embark?”

The logistics staff answered.

“Until the morning of the day after tomorrow. Though Rosais has giant port facilities for ships, on the land, there can be only a limited number of soldiers at the same time.“

Wimpffen was worried. When you think about it – he needed to start withdrawal preparation before it was permitted. However, Wimpffen was scared for his own neck and did not want to be hanged by the war tribunal.

“It is necessary to stop enemy army’s pace first.”

“40.000…No, with the revolts the number is far greater. Where can we find an army to withstand it?”

In addition, the bombardment from the air, would pull the withdrawal line to the fleet. Besides ship guns would not help to adjourn the army marching.

Moreover, in order to gain more time, soldiers, who ran away at full speed, lost all they heavy-amour.

Wimpffen thought.

And… suddenly he had an idea..

“…That’s right. Let’s use ‘it’.”


“The trump card! The trump card of my army! Now it’s the time to use it! Messenger!”

* * *