Mimizuku to Yoru no Ou: Registration Page

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To re-iterate the registration procedure:

  • "First Come, First Served": please register your intended chapters here
  • The maximum number of chapters you are recommended to work on is no more then half of any given volume
  • Maximum number of Translators per volume is two
  • Maximum number of volumes you may be active on is one
  • This is not some Binding Contract of "I must do the work I put down here". Choices put down here are negotiable between translators (including their own selves who signed up for it).

Mimizuku to Yoru no Ou Registration

Mimizuku and the King of Night

Dokuhakihime to Hoshi no Ishi

  • Prologue - Rage̜ - In progress
  • Chapter 1 - Rage̜ - In progress
  • Chapter 2 - Rage̜ - In progress
  • Chapter 3 -
  • Chapter 4 -
  • Chapter 5 -
  • Chapter 6 -
  • Chapter 7 -
  • Chapter 8 -
  • Epilogue -
  • Author's Word -
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