
From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 09:31, 9 June 2014 by Yascob99 (talk | contribs)
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About Myself: Hello I'm Yascob99 Curently I plan to only make minor edits to things that do not appear right or seem to be spelling error. However I plan to eventually get into translating as my Japanese gets better. Currently I'm on a basic level knowing very little kanji any learning strategies or help would be appreciated. I am also decent with html and some programing languages and plan on writting some programs to help with conversion from website form(html) to PDF form because personally I dislike the current built in converter. Feel free to send me a message on the forums or put a comment in my talk page. Thank you =)

Nationality: Canadian

Languages: English, Japanese(still a beginner)

Programming Languages: Python, Java (planning to learn C++ and Lua)

Website stuff: Javascript, JQuery(not fully learned), HTML, CSS (planning on learning PHP)

Projects working on: Just finished a custom tag creator/converter for html so something like [b Hi b] converts to <b> Hi </b> and something like [y [b Hello b]~[i hi i] y] converts to <ruby><b>Hello</b><rt><i>Hi</i></rt></ruby> with the first tags being completly customizable and the ability to chose almost any html tag.

Places I have been to: Australia, Costa Rica, France, Japan(It was awsome)

Contact: [email protected]

Current Projects: I am currently helping Setsuna86 in editing Gakusen Toshi Asterisk and I plan to help out with Madan and possibly Saijaku as well but that depends how busy I am. Edit: currently busier than expected not sure when I will resume editting

-The CanadianYascob99(Talk)