User talk:Hunter

From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 23:58, 3 July 2014 by FaintSmile (talk | contribs)
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...Well, I don't have anything to say =_=


Although I only online sometimes -'.'-

I saw you have edited the images of Silver Cross and Draculea, if I give you the correct translation can you make me the color image in Italian

Of course :3 Pls send me the text and tell me how to contact you Hunter (talk) 22:20, 24 June 2014 (CDT)

from left to right: - Io sono ad un livello diverso rispetto ad una spazzatura d'uomo come te! La tua stupidità ti impedisce di vedere che ho la tua stessa età!?

- Se sei disposto a sacrificare il tuo corpo per me, garantirò l'incolumità delle persone che ti stanno attorno. Che ne pensi?

- E' amore a prima vista, dovresti esserne onorato

(i like the heart in the last one pls put it ^^ TY ! )

???: La stirpe dei vampiri deve essere allontanata da questa scuola!

just put it here like the other one ok ? TY very much !

Here yours:

Sorry that I don't know Italian so I don't know whether it is ok or not =_= If you want to fix something, pls tell me! Hunter (talk) 04:48, 28 June 2014 (CDT)

perfect ! thank you very very much ! very good maked ! TY again ^_^