Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume12 The Twelfth Question

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The Twelfth Question

Please fill in the appropriate word in the following blank:

"Dust piling up like ( )

Himeji Mizuki's Answer:

Dust piling up like (a hill)

Teacher's Comment:


Tsuchiya Kouta's Answer:

Dust piling up like 'garbage'.

Teacher's Comment:

I see.

Yoshii Akihisa's Answer:

Dust piling up like 'large garbage'.

Teacher's Comment:

So we can treat it as normal garbage if we divide it up?


The instant we saw the curtain being flipped, we quickly retreated from the middle of the battlefield to the sides.

After that, several large blades of wind flew in from behind, where we once was.

"You alright, Akihisa?"

"Yeah. It's the second time already, so we're kinda ready for it."

Since we knew the meaning behind the curtains, we more or less managed to predict it, so it is more or less easy for us this time.

"It looks like the other guys are alright."

"Seems that way."

There has been attacks using the power of the bracelets coming from behind; this is the second time I saw it, and the third for the rest. Of course, there are few losses, both for us...and the enemy.

"It looks like the enemy has understood our intents."

"Those observant ones probably picked it up, huh?"

Our allies, except for those on the frontlines, understood the secret regarding the curtain, but the enemy's not stupid. They may be shocked for the first time, realize it the second time, and believe it will happen at the third time. There might be someone amongst them reading our intentions.