Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume12 The Twelfth Question

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The Twelfth Question

Please fill in the appropriate word in the following blank:

"Dust piling up like ( )

Himeji Mizuki's Answer:

Dust piling up like (a hill)

Teacher's Comment:


Tsuchiya Kouta's Answer:

Dust piling up like 'garbage'.

Teacher's Comment:

I see.

Yoshii Akihisa's Answer:

Dust piling up like 'large garbage'.

Teacher's Comment:

So we can treat it as normal garbage if we divide it up?


The instant we saw the curtain being flipped, we quickly retreated from the middle of the battlefield to the sides.

After that, several large blades of wind flew in from behind, where we once was.

"You alright, Akihisa?"

"Yeah. It's the second time already, so we're kinda ready for it."

Since we knew the meaning behind the curtains, we more or less managed to predict it, so it is more or less easy for us this time.

"It looks like the other guys are alright."

"Seems that way."

There has been attacks using the power of the bracelets coming from behind; this is the second time I saw it, and the third for the rest. Of course, there are few losses, both for us...and the enemy.

"It looks like the enemy has understood our intents."

"Those observant ones probably picked it up, huh?"

Our allies, except for those on the frontlines, understood the secret regarding the curtain, but the enemy's not stupid. They may be shocked for the first time, realize it the second time, and believe it will happen at the third time. There might be someone amongst them reading our intentions.

"I'll be worried if they didn't. This is what we're aiming at."

"Hm, Yuuji, you're here."

While we're talking, Yuuji, in charge of leading the operation this time, walks to us. Goodness, this guy's strategy is endangering us again.

"Ya, Yuuji, you just bluffed me again."

"Oh Akihisa, you just got bluffed by me again."

Yuuji doesn't look apologetic at all.

Speaking of which, he did say something, 'just go while thinking that you're being bluffed' during a previous summoning war. We really got bluffed as a result back then."

"Don't you feel guilty bluffing me over and over again?"

"Haven't you gained any learning ability after being bluffed over and over again?"

Ugh...! This bastard's answers are always like that!

"Yuuji, you should be careful of what you say now. It's not wrong to say that your fate is in my hands."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, well, that. If I say that your relationship with Kirishima-san has evolved...well?"

If everyone in F class is to know about this, Yuuji's destiny will definitely come to an end.

In response to my words,

" naive."

Yuuji merely scoffs it off leisurely.

"Where's that confidence coming from...?"

"No matter whether you say it or not, those girls won't just keep quiet about it, right/"

I was completely speechless.

"Th-That...doesn't that mean that my plan to reveal everything after my execution is useless...?"

"It's going to be an execution either way."

"I'm not shocked about it since I more or less expected it."

Guess I have no choice now. I'll just enjoy myself by executing alongside everyone else. Hopefully, this will be a happy execution to celebrate our victory.

"Instead of that, we need to plan ahead. Akihisa, Hideyoshi, return your summoned beasts and come here."

If we're returning our summoned beasts now, it means we're going to move somewhere. If it's a battle to decide victory, that means we're going to where Takashiro-sempai is, right?"

"Got it. Will be there soon."

"I too."

After checking the enemies and allies on the frontlines, Hideyoshi and I exit the field, removing our summoned beasts in the process, and return to where Yuuji is.

"We're back, Yuuji."

"How about explaining the strategy?"

"Ah, wait a moment. They're coming soon--oh, here they are."

I look over to where Yuuji's looking at, and see Himeji-san, Minami, Muttsurini and Kudou-san coming out from the school.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Why does it feel like I've been wait for orders the entire day?"

"...Ready to go."

"Since Muttsurini-kun and I are being called out now, it means that health education is going to be involved, right?"

Kudou-san's with us along with the usual F class members. Maybe this means that it's not a defensive battle to buy time this time."

"Yuuji, have you thought of a plan to win this?"

Having thought of the same thing as me, Hideyoshi asks.

In response to that however, Yuuji simply answers,

"Nope, not at all."


We answer immediately without thinking. He can't think of a plan...?

"Then why did you summon us here?"

"Do we have to strengthen our defenses?"

"But I heard that this is a plan to end the summoning war?"

In response to our doubts, Yuuji gestures for us to quiet down, and answers nonchalantly,

"It's not important for us to win this summoning war. You know what this means?"

"No, not at all."

"That was a quick answer."

"Can't you use your head a little...?"

Then I'll think about it a little.

What's important to us for this summoning war...? The aim of the summoning war is to get the other class' facilities, and it's important for us to get A class' facilities. That's why we've been declaring war over and over again.

But this summoning war is different. The third years started it, hoping to get 'the facilities of classes A to C', and we just so happened to be against it.

In other words--

"We never wanted this summoning war in the first place."

"That's right. We never wanted to beast the 3rd years at all."

"Yeah. In other words, a draw's basically a win for us."

While it may be nice to get 3-A's room, it is the same for them if they can get 2-A's facilities. Looking at this disadvantageous situation, it'll be great if we can get a draw out of this.

"If that's the case, Yuuji, since it's not a plan to beat Takashiro-sempai, it's a plan to get a draw, right?"

"That's how it is."

Yuuji nods confidently. Couldn't he just say it right from the beginning? Why explain things in a roundabout way?

"But Yuuji, how're you going to force a draw?"

Hideyoshi asks about the most important thing, the battle itself, and Yuuji answers the question unabashedly,

"We're going to destroy the machine managing the test summon beast system and end the war."

"Well...this feels like a strategy only Sakamoto will come up with..."

Minami's right. Such an unscrupulous plan is something only Yuuji can think of.

"But Sakamoto-kun, if we're to simply end the summoning war, won't it be started again once it's repaired?"

Kudou-san, who's been listening to this obediently, raises her hand to ask.

"No, there's only a small chance of that."

"? Why's that."

"Our opponents are the 3rd years, and there's a foreign person observing everything here."

Then, what's that about?

While I'm shaking my head in confusion, Kudou-san, standing beside me, claps her hands.

"Ah, I see. This is a serious situation for both parties. They can't back out now."

"That's how it is, Kudou. The foreign sponsors sent someone to investigate because they want to know the results sooner. The 3rd years have their exams, and if the system is repaired even a month later, they won't have the time to start another war again."

I see. Even if the war somehow starts again, there should be some people being too busy. No doubt it's going to be beneficial to us.

"Also, there's no much merit for them to get the facilities a month later."

It seems Minami has more or less understood the situation as she starts to nod away.

How many people can actually get serious about this when the self-attendance period is just around the corner? The answer is really simple.

"Because of those reasons, we may be able to end this if we delay this summoning war. That's why we have to do something about that test summoning system."

"Oh, so there's this way of looking at things too?"

Yuuji has a flexible mindset capable to thinking beyond winning a losing, and this certainly is like his usual self--no, proof that his thinking has evolved beyond that. That lost mindset he had the previous day will never think about it.

"We understand our objective now."

"Now's the issue of executing it."

'Yeah, I'm about to explain that now."

Yuuji pulls out a loosely drawn map from his pocket.'

"This is a map of the ground floor of the new school building. Since everyone's been there so many times, we all know where's the principal's office, right?"

"Of course."

"Actually, Yoshii-kun, I don't think any normal person will be called to the principal's office so many times."

The principal's office is located at the ground floor of the new school building, facing the field. This should be basic knowledge.

"The enemy general has made his base at the 4th level of the new school building, and the enemy has set defenses around it accordingly. In other words--"

"We'll blow the principal's office along with the entire new school building."

"Yoshii-kun? What're you saying!?"

"--And if we're lucky, we'll get many of the 3rd years caught in the explosion instead of just one."

"You too, Muttsurini-kun?"

"I want to do it too if that's possible, but that's impossible now."

Too bad huh? If only we had the fireworks from the school festival.

"Aiko, you'll get tired playing along with Aki and Sakamoto's jokes. Better to just let it fall on deaf ears."

"I-Is that so..."

"Anyway, Sakamoto-kun, what are the details exactly?"

It seems Minami and Himeji-san are both used to our words. I really hope they don't misunderstand thought; if it's possible to carry it out, we'll really consider and look into it.

"Since everyone's focus is on the 4th level, there's no security at the ground floor surrounding the principal's office, so we can enter there using the back door.

We already experienced personally how heavy the security is around the 4th level, but the principal office on the ground floor should be okay.

"All that's left is to start a large performance there--"

"And we'll destroy any area that may contain the system."