Shiinamachi-senpai's Safe Day:Volume 1 Chapter 1 B-Part

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Chapter 1 B-Part - Thanatos and Immortal

■Search Results for "immortal":

  • Meaning will not die. Can also refer to a body that can resist all sorts of illnesses, pain, injuries and attacks.
  • Carries the meaning of relentless perseverance no matter what setbacks are encountered. Also refers to people with this characteristic.
  • A state where one will not die regardless of any kind of bludgeoning or slicing attack.
  • Impervious to pain, neither getting hurt nor dying.
  • Refers to a person who has obtained an immortal body.

In my hazy state, I dreamt that I was drifting in the darkness.

This kind of dream was very common whenever one started dreaming while in a totally exhausted state. In other words, I was currently sleeping very deeply in all likelihood.

Just at this moment, unintentionally--I seemed to hear my mother's voice coming from somewhere.

Hence, my awareness focused itself on the voice of my mother who had left me a long time ago.

'Jirou, you must live on.'

These words--These were the final words my mother said to me before she disappeared.

'Your future life will surely be a difficult road to travel. As your mother, I have already taught you all the skills and ways of thinking I can teach. Here on, no matter what you must do, no matter how much you will bloody your hands, even if you have to make others or yourself shed blood or tears, you must live on properly. Jirou, this is your destiny.'

My mother had said these words to me with aloofness. The next morning, she disappeared without trace, as though she had never existed at all to begin with. The only things she left behind were a stamp and a bank account containing a giant sum of money.

Back then, I had yet to understand the concept of loneliness.

But now, I was finally able to understand how painful a separation it was.

As I am now, perhaps I would be able to speak out asking my mother not to go.

Ultimately... I definitely learned from my mother all sorts of things that no ordinary mother would teach a child.

Even so, I still remained greatly grateful to my mother.

That was why my chest felt so empty, as though a huge hole had been gouged from it.

Or perhaps because of that--I was feeling pain in my heart.

'Slowly, you will understand what is heartache. Once you understand that, absolutely do not forget that feeling. It will become a valuable experience for you, the most important emotion. As a result, you must embrace that emotion and continue striving to survive amidst the pain and suffering. Do you understand? No matter how great the pain and suffering your body or soul feels, you must live on.'

I was definitely able to endure the body's pain.

However, I had never experienced the feeling known as heartache.

No, perhaps the separation with my mother itself had already made me experience heartache already.

Was that why I was feeling such pain in my chest...?

--No, it's not like that. This pain coming from my heart was not the feeling of heartache.

At this moment, floating in the darkness, I was starting to see a large amount of red droplets.

That was--fresh blood. A great volume of blood was surging out from my chest.

At this rate, I was going to die. My mother clearly asked me to live on properly but my life was quickly reaching an end.

However... That's right, I felt quite satisfied with my death.

That's why my mother said those words, probably to scold me for harboring such thoughts.

...Mother, I'm sorry.

But I really feel that this is fine.

Because, to think I can actually... Die while embracing the feelings a human ought to have.

At the time, knowing that I could die together with her, I really felt very happy.


'This sort of thing is neither here nor there. You must live on properly. Hurry up and open your eyes.'

That was what my mother said to me.

Somehow in my memories, my mother's tone of voice seemed quite gruff.

Oh right, my mother's personality really seems to be like that.

'Also in the future--a destiny akin to despair yet filled with happiness is waiting for you.'

My mother's voice was making my consciousness gradually awaken.

In other words, I still had not...

Then the originally dark space instantly filled with silver brightness like moonlight.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

I opened my eyes to see the lower edge of a bosom that was boldly stretching the clothing's fabric.

"Good morning, Jirou-kun."


I felt the warmth of a hand's touch on my hair. Only after a while did I realize that someone was currently stroking my head. Beyond the voluptuous bosom, I could see Senpai's face with a gentle smile.

Was everything a dream? While thinking that, I shifted my gaze slightly to the side. The pool of blood earlier was no longer visible on the floor and my body didn't look like it was bleeding.

But when I looked up at Senpai's face, I immediately noticed blood stains on her face and hands. Moonlight was streaming in through the window, illuminating her, producing an extremely surreal scene.

"Oh, this is your blood, Jirou-kun, so don't worry about me."

...No, even after hearing her say that, I was still worried.

In other words, I was definitely killed by someone but my wounds were not that serious. Not only that, even Senpai was able to survive miraculously as well... Is that what happened?

Or perhaps, I've actually entered the afterlife? The dead bodies of Senpai and me were still collapsed on the side while she and I had perhaps turned into ghosts at this moment.

Oh well, it's fine even if that's true. In that case, Senpai would be able to continue displaying her smiling face. This fact alone was enough to make everything perfect.

Just as I was thinking that, Senpai spoke up:

"If today weren't a safe day, dying on the spot would have been likely."

She said something incomprehensible.


I couldn't help but leak a weird noise from my lips, surprising even myself. What I understood about the keyword "safe day" was totally impossible to connect with Senpai's meaning.

"Oh, how should I put this...? It is quite difficult to explain indeed..."

Senpai was making a troubled look. She first looked up, then to the side, then to the back.

She looked like she was trying hard to find a suitable manner of explanation, then she said:

"Tonight's situation is very coincidental and special, which is why I happened to not die. Then... Putting it this way, perhaps you might find it difficult to understand, but I am truly sorry, I accidentally made you immortal."

Shiinasenpai v1 039.png


I totally can't understand what Senpai was talking about.

But I currently have a need to show my outstanding comprehension abilities.

Shiinamachi-senpai was not an articulate person to begin with. Instead, she was the type who would listen quietly to other people chatting while she smiled and enjoyed her tea.

That's why I must show that I have already understood her, so as to help her continue.

That's right, lemme think... What Senpai just said--

  • If today weren't a safe day, dying on the spot would have been likely.
  • Because today's situation was special, Senpai did not die.
  • I have currently become immortal.

Very good, totally incomprehensible.

"So it's kind of like vampires?"

Even so, I still asked a question within my realm of understanding. Senpai thought for a while before answering:

"There's no need to drink blood... But indeed, it is a bit similar to the type of monster you brought up."

What? Was Senpai actually a monster?

And I can't believe that even I have become the same type of monster as well?

While feeling surprised, I tried to find a way to accept--

...No no no.

If I were to accept this fact so easily, then surely my brain must have problems.

Although that's what I thought...

"Excuse me... Do you understand what I mean?"

Senpai made a worried look as she said that to me. I totally could not tell her honestly that "No, I don't get it at all." That would make me feel like a criminal.

"Anyway, let's just pretend for now that I already understand."

Surely Senpai would feel even more troubled if I acted in a panicking manner, refused to believe her words or even took strange actions.

I definitely did not want Senpai to feel troubled.

In that case, choosing to believe would be the only right answer. So let's do that.

"Yes... I'm so glad, it was fortunate that I chose Jirou-kun... Had I chosen someone else, surely they would be in greater panic now."

Well no, I'm actually panicking inside, you know?

If I really said that out, Senpai would surely... (omitted), so I definitely can't say it.

Men gain strength gradually through times of keeping quiet, again and again.

Even so, Senpai just said that "it was fortunate that I chose Jirou-kun."

No matter what those words meant, I really felt very happy.

"Also, Jirou-kun, I believe that my murderer is still in school and probably nearby... What do you think we should do?"

Senpai asked me a question but right this moment, I was currently lying on Senpai's lap, admiring her bust from below. I really wanted this state to persist longer.

But now was not the time to be thinking about such things.

The enemy's technique was so clean, to think I was killed effortlessly without making a sound, based on this point, even if we were to attempt a search right now, we would most likely face a futile predicament. Besides, although this time, Senpai had already died when I discovered her, next time Senpai might get murdered before my eyes, if that were to happen, I might die from the shock.

--Given such technique... Even fully prepared at maximum vigilance, there was no guarantee that--

"No, I don't want Senpai to get killed by the murderer again, so please allow me to continue lying on your lap."

I decided to voice my desires honestly and ask Senpai to pamper me.

"You're right. If I were to die again, you would lose your life as well."


Another piece of news received.

What did her words mean? What on earth had I become?

Everything was likely secretly developing in a world that I did not understand and I had just happened to get swept up into that world. Using the remnants of comprehension in my mind, I came to this conclusion after some thinking.

'--When you are desperately backed into a hopeless corner, the most important thing to do is to get a grasp on the situation first. No matter how difficult it is to accept the circumstances, you must treat everything as preset facts and accept them. If there is someone you can ask in person to learn about the situation, then your first task is to gather as much available information as quickly as possible so as to guide yourself on further action to take.'

This was one of the lessons teaching me how to survive that my mother had left behind.

"Senpai, if possible, can you explain things with a little more detail?"

"Before that, would you like to go to the bathroom to wash off the blood stains on you?"


Just as I was trying hard to figure out the situation, Senpai did as she pleased and offered her suggestion.

"I have washed up already, so there might be some blood remaining in the bathroom. Sorry about that."

And now, I was going to use the bathroom that Senpai had just used?

"Then I will gladly take up your offer."

"Okay, then... I shall lower your head onto the floor for now."

Senpai carefully covered my head with her hands then lightly set my head on the floor.

A cushion had apparently been placed on the floor beforehand and its soft texture enveloped my head. Senpai's thighs really were too comfortable as a pillow but too bad... However, seeing Senpai cherish me so much, I felt very happy as soon as I thought that.

That being said, I couldn't keep lying here, of course. If I maintained this posture and looked to the side, the view beneath Senpai's shirt would enter my eyes, in other words, I would accidentally see something I shouldn't.

I cleared my thoughts. Troubles, be gone.

To prevent myself from looking to the side, I reached out and pushed my vanity glasses.

--The glasses were also smeared with blood. Looks like I'd better hurry and wash up.


I finally managed to get up and looked around me.

Senpai's room was a suite and looked very neat and tidy. The large amount of spilt blood earlier was totally not visible. Of course, none of the blood I bled could be seen either. Did Senpai wipe and clean away all the blood stains by herself?

Speaking of which, I bled so much yet unbelievably, there was a way to make me survive. Somehow it felt like the volume of bleeding would exceed what was known as debilitating blood loss--Could this be evidence of my becoming immortal?

Ignoring all this for now, I'd better do as Senpai suggested first. I must hurry and help Senpai feel reassured.

"So, Senpai, I'll be borrowing your bathroom--If there are any details in the situation you'd like to explain, tell me later, okay? For example, why did you ask me to come to your room today..."

"Yes, I will be able to explain that part to you immediately."


Having said that to Senpai, I looked at the door on the deep end of the room.

That should be the door leading to the bathroom with the sink and washroom.


"Then I'll be off."

"Fufu. You mean you're setting off for the bathroom, isn't that right? Okay, take care!"

Senpai smiled at me... That finally took a load off my heart.

Although I had no idea at all what kind of situation I was in, as long as Senpai was still willing to smile at me, everything was okay.

Thinking such thoughts, I opened the door leading to the washroom.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■


The bathroom that was not really cramped was filled with the fragrance of body wash and shampoo as well as warm steam.

I first tried to wash the blood stains from my body and the blood was completely scattered by the hot water. Seeing the red water flow to the drain hole, only then did I get a real sense that I really had been killed.

Even though Senpai had cleaned up the blood stains in the room, she still could not wipe away all the blood on my body. As soon as I recalled how Senpai's hands still had blood on them, I felt apologetic to Senpai. Also, she was not afraid of getting herself dirty, even letting my lie on her lap. At this moment, my heart was filled with gratitude towards her.

--That's right. Currently, to think that I was able to feel the emotions of "thankfulness" and "gratitude", this was quite a great event worth celebrating, so I decided that I must not forget these emotions and continue to strive hard to live on. Due to a certain incident, I was finally able to understand these "emotions" hence I must treasure these emotions even more... This was a lesson taught to my from past experiences.

I reached to feel my back.

The part where I should have been cut by the blade now felt smooth without any scar at all. Nevertheless, whether my memories or my body, both firmly remembered that pain and sensation. It probably was not a dream or a hallucination.

"I really was stabbed and I really resurrected, what on earth..."

Senpai had said "I made you immortal", was this true too?

No wait, what does immortal mean?

"So it means I won't die again?"

Simply pondering the meaning of this term, it seemed quite astounding. Shiinamachi-senpai had made me immortal, so that was how I was saved. Even if that really was the truth, it was still hard to believe. Even if someone were to say to me suddenly that "from now on, you won't die again", it was still very hard to say if it was actually true or not without experiencing it for real.

"However... Sigh, I guess I'll choose to believe for now."

Shiinamachi-senpai always gave off a feeling like she was detached from the mundane world, as such, she would occasionally say strange things. However, it was definite that she rarely lied. If I had to test whether I was truly immortal, that would require dying in order to know the result. I didn't really want to test it for real.

Anyway, I'd better hurry and give my body a wash.

If something really did change about my body, then I probably might discover something after washing myself clean.

While thinking that, I turned myself to the mirror, little expecting that...


I really discovered something. At my chest--on the skin just above my heart, there was a kind of red pattern.

It looked a bit like a tattoo... Or perhaps an emblem. It resembled some kind of bird mascot... As though someone had drawn a magnificent type of bird on my chest like a peacock but currently, the pattern was not very clear.

"What's going on?"

I scratched the pattern with my fingernail but nothing stuck to my fingertip. The pattern seemed to be surfacing from the flesh entirely.

I pulled and pinched as a test but apart from distorting the pattern, there were no other changes.

Currently, I guess I'll just have to accept the fact that "a certain pattern has appeared on my skin."

"Okay, I'll ask Shiinamachi-senpai later."

This was my conclusion. In the end, I still didn't understand what it was about.

My body seemed to changed in various ways. If I don't listen to Senpai's detailed explanation, I probably won't be able to imagine or deduce much on my own.

In that case, let me leave things as they are for now.

Thinking that, I started to wash my hair. First I used hot water to wet my hair then I poured shampoo on my palm... Staring at the shampoo, I thought to myself, "this is the shampoo that Shiinamachi-senpai is using" then applied it to my hair.

While lathering up my hair, I immediately found patches that were stuck together. It looked like blood had splashed onto my hair as well.

If the blood had splashed onto my head at the time, then the person stabbing me must have gotten a lot of my blood over him or her. Just as Senpai said, if we searched the school or the vicinity now, perhaps we might easily find the culprit all covered in blood. Be that as it may, the murderer was someone capable of killing me with one accurate strike of the sword. Even if we really found the murderer, the situation would still be very dangerous.

If the murderer found out that Senpai and I were actually still alive...

--Oh, that's right. The murderer might instantly turn back to finish the job.

Thinking that, I couldn't help but start worrying about Senpai so I sped up my hair washing motions.

This can't continue. I have hurry and ask Senpai about the whole story and think of a solution.

I washed the suds from my head, shut the tap for the shower head then turned towards the door. Just then--

"Excuse me... Jirou-kun."

I heard Shiinamachi-senpai's voice coming from behind the frosted glass.

"Eh? Oh, I'm almost done... I've already finished washing my hair and I'm about to get out."

Senpai was probably preparing a bath towel for me? I was casually thinking that but did not expect--

"Excuse me... May I enter?"


For an instant, I completely failed to understand what Senpai was talking about.

May I enter?

I ruminated over the meaning of these words over and over again in my mind--


I couldn't help but cry out.

"Umm... I think that I should explain to you the changes your body has undergone..."

"Oh, o-okay."

I definitely hoped that Senpai could explain to me, but that should be after I finish my bath and return to the room!

"I would like to apologize to you--and to deepen our relationship... So... I was thinking I could help scrub your back or something..."


I cried out again. No wait, calm down. Sakuradamon Jirou, hurry and calm down!

Was this really okay? Am I actually in a dream? Or perhaps I died a long while ago and I'm currently somewhere in heaven, which is why everything is developing in the direction that I hoped?

Otherwise, that innocent and adorable Senpai in my heart who has absolutely no experience with males in that regard, the pure and untainted Shiinamachi-senpai, how could she make such a adult-oriented suggestion?

"Y-You refuse...?"

Assuming we are a boy and a girl with healthy minds and bodies, of course this suggestion must be refused! How should I say this? After all, the two of us haven't progressed to that kind of relationship yet, right? But if Senpai believes that developing this kind of relationship is okay, then naturally that means she really feels that way towards me.

Back then, Senpai had also told me that "today is my safe day, so please pay me a visit at my room." Judging from that angle, of course I feel very excited and elated. But as soon as I recalled Senpai's earlier explanation, I know that she had simply mistaken the meaning of that term. Precisely because of that, I feel even more strongly that the innocent and adorable... (further descriptions omitted) Senpai in my heart probably isn't conveying that level of meaning right now.

...Okay. I decided to reject Senpai's request for now and listen calmly to her first. Yes, let's do that.

"Please come in."

However, the words coming out of my mouth agreed to Senpai's request instead.

Was this perhaps the best example of "the mouth being more honest than the heart"? Or perhaps, this was a snapshot of the reality, "how could a man's heart be willing to miss out on such an excellent opportunity"?

No matter what, this was Shiinamachi-senpai we're talking about and I now have the chance to be with her together in the bathroom.

This was a special situation that was quite unlikely to happen a second time in a lifetime. Rather than unlikely, it'd be better to say it can't possibly happen again. In a lifetime, there are many opportunities that only come up once. Hence, no matter what kind of opportunity, one must never let them slip. So, Sakuradamon Jirou, it's okay, just take a good look and appreciate Senpai's naked body! Yes! Let's do it!

While trying hard to explain myself, I stared at the frosted glass.

"Then... Pardon my intrusion."

Then Senpai... She stepped into the bathroom, wrapped in a bath towel.

Pale skin, collarbone, arms, then there were the thighs, calves and ankles, not to mention the bountiful bust that easily bulged under the fabric of the bath towel. Senpai's state of half-nakedness was displayed before my eyes, so dazzling that I almost couldn't stare directly. Although I had just died once and dared not accept all this, right now, I really feel like I would have no regrets even if I had to die straight away.

"Oh, please could you not stare at me continuously... I-I will feel very embarrassed..."

So Senpai will feel embarrassed? That makes sense... Thinking that, I looked at Senpai's face... Her face was blushing red to her ears to an astounding degree. In other words, Senpai was coming with a mood of "ufufu, my dear, I shall scrub your back for you! Ufu!", instead, she was thinking "so embarrassing, but I must do my best!"

I really didn't understand what motivation could drive Senpai to be willing to go so far.

But to me, simply the fact that "the extremely embarrassed Shiinamachi-senpai was willing to scrub my back" was enough to make me feel that my life's goal had been accomplished.

My life is without regrets now. I desperately suppressed my urge to raise my fist and cheer, trying hard to squeeze out words to converse with the embarrassed Senpai.

"Uh... Senpai, you're so pretty."

Right now, I did not want to do anything along the lines of "suppressing my own true feelings." Ever since transferring into this school, I decided I must express my emotions honestly. Hence, I said what was truly on my mind.

"Ooh... T-Thank you."

Senpai averted her gaze and covered the corner of her lip lightly with her hand... This motion was absolutely awesome.

Due to the action of her arm, her massive bust changed shape, bulging even more. Only a thin layer of cloth covered the critical spot that all men desired greatly to see. Of course I wanted to see it too, but if I kept staring, Senpai would probably feel very awkward.

At this moment, I totally had no idea what to do. I was even unable to sit down.

--Mind over body. I grasped as the last vestiges of rationality remaining in my heart, focused my mind and avoided letting a man's bestial nature make me carried away in excitement.

Losing my cool, almost overwhelmed by emotion, I might very well push Shiinamachi-senpai down on the spot. Or rather, the biggest problem is that doing that under this kind of conditions, I might actually be forgiven instead.

That said, the calmer part of my brain had a different feeling.

Despite feeling very embarrassed, Senpai was still doing her best to express her apology to me. Surely this must be because Senpai felt that she needed to compensate me for inviting me over but ending up getting me killed.

...Senpai had already experienced the scary act of getting killed. I really didn't want to violate her and add more to her mental trauma.

She had had enough. I hoped that Senpai could spend the remainder of today in a relaxed manner. That was the wish in my heart.

"Hoo... Okay. I've calmed down. Senpai, sorry, I got a little too excited just now."

"Oh, don't apologize... Umm... Thank you... Yes, I feel a little shy so could you turn your back towards me?"

"Sure. Thanks for offering to do this."

Senpai had offered to scrub my back after all, so naturally, I turned my back to her. It was admittedly a shame that I couldn't continue admiring Senpai's perfect body, but now that I've calmed down, I still turned myself slowly.


Senpai cried out in surprise.

"There's a scar on your right shoulder..."

"Oh, I'm sorry for startling you."

Only then did I remember that there was cross-shaped scar on the side of my right shoulder as though it had been marked with a blade. Senpai must have saw that scar suddenly and felt startled.

"It was an old wound. I had many stitches back then."

"Looks like the wound was very deep at the time..."

I could feel Senpai lightly stroking the scar with her hand and I couldn't help but shudder once.

"Oh, my apologies. Does it hurt...?"

"No, it doesn't. It just surprised me so I shuddered. It's okay now."

I simply felt a little ticklish originally but for some reason, I suddenly felt a bit embarrassed.

"Okay... Sorry, I was too forward."

"Not at all. Don't say that."

Senpai seemed reassured. She exhaled lightly then touched my back.

I'll surely get way too excited if I focused my awareness excessively on this fact, so I decided to turn my gaze left and right, this resulted in...

I happened to see the mirror. The mirror apparently had anti-fog treatment and I was able to see a clear reflection of Shiinamachi-senpai behind me.

...To erase that greedy feeling in my heart, I hurriedly looked down.

"Ah... Fufu."

Senpai chuckled, slightly reassured.

She had apparently noticed that I was trying hard to suppress the urge to look at her.

To be honest, I really wanted to look, super wanted to look, wanting to look at her to the extreme.

But if it was to help Senpai feel reassured, I believe I can surely suppress the desire in my heart.

"Thank you, Jirou-kun."

This time, Shiinmachi-senpai placed her hand lightly on my back.

The feeling was a little cold and felt slightly ticklish.

"The blade stabbed... here, right?"

Senpai stroked my back, that spot was precisely opposite to my chest. That part still felt a little hot.

"Jirou-kun, sorry, it's all because I asked you to come to my room..."

"Don't say that, Senpai. I really don't mind at all. Besides, none of this feels real to me."

The intense pain at the time and the severe chill only lasted for but an instant.

At the time, I used the last of my strength to utter those last words... then lost consciousness.

That "death" experience was so brief and quick that it did not leave any resentment in my heart, naturally.

"But... I got you swept up in this incident without explaining anything beforehand... I was too impatient. I didn't explain anything to you at the start, so I'm sure right now, you are full of various questions, right?"

Indeed, Senpai didn't explain anything in detail to me today. As a result, it made me a little too excited. But at this moment, the situation is similarly quite exciting too.

"If possible, could you explain in detail to me now?"

"Very well. I only came in to explain everything to you."

Senpai's voice sounded quite calm and stable. Although this was a bathroom, it felt quite suitable for asking Senpai all kinds of questions. This was probably what people called being completely open to each other, right? Hiding nothing from each other, displaying everything with no reservation... In this sense, there was no description more apt. Of course, Senpai was actually clad in a bath towel.

"First of all... Where should I begin?"

Senpai suddenly said softly with her hand on my back.

"Then... let's start with the reason you invited me to your room today."

That's right, I was confused from the start about what was going on.

"...Yes, good idea. Perhaps you might find all this to be quite ridiculous and impossible to believe, but... I hope you won't think I'm lying and will listen to me properly."

A ridiculous and impossible to believe incident had already happened.. And everything had happened to me, so how could I possibly not believe?


But to Senpai, I'm sure it's equally incomprehensible, right?

Not only was she stabbed to death suddenly, even the one she invited, me, was killed as well. I believe she herself must be quite shocked too... For some reason, I was starting to feel like I could understand why Senpai was so calm earlier.

As a result, no matter how unbelievable Senpai's next words were, I've already decided to accept her explanation for now.

"To be honest, tonight... I originally planned to tell you my secret, Jirou-kun."

"You mean matters related to monsters... what you just told me about?"


I could feel Senpai's hand on my back slightly pushing harder.

"I am actually one of the Nightkin. Members of this race will only die when predetermined events happen. There are also people who call us 'Lords'."

I remember that the word "Lord" meant something like "king" or "sovereign."

"It is said that the Nightkin are a kind of life form similar to humans, always staying out of human sight, living in the world of the night, hiding among human crowds in their daily lives. Since time immemorial, the Nightkin has survived to modern day in this manner... Also, this race is apparently almost about to go extinct."

A life form similar to humans.

Throughout the time I have spent with Senpai, I found her no different from an ordinary human at all.

Feeling embarrassed in the bathroom, worrying for me all the time, and feeling troubled when trying to explain things.

The impression she gave off was clearly like an ordinary girl's, but...

"Hence, today--Not too long ago, I was assassinated and my heart stopped for a while. However, I was able to survive because I possess more potent self-healing powers than humans."

"Umm... Even if you get stabbed, severely damaging your heart... Your self-healing powers still works?"

Too shocking. If that really were true, then the race of Nightkin won't die under any circumstances, right?

"Looks like it works. Just now was my first time getting killed, so even I myself was very surprised... Also, everything happened perfectly by chance, your... human blood coincidentally splattered on my body. Perhaps because of that, it had a positive effect."

"My blood?"

"When I feel vitality bursting forth from someone's life... If that power carries within in some kind of powerful thoughts and feelings, those emotions can turn into a great power for we Nightkin to use."

Senpai spoke slightly shyly.

--Indeed, back then I was harboring powerful thoughts and feelings for Senpai. Due to that, when my fresh blood was spilt over Senpai's body, it was able to increase her self-healing powers, thereby saving her life?

But resurrecting just because of human blood splattering on oneself, that really resembled a vampire. Earlier, Senpai had said "There's no need to drink blood... But indeed, it is a bit similar to the type of monster you brought up." That was probably what she was referring to.

"So, what does the so-called safe day mean?"

Senpai had also mentioned that "If today weren't a safe day, dying on the spot would have been likely."

So... Before giving me the invitation, Senpai already knew she was not going to die.

"In fact, I already knew ahead of time that I will encounter an incident today involving death, but at the same time, I also knew that it will not entail my own death, so the meaning is equivalent to 'today is a safe day, don't worry'."

I see. So it's completely different to the kind of safe day I imagined.

I felt quite ashamed for mistakening Senpai's meaning. However, I really wished Senpai could understand how much that term would make guys blush and get excited uncontrollably... No, I guess it's more fitting of Shiinamchi-senpai's style for her to be unaware of these kinds of things.

"You knew ahead of time... That sounds something like a prophesy. Is this a power of the Nightkin?"

To be honest, I still found it hard to believe that Senpai was a life form of a different race. If Senpai were a weird girl who had a thing for this type of character background, I could still understand, but no, she's someone who never lies and never forces others to accept such pretentious ideas. As a result, I decided to accept her explanation wholly for now then analyze in detail afterwards.

"Oh no... That's not a power of the Nightkin but a special feature."

Saying that, Senpai fell silent for a while as though in a bit of a quandary.

Then apparently figuring out how to explain, she began to explain tirelessly.

"From the moment we are born, members of the Nightkin must act out their life according to a predetermined 'story', living according to the directions of the story... That's the kind of race we are."

"You must act out a story according to predetermined directions? Lemme see, that's like... a book, isn't it?"

"Yes. There exist books among us that only the Nightkin can read. Whenever one of our kind is born, a story will be selected from among them and assigned to the newborn Nightkin. Thereafter, that Nightkin must abide by the story's content and live according to its rules as well as die according to its rules. The greatest special feature is that if the event does not match the story's content, then it's almost impossible for us to die."

In other words, members of Senpai's race must follow the settings of the "story" starting from their birth and act out their life according to the story's content. If the death-causing incident does not match the timing in the story, then it's almost impossible for the Nightkin to die.

Just as indicated by the story Senpai was acting out, she did not die today. Because today was not her day to die. In other words, today was her safe day... So that's what happened, right?

I slowly began to understand the meaning of what Senpai had said previously.

"In other words... It's what people would call destiny?"

A prescribed and predetermined path. This could be called destiny, right?

"I guess this should be similar to what humans call destiny, but we are different from humans. During the period from birth until the end of their story, a Nightkin will stop aging after a certain age and will not die from any other causes of death."

In that case, this race definitely had their own unique special feature, different from vampire legends.

"My 'story' only started not too long ago. As long as I haven't finished acting out the role of the character in the story, I won't die. As a result, today is meant to be a day when 'I'll encounter an incident today involving death but won't die as a result', that is also why I was able to survive... Of course, I never expected in the beginning that the reason why I won't die... was because you would lose your life for coming here on my invitation, and that I survived because I received the powerful thoughts and feelings carried in your blood..."

Hearing Senpai mention "powerful thoughts and feelings", I felt a little embarrassed.

But in hindsight, my death ultimately helped Senpai, I'm so glad.

"In other words, whenever you're in a crisis, as long as I give my blood to you, Senpai, everything will be fine?"

I couldn't help but feel that it was a little similar to the concept of blood transfusions.

"Hmm, I don't think it has to be through blood... As long as some way is used to strengthen mental contact, it should be fine. However... A covenant of blood is indeed the most powerful method. Back then, a great volume of your blood entered my body through the wound on my chest, so..."

Saying that, Senpai exhaled lightly.

"Right now, flowing in my body is your blood that has assimilated with my own blood, Jirou-kun."

...Somehow, after hearing that, my heart fluttered for a bit.

To think that I've had mental contact with Shiinamachi-senpai, to the point of even establishing something so monumental as a covenant of blood?

My blood was currently flowing inside Senpai's body at the moment?

Hearing that, anyone would feel their heart pound uncontrollably, right?

"...C-Cough. No matter what, I think I've already understood why Senpai didn't die."

"Phew... I knew that the explanation just now must be hard to understand with common sense. At the same time, I understand that you are really willing to work hard to understand my words, Jirou-kun."

I felt a bit embarrassed that Senpai was being so considerate for me. After all, Senpai already came here on purpose to scrub my back. As a man, of course I must do everything in my power to try hard.

"Fufu. Actually, after dying and resurrecting, there was a short interlude... Basically, it took me quite a lot of effort to move you from my body where you had collapsed, Jirou-kun."

"Uwah... U-U-Umm... I'm so sorry, Senpai."

I had collapsed on Senpai's body when I died. At that moment, I was feeling quite satisfied but now it feels a bit embarrassing. However, so that was what the so-called "safe day" meant! Senpai's use of the term "safe day" turned out to be too technical, it was only natural that I would fail to understand her in the beginning.

Now I truly understood deeply that Shiinamachi-senpai really was a bit airheaded in this regard.

"Because of your help, I was able to revive... So in my panic, I decided I must save your life... Actually, I really wanted to obtain your consent first before resurrecting you... Sorry."

"No, that's no biggie at all. I'm the one who should thank you, Senpai, for surviving, being able to rise from the dead."

To be honest, I had already lost my life at that point. Even if Senpai tried to get my consent, I wouldn't have been able to answer her. The murderer's killing technique was too refined, I still think so even now.

Of course, I felt very happy that Senpai was willing to raise me from the dead.

However, I still couldn't help but find questions piling up more and more in my mind.

I guess I should be able to believe that Senpai belongs to a race called the Nightkin but I still found it hard to accept beings that could resurrect after being killed. But back then, I definitely saw with my own eyes that Shiinamachi-senpai was collpased on the floor, dead, so I had no choice but to believe that this whole affair as indeed the truth.

However, if it really were true, then how on earth did I resurrect? I am just an ordinary person without Senpai's type of regeneration ability. Simply a fracture in my leg would take me between one and three months of recuperation to heal, let alone getting stabbed through the heart... After suffering that kind of wound, logically speaking, it should have been impossible to revive me.

"The reason why you are still living right now, Jirou-kun... is because I gave one of my 'gifts' to you."

"Senpai's... gift?"

"Yes. Those who obtain this gift will become immortal... Even if a blade stabs into your heart, or if the majority of your body gets blown away by an explosion, if you're forced to drink poison, you can still rise from death and recover to your original form. This is the power possessed by the gift I have given you... Apart from that, I absolutely couldn't think of any other way to resurrect you from your state of death back then."

This was absolutely absurd, totally ridiculous. To be able to resurrect someone who's already dead and even turn him immortal? Whether in the past or present, there shouldn't be any life form capable of that, right? Even gods in myths can't easily return to their original world after arriving at another world.

However, I definitely... personally experienced the process of dying and resurrection so this was something I could not refute at all.

"This is a power possessed by the Nightkin. We are able to pass along certain special powers to humans, giving the gifts we possess to people who can assist in our story. Once we pass it along, that gift will no longer exist within us, whereas the human who had obtained the gift will become the Nightkin's vassal."

Shiinamachi-senpai explained to me a little apologetically.

Vassal--Hearing this word, most people would probably think of subordinates or followers.

"Vassals are usually called 'Knights' as well. As a result, a Nightkin can continue building their story together with their vassals. A vassal can be the Nightkin's coworker, friend, knight, relative and sometimes even their lover or spouse. Through this process, the Nightkin eventually completes their life's story."

Due to the Nightkin's vassals playing this kind of role, in terms of the meaning of "night", that was why the vassals were called Nights by others; or perhaps just as Senpai mentioned earlier, vassals could play the role of a knight, protecting the Nightkin, hence they were called "Knights." I've heard Senpai mention the other names for the "Nightkin" and "vassals" but only now did I finally realize that their alternative names actually carried two different layers of meanings.

The Nightkin were like sovereigns in stories, hence they were addressed as "Lord". In addition, a Nightkin must travel along the path prescribed by the story, which can be called a "Road", which sounds similar as well.[1]

To Senpai, I am like a companion to spend the dark nights together, hence "Nights" while at the same time, I am the knight by her side, which is a position called the "Knights".

So that's the meaning.

--Vassals could become the Nightkin's lover or spouse... This fact really made my heart pound uncontrollably.

It felt like words coming from a girl who loved to daydream.

My entire person was about to plunge into narcissism. Perhaps that was truly the wish in Senpai's heart.

If that really was the case... I feel myself getting more and more motivated.

"...Suddenly telling you these things, it must be hard for you to believe in an instant."

Senpai timidly tried to move away her hand that was on my back.

--Indeed, suddenly hearing someone say this kind of stuff would be really hard to believe. If she really asked me this moment whether I really believed everything from the bottom of my heart, I would surely say that I actually still have some doubts. On the other hand, my current situation was clearly telling me that all this was the truth beyond a doubt.

For example, as soon as I recalled... The current situation where Shiinamachi-senpai did not actually die.

Back then, I personally saw the wound on her chest from something stabbing straight through, so I definitely cannot explain how she is alive now. Furthermore, I also saw the large amount of blood flowing everywhere so it makes it even harder to explain how she didn't die.

Next... The current fact that I was not killed also fully proves this reality.

I didn't witness by my own eyes what had caused the impact behind me so I could still conclude that perhaps I wasn't stabbed; nevertheless, I did see for certain at the time that a blade tip had pierced out of my chest, this was totally irrefutable. My chest definitely bled and I certainly saw a blade's tip.

In other words, putting aside whether I am dead or alive... At least I can be certain of one fact: a long blade had stabbed me in the back, penetrating and exiting from my chest.

Then I lost consciousness. Even if that attack had not caused a fatal wound, surely I would have died from excessive blood loss eventually.

--Based on past experience, I was very clear on this point.

Summing up, Shiinamachi-senpai and I were murdered.

This was the truth... And after that, right now, we are truly alive. This was also the undeniable truth.

--Hence, Shiinamachi-senpai was speaking the truth.

Based on the current situation, it should be fine to treat all this as reality. Even if stuff like the Nightkin explanation and the part about powers possessed by vassals was a lie, for me at this particular point in time, it didn't matter at all. After all, I cannot explain the whole thing using the common sense logic in my mind, so taking a skeptical stance was pointless.

In that case, it would be better to believe Shiinamachi-senpai fully.

That's all I could do for now.

"I believe. I believe in what you told me, Shiinamachi-senpai."

"Eh... Jirou-kun...?"

"Of course I'm very surprised and I find certain parts very hard to understand. For example, there's the fact that Senpai isn't human, Senpai possesses certain powers, Senpai gave me one of those powers... I really have trouble understanding these parts."

"Yes... You have a point..."

"However, I believe you, Senpai. How should I put this? ...Senpai, for the sake of explaining everything, you were still willing to do your best and enter the bathroom despite clearly feeling very embarrassed, putting your utmost effort to explain to me. Furthermore, you still told me all that even knowing I might not believe you. That's why I believe you, Senpai."


Senpai's voice sounded a bit shaky.

"That's why, Senpai, please rest assured. I don't want you to be worried."

That's right. No matter what situation I'm in, no matter what the truth actually is, to me, the most important thing is whether Senpai feels reassured.

To me currently, this was the most important thing.

All I cared about was whether Shiinamachi-senpai was able to smile as before.

That's right, that alone was enough.

"...Jirou-kun, you're really so kind."

After saying those words, just like that, Senpai... hugged me, pressing tightly against my back.

The extremely concrete feeling coming from my back, through the fabric, I could even feel that bulging body part getting squeezed and compressed.


"The reason why I invited you was because... I felt that you are a very kind person."

Hearing these words, the sense of upheaval in my heart swiftly calmed down.

--My kindness is actually all an act.

Even when placed in this kind of situation, calm thoughts still existed in a certain part of my mind. I was still able to get a clear grasp of the situation, even to the point of choosing what words and sentences to respond.

However, as long as it helped Shiinamachi-senpai feel reassured, even feigned calmness was fine.

"The reason why invited you over was to ask you... ask you to accept this power for my sake, and ask you to assist in my story. It's just that the sequence got changed a little..."

...I see.

I guessed that Senpai's original intention was to call me to her room, then explain to me what she had just told me... Then give me her request and ask me to make a decision.

What she wanted to ask me was "please accept the power of immortality and help construct my story."

It's just that an unexpected incident occurred, in the end causing her to have no choice but to first decide to raise me from the dead.

This matter was surely eating away at Senpai's heart. She probably felt quite guilty. Because of that, she endured her feelings of embarrassment to come to the bathroom to explain everything to me.

"Senpai, even if this incident hadn't happened, I still would've accepted your request."

I really hoped Senpai could feel assured so I told her my feelings honestly.

In fact, I was originally harboring feelings of "no matter what Senpai's wish is, I will gladly accept it" which is why I came here tonight.

Of course, I do feel a little disappointed since things happened completely different from what I imagined.

However, I really feel extremely proud that Senpai was willing to choose someone like me.

"Jirou-san, I am truly grateful to you..."

Senpai murmured as though a great load was lifted off her shoulders, her voice mixed with a sigh of relief.

Warm breath reached the back of my shoulder, I couldn't help but shudder once.

"...For some reason, I've always felt that you probably would accept... Somehow, as long as I asked, you would surely agree to help me... Sorry, I can't believe I was having such selfish thoughts."

...Looks like my feelings of admiration for Senpai had already been exposed.

Sigh, in that case, a conclusion definitely could be reached soon.

"Oh, by the way, after receiving my power, a pattern resembling an emblem should have appeared somewhere on your body."

"Oh yeah, it happens to be near my chest."

In order to show Senpai the pattern on my chest, I was just about to puff out my chest, just at that moment--


Senpai made a panicking sound.

At the same time, the bath towel originally in contact with me fluttered to the floor!


I immediately closed my eyes! But in fact, I really wanted to look, super wanted to look, desperately wanted to look.

But if I did that, surely Senpai would feel very troubled. So--I must endure!

"Eh? Oh... Fufu. Jirou-kun, it's okay."

--It's okay?

"But Senpai... Umm..."

"...Just to be safe, I'm wearing a swimsuit underneath."

I opened my eyes slightly... Through the mirror, I saw Shiinamachi-senpai clutching the bath towel with an embarrassed look on her face. Worn on her pale skin was a strapless red swimsuit.

"I was thinking of going out with the library monitors next time to have fun at the pool... So I bought a swimsuit beforehand."

"I... see."

But seeing Shiinamachi-senpai standing there on the spot, clutching the bath towel with an embarrassed look while dressed in a swimsuit, that sight was too stimulating for me indeed.

I couldn't help but feel troubled what I should do next, then--

"Kaguya, have you two progressed to the kind of relationship where you can take baths together?"

I heard a girl's voice that I had never heard before. It felt very lifeless and monotone. Hearing that voice, I almost jumped straight up in surprise. I frantically turned my head and found a girl peering into the bathroom. She was dressed in school uniform with a lab coat on top of her uniform. Her hair was extremely long.

"Eh, ah, umm..."

"Okay--Situation understood. I predict that the two of you will now enter the sex scene. Please go ahead."

"Eh? W-What sex scene!? W-What do you mean by 'please go ahead'!?"

"I have already seen it, so please don't mind me."

"O-Of course I mind! S-Sorry, Jirou-kun, I have to leave the bathroom first!"

Shiinamachi-senpai looked very nervous and agitated. Then she left the bathroom like a gust of wind.

While running away, Senpai's little swimsuit-clad butt really was too adorable--I couldn't help but think that.

O-Oh right. Who was this girl who had suddenly appeared?

"Kaguya escaped confirmed-By the wyay, Monjirou."

"Eh, ah, you're addressing me?"

A girl I've never met suddenly called me by my nickname, greatly surprising me.

"Are you really okay like that?"


The girl swiftly pointed at me. Where she pointed was my--naked lower body.


I frantically turned my back to the girl.

"No problem."

"N-No problem?"

"Absolutely none."

Absolutely no problem...?

The girl, who had one eye obscured by her bangs, simply maintained her aloof attitude all along.

However, why did she keep staring at me, all the way until I had put on my clothes?

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

"Nice to meet you. In terms of names to my knowledge, I am called Yatono Shiki. Currently belonging to class 1-B. Please address me with familiarity from now on as Shiki or Shiki-tan."

She wants me to address her with familiarity? But I can't feel the slightest familiarity or warmth from her tone of voice and attitude!

"Then, Shiki-san..."

"Please address me as Shiki or Shiki-chwan and remember to use a more familiar tone of voice."


"Very good, your turn to introduce yourself."

Seeing me suffer so much for a manner of address, Shiinamachi-senpai couldn't help but laugh secretly to herself on the side.

"Shiki, I'm in class 2-A and like Senpai, I'm a library monitor as well. My name is Sakuradamon Jirou."

"I know that already, Monjirou."

Because she kept using my nickname, I kept getting the feeling that she had no idea what my real name was, but I decided to refrain from retorting about that. Perhaps this might make her act more friendly to me? Hopefully...

"I am Shiinamachi Kaguya. I believe the two of you already know that."

"Yes, Kaguya, I know that already. From now on, the three of us are friends."

The three of us were sitting on seat cushions around a table in Senpai's room, introducing ourselves in turn. Shiki had a lace-like decoration coiled around her hair. She was also wearing a large lab coat that was too big for her with both hands still stuck in the pockets while she was sitting. From appearance, she was truly quite a distinctive girl.

"So, Monjirou, have you had enough lovey-dovey intimacy with Shiinamachi Kaguya already?"

Shiki spoke with a very indifferent attitude, her tone of voice as flat as an automated speech system. However, the content of her words were quite crass.

"W-We weren't acting lovey-dovey..."

Shiiinamachi-senpai's face went all red immediately.

"Well then, I should describe the two as inseparable then?"

"We're not!"

Shiinamachi-senpai swiftly denied. How rare to hear her talk in such a loud voice. Immediately, she also seemed to realize she was shouting uncharacteristically loud and hastily covered her face in her hands.

"On the other hand, Monjirou was showing a 'totally seduced' look on his face."

"To be honest, that is the truth."

"Jirou-kun, you're so annoying..."

Senpai's gaze carried a sliver of reprimand but it felt unexpectedly comfortable. Teasing Shiinamachi-senpai really was too fun. I must pay more attention and try not to make it a habit.

"Kaguya red-faced confirmed. Condition normal, congratulations."

"Shiki-san, y-you're really so a-annoying..."

"What I mean is that your body's condition is normal, as well as that your cheeks are red."

Shiki turned her face towards me. I wasn't sure if she was staring at me because her bangs were covering her face, but it felt like she was hoping I'd give a comment about her lame pun[2] just now. Very well.

"That's really da bomb."

Shiinasenpai v1 068.png

I deliberately used outdated slang to praise her and even made a thumbs-up. Shiki proceeded to do a thumbs-up and nodded.

I see. Perhaps I do know how to get closer to her.

But who the heck was this girl?

There was this indifferent air about her that made it difficult to get along with her but at the same time, she seemed like quite the joker. From appearance down to her words and behavior, her entire person was full of mystery.

"By the way, brother."

"Are you addressing me?"

"So our intimacy has not progressed to brother-sister levels? Then I have misspoken."

"Oh, that's not what I meant."

But it's true that our relationship isn't that close.

"It's fine even if you don't force a brother-sister type of intimacy with me on purpose..."

"Sure, darling."

"That's way too much of a jump. Could you just call me by name normally?"

"Very well, Monjirou."

She still insisted on calling me by my nickname. Perhaps she really treated my nickname as my real name. At this moment, I decided to give up on feeling bothered by it.

"Yes, Shiki, what's up?"

"How much information have you obtained from Kaguya about the current situation?"

Shiki cocked her head slightly, revealing a bit of her right eye. It was a very clear blue eye. Although her name sounded Japanese, perhaps she was actually a mixed child.

"How much... What's a good way of putting it...?"

"For example, three sizes?"

"How could I ask her something like that?"

"By my deductions, she probably will accept this kind of question from you."

I couldn't help but look at Shiinamachi-senpai with anticipation.

"I-I'm not going to answer!"

Completely flustered, Shiinamachi-senpai's presence was truly too soothing for the heart.

However... Judging from the words of this girl named Shiki, she seemed to know about the whole story already.

With her bangs covering an eye, it was almost impossible to read her face... Perhaps this was also deliberate on her part.

"...Monjirou, do you have any questions? Have you acknowledged me as your target for lust?"

"No, I'm sorry, it's very hard for me to feel that way towards someone I'm meeting for the first time."

"Really? Then I should learn more from Kaguya and take care to increase my potential as a woman."

What the heck was potential as a woman? This term seemed quite out of date. However, if it was interpreted as "honing feminine charms" then it's true that learning from Senpai as a role model would be right.

"So, Shiki, what's your relationship with Senpai?"

"Physical relationship."


I couldn't help but spurt out air. Too dangerous. If I happened to be drinking, it would have been a mess.


Senpai looked so frantic that she was almost about to burst into tears.

"It's already past midnight so it just happened to be perfect for a joke suited to late night hours."

"That's really bad for the heart."

I couldn't help it... I almost started to imagine Senpai and Shiki in this and that kind of scene.

"Right now, this very moment, we have already concluded that there is no problem even if Monjirou's heart stopped. But this fact hasn't been verified yet, so I hope you'll assist in experiments involving stopping the heart."

"...I'm very sorry. I don't agree with conducting this experiment."

"Is that... so...?"

Shiki seemed quite disappointed.


In other words, Shiki already knew about me resurrecting because Senpai saved me? And she also knew that I had become immortal now?

"So, Monjirou, I will make a deal with you. If you agree with the experiment, I will provide my own body to you. How do you feel about that?"


"Shiki-san, no, not allowed!"

Shiinamachi-senpai called out with a face filled with panic to stop her but I was stunned on the spot, unable to understand Shiki's meaning.

Seeing Senpai so flustered, in other words... It was definitely that meaning, right?

"Is this another late night joke?"

"I don't deny it. It is a subject that I find relatively more interesting."

"...I-I see..."


"No means no!"

Senpai stared at me with reprimanding eyes, making me feel a slight sense of chill.

Sigh, that's right. She's only a girl I just met, how could I possibly accept her body? And those terms of exchange, for me to cooperate with the experiment to see if my heart will stop, I absolutely can't do that.

"Ahem. So, Shiki, why did you come to Shiinamachi-senpai's room at this time?"

"That's what you're curious about?"

What else do you think I'm curious about?

"I was thinking I might have a chance to catch a glimpse of your lovey-dovey moments, so I waited a while before coming here. However, I never expected the two of you to progress to the intimacy of taking a bath together on the first night."

"T-That's because! I-It's not like that... Ugh!"

"Is there any inaccuracy or deviation in my assessment?"

"Hmm... Uh..."

Seeing Shiinamachi-senpai tongue-tied in nervousness, I really wanted to take her home directly for a good loving.

"Actually, I didn't do anything."

"Roger that. I have understood that Monjirou is a 'useless man'."


This comment struck viciously at my heart, making but double over in pain.

"Wah, Jirou-kun..."

"Senpai, i-it's okay..."

Indeed, under those circumstances, to think that I totally failed to do anything in that sense, perhaps I really can be considered a "useless man". However, I never expected this much psychological damage I'd feel from having a girl point this out to my face.

"Shiki-san is the same as you, both vassals to help and assist in my story. In other words, I have likewise passed on one of my gifts to Shiki-san."

"Yes, I have received the gift known as Satori. Here on, my job is to assist Kaguya for the rest of my life."


If I remembered right, this was the name of a mind-reading monster dwelling somewhere deep in the mountains.

Since Senpai was able to pass to me a powerful gift of resurrection, then the Satori gift received by this Shiki girl probably was a power that shouldn't be underestimated, right?

Indeed-She seemed to be able to read other people's thoughts directly.

Let me test by thinking things in my mind. Oh right--I should give them those two puddings I bought earlier, right? Or should I just take them home...

While pondering this dilemma, I stared at Shiki.

Okay, will she be able to read my thoughts or not...?

"I see."

Looking into my eyes, Shiki nodded with a calm face.

She does have the power to read minds!?

"I can feel your burning gaze. You are suggesting that I pay upfront the reward for the heart-stopping experiment first, aren't you?"

"The hell I am!?"

"Eh, Jirou-kun, I can't believe you were thinking that just now...?"

"Senpai, I wasn't! Because she said her power was called Satori, I was thinking she could read minds!"

"Oh... I see, that's what's going on. Phew..."

Senpai placed her hand on her chest in relief.

"I see. I understand now. My Satori power is not mind reading, please relax."

"I see."

"Hence, feel free to use Kaguya or me for fantasizing."

"What did you say!?"

"Of course, I am referring to the kind of fantasizing you do late at night."

I can't believe she can say such outrageous things nonchalantly...


Shiinamachi-senpai had apparently not caught on to her meaning. In that case, there shouldn't be a problem, right?

However, this Shiki girl will keep saying things nonchalantly with a sexual harassment flavor if she's left alone.

I must be more careful to avoid falling into her traps...

"Like me, Shiki is a Nightkin's vassal... Right?"

"Yes. At least as far as I can recall, I have only passed a gift to Shiki alone before tonight, no one else."

"As far as you can recall?"

I stared in puzzlement at Senpai and Shiki.

"Kaguya lost her memory."


I stared intently at Senpai's face.

"Actually... I can only remember things that happened in the past three years. Although I know that I am one of the Nightkin and also have common knowledge on life skills, I have almost no recollection on what I've done in the past..."


Senpai's usual attitude towards life was too natural, so I've always thought... It was the calm and composed mindset of someone who had lived a long life.

"Oh, but I still remember how to live, how days ought to be spent in school, and the content of my story... etc. It feels like I've only lost a certain portion of my memories."

"We can speculate that this is the result of a type of memory-sealing special ability. Kaguya also cannot remember who else she has passed gifts to other than myself. Nightkin typically possess five gifts but when Kaguya was about to pass Satori to me, she only had three gifts left, one of them being the immortality you now possess."

"Then counting from that, Senpai only has one gift left?"

"Yes. If I pass my final gift to someone, I will become no different from an ordinary person."

The corners of Shiinamachi-senpai's lips showed a faint smile.

How should I say this? I felt deeply that Senpai must have lived through such a tough life in the past.

Even so, for her still to be able to show such a gentle smile, she really was a very strong person.

Yes, it's decided, I must fulfill my role properly as Senpai's vassal.

I vowed secretly in the bottom of my heart.

"Senpai, I will surely do my best."

"Oh Jirou-kun..."

Senpai blushed, her eyes tearful.

I was really happy to make Senpai so touched. Since Senpai had chosen me as her vassal, then I must assist her to complete her story properly. I sincerely hoped that.

"I see. Now it looks like the two of you are about to enter the sex scene."

"There's none of that, okay!?"

However, Shiki, a vassal like me, remained unfazed, her speech still full of sexual harassment.

It really was a little exasperating that a young girl would have this kind of hobby.

"So... Shiki, why did you come running here in the middle of the night?"

"I usually borrow Kaguya's bathroom at a fixed time at night."

"Hmm? So you live near the school?"

"I live in the school. The computer lab caretaker's room is the personal room exclusive to me."

Students were only allowed into the computer lab during IT class, so I never noticed there was a caretaker's room... I carefully searched my memories and there seemed to be a door behind the lectern at the front of the computer lab.

But she definitely said just now... She lives there. After all, Shiinamachi-senpai also lives in this kind of place, so I decided to alter my way of thinking. Perhaps Shiki is living there for some sort of special reaosn.

"Shiinamachi-senpai, may I ask..."

While thinking about how I should pose the question, I looked at Senpai. Only now did I realize that Senpai was looking alternately at Shiki and me, showing a "oh right, I just remembered" kind of expression.

"Jirou-kun, it was Shiki-san who suggested me to choose you."


"Perhaps you might find this a shocking truth, but Kaguya is not lying. Ever since you entered this school, I've been deeply interested in you. As a result, I am also very familiar with various things about you."

She particularly emphasized those words, making me almost react to them. I hastily pushed my glasses.

Various things. This term gave me a kind of bad feeling.

"For example, people's pet name for you is Monjirou."

"Eh? Oh, okay, so you mean that? Uh, I did feel kinda weird when you addressed me with that on our first meeting..."

"This moniker is reportedly quite popular with the students."[3]

I was getting confused by her again. Stared at by her blue eye whose corner was slightly downward drooping, I found it difficult to refute her.

The example given just now was perhaps by chance a conclusion obtained by combining "popular with the students" and "moniker" so this mystery was totally pointless and I decided to respond to her coldly.

"Of course, it's okay if you want to call me that."

After all, Fujisato and Kuhou called me that as well. An extra person wouldn't matter.

Just like that, I totally underestimated her.

"Apart from that, I have also acquired full information on your past and family bloodline."

This sentence that she threw out casually caused my view to go dark.

--After that, I placed my hand on my vanity glasses in order to flick the switch in my consciousness.

These glasses worked as a tool of the mind to control my consciousness. Whenever my mind was shaken, I would push my glasses again. Then, if I wanted to make my consciousness sharper, keener and more focused, I would take off my glasses.

Just now, this Shiki fellow said she knew about my past and family bloodline.

In other words, she already what kind of environment I was raised in and what kind of training I've undergone, and she knew that I have walked through a path of utterly inhumane education.

In that case--

I couldn't help but move my left hand.

"Faint killing intent confirmed. Please relax. I only investigated and corroborated these facts purely for Kaguya's sake. It's part of my job."

She clearly sensed my killing intent yet she still kept her hands planted in the pockets of her lab coat. This really concerned me... But since she was Shiinamachi-senpai's vassal, then there was nothing weird about her being in charge of gathering information.

But she said that she had become interested in me ever since the first day of school. Shiki had been observing my every move from the beginning but conversely, I knew nothing about Shiki at all.

In other words, she was a person who was capable of lurking in the shadows to investigate all sorts of information.

"Your skills, innate disposition, behavior... as well as current attitude. Based on the aforementioned characteristics, I judged you to be the safest person for Kaguya."

Her tone of voice remained robotic and it made me hesitate on how far I should trust her.

"Oh, Jirou-kun... Umm, how should I say this...? Actually, I've always felt that you're very reliable, you know? Then, basically... Shiki-san has been taking care of me for a long time, helping me with many things..."

Slightly incoherently, Senpai tried to smooth things over between Shiki and me.

Senpai was probably trying to clarify to me: If I really had to discern between friend and foe, Shiki was definitely on my side.

That being said, I still couldn't believe what Shiki said so easily. Even if Shiinamachi-senpai considered Shiki her comrade, but Shiki did investigate me in secret without my knowledge after all so it's only natural that I'd feel wary towards her. If she knew my family background as well, then most likely, even my family might run into danger.

"I have already understood that you are very guarded. Currently, I am thinking about what means to help lower your wariness..."

Shiki looked down and seemed to be thinking deeply. That caused her bangs to nearly cover her entire face.

"I got it. Monjirou, please rape me."

"What what what!?"

Too unexpected, I couldn't help but cry out in surprise.

"As long as you violate me, pouring your desires into me, disciplining me to make me your slave, that way you should be able to trust me."

"I'm not going to do that, okay!?"


"I won't, absolutely not! Even faced with Shiinamachi-senpai who I admire, I won't do a single thing that crosses the line, okay!? How could someone like me do that kind of thing to a girl I just met for the first time!?"

That's right, I am a "useless man" after all!

No, at least allow me to call myself a "gentleman" or a "person who respected women"!

"So, the next time this happens, please do make your move to try it."

"Make my move to try what!?"

I couldn't help but raise my voice and retort.

Shiki tilted her head and stared straight back at me with her blue eye.

"In other words, I have prepared myself to be violated by you any time."

"What kind of preparation is that...? Sigh, very well, I get it, I'll believe you for now."

"Then as evidence of my trust in you..."

Shiki began to remove her lab coat.

"Wait wait, you don't need to do this, don't take off your clothes!"


Why did she look so disappointed?

In any case, let's leave it at that.

To be honest, given the current circumstances which were impossible to grasp, taking reckless action would be too dangerous. Especially when facing Shiki, I was already acting many steps behind her. Plus the fact that I was even killed not too long ago, it would be best to abandon the delusion that I could seize initiative right now.

In order to calm myself, I swiftly pushed my vanity glasses up instead of taking it off.

'First of all, you must accept the current situation then think of countermeasures. If you start off in a disadvantaged position, then you must get everything back to zero the slowly try to gain the upperhand.'

I recalled the advice from the mother who had already left me.

"Monjirou changing thought patterns confirmed. Monjirou possesses quite an excellent innate disposition."

"Oh... But it's because you possess this kind of characteristic, Jirou-kun, that's why I wanted to request your help."

Hearing Senpai say that, my feelings were quite conflicted.

The truth was that I was studying hard because I didn't want people to think I had that kind of characteristic. In order to erase my past, I've worked hard to make myself live an exceedingly ordinary school life, trying to enjoy myself in it.

Since the secret was already exposed, then there was nothing to do about it.

Shiinamachi-senpai was not human but a Nightkin.

Shiki was a the lab coat-wearing girl who lived in school, also a vassal at the same time.

And I had a family background that was unmentionable to outsiders.

For such a bizarre trio to gather together, it would not be surprising if anything happened.

"So, yes... Since you have calmed down... Let's cut to the chase, shall we?"

Shiinamachi-senpai clapped once, prompting Shiki and I to nod in response.

It was finally time to broach the main subject.

Why did Shiinamachi-senpai get murdered?

And why did I get stabbed to death as well?

Who exactly was the perpetrator... And what was the motive?

"First of all... Jirou-kun has already become my companion, so if you're willing, umm... I wish to hear about your love life in the past."



"I also wish to confirm with you, what went through your mind when you heard Kaguya say the words "safe day"? Just to be safe, may I confirm the contents of your bag?"

"No way, that'll really bother me!"

"Based on the information at my fingertips, speculating according to the thought processes in Jirou's mind currently and the delusional imagination of a high school boy's, inside the bag should be..."


I never expected that to put me in such an awkward predicament. No, things are not like that!

"Say! We still haven't discussed why Shiinamachi-senpai and I were murdered or brought up anything about the perpetrator!"

"Hmm... Those issues are naturally quite important, but let's discuss them later, okay? Jirou-kun, is that okay with you..."

"I also second discussing those issues later."

Leaving the real stuff to discuss last!?

"No, you two, umm..."

"Eh, umm... Jirou-kun, no way... You're unwilling to talk...?"

Shiinamachi-senpai's curiosity was written all over her face.

What on earth was this? Did the Nightkin have different values compared to humans?

However, if I think about it in a positive manner, this Nightkin here before my eyes chose me as her vassal, which meant that perhaps to a certain degree, she wished to understand more of what I was thinking.

"My love life is totally not interesting at all..."

"Nothing of that sort. Jirou-kun, you're a very interesting person!"

Should I be happy that Senpai has that kind of impression of me? Well, she's surely saying that to me out of kindness, so I really ought to be happy.

"Yes. Since I recommended you to become Kaguya's vassal, that means you possess the ordinary characteristics of high school boys."

I feel that these words carried no kindness to speak of... Was I imagining things?

...When the heck were we going to enter the main subject of discussion?

The night was grower later. First of all--I guess I must disclose my shameful past. I've never had any experience going out with a girl, not even the slightest bit popular with girls at all.


Translator's Notes and References

  1. Road vs Lord: in Japanese, both "lord" and "road" are rendered as ロード in katakana.
  2. In kabuki, red-faced (赤面 / sekimen) is used to refer to the villain.
  3. "popular"(好評) and "moniker"(呼称) sound similar in Japanese.
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