User talk:Doomr

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Mushoku Tensei

Dear Doomr,

Thank you for your interest in Mushoku Tensei Project,

As you can see we have had a lot of volunteers, many new translators who wish to help to translate, for the same reasons as yourself. We are always welcoming to new people and it is one of my principles that we should be a platform to let people who are interested in translating to have a chance.

However, i am sure you have notice if you get more familiar with the project, that translating is not as easy as everyone might imagine it to be. The advances in translational online software, does not mean you will easily be able to use this tools and be a "good" translator, or at least a translator that readers and other translators may considered to meet their expectations.

It is a sad reality, that when you are willing to publish your translations online, you will be open to criticism, whether good or bad. And the measure of a translator is one who is willing to accept his flaws and push on to improve her/himself.

So you will have to ask yourself, are you willing to expose yourself to the online translation community? I cannot answer for you but from your comment you seem unsure, which is natural.

So perhaps i can offer you a little advice? Perhaps a way for you to test yourself and perhaps find the answer you are looking for?

The advice is of course, to help the new translators on the Mushoku Tensei Project, who are very easy to identify, with the (Learner) label next to their names on the project staff list and also on the chapter with "editing in progress".

In short, to become an Editor.

We have a great opportunity at Mushoku Tensei, we have the Japanese raws and the chinese translations. Two resources to help editors, because few people realise that for a competence editor, you will need to be able to compare the english with the japanese and correct script, it takes a great editor to be a be just as good as a Translator.

Being an editor is a compromise of being able to practice your Japanese, yet at the same time give you the space to work without a sense of pressure that a commitment to translating an entire script by yourself will bring.

So, why don't you try it? Come jump in, help other new translators and in the process you will help you gauge how you will do, that is, if you can help compare and correct an entire new translators script, then perhaps you will find the confidence to do one yourself from scratch?

Give it a go and think about it, if you feel later on, that you can do a full chapter, get back in touch with me.

Best Regards,

Onizuka-GTO 03:51, 3 August 2014 (CDT)

Okay, that sound like a good idea. Thanks Onizuka. I'll let you know later on if I feel like I am able to do a complete chapter.

Doomr (talk) 14:31, 3 August 2014 (CDT)