User talk:KuroInfinity

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Revision as of 07:30, 29 August 2014 by DarkeKyuubi (talk | contribs)
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I know that you did it. I just didn't feel like naming any names. I know how the recent changes page works, as well as the history pages. It is a lot easier to keep track of what is happening in this project and other projects that way. Anyway, I took care of the situation for you by talking with Alpaca about it. Alpaca seemed fine with it so we went ahead and changed the rest of the instances of the name that you had missed. Anyway, I'm sure you'll get the hang of things eventually, and nobody is angry with you either. Oh man.. I'm bad at trying to give off the right kind of tone. I had to add some things and rewrite this message a bit. Reiji (talk) 19:50, 27 August 2014 (CDT)

Hey there Kuro. Welcome to the team. I'll be needing helps with the grammar and awkward sentencing stuff(usually taken care of by Reiji). Hope we'll get along, Yoroshiku. PS: Reiji sounds a bit mean but he's a good guy Xd. PSS: Feel free to add yourself in the editor list. - Alpaca (talk) 20:18, 27 August 2014 (CDT)

Welcome to the team! :D Lol don't mind Reiji, he's a tsundere (but he's actually all dere dere on the inside) XD If you need help with anything feel free to ask DarkeKyuubi (talk) 21:29, 27 August 2014 (CDT)

An Impromptu Grammar Nazi Meeting! XD
Just a friendly reminder, most stories (well this one anyways) should be written in past tense. There are a few exceptions to this rule (well there are always exceptions to the rules XD) such as speech, which will be written in present tense but for the most part the story will remain in past tense even if it's the main character's thoughts. On another note the use of - 's - on things such as - name - does not actually equate to - name is - (Name's does not equal name is). This rule only applies to words such as it's, what's, he's. When adding - 's - to other words, it indicates possesion. For example if I were to add - 's - to DarkeKyuubi, I would be making DarkeKyuubi possessive of something. Ex: DarkeKyuubi's tanuki loli equals the tanuki loli belongs to DarkeKyuubi
Phew... that was a lot to write and think about, lol. Not something I like doing late at night. Hopefully you find this helpful and also explains why I reverted some of your edits to chapter 2. DarkeKyuubi (talk) 23:14, 27 August 2014 (CDT)

Lol, please not DK... It makes me think of Donkey Kong and that is definitely not the image I want to have for myself >___< How about calling me senpai (lol, don't actually. Too many weird things will happen if you do). Dark or Darke will work just fine, thanks DarkeKyuubi (talk) 09:29, 28 August 2014 (CDT)

its ISBN is 978-4040669967 (look at the link address), and fyi, filo is still a loli(bottom left corner). Tempted to preorder it over o3o. - Alpaca (talk) 23:03, 28 August 2014 (CDT)

Sigh... I thought that she grew up because half of her body is covered... -_- Oh yeah are we going to change the name page from Firo -> Filo? --Kuro (talk) 23:19, 28 August 2014 (CDT)

Nice editing on chapter 3. I went over it for you. Just be careful when altering some things as although they may both be grammatically correct the style in which it's written can alter the situation. Take for example in chapter 3 the previous line: Your loser occupation will never be able reach a high Level. And the change you made to that line: Your a loser occupation that will never be able to reach a high Level.
There is a grammar error with the missing "to" which you correctly added (yay!) but the context changes slightly with your edit. In the first line the actual class is being regarded as a horrible "loser occupation." However when you changed it to "you're a loser occupation" (yes, I added the you're since it would be grammatically correct) the insult is directed more towards Naofumi, which is something you have to be careful of since they were just saying that shield classes were horrible in all of their previous games.
Other than that, great job on all the editing you've done so far! DarkeKyuubi (talk) 00:01, 29 August 2014 (CDT)

Haha, just did XD. I still haven't personally went over that whole entire chapter (I will eventually but I had a surprise party thrown for me today :3) Once again great job, oh just something I noticed. When changing "let us" it's actually suppose to be "let's" instead of "lets" (this is the present tense form, as in, he lets her eat cake). This is one of the exceptions to the general contraction rule where the majority of words such as "it's, that's, what's" all mean "it is, that is, what is." Yeah, English is so confusing but at least it's easier than learning 2,000 some odd kanji.
P.S. If you want to know go visit the dark netherworld that is the internets. Find senpai... he will show you what it means to be his kouhai... actually don't it's scawee >___< DarkeKyuubi (talk) 00:30, 29 August 2014 (CDT)