User talk:Chronos5884

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Revision as of 08:01, 4 September 2014 by Chronos5884 (talk | contribs)
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Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi[edit]

Hello there. I was wondering if you were willing to consider combining possible text changes to Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi. I admit this is partially because I want someone to look over my changes. Ah, if you accept that offer, please use suggestions/comments and suggestion mode so changes will be kept?

Chronos5884 to Valthan (talk)

Hey, sorry I took so long to respond to your message about Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi. (I don't log in very often, only when I feel up to a bunch of editing) As you may have noticed from the bottom of the main page for that novel, I am not listed as one of the official editors so I cannot help you with regard to large scale changes. However, as long as the changes are limited to extremely obvious spelling and grammatical errors, anyone is allowed to fix them on the spot and are even encouraged to do so. Simply use the small [edit] link next to the section containing the error and it's pretty easy from there. <- Please direct your attention to the portion about anonymous editors.
That said, I do ask that you be certain with such changes. After all, it's quite easy to find out who goofed on them with the change history. ;P
Valthan (talk) 22:13, 28 August 2014 (CDT)

Yes, I have read the General Format/Style Guideline and the Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi: Names and Terminology Guidelines, so I am aware of the limits for anonymous editors. I also knew you were not an official editor. I was hoping you would be willing to help give me some feedback, and that you might be willing to combine your edits with mine if they were up to your standards.
Chronos5884 03:53, 2 September 2014 (CDT)

My standards? I feel like I'm being put on a pedestal, here. ^_^;
There still seems to be some sort of misunderstanding somewhere. I'm likely not the best person for you to get feedback from. If you were to take a look at my contributions, you'll notice that I have almost none. Because I just started. Aside from the ones you noticed on Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi, there's only a few spelling corrections I did on another project before I even registered as a user. Those don't have my name on them, just an IP address. As far as education goes, I'm not an English major; I'm in the IT department. All in all, I feel I am unqualified to give you the proper feedback you're looking for. I don't want to give you advice that turns out to be incorrect. What you need is someone who clearly knows what they're doing. You should get into contact with one of the official editors.
Valthan (talk) 02:17, 3 September 2014 (CDT)

Perhaps, I do tend to assume that everyone is better than me at grammar. (Failed the Japtem PR test even with bonus points for being a friend)
I'm also not an English major. In my mind, even if you aren't the best, you are someone, and even if it's spell-checking, that's useful for my edits, as I might miss even the most obvious of things. Something along the lines of two heads are better than one. I also have sent a message to an official editor. Currently waiting for a reply. As for the line about standards, well, I stated it in that way so that if you looked at my edits and thought they were atrocious, it wouldn't seem too out of place. :P Something like insurance?
Chronos5884 08:16, 3 September 2014 (CDT)

Well, if you're that adamant about it, the first thing that comes to mind is to simply run your version through Microsoft Word's spelling and grammar checker. Not the automated thing with the squiggly lines beneath the words, but actually clicking the spell check button. It will get the obvious stuff about 95% of the time. The rest is either "that's actually a word but not the one you meant" or "you formatted it weird, causing a false positive". You'd be surprised how many times the translators here don't even do that part themselves. Other than that, while I skimmed through them, nothing immediately popped out at me as incorrect. There were a few odd word choices, but when compared to the Baka-Tuski version I realized that it is the translator's fault and something that the official editors should be fixing, not us.
Valthan (talk) 00:00, 4 September 2014 (CDT)

Hum... I'm not sure how well that would work since the spelling is in British English and because I'm using suggestion mode on GDocs.
In British English "pajamas" is apparently spelled "pyjamas" and apparently it's not just British English. Apparently some people consider American English a "brutally savaged" version of English. The origin of the word Pajama/Pyjama is apparently Persian and is derived from the word پايجامه pronounced pāyjāmeh. So... nevermind, I'm ending that rant here. Do you have a skype or something that can be used to chat a little? Because this method is a bit clunky.
Chronos5884 01:00, 4 September 2014 (CDT)