Lillia to Treize

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Volume 1 Cover

Lillia to Treize (リリアとトレイズ, Lillia and Treize) is a Japanese light novel series written by Keiichi Sigsawa (時雨沢恵一 ) and illustrated by Kohaku Kuroboshi (黒星紅白). It is a sequal series to Allison and is complete with 6 volumes.

Story Synopsis

A sequel series to Allison, taking place about 17 years after the original series. It's highly recommended that you read the Allison books beforehand, as this series spoils nearly everything from the previous series.


Translations and editing by Untuned Translations



  • October 10, 2014 - Volume 1 Complete
  • October 7, 2014 - Volume 1, Chapter 4 Complete
  • September 30, 2014 - Volume 1, Chapter 3 Complete
  • September 24, 2014 - Volume 1, Chapter 2 Complete
  • September 18, 2014 - Volume 1, Chapter 1 Complete
  • September 6, 2014 - Volume 1, Prologue Complete

The Lillia to Treize series by Shigusawa Keiichi

Volume I: And so the Two Left on a Trip (Part 1) (Full Text)

Lillia to Treize v1 cover.png

All links below are external links to Untuned Translations

Volume II: And so the Two Left on a Trip (Part 2)

  • Chapter 6
  • Chapter 7
  • Chapter 8
  • Chapter 9
  • Extra 1
  • Extra 2

Volume III: Longest Day in Ikstova (Part 1)

Volume IV: Longest Day in Ikstova (Part 2)

Volume V: My Prince (Part 1)

Volume VI: My Prince (Part 2)

Project Staff

  • Project Administrator:
  • Project Supervisor:


  • Untuned Translations


Series Overview

  1. 《リリアとトレイズ〈I〉そして二人は旅行に行った〈上〉》, 2005-03, ISBN 978-4-8402-2993-7
  2. 《リリアとトレイズ〈II〉そして二人は旅行に行った〈下〉》, 2005-05, ISBN 978-4-8402-3037-7
  3. 《リリアとトレイズ〈III〉イクストーヴァの一番長い日〈上〉》, 2006-03, ISBN 978-4-8402-3342-2
  4. 《リリアとトレイズ〈IV〉イクストーヴァの一番長い日〈下〉》, 2006-05, ISBN 978-4-8402-3427-6
  5. 《リリアとトレイズ〈V〉私の王子様〈上〉》, 2007-03, ISBN 978-4-8402-3754-3
  6. 《リリアとトレイズ〈VI〉私の王子様〈下〉》, 2007-04, ISBN 978-4-8402-3800-7