
From Baka-Tsuki
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About me

I'm working on translating the first volume of Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Come o Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru, and the first volume of Rune Troopers.

I regularly take breaks to work on my Japanese since it's still very weak. Normally I spend 1-2 hours a day on learning and maybe 2-4 a week on translating...unless life is kicking me in the face then translating gets dropped.

Goals (I'm old enough to realize I rarely make deadlines, so take this as no earlier than these dates)

Life has eaten away at my soul. No ETA's available atm sorry.

Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Come o Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru

Do you mind If I help out as an edit for the project - shadowmaster850

Edited this page a little to make sense of things. I don't mind you editing things but I've been offered a translation check in the future meaning quite possibly a lot of things will be changed. I'd suggest not getting too deep and doing just minor corrections for now.Talinnilat (talk) 13:19, 12 July 2014 (CDT)

Rune Troopers

June 12th, 2014 - Created Rune Troopers Teaser Page

I've stated it elsewhere but Chapter 2 of this will depend, in the short term, if my Japanese improves enough. It's more difficult than Ore no Nounai so far. I will finish the volume if no other translator appears but might take breaks with easier projects to level up my knowledge.

______________________________________________________ I just translated the Web novel of rune troopers it's mostly machine translated and I posted it on my blog just want you to know - Hell Satan