Strike the Blood:Registration Page

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To re-iterate the registration procedure:

  • You are required to register which chapters you wish to work on. One portion of text per translator, please.
  • Registration is on a "First Come, First Served" basis. Please register your intended chapters on the project's registration page.
  • Maximum number of translators per volume is two, unless the volume is a collection of smaller stories. Another way to interpret this is no more than two translators should be working on the same "story arc".
  • Translators may only register for portions of one volume at a time within each project. This is to prevent "biting off more than you can chew".
  • The Registration page is not a binding contract, and translators are encouraged to negotiate between themselves which portions to register for.
  • Anonymous Translated Contributions are required to inform thelastguardian and the designated Project Supervisor of the intend Chapters as shown on the corresponding Registration page before any major contribution.
  • Portions that are not updated for a significant time may be taken over by another translator after getting permission from the Project Supervisor. The new translator is encouraged to start over to maintain consistency, but the old translation will not be deleted at least until the new translation is finished (and probably not for some time after that). More information is available here.
  • Please use the signature button to register for the chapter as opposed to putting down your nick.

Strike the Blood Series

Volume I

Volume II

  • Prologue -
  • Chapter 1 -
  • Chapter 2 -
  • Chapter 3 -
  • Chapter 4 -
  • Epilogue -
  • Afterword -

Volume III

There girl, woke up in the light With pure white lighting that so bright. And the atmosphere is so clean. she is lying on the bed with medical electronics, looking down in silence like a statue. The have been passage of scripture by ancient sacred character carved in marble floor,. Here is a hospital room in order to isolate the particular patient, the situation in there just like the same as magnificent church. "Experimental body XDA-7, awakening level increased" From somewhere far away, could hear the harsh voice. It's a like inorganic voice of body temperature. unconsciously to escape from that voice, the girl was twisting her body on the bed. Shackles of fitted on her both arms, make a faintly hard sound. "Both Blood pressure, and heart rate plus body temperature increased. Blood cortisol density rapidly rising. Procedure based on the two-thousand five hundred forty-four, to cast for applying a the Pseudepigrapha Guide six Section one until nine Chapter eleven " " approval application. I want to start a chanting " From over the girl who is in agony, solemn music falls, Kanon is repeatedly singing a the countless of melody, which keeps accompanied by divine pipe organ, the sounds of chant that mechanical voice is playing. As response to the singing voice, characters engraved on the floor increases the shine. Room is fills of clear sign, and that the girl movement was stopped gently. There is girl with silver hair. Her age most likely still mid-teens. She is wearing short patient clothing and the color is dark blue, and she wear a metal black mask. It is eerie mask that modeled the numerous of eye. that girl bare hands and legs is thin and white enough and look helpless. On the surface of the white skin, strange pattern engraved had emerged. Reminds electronic circuit, it's class dense magic. the singing pours to match voice of the machine, and her engraved repeats blinking. "Chant continues.Parallel dosage of pain sedative, implied the process continue halfway " A chilly exchange of Madou from engineer, the girl had heard in the shallow sleep. The other pain now also do not feel hurt. many of beautiful light and sound, are crowded wrapped her. that unpleasant magic crest of girl soon is produce a sacred wave to alter the presence of her own, and would be transferred to a more higher spiritual existence. Close to the Almighty God that sitting in heaven. Now the girl rather than incoming, but your my physicians divine that has been blessed by magic. and then what is the reason, that girl think. Left on her tongue, is the taste of vivid fresh blood she wonder what is that? The ship had been sailing in the night sky of advanced one thousand meters, while in a flame to the whole body. Total length around one hundred seventy meters. Covered in a hard shell of Special metals, equipped with a cannon and propeller with four turbine engines and ten gates, it is a huge armored airship. Those where it is drawn in the wings, it's Valkyrie Northern Europe Aldygear royal family crest with a large sword. The hull of spindle is dyed with white ultramarine colour similar to sparkle of glaciers, and the edge decoration is from gold. It is the flying fortress that of royalty family and group of loyal retainer is permited to boarding. The figure floating in the darkness and bathed in moonlight, just appropriate to call the heavenly palace. But, its beautiful Ship even now, had exposed the tragic figure who sustained a numerous scratch. "Haa, neglected ..." The Figured woman is standing in the blazing ship. the whole body is covered with crimson body suit, and in her right hand is holding a long spear. Her eyes colour is also crimson, it was glossy as wet as blood. except a pure white fangs is on the gap between her lips, are imposing the true identity of that woman. The D Class that it is vampire. "ah, what a drag. Making me work so hard, this is beyond tiresome....." The woman dragging a spear, go walking on the deck. Pike of crimson spear is scratching the armor of the ship, it make a high-pitched sound and spark. She is the attackers of this ship. Splendid demage to the ship without mercy, she is in the center of that engulfed in the whirlpool of flame. “ are you. Who was hired you?" it was a knight dressed in strengthening armor, who she has confronted before. The armor combat uniform with golden edge. Also in the shoulder protector, a crest of Aldi gear is engraved. It is report directly to Royal Imperial Guards knight and proof that escort leader of this airship. "This ship is under our protection. St.Holy knight "ranvard ". While bear the wound in the entire body. The knight was glaring to that woman. The sword shoots a pale light. The vampire woman is halted in the air, it her eyes looked despise before Knight. Behind her back there is explosion occurs. The part of a air sacs that is made to keep the ship flying has been destroyed by that shock. With leakage of valuable buoyancy body, huge armored airship, go tilted helplessly. While seeing the decoration of the hand drum gold which keeps falling off, the knight arms was trembling in anger The woman raise her long hair which billows by summer wind. “That’s why I already said right, you are just give me that rotten litle bich that you have been taken care. And then i may kill you guys painlessly!” Before the word is completed, her arms is cut the atmosphere, and the crimson long spear is exploded. It a hit by the knight use wave of magic “don’t be conceited, vampire” Knight’s blow, was taken from the front. And poured with tremendous magical power, he repelled her crimson spear. she specially was not even surprised, ah-ha, and she let out breath, such as missing of air. “Ah~~a, is that what they call the verundo system from aldygear? It true that is certainly troublesame” “dirty stray dog, have you though that could fall down this ship. more than this, i will not you people do as you like, demon!” Knight, point the pale shining sword toward the woman. The verundo system,the knight equipped with the lastest most advenced aldegyr was developed. With a large amount of spiritual power that has been sent from the mother ship reactor, it is powerful strategy to support raising weapon spirits rating temporarily to the holy sword class. This is the aldegyr holy knight secret of ancient times, so they called be the natural enemy of the demon tribe. However even before the radiance of artificial holy sword, that woman expression is still not changed, while she lowered the spear, towars the gaze, as mocking to the wounded knight. At the time immidietely behind her back, a black shadow appeared. It is a beast who has a jet-black fur. “sorry to keep waiting BB” That beast call the woman with load voice. As forsmel of the blood drifting from his entire body. It is blood which it poured after attacking the crew-members of the airship. where the nail which pointed sharply thereis fresh meat piece. “ha~i, already return. Where is the aldegyr bitch? Without looking back at the asked woman, the beast quietly shakes his head. “It is not in here. Also the bridge and the bedroom are the empty. One aircraft.lifesaving pod is missing It seems to have escaped." “so is it futile? Ah~ha, i wonder what rewards will we got. Well, whatever.” The woman, puts out the kind of voice which the air comes out. When bloodthirstiness disappears from be corrupted good looks, simultaneously, also the spear of crimson and disappeared from her hand like a mist. And in the presence of knights that have turned on his sword. in his eye it’s just reffered to arrogant attitude. “you fool!” Raising the artificial holy sword, the knight roaring. And the woman is been boring and looking ridiculed. “verundo system........i admit it have great power. with average demon, couldn’t get close easily to that light.” The knight emmited attack with angry voice, Woman vampire was dodged calmly. And the Mobile phones type of device that was taken out, to operate the hand movements of familiar. The character of the device screen has been raised “kokurin”. Immediately after that, light met the girls head “but, it’s bad for you.... your opponent is not demon tribe” So as to tearing the dark night sky, something come down tearing up the clouds. Enveloped by blinding light, a little shadow. The flots red blood vessel lifted the many distorted wings. “what is that, she is.......?” Towards the shadow in the air, the knight raising his swords. Spiritual power of artificial holy sword, become flash and hit the shadow. It is Spirit light of the destruction demon which can destroy all demons. But, the blade of the light, as soon as it touched the shadow, it was disappear and shattered like as glass. Stupid, as to pity the knight, the woman in crimson clothes laughed. In the meantime, the shadow in the air lowered the altitude, come closer and closer to the damaged armor airship. The Wave of magic are scattered, and make hull shook violently and turned into a storm. Knight unleash again the slashing. But the results were the same many times it repeated. As for light spirit from the artificial holy sword, not possible to touch the shadow in the air. In other way, the light spirit from the artificial holy sword is have unreliable illumination, it is just like extinguished in the shining of the sun, The power which nullifies the spirit light of the demon destruction, disappears. That is plugged and the distorted shadow which floats before the eye, has shown the fact that it is not wicked existence. This blinding monster, more than the artificial holy sword that was created by the spirits furnace, it has much sacred presence. Now the monster had landing to completely reveal its appearance on the deck of the airship. Bare of eerie pattern on the raised thin limbs. Ugly wings like nauseous. Bizarre strange mask that covers the head. However, its presence sgive off, a clear divine wave too. That's an angel? Monster with wings, with clear voice it shot down a flash from the elbow. It's light of purification that burn off everything. Crimson clothes women and beast have already fled. Shortly after notice it, the knight aware of the light of burning land It was swallowed. The beautiful armored airship scatters from the explosive, that wreckage keeps falling to the sea in the clear dark night.

  • Chapter 1 -
  • Chapter 2 -
  • Chapter 3 -
  • Chapter 4 -
  • Epilogue -
  • Afterword -

Volume IV

  • Prologue -
  • Chapter 1 -
  • Chapter 2 -
  • Chapter 3 -
  • Chapter 4 -
  • Epilogue -
  • Afterword -

Volume V

  • Prologue -
  • Chapter 1 -
  • Chapter 2 -
  • Chapter 3 -
  • Chapter 4 -
  • Chapter 5 -
  • Epilogue -
  • Afterword -

Volume VI

  • Prologue -
  • Chapter 1 -
  • Chapter 2 -
  • Chapter 3 -
  • Chapter 4 -
  • Chapter 5 -
  • Epilogue -
  • Afterword -

Volume VII

Volume VIII

  • Prologue -
  • Chapter 1 -
  • Chapter 2 -
  • Chapter 3 -
  • Chapter 4 -
  • Chapter 5 -
  • Epilogue -
  • Afterword -

Volume IX

  • Prologue -
  • Chapter 1 -
  • Chapter 2 -
  • Chapter 3 -
  • Chapter 4 -
  • Chapter 5 -
  • Epilogue -
  • Afterword -

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