CtG -Zero kara Sodateru Dennou Shoujo-:Volume1 Prologue

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The bottle produces a gentle sound. The clouds became clearer. It’s done. It moves with its adorable body, it’s a cute little girl. What else do we wish for? What else do we desire in this world? The secret had been exposed to the light of day. Lend your ear and listen to that voice. That will become the voice of a person. It will become words. (『Faust』 Translation by Moriougai) <- Not sure what is this.

The moon quickly darkens as if warped in shadow.

He took a step back in reflex.

A step back. One, two---

As he took his third step, the shadowy figure descended along with a roar.

An Attack.

Although he managed to keep his balance, the earth shook as the mysterious figure land to the ground, forcing him to retreat even further.

He clicked his tongue in disappointment of himself and turned his gaze to the opponent in front of him.

With help from the faint light of moon, the great bird perched five meters away looked down on its crawling prey. The single eyeball on its head shone as it watched over from above.

It was grotesque.

If you ignore the size of its eyeball it would be just like a normal bird, and down from its wrist is coated by armor-like shell. With that, an attack on its leg will mostly be repelled.

『The Sky Debris Megalon Evis』

It’s tonight's target.

If you walk in small numbers at the eastern grassland it would come and attack--- That was all the information obtained up till now.

The boy gasped nervously and unsheathed <<Sukuramasakusu>>. (Editor Note: This is directly taken from the book, and the item is a sword if it isn't already obvious)

Then just as planned---

“Wait, will it be okay!?”

Just as he was about to take a step forward, a voice called over to him. It was his comrade who was hiding within the nearby bushes.

The avoidance from earlier was indeed a close one. It was gratifying that she worried, but…

“Idiot! Don’t be so loud!”

There was no other choice but to shout back. Sure enough, the great bird reacted to the voice of the comrade and kicked the ground.

It didn’t fly, but as if flying, it jumped.


Big, at any rate it’s big.

With power appropriate to its big size, it created several meters of distance and challenged the newfound target.


With an uncontrolled scream, a girl hurriedly emerged from the bushes.

As if embracing her fluttering blonde hair, she rolled and fell onto the ground.

Aiming at the girl, the great bird swung up its claw.

Although the girl managed to stand up, she completely lost her chance to escape. In that moment, the sparkle of the claws made of sharpened rock were reflected on her quivering pupils. (Editor Note: TL missed this line, hastily made by unqualified TL, please edit if necessary)

Being hit and blown by the impact, the girl once again tumbled onto the grass.

The boy who was armed with a sword managed to follow up in time. However, by doing so, he was exposed to the claw of the great bird. The boy who charged in to save his comrade should have no way to escape.

With the rough noise of wind being sliced, the pole-like claw swung down. The girl couldn’t help but to shut her eyes.

From the looks of it, the boy who was wearing light armor wouldn’t able to handle the attack from the giant bird and would be expelled from this world.

---But even when the impact hit the ground, the boy’s presence (Marker) did not disappear.

When the girl timidly opened her eyes, the boy managed to retreat, making 5 to 6 meters in an instant. It was an unbelievable technique.

Unsurprisingly, the boy raised a sharp cry.

“Get down!”

The great bird’s feet were blown with a flash.

By its large sound, bugs that were resting upon its wing flew off in unison.

As the boy avoided its claw, he detonated the bombs he prepared earlier.

The staggered great bird spread its wings. According to the information, when hit by large weapons or the type, the wings would lose its balance.

Showering it with rain of arrows in an instance and dragging it to a trap. Without needing to confirm, there were obviously comrades hiding within the forest firing.

As the damage accumulates, the great bird will lower its back. Furthermore, damage on its wings would have the effect of temporarily preventing it from flying.

“I’m counting on you.”


Leaded by the boy’s voice, the girl from before regulated her breathing and closed her eyes in hurry. Then quietly, a voice soaked through the night along with the wind. It was a cursed song to negate the bird-type giant monster’s 《Voice Curse》. Megalon Evis’ scream Death Throes would have had an effect of AOE instant death.

The wild singing voice lightly echoed through the hunter’s meadow. The girl’s hair shone faintly and she timidly opened her eyes to check on the effects of the song.

The boy’s body emitted light as he approached the great bird that is now lie on the ground. The drawn sword is swung under the moonlight.

“---Got you!!”

The great bird’s single eye was taken down in one swing.


The blood sprayed up into the air like the trace of a sonorous singing voice, and the words written in a neat system font on the full crimson moon dissipated. (TL note: Very unsure)


『Cradle to the Glaive』, otherwise commonly known as 『CtG』, was in general a very realistic online role playing game set in a virtual world that was played by large number of players.

The place where the boy and his comrades fought the great bird Megalon Evis is called “Dragons’ Glaive”. Among other RPGs, the world of 『CtG』 is a very standard “World of Magic and Sword” composed with 1* world sphere that people possessed.

The moon at Dragons’ Glaive changes color each night.

The moon that day was blue. If one looked at the vast grassland one could see an eye-catching sight of transparent butterflies casually flying by. And in midst of such peacefulness...

“Are you a dung beetle?

It was when the boy had sat down on a big rock and open up the menu screen that he got called that. The game menu that was displayed on the air hardly had any differences when comparing to those from traditional role playing games.

The boy then closed the menu by switching his gaze. There was no need to search for the owner of the voice. The face of a girl appeared in front of him. It was the girl who got blown off from earlier. The girl then kneeled down to look into the boy’s face.

The boy had unconsciously been taken aback and had been hit the rock on his head. Even though the pain is cut down while in game, the shock from it shakes away his vision ― and within this vision, the girl appeared to be laughing.

They were discussing about the distribution of the quest reward from before, and what made it surprising is that the girl turned out to be quite pretty. She’s like some kind of idol wearing a stage costume, and fluffy dresses seemed to suit her well.

Even though she fell onto the ground twice, her clothes hardly had any traces of soil or dirt on it. Ultimately, because this was contained within a game, what was in front of them was just an illusion perceived through electronic signal shown to the brain.

But that was not important right now.

The boy then stood up, cleared his throat and asked the girl.

“Do I look like a bug to you?”

“But doesn’t your second name tag say 《Clamp of Scarabaeus》 on it?”

The boy then switched to expansion mode to look at it. Indeed, there was a string attached to a floating placard saying 《Clamp of Scarabaeus》 around his shoulder. It’s a yellow tag that attached by other player. The boy—Clamp, let out a small sigh.

“Please don’t give it any attention. It just a thing those people gave me without permission…. it’s something like a nickname.”

He was referring to those people that had given them assistance through bows and arrows from before. 【Labyrinth Troupe】is a small but long-established guild. Clamp was not a member but he often went together with them to finish quests. The girl in front of him seemed to be a guest too, just like him, but it was the first time he had ever met her.

“Is that so?” replied the girl.

“When I look up the dictionary service, a scarab turned out to be a kind of dung beetle. Quite a weird nickname, I say.

Aaa, do you know? There’s no dung beetle in Japan. Surprising, isn’t it?. It’s a famous insect. I’d have expected it to be somewhere in place such as nearby park.”

And naturally the conversation continued. But it was too fast-paced and really abrupt. Clamp was someone who was bad with conversations and couldn’t help but to be confused in this situation, but it did not leave bad impression to the girl.

“Hmm…. I see.”

“Ah, you don’t have to be polite. It doesn’t seem we are that far off in terms of age.”

Just like what the girl had said, Clamp and the girl did not seem to have that wide a gap in age.

That meant that the ages of both players were close to each other.

In『CtG』, players control their in-game avatar through their brain’s nervous system. Therefore, the player’s gender, physique, and physical age couldn’t be that far from their real self, otherwise they wouldn’t able to operate it.

Of course, there were cases of kids making themselves look grown up or adults intentionally making themselves look young… Well, such news was spreading through the internet, and Clamp could only nod and sigh.

The girl’s smile in response was charming to say the least, and went without saying that it was truly powerful and bore its own weight. There’s no sane man who would go against that smile.

“My name is Mifa. Thank you for saving me earlier. I forgot to say thanks so I came here. I’ve only played 『CtG』 for a month, so I’m still a beginner. I hope we get well together, Scarabaeus-kun”

Along with a powerful smile, the girl, Mifa held out her hand.

Clamp somehow felt defeated. He couldn’t win. That’s why, rather than shaking her hand as he should have, he took her hand as if giving up.

“Aaa, my regards Mifa. But that name is a bit…”

In that moment, above their connected hands, a pair of arc appeared.

The semi-circular arc of light didn’t feel realistic at all. Both were flashing a red and blue color, resembling butterflies playing with each other.

“……What is this?”

Muttered Mifa absentmindedly. Clamp was a little bit more composed. Or maybe he was just simply too surprised to react properly.

“This is an event…”

He had heard about this before. This was a special event that only occurred when certain conditions were met between two players. When semicircular arcs of red and blue lights are displayed it means ―

“This is the signal for 『《Marriage》 Available』!!”


Shouted Mifa loudly.

“What the heck is that? We’ve only met today right?”

“I don’t know… but the requirements for this event is for 『Both players’ personality, aptitude, behavior logs to perfectly fit with each other and their compatibility level is at its maximum』… That’s what written on the official guide. It can only occur when the personality data of both are perfectly matched, and since the compatibility data are completely unknown, there are only very few pairs who received this event. They number less than two digits within over fifteen million players in this game. This is truly THE ULTRA RARE! A mystical event!”

“Y-you sure know a lot…”

Noticing that Mifa pulled back after hearing his overly passionate talk, Clamp quickly averted his eyes.

“….Well, there’s a reason for it actually. Because I’ve decided to 『Experience every Event』 in this game as a goal.”

Hearing that, Mifa’s eyes widened.

“To experience everything… are you serious? I heard there are over *** events in this game and of course, it still increases.”

“I don’t mind if it’s increasing. But what’s hard is to actually finish it, no matter how much time it takes, I must finish all of it within * years… I must.”


While being illuminated by red and blue lights, Mifa let out her voice as if being impressed. And while reflecting the lights, she directed her gaze at Clamp.

“Best compatibility…. huh.”

After rubbing her dazzling small lips with her finger, and said,

“Then… should we try it out?”

It’s so sudden that Clamp blinked in panic.

“《Marriage》, I meant! If we let this go now, I wonder when it would appear again?”

“But… is it okay with such light feelings…”

“But, well…”

Mifa, who was unsure what to say, suddenly burst out laughing lightheartedly.

“This is just inside a game after all.”

If you think about it, it was exactly like she said. After that, both of them checked the online manual just in case 《Marriage》 had some kind of demerit, but from what they had read, there was none.

Both of them closed their online manual screen and stared at each other.

“W-well then… let’s… do it”

With mainly unsure (fluffy?) feeling Clamp escorted the woman.

“Yeah, since we went this far.”

Replied Mifa plainly as they proceeded.

Both of them then held hands below the flying arc of lights. As they did that, the arcs stopped moving and slowly descended and approached both their hands, forming a circle. Then, it started circling both of their hands.

  • CLING*

It made a metallic sound as if turning a lock.

And so, their wedding was complete as simply as heating up a cup of ramen.

―Just few seconds after the 《Marriage》, the boy returned from the illusionary grassland to reality.

And soon after that, “Emm… Then, dismiss?” said both of them fuzzily as form of parting and logged out from the game. It was not like a kind of chain events, and tomorrow both of them would head to their own school and lead their ordinary life.

They were barely conscious about their wedding in a virtual world event, and it just passed as if nothing happened. It was truly an unfulfilling experience.

Immediately after they logged out, the boy and girl felt a strange sensation when they returned to their real body.

『CtG』 worked very similarly to real life and its operational mechanism barely had any differences to it. When controlling body with low precision, it would feel very unreliable and naturally hard to control.

Kasugai Yuu, who still trying to shake off the sensation of being “Clamp”, took off the transparent visor on his head. That visor is called Rameil and is the exclusive wearable gear for 『CtG』used to dive into the game.

What was seen after taking off the Rameil was a dark living room. No one was there. It was completely dark, and only the traces of faint lights could be seen throughout the house.

In the middle of the room was a needlessly big sofa. That was his recent comfortable spot. He used this TV watching-exclusive spot to connect to 『CtG』, and it was the most comfortable place to wake up on.

Within the faint darkness, *tick* *tock*. The sound of an analog clock that hung on the wall filled the quietness of the room. Yuu looked at the clock, and both of its needles pointed at 12. Those needles might have been the only animated object in the room…

―And suddenly he felt a chill run down his spine.

Along with that sensation, he could feel the movement of his own blood pulse. As if some kind of otherworldly being had returned to this world.

“….I’m alive”

He unconsciously talked to himself as he reached out his hand to grab the mineral water on the table. Then a smile from a photo displayed on a frame on the table caught his eyes. As if being taken over, Yuu open his mouth and say―

“Mom…. I married with someone in a game”

Kasugai Yuu, he is a boy who turned sixteen today. It has been half a year since mother passed away. And from that day on, he had been living all alone in this large house―



he was supposed…. to… but...

“DAAaaaaaaaad05:08, 4 February 2015 (CST)!!!”

  • BAM*

Alongside a ruthless cry, Kasugai Yuu got pushed onto his “special seat” above the sofa by a little kid who jumped at him like a cannonball.

“Welcome home!!”

That kid was a girl. Her appearance was that of a little girl at age of eight years old. She was very adorable and cute.

Her dazzling smile was so bright that it could illuminate the entire living room.


Yuu suddenly let out a strict voice towards the girl, but that was not because he got hurt from what she did.

“It’s not good you know. Look, you’re drenching wet.”

The girl’s body is dripping hot water and she must have taken a bath after being drenched by the heavy rain outside.

Her long hair that was usually soft and fluffy were now sticking on her shoulder and back.

Yuu held both of the girl hands and pull her to stand in front of the sofa.

After clearing his throat, he looked straight to the girl’s eyes.

“Remember to wipe yourself immediately after coming out of the bath. Even though it’s summer, you will catch a cold like that.”


The girl who came out from the dressing room only wearing a piece of panties showed no effort of covering herself at all.

“But, but, if I wipe myself, Rasupu-chan will begin!”

How will you take responsibility for making me miss it? Said the girl through her eyes, and in response, Yuu looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was almost seven p.m. That was the time for the anime 『Revive! Mystical Priest Girl Rasupu-chan 5』 that was popular among girls.

“But you can watch it anytime, right?”

TV show these days could be recorded immediately after the broadcast, so it could be viewed anytime.

But the girl only puffed her cheek upon hearing that.

“No! It must be watched at the right time!”

“But there will be CM (TV commercial/advertisement) running midway.”

“But I won’t able to cheer if I don’t watch it at the right time―!”

“O-Oh, is... that so.”

Somehow within her head watching at the broadcast time = live air. Breaking a child’s innocence was not an option so he could only give up. It was then that a voice coming from the bathroom could be heard.

“I’ll wipe her up, please bring the towel here.”

“No, no way! What are you saying!?”

What comes turned out to be a panicked voice then followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

“I’ll wipe her! Kasugai-kun, can just stay still there.”

“Well if so then I will leave it to…. YOU!?”

The one who appeared is―― a girl with an amazing look holding a towel, coming out from the bathroom.

Even though she’s a girl, she’s definitely not a little girl, absolutely not.

“Aaa… look, the carpet is all wet…”

Just like Yuu, she is sixteen years old. A pale steam from the bath could be seen above her semi-long hair as she wiped it with a towel. She was dressed very lightly with a simple shirt and knee-length pants. The girl then went on both knees and gently brushed the little girl’s hair.

That was not important, really. She appeared to be in hurry and had forgotten to wipe herself properly, and as a result her shirt was sticking to her body and her skin was visible.

From where Yuu was, he could only see her back, but the nape of her neck and shoulder let out a nice fragrance. As a boy of his age, seeing that wonderful sight was a pleasant experience. If he bent his body a little he might be able to see more of it.

“There, raise your hand and do a banzai. Say banzai!”

“Uuu, I won’t be able to watch Rasupu-chan”

And while they’re doing that― by the time they know it, the anime opening theme song (1 minute 3* seconds) nearly end― and Yuu only noticed that after finishing watching the scene of a girl wiping the body of a little girl.

After collecting himself, Yuu open his mouth.

“W-Well, Kugimiya-san…”

“Nn? What is it?”

The girl― Kugimiya Miharu replied without averting her attention from wiping the body of the child.

Even though he’s haunted with bad feeling, he had no choice but to say it.

“Kugimiya-san too… I mean… I suggest you to wipe yourself too, I think…”


  • Cliiiiiink*…. somehow the sound of Miharu’s neck turning can be heard.

While staying where she was, Miharu looked down at her awkward appearance, then turned around. Her face remained expressionless but she was clearly trembling.

“Why… are you still here?”

Didn’t you tell me to stay still? Was the answer that floating above his head.

While desperately averting his eyes, he replied with fast tongue.

“I get it, but Kugimiya-san, you should hurry up and take off your clothes or you will get cold. You came here in that outfit in a hurry right? I won’t think of anything that would break your heart or violate your body, but I cannot avoid this situation, as I’m trying to explain this is, you know.... An accident.”

Without a warning, Miharu took the towel on her hand and *Slam* wrapped Yuu’s head with it to cover up his vision. The wet towel did not cause much pain though.

“If it’s an accident then please don’t look even further. Go out!”

Although it was clearly an unreasonable request, when he peeked through the towel, he saw Miharu’s eyes trembling as it let out tears. There’s no way he could protest against that.

Okay okay…. He said while leaving the living room after accepting the compromise.


But he was stopped by Miharu.

When he fearfully turned around, the settled voice appears to be coming out from the head that is hiding behind the sofa.

“Well, Kasugai-kun. That was, I mean…. I was wrong. I’m sorry. Let’s be careful and don’t repeat it again”

And then while watching their “daughter” whose eyes were glued to the TV screen, she continued.

“I’m her mother and Kasugai-kun is her father. But, you and I are…. not like that, not at all”

“……I know.”

They had been repeating this conversation over and over, he knew that.

He understood, but...

The current situation they’re in are hard to explain, what Miharu wanted to say is all lies to the nature of the problem.

While deeply thinking about that, Yuu finally left the living room to the hallway.

It was just a week ago that place is still filled with nothing but darkness. But now,

“Eh? Mom, where is dad? Let’s watch this all of us together”

“We will call him after I calmed down.”

From the living room he had just left, the voice of a mother and her daughter can be heard.

They’re probably the strangest pair of mother and daughter in the world. That girl is definitely her daughter. But that mother….. is pretty much a stranger.

That’s right.

Everything began from the night of spring.

Two months ago, after his unbelievably reckless 《Marriage》 with Mifa in 『Cradle to the Glaive』…

“My life… is bugged.”