Seiken Tsukai No World Break:Volume 1 Prologue

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Status: Incomplete

2/3 parts completed


'''This is the Prologue of the third legend………'''

Haimura Moroha is having a bizarre dream.

The beast-like roar across the battlefield, the miasma of iron hanging in the air, the dry grit spreading through the mouth, the blood red dyeing the land……

A very vivid dream. Realistic enough that one can hear, smell, taste and see clearly within it.

Finally, the feel of a sword gripped in the hand. That’s right, a sword.

Born a normal youth in peaceful Japan, Moroha shouldn’t have any relationship with a weapon of war. In spite of this, the sword in his hand is shockingly familiar to him. So familiar that it is like an extension of his body.

The beautiful holy sword with a dazzling mirror-like body is now dyed the same blood red as the land.

In the dream, Moroha is fighting alone on the battlefield, without companions. Literally, one against the multitude. Facing waves of the enemies, Moroha is just mechanically killing, killing killing——

Devoted fully on swinging his sword, he’s already long lost count of his kills. Unclad in armour but protected by a white aura as dazzling as the sun, Moroha is crashing through around the battleground like a hurricane, with titanic strength granted by the dense amount of prana he is generating.

Even so, his attitude remains calm and unhurried, as if he is a monster that’s only fulfilling his killing nature.

His brain is arguing that this is not his true self; yet in his heart he feels that this is his real self.

A truly mysterious feeling.

After an unknown period of time of continuous massacre ——Moroha found himself the only person standing.

Surrounded by mountains of corpses, with the wind whistling a haunting victory anthem.

Covered with wounds, Moroha started on his first steps homeward on shaking legs. A lone journey to the battlefield, a lone journey back —— is not what happened. From the distance, a white horse sped towards him on thundering hoofs.

On the horse rode a beautiful girl.

Sparkling blue eyes, like stars scattered over the ocean.

Obviously highborn at one glance, with her elegantly cut white gown.

Ignoring high society etiquette by riding a horse in that gown, one can guess her to be a spirited, competitive personality.

“Flaga! Flaga Onii-sama!”

The girl calls out in a stern yet cute voice.

That’s Moroha’s name in the dream. Moroha smile when he recognises the person.

The dense fighting will and killing intent still coiling around his body disperse like mist.

“Salacia, didn’t you listen when I said not to carelessly come to the battlefield alone?” Like a chance meeting on a street, he nonchalantly calls out to the girl.

“Flaga, you also didn’t listen. Didn’t I beg you many times not to go to war alone?”

The girl—— Salacia jumped down the horse and hug Moroha passionately. “Are we really that unreliable? Am I a burden?” Salacia complains as she proceeds to beat on Moroha’s chest.

Moroha scratches his head but seems to give tacit agreement by his silence.

“I know. Flaga is the Guardian of the Holy Sword. The Strongest Swordsman!” Salacia cry out emotionally in a rough voice.

“Still……even so…….” Salacia looks at Flaga with tears gathering in her shining eyes. “I will worry for Flaga; please forgive my impertinent remarks.”

While the girl is crying, she is desperately leaning against him on her tiptoes. Moroha gently rub her on her head.

“It’s fine. I should be the one asking for forgiveness. For you to worry and fear for me is such a sinful joy.”

Moroha gently kiss away her tears as Salacia starts blushing lightly.

“Do you love me?” She asked.

“I am able to fight only because of you.” He replied.

This bloody battlefield they are standing in is all for the sake of this girl.

To Moroha, this girl is his entire world.

“Please continue to worry for me. In return, I promise you this: no matter how difficult the battlefield, no matter how strong the enemy, no matter how far we are, no matter if fate tear us apart ——“ Moroha whisper softly into Salacia’s ears……

“I will always be victorious and return to your side.”

Salacia lowered her eyes as her blush deepens all the way to the tip of her ears. Moroha suddenly hug her tightly with his free left arm. Surprised, Salacia raised her eyes to meet his.

Their faces are close enough to feel each other’s breath. Without hesitation, she moves her face closer to Moroha’s.

As if to seal their promise, their lips——

At that, the dream ended and Moroha woke up.

Flaga’s senses and thoughts dissolves along with the dream.

Yawning, Moroha chase away his sleepiness and reorganise his thoughts.

“What a shame.”

The interrupted kiss that was just reaching the interesting part was all a dream.

Moroha is in the real reality, and that is the in the auditorium of the Independent high school, Akane Academy.

Although Moroha is a freshman, you cannot detect a single nervous vibe from him. In fact, even before the welcoming ceremony is halfway through, he is already napping in his chair. Still, it’s not because he is being arrogant or anti-social .

It’s just his natural state.

While this may be a paradox, he is the type that appeared relax and casual in his attitude, but is surprisingly focus on his goals. And his small, small goal is to peacefully go through the next three years of high school without any major demerits.

Moroha is that kind of guy.

Swallowing back a second yawn, he rubs his eyes and slowly opens them, and was immediately stunned.

Unexpectedly, a beautiful face is right in front of him, close enough that they are breathing on each other.

Sparkling eyes, like stars scattered over the ocean.

Those eyes are staring steadily at him and her whole body is leaning over the seated Moroha as if to cover him up.

The whole situation is screaming “Let’s kiss.”

It’s like a continuation of his interrupted dream. Blue and black —— while the colour is different, the girls’ eyes are exactly the same as Salacia’s.

Moroha quickly check out the girl.

She’s wearing the school-issued uniform for female and pinned on her small chest is a nametag written:

[1-1 (White) Ranjo Satsuki].

Mahora is also a Year 1 Class 1 student, thus it seems like she’s a classmate. Still, although it’s obvious, her name is not Salacia.

What the hell is going on? What is this intimate distance?

While Moroha is frozen, the girl’s —— Satsuki’s face is looming closer.

Could that regretful interruption of the dream kiss be continuing in reality? Is that even possible?

Just thinking of the softness of those bud-like lips, his heart starts pounding and a squeak escape his throat. He reflectively closes his eyes, awaiting the moment.


Like a blunt instrument, Satsuki’s swing her forehead back, and forward hard into his. “………….?”

Supposedly a kiss, it was actually a headbutt. Supposedly lips to lips, it was actually forehead to forehead. Supposedly an expression of love, it was actually a declaration of hostility.

It’s too excessive. Moroha groan in a mixture of shock, disappointment and pain.

“Are you awake now?” Satsuki asked in a sarcastic voice.

A rare, cute voice like a clear bell. What a waste.

Holding her arms, the single ponytail tied on the left side of her head swaying around like a whip.

SeiKen Tsukai no World Break 01 026.jpg

“What are you trying to do all of a sudden….?” Moroha glared at her while holding his forehead.

“It’s a punishment. To the rude people who sleep shortly into the welcoming ceremony,” declared Satsuki, looking down on him while emitting intense pressure.

“Everyone has already left for their classroom, but you are still dozing away. It’s just unbelievable.”

The more than 100 freshmen have already disappeared, leaving an empty hall.

“I hate people with no enthusiasm.”

“Isn’t a headbutt too much just for that reason?”

“I was also enraged because you seem to be expecting something else.”

“About that, I apologise.”

“That’s right. Plus I already have someone I liked.” True. No way in the world would an unknown girl suddenly come up and give you a kiss. Moroha sincerely reflect on his expectations.

“It’s not that I have no enthusiasm.” After reflecting, he feels that he should explain himself.

“It’s just that the principle’s welcoming address was too long, and I doze off unknowingly. I will be motivated from now, so please spare me.”

“Her speech wasn’t that long.” Although he has already lowered his head, it only returned Satsuki’s reproach.

Her upturn eyes started burning with zeal.

Moroha smiles bitterly. As the girl is beautiful, even when pique her attractiveness is not lowered.

(Ahhhh~. How should I appease her?)

Giving up on further protest, he started musing on how to escape from this situation. But ——

“ The principle said this.” Satsuki starts orating with elation.

“ We are the <Saviors> specially chosen from everywhere in Japan. One who process power. Thus, we cannot never forget our responsibilities and duties which must be taken up! Our gifts must be used for justice……..that’s what the principle said. Don’t you think its valuable input?”

Satsuki, who is getting more excited as she goes on, started twisting her body. Originally holding her arms, it became like hugging herself with her face flushing red.

Moroha is shocked silence.

(“Can’t understand. Totally cannot understand”). He swallowed back those words that he wanted to say.

Still, Satsuki notice his cold, pitying eyes and give a cough. Feeling the near loss of her dignity, she tried to cover it up by extending a finger upward.

“So…so in conclusion. As you are a <Savior>, you must be a great person in your past life? Thus, have some awareness and train yourself seriously. Since we are classmates, let’s work hard together.”

A totally enthusiastic statement. She must be a kind person at heart to want to have a good relationship even with those that she dislikes for slacking.

Moroha scratch his head and his displeasure disappeared.

“If you fall asleep again, I will start scolding,” says Satsuki as she smiled brightly for the first time.

A smile as bright as the sun, like pouring out from the boundless energy in her body. For Moroha, or anyone else, they’ll be charmed by that smile.

“Please take care of me from today onwards.”

Satsuki stretch out her hand and Moroha hold it without hesitation.

When their hands touch, suddenly —— a familiar feeling shot through him, sharp enough to tear at his heart. Even so, this feeling is very easing. Like a migrant bird returning to nest after a long flight.

What is this? Moroha is thrown into confusion.

Satsuki’s smile frozed.

“My brother once said…...” Satsuki starts talking as if in a trance, face flushed as if having a fever.

“No matter how difficult the battlefield, no matter how strong the enemy, no matter how far we are, no matter if fate tear us apart…”

To Satsuki’s words, Moroha never expect himself to reply automatically:

“I will always be victorious and return to your side.”

A deep silence descends.

In the empty auditorium, Moroha and Satsuki stared at each other.

Like lovers reunited after being torn apart by fate and lost throughout time and space, they stared at each other.

That silence was broken by the school bell.

“You are Salacia right?” Moroha ask confidently.

His first impression of Satsuki, that sudden feeling of familiarity……does not appear to be wrong.

“Are you………Flaga?” Satsuki asked in a hoarse voice.

By saying each other’s name, hope turned to affirmation.

“Flaga……Flaga……” Satsuki looks as if her fondest dream has come true.

Her tearing gaze at Moroha turned hotter, and said: “I have a feeling that I would find you here….”

Satsuki pulled the hand she’s holding to her chest, as if it is a priceless treasure.

Moroha’s expression turned bitter as he looks at Satsuki, who has totally switch to maiden-in-love mode, and said,” Sorry, but I don’t really have much recollection of my past life.”

Moroha strongly feel that it’ll be dishonest and unfair to her if he does not make that clear.


Satsuki dropped Moroha’s hand that she had been holding preciously just a moment ago.

“Really? You really don’t remember? How you were praised as the best in swordsmanship and Plana mastery? The strongest Guardian of the Holy Sword in any generation? How you destroyed the armies of the Empire almost singlehandedly?”

At her frantic questions, Moroha just shake his head.

All those accomplishment seems so unreal that he never bothered to take note of them.

Satsuki paused, and whisper with a horrified face:

”Did you forget…..about me?”

“I’m sorry,” replied Moroha. Satsuki’s face turned white.

“Didn’t they explain right at the start of the ceremony? About how much one can recall their past life is dependent on the individual. For me, I almost have no recollections,” Moroha tried explaining in a vague manner.

“In certain point of view you may be right to say that I’m unfaithful. Am I…I mean Flaga, in my past life……lovers with you?” Moroha asked delicately.

Salacia expression turns sickly.

(What a waste when she so pretty….), Moroha can only bemoan silently.

Still, her childishness behaviour was really interesting and cute,

“No, we were nothing of that sort,” Satsuki angrily turned her head to the side, with the side ponytail swinging along.

“You were JUST my Brother and I was JUST your younger sister,” grumbled Satsuki, still not looking at him.

“I see. Did you call me Onii-sama?” Moroha tried to remember the dream he just had.

“I can’t say that that atmosphere…..were of a pair of siblings.”

“That’s not true. We were JUST a normal pair of siblins.”

Satsuki is emphasizing the word “JUST” again.

Their behaviours were more like lovers in Moroha’s opionion.

(Still, if she says so, it should be true…..I guess?) Moroha thought as he completely let his doubts show on his face.

At his expressions, Satsuki scream out,” Irritating! We were not in that kind of relationship!”

Just when he wanted to mentioned that she is finally facing him again, Satsuki’s eyes tightened in anger.

A full posture of denial——tighten fists, thrown back shoulders, angry loud voice.



Moroha’s mind blanked out.

He wasn't looking for trouble, but he definitely had stepped on a landmine and is now stuck in an awkward situation.

He can only think that the world is playing some kind of a joke on him.

It's not the time to be fantasizing. But looking at the steaming Satsuki who is covering her mouth with both hand and a look of [Oops, I said it]; he cannot help but recall that scene in his dream again.


Silently looking at each other, and simultaneously looking away.

Satsuki with a flustered face, and Moroha looking everywhere but her.

The mood is really awkward and embarrassing, and cannot be easily escaped.

Moroha is looking everywhere in a desperate hope for something in the surrounding to allow him to escape——and he found it.

Behind where Moroha was sitting, further to the back of the hall.

Originally thought to be an empty auditorium, there is another girl sitting on a chair, sleeping.

“Ummm, hey…over there.”

“Ah…..there’s another rude person! I need to go wake her up!”

At Moroha’s pointing finger, Satsuki leaped towards the new target. Like partners in crime, both are in tune to each other for a way to gracefully exit the situation just now.

Both moved quickly to the side of the sleeping girl.