Zero no Tsukaima:Volume13 Chapter7

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Chapter 7, Door World

In according with the commemoration of pope coronation ceremony, knight corps of the water spirit is practicing with high vigor in the courtyard. From outward performance they were called to escort Henrietta that will attend the ceremony. But in reality the true aim is to seize the enemy of both Henrietta and Pope. That's why, they are in high spirit when knew that.

“For this honored duty Her Majesty has choosed us!!“

Malicorne shout, immedietely followed with loud cheers.

“Stop the conspiracy from the evil villain Galia that endangering His Holiness the Pope!.”

Once again, voices of young pupils echoed.

“To stop conspiracy!“

Except with the affair of Void, Henrietta has explained the measurement taken to the knight corps of water spirit gentleman.

“Something has targeted the Pope.”

In next upcoming ceremony, the plan is to intimidate Galia to attack so they could be labeled as Heretic.

When that moment comes, Romalia will take all efforts to seize them.

Henceforth, Knight corps of water spirit were doing their best to provide backup forces.

The Enemy, Galia the one that will be labeled as Heretic most likely will used demon force. (the actual literal translation would be evil tools)

That's why knight corps of the water spirits of Tristain get extremely careful.

Because the order comes from Henrietta directly, the spirit of knight corps of water spirits rose to the culmination point. But of course the main reason they become so, is because it is a good chance to restored their disgraced honour in Magic Academy. If they successfully accomplished this mission, they could come home with triumph looks!.

However......., the other day in Albion when battling Myuzonitonirun. Having tasted combat power of the enemy, the Knight Captain Guice couldn't helped but feel uneasy.

That Guiche, from before couldn't calmed down himself, continue to gave instruction while gazing at the sky.

The knights gentleman, creating simulation of the actual battle by using big golem as sparring partner. Any line class mages can made earth golem with this size. These sparring partner was used to landed magic attack.

“Come to think of it, are you well Saito?“

Guiche with worried voice, asked Saito who was standing beside.

Ahead, knight corps of water spirits using big golem as enemy model launchs magic attack. Some hit and some miss. “Yes, I have successfully landed an attack, no it's mine”, that kind of commotion. Knight corps of water spirit “Ondine” desperately trying to become as strong as possible for the next upcoming battle. Although it is probably a futile efforts whatever magic talent they may possesses.

As to be expected for line class level golem.

Those mortals even doesn't have a clue what kind of magic that will be used by Galia forces......, Myuzonitonirun.

“Whatever, it is futile probably. But the efforts those guys shows to archive results quite admirable.“

Calmly analysis the differences in the combat ability, Saito said that. Truthfully, I don't want to involve them. But it is an order from Henrietta, there is no helping it. These guys too have their pride as parts of imperial guards forces. As for me.......

I had drawback the objection stances I made for the plan to retake the holy land. If by any chances Galia really make a move....., then at all cost the plan must be succeed no matter what.

“At any rate I will figured out something when the time comes.“

Saito said that while feeling the weight of AK riffle and Derflinger carried on his shoulder, as parts of protecting duty, Saito and fellow has been permitted to use any special weapon in the temple werehouses.

It's better if I could have some of these weapon, and so Saito choose Russian made Ak-rifle. This guy have the most destruction power, Derflinger told him so from the instinct he perceived.

“I too have to do the best of my ability......., that gigantic marionette knight from that elf. Perhaps this time, if I managed to live, I can find a way home.”

As for Guiche, continued gazing at the sky.

 When it's the time for launch break. Gentlemens of knight corps of water spirit were full of sweat, tiredly walking to dining room. In the seat inside was Louise who waited for Saito and fellows. When she saw the figure of Saito in the middle, suddenly her face cheek shows sign of displeased.

With that angry mood, she took a sit beside Saito.

“Still have bad temper?”

Of course it is, Louise thought.

The one who will confront the enemy directly is not Henrietta or the Pope, she understands that fully. Even thought the person that bear the most dangerous task is him, could you show sign of dissatisfaction a little bit.

I understand, we have to settle the score with Galia void user. But........

Right now, I can't give much contribution. Since I am still recovering my will force.

With strong tone Loise said.



“Try to value yourself a little bit!”

Saito laughed when Louise said that.

“What's with you, is it strange?”

“That's not it....., I think it's the reverse.”


“See, You acted as discarded chess piece in Albion incident once before.......”

When Louise remembered, her cheeks blush. Then with strong appearance, glared back at Saito.

“You follow me!.”

Louise stretch Saito ears, stood.

“Ouch!, what's with you!”

Leaved the dining room, having pulled Saito to the corner of the corridor, with strong tune yelled.

“You know!, the degree of dangerousness is different with that time!, Perhaps even more dangerous. Understand, the enemy this time is an insane void user....., Even with the three of void user In our sade joint forces!, Certainly he will still come. Until now they continued attacking, so this time they will surely come!” (not very sure with translation in last sentences)

“Hey, you know, you've changed.”


“The you in the past, whatever princess ordered, you will obey.”

“Hey listen seriously!”

“Aye aye” (said with fast speak)

“...You are conceiting it. I'm sure looking from past experienced, you are thinking it will be going alright. What a crude way of thinking. Not only you, that goes for Princess and Pope......, you can't help but thought that. Don't mess with me!, eee, Certainly it's you who stop 70.000 armies of Albion, and defeat that elf. But...., that was done with though luck. One wrong step and we would be a corpse.”

“I know that, with hundreds better understanding than you. The one who did the fighting was me, So I understand that.

“Then why you promised to help without thinking!, I said it again, it's you who charge the enemy directly. Whether Henrietta or the Pope, they are not the true fighting potential isn't it!. Julio is not a weak. But after all that person combat abilities is Vandalfr Command Beast..... When the fight really began, in the end his familiar will do the fighting!”

With depressed voice Louise says.

“.....Do you really understand that?, when the fighting began, certainly the one who charged to the front to is you, Gandalfr [Shield of God] they called it. But....., in the end you are just a single human. Be it the Princess or the Pope. They cannot act like a shield.”

Saito mimic looking troubled. While gazing far away, says.

“I...... until know.........., when I was living in that world, never thought for whom I will live, not even a glance. But when I was came to this world. I am not the past me. Yes I think something like that.”

“What are you mumbling?.”

“Let's say. Living for own self, thinking for the best of my own conveniece. Living by ignored everything else, Would only result in regret, Understood?. if we see thoroughly, this world is not differ too much with that world in this manner, even thought in that place there is no magic. Somehow, it's something like that, that's way I thought it was okay to do the best.”


“Right. Until now I was always thinking living for whom?. I always couldn't understand that. But when I came here.....”

Saito fixed his gaze at Louise.

“Less of much I pretty much understand that. For who I am live, so I won't ran away. But when I was alone facing danger, I think I would ran. Perhaps that's a foolish act. What could be gained in fighting?. But, that's not it. When the person I like endangered. “I will fight.”

Louise cheek blushed.

But......... I can't lose here.

“I want to be always together with you.”

That's how a boy would thinking, didn't want to lose in an unimportant fight. That words he said, should be some kind of persuasion, but he can't find the right sentences.

“Saito....”, when she rise her face, from behind there was a calling.


Agnes was there when she turned around. Looking at Louise.

“You are called by her Majesty. Bring founder prayer book, please come as soon as possible!.”

Louise face stiffen, still continue glared at Saito.

“Please wait for a little bit. I haven't finished talking yet!”

Mentioned that, Agnes walked away.

Meanwhile Saito had left wanting to go back to Cafeteria. Ah, if I may say a word, I don't want to meet with that eyes. That was my true intention.

Afternoon time with the same menu training, aimlessly wondering, impatiently running until the sound of panting could be heard was Colbert.

“Yo sensei, something wrong?”

“It's works! it's works!”

“What's works?”

Colbert looking excited.

“Notebook (hiragana) computer is moving”

“What did you said?”

Saito replied with high pitch voiced.

Have been prepared in Colbert room before. In front of Saito was a round looking object, A huge black battery.

“How could this thing......”

Could it it yesterday Julio brought the weapon from that warehouse to here?, but Colbert shouldn't have knew that yet.   But soon after his doubt vanished.

“This thing here....., is from dragon raiment”, that aircraft you called wasn't it?”

Colbert said that, with no expression face.

“This is?”

Saito hard to believe what in front of him was. Now I think about it, if inspecting more carefully that thing may similar to present days battery only bigger and far older.

Roughly resemble the battery that is used in present car and motorcycle. Inspecting more carefully, there is logo Mitsubishi Battery model 3 stepping 2, June Showa years 18.

This is part of zero fighter, it couldn't be wrong.

“Is by any chance......, This battery is used”

But Colbert shaking his head

“No......, it is not like that. Listen, you once said, notebook (hiragana) is moved by electricity, but right nower the power has been depleted, so it won't works, true?”


“Now the source of electricity from this notebook (hiragana) should be this, true?”

Colbert took out a battery from the notebook.

“Yes. That has been depleted...., it doesn't meaning it can't be charged. But there is no consent it can connected to in this world.”

“I always thought about this. What could we do to provide electricity supply to your notebook (katakana) battery.”

Colbert talked excitedly, showing similar attitude with any scientist that successfully reach a conclusion after a series of experiment and want to publish it to the world. Seeming in a trance.

“First of all, noticed what electricity was used by that aircraft! It is speedometer tools, navigation tools, and that engine which rotating the oil to create power. And the one that provided all of that electricity is this box in the center. “I see!”

Saito looking excited too, gripped his fist.

“Then in this aircraft, precisely this box is the device that was providing electricity! If that thing were rotated continously electricity is made and if we connected it to this box. Aircraft life will be resurrected.

“Then, fighter dynamo is used to connecting with!, magnificent!”

“No, that is impossible.”

Colbert quickly shaked his head.


“How should I say it, it's the same electricity. But the electricity needed to moving this notebook (hiragana) and the one that is used for moving that aircraft is different. More complicated electricity type is needed. If we forcing to connected it with that electric box, it could be broken.”

“........Ah, then what should we do?”

Colbert smile resurface.

“Using magic.”


“The fundamental task is to gather the electricity in this box. To create electricity what is the gradient. When I noticed that, I have studied the mechanism how that aircraft battery works. Doing comparison, what is the factor that created the electricity and what is not, investigate the components. At the last....I reach a conclusion to put it into the practical use.”

“So you mean.....”

“Right! artificial gold!, If I provides artificial gold, The depleted electricity in this device can be filled again.”

“Sensei ! That's wonderful!”

Being moved, Saito hug Colbert.

“Ahaha!, then Saito-kun!”


“If we can provided the electricity, shouldn't it be the notebook works?”

Meanwhile arrived in Holiness Pope room. Louise knocked the door.

“Enter” pope answered. The door opened. Sit in the chairs was the Pope, Julio, and Henrietta.

In the corner of the room, Tiffania stood timidly.

“At last...., we have been waiting.”

Victoria stood welcomed Louise. In his finger, there is a ring that reflecting the light. Louise continuously starring that thing.

Victoria fondly brush the ring in his finger.

“The other days. The only one 4th ring has been returned to my finger.”

“Than your need with me is.....”

“Could hand me the founder prayer book, please.”

Louise took a glance at Henrietta. Henrietta gave a big nod.

“The power of founder prayer book is to discover new spell. By using the national treasure of Romalia “Fire Ruby”, it is possible to get new spell.

“What kind of spell?”

Louise asked. Could it be really helpful this time for the incoming battle?

“It's not a spell that aid for battle. Are you familiar with “Observe” magic?”


Wind element magic, distant see type, able to seen far away. In mister Ostmand room there is “observing mirror”, that is magic item tool.

“Observe is really a handy spell, but it's will not help the fight directly.”

“My spell type is similar to that. However the vision showned is different...... It's not Halkeginia scenery”.

Louise feels a little disappointed. It not able to watch the enemy movement in detail, if it can't do at least that extent, it is useless things.

Noticed the disappointed face in Louise, Victoria continue to persuade.

“Each element of void has uniqueness. It's not part of the four element system....., However it's diverge among us. It seems my basic type is movement element. Either my familiar or the spell I used are like that. Yours is offensive.”

“Then how about Tiffania? Or Galia void user?”

“At this time we are yet to know. But it's related to divination. That's what we want to find out right now, then your Majesty Queen Henrietta......”

Henrietta nodded, took a ring.

It's Wind Ruby.

Various misfortune fate befall in this ring. From Albion royal family Wales, to Saito, to Henrietta....., The wind treasure has been changed owner few times. Henrietta walk to the corner of the room seek for Tiffania.

“Y, your majesty?'

“Please receive this.”

“Bu, but.....”

Tiffania face reddens, shamed. Henrietta, took Tiffania hand.

“This ring, always been passed down to Albion royal family...... Except you, right now there is no one else have that bloodline. This has been destined to be placed in your finger. Rise, are thou not a void user?.

With that said Tiffania received wind ruby, carefully inserted it to her finger. Tiffania white, beautiful skin match perfectly with the wind ring.

Now, Victoria said, faced Louise direction.

Brimir secret is just like a treasures that were packed in a cascet. Each treasures (magic) is different. And the rings......, is the key to open that casket. I wonder what kind of treasure that will be shown by miss Tiffania. Miss Tiffania, please open founder prayer book.

Louise remembered the words she once said to Tiffania.

“What I need to do is just read.”

So it's apply to another void user too?. Louise heart wondered, Victoria answered.

“The treasures are not choose four void users. Such is the reason, however we are brothers.”

Hereupon, What kind of spell that will be discovered by Tiffania?.

Once before, I have discovered new spell............

Louise hand over the founder prayer book to Tiffania. Bite her lips, Tiffania received it.

Took a deep breath for gathering courage. Her big breast, moved up and down. And then with a determined looks Tiffania opened her eyes. Resolute to face any destiny that may lye.

Slowly Tiffania opened a pages.

One page, one page, Tiffania continue turned pages.

“Is there any inscription you see?”

“Tiffania shake her head”

“No...., nothing.”

“Seems like it's not your time yet.”

Tiffania leak a sigh, sign of relief.

“Then, it's my turn now.”

Victoria received founder prayer book from Tiffania, with similar hesitation to see, opened.

However......, This time a page in founder prayer book radiating bright light.

Victoria illuminated by that dazzling light, the dignity of the fifth saint were shaken. Meanwhile Julio, with the same ever modest look, crumbling to the floor.

“Your Holiness....., oh, your Holiness......”

Henrietta, being amazed at that shining light.

Louise too, can't say anything, continue wathing that scene.

This moment witnessed the the other users gain void.

The second void user, Pope Victoria.

Inside the light, Victoria read the character that appeared.

“Upper center in the middle page. World Door”.

Saito plugged the source of electricity. With the sound “Beep”, the notebook start to operates.

Character began to appeared in the LCD screen, Colbert hold a breath.

“What a fined beautiful display.”

“Now, we still in the process of booting.”

For Saito, it has been one year since he last saw this screen naturally his pulse beating fast. OS logo were showns....., Desktop screen appeared.

“It's fortunate. This machine is not broken”

Like a child Colbert watching intently at that bright screen.

“Then, Saito-kun.”


“What kind of thing, this device can do?”

Saito looking troubled. That will be a difficult explanation.

“For example, internet....”

“That was you said before, many many thing can be found to gather information, the functionality of this thing, right?”


“With all honour, could you demonstrate it for me.”

“I'd love to, but I think there is no connection.”

Saito said. This is different world, it impossible to connected.

“Whatever, for the sake of truth. let's try it?”

Nod, I Understood. Saito opened an application to test the connection.

Meanwhile in the Pope office, the sound of spells chanted vibrating the room.


Louise gazing intently at the performance.

The name of the spell that just was chanted, spinning the head try to remember,

“Door World.“

That is......, that is, by any chance?.   Could it be......?


  Pope finished recited the spell. The power of the void like always took sometime to finished chanting, moreover it is exhausting will force.

And then......., Swinging the staff pointing to the air.

The first time that was shown......., something that resembling small dot speck.

Sparkling light of crystal, floating at the sky...... that kind of scene.

Gradually that tiny thing , turns bigger and until reach the size of a hand mirror.


There is vision in that mirror....., No it couldn't be a mirror. The vision that is being projected, is not a vision that I have ever seen. Tall, rows of tower....., a vision of different country.

“This is.....“

Louise mutters

Not a scenery of Halkeginia.

Could it be....., this is.......

The name of the spell is resurrected.

“World Door“.

“This vision....., could it be......“   Victoria satisfied, return a nod.

“Right. A world different from us. The world where flying machine is made......., A place before us gives a sense of extraordinary technology, the homeworld.” “That is......, Saito birthplace.“

Louise continue stared at Saito homeworld. Those tall looking towers....., many towers forming rows is a city, Louise never seen scenery like this.

No, it is not an ordinary tower, those high uniformity. From looking at those, there is no similar tower like this in any Halkeginia castle.   That highly refined art of walls....., many of them is made from glass that seem sparkling, reflecting the sun light. Even with magic, it is impossible to archive this, truly an art.

I wonder, how many of them stand there.

Tiffania too, his eyes wide-eyed continue gazing at that vision. Hanrietta too, looked at that vision with anxiety. As for Julio, shows sign of satisfaction just by watching these ladies.

Victoria continue says.

“The spell I used right now, only reflects The World, not even past this point. Nevertheless, the true strength spell of The World Door is different. If that spell is really used, the gate to that world can really be opened.“

  After demontration has been shown......, the sphere reflection vanished. That spell only last for 10 seconds....... But even with that, surely it was exhausting most of force will. At any rate, the gate to the different world can be really opened......

Louise ran.

“Hey Louise, where do you go?“

That figure, Julio said that.

“It's been decided isn't it! to tell Saito about this!, a way to go home has been found!“

“Oi, oi!, if you do that I would be in troubled.“   With a smile in face, Julio said that.

“What do you mean?“

“I, Look at the fact that he came from that world. He once said before In holy land there is possibility that I may found a way home. If you told him this magic, the only reason that he come would be vanish doesn't it?“

“How could you!“

“That is not the only problem.“   Victoria interrupted.

“This World Door, quite a spell that exhausting will force. For the sake to show this for you a small door was made......., If we want to make a bigger door, for example sufficient for him to enter, I'm afraid that would take all of my will force. My void ability if it was not for Halkegenia sake I can't used it, I have to preserve this power. For the sake for him for go back home, if only for that reason I can't used this spell.“

“But! But!.“

Louise drawing near to Victoria.   Julio widen his both hands, said.

“Besides that Louise, can't you really bared if he really can go back home?“


“Wouldn't you be troubled too?, if you said to him go home....“

Louise take a blow.

“Right Louise, you too don't want parting with him too right?“

Louise began to shiver.   Seems now Louise began to grasp the situation.

About myself....., that didn't want to part with Saito. That time, when I though he was dead......., What did I do actually?, attempted to suicide by jumped from the fire tower wasn't it?.

Am I dare to take choice to be part with him forever?.

I don't want for the second time I can't meet him.

Can't I bear situation like that?.

Now I remember, I didn't think seriously this matter.

How many times I said to him that I will found a way home for you, Actually I haven't though deep about the meaning of that words.

In reality, if Saito could really could find a way to home,.....Didn't I trembling right now.

The chance of Saito having a girl, that thought really scared me!

To the paled looking Louise, Victoria continue.

“In the long lifespan of human, we will endlessly making choices. Miss Vallier, living for the sake of the love is right. Wishing for his happiness is right too......I don't think it is a shame to choose any of them. Perhaps I will too choose for my sake. In the religous teaching, consideration to one of the party is not a wrong thing. That's what I think.“   Hanrietta too, says to Louise with painfull voice.

“Louise in the choice, the option we took meaning the other options we discarded. No matter what it takes, saito-dono can't coming home. Moreover, wisely thinking, he was not coming to this world just to inspected. But......, Even if for the sake of your love his parents will be abandoned, in the end it returns for the justice I think. “He can't come back home”, it's not a shame if this cruel conscience we ignored.” (Please make this paragraph more beautiful)

Hanrietta continue talking.

“Listen carefully?, Now matter how much time you have been saved. Do not think only for youself. Think for the sake of the future of Halkeginia. For our Ideal, his strength is needed........Please thinking carefully and made judgement wisely, Louise.“


Dumbfounded Colbert daze at Saito, Asked.

However, there is no reply.

Saito vision struct at the notebook computer.

There...., A sign on the browser telling it's connected to the internet.

It's connected.

How could?

I don't think it could be connected.

Saito finger moving the cursor from touch bar.

Entered web mail address, and then clicked.

In just a few seconds, one by one mails flowed continously.

It was direct mail. Some from his friends.

But, the most frequent was from......, his mother.

Couldn't be counted how many are there actually.

Once a day, it could delivered two or three times.

Opened the latest mail.

To Saito.

It's been a year since you are gone.

Right now, where could you be?

We have been asked many peoples to find you, but still you can't be found.

I am hoping, somehow this mail could reached you, so the fee always payed.

Today, I made your favorite humberger.

Like when cutting union, tears flowed.

Are you well?

I'm so worried, just thinking that.

I can't thinking anything besides that.

Whatever you do, I couldn't care.

But please show your face.

Saito open the next mail one by one.

There is not much change in display screen.

Most of the mail topic worrying about saito missing.

Eventually, the link got cut off.

Saito just dumbstruct opening this large quantity mail.

Drip, tears drop to the display screen.

“Saito-kun, That is.....“

“It's mail.


“Letter. from my mother.“

Colbert hold breath. Without waiting for the next words, Colbert exiting the room.

Rush out from Holiness Pope room, Louise ran.

I want to meet Saito.

In the end, Louise submit to their will.

After that long conversation. In the end conclusion has been reached.

However....., wasn't the actual the circumstances of the choices mostly related to myself?.

For the sake of the world......, they said but in the end, didn't it turn out for my sake?.

Because I want to be embraced.

Because the existance of myself is miserable I want him to accepted me.

When returned to dining room, Saito figure can't be found anywhere. Hear from fellow knight corps of the water spirit, he was gone to Colbert sensei room. They replied.

In the direction to Colbert room. In front of the door there was colbert who crossed his arms. Louise approach him, enquiry Colbert.

“Sensei, Saito.....“

Haven asked, Without saying anything pointed to something.

And then, in the vision visible from the door gap. There was a silent figure in the center.


Saito body was frozen in front of the desk. In the surface of the desk there is something. Louise remembered that strange looking machine. When Saito came to this world for the first time, he showed that thing to her.

Saito shoulder are shivering.

He's crying. <img src="img/13_225.jpg">

“Sensei, what happened actually......?“

With small voice, looking troubled, Colbert explained.

“You see that device......, that Saito brought from his world......., somehow letter can be delivered.”


That machine, seems like one way or another could do that.

“.....From whom the letter sended?“

“It seems from her mother. Seems a sensitive topic.“

Louise received heavy blow to her head being shocked.   Didn't saito said before.

That he didn't have any family.


But immedietely Louise noticed.

Saito was lying.

Saying he didn't have a family was a lie too.


I know.

For not to burden me with responsibility.

Dumbfounded, Louise stood blankly.

Then, Louise tears start to flow in her eyes.

Saito, even lying to the extent hurting himself......, but right now what did I do to him.

Even without being said, I want to be cured from this guilty feeling, by being held by Saito.

“I....., why I was so coward like this.“

A silent cursing voice, whispered by her.

“Miss Vallier?“

Bewildered Colbert voice, he asked. But his voice didn't reach Louise. He remembered Saito once Said.

“much or less I understand. For whom I live right now.“

That's why, Saito lied........., Because he was thinking for the most important thing.

Despite of this, did myself thinking for himself too, the best for his sake.

Even right now, Iwant to be comforted by him. That's why I came here..........

Louise ran.

“Ah, wait, miss Vallier!“

Colbert called try to stop her, but without turning back, Louise continue leaving.

Rush over to her own room, lying down on the bed.

Gaze at the ceiling, thinking.

“I......, What is, that I should do?“

Then I too will, do my best to thinking for something, for the sake of this boy. What is it that I can do for him.

And then Louise continued thinking..............