Talk:Suzumiya Haruhi:Volume5 The Day of Sagittarius

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References & Translator's Notes

Takeda and Arquebusiers

Kyon refers to Battle of Nagashino (長篠の戦い, Nagashino no Tatakai, 1575) at Nagashino Castle in Mikawa of Japan where Cavalry charges were repelled by the western firearms and tactics in short. Kyon's reference is not unlike the Russian defeats at the start of the Russian campaign of World War II due to German superiority in equipment and tactical doctrine or how the Abyssinian were decimated by the mechanized Italian forces, basically hinting to a gross inbalance that exists between the SOS Brigade and the Denkensha forces. Note that the actual location of Tanegashima is not close to Mikawa, as Arquebusiers had a nickname of 'Tanegashima gun' as that's where these firearms were mainly traded at.

Leyte Gulf

Battle of Leyte Gulf, October 1944, was one of the greatest naval engagements in the history of humankind. This was fought as one of the final operation of the Japanese fleet. Known as Shō-1 (捷1号作戦 Shō ichigō sakusen) operation, the IJN effectively ceased to exist following this battle. Severely outnumbered and underequipped, the Japanese resorted to Kamakaze operations subsequently. Notable Japanese losses are the sinking of battleship Musashi at Sibuyan Sea, Fuso and Yamashiro at Surigao Strait and the total destruction of the Carrier fleet, madeup of four standard carriers and two 'Battleship Carriers'.


(電研社) Abbreviated form of the Computer Research Club.

René Descartes

René Descartes is mentioned by Kyon for his famous cogito ergo sum (I think, therefore I am) quotation. Descartes and his work in methodological skepticism where he developed the axiom following that thinking things is the only axiom that stands and everything is to be deducted, thus there is no absolute certainty in all facets of reality applies to Kyon's situation regarding SOS Brigade.

Cherenkov radiation

Accredited to former Soviet Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov (1904-1990) physicist, Cherenkov radiation causes the "blue glow" of nuclear reactor to occur. It can be used to detect high-energy charged particles. Kyon uses this reference to show how volatile being around Haruhi can be.

Karigane Kukicha

Karigane tea is a twig tea that is highly prized. It takes 1 1/2 minutes for stepping 1 teaspoon with 176-190 F / 6 oz 80-88 C / 450 g of water.


LAN is short for Local Area Network which traditionally is restricted to computer networks within a building. The configuration that the Denkensha has setup in the SOS Clubroom would either be a star or mesh Wi-Fi network on the laptops and uses Haruhi's computer as a Router with a direct Ethernet cable connection to the Denkensha server. This makes Day of Sagittarius 3 a multiplayer LAN game.


Macro used in this case would be keyboard macros despite that the Day of Sagittarius 3 had no such provision in-place.


Belisarius (505–565 CE) was an accomplished general of the Byzantium Empire that reclaimed Rome for a brief period of time. He was known for his elite Cataphract cavalry that infiltrates deep within enemy ranks and emerge victorious even if heavily outnumbered.


Graphical user interface has been a standard feature of computers since 1990's. Best example would be the very operating system that the readers and Haruhi have running on their respective computers.