Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari:Web Chapter 380

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The Christmas of the Shield Hero, Part 2

"That’s how it is, Sadina. Please tell me about this world’s Christmas.” (Naofumi)
“Ara~? Naofumi, you don’t know Christmas?” (Sadina)
“It’s probably a different Christmas from the one in my world.” (Naofumi)

I decided to question Sadina, Imya’s uncle and the other adults of the Village.
I have to tread carefully in the customs of this world. There may be different customs across races as well.

Well then, the first one to answer my question was Sadina.

“For adults, Christmas is the outlet for one’s carnal lust. Rather than the holy night, it’s more of the unholy night[1]. It’s also a night to drink a cup of Sake. Even I can have fun on it.” (Sadina)

“Can you explain it in greater detail?” (Naofumi)

Ignoring Sadina, I go to ask Imya’s uncle and the rest of the townsfolk.

“Christmas huh? Well, it’s the adult’s job to deliver presents to the children while they are asleep. We also cook large feasts in the evenings.” (Misc Townsfolk)

Fumu… It seems that they follow the Japanese Tradition.
Most of the adults are telling me the same thing.

“Hey, Naofumi-chan” (Sadina)
“Shut up. Be quiet. Silence.” (Naofumi)
This Woman is saying similar things as Atlas.
The only strange thing is that Atlas can understand with only her eyes.
I have to act as a moderator. Since the world has achieved peace, how does indulging in Sexual Harassment sound. [2]

“The problem is whether or not this village should take part in a Christmas celebration” (Naofumi)
“As the subjects of the Shield hero, that decision is left up to you.” (Villager)

Says an old villager as he averts his eyes from me.
It seems that they are hoping for my approval.

“So who will gather and distribute the gifts?” (Naofumi)
“Well…” (villagers)

Everyone’s gaze is directed at me.
*Sigh*… I guess there’s no choice.
Even though I am these peoples’ overlord it seems that I have to do it.

“I understand. The people of the village are working hard, I guess I can prepare some presents.” (Naofumi)
“Many thanks” (Villagers)

As the villagers are now lowering their heads in respect towards me, I can’t really refuse.
But there will surely be a mountain of issues pertaining to my new job.
First, I must investigate what sort of toys the children would like.

"The problem is finding out what to get. It would be troublesome to go around town investigating, and what’s more, there is a high probability we will be found out. " (Naofumi)
“Ha?!” (everyone in unison)

Everyone in the vicinity suddenly raised their heads and stared at me.
Did I say something funny?

“What’s wrong?” (Naofumi)
“Can’t you just find out from the wishes[3] hung on the Christmas Tree?” (Villager)

Aren’t they thinking of that? Those things that people hang on bamboo stalks to make wishes to the gods?

“Children who cannot write ask their parents to write and hang it for them. They write their names and what they want and hang it on the Christmas tree for Santa to read. That’s why the adults can see these wishes and prepare the presents.”

… Why the hell is Tanabata getting mixed into this?… Is what I wanted to retort.
However, it would be too troublesome to explain.
This is probably the product of people mixing up the events made by the previous heroes.
Now that I think about it, these events had quite good compatibility from the start...

“Okay, then please get your children to write the wish slips, and tell me which tree you want to make the Christmas tree.” (Naofumi)
“Understood!” (Villagers)

And that’s how Christmas kicked off in my village.

“… Why did you people choose a Crepe tree of all things.” (Naofumi)[4]

The next day, the people of the village had gotten their children to write down their desired items. and they had decided upon a Christmas Tree, however…
For some reason they had selected a Crepe tree for that role.

The villagers all enthusiastically started hanging up their wishes on the tree.
That ominous tree was still bearing fruit even in the middle of winter.
In the summer, it mostly produced Chocolate-Banana Crepes, but recently it had started to bear Strawberry Cream-like crepes as well.
The villagers seem to eat from it a lot, but I do not find it very appetizing.
Kiel says that its fruit changes with soil conditions and temperature.
I don’t know. I really don’t care.
That Crepe Tree, now covered in decorations and wish sheets can only be described as bizarre.

“Are you celebrating Christmas?” (Ren)

As I was getting Bored, Ren started towards me.
Well, instead of Christmas, it seems to be some sort of pseudo Japanese-esque variety
There is a high probability that it is something completely different
Perhaps the world that Motoyasu, or the other heroes came from had the holiday attributed to a different person entirely.

“Yeah.” (Naofumi)
“I hope it turns into a fun event. By the way, why are you hanging up wishes?” (Ren)
“It seems that in this world, Christmas and Tanabata have been fused.” (Naofumi)
“… I see…” (Ren)

Ren is currently leading the Monster Extermination Squad. He is watching over people like Female Knight and Taniko.
They are, in a way, helping out the troubled populace as well.

That Female Knight, in order to gain the knowledge of how to lead people from me, has set up base in this village. Taniko is training with a monster user to learn how to fight monsters. Raht and her squad are at work surveying the area for monsters.
Well Gaelion and Mii-kun are with her, so there is not much to worry about…
In order to get the weapons of the heroes, these people return to the village by portal once night falls.

“How about you?” (Naofumi)

I would have asked him to help out, but Ren has a troubled expression on his face.

“It seems that only during this time of year, certain monsters go on rampages and trouble the people.” (Ren)
“I don’t remember there being such monsters.” (Naofumi)
“In most games I’ve played, certain monsters only show up around Christmas. This seems to be the case here as well” (Ren)

Christmas Monsters?
Certainly many net games did have that feature.
Events where rare holiday monsters and stages appeared were quite common.
Now that I think about such mechanics would be plain weird in a realistic setting.

Anyways, limited time monsters, huh?
Event monsters exist within this world as well.
Though having the entire world be Christmas-ified for an event is strange in its own right.

“…” (Naofumi)
“I understand that these hardships are part of my job. If I find free time, I’ll help out.” (Ren)
“Okay, I’ll wait without expectations. By the way what did you usually do for Christmas?” (Naofumi)
“Hm… doing a light celebration with Eclaire and Winea may be nice.” (Ren)

Since that time, Ren, who still feels a strong sense of responsibility, continues to look over Taniko.
Even though the world is saved, Ren seems to still feel as if he has to continue atoning for his sins, or something like that.
For now, that Taniko is trying to become more independent.
To put it bluntly, Ren is still hated by Taniko.

“Have you returned, Iwatani Naofumi?” (Female Knight)

As we were talking, Female Knight appeared.
She’s the second person Ren cares for. [5]
Female Knight stares at the wishes hung on the Christmas Tree. Her face seems lost in thought.

“Fumu… So it’s finally Christmas.” (Female Knight)
“It sure is. By the way, Female Knight, what do you plan on doing for Christmas” (Naofumi)

It seems quite a few people will be accompanying Ren in monster hunting.
Though this person said she’d learn how to run a village from me, I don’t see her around a lot.
She would occasionally imitate me and go hunt bandits, or practice my menacing business smile, but that’s about it.
By the way, she is even worse than Kiel in sales.

Well Kiel is an effective reverse trap, so she has attracted a certain crowd of people.
Even outside of Melromark, she has some dedicated fans. I’ve heard she even has her own official fan club.
By the way, the one who makes clothes for her is Imya. She does have a certain sense of style.
As a punishment game, we have had Kiel cross-dress… No, it can’t really be called that… Wear some female clothing that she did not personally like.
Well, reaching the level of Firo, who is now a world-wide Idol, is probably impossible.

“Me? I think I’ll try to stay up and wait for Santa.” (Female Knight)
“… What?” (Naofumi)

Santa Claus? How old are you again?
It can’t be…
I get a strange stare from Ren

“Why are you standing there with a perplexed look?” (Ren)
“What do you mean by wait for Santa?” (Naofumi)
“Fumu, well, until last year, I was on the receiving end. But after seeing the smiling faces of all the children I decided that this year, I want to be able to meet the old man and thank him for his work.” (Female Knight)

This is… She really believes in him.
So she does have some surprisingly pure aspects to her.
Fu fu fu. [6]

“Oy, Naofumi, you couldn’t possibly be…” (Ren)
“Well, Female Knight. No, Eclaire. Santa Clause is-” (Naofumi)
“WAA*#^&@$#@A! Eclaire! Stay Strong!” (Ren)

Ren hurriedly shut my mouth.
Damn. I was going to pound the cruelty of reality into this dreaming adult’s head.

“By the way, do you want to have a party before that?” (Ren)

Ren managed to invite Female Knight within the confusion.
Is he going to turn this holy night into an unholy one? [7]

“I’m sorry, but I am not as free as I appear. I also have work to do.” (Female Knight)
“How about…just for dinner…” (Ren)

Ren was shot down as soon as he took flight, but he recovered quite quickly
Good for you, Ren.
Oh right, after saving the world, he did make quite a grand confession only to be rejected.
But it seems that Ren’s memory of the time is quite hazy.
Or he could just be psychologically blocking the memory…

“I also invited Windea.” (Ren)
“Fumu…” (Female Knight)

Well. This matter doesn’t concern me. Good luck Ren
Is what I thought when Taniko appeared to survey the area.
She was riding Gaelion.
Oh, right. Taniko probably fit into the ‘Child’ category.
I can imagine her saying that Christmas is a waste of time.

“Ah, Taniko. Are you here for Christmas as well” (Female Knight)

Anyways, does the girl who was raised by a dragon even know about Christmas?

“…?” (Taniko)

Taniko showed an extremely pure expression we hadn’t seen since she first arrived at my Village.
… for a split second, after which she adapted a face that screamed, ‘This is a waste of time’

“Yeah, I used to receive presents every year from Santa. My father got them from him.” (Taniko)
I direct a cold glance towards Gaelion
He returns the glance with equal intensity.

Hey, in the wild, did children celebrate Christmas?
I feel that he will say something like, “Like Hell.”
Keep your childish instincts in check.

“Ah perfect, Windea” (Ren)

As Ren approaches Taniko, Gaelion shouts out.
It seems like he is saying, “Don’t worry, Papa will protect you from the scary man”

“What is it” (Taniko)
“Will you eat dinner with us on Christmas?” (Ren)
“Why should I?” (Taniko)
“I’ve decided to take responsibility” (Ren)
“How selfish, don’t go around taking responsibility without other’s consent” (Taniko)
“It’s not like you have any plans, right?” (Ren)
“Well, I am free that day…” (Taniko)

Ren is desperately trying to invite these two women to a Christmas Party.
Their reactions annoyed me a bit.

Translator Note

  1. This is bad pun, Christmas eve is 聖夜の夜 (Seiya no Yoru) while Sex Night is 性夜の夜 (Seiyoru no yoru which can also be read a Seiya no yoru)
  2. I know. This does not make sense. This trial does not make sense. Can anyone translate 世界が平和になってからセクハラ三昧なのはどうなんだ
  3. Tanzaku, the slips hung on Tanabata
  4. not a crepe myrtle, which is a real tree, this crepe tree seems to grow actual crepes
  5. No, not like that… I think
  6. Laughter. Maybe it should have been hohoho
  7. They used the same pun as before. See above

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