Zero no Tsukaima:Volume10 Chapter7

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Chapter Seven- Settlement of the Past

Colbert's strategy turned out well.

Just as they thought, the pursuers from the royal palace were under the impression that Saito and the others who had escaped, went aboard the Ostland.

The instant the dragon knights flew into the air swiftly, the Ostland used its amazing speed and crossed the border between Tristain and Germania, fleeing into the territory of Von Zerbst.

Disguised, whilst changing horses at a station on their journey, after rushing for a day and a half, they arrived at an inn town which was 10 leagues away from the country border.

The members of Tabitha's rescue team were: Saito, Louise, Kirche and Colbert, Guiche, Malicorne, and Montmorency who said a healer was necessary- all seven of them. Because too many of them would attract attention, the rest of the Ondine acted as decoys and boarded the Ostland. Because of her injuries, Tabitha's dutiful sister, Irukukuu, stayed back at the academy.

After this, it would finally be the country border.

The tactic to cross the country border was already planned. They would sneak into Gallia at night through the sky on the back of Sylphid who was following them from above. They came here on horsebacks because Sylphid whose wounds were still not fully recovered could not stand the weight of all seven of them for a long period of time.

“Compared to Tristain, the danger in Gallia should be less right?”

Kirche said that. Indeed, they were wanted people in Tristain now, but they would be only seven of the multitude of illegal immigrants in Gallia. That is to say if they would not be captured by anyone there......

“Anyway, I am hungry! We cannot fight if we are hungry.”

Malicorne said that, and the group entered the most trendy inn. In an inn which had many travellers, the customers would not pay attention to Saito and the others who were at a table.

In order to sneak into Gallia, each of them had disguised as street performers.

Malicorne who had raised his hand to call out to the waiter was in a deep red outer coat, short pants, and pointed wooden shoes- the figure of a clown. He had also carefully colored the lower part of his eyes dark. At his well-matched figure, Saito burst into laughter.


Clad in a merchant's clothes from the “Charming Fairies Inn”, Guiche had affixed a false mustache made from his hair under his nose, and he held some cotton in his cheek with his mouth. Upon doing that, he became a decent sake seller.

Kirche had changed into the costume of a dancer from the east. Wearing a diamond studded circlet on her head, she became a attractive dancer who was not embarrassed no matter where she revealed (her body).

Similarly, Montmorency had changed into a very revealing dancer's costume as well. Because she was restlessly bashful, she looked somewhat suspicious.

Because there was no dancer costume which fitted Louise's body size, she became a plain village girl. Dressed in a dark green dress, her conspicuous pink hair was dyed light brown, hidden underneath a hood. She appeared to be the servant of that group.

Colbert was in a monk's attire. He was supposed to be a preacher traveling alongside them.

Saito had put on a hat with a feather on it. With his gaiters folded up, he carried Derflinger at his back ordinarily. He was said to be a sword dance performer.

This is the way the group of street performers was made up. Their costumes were strangely worn-out, but their appearance as a group heading towards Gallia was successful.

“Why do we have to wear such costumes!?”

Whilst trembling all over, Montmorency said that.

“Won't we be declaring that we are nobles if we were to go there in our usual clothes?”

Guiche said to sooth her down.

“Aren't there other costumes? I don't want it! People would scrutinize me!”

The drunk customers would stare lustfully at the cloth covering Kirche and Montmorency's breasts, and the bulging out loincloth they were wearing. Having quite a high self-respect, Montmorency could not stand that.

“Revealing my belly button in public is unthinkable! What is this!? Isn't it indecent......?”

“It's all right, once in a while. It matches you!”

Kirche said in a happy-like voice.

“That's because there are pitiful ones no one wants to look at......”

“What is that?? You're talking about me?”

Pulling down her hood, the servant girl, Louise, scowled at Kirche.

“You're quite relaxed huh. We're heading off to save your close friend, and yet you're still playing around?”

“So, if I knit my eyebrows like you and display a difficult face, I would win? If I can win just like that, I will do it as well.”

Gigigigigi Both of them glowered at each other.

“Quarreling? We have to get along together, and we have to succeed as well!”

Saito said that, and Colbert nodded too.

“It is just as Saito-kun said. That's because we're a team. Trivial conflicts can lead to huge cracks. Each of us has to understand that, and act accordingly.”

If Jan says so, I'll do it! Beaming, Kirche leaped into him.

This group of street performers would sneak into Gallia tonight, and head towards the old Orleans mansion.

“If we go there, we should be able to find some clues huh?”

Munching slices of bread with a huge piece of ham in between, Saito asked Kirche that.

“That child is of a royal family. If she was detained by the royal family, there should be something which implies the same treatment. We would definitely get some information. Besides, if we use our money, there is no news we can't get in the city.”

Kirche who was mysteriously well-rehearsed with such affairs, drunk her wind whilst smiling sweetly. She should be confident in investigating their destination.

For the time being, because there was still more time until night time, Saito and the others rested at the inn. They were tired after rushing for a day and a half