Ginban Kaleidoscope:Volume1 Chapter1

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I - Forced Unison

Figure Skating Women's Singles Athlete Profile--

Sakurano Tazusa
Born September 10, 1989, in Tokyo
First-year student at Saint Touland Girls' School
Age: 16 years
Height: 158 cm
Regular rink: Tokyo Crystal Garden
Began lessons at the above rink in 1994
Hobbies: anime appreciation, collecting comics
Coach: Takashima Yuuji

Principal Past Achievements

2000 March Junior World Championships 3rd Place
December NHK Cup 5th Place
2005 January Japan National Championships 2nd Place
March World Championships 17th Place

And then, heading into the Olympic season.

2005, early November, the first of the Grand Prix Series, Skate America, 10th place.

To get this result in a competition that will influence the selection of representatives is understandably painful.

Returning to Japan in disappointment......

Early morning practice, leaving for school with bag in one hand, coming home for more practice. That daily routine began again.

Compared to America, the system for taking into account athletes' schoolwork is still under development.

There are provisions for overlooking various things, but though I may be an Olympic candidate, I'm still stuck with having to take the regularly scheduled exams.

......I, Sakurano Tazusa-sama, studying for school? Yes, quite so. How absurd.

......from the church established on school grounds, the solemn sounds of the organ played by the Sister reach me.

Everyone in the class stands and sings the hymn.

Right now, I am in what you might call a symbolic Catholic school, stuck on one boring page. (!)

Under these circumstances, it's impossible for even me to be nodding off--


......what could that be?

I hear a person's voice.

No, not the singing......

<Um, hey. Excuse me.>

......a guy's voice.

I stop my lip-syncing and look around, expected, it's all girls.

This is a girls' school. There's no way a guy would be here.

It's just my imagination.

<Hey, ex...>


No mistake. Someone is, from somewhere unbelievably close--

In confusion, I look around, but......the nearly 10 people I study scowl back with suspicions expressions.

What are you doing in front of God?

Their gazes carry that accusation.

"Tazusa, what's wrong?"

See now! The girl whispering from my right......

The one person you could call my close friend, an ice mate from the same rink, Honjou Mika.

"Haha......nothing really. Just an auditory hallucination..."

<It's not a hallucination.>

......Mika's mouth drops open. So does everyone else's.

The one who can hear this just me?

I cover my ears. But all the same--



Even in this echoing space filled by the hymn, for some reason I can hear clearly--

<Excuse me...>

"Quiet! Shut up!"


The curtain of sound that wrapped the church disappears......

The holy melody supposed to be offered up to God, and the consciousnesses of 40 members of the class--

All focus on me.


The Sister who had probably been playing the organ, under the guidance of the Lord, asked about my damnable actions. Holding in her anger, deeply compassionate to the end......

"Ah, I'm sorry. It's just that......"

How do I explain?

In the again-quiet church, I feel completely alone.


Aside from the worried Mika......everyone distanced themselves from me. Probably manifestations of the contempt and fear reserved for non-believers.

......but why? Why only me......?

<Hey, please...>


Unconsciously grabbing my head, I shake it from side to side as if possessed by something--


Ignoring the Sister's reprimand, I check in all directions, including above and below.

<Um, so...>

"Who is playing a prank?!"

A boy's voice whispering by my ear. There's nobody there, so why?

I begin to panic--

<No, it's not a prank...>

"I don't believe this! What is this!"

I start stomping on the sacred floor with both feet and shouting indiscriminately, filling all the corners of the wide church with echoes.

Really, what in the world......ah.

Could it be--

"Sakurano-san! Get a hold..."

"The one who needs to get a hold on herself is you! You may try to brainwash me, but it won't work! You fake-Sister!"


The expression on the Sister's face, whose mouth is hanging permanently half-open, is the shock of someone who is accused of an unremembered sin. Incidentally......there's also the anger at being called a fake.

My conjecture was wrong. Then what--???

<Please, Tazusa......>

"Now it's in English--?"

......just then. I first realize.

The voice is coming from inside my head--

The floor is covered with a complicated, interweaving pattern of white and gray. This school's sacred......


Entering the private space enclosed on all four sides, I take a deep breath. Once more......alright.

" In a word, what are you?"

I am alone in the enclosed space. But, decidedly......I am not simply talking to myself.

<I'm not a bad person. I don't mean any harm...>

"That doesn't help me understand at all!"

Quickly, my temper explodes.

".......why I can hear your voice. Explain that, if you please."

......really, I might be going crazy. Since it seems a strange guy has taken up residence in my head.

<I get it. Please, just calm down.>

What's certain is that he's a foreigner proficient in Japanese. Pronunciation and accent are both pretty good. A voice probably yet to deepen, a little scratchy, somewhat sweet......and so what?

"You'd better hurry and talk while I'm calm. If you value your life..."

"Hey, Tazusa! Are you alright?"

......Mika? Since when has she been in front of the door?

Secluding myself in the bathroom and letting out my hysterics......I wonder what she thinks of me.

"Mika, what about class?"

"You were acting strangely, so I also asked for time to go to the bathroom. More importantly, just what is wrong?"

......this is a problem. How should I explain? When I don't even know what's going on myself.


" see. Explaining would take a long time...or not really, but how should I say this......"

As I keep changing around like a broken radio, my blood pressure rises--

"I don't know either!"

My head's about to explode--!


......I take a deep breath. Calmly, as if I am on the ice, about to begin a performance.

"Sorry, Mika. I'll be fine in a moment, so please let me be alone." then.

"It's alright now. Let's continue. I'll have you know I'm not a patient person."

<OK, I said I get it.>

As if guessing that my patience is already at its limits, "he" hurriedly begins to explain.

<To begin with the conclusion, I myself am already dead. But, my soul was incomplete and unable to ascend to heaven, so, as you see, it has possessed you.>


<I guess you could call it spirit-fusion......>

......I rush to reclaim my slipping sense of reality.

"A ghost in these days? How stupid."

<Then how do you explain this situation?>


Possessed by a soul......he says, but the stranger it is, the less frightening it becomes.

A sweet voice like an anime voice actor. He seems younger than I am. Well, he doesn't seem like a bad guy......

"Alright, let's suppose you're right. When will you be leaving?"

<......don't get angry and just listen to me.>

"I will get angry!"

From his opening, it's obvious it's going to be bad.

"Now, tell me straight out. How long do you plan on being a hindrance to me?"

<A hindrance? That's a bit...>

"How. Long?"

<Hya... one hundred...>

"100 days......?"

The meaning of silence is, yes.

" I won't accept it. Get out right now!"

<If I were able, I would have done it long ago.>

"This sucks!"

Filled with panic, I unconsciously grab my head. only seems natural that my head belongs to me. But some weird foreign boy has settled there.

If I were to see a doctor...... Surgery? Psychiatry? Or perhaps gynecology?

For something like this, where should I turn to?

<First, I'd like to tell the details of how this happened. Will you listen?>


......fine, just start talking already.

Thus I command him, silently, but there's no reaction.

" you can't hear my thoughts?"

<Yeah, it seems that way.> idiot, brat, pervert, @#&^*!!

"......I see. It appears to be true."



If even my thoughts were known in detail, then I would truly have zero privacy. I would have to drag this guy out even if it meant drilling my head.

"So? Get on with it."

<OK. First of all, my name is Pete Pumps. I'm Canadian.> he says that, to guess from his sweet voice, his outward appearance would probably be something like this......

"Stop it!"


"Nevermind. More importantly, no matter how I think about it, I don't remember anything about having to be possessed by a Canadian ghost."

<Probably not. But it seems there was no one else whose wavelength matched mine as well as yours. Even searching the entire world.>

......what lamentable bad luck.

"Wait a minute. You say 'it seems'. Did someone say that?"

<Umm, it wasn't really 'someone' per se. It's just that when you become an existence like this, you come to know various things without needing to be taught by anyone. It's hard to explain in words...>

"Don't make fun of me!"

<I'm not making fun of you. It's mysterious to me as well.>

......alright. Forget all of my emotions, I need to accept reality.

"So, when did you die?"

<5 days ago. Usually you live in Tokyo, in a place not far from here, but 1 week ago, you happened to go to America.....>

"Could it be......Colorado?"

<Yup. There was a lot of snow falling, but straight below that, was me.>

......come to think of it, on the day I left, snow was falling nearby.

"Oh, congratulations. Then, rather than possessing me, go on and rest in peace."

After saying that, I regret it a little. Whatever else, congratulations are out of place.

< I said, that's...>

"I know. Tell me why."

Since however I might rant and rail, it seems nothing will change.

<Well, somehow I understand the reason.>

As if guarding aginst his listener's temper, his words speed up.

<It seems the powerful energy of the snow caused my soul to begin breaking up...>

"Speak a little slower."

<Sorry. then. As I am now, I began wandering this world. In special circumstances like this, you transfer for a fixed period of time into someone whose spiritual wavelength or environment matches yours. Until your soul recovers.>

"And that takes 100 days?"

<So it seems.>

......somehow, I feel like I'm being tricked. But I really can hear this boy Pete's voice in my head, so......

"Do dead people who are hit by the snow all end up like this?"

<No, if you include the entire world, cases like this apparently only happen once every 10 years.>

I suddenly want to swear loudly, but......I'll leave that to later.

"So, how old are you?"

<16. Same as you. I told you, our wavelengths match.>

Ending my conversation with Pete for the time being, I open the door of the bathroom and......

The Sister whom I earlier called a fake in the middle of class is standing in my way.

"Sakurano-san! Cell phones are prohibited in this school. Give it to me. It is being confiscated."

......haha. I can't take it anymore.

"Come on. Now."

"I don't have a cell phone."

"You're lying. You were talking to someone in the bathroom. I could hear it all." am I supposed to explain?

That I was intruded upon by a Canadian ghost named Pete?

I am seriously about to snap.

"I understand. Then, please search me."

"......what did you say? You've probably just hidden it somewhere..."

"I don't mind if you look around for it until you're satisfied. Although, I wonder where in this narrow bathroom you would look."

I certainly have no ill intent toward the stern Sister standing before me, and it's natural that she misunderstood. Even so, she's perfect for venting my anger.

"While we're at it, why don't you undergo a body search along with me, Sister? Even if we find a matchbook from a host club, I won't mind."

"......Sakurano-san! You are such a--!"

Ahh, now I've done it. Sakurano Tazusa's first suspension from school? Looks like it.

But really, I don't care anymore.

The place is Koutou Ku. Next to a certain forested park along Tokyo Bay, stands a white-painted, high-class residence.

It is a 2-storey building with extravagant Western architecture. The plot, surrounded by deep green trees, is large, and the fountain in the garden continuously creates a little rainbow.

Beyond the white-painted gate that is hung with golden ornaments, in the middle of the entryway has been set up a round flowerbed full of colorful flowers, designed to force people to walk around it like a roundabout.(!)

That's how I would describe it, but......did we ever have visitors deserving of such a thing?

"I'm home."

That's right. This is my home base.

The residence of Coach Takashima Yuuji.

He is the very one who recognized my talent and invited me into this world, but at his age he is still a wealthy bachelor. Given his age of a little over 40, he's just about my parents' generation. Owing to that, he is often mistaken for such.

Slightly longish hair and a moderately handsome face. His eyes seem to droop a little at the corners, and he has a good-intentioned but indecisive personality. Although a decent attempt to make himself look younger, his mustache reveals his true age. I don't think it's necessary anyway, but I can't compliment him by telling him it actually looks good......

For a figure skater, the effect of the training environment is large. The distance from the Takashima house to my regular rink, Tokyo Crystal Garden, is a 3 minute walk.

Early morning, and afternoon. Basically, in order to manage 2 practices every day, one can't ignore geography. Many skaters end up living near skating rinks with clubs.

In my case, I was born in Nagano, but my father could not leave there due to his work, so......ever since I joined the club when I was 5 years old, I have been under Coach's care.

Last year, happily my parents divorced, my father already remarried, and I don't plan on seeing him again. The direct reason for the divorce seems to be that my mother, who is a mountain climber, was rarely at home. Most likely, even now she is working hard to conquer some mountain somewhere. Consequently, she is a woman whose whereabouts are untraceable throughout the year. In its own way, that's a relief to me as a daughter.

Compared to other sports, figure skating is particularly expensive, so it is difficult to stick with for those without recognized genius. Of course, in my case, given my beauty and talent since birth, and the fact that my parents' families were economically well-off, there were no difficulties in my starting figure skating. Excluding having to leave my parents even before entering elementary school......

"Oh, Tazusa. You're late. Did you get failing marks and end up with supplementary lessons again?"

"I am not like you. The Sister was just in a bit of a bad mood."

......well, somehow I managed to get away with just a reprimand and an admonishment......

"My condolences. At this rate, won't you have problems advancing a grade? Instead of the Olympic representative's seat, it would be wiser to worry about whether in April next year, there will be a seat for you in the second-years' classroom."

......and, having casually made such nasty remarks, with the sound of pattering feet, she bursts outside.

This cheeky, slant-eyed shorty is my sister, Sakurano Youko. Don't be surprised, but she's actually 9 years old.

Since 4 years ago, she has lived at the Takashima house same as me, and is enrolled in the figure skating junior class. By virtue of being my little sister, she seems to have good muscles......

<Hey, she's rather cute, isn't she.>

"......if you say something stupid like that again, I'll kill you."

In order to silence Pete, I ascend the spiral stairs from the lobby to the 2nd floor. I enter my room and toss my bag. Now, practice. I should change into my sweats and wash my school uniform--

"Wait a minute......"

At that moment--

A frightening truth flickered by.

I didn't ask for all the details, but......

"Tell me honestly. Perchance do you......see what I am seeing?"

<......ah, actually...>

"Actually what!"

......wait, just wait. Calm down, Tazusa. Does this mean the boy living in my head shares my sense of sight?

<Well, um, Tazusa......>

No, probably not just my sense of sight. Hearing, smell, taste......even touch?

......which means!



A sudden repulsive thought circulates through my imagination, and I thrust my forehead between my palms.


"This isn't funny! I absolutely won't allow it! Get away from me, you pervert!"

I try to shout this at the inside of my head, but I can only turn diagonally upwards. But, being unusually panicked, I pull my hair and run around the room as I continue to scream.

"You piece of trash! Get out! Disappear!"

<I already told you, it's impossible...>

"I don't want to hear excuses! Now, whatever it takes, get out!"

An instinctive action. I bang my head on the wall--


<Ow! Ss......>

......I see sparks in both eyes, and stagger. The pain echoes to the core of my being.

<Whatever the circumstances, that was too cruel...>

"To whom, now?!"

My forehead feels like it's burning where it hit the wall. I still can't open both eyes all the way. I have to admit it was stupid, but, if we share the sense of pain, in addition to everything else, then.......

"All right. If that's how it is, I will chase you out, by whatever method necessary."

<Why are you so determined?>

"Don't joke with me! Why do I have to let some boy I don't even know watch me while I'm changing?", it's not just that. This and that--

<Then change while covering your eyes...>

"Your leaving is easier!"

Now, what is he going to do. Of various means for tearing out a possessing spirit..... I know nothing. So, for now.

I descend a storey. Going straight to the kitchen, I open a cupboard.

As expected, it's scary, but.......

<Oi... no way!>

"Yes way! You better be prepared!"

Gazing at the small red bottle in my hand, I take a deep breath--


", gyaaaaaaaa!"

I lose awareness, but even with the unimaginable spicyness, I am not allowed the mercy of passing out.

"W... wadah, water......!"


Turning my head sideways and putting my mouth around the faucet, I turn the water to full blast in one go. Of course, the raging pain doesn't disappear in the slightest......

"Oi. Are you listening?"

"......guh, bwuh?"

"What are you doing?" my awareness returns to normal, the shame begins to rise. I didn't think I would be seen.......

But, there's no way I can pull my mouth away from the faucet.


"Gha, ghis is... bwah...!


......what a disgraceful sight. As a result of trying to talk while gulping down as much water as I can, water came rushing out of my nose.

With bad timing, Coach Takashima comes home. Even though he's supposed to be conducting lessons for the junior class right now.

"For a joke this is..."

"That's not it! If I don't drink water, ack..."

Seeking to explain, I interrupt the treatment and raise my face, but I can't stand it and go back.

"......did you drink this?"

Still holding the faucet in my mouth, I try nodding. extremely unsightly I must look!

"Is there another skater in the world who would gulp down tabasco just because her results were a little bad?"

I thoroughly wash out my mouth again and try to look up as seriously as possible, but...... I falter a little at Coach's serious expression.

"There are some realities one absolutely can't explain."

Responding jokingly, I wipe my wet face and chest with my sleeve and pick up the towel nearby. The burning in my throat has finally begun to lessen......

......wait, what about him?

Since a little while ago, I haven't heard his voice. I try knocking on the side of my head with my right first.

"......yes! Take that, heheh!"

Success. I chased out the weird ghost.

"......are you alright?"

"Yes... it's nothing. I was just exterminating a big parasite..."

<Who are you calling a parasite?>


Grabbing my head, I jump up.

......why? Didn't I chase him out?

"Tazusa...... what's wrong, really?"

"No, um...... nothing's wrong. Just a slight change in mental state..."

"I beg you, don't joke around."

Even the always-kind Coach Takashima is seriously angry. But, I'm absolutely not joking around.

"How should I say this. I know..."

<What does it look like? What are you doing all of a sudden, you worthless teakettle!>

"......worthless teaket......"


Coach's dubious reaction doesn't even make it to my awareness. The rage that had begun to fade revives once more.

"What! You perverted Canadian!"

I planned on spouting some more sharp insults, but at that moment......

"P... perverted Canadian?"

<I thought I was going to die!>

"Yes, well! Even though you should have died, I failed to kill you. Shall I try again?"


I grab the tabasco bottle again......

<S-sorry. It was my bad!>

"Then, get out right now!"

<No, that's a separate......>

"Why me?"

......I finally realize the problem.

Even when I'm saying it to Pete, I have to speak normally. Though I didn't mean to, I seem to have ended up involving Coach, who's standing there in front of me......

"No. I wasn't speaking to you, Coach. That is......"

"Why am I a perverted Canadian..."

"No, I'm telling you..."


"You shut up!"

......ah. I did it again.

Kind, kind Coach is looking at me all flustered. It's too late. Things have become incredibly complicated......

"Is it Olympics stress?"


I'm caught off guard by the unexpected words...... then I understand. So that's how it's been interpreted. Ahaha.......

"......forgive me. For not noticing."

"No, that's not it..."

"Take a break from practice for a while. Go somewhere and go all out..."

I grab both of Coach's arms.

As a basic matter, I don't care what others think of me, but for this person to worry about me...... it just becomes more trouble later.

"Really. That's not it. I'll head to practice right away."

"......Tazusa, did something happen?"

"It's honestly something else. Please believe me."

My total stubbornness dates a long ways back--

This person doesn't have the pluck to meddle too much when facing an insistent opponent like me.

"......I understand. I beg you, don't push yourself too hard."


Ah~~ I've acted out one of those "family bonds"-derived dramas that I hate.

"Ah, yes. I almost forgot my errand."

......from his shocked expression and tone, it doesn't take imagination to figure out what the matter is.

"If this is about my being scolded by the Sister, there's no problem. An unfortunate misunderstanding escalated, that's all."

One of the lovely features of my school. Even in the case of a little bit of instructive guidance, the time it takes for word to reach the guardian is surprisingly short.

"If that's the case, then fine."

Showing me a smile at the end, Coach returns to the rink.......

Enclosed by light blue walls, this is my room.

To hear Youko's take, the bookshelves full of comics and anime DVDs spoil the room's originally somewhat high-class feel.

I glare straight-on at the full-length mirror in my room. Of course, the target is not myself......

<You really are quite a beauty.>

Unconsciously, my face begins to slacken......and I hurriedly look away from the mirror.

Flattery is for Snow White.

"Appeasing me with flattery won't work."

<That's not it. I'm telling the truth.>

......this is what Western guys are like.

But, well. Pete's words certainly aren't lip service.

Glossy long black hair tied back in 2 deep red ribbons. Bangs slightly parted in 2 strands, hanging down to just above my eyelashes but here and there flying up as if repelled by my forehead, making them seem light and bouncy.

A slightly-less-than-average height of 158cm, slightly-longer-than-average arms and legs, and a long, slender neck.

The features of an elegant face, the tapered bridge of my nose, sharply angled eyebrows, thin small mouth and lips, radiant white skin.

My half-lidded eyes conceal their original large size, giving others a sleepy or dry impression, but the reason that becomes a slightly negative factor is that I am simply too beautiful.......

"Incidentally, could you share with me any ideas for protecting that beauty from the eyes of beasts?"

< about using a towel as a blindfold?>

......with a deep red towel, I completely seal off my sight.

Carefully, taking care not to touch anywhere strange, I take off my uniform. After the blouse, I unhook my skirt and am left in my underwear. Along with the coolness, I feel strangely helpless. Why am I even.......

"Screw this!"


Ahh, this really sucks!

To an observer, I probably seem 100% a deviant. I want to cry just thinking about it.

Tokyo Crystal Garden Ice Rink--

The rink is set up inside a building that appears elliptical from above. Oblong windows line side walls that are a coordinated brilliant light blue. The blue roof which swells out into a slightly domed shape, coupled with the interweaving facade, looks quite stylish. At night, light spilling from the windows illuminates the surrounding trees, offering a scene you could call fairy-tale-like.

On Saturdays and holidays, it's open to the general public from noon until midnight, and club practice is only in the morning. Other than that, it's available all day. Compared to other clubs which have times during which classes have priority, the treatment is a blessing.

There are 20 students. The male-female ratio is 8 to 12. Aside from the 2 ice dance couples, all the rest are singles skaters.

And, as for this rink's ace, it goes without saying......


......from the meek expression of my close friend and ice mate, Honjou Mika, I gather that someone has told her something.

"Is it true that the Sister decided to fail you?"

", Mika."

Of course, she is truly worried. This girl's greatest and single fault.......

"Why do always believe all that nonsense?"

"It's not true?"

"There's no way that idiot would be telling the truth."

Mika puts a hand to her chest in relief. Of course, in my best friend's pure heart, there are no lies.

"From Youko-chan's story, it seemed to be true, so......"

"You really must be Takashima-descended."

In times like these, that's what I call her.

Because we live together, the one who gets mistaken for Coach's daughter is me, but from a personality perspective, Mika is the one who by far seems to be related.

"But you really were acting strangely at school today."

"I know. I promise I will resolve it before the day is over."


"Oh nothing."

Dodging further questions, I step onto the ice and begin to skate--

<Hey, you're pretty good.>

......even though I told him not to speak, this guy.

Well, I can't respond to him here.

After all, there are a lot of junior skaters around who look at me with admiration. Even if I make mistakes, I can't act stupid......

<It feels good. This is the first time I've ever skated like this...>

"It's not as if you're the one skating!"

......I guess I am rather stupid.

At my side, a juniors boy startled by my sudden, unexplained shouting misses his jump and falls.

For a moment, I think to apologize, but it will just mire me deeper. I begin skating again as if nothing happened, but......I confirm the concerned glance of Coach Takashima who, while hurrying over to the junior skater who seems to haved landed hard on his butt, nonetheless also worries about his idiotic Olympic candidate.

<I told you, I share your sense of touch. So it feels no different from skating myself.>

......dangerously, I am again near exploding.

<It feels like riding on a roller coaster...>

"Shut up......"

I command quietly.

To avoid being suspected of drug-induced hallucinations, I need to be careful of any more eccentric behavior.

I finish warming up. Now then--

From back skating, I create a little build-up, then a double Axel (2 and a half rotations).

<Wah, awesome!>

"......what are you saying, this is nothing."

Although I still feel irritated, I toss off my answer coolly.

<It really resounds through your legs, doesn't it.>

"Well yes."

A jump puts many times a skater's body weight onto the edge of the skates. If you don't train your ankles and knees, you won't be able to withstand the impact of landing.

Next, I point my toes 180 degrees apart and, while leaning my body obliquely back, I skate an arc.......

"Oh, a spread eagle? Not bad."

I think I might begin shouting again, but...... slight curiosity takes precedence.

"You know figure skating?"

<Yes, well. In Canada, figure skating comes right after ice hockey, after all.>

Come to think of it, that's true.

"Canadian spectators are famous for their inconsistent favoritism towards locals, was it?"

<Nothing of the sort! We Canadians fairly applaud any athlete who gives a good performance.> seems even as a ghost, he is bothered by bad-mouthing his mother country. At least, I've added to my ways of relieving stress.

Finished with practice, now for a slightly late dinner.

Today, I am in charge of cooking. Normally Coach does it, but I don't feel right making him do everything, so occasionally he lets me do it. ......though to be honest, Coach's cooking is several times tastier.

But today, before I get caught up in preparations, there is something I must do.

No, actually, I am near my limit. So much so that I must get up and walk around now and then. If I don't do it soon.......

<Um...... hey. Could you go to the bathroom first? My tolerance is...>


At this moment, if I had a drill, I wouldn't hesitate to thrust it into my own skull.

"Un...unbelievable! You super-pervert!"

<I mean, I have to suffer the same discomfort...>

"Then hurry up and leave!"

<It's because I can't that I'm here...>

"I don't need excuses! Just shut up!"

If I think about it too deeply, I will surely go crazy. To share my... urge to urinate,... such a thing!

"What have you been saying to yourself? About perverts and whatnot?"

......oh dear. Just now I forgot myself. Because my loud voice was so piercing.......

"If it's a monodrama, it's got some pretty good editing. Only such a pervert would fall in love with Tazusa, I'm sure."

"......Youko...... why you..."

My sister, being quick to seize an opportunity, leaves in a hurry before I explode with anger.

"That... little brat!"

<And she's 9 years old? Hard to believe.>

"I don't care if you believe it or not."

It's terrible! Truly terrible! For a nightmare, this is has dragged on desperately long.

If I don't do something, my bathroom needs.......


"Nn? What now?"

<No, it was just my imagination. It's nothing.> not how it seems. From his high-pitched tone, it seemed pretty urgent. Did he see something? If so, what was it?

I look around, searching for something likely. If I discover his weakness, I might be able to smoke Pete out. If I don't hurry, I really won't be able to hold it.......

<Come on...... even if you're stubborn until the end, there's no helping it.>

"Shut up."

While I am possessed by Pete, I have to hold it in no matter what. But if I think about it, whenever I eat something, that comes soon after...?

In a sense, it's almost hell.

"This really sucks!"

Grabbing the tomato that had been left on the cutting board, I bite into it with all my might----



What? This incredibly agonized scream just now, like one's insides being turned inside out?

<Ah... no, it's nothing......>

Fufu...... could it be?!

Another bite! Yet another!

<No... sto-, please stop...>

"I have it now, your weakness!"

I don't care who hears me. I shout with all my might. As if I am the princess who has discovered the single clue to defeating the evil king.

"It seems you really hate tomatoes. Hohohoho!"

<Ss... ah, uegh!>

As if trying to leave nothing but the stem, I gobble greedily.

"There's still more!"

Going to the refrigerator, I reach for the tomatoes in the vegetable box.......

"Are you thinking of becoming a performer?"

"......ah." to me is a bewildered-looking Coach Takashima.

What's more, looking on from behind him is Youko, who can't hide her confusion at seeing her blood sister's eccentricities one after another.

"That's... not it."

"Really, what is wrong?"

"That's...... I'm begging you, just leave it be for now. Any star has her worries."

I clasp my hands together, try to let my eyes sparkle like in old-school shoujo manga,...... but that doesn't work.

"Get a grip, Tazusa. If you want to go to the bathroom, just go. Why are you holding it in?"

"Actually, there's kind of a reason I can't......"

Coach unconsciously puts a hand to his forehead and sighs.

"Drinking tabasco in one go, talking to yourself, a sudden strange cry, binge eating tomatoes, refraining from going to the bathroom....... What are you telling me to understand? Just what are they having you do in school?"

"Nothing. I'm just kind of challenging human limits..."


As if running away from Coach's scolding, I dash upstairs.

If I were to allow myself to go to the bathroom in my current condition, without a doubt it would be the greatest embarrassment of my life,...... a lifetime's worth of shame.

But I've been enduring for several hours. Cursing all the water I drank during the tabasco shock, the truth is, I am already near my limit.......

The words of surrender float into my thoughts.

Entering the private room, lowering my underpants, that sensation...... would be shared----???

"No, this isn't funny!"

I shout courageously, but...... 30 minutes later.

I have no choice but to dash into the bathroom.

......undoubtedly it was the biggest shock of my life.

This isn't a simple thing like peeping. It probably far surpasses NASA's most cutting-edge sense simulations. I have offered the ultimate virtual reality to some unknown Canadian boy.

"This is the worst...... really the worst----!"

I dive into my bed and bury myself in the blankets, but if I do that, it means Pete is also doing the same thing, so.......

"Where is my privacy......? Really, I'm going to go crazy!"

Saying that, I suddenly realize something about this situation...... Unfortunately, I am no saint. Sympathizing with a pervert ghost is something I'd rather die than do!

"Listen. If you say even a single word without my approval, you won't get away with just tabasco."

<......I understand.>

Whenever I think of a voice echoing inside my head, I can't sleep calmly. And yet, if I move a finger, I have no privacy in even that movement. What a situation!

"Truly, human rights are precious......"


"I told you not to speak!"

Anyways. I won't go to the bathroom again. Taking a bath would be absurd. ......if I were Shizuka-chan, I would surely be broken.

This is truly a nightmare. I don't even have an appetite. I just want to sleep as I am now. I don't know if I can fall asleep in this situation, but...... I have the feeling that falling asleep would be good for me.

...that's right.

If I sleep tonight, when I wake up in the morning, the nightmare will be over. Yes, it must be like that.

This is a bad dream.

This is surely.............