Kaze no Stigma:Volume1 Chapter5

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Chapter Five - Rescue


Riding the Shinkansen headed for Kyoto, Kazuma and Ayano were sitting on a wide seat within a side-room, quietly waiting for their arrival.

The air conditioning was very cooling, and it was an extremely cozy environment; however, most people would have rather chosen to squeeze in the over-congested train chambers than sit in the same room as these two.

There was a kind of unpleasant atmosphere that made it hard for one to stay within the room.

This is infuriating.

This is so infuriating!

Ayano’s eyes were filled with murderous desires, staring straight at Kazuma, who was sitting diagonally from her.

Even though it was impossible not to notice her, Kazuma did not even look at Ayano. He shook his leg comfortably as he skimmed through a magazine he bought from a stall.

Ayano shifted her view back towards the scenery outside once more.

Her current mood was the worst in her life so far; to have to work together with Kazuma made her very unhappy. And her father, Juugo, seemed to have more faith in Kazuma’s abilities rather than Ayano’s, which made her feel even more unhappy.

She stubbornly forced her head to face the window while glancing at Kazuma. From the looks of it, he was completely different from the way he was four years ago. His appearance did not seem much different, but in her heart, he had already jumped up several levels.

She hated Kazuma very much; she could even guarantee that while hitting on her chest. But--- her eyes just could not divert from him. Unknowingly, she had begun to go in pursuit of Kazuma, observing his every move. Ayano would not tolerate such actions.

(Speaking of which, this is totally unbelievable! How did he become so strong in just four years?)

Kazuma four years ago was just like a stone by the roadside. This was not considered bullying or looking down on him, more of removing him from sight, automatically and naturally.

It was the same even during the “Successor Ceremony”. Kazuma joined the ceremony only because Genma forced him to. Between Ayano, and Kazuma, who could not even use En-Jutsu, there should not have even been a fight. This was because even before the fight, everyone knew the outcome.

(But I heard that his fighting skills and other Jutsus were rather good…… No! Why should I be trying to spot his good points!?)

Ayano shook her head hard, removing all unpleasant thoughts from her mind. She organized her breathing and raised her head. At this moment, her eyes met those of Kazuma’s.

“…… You seem very happy.”

Kazuma was not mocking her, but was simply speaking in a surprised tone.

“Who…… Who would be happy! Just the fact that I am being with you makes me feel unhappy to the max!”

”Oh Really?!.”

Rebutting the agitated Ayano, Kazuma replied lightly. He took out a cigarette from a hidden pocket in his jacket as though nothing had happened.

“Hey! Don’t smoke in this kind of small room!”

(----Here we go again.)

As she was shouting in complaint, Ayano began to have doubts about her uncontrollable emotions. As long as Kazuma was in front of her, she seemed to turn aggressive subconsciously.

These types of emotions could not be explained clearly with just the reason: “because of hate”. After all, Ayano is the type to totally ignore those she dislikes. It would be impossible for her to even lift her head to talk to them.

(So I guess this means I don’t just hate him, I hate him very very very much!)

She used such a farfetched logic to sooth the unpleasantness in her heart. But, looking at that super detestable guy chewing his cigarette and taking out a lighter, Ayano went on a rage once more.

“Are you deaf? I told you not to smoke!”

Kazuma filled his lungs with smoke and released it slowly; the air between the two of them became thick with the smoke. After repeating the same actions once more, he looked into Ayano’s angry stare.

“------I heard you.”

The voice reached Ayano’s seat together with the smoke. Watching Ayano as she was getting choked by the smoke, Kazuma continued to pollute the air with second hand smoke.

“---- You imbecile!”

Ayano stared at Kazuma’s mouth. The spirits quickly responded to the will of the master of flame’s descendent.


The sound of an explosion sounded off; the cigarette that Kazuma was chewing on was burnt to the head instantly. If Kazuma was any slower in spitting it out, his own mouth would have been burnt by it.

“Heh heh!”

Ignoring Ayano, who seemed so proud and pleased with herself, Kazuma took out another cigarette. This time he set up a kekkai around him, sealing off any flame spirits that may try to get out of control.

Ayano furiously stared once more at Kazuma, who began to produce more smoke. And what was even more detestable, was that the smoke went through the kekkai and began to taint her surroundings with its white fumes.

“Stop playing such stupid tricks, how about we discuss on our plans for the mission?”

Ayano fought hard to keep her desire to burn the whole train sector down and instead proposed a plan for the cooperation. It seems that having been scolded to be brainless by her father was a very shocking matter.

In the process of Ayano’s growth, all of her emotional expressions could be said to have been developed according to Juugo. Kazuma now gave a very calm reaction.

“The two of us working together requires no plan. You go ahead and fight with Ryuuya, I will stay in the back and cover you. Is there any other way?”

”……Why do I get the feeling my job is much more dangerous?”

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Ayano knew that this was the most efficient way too, but she just felt that something was not right. This was because she did not completely trust Kazuma and thus was always getting the feeling that she was being set up.

“This is your family’s problem! Shouldn’t you work harder for it?”

”For someone who is getting paid to do the job, you sure sound proud. Mercenaries should fight at the front line! You are obligated to protect me.”

”Are you that weak?”

Kazuma gave a snort of contempt and says, “You cannot survive without someone protecting you?”


At the face of the furious Ayano who was so angry she was at a loss for words, Kazuma said something even ruder,

“Listen well, and remember it. I have no energy to spare to protect you. Ryuuya is very strong; stronger than me, and of course even stronger than you. We must both use our powers to the limit; only under such circumstances do we stand a chance to win. Even if you don’t trust me, at least try to unconditionally trust me for today! If you cannot do that, we are just going to die.”

Kazuma put it all out so plainly and spoke in such a calm manner that Ayano was unable to rebut. She knew that she was losing her momentum. A strong “ki” was restraining her; she could not even move a finger.

“I……I got it already……”

The only resistance she could put up was a tone that sounded as though she was fighting back, because it felt that if she did not make such an attempt to resist, she would have been conquered both physically and mentally, and would be unable to resist ever again.

“But it’s just for today…… If it weren’t for a time like this, I would never……”

She tried her best to rebut, but Kazuma did not reply. His presence earlier seemed to have vanished without a trace, as though it was just a dream. Kazuma relaxed his whole body, and fiddled with his cigarette in a lazy posture. Ayano thought to herself, he’s just like a poisonous bug.

(------What a mean person.)

She scolded in her heart. How come I am so afraid of this self-degrading nicotine addict? What an embarrassment.

“I am going to sleep.”

She left this line, and shut her eyes; then opened them once more to stare at Kazuma.

“If you try anything funny, I will burn you!”

”Don’t worry! I am not interested in creatures that have yet to become a woman.”


After hearing such a rude reply, Ayano held her fist and stood up. But Kazuma just continued to read his magazine, without bothering with her actions. Just as he had said that he was “not interested”, Kazuma proves it through his actions in a very natural manner.

In an instant, Ayano’s expression seemed like she was about to cry. She blinked her eyes, which became wet without a proper reason, and then returned back to her seat and closed her eyes.

In her mind, her uncertain feelings became a whirlpool. She could no longer be sure if she was angry or sad anymore.

(Why should I even bother myself with that guy……?)

Unable to verify her own feelings, Ayano locked her confused thoughts into the depths of her consciousness. After that, she gave an order to her brain, to focus her consciousness on sleeping. Within a few seconds, Ayano forgot all about her unhappiness and gave off peaceful breathing sounds.

After confirming that Ayano was asleep already, Kazuma purified the air in the room. The originally corrupted air became clean in a second.

After telling the spirits to constantly purify, Kazuma focused his mind on the security of his surroundings; he let his senses become synchronized with the wind spirits.

His consciousness fused with the wind, his body, which became an empty shell, showed a tired smile that would have been looked down upon by Ayano.

(Gee, this girl can really sleep.)

Having thought about the possibility of being attacked while on the move, Kazuma found it hard to relax. Even though his search radius is ten kilometers wide, but while moving at three hundred kilometers per hour, one could never let his guard down since that monster could easily attack from more than twenty kilometers away if it wishes to.

Even though this was only to make himself feel more secure, Kazuma continued to keep his guard up. Even if he was able to sense an attack, it should be good to just be able to block the first hit. The enemy has no reason to focus on Kazuma, as simply destroying the whole cabin would allow him to meet his objective.

(After the first strike, I need to escape quickly before the second hit…… And on top of that, to bring along a burden, can that be done?)

Looking at the “burden” that was sleeping soundly, Kazuma mumbled to himself.

(I guess have got no choice, but to just do it……)

No matter how bad the whole situation seems, the only way out of the mess is to take action proactively. Everything would be finished if I only just wait for a chance

In the end, all of the precautions were too late. The Fuuga clan disappeared without a trace and was yet to be found. They were probably on their way to the sacred grounds; they might even have arrived already!

He did not intend to let the Fuuga clan’s ambitions to be fulfilled. Even though one reason was to save his cute brother, but Kazuma had decided long ago that “anyone that uses a human as a tribute must die”.

------ Maybe not all of the Fuuga clan participated with the revolt, so some way to take care of these people would be required-----

Remembering the words of the clan chief, Kazuma showed an evil smile.

(Let me help you save some energy!)

I guess Juugo does not need to ponder about what to do with the Fuuga clan. This was because Kazuma had already decided on the death penalty for anyone in the clan.

The journey after getting off the train requires a car. After exiting the train station, the two headed to the car park as instructed.

Because of the possibility of having to go all around the whole mountain, a four wheel drive RANGE ROVER was prepared. Kazuma placed the key he obtained from Juugo into the ignition and switched on the GPS before starting the engine.

Ayano came in from the door at the other side and sat down; perhaps she was wary of Kazuma’s driving capabilities because she took up the seat belt immediately.

“Don’t put on the seat belt.”

Kazuma said as he was looking at the GPS.


”Ryuuya is much scarier than a car accident. Be prepared to jump out of the vehicle at any time.”


“Then let’s go!”

Kazuma pressed on the accelerator pedal with ease.

The RANGE ROVER did not meet much interference and went swiftly down the road. After leaving the town zone, they took a scenic route, and went around to the back of the mountain.

“Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you something.”


“You mentioned earlier, Ryuuya’s wind is in berserk mode right? Won’t the spirits you control go berserk as well?”

”Well, if it is just attacking, it should be fine. But I dare not guarantee it will stay that way in the long run.”

”Are you sure it is going to be okay?”

Ayano asked in doubt.

“Believe me! Well in that case, why don’t I just test it out------ Incoming!”

Kazuma’s wind retaliated the black wind that came from above. A furious gale was created from the power of the two waves and even the heavy weighted RANGE ROVER began to shake vigorously.

“Jump out of the car!”

As if pushed out by Kazuma’s voice, Ayano kicked the car door down and jumped out. But after the jump, she remembered that it was Kazuma who ordered her earlier and she became angry because of that.

“Don’t order me around------“

She stared at the driver seat as she was making a fuss, but there was no one there anymore.

Unsure when it happened, Kazuma quietly jumped out of the car. From the closed car door, there was no way to imagine how he jumped out as, logically speaking, he should have gotten into action after Ayano.


Once again speaking ahead before Ayano, Kazuma raised his finger and pointed slightly upwards; Ayano’s eyes reflexively followed this action.


Kazuma was in control, and she was being played by his hand; it was like she was unable to move by her own will.

She was so angry she wanted to kill him, but apparently there was no time for that. At the tip of where Kazuma pointed, a shadow came from the skies and into the centre of Ayano’s vision.

A corrupted youki, even darker and duller than the black suit, with thin lips, a straight nose, and a proper face that could even have been it was handsome; but, the face was paler than a mask.

“Ryuuya……? I never noticed at all……”

If it wasn’t for Kazuma, she would have been killed without even seeing Ryuuya. A chill went down Ayano’s spine.

“Don’t take him to be same as the Fuuga clan. If a first rate Fu-Jutsushi was hiding himself, an En-Jutsushi would never be able to find him. Once you get into a melee battle, don’t leave the enemy, no matter what happens.”

Seeing Ayano who froze from the tense situation, Kazuma gave a fearless smile.

“So------Are you ready?”

”Don’t order me around. Just do your job and cover me!”

After throwing down that sentence, Ayano dashed out. As she was running, she pulled out Enraiha, and shot a fireball to show her might.

“I told you, that won’t work!”

Kazuma grumbled in shock because of Ayano’s stupidity.

Ryuuya quietly stood before the approaching fireball. The scorching flames attacked Ryuuya, who did not take any defensive actions at all, staying motionless.


”That is not enough! Continue and strike!!”

Observing Ryuuya who was surrounded by flames, Kazuma shouted.

“I know! I told you not to order me!!”

Ayano waved her Enraiha as she replied. She did not expect a fire of that level to deal any damage against their opponent; it would have been good enough to just successfully divert his attention.

(However------ There is nothing that Enraiha cannot destroy!)



A swing with her utmost confidence was repelled by a clear sound.


Ryuuya cleared away the flames, and closed in at Ayano who gave a gasp. She could clearly see those pitch black claws, about thirty centimeters long, coming out of those pair of bending curves.

Did the opponent use this to block Enraiha------ Ayano did not even have time to think about this.

She used the red blade to block off the claws that sliced in from the left and right, and as she was just about to retaliate, the opponent already vanished from sight.


Instinctively, she swung her blade, and coincidentally caught Ryuuya. The pitch black claws blocked Enraiha, and were making screeching sounds.

Their weapons hit, but in terms of size and arm power, Ayano was at a disadvantage. Ayano pushed out her blade forcefully, and jumped back with the rebounding force to the back, pulling a distance between them.

“What the hell have you been covering, Kazuma!!”

Ayano did not shift her vision from Ryuuya and was furiously scolding her partner who did nothing. But she did not get a reply, no matter how long she waited.

“…… Hey, Kazuma?”

Under a very unpleasant premonition, she called to Kazuma with insecurity. This time she finally got a reply------ in the form of a far away voice transmitted by Fu-Jutsu.

“I shall be making a move first; I leave the rest to you------ Good luck!”

Hearing the playful words from the wind made Ayano dumbfounded where she stood for ten seconds.


Ayano, who stood there with her head bowed down originally, had golden flames suddenly burst out of her body. Maybe because she was holding the sword handle tightly, the tip of Enraiha was shivering slightly.

Ayano raised her head, and used sharp eyes to look straight ahead. Her eyes glared past Ryuuya, who stood before her, as though she could see that despicable fellow who had slipped away to further back long ago.

Ayano shouted in a trembling and furious voice.

”You…… You big traitor!! Watch it! After I get this guy, the next one is you------!!”

Her shout echoed in the empty mountains.


At that same moment, Kazuma was thirty meters in the air, gliding.

“That girl sure is energetic. Anyways, take care not to die off, and try to buy me some time!”

As he muttered something that would make Ayano furious if she heard it, Kazuma began his search for the place for the seal.

“Is that it------“

There was no need to even search; it was spotted instantly since the target was the Samadhi Flame. With Kazuma’s spiritual eyes, finding that bright, shining flame was just as simple as looking for the sun.

Kazuma temporarily descended on to the ground, and called the wind for one final jump. This jump was far higher than any of the previous jumps and he easily went above a hundred meters. It could be more appropriate to call this flying!

He almost lost no altitude as he directly flew to just above the seal and observed the situation below him.

“Hmph------ Found my brother.”

Looking from the sky, the situation of the sealing grounds could not be more obvious. Maybe for the sake of concealment, the sealing altar was smaller than expected.

At one corner, Hyoue and Ren could be seen and there were about twenty people surrounding the two. Unlike Juugo’s prediction, it seemed that all of the Fuuga clan participated in the revolt.

Kazuma stopped the wind; and as though he was walking down stairs, he descended from a hundred meters above the ground with ease. As he came closer to the surface, when there was about ten meters of distance left, Hyoue raised his head------

“Too slow!!”

Kazuma placed a gush of wind between Ren and Hyoue. As he blew Hyoue away, he reached out for Ren.


He seemed to still be conscious; Ren reached out as far as he could, and grabbed onto Kazuma’s hand.

Kazuma pulled the tiny body to his chest and hugged him tightly; following that, they glided a distance on the surface before landing softly.

“Ren, are you okay?”

With such a gentle voice asking this question, it makes it hard to believe that this was the beast that cruelly left Ayano.


”Very good------ Good boy.”

Kazuma let Ren down, and relaxingly looked down at Hyoue.

Hyoue, who had finally managed to get up, stared back at Kazuma with hatred.

“You…… How did you…… So that’s what happened, you used Ayano as bait, and infiltrated here by yourself? To sacrifice a girl, what a despicable man you are.”

”You have no right to say that about me do you, damn old man who offered your son to the devil. What can you say about yourself? Ryuya’s consciousness should be gone without a trace by now!”

“So what of it?”

Hyoue replied without a care, putting up a fearless front. Obviously, he had never introspected or regretted it.

“Why don’t you talk about this instead? If the flames of Kannagi are “Purifying Flames”, the winds of Fuuga are “Winds of corruption”! To corrupt the world, and to fulfill our own desires, that would be our justice! And for that justice, sacrificing one or two sons are nothing in comparison.”

If Ayano heard this line, she would be sure to think that Hyoue was mad! However, Kazuma understood Hyoue’s thinking very well.

When failure is not allowed, only the strong can fight righteously. If someone with insufficient power still hopes to win, then he could only seek to give up on the rules of a normal person.

The mentality to wish to seek his personal desires, even if it meant to be looked down upon, or even to be blamed by the whole world, it is all too familiar to Kazuma------ Even so, he did not intend to let Hyoue off.

“But everything is over now, have you played enough?”

”Not yet! It is not over yet!”

Hyoue laughed fearlessly, his bloodshot eyes still did not show any sign of despair.

“If you think you have won like this, you are so wrong.”

“Is that so? Anyways, just feel free to give it your all!”

Kazuma used a tone that completely enrages the opponent to reply. Ren, who was hiding behind him, laughed as well. But the normal Ren would never give off a smile that would emit such evilness.

Ren pulled out a dagger that he kept secretly, and slowly stabbed it into Kazuma’s waist area.

Kazuma’s body shook lightly, his eyes widened.

“Ho……hohahahahaha! Fool! You shall die in the hands of your own brother!”

Hyoue laughed loudly, but his eyes narrowed[瞇] with doubt soon after.

Not just Kazuma, even Ren stopped moving. No, Ren was trying to pull the dagger out, but the dagger did not budge.

“What are you doing, “Ren”! Kill him quickly!”

“I think that would be very difficult!”

Kazuma suddenly stretched his left hand forward, and the thing he was holding at the tip of his hand was the blade of the dagger that was supposed to originally be in Ren’s hand.

“You……How did you……”

“Ren” gave a moan. Kazuma threw the dagger away and turned to face the back.

“With youki being given off so vigorously, did you think I would not notice this?”

Kazuma said, as he opened his hands widen to grab “Ren”’s face.

“Ren” struggled painfully. Kazuma fought back the resistance easily, and began to gather “ki”.

“I don’t know what you placed inside, but this is Ren’s body.”

After saying that, Kazuma released the “ki”.

“Go back to Hell!”

A strong “ki” instantly vanquished the youma that was in Ren, giving no chance for it to escape. Holding his weak body, Kazuma waited for Ren to wake up.


“Oh, you got up, brother.”

Kazuma’s voice sounds calm, as if all the tragic events that happened at the hotel were all just a dream.


Ren remembers everything, and was just about to run up to hug his brother when Kazuma raised his hand to block him off.


He had an unpleasant premonition from his brother’s smile, and hurriedly tried to retreat------ But it was too late, Kazuma’s hands grabbed Ren’s two cheeks, and pressed hard into them.

“It……It hurts……”

Kazuma ignored Ren’s cries, and while still putting up a smiling expression, strethed the two cheeks to the sides.

“Why were you caught so easily and suddenly? You are a guy, did you think you have the right to play the “damsel in distress”? Why do I have to come all the way to Kyoto in order to rescue you rascal?”

“Aii…… Aii errm soo soilry, iisma(I……I am so sorry, Nii-sama)!”

Ren waved his hands and legs nervously, shedding tears and begging for his brother’s forgiveness. Maybe after he saw this scene, he could no longer be angry at his brother, so Kazuma loosened his fingers.

“That…… That was so mean, brother……”

“You idiot, if it was not you, I would have beaten the hell out of you.”

Pressing on his painful red cheeks, Ren raised his head up with watery eyes. That cute gesture could almost knock out big sisters with strange interests in one hit. But it didn’t work on Kazuma. He pushed Ren away coldly, and faced Hyoue once more.

“We fooled around enough I guess, shall I make my move now?”


Hyoue gave off a groan. Kazuma’s presence was totally out of his calculations, not only did he possess great power, his techniques were overly eminent too.

That special way of exorcism, Hyoue had never seen anything like it. It looked easy, but in reality, it might have been a very sophisticated and delicate technique; to be able to activate it in an instant, it was very extraordinary.

“It seems like wanting to use you was the biggest mistake I made.”

“Yes, I think so too. If not for all these petty tricks, maybe the Kannagi clan would have perished by now!”

The reason why Kazuma agreed so readily was because he knew that this would deal another blow to Hyoue. Kazuma was never stingy on anything that can make another person feel unhappy.

“But, why!? Why do you try to stop me!? You should know very well the kind of hatred someone who was bullied has in them; the humiliation being forced to kneel before others. You should have experienced them, felt them too!

You hate the Kannagi too right? You despise them right? Aren’t we all the same? You should be on our side!!”

Ren lifted his head to look at his brother’s expression. As Hyoue had said, Kazuma had been through situations very similar to the Fuuga clan. Even though he said that he “no longer hates the Kannagi clan”, but Hyoue’s words… won’t they remind him of his hatred once more?

“Yeah, that’s right. My feelings are very similar to yours. Even if the Kannagi clan dies out, I would not even feel sad.”


Ren’s expression changed immediately as he grabbed Kazuma’s hand.

After seeing this scene, Hyoue smirked. If he could get Kazuma on his side, the battle situation would be turned around instantly. Even if Kazuma did not join him, as long as he no longer interferes------

“In that case, we have no reason to fight anymore, do we? I am not asking you to help, but just stop interfering with what we do, as destroying the Kannagi clan is our wish.

These three hundred years, we were controlled by the Kannagi clan as slaves. Three hundred years! Our ancestors did commit a sin in the past. But just how long must we pay to redeem ourselves!? When will we ever be forgiven!?”

Kazuma silently watched Hyoue, who said everything in one go with such passion and emotions. He took out a cigarette from a hidden pocket, and lit it with a lighter.

“Besides, why do we have to pay for the sins our ancestors committed? Why must we be used and humiliated like slaves? What crimes did we commit? No! No! No! I cannot accept this! I will never acknowledge the Kannagi’s arrogance! This is a justified revenge! I have every right to destroy the Kannagi clan!”

“……Are you done talking?”

Stepping on the cigarette ashes with his foot, Kazuma asked, “So you have nothing else left to say?”

After understanding the true meaning of that sentence, Hyoue widened his eyes in shock.

“You…… Still want to go against me…… Why? Why do you try so hard to please the Kannagi clan? You have such magnificent powers with you, why?”

“Because the clan chief is willingly to offer 100 million yen to hire me.”

Kazuma said straightly. Hyoue became dumb-founded with his mouth open, unable to say anything.


Ren raised his tone at the end of his speech and asked in an obviously suspicious manner,

“So that means, Nii-sama came here to work? Not to save me in particular.”

“My belief is to take whatever you can. This is called killing two birds with one stone!”

After hearing Kazuma’s explanation, Ren’s doubts were still not erased. Kazuma faced his brother, who was looking at him with blaming eyes, and smiled bitterly, saying,

“It is not easy to just be alive. One day you will come to understand that too------ Hey. Where do you think you are going, old man?”

Kazuma, with his sharp eyes, spotted Hyoue, who tried to escape while the two were chatting and was halted by Kazuma’s words.

“So are you finished praying? What a coincidence that your God seems to be in the area too.”

Hehehehehe. Kazuma purposely made noise to mock his opponent.

“……Don’t think you have won just yet!”

Hyoue, whose face grew red with anger. He gave a signal and about ten people, both males and females, came out. Kazuma looked at the daggers and clubs that they were holding without a care.

“No matter how many of such people from the Fuuga clan come out…… Hey wait… old man, what did you do to these people?”

Unfocused pupils and staggered steps, these Jutsushis were obviously without consciousness.

“These people, they forgot the pride of the Fuuga clan, and are dumb fools who were willingly to be slaves of the Kannagi. They should think about who they are, to try to persuade and stop me. So I took away their consciousness, and they are now puppets. Hahahahaha……”

Hyoue used an ear-piercing voice to laugh. The look of that obdurate old man was ugly to the limit.

“So how about it, Kazuma? These people are loyal to the Kannagi, they are Jutsushis who are righteous and respectable! To you, who is a follower of the Kannagi, you should not be able to kill them right? So tell me, what are you going to do------? “

“Just like this.”

Kazuma stopped Hyoue’s self-speech and cut off the Jutsushis’ heads all at the same time. As if it was a joke, ten heads flew up into the sky at the same time, and fell down onto the ground one by one.

“You……You bastard! Against innocent people who are merely being controlled…… Are you even human?”

“Don’t you keep talking about me. Did you think I am some hero of justice? Who cares whether they were controlled or blackmailed; whoever points a knife at me is my enemy. A little girl would be no exception.”

Hearing such a cold-blooded declaration, Hyoue was at a loss for words. And at this moment------


One man ran out of the human wall that decreased by half. His wife was killed by Kazuma just now. Since his wife was unable to accept Hyoue’s ambitions, her consciousness was taken away. But, if the Kannagi was destroyed, she would have been turned back to normal, and they could live on like they used to, no, even more happily than before.


The man released wind blades. But compared to Kazuma’s wind, they were small sized wind blades worthy of pity.

The control of the small sized wind blades was taken by Kazuma, and he chopped off the caster’s head in return. The man’s head rolled on the floor and eventually stopped by the side of his wife’s head.

No one in the area dared to move. The look of a person fully wrapped by northern-most winds, bringing down heartless punishment, was just like a god of death descending upon the real world------

“Ah ah…… Speaking of which, how many people are left?”


That lazy speech was just like a signal. The Fuuga clan began to lose control, and scattered away in an unorganized manner.

“Stay…… Stay there!”

No one listened to Hyoue’s orders. Even if it was just one step further, everyone ran from Kazuma as if their lives depended on it. A fear that surpassed the teachings of the Fuuga clan has controlled their hearts.

By now, the Fuuga clan was but no more. But to Kazuma, the real problem begins only now.

“Nii……Nii-sama, you really overdid it! There was no need to kill those people who were controlled, was there!?”

Kazuma had to comfort Ren, who was gleaming with tears while interrogating Kazuma.

“Oh? Is……Is that so?”

By Kazuma’s standards, what he did already had Ren’s feelings in mind, by trying to prevent unnecessary killings……

“Let’s…… Let’s put this aside for now and take care of that old man first!”

Kazuma used Hyoue as a shield to change the topic.

“Sorry to make you wait. Are you ready?”


Looking angrily at Kazuma, who was never shy with his words, Hyoue spewed out infinite curses. Having been abandoned by his subordinates, Hyoue was now alone.

Of course, he had tried to escape several times already. But each time Kazuma stopped him, so he was unable to get away successfully.

Even if he turned around, even if he was busy trying to comfort Ren, Kazuma’s eyes never left Hyoue.

“However, it is not over. Everything has not come to an end yet…… Bastard! Did you think that without Ryuuya beside me, I am just a useless old man?”

Kazuma kept quiet. This sentence was not fit enough for him to even reply to.

“If that is what you think, you are so wrong! Ryuuya was not the only one who obtained power from the contract!”

“Ryuuya got nothing.”

Kazuma corrected him coldly.

“That guy just lost everything.”

“Hmph, that is but a small problem.”

Hyoue said that, and then said at the top of his voice.

“Watch closely! This is the “Power” that I obtained!”

As he made his declaration, an abnormal youki began spreading everywhere. The dimension was sliced open, and from a world which no one knows where it lies, it------ they------ appeared.


Ren screamed loudly. This could not be blamed, as the two of them were surrounded by all kinds of youma, which was so packed that even water might not even be able to get through. Their numbers were perhaps over a hundred.

At the back of this scene of over a hundred youma, Hyoue mocked out loudly.

“So how is that, shocked? This is my power!”

“……and how is this “your” power?”

Kazuma mocked back lazily. The power that Hyoue was so proud of was nothing more than low level youma borrowed from the one that possessed Ryuya. To borrow something that was borrowed. Having something that has been borrowed twice, Hyoue himself possesses no power.

“Small issue.”

But Hyoue did not seem to care.

“Before I meet up with Ryuuya, why don’t you stay and play with these guys!”

Upon saying that, Hyoue mixed into the large group of youma and disappeared.

The remaining two people were surrounded by the youma. It seemed like there was no way out of this. In fact, Ren’s expression became tense due to fear.

“Nii……Nii-sama……I shall take care of those at the back……”

“Don’t move, I am going to take care of this in one go.”

As Kazuma had said, it was something that happened in the blink of an eye. A sped-up wind became a metal hammer and came straight down from the skies high above, smashing onto the surface. Under such tremendous force, all of the youma were ripped and crushed.

(How……How powerful……)

Ren held his breathe as he watched all these happen. What a scary power; if it was this power, it is not hard to understand how Genma was defeated.

“What are you waiting for? Go after that old man quickly!”

Just as Kazuma grabbed Ren, who was just standing there, in order to fly off,


Ren suddenly turned back, and asked.

“What's wrong?”

After Hearing Ren’s question, Kazuma hesitated before asking him back.

“------Ayano came here too, can you feel it?”

“Huh------ No, nothing.”

Ren continued to try to detect a presence------ But he could feel nothing.

“But, we En-Jutsushis are not good at detecting presence in the first place……”

“But that is not be to the extent that you are unable to detect an Enraiha in battle------ It appears she lost.”

“How can that be?! Impossible!”

Ren declared very directly, his expression shows no doubt.

This was a sign of absolute trust. For the wielder of Enraiha to lose, that is the same as turning heaven and earth around, both are impossible.

“If nee-sama’s “ki” became quiet that means nee-sama has already won. There can be no other possibility!”

“It would be good if that was so. That would save a lot of effort.”

Kazuma played along with the confident Ren, and once again picked him up like an object.

“Let’s meet up with Ayano first! It would be troublesome if she died.”

“Is it okay to not chase after Hyoue?”

“We have plenty of chances to kill that old man------ Let's go!”

Kazuma leaped out with that shout.


The wind was very gentle, yet at the same time took them up to the skies with force. They were overcoming gravity easily, flying past tree branches, to an even higher place------

“Wow……This is great…… What a magnificent view!”

Perhaps he was used to the second time of high altitude flying as Ren began to enjoy the spectacular view from above. Even though Kazuma wanted to let him watch longer, he had increased their speed.

“Huh, is it over already?”

Ren said sadly as he realized they were beginning to descend.

“When this is over, you can see for as long as you want. Just bear with it for now!”

The two of them landed on a small empty piece of land.

“She’s here------ You see, I was right after all.”


Ren began to suspect his eyes, Ayano was tainted with blood all over and was coming towards them. She was dragging with staggered steps that seem about to fall down anytime.

Enraiha was barely hanging from the tip of her powerless drooping right arm. The tip of the blade was being dragged across the surface and produced an exceptionally ear-piercing sound.

Ayano stopped before the two of them. Having wounds all over her, she used those eyes of hers that seem to still have some strength in them to glare at Kazuma furiously. Her eyes seemed as though fire was about to burst out from them, and they were aimed straight between Kazuma’s eyebrows.

“You lost completely!”

Even though it was impossible for Kazuma not to notice that strong murderous intent, his attitude did not seem to care, and his cold words did not seem to carry any guilt of leaving Ayano as bait.

“You asshole……”

Ayano squeezed out the last of her strength, and raised her Enraiha against this despicable traitor before her; a beautiful shining flame surrounded the red blade.

However, she no longer had any strength to swing the blade. Kazuma safely hugged Ayano, who fell from her loss of strength. Enraiha lost its shine and slipped from her hand and rolled onto the floor.

The divine sword that fell to the ground began to disappear as if it merged with the air.

“This idiot. To try to swing that kind of divine sword with a body that is almost dead, of course she would overexert herself and run out of strength.”

Kazuma’s heartless words never reached Ayano’s ears. She had lost consciousness completely. Her face was way beyond paleness; it is as white as a corpse.

“Nee-sama! Ayano nee-sama !”

“You are so noisy, shut up.”

Kazuma, without even turning his head, ordered his brother, who was screaming in pain and sadness at one side to be quiet. He grabbed Ayano’s hair to lift her face up. On the surface it seemed like he was checking her body condition, but such actions would have seemed rough to anyone, and he did not seem to be worried about Ayano.

After over several tens of seconds, the worried Ren asked, looking flustered.

“Nii-sama, Ayano nee-sama is going to be fine right……?”

“Nope, she is dead meat.”

Kazuma crushed Ren’s expectations without mercy.

“How……How can that……”

“The wounds themselves were nothing much, the problem was the youki that entered her body through them. She was only one step away from having her body be completely overrun by youki.”

He was just like a doctor, but for him to say it that way, the doctors would most probably complain about it! Kazuma used a very calm yet cold-blooded way to make such a declaration.

“But, what kind of youki could freeze a divine child of the flames, and Enraiha together with her? Just where did that old man Hyoue find a youma like that?”

“Now is not the time to discuss that problem right? If you don’t save nee-sama Ayano soon……”

“Ren, catch.”

Kazuma suddenly tossed Ayano’s body at Ren.


Even though Ayano was slim, and completely out of strength, to a twelve year old youth she was still too heavy and so the both of them fell onto the floor together.


Ren who wanted to make a fuss at first, realized how cold Ayano’s body was. Even though she was still breathing, she was no different from a corpse. The “freeze” Kazuma used in his words was not a metaphor, but was literally describing the truth.

Ren, as an En-Jutsushi, could sense clearly, that the flame of life in Ayano was burning out with every second.

“Is……Is there no way to save Nee-sama, Nii-sama!?”

“Hmm------ It is not that there is no way, but……”

“But what!?”

“It would be a waste.”

An indescribable silence filled the scene. Ren was just like a puppet, looking at Kazuma with a frozen expression.

Kazuma watched Ren silently as well.

“------What did you say?”

Ren broke the silence, and asked in a voice that sounded exceptionally dull.

“It would be a waste.”

Kazuma repeated it calmly once more. His tone sounded as though there was nothing strange with what he said, almost like he was just stating an obvious fact.

“It is a really valuable medicine, and I probably will not get another one like it ever again.”

He shrugged his shoulders, as though saying there is nothing I can do about it?

Ren could not believe this, for someone to say that a medicine is more important than a human life, and that person to be his own brother. His shocked feelings were expressed out in words.

“The problem doesn’t lie there does it? If this continues, Nee-sama will die, and to say that using medicine is too wasteful…… That cannot be true, right?”

“It is not a big deal even if Ayano dies! It is not like the direct family bloodstream dies off completely, you can just inherit the Enraiha. Our old man would be very happy too then.”

This was the first time Ren had ever heard such inhumane words. The blood in his body grew hot, as though it was boiling, and the flame spirits gave off a cheerful sound as though they felt that a battle was about to begin.

“What’s wrong?”

Kazuma looked upon his brother, who bowed down in silence, with caring eyes.

“Don’t ……”

“Don’t ……?”

“Don’t joke around with me------!!“

Ren’s roar became a physical shockwave, hitting Kazuma. Kazuma used “ki” to perform the lowest level of defense, and let the opponent hit him while at the same time, smirking.

Only Kazuma could understand that this phenomenon was the result of the spirits responding to Ren’s rage.

(Yes, that is the way.)

The characteristic of flames is “aggressive flames”. A strong rage is the key factor to synchronize with flame spirits. To a human who is usually calm and timid, they will not lend them their fullest powers.

To be able to both possess great rage while controlling that rage, only then can one be a first rate En-Jutsushi.

With a heat so hot it seemed like a metal smelting furnace surrounded the area, the flame spirits responded to Ren’s rage and continued to gather.

“Give me the medicine.”

Ren ordered softly. He had no need to roar now, as he knew very well what he needed to do. If the opponent resists, he will have to get the medicine even if he might die in order to get it. Whether he succeeds or not is not a problem; this is something he must do.

“OK------ I got it, don’t threaten me anymore.”

Raising his hands to surrender, Kazuma was unable to keep the smile at his mouth. Calm fighting spirit and the mental energy to control it, Ren has already begun his journey to become a first class Jutsushi.

Going past Ren’s side, Kazuma walked to Ayano who was lying on the floor. Looking down at the motionless Ayano, he toyed with a bottle he took out from his hidden pocket.

To say that he did it without hesitation would definitely be a lie. This was an extremely rare and valuable medicine; even so, as long as it was for Ren’s growth, he did not mind paying such a price since this thing did not cost him a single cent in the first place.

He kneeled by Ayano’s side, and planned to place the mouth of the bottle right against the pale lips of Ayano------ but gave up in the end. She did not seem to have the strength to even drink it, and to spill the medicine would really be a waste.

Kazuma stretched his hand behind Ayano, and lifted her upper body straight up. He drank the medicine himself, and their lips closed together as though his whole body fell on Ayano.


From the excess light at the edge of his eyes he could see Ren who was by the side, with his face flushed red yet mesmerized at the same time, as Kazuma poured the medicine into Ayano’s mouth by the mouth-to-mouth method.

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Ayano first felt warmth; something seems to be removing the youki that has invaded her body quickly. Heat------life came back bit by bit.

She slowly began to be able to detect the situation outside her. She knew she was being surrounded by a powerful force and that a warm healing spiritual energy was coming in from her lips.

Ayano felt that this was someone who had just pulled her back from the gates of death lightly, yet strongly at the same time.

She opened her eyes slowly, and at such a close distance that her focal point was about to focus, the one who appeared before her eyes was------


Her consciousness became awake in an instant and Ayano used all her strength to push Kazuma away.

Kazuma moved away unhurriedly, as if he saw through the cute reaction that Ayano gives when she is nervous, and stood up in a steady manner.

(I……I was kissed……? Why……?)

Ayano used her left hand to press on her lips. Her right hand was tightly hugging her own body, and just like a weak girl who had just been assaulted by a rapist, she closed her legs tightly and contracted her body.

(What’s going on……?)

Not knowing what was going on, it was impossible to understand the situation.

Maybe it was due to the youki that invaded her, as her memories did not seem to be able to link up. Not only the situation of how she wanted to cut Kazuma with her sword, she could not even remember how they met up in the first place.

She lifted her head to look at Kazuma suspiciously, who, in turn looked back with a calm stare as though he was observing some animal in an experiment. Actually, he was observing how efficient the medicine was, but it was impossible for Ayano to know that.

Anger began to grow within her. After taking a girl’s kiss----a first kiss at that------ away, the other party did not even seem to have a shred of guilt. She could not accept this kind of thing happening at all.

“What the hell were you doing------!!”

“Is that how you talk to your benefactor?”


The cold reply weakened Ayano’s attitude. Ren ran over at this time with wet eyes and raised his head to look at Ayano, fighting back his tears.


The revived Ayano with her body brimming with energy makes it hard to imagine the way she looked when she was about to die earlier. Even her wounds and blood traces disappeared.

“Nee-sama! Nee-sama! Nee-sama!”

Ren was very happy. He was tightly hugging his beloved “sister” as his tears began to fall. As if he was trying to confirm that this was not a dream, he hugged Ayano with all his might and kept on calling her.

Even if he is just a kid, a twelve year old still has some arm power. Even though she felt uncomfortable, Ayano still insisted on rubbing Ren’s head gently.

“Ren, calm down…… Everything is fine, I will protect you, so don’t be afraid……”


Hearing Ayano’s big mistake, Kazuma rebutted without mercy. He ignored the murderous intent that was shot at him and continued to say.

“Ren is worried about you. You were totally thrashed by Ryuya earlier, and almost died. By the way, the one who saved you is me, so be grateful.”

This speech made by someone who claims to be her benefactor made Ayano’s temple entangle together. Faced with a strong atmosphere that could make a crying child become quiet, Ren stopped his tears and his expression froze instantly.

Ayano suddenly lowered her head and looked at Ren. She grabbed Ren, who sub-consciously decided to run away and pressed on his shoulder, asking with a scary expression,

“Is that true?”

“Huh…… Huh……”

Ren felt troubled, unsure of what was the meaning of the question. Ayano closed in, and repeated once more.

“That guy said he saved me, is that true?”

Ren answered in a soft and delicate voice as he shivered.

“It…… It is true. Nii-sama, he took the medicine…… then…… mouth-to-mouth……”

“Forget about this.”

Ayano stopped Ren’s reply softly. The hand that was pressed on his shoulder became more forceful, as if she was looking at Ren from just above. Seeing that expression that only has her mouth smiling, Ren was so scared his legs went limp.

“You saw nothing, you understand?”

Ren did not make a sound, only nodding continuously.

“Oh yeah, what did you make me drink? It is not something with some weird side effects right?”

Ayano asked in a suspicious tone. She knew that she almost died just now, and towards something so suspicious as to be able to completely cure her in a few minutes, she could not trust it one bit.


Kazuma replied in a very simple and clear manner.

“Elixir? You don’t mean that, what is it called, “Water of Life”!?”


Not just Ayano, but even Ren, who was about to cry, gave off sounds of surprise. This was normal, as what is known as the “Water of Life” is a miracle drug made with the essence of alchemy with tremendous effects. It is said to be able to even revive the dead. This type of miracle drug, not to mention its production method, but whether it even exists in the first place is uncertain.

“That kind of thing, where did you get it……”

“Before that, don’t you have something to say?”

Compared to the shocked Ayano, Kazuma seemed very calm since the beginning. Noticing what Kazuma meant by his words, Ayano reluctantly thanked him…

“……Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. I will just add extra charges to my service as necessary expenses. About a hundred million will do.”

“You……You bastard! Can’t you just ignore some losses and help someone!? Someone who measures everything with money, won’t that be too low for a human!?”

“You think this is something that can be bought with money!?”


Kazuma raised his voice and gave off an imposing presence and Ayano became speechless instantly. This was the first time Kazuma became so emotional, it seemed that his precious medicine being used has made him feel very unhappy.

Indeed, something like an elixir cannot be bought with money. It is something that can even revive the dead. It is not hard to believe that many people would want to get it even if they would become bankrupt in the process and to sell this kind of thing for just a hundred million is more outrageous than a great sale.

Even so, Kazuma was still able to change his mood with just one sigh.

“Nevermind. Let’s forget what happened in the past! Oh yeah, Ayano, so why did you lose?”

“……Why are you asking such a thing?”

Faced with a question that shattered her pride, Ayano could only put on a bitter expression.

“Of course I must ask. I always thought of your Enraiha as the ultimate weapon. If it is of no use, the whole battle plan must be thought over once more. So tell me, what is going on? Is it that Enraiha cannot burn him even if it cuts into Ryuya?”

“Huh……Errr…… That is……”

Looking at the tongue-tied Ayano, Kazuma’s eyes began to lower its temperature. Ayano did not dare to look into those cold eyes; her eyes began to shift about randomly.

“That is to say, you did not even hit him once? All of your attacks were predicted.”


“And then, all of the En-Jutsu you released in anxiety was all blocked down by wind.”

”Errm errr………….”

“After suffering the enemy’s single sided vigorous attacks, your injuries kept on increasing.”


“And you managed to escape somehow in the end. As this type of content is too embarrassing, perhaps I should praise you on your abilities to run away?”

“Wha……What! How can you say such a thing!?”

After hearing such cruel and heartless comments, Ayano finally lost her temper.

“After saying “trust me” so proudly earlier, in the end you just ran off and left me behind in a few words! And for someone who left the most problematic things to someone else, what rights does you have to say such a thing!!”

“Oh, I am sorry.”


Hearing this unexpected reply, Ayano widened her eyes. She had expected him to mock her back vigorously in return; it was unimaginable for him to apologize so honestly.

As if he could not let it go, Kazuma continues to say,

“I never expected you to be that weak.”


An unusual noise came from her heart. The space around Ayano began to make crackling sounds. Ren quickly retreated from Ayano’s side as if he was bounced off.

“I thought that before I rescued Ren, you would at least be able to buy more time but it seems that it was too hard on you after all. I am so sorry.”

Gathering all of her strength, Ayano grabbed the handle of Enraiha tightly. Her fighting spirit went all over her body and the fallen leaves by her legs started dancing in the air. In the night of autumn, the temperature went up quickly; it was hotter than a sunny day, and while being roasted by the hot air Ren’s expression became tense.

“The last time you tried to cut me with your blade…… Back then I thought that you were taking it easy on me, thinking that I am of your family after all, but I failed to notice that you were serious, I totally did not realize that, sor……”

Ayano moved her hand to make Kazuma shut up. She used a serious attitude without any other thoughts in mind and, without hesitation, began to mercilessly swing the Enraiha.

“Oh oh!”

Her eyes went in pursuit of Kazuma who shifted his body with ease to dodge. Ayano swung the Enraiha upwards to cut him. Up against this slanted upward cut, Kazuma went toward the left side to escape.

(Don’t even think of escaping!)

Ayano twisted her hand, and pulled Enraiha back. The tip of the sword pointed at Kazuma, and she stepped out forcefully in preparation for a stab------


A guaranteed stab, but because Ren rushed over and hugged her waist tightly, it missed its target.

“What are you doing, Ren! Get away now!!”

“No! Now is not the time to be doing this, is it!?”

To be pointed out by a boy four years younger than her, Ayano was speechless.

"Nii-sama too! Why did you do something so detestable!?"

Ren pointed the arrowhead to Kazuma at the same time. The youth had gotten his responsibility up by now, thinking that if he left these two people who are older than him to do as they wish, nothing good will come out from it.

“I did not annoy her.”

“So, why did you say those words?”

Ren continued to ask Kazuma who replied randomly. A feeling of mistrust came out from all over him.

“Just relieving some stress that’s all.”


“The one, who was expected to be the final weapon, is in fact like a little kitten. It would make anyone want to say something about it, wouldn’t it?”

“Nee……Nee-sama……Calm down……”

Ren tried his best to comfort Ayano who seemed ready to explode.

“……I know. I won’t be angry anymore, you can let go now.”

After being greatly weakened by Ren who seemed ready to cry, Ayano said that with some shades of calmness. She breathed out, as if letting all the air from her lungs go, while at the same time releasing her rage.

“By the way, you should have taken care of Hyoue haven’t you?”

“Nope, he escaped.”


Ayano suddenly shouted back. No matter what she says, she had deep faith in Kazuma’s capabilities. And this Kazuma was actually unable to finish someone like Hyoue off------

“------ What happened?”

“That old man summoned over a hundred youma at one go. I was busy taking care of that when he took the chance to slip off.”

“Over a hundred?”

Seeing the doubtful Ayano, Ren confirmed Kazuma’s words.

“It is true, Nee-sama. Youma that filled one’s vision, Nii-sama used almost one move to get rid of all of them. The reason why we failed to catch Hyoue was……”

(To save sister……)

Just as he was about to complete the sentence, Kazuma stopped him. Kazuma’s fingertip was pressed against his lips so Ren awkwardly became silent.

“What are you trying to hide?”

“Nothing important, the biggest problem now is Ryuuya. The next time this happens we are sure to die.”

“…… You still intend to fight?”

Seeing the cowardly Ayano, Kazuma placed judging eyes on her.

(I never expected her to be so weak mentally.)

But, now is definitely not the time to let her to continue to be down. He had intentions of fighting against that kind of monster alone, but the suffering and the efforts must be shared by everyone. That is Kazuma’s belief.

“Why, are you scared? Well I won’t blame you; after all you lost so miserably earlier on. The next time you are caught by the enemy, I promise not to laugh at you again.”

After being totally looked-down upon and being humiliated like this, Ayano’s cheeks were so red she put on blushers.

“Even if I cannot win, at least I can suicide before the enemy catches me! I won’t even leave a cell to those guys. I have that kind of determination, don’t look down on me!”

She rebutted angrily. This spirit was enough, but the content was unacceptable.

Not sure how to take that line, Kazuma’s eyebrows creased together and Ayano continued to say,

“What I meant was whether we should head back and reorganize our fighting force. Since Ren is already rescued, there should be no risk that the seal will be broken, so……”


Kazuma refused Ayano’s suggestion very simply.

“To be attacked while on the move, that situation is very bad. In the case of the whole transport vehicle being destroyed, are you confident of escaping?”

“But, they won’t be so dumb as to even kill Ren, would they? If they do that, they cannot break the seal.”

“Hyoue’s goal is to destroy the Kannagi clan. From the looks of it, he hates the Kannagi clan to the core. To release the seal placed upon their god, is probably just one method of doing so.”

Even though he used the word “probably”, Kazuma was actually very certain. If she saw that insane hatred with her own eyes, perhaps Ayano would be able to understand!

To Hyoue, God or Devil is nothing but “power”. In his heart, he only thinks about how to use them. Now, Hyoue has gotten Ryuuya, who could be used to destroy the Kannagi clan. So in this case, he does not need to be so obsessed with breaking the seal of their god.

“Besides, in this situation, killing us would mean they have won. Because my old man is now with heavy injuries------“

“That was done by you!”

“Don’t talk about that for now. No matter how powerful the clan chief may be, his body is unable to fight. Those in the branch family are all useless. In other words, if we die, it means the end of the Kannagi clan. Got it?”

After hearing the logical analysis, Ayano had no way of rebutting. Even though she knew that Kazuma was right, but for her to have to fight with Ryuya once more, her body naturally rejected the idea.

But before Ayano could get into the right mindset, the situation changed. Kazuma raised his head to look into the sky suddenly.

“No time to hesitate------ We have been spotted.”

“------? Didn’t you set up a kekkai?”

“Yeah, but after the thing the two of you did, I doubt it would last long.”

“……I am so sorry.”

“It is okay------ by the way, Ren.”

“Ah, yes?”

Ren was called upon suddenly and replied in a rising voice. Kazuma then made a cruel declaration.

“Hyoue is sure to make you his target because to be able to get the power of a God as well is most desirable. But since we will be struggling just to take care of Ryuya, we have no capabilities to protect you as well, so you must handle your own problems yourself.”

This sentence seemed to have the hidden meaning of “you might as well go die if you are a nuisance”, so Ren’s expression grew tense. But he recovered in a while, and looked back at his brother with determined eyes.

“I…… I got it. Against someone like Hyoue, I alone can handle him. If I lose, I shall kill myself before I get caught, I won’t cause any trouble for Nii-sama, will that do?”

Ren said abruptly with a pale face.

Kazuma, unsure whether to laugh or cry, looked at Ren and then turned his head to Ayano.

“What to do, because you said such dumb words, now even Ren does not know what he is fighting so hard for.”

“What idiotic words? As the main family of the Kannagi clan, this kind of determination is only natural!”

Kazuma no longer talked to Ayano, but instead turned his head to Ren. Then he grabbed the tiny head that stood before his chest.

“Wha……What’s the matter, Nii-sama?”

“Ren, let me tell you the rules of this game. “The winner is the one who lives”. Simple?”

Ren was at a loss due to the sudden rough actions, but Kazuma continues to talk without caring.

“Someone without the will to live is sure to lose. This is a rule that will never change in a fight. Remember that.

Listen well. You are just a kid, just a newbie; no one thinks that you are of much use. So, just doing what you can do will be enough.”

“What I can do……?”

“That is “to live”. Don’t try to beautify death with the terms like self-sacrifice.

Death is the end of everything. Anything in the past, present and future will lose their meaning in an instant. That is death. There is no way to start over. It is the absolute end.”

Unable to lose, unable to sacrifice, he could not accept using the future of a twelve year old in exchange for peace.

Kazuma did not want to lose anything important anymore.

“But as long as you are still alive, there will be a chance to turn the tables around; so, even if your teeth are broken off, you must swallow them back with your blood, no matter how pathetic, how shameful it seems, never give up on surviving. Even if you must struggle to the very last moment, this is your battle, can you do it?”

Kazuma looked at Ren closely, and Ren looked back at Kazuma just the same way.

Never give up, never throw hope away, these are the determinations required to win. Ren learned this from Kazuma. His pale face regained its natural color; the light of being pushed to a dead-end in his eyes seems to be fading away.

(I am not alone.)

There are people who protect me, people who support me, so all I need to do is to finish whatever I can. Because this is the best way to make the me, who is still immature, now useful.


Hearing such an energetic reply, Kazuma gave off a gentle smile. The feeling of his head being rubbed in a rough manner was making Ren feel very comfortable.

“So then...”

Kazuma pushed Ren backwards lightly and told Ayano without shifting his eyes,

“------He’s here.”

Ayano raised her head to look into the sky. As if the blue sky was sliced open, a black shadow even darker than darkness itself was pasted on one point of the sky. Following that, the shadow expanded quickly, and its face could be seen more clearly.

“So he is here……”

Ayano mumbled in a trempling voice after seeing a clear human shadow being formed.

The black shadow that seems to absorb all light by opening its arms like wings, landed on the ground. Up against a demonic opponent that stood there silently, Kazuma’s face showed an evil smile.

“Come on, let round two begin------“

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