Chronicle Legion:Volume 1 Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Knights and Feats of Arms

Part 1

The water shrine was located deep underground the Suruga tutelary fort.

Inside the vast space built from stone was a pool of marine-blue holy water. With dozens of giant pillars standing inside it, there was a solemnity reminiscent of ancient Greek temples.

The water shrine was an important military facility as well as a quiet sanctuary.

"It has been so long since I last visited Suruga's water shrine."

Akigase Rikka was walking alone in the water shrine. This place's abundant body of blue water was criss-crossed by a thread-like network of paths three meters wide, allowing people to walk without getting wet.

Only personnel involved with mystic powers or Legions were allowed to enter water shrines.

Most representative of them were the Chevaliers, followed by noetic masters, monks, priests, shrine maidens, alchemist guilds, researchers at noetic associations, as well as genies and retainer beasts, etc—

Rikka walked over to the "bath" in the back of the water shrine. There was no door. Inside a space roughly the size of a basketball court, there was a round pool filled with a marine-blue liquid. At the center of the pool was a fountain supplying the blue liquid.

"Let us begin..."

Rikka unfastened her clothing and removed her black military uniform as an officer of the Imperial Army.

As the princess of the Tōkaidō Fiefdom, Rikka had trained in all kinds of etiquette but never had the meticulous inclination to put her clothing away properly. Her removed garments were scattered all over the floor in a demonstration of a bold warrior's nature, roaming battlefields without concern for trivial details.

However, she did carefully set down the Japanese sword hanging at her waist.

Completely naked, Rikka entered the pool—namely, the vat of ectoplasmic fluid used for bathing.

The marine-blue liquid filling the water shrine was artificial ectoplasmic fluid. This liquid had the same composition as the blood flowing in the veins of Legions.

The vat of ectoplasmic fluid was not deep. One could sit down in the vat and the fluid would not reach the top of one's shoulders.

Rikka stretched out her limbs in the vat. There was very little flab on her well-trained body, although the soft curves of her bust and hip regions fully expressed her womanly beauty.

The cold ectoplasmic fluid was mercilessly chilling her flawless nude body.

Rikka endured the cold of soaking herself in the pool. Her body began to heat up gradually. This was the best evidence that the source of mystic powers was seeping into Akigase Rikka's body.

This ectoplasmic fluid would turn into the power source for the Kamuy army under her command.

"Ectoplasmic fluid is synthesized from the blood of the godlike sacred beasts to serve as a nourishment for beings not of this world... Knights must store ectoplasmic fluid in their bodies and souls to feed their armies—Isn't that right?"

This was what Rikka had learned about Legions through oral tradition.

Bathing in a vat of ectoplasmic fluid was like resupplying rations to feed a massive army. In addition, there was one important significance.

"...Upon my Appellation of Onikiri Yasutsuna, I pray to the local shrine of Suruga. Now that my soldiers and I have bathed in local holy water, pray grant me the authorizing seal of warfare to become a war god to defend Suruga."

Rikka shut her eyes and prayed to Suruga's water shrine.

This was to approve Akigase Rikka and her army to become guardian knights of the local land and grant them power...

Before long, Rikka's entire body was glowing with faint radiance to signify the establishment of a "contract." With this accomplished, she could now sortie any moment. Once the light subsided, she prepared to handle another unresolved problem.

"Sakuya, please come out. I am not angry at you."

Rikka called out to the genie hiding in the Suruga tutelary fort. Sakuya might not be present at the water shrine currently but she should be able to sense the noetic waves "calling" her.

"It stands to reason that you could have done better yesterday. Fortunately, I arrived in the nick of time and this tutelary fort did not fall to the enemy."

Rikka's tone was gentle as though consoling a frightened child or animal.

However, Rikka did not want to feign a sweet voice to coax others. She could not do it either. Aware of her warrior disposition, Rikka spoke rigidly, "Since the worst-case scenario was avoided and I am not a woman who nags and clings to grudges, will you please forget about yesterday? Hurry and come help me. Starting today, we will be very busy for the foreseeable future."

As soon as she finished, a roughly nine-year-old girl appeared out of thin air next to the vat of ectoplasmic fluid. The young girl with shoulder-length black hair was dressed as shrine maiden, Sakuya's projected image.

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The genie's image was looking at Rikka with timid eyes with a sad look on her face.

Rikka deliberately refrained from speaking. She shrugged in an exaggerated manner to imply "what am I going to do with you?"

Immediately, a pipe fox appeared next to Sakuya with a bell's ringing sound.

Glancing at the pipe fox, the image said quietly, "The princess is coming. She wishes for you... to go upstairs."

"Really? Her Highness arrived so soon."

One night had gone by since the attack of the Crusades. It was currently 9:24am.

Reportedly, Princess Shiori happened to be at the tutelary fort yesterday. After Rikka rushed to the scene, she had returned to her temporary residence in the city, hence the two of them had missed each other. Rikka was going to meet the rumored princess at last. They also needed to discuss the current incident.

"No helping it. The situation has become very serious," murmured Rikka to herself, recalling the reports on television last night.

At 7:00pm the previous evening, the Kyoto government in the Kinai region had held a press conference.

The host was the Kinai Governor General, Izumi Tenzen. He was the premier Chevalier and ruler of Kinai, a renowned fierce general who stood on the front lines personally to lead his army of Legions.

In front of the media which included television stations, newspapers and magazines, he cursed extremely emotionally.

The target of his verbal abuse was Lord Caesar, the great generalissimo from the neighboring country and protector of Imperial Japan.

The gist of the speech was as follows:

'Lord Caesar calls himself the protector of our nation's Empress but exerts wanton control over our imperial government and the Kantō Fiefdom to interfere unjustly in our internal affairs. Expelling Lord Caesar and the Roman Army from Her Majesty's presence is the first step to rebuilding our proud nation. We pledge our lives to accomplish this monumental endeavor.'

In addition, he even said the following:

'The friend of our nation, the British Empire, agrees with us wholeheartedly.'

'I hereby declare the formation of the Restoration Alliance between the Kinai Fiefdom and the British Empire. All Fiefdoms wishing to pursue the same dream are welcome to join the alliance to save our great nation.'

'As revolutionaries to bring about our nation's rebirth, the Restoration Alliance will presently march upon Tokyo.'

The Restoration Alliance's manifesto was instantly spread throughout Japan via airwaves.

It raised a huge uproar in the imperial palace and the National Diet Building.

The Tōkaidō region, sandwiched between Kinai and Kantō, was also the location of Rikka and the princess. The Restoration Alliance's army would inevitably pass through Tōkaidō.

"Anyway, I must have a discussion with the princess at length."

Although feared by the Empress faction, Shiori was still a legitimate princess of the imperial family.

As a knight, Rikka had no choice but to express her respect and concern. Leaving the blue ectoplasmic fluid, Rikka walked over to her military uniform that was scattered on the floor.

"Thank you for taking the trouble to come here, Your Highness, and gracing me with your presence."

Arriving at a room in the Suruga tutelary fort, Akigase Rikka bowed as soon as she saw the princess.

Shiori smiled gently in return to this young maiden who was both the Tōkaidō Governor General's daughter and a Chevalier.

"I am truly pleased that we were able to meet as scheduled today despite the current times we are in."

"Definitely," Rikka smiled wryly. Their appointment had been set for today in the first place.

Shiori was dressed in her usual blouse and skirt while Rikka had her black military uniform that was exclusive to officers.

"Is your father currently at Nagoya, Rikka-sama?"

"Yes. By the way, my father has apparently paid his respects to Your Highness before—"

"We met a few times at the capital. I have also seen him once after my return from Rome."

The two of them were sitting on sofas to talk face to face across a table for receiving guests.

This was the personal office for the castellan, in other words, the top commander in charge of a tutelary fort.

Naturally, the commander's room was furnished with elegance and majesty. Four days prior, the previous castellan whom this room belonged to had been arrested on corruption charges. He was imprisoned at the military police headquarters in the outskirts of Suruga City and his Appellation, the key for summoning Legions, was also sealed.

Yesterday, the temporary castellan had died in combat.

"Speaking of which... Rikka-sama, you are currently the Suruga tutelary fort's castellan, is that correct?"

"Yes, that is correct. Of course, returning to Nagoya would currently be quite a challenge. Since encountering them here counts as a sort of fate, I shall engage the Restoration Alliance for a bit."

The Chevalier princess smiled cheerfully and Shiori asked, "Then the urban areas around Suruga have been sealed off?"

"Yes, all major roads and railways have fallen under the Restoration Alliance's control."

A map of Tōkaidō was laid out on the table.

The Tōkaidō region consisted of the three prefectures of Aichi, Shizuoka and Yamanashi. Suruga City was the central metropolis of Shizuoka Prefecture.

"Apart from this place, all tutelary forts in Shizuoka have been subjugated by the Restoration Alliance."

Rikka pointed at five locations on the map—Hamamatsu, Kakegawa, Suruga, Fuji, and Nagahama respectively.

"Suruga's previous castellan not only took bribes but even had secret dealings with agents of Britain. Had we discovered this sooner, we might have been able to discover the invasion at the earliest opportunity... However, it could have been his arrest that prompted the Restoration Alliance to act ahead of schedule," explained Rikka wryly.

Shiori said to her, "Regardless, Suruga is currently akin to an isolated island on land."

"Yes. Telephone circuits have stopped working since last night while surrounding base stations have apparently been taken over. Moreover, the whole Suruga region is under large-scale interference from noetic waves, so even wireless communications and airwaves have been very unstable."

Indeed, since late last night, television and radio signals could no longer be received.

Shiori had confirmed this too.

Rikka continued, "Getting a hold of outside information requires the use of retainer beasts to scout or pass messages. At the moment, I have dispatched roughly a hundred pipe foxes."

"Is it possible for humans to enter or leave?"

"The British forces have deployed many retainer beasts to surround Suruga. Whether taking air routes or going through the Southern Alps, there is a high risk of being detected."

"Retainer beasts... In that case, reckless escape attempts would be even more dangerous."

Shiori began to assess the situation. Shizuoka Prefecture's plains were mostly located along the shore.

Not only were urban areas concentrated there but the old highway dating before the Edo period was also built along the coast. That was why the name of Tōkaidō equated to "sea road."

The five tutelary forts of Shizuoka Prefecture were also built along the old highway or on the Pacific coast.

"As one might expect, the Restoration Alliance's army—" Shiori spoke after some contemplation, "—will be advancing east along the old highway to take over Hakone Checkpoint."

"Assuredly so. Rome has a garrison stationed in Kantō, which means that failure is all but assured unless the Restoration Alliance secures their base of operations prior to attacking."

The higher the altitude at which a Legion flew, the greater the consumption of ectoplasmic fluid.

Consequently, movement was essentially limited to low-altitude flight or sea travel while avoiding mountainous regions. (If a fight against Legions was not expected after the movement of troops, there were also cases of super high-altitude travel through the stratosphere.)

Sitting formally and upright, Rikka said solemnly, "Your Highness, now that Suruga is surrounded, the situation is quite dire. If you wish to escape to the capital, perhaps I could—"

"No need for that, but I do appreciate the gesture."


The Chevalier princess narrowed her eyes with interest.

Shiori smiled and said, "I have no idea whether Suruga will be my final resting place, but I did come here with intentions to stay for the long term. Besides, those people at the capital... probably do not welcome my return."


Rikka also knew why Shiori was feared.

Just as she was smiling awkwardly and feeling ridiculous, Shiori said to her, "Rikka-sama, speaking of escaping Suruga, wouldn't it be natural for you to receive orders to escape yourself?"

Akigase Rikka's father was the Governor General of Tōkaidō, Akigase Shouzan.

He was both a man of impressive magnanimity and an experienced politician. Even disregarding their relationship of parent and child, it was possible for him to secretly order his daughter to leave Suruga, so as to prevent Tōkaidō's top Chevalier from perishing along with the Suruga tutelary fort.

Hearing Shiori's speculation, Rikka laughed candidly.

"This I cannot deny. Either way, there are ways to handle it. If my father were to send a pipe fox to issue such an order... I will simply claim that the pipe fox went missing."

"Oh dear."

Akigase Rikka was not only a mighty warrior but also a noble-minded Chevalier of utmost integrity.

Shiori smiled elegantly with other intentions in her mind. Since she had reasons preventing her from leaving this place, her only choice was to decline Rikka's kind offer. There was an issue that Shiori must take care of here.

This issue was precisely Tachibana Masatsugu. Shiori needed to clarify the relationship between him and her.

Shiori hoped for Masatsugu to be her knight, but no one could guarantee for certain that he would be willing to assist her.

Nevertheless, Shiori committed her resolve. She must accomplish this goal no matter what.

Part 2


The young private first-class serving as the guide suddenly clutched his stomach and groaned in pain.

Hatsune looked him in the face and feigned concern.

"Oh my? What's the matter with you?"

"M-My stomach suddenly—Ow... Urghhhhhhh!"

"Oh no! I'll help you get medicine! Uh, should I go to a shop or the infirmary in a situation like this?"

"P-Please excuse me for a moment."

The unfortunate soldier got up from his pipe chair and fled the scene. The Tachibana youngster combo, Masatsugu and Hatsune, watched the soldier leave.

The location was the tearoom at the tutelary fort. There was plenty of natural lighting and a wide open space.

Inside there were vending machines selling drinks and cigarettes as well as several round tables for visitors to take a break. It was currently the next day after the British Legions had attacked.

Princess Shiori was visiting the tutelary fort again, this time for a meeting with Chevalier Akigase Rikka.

As her followers, Masatsugu and Hatsune came as well, but had no choice but to wait on standby during the meeting. A certain considerate military officer had sent a guide to show them around the tutelary fort.

...Naturally, now that it was the following day after the attack of the Crusades, martial law had already been imposed on the city.

In this chaotic situation, a visit from two outsiders would be tantamount to creating trouble, so the officer had sent someone to monitor them under the euphemism of "a guide."

However, Masatsugu and Hatsune had been tasked with secret orders requiring them to evade surveillance.

When Hatsune first arrived at the tearoom, she bought two paper cups of coffee from a vending machine, cheerfully offering one to the soldier as thanks for showing them around. She had secretly slipped a black pill into the cup of coffee. Accepting it gratefully, the soldier drank the tampered coffee with a smile. Presumably, Hatsune's adorable appearance combined with the rare sight of Japanese clothing in a military base had sealed the deal.

"How was that, Onii-sama? My ninja technique of the honey trap worked!"

"So that's your idea of a honey trap..."

The curves of Hatsune's bust were very obvious even under her kimono top. She puffed out her chest proudly.

Masatsugu was not having coffee. Taking a swig of drinking water, he asked Hatsune, "You gave him a laxative, right?"

"Something like that, a secret drug passed down the Tachibana family. One pill is enough to turn someone into a toilet guardian god for two hours, completely incapable of leaving."

"It does feel ninja-like when you call it a secret passed down the family."

"That goes without saying. The Tachibana clan used to be a family of master ninjas who commanded lower ninjas."

"They were like Hattori Hanzou? Our clan keeps way too many secrets."

Hatsune brought up the Tachibana family history, prompting Masatsugu to remark poignantly.

Hattori Hanzou Masanari, who had served Tokugawa Ieyasu, was not only known as the fierce general with the nickname "Hanzou the Spear" but also a master ninja. This was a very well-known legend.

"Actually, there was once a Tachibana Chevalier two generations before us."

"But our Tachibana clan leads a very low-key life nowadays."

"Can't be helped. The honored title of Chevalier is non-hereditary. However, the Appellation is still under our clan's safekeeping, so anyone who inherits it can become a Chevalier."

Hatsune pouted, somewhat annoyed.

"I heard it is quite a high-level Appellation. Anyone who fails in the succession ritual ends up dead. That's why the ritual is forbidden unless there is an emergency."

"Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by appellation or succession."

"Oh, sorry about that. A so-called Appellation refers to a universally recognized title of someone known for martial valor. Someone who inherits this title can become a Chevalier to summon Legions."

Masatsugu leaned forward, listening attentively to Hatsune's explanation, because the one who had ordered a Japanese Legion, the Kamuy, to fight yesterday was precisely Masatsugu himself.

"Most of them are named after medals. Take Japan's Imperial Army for example. The most common one is the medal named Zuihou, the Order of the Sacred Treasure. But occasionally, there are Appellations that are different. A Chevalier worthy of inheriting that kind of high-level title will be able to use amazing killer moves!"

"I see."

"However, these special inheritances are very difficult. If someone ineligible takes on the succession ritual, failure results in instant death."

"What's this so-called eligibility?"

"It's a bit ambiguous, but pretty much 'someone who is equivalent to a ton of military strength will be fine' or something along those lines."

"Military strength huh... So superior combat ability isn't enough?"

"Hmm, apart from martial prowess, you also need to be versed in military strategy, know how to raise your troops' morale, be undefeated on the battlefield, etc. These are all aspects of 'military strength.'"

Hatsune interrupted the explanation and stared straight at Masatsugu.

"Yesterday, Onii-sama, when you demonstrated supernatural strength, I thought you had inherited the Appellation at some point, the one specially kept by the Tachibana clan."

"Sorry, I have no memory of that at all," Masatsugu gave a negative answer and said, "Are there many people who fight Legions like me... using a body of flesh?"

"I've never seen it and no one in our clan has managed it before. Generally speaking, you'd definitely be flattened. Oh, however..."

Hatsune clapped her hands together and said with her eyes glimmering, "I mentioned just now that 'those with high-level Appellations' can use amazing killer moves, right? This is a rumor I heard in the imperial palace, so it's very rare."

"At least there are known cases..."

"We'll delve deeper in these matters later. Either way, Onii-sama, you're definitely no ordinary person... So, it's time for me to get going and finish the princess' command sooner."

Hatsune stood up from her seat, shaking the pipe chair.

Masatsugu's distant cousin left swiftly, still cheerful and outgoing in personality. Masatsugu also got up to take a leisurely stroll. He had to kill time while waiting for his master and Hatsune to take care of their respective business.

While walking, Masatsugu pondered what had transpired the day before.

Drawing out unusual power from within himself, he had kept himself and the princess safe.

Back then, hot blood had coursed through his body and mind. Very naturally, he figured out the origin of Legions and how to use them and was able to apply this knowledge on the spot.

When the Crusades were destroyed, the princess had asked him, 'Masatsugu-sama... Have you finally awakened?'

'A legatus legionis at last—A true Chevalier.'

Masatsugu was unable to answer, simply confused.

After the brief battle, the feeling of blood boiling had vanished. At the same time, he also forgot how to control Legions.

In the end, Masatsugu had no way of answering Shiori's question.

However, the term "legatus legionis" had left a deep impression in his mind.

When Masatsugu asked Shiori what it meant, she responded with a smile. He presumed that smile was to hide her disappointment.

'One who keeps a legion—It is an ancient Roman term meaning legion commander.'

Legatus Legionis. Masatsugu ruminated over the term.

"Princess! I've fulfilled your instructions!"

They were on the way back from the Suruga tutelary fort.

The tutelary fort was located at the top of a mountainous region east of the city, so going back and forth required transport by car. Naturally, they were taking a car back.

The princess was riding a black domestic luxury car with Hatsune as the driver.

Sixteen was the legal age for a driving license. Masatsugu had obtained his last year. However, his distant cousin was clearly more skilled than him as a driver.

While demonstrating fancy cornering techniques on the mountain road, Hatsune said to the lady she served, "It was so much trouble you know~? Like putting on a masquerade, using a hidden key, seeking help from the old mister Tachibana who had infiltrated the place. It'd take a long time if I had to report the details of all these tasks—"

"Good work, I shall rely on you again when the next opportunity arises."

"Sob. Princess, you're too insensitive, I was trying to say what an ordeal it was for me... This sadistic disposition does feel very princess-like. At least let me brag a bit."

"Fufufufu, didn't you know that bragging about one's glorious exploits is a pleasure that belongs to the elderly♪"

Shiori was sitting leisurely in the spacious back seat all alone.

Masatsugu was in the front passenger seat, holding the hard-won fruit of Hatsune's efforts. It was a thin slab of wood the size of an A3 sheet with kanji and Sanskrit characters written in cursive with a brush. Masatsugu could only recognize the four words of "summon the great god" and the picture of a dog-like animal drawn beneath them.

Not only was this a retainer beast talisman used by noetic techniques but also a valuable military-grade item.

Today, Hatsune had "borrowed" something like this from the tutelary fort's underground storage.

"Hatsune, go for a spin inside the city before returning to the dormitory."


Hatsune followed the princess' instruction and turned the steering wheel.

The car drove through the neighborhoods and streets of Suruga that Masatsugu knew so well. However, there was very little traffic in every street. Most shops were also closed temporarily. All this was due to the imposition of martial law. Most of the vehicles on the road belonged to either the Tōkaidō provincial army or the police.

Along the way, this car was stopped by soldiers and police many times too.

Fortunately, the princess had already become a celebrity known in every Suruga household. The influence and respect accorded to her as well as the calling card of Chevalier Akigase Rikka received at the tutelary fort proved to be handy in these situations. Rikka had written "please provide assistance to the princess" on the back of the card, which had a profound effect.

After that, Hatsune drove north of Suruga City.

Continuing forward along this direction would take one near the Southern Alps and Mount Ryuusou. In other words, they had gone from the countryside around a bus station to what was truly deep in the mountains.

Masatsugu looked out the window into the sky and noticed something.

Flying in the air were three wyverns, a type of retainer beast used by many countries. Their common characteristics were "a lizard-like appearance except with wings growing out of their shoulders" and "being roughly two to three times the size of a horse."

However, every country's variant of wyvern had its own unique color.

Imperial Japan's wyverns were blue. The wyverns in the air currently were white.

White was the color the British Empire's wyverns.

"So British retainer beasts have trespassed all the way here..." lamented the princess gloomily.

They were not the only car traveling on the road. Every now and then, they would see local cars driving to the urban zone adjacent to Suruga Station to seek refuge.

There were many flyers scattered on the ground.

Distributed by wyverns all over the place, the flyers were signed jointly by the British Imperial Forces and the Kinai Fiefdom.

Masatsugu's party had picked them up to read earlier. 'Residents are strongly encouraged to seek refuge in areas deemed appropriate by the Charter of Chivalry' was written on them. People living in the area had acted according to the flyer's instructions.

Masatsugu asked the princess in the back seat, "Does the Kinai Fiefdom intend to oppose the Roman army with British assistance?"

"Indeed. For the past fifty years, Japan's Chevaliers had seen very little action in the field... In contrast, Chevaliers of both the Eastern Roman Empire and the British Empire have been fighting on battlefields across the globe. Whether Chevalier Strength or experience, Japan is no match on either front."

"What is Chevalier Strength?"

"The number of Legions a Chevalier can summon at a time constitutes 'Chevalier Strength.' Chevaliers with a higher Chevalier Strength can summon a greater quantity of Legions—One could think of it as a power indicator. Take yesterday's battle for instance... Despite holding home field advantage, the Suruga side lost to the invading Crusades due to numerical inferiority."

The princess shrugged and sighed.

"The power disparity between the two armies was too obvious."

"From what I have heard, a Chevalier can use more Legions when fighting at a friendly tutelary fort."

The mystic beings, Legions, were summoned out of thin air at a Chevalier's command.

However, effects were different depending on the summoning location.

The quantity of summoned Legions would decrease drastically unless the summoning took place in a land holding powerful mystic energies known as divine precincts or sanctuaries. As nature would have it, these sanctuaries were very rare and the few that existed were located deep in the mountains or in the middle of nature, places of scant military value...

Masatsugu recalled knowledge he had heard before.

Shiori said to him, "Tutelary forts have water shrines underground—In other words, reservoirs of artificial ectoplasmic fluid. Thanks to large quantities of this mysterious liquid that 'nourishes beings not of this world,' the region surrounding a water shrine will naturally become spiritually purified—"

"Meaning that it becomes a sacred domain, right?"

After comprehending the explanation, Masatsugu was struck by another question. From his position in the front passenger seat, he somehow felt as though Shiori was staring at him continuously from the back.

Part 3

Masatsugu and the others returned to Rinzai High before noon.

More precisely, it was the high school's dormitories. Princess Shiori and Hatsune were both boarders.

After the princess' personal car was parked at the staff parking lot, Masatsugu and Hatsune stayed at Shiori's side while heading to the dorm.

Unlike yesterday, Shiori did not walk in the lead.

On campus, she intended to keep up her facade as the "gentle and virtuous princess."

"...Taisei?" Masatsugu asked doubtfully upon seeing Okonogi Taisei in front of the boys dorm.

Concerned about the presence of the princess, Taisei gestured with a wave of his hand, wanting to have a word with Masatsugu in private.

Living in the city, Taisei was not a boarder. Besides, now that martial law was in effect, educational institutions were basically all on holiday. Masatsugu had no idea why he was here.

"Your Highness, may I have a word with my friend?"

Masatsugu glanced at Taisei before seeking permission from the princess.

"I don't mind... However, I would like to meet him too. I wish to know about the reactions of the school and the students," replied Shiori.

When Masatsugu brought Hatsune and the princess along, Taisei greeted the VIP with a look of confusion while questioning Masatsugu with a look of "What the hell is this?"

Completely unfazed, Masatsugu said, "What's up, Taisei? Didn't you want to talk to me?"

"Oh, yeah. Given these unusual times, information is hard to come by. I was thinking 'maybe Masatsugu-kun might have some legit info since he's serving the princess?' to myself."

"And you came all the way to the dorm for that?"

"Yeah, I rode my bike. As a member of the student council, I'm also quite curious whether the boarding students are acting out of line. I observed the boys dorm briefly and it's pretty chaotic."

Only then did Masatsugu remember that his good friend was vice-president of the student council.

Taisei's face was handsome yet nondescript. He sighed, "Due to the military's noetic disruption, it's virtually impossible to receive television and radio signals, but there are occasional images or sound. Using fragmentary information, everyone is making all kinds of speculation to make sense of the situation—or more like imagining the situation, I guess."

From what Masatsugu had heard, there once existed companies that developed pocket-size portable telephones.

However, the presence of noetic waves has become one of the reasons hindering widespread adoption of this equipment—

Noetic waves consisted of the energy of thoughts produced by retainer beasts, genies and Chevaliers. The overall term for noetic control techniques to cause destructive interference with electromagnetic waves by using powerful noetic waves was "noetic disruption."

According to a kind of urban legend, using a microwave oven next to a Chevalier will make it explode.

Ten years ago, when Lord Caesar led a thousand Legions to fight the US military stationed in Japan, electrical interference had occurred all over Japan.

Humans had yet to invent ways of producing electromagnetic waves strong enough to counter powerful noetic waves.

"Furthermore, among students from outside the city or the prefecture, there are people who plan on using unblockaded back roads to get home on bicycle."

"The act of leaving in and of itself isn't prohibited..."

"Right, when I said 'the military' just now... It's probably not the British Empire but the forces of the domestic Kinai Fiefdom, right? This isn't a foreign invasion but a rebellion or a coup d'etat, right?"

7pm last night, the Kinai Fiefdom had held a press conference.

The press conference had been held prior to the noetic disruption and could be watched on the news in Suruga City. Always keeping up with current affairs, Taisei had not missed this information.

Just as Masatsugu was about to respond to his good friend's inquires, the lady he was serving spoke up first.

Smiling gently, the princess offered a suggestion.

"Well then, since it happens to be noon... Why don't we assemble all the boarding students for a lunch gathering? It has been weighing on my conscience since yesterday that I have not formally greeted everyone upon my arrival. —Hatsune, please assist with the necessary arrangements."

"Y-Yes, Princess."

An hour later, the lunch gathering was ready.

There was a total of seventy-odd boys and girls living in the dorms. The school cafeteria was chosen as the venue because there was no space in the dorms where everyone could fit. Furthermore, Shiori made use of the school's public announcement system to invite other students and staff present to join in the lunch gathering.

Due to insufficient preparation time, the food offerings were nothing special.

Nevertheless, the fact that enough tea and rice balls could be mustered to serve so many people was all thanks to the leadership of the princess who had proposed the idea.

"My dear fellow students, would the ladies be so kind as to join me to help out in the kitchen? And gentlemen, could you kindly assist in setting up the venue. Ah yes, and could the members of the student council please come to the broadcast room—"

Her ideas were conveyed through Hatsune, Masatsugu and Taisei then executed by the community.

Shiori remembered Taisei's position in the student council, so she made her requests to the student council members at school through their vice-president (in truth, they were more like directions than requests).

Furthermore, Shiori also went to the cafeteria kitchen to make rice balls together with the girls.

The princess was not skilled in culinary arts, but conscious of her noble status, the female students quickly got along with her.

When the lunch gathering started, Shiori bowed her head to address everyone.

"Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. Suruga is currently facing a time of tribulation."

"The British forces and the Kinai Fiefdom have formed the Restoration Alliance, intending to start an insurrection against our imperial government. This is indisputable."

"However, excessive panic or wariness would only bring greater danger to yourselves."

"The Charter of Chivalry strictly forbids armed forces from attacking, plundering and intentionally harming civilians and their residential areas. This agreement, spearheaded by Emperor Karl the Great of the Chivalric King Alliance, was strongly supported by Lord Caesar and Victoria II the Queen of England, thus coming into existence as a set of international rules of engagement."

"In other words, we are protected by this charter."

"It is extremely likely that further attacks will be launched against the Suruga tutelary fort, but arbitrarily leaving the city—to head towards areas protected by the Charter of Chivalry—would actually be the most dangerous choice."

The princess explained the situation , cautioning the students against acting recklessly.

Then she smiled and said half-jokingly, "I quit school in Rome half-way and transferred to this campus... Now that I have come to Suruga, I do intend to attend school properly, all the way until I graduate. I would appreciate it if everyone could look after me, please?"

Her light-hearted words managed to dispel the nervousness in the audience, bringing waves of laughter below the stage.

After ending her speech, Shiori did not sit down. She walked throughout the venue to make friendly conversation with the students. When asked about the current commotion, she would elucidate the situation as best as she could. There was never a lack of smiles around her at any given moment.

Just before the lunch gathering was about to end, Taisei said to Masatsugu, "How amazing. With this single gathering, Her Highness has become 'the princess of the student dormitories,' acting even more reliable than the teachers or us of the student council. At this rate, she'll take over the world within the school in less than a month."

The Black Lily Dorm was assigned to the princess exclusively.

It was a double-story building constructed with a steel frame. There was a great hall, dining room, conversation lounge, reading room, etc on the ground floor with several single rooms for boarders on the second floor. The layout was the same as ordinary boys and girls dorms.

However, Black Lily Dorm clearly felt classier and cleaner.

Thanks to the remodeling work, all of the wallpaper was new. Chic furniture also made the interior very elegant.

The interior decoration alone was practically "Rokumeikan style."

After the lunch gathering, Masatsugu, Shiori and Hatsune went to the conversation lounge at Black Lily Dorm. There were three large sofas arranged around an ivory low table.

As the lady in charge, Shiori was sitting leisurely on a sofa. Standing, Masatsugu reported to the princess, "...And that's what my best friend said just now."

"Take over the world, is that so? Your friend has an amusing way with words."

Masatsugu had repeated what Taisei had said, causing Shiori to smile.

Unlike the "obedient smile aimed at the outside world" that Shiori bore during the lunch gathering, this smile conveyed a kind of irony along with strong willpower and intellect.

"However, he did put it rather well. I must become the most influential person in this school and Suruga. Otherwise, my future plans will be affected... I must first take over the world of Suruga before advancing along the goals of reigning supreme in Shizuoka Prefecture, Tōkaidō, eastern Japan, then western Japan."


Shiori had said several words that one would not expect from a sheltered princess.

While Masatsugu was stunned on the spot, Hatsune said excitedly, "You have to remember this well, Onii-sama, our princess has a very ambitious plan. First, she will make a name for herself and teach a lesson to the Empress faction that has been bullying her and her mother. In the future, she will become the mastermind secretly ruling all of Japan from the shadows."


"Simply stated, our princess will take over Japan. We of the Tachibana clan are the trusted aides and spies to assist her in achieving her goals♪"

Hatsune's reveal was startling, but it was possible to find the underlying logic.

The intimate relationship between the Tachibana clan and Princess Fujinomiya Shiori was definitely quite similar to the deep bond between 'a Sengoku-era general and a secret ninja clan.'

Even the domestic helpers at Black Lily Dorm were all older women from the Tachibana clan.

Also, Hatsune had changed out of her kimono and hakama and into the school's official uniform. Seeing her dressed like that, Masatsugu was struck by a thought.

Perhaps Hatsune liked wearing the hakama out of awareness as her master's bodyguard.

After all, it was much easier to move in a hakama than a skirt. Currently, inside the dorm, the likelihood of an attack on the princess would be rather low, hence Hatsune had changed her uniform.

"...You actually pay attention to details. It's surprising."

"Onii-sama, could you not make such rude comments out of the blue?"

"Oh, sorry. Midterms are coming up and I had you pegged as the type who'd borrow notes to copy from friends and pass the exams by last-minute cramming."

"How did you know my exam strategy!?"

Naturally, given the current situation of turmoil, it was anyone's guess whether midterms would be held.

However, Masatsugu now stared at Shiori for he had a question for her.

"I now understand Your Highness' intent. The question is, why tell me? Although I'm part of the Tachibana clan, we barely know each other for a few days."

Not too long ago, Masatsugu was still an ordinary student without the slightest clue about his clan's secrets.

Besides, he had lost his memory too. It would be ill-considered for a princess to take as a trusted subordinate someone whose personality and disposition were unknown.

Shiori replied, "Indeed, there are many matters that I need to discuss with you, Masatsugu-sama, including this one. Please accompany me."

"Understood. Is this... like a private meeting?"

"No, this is an invitation to a personal date," the princess responded surprisingly with a solemn expression.

Hence, Masatsugu and the princess decided to "meet up at their date."

They chose to meet in front of a convenience store near the dormitories half an hour later. This local chain had shops in the greater Suruga region, the kind that did not operate on a 24-hour basis.

Masatsugu arrived five minutes early. Immediately, someone spoke to him.

"Thank you for your patience."

He turned around to see the princess as expected. She had apparently just arrived.

Instead of her usual blouse and skirt, Shiori had changed into a one-piece dress and black leggings paired with knee-high boots. She was also wearing a pair of glasses.

Perhaps due to the glasses, she looked even smarter than usual.

"This isn't really a disguise... But a bit of preparation to avoid attention."

"Excuse me if I am being rude but this is totally not enough. Your Highness appeared on television previously and many residents have seen your face. That goes even more so for those who live in the school's vicinity."

Shiori was a very striking platinum blonde beauty.

Her presence alone already attracted plenty of attention. However, Shiori smiled nonchalantly and said, "Relax, so long as I do this..."

Instantly, Masatsugu was surprised. He seemed to hear a shrill sound from the princess' person.

"If I use noesis to disguise my image, I will not be noticed so easily. People who have only seen Fujinomiya Shiori on television will not be able to discern my identity."

"Noesis... So this is noetic control?"

"Indeed. This method has no effect against those who are familiar with me, or you and Hatsune... The Crusades yesterday also used camouflage falling under the same branch of techniques."

"Understood. Looks like I was too shallow in my thinking."

Indeed, if he examined Shiori carefully now, her face seemed slightly blurred.

Masatsugu apologized after understanding the whole story. When speaking to the princess, he always stuck to a simple and reserved manner, maintaining a "respectful attitude as though interacting with someone with seniority in martial arts."

He conversed with the princess, fully aware that elegant use of vocabulary was beyond him.

However, Shiori said to him, "Masatsugu-sama, may I issue you a command?"

"As you wish."

"Please stop speaking in this manner. Just talk to me as though you were talking to Hatsune."

This unexpected command took Masatsugu aback.

"No, that would be too disrespectful—"

"As I already said... This is a command, isn't it? Now refusing a command would be truly disrespectful."

Shiori smiled mischievously.

This princess enjoyed teasing others for her amusement on occasion. Masatsugu had observed this yesterday already, so it did not surprise him, except he was unsure how to respond.

"Are you unable to follow my directions no matter what?"


"In that case, at least stop addressing me as 'Your Highness.' I said the same to Hatsune, that I dislike being treated with reservation."

"Understood. Then I will call you 'Princess' too."

"Please feel free to refer to yourself using the masculine pronoun."

Masatsugu contemplated for a moment. The princess had specially chosen Hatsune as her personal lady-in-waiting.

In that case, behaving more naturally would suit her tastes better. Masatsugu's ability to march at the beat of his own drum was well-known to those acquainted with him. He decided to let this aspect of his personality loose.

"Princess, where are we going today?"

"Since I called this a date earlier, Masatsugu-sama, you could take the lead and decide the entire itinerary for us, you know?"

"That'd be too heavy a responsibility for me. Please allow me to decline."


Masatsugu's tone had shifted from before. Shiori smiled contentedly.

"Then it cannot be helped. I have an idea so please follow me."

Masatsugu went along with Shiori, but a thought immediately occurred to him.

They were being confined in a regional city under martial law, yet the princess was walking with a spring in her step. She was in quite a good mood.

What Shiori said next confirmed Masatsugu's hunch.

"Despite the current emergency, I am still rather happy."

"...How so?"

"So far, I have kept my true personality and abilities secret, to live under the guise of a harmless princess. But as soon as I attracted a little too much attention in the imperial palace, I was targeted, finally forsaken and sent to the Roman capital as a hostage."

The princess' tone of voice seemed less reserved than before.

"However, after spending a number of years to plan, I am finally about to complete preparations to strike back. I shall use Suruga as the starting point to expand my sphere of influence. Consequently, I cannot feign docility all the time as before, I must also work hard using my wits and abilities... Frankly speaking, this is actually quite delightful."

The two of them conversed while walking along a rural road. This area was near the foot of Mount Kunou, not far from the highlands.

Speakers in the city broadcasted a piece of news.

'Hello everyone, there is something I must inform all of you right now—'

It was issued by the municipal government through a female announcer. With public airwaves such as television and radio signals affected by noetic disruption, this simple means of communication was the most effective way to transmit information.

The announcement was no different in content from what Shiori had said at the lunch gathering earlier.

However, the princess' speech had struck deeper chords in people's hearts, possibly because of the leadership airs belonging to a noble princess.

"Noetic disruption persists... In other words, the British forces continue to cause interference from Suruga's outskirts."

Shiori deduced the situation after hearing the broadcast.

"Perhaps the British forces intend to resume yesterday's offensive."

"...In that case, they're still aiming to conquer the Suruga tutelary fort?"

"Yes, the British forces and the Kinai Fiefdom probably intend to use Shizuoka Prefecture as a base of operations to invade Hakone."

Shiori's accurate analysis showed that she had dappled somewhat in military strategy.

"Attacking from tutelary forts within Shizuoka Prefecture while supplied with ectoplasmic fluid from water shrines—That is the situation they wish to secure. Given that is the case, they ought to take the Fuji tutelary fort first, which is closest to Hakone, before subjugating Suruga and Nagahama near Fuji to avoid getting attacked in the rear."

Princess Shiori seemed as though she was thinking through a strategy game.

The profile of her bespectacled face looked very smart and intelligent, a style more suited to her than feigned submissive virtuousness. That was the kind of impression Masatsugu gathered from her expression.

"Princess, I don't understand Legions at all. Yet in spite of that, I managed to do that yesterday. Could it be that the term legatus legionis..."

While noting the princess' beauty in his mind, Masatsugu spoke to her.

"...Does this term have some relation to Legions?"

"Well... It is to explain these matters that I invited you out today. My apologies, Masatsugu-sama. I shall be more focused on the date."


Masatsugu was confused, unsure why the princess had bowed her head to apologize.

Besides, why did the princess insist on calling an outing with her bodyguard a "date"? Meanwhile, Shiori gazed upon Masatsugu—There was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Masatsugu-sama, you still do not remember, do you?"

"Remember what?"

"You still do not remember me. Long ago, we met once."

Masatsugu jumped. So it turned out he had met the princess before. If something major like this had truly happened, it must have been prior to his memory loss. However, he could not remember a thing.

"We will continue the discussion after we enter. This is the place I wished to bring you."

The two of them had been talking while they walked.

At that moment, the princess halted in front of a bamboo forest at the foot of the mountain.

Closer examination revealed a small path in the bamboo forest. Masatsugu followed Shiori into the depths where there was a serene, wooden Japanese house.

It was a small yet elegant building.

Part 4

The Fuji tutelary fort was located in the Ukishimagahara wetlands of Fuji City in the prefecture of Shizuoka.

Most of the area featured an abundance of nature and even the tutelary fort's surroundings were lush and verdant.

Sites for building tutelary forts would be chosen to avoid densely populated urban centers as much as possible. A low-key rural location would be a sort of second choice—

This was an unwritten rule stemming from the Charter of Chivalry ratified by various nations. With Emperor Karl the Great as the most prominent example, the Resurrectees loved engaging in the inhumane final resort of diplomacy known as "war." Hypocritical though it may be, the Charter established terms for universally approved justification for war and all nations must abide by it.

...The above were Sir Black Knight's thoughts.

He was also a Resurrectee himself, hence this was quite a pressing matter.

Currently, the Fuji tutelary fort had been taken over by a British contingent of the Restoration Alliance.

The Chevalier castellan and his officers and soldiers had fought valiantly, but had been captured and disarmed in the British victory, and were currently under close guard.

There were unfortunate casualties during the battle, but such unavoidable facts of war did not bear mentioning.

(...In fact, the true meaning of the Charter of Chivalry is to beautify the game known as war, to make it more palatable to the populace. )

Right now, Sir Black Knight was in the underground water shrine.

At this majestic reservoir of ectoplasmic fluid, dozens of pillars stood towering, creating a solemn atmosphere like an ancient Greek temple's. There was also a "bath" inside.

The architectural style of water shrines was practically universal across the globe. Sir Black Knight had seen plenty of them already.

Entering the blue liquid used for bathing, he recited words.

"May disaster strike down the wicked of heart—Upon my true name and soul, I petition the shrine of this land. Pray share the nourishment of holy water with my soldiers and recognize us as knights of the local land."

Sir Black Knight closed his eyes and prayed, his entire body glowing faintly.

Within his closed and dark field of view, a certain image surfaced.

Giant winged soldiers of black, bearing a strong resemblance to the Crusades. Their jet-black armor shone with the light of fighting spirit and glory. An army of a thousand glorious black knights—

"O Knights of the Garter, are you urging me to hurry and take to the field?"

Listening to the pleas of his army, Sir Black Knight smiled wryly and opened his eyes.

At that moment, he heard footsteps. Someone had stepped into the bath in leather boots. There was also the rustling of clothing. Presumably, the visitor had entered without undressing.

The entrance was behind Sir Black Knight. He did not know who had arrived, yet he spoke without looking back, "I am not going to say that... I forbid others to share the bath when I am using it, for that would be too boorish. I know not who you are, but I welcome you to undress and join me in here. It is nice to have bonding moments with young knights in the bath once in a while."

Knights were required to maintain composure at all times to exemplify character and principles as dictated by chivalry.

Sir Black Knight would often remind himself of this. However, he heard a "click" behind him, making him very curious what it was.

"Affirmative. As a spirit and not a Chevalier, replenishing ectoplasmic fluid at a water shrine is not quite necessary—Nevertheless, I shall comply with this command."

As soon as he heard the girl's answering voice, Sir Black Knight hastily turned his head back.

Arriving at the bath was the doll possessed by the genie Morrigan, dressed in a sailor uniform with a beret. She moved her hands to untie the scarf around her neck, producing another "click" from her joints.

"Furthermore, after this event, I shall file a report to the higher-ups—My superior has subjected me to sexual harassment. Please be forewarned."

The simulacra used by genies were expressionless for the most part, but currently, Morrigan was looking coldly at Sir Black Knight.

"Morrigan, this is not a command. It was my misunderstanding, furthermore..."

Sir Black Knight tried to keep his voice calm but still could not help but raise his voice, "You are the one who is sexually harassing others...! A female coming out here to enter a nude man's presence and even staring at me so rudely!"

"The water shrine is, a facility of particular importance. I wished to verify, by my own eyes."

"Then you could have picked another time in my absence!"

Replenishment of ectoplasmic fluid at water shrines, cold-water ablutions or purification rites were all sacred rituals.

Clothing was not allowed in the bath, hence Sir Black Knight was completely nude. He normally looked quite slim but that was purely a visual effect of his clothing. In fact, his muscular body was steeled through and through.

With his spectacular body thoroughly exposed, Sir Black Knight scolded his subordinate harshly.

"According to my search..." said the genie Morrigan's simulacrum as she walked over to Sir Black Knight.

They had already left the underground water shrine. Walking on the lawn in the Fuji tutelary fort, they were having a stroll within the premises.

"The practice of mixed baths, existed in medieval England and France too. I cannot comprehend, the reason of, your shock and alarm."

"You raise a fair point, but it is a knight's prerogative to uphold virtue and dignity—"

Just as he was about to argue back, Sir Black Knight came to a realization. Medieval England and France. These words could not have been spoken by someone ignorant of his identity.

"Morrigan, have you figured out my identity?"

"Yes, indeed... Frankly speaking, the riddle's difficulty is not high. There are plenty of hints, simply from observing your words and behavior."

"I see. I suppose that would be the drawback to leaving a name in history."

"No, I believe, it is purely the product of your imprudence."

"You seem to have a talent for biting remarks..."

"This too, is one of our English traditions."

The genie Morrigan had inherited the English customs of biting sarcasm and black humor.

Sir Black Knight deliberately looked up to hide his feelings of embarrassment. Over a hundred British Legions, the Crusades, were on standby in the sky over the Fuji tutelary fort.

Hovering motionless, holding their bayonet rifles in their right hands, they awaited further orders.

These Legions, about to march on Suruga, were commanded by the two Knights of Her Majesty, Sir Steven and Sir Lampard, whom Sir Black Knight had brought with him from England.

It was currently 14:53. The Tōkaidō sky was very clear.

"Yesterday, it was Sir Philneville who attacked Suruga. Are you, going to relieve him of his command?"

"Phil's army has not recovered its numbers yet."

Chevaliers were able to summon Legions, winged giant soldiers, out of thin air.

These mysterious beings could easily recover in a day from wounds, relying only on their innate regeneration. This may sound outrageous, but in any case, they did not need treatment or repairs.

However, the same did not apply to those incapacitated by death or severe injuries.

Critically injured Legions required one or two weeks before they could fully regenerate and return to the battlefield.

"Besides, the Akigase princess taking over as the Suruga castellan... seems to be quite a powerful warrior. According to unverified reports, her Chevalier Strength is outstanding, possibly much higher than Phil's."

"I, see," Morrigan nodded and looked up at the Crusades in the air.

The white British Legions totaled 188. Compared to yesterday, these Legions summoned by Sir Steven and Sir Lampard at the destroyer Tintagel were increased by more than double.

"Including me, Stevie and Lamps have also finished their tutelary pact at Fuji's water shrine. Currently, this Fuji tutelary fort has become our stronghold..."

The greater a sanctuary's mystic powers, the easier it was to summon large numbers of Legions.

Tutelary forts equipped with water shrines also fulfilled the conditions of a sanctuary. But since tutelary forts were also military facilities, there was no reason for such divine blessings to benefit invaders.

Hence, the "tutelary pact" was a ritual for distinguishing friend from foe.

"...Due to this rule, the way we wage war has become rather archaic." Sir Black Knight smiled wryly and said, "In the end, war has evolved back to tactics of conquering and holding fortresses to use as strongholds. Currently, I would expect the Akigase princess to be forming a new pact at the Suruga water shrine, to turn that area into her own stronghold."

"Yes, indeed. A knight is limited to one, contracted water shrine at a time."

The destroyer Tintagel was managed by Morrigan.

The ship's power source, a fluid reactor, circulated artificial ectoplasmic fluid to generate mystic powers. Consequently, the ship itself was equivalent to a sanctuary, allowing Legions to be summoned more easily than ordinary land.

However, as a "substitute," its effectiveness could not match a water shrine after all.

This was why the British forces had prioritized conquering the various tutelary forts in Shizuoka, to use them as strongholds.

"The revolution brought by firearms and gunpowder as well as the invention of flying machinery made fortifications easy to obliterate. The word 'siege warfare' disappeared from the battlefield for almost a century... However, we are once again building tutelary forts and devoting effort towards taking castles and defending our own territory."

The medieval Black Knight laughed while he spoke. It really was quite a funny matter.

"Once your principal image—the Tintagel's ifrit, Morgan le Fay—is transplanted to the Fuji tutelary fort, we will sortie along with Stevie and Lamps to witness their abilities."

"As you, wish."

The period from the nineteenth to the twentieth century...

...was a time when methods of warfare evolved rapidly.

Dramatic advances in the accuracy and ammunition capacity of firearms, the replacement of horse-drawn vehicles by automobiles, the advent of wireless technologies and the airplane, the disappearance of cavalry from the battlefield, supplanted by chariots of steel roaming across the plains.

The progress of industrial technology led to the trend of mechanization—

At the same time, the miracles brought by the sacred beasts also promoted "mystic" developments.

Radar technology first appeared during the Second World War, but fell into disuse once noetic control techniques became established. Furthermore, the bodies of Legions had the property of neutralizing radar waves, thus leading to its obsolescence in the modern world. Intelligence gathered by retainer beasts or human observation was more useful.

In addition, aircraft had failed to become the rulers of the skies.

The skies were controlled by flight-capable retainer beasts and the godlike sacred beasts. Workers in the field of aviation would always go about their days in devout fear, watching out for storms and turbulence caused by these beings on whim. One could inflict severe damage upon human aircraft simply by using noetic waves to summon flocks of birds to collide against the cockpit or engines.

It was currently the year 1998 at the end of the twentieth century, an era when mankind was no longer the lord of all creation.

Part 5

The house in the depths of the bamboo forest had been carefully maintained.

One could tell from a glance at the door, the entryway and the corridor. There was not the slightest speck of dust anywhere and various wooden surfaces were all polished spick and span.

The relatively small courtyard was styled like a Japanese garden.

"This Ryouzan Manor belongs to distant relatives on my father's side. Thanks to their generosity, I am free to use this place at my discretion during my stay in Suruga."

Shiori led the way, explaining the origin of this building while advancing through the corridor. Masatsugu recalled what Hatsune had said about the princess' father being former peerage who used to live in Suruga.

Moreover, Masatsugu could detect the presence of other people (probably domestic help).

However, they did not show themselves, practically like air. Masatsugu believed that they would immediately appear to respectfully carry out Shiori's commands as soon as she called for them.

The serene atmosphere of this house was definitely beyond the unrefined Tachibana clan's ability to emulate.

"This way please, Masatsugu-sama."

Masatsugu was taken to a Japanese-style room. Sitting down formally in seiza, Shiori motioned with her eyes to Masatsugu for him to take a seat in front of her. He complied as directed.

Never in his wildest dreams would he have expected a chance to converse with the princess alone in private.

"Rather than a date... This would seem more like a tryst."

"Princess, you've been using these words for romantic liaisons for a while now."

Speaking candidly, Masatsugu said to the princess who was in serious contemplation.

"Could it be that you've fallen in love with me in this short time and you're confessing to me today?"

"W-What nonsense are you speaking of!? It has only been mere days since our reunion! To develop romance on the basis of such a relationship would be too improper!"

"My bad. It's just that I happen to have heard a lot of conversations about this topic lately."

Shiori's reaction was very flustered while Masatsugu bowed his head in apology, completely unfazed.

More precisely, he had not "heard" these conversations. Instead, he had read them in romantic comedy novels targeted towards high school boys. Putting this aside, Masatsugu had another thought.

So she did have certain a side to her personality that was like a sheltered princess.

Conversely, the princess spoke with displeasure, "Good grief... I would have expected you to be a more serious person based on your appearance. I am apparently mistaken."

"Sorry about that. May I ask what my appearance is like?"

"Has no one ever told you that you have a handsome face like a celebrity?"

"Oh sure, I've heard that a few times, except they always add 'if only you had a normal personality' at the end."

"...Indeed, your cooperativeness and sensitivity are somewhat flawed," the princess quietly commented on Masatsugu, prompting him bow his head with another "sorry about that."

"However, Princess, since my looks are suited to your tastes, then I suppose your purpose of bringing me here is still to confess, right? Yet you are telling me all this because you're too embarrassed to speak up, is that it...?"

"I certainly am not thinking that!" Shiori denied vehemently then hastily lowered her voice. "N-Naturally, I am very grateful to you for saving me yesterday. To come forward to the rescue like that... My appreciation knows no bounds."

Shiori bowed her head deeply and thanked in seiza posture, even employing the respectful ritual of pressing three fingers of each hand upon the ground.

What a princess, adhering to etiquette despite her headstrong personality, thought Masatsugu. The princess lifted her head and gazed directly at Masatsugu.

Meeting her gaze squarely, Masatsugu looked back at Shiori and said, "I was simply fulfilling my duties as a bodyguard. No need to let it weigh on your mind. On the other hand, I am curious. Why does our outing today count as a 'date'?"

"Yes. My wish is for us to develop a closer relationship, Masatsugu-sama. Oh..." Shiori answered sincerely before adding in a fluster, "D-Do know that I am referring to amicable relations between a princess and her subordinate, not romance between man and woman—I wish to confirm whether we are able to cultivate the sort of candid congeniality that exists between men. That is the reason why I asked for your company. Since I have important matters to discuss, this is a 'date' with special meaning."

The princess took a breath then asserted immediately, "Masatsugu, prior to your memory loss, you were supposed to become my knight."

As one would expect, Shiori knew about Masatsugu's amnesia. Given her attention to detail, the princess could not possibly have failed to find out, hence Masatsugu was not surprised, however...

"I was to become your knight? But I'm not a Chevalier—"

"You are a Chevalier too. Like Lord Caesar and the British Empire's Admiral Nelson, you are a Resurrectee who has been reborn from the ancient world. As you may know, they are all Chevaliers with their own armies."

Shiori continued explaining. "Furthermore, they are all powerful Chevaliers without exception. There are many accomplished Chevaliers born in contemporary times... But none of them can summon more than a hundred or two hundred Legions. They are no match for the likes of Lord Caesar or Karl the Great who are able to command armies over a thousand strong."

"Speaking of which, that title you addressed me with last time..."

"Yes, the term legatus legionis signifies a 'true Chevalier,' and is a secret title for the Resurrectees, those who have returned from the land of the dead."

Shiori explained that this title was only known to royalty, politicians and soldiers.

"I was the one who asked Hatsune's father to prepare the Tachibana identity for you to avoid attracting unwarranted attention. Coincidentally, the Tachibana clan happened to have a young man who died in an accident, so we borrowed his family registration."

"...I see."

After listening carefully to the explanations, Masatsugu simply nodded and responded concisely.

Smiling with slight wryness, Shiori said, "You don't seem to be perturbed the slightest."

"I already found out yesterday that I am no ordinary person. Besides, there's no way for me to verify statements about Lord Caesar and the others, so I don't need to draw any conclusions here... That's simply the long and short of it."

Masatsugu was always calm and collected, going about at his own pace. Making the most of his natural disposition, he expressed his honest thoughts.

"Naturally, I'm quite curious how a man like me lost my memory."

"Perhaps... Your resurrection did not proceed smoothly."

"What do you mean?"

"I awakened you two years ago. More precisely, I prayed to my grandfather, Lord Tenryuu, to send me 'an ancient warrior' and he agreed to my request."

"Why did you make such a request?"

Masatsugu had heard that the godlike sacred beasts would heed requests from young maidens betrothed to them or children of their bloodline and bestow mystic powers such as Legions or retainer beasts upon them.

Lord Tenryuu's granddaughter Shiori must have invoked this sort of privilege. The question was, for what purpose?

"My goal is the same as the Kinai Fiefdom's. I wish to obtain sufficient military strength to stand up against Lord Caesar even if I cannot defeat him. Otherwise, participation in the power struggle of contemporary Japan would be impossible. I need a powerful Chevalier to fight for me, to actualize my ideals."

Fujinomiya Shiori was a sixteen-year-old princess. In other words, she was only fourteen two years ago.

What surprised Masatsugu the most today was the discovery that she had harbored such ambitions and aspirations at her young age. In front of the dumbfounded Masatsugu, Shiori bowed deeply again, bringing three fingers of each hand against the floor.

"Masatsugu-sama, I have another request."


"I would like you to lend me your aid. As for whether I am worthy, please think it through carefully before giving me your answer within the next few days. Thank you."

"This isn't an order?" asked Masatsugu in response to the princess' earnest plea.

Shiori lifted her head, nodded, and said, "Although you have lost your memory, Masatsugu-sama, you used to be a warrior with illustrious feats of arms in the past after all. Only one such as you could bear the title of legatus legionis. It would be far too insolent to order a hero of such caliber."

Masatsugu now understood why Shiori had been addressing him with the "-sama" honorific since the beginning.

"What I demand is assistance rather than loyalty. In exchange for this assistance, I am willing to pay any price."


"Indeed. Be it status, fame or wealth, anything so long as it is within my ability to give."

Thus, Masatsugu and the princess' "date" concluded.

Deciding to continue serving as her bodyguard for now, Masatsugu prepared to depart from the elegant house together with Shiori.

"Could you wait here briefly? I need to materialize a retainer beast."

"To materialize a retainer beast? May I observe the technique?"

Noetic masters were able to materialize retainer beasts through the power of noesis. Masatsugu had only heard rumors about such techniques, so he asked to satisfy his curiosity as soon as he heard Shiori mention that she was going to do it.

For some reason, the princess was at a loss for words. After a moment's hesitation, she said awkwardly, "Well... I suppose you may. It is possible that witnessing the use of mystic powers or ectoplasmic fluid might jog your memory as it did during yesterday... This is a good opportunity."

Saying she had to prepare first, Shiori left the Japanese-style room.

She returned twenty minutes later, startling Masatsugu as soon as he saw her. The platinum blonde princess had her hair done up and was appearing before Masatsugu while dressed in nothing but a white Japanese-style undershirt.

Thanks to the princess' change of attire, Masatsugu was able confirm her perfect figure and feminine allure once again.

"Please follow me. A change of location is necessary."

Shiori cringed, perhaps embarrassed by her attire.

She walked in the lead to avoid making eye contact with Masatsugu. She brought Masatsugu to the back garden where there was an open-air bath. An elegant and classic bathtub made from Japanese cypress.

In addition, the location was surrounded by groves of bamboo, allowing one to enjoy the pleasure of bathing in a bamboo forest.

The house resembled a low-key Japanese inn to begin with, but little did Masatsugu expect it to be fully equipped with an open-air bath too. While impressed by all this, Masatsugu noticed that the bathtub was not filled with ordinary hot water.

The tub was brimming with a marine-blue liquid, as beautiful as the southern seas.

"This is called artificial ectoplasmic fluid... The same substance is also found underground of tutelary forts."

"A military resource, in other words. How did you get your hands on it?"

"Mainly through my grandfather's blessings. Artificial ectoplasmic fluid is synthesized from the precious blood granted by sacred beasts in conjunction with pure water that has spiritually cleansing properties... Small quantities of ectoplasmic fluid can also be produced using the blood of a sacred beast's daughter or granddaughter."

Chuckling with a smile, Shiori added, "In terms of blood donations, this amount would be the limit. I have no intention of depleting my own blood, hence I will not be too greedy... Masatsugu-sama, please bring that to me."

Masatsugu took the A3-size board and placed it on the floor of the bath. This board was the retainer beast talisman that Hatsune had borrowed. On its surface was a drawn animal resembling a dog as well as written kanji of "summon the great god" and various Sanskrit characters.

Shiori was kneeling next to the tub of mysterious blue liquid.

Holding a wooden bucket, she scooped up ectoplasmic fluid and doused herself on the head.

She repeated this multiple times. Even standing on the side, Masatsugu was splashed a little by flying droplets. The liquid felt quite cold. This was a cold-water ablution for purifying one's mind and body.

An acute ringing could also be heard from the princess' body.

Masatsugu instinctively understood—There was a strengthening of mystic powers.

The blue holy water was seeping into Shiori's body and mind, augmenting her noesis and mystic qualities.

"Beings meant to descend upon the world, may God be with you."

Shiori touched the "dog illustration" on the board with her moist hands. The retainer beast talisman instantly expanded, transforming the A3-size board into a gigantic wolf.

A silver wolf, almost the size of a horse, had appeared.

The silver wolf growled ferociously and instantly vanished.

"...Excuse me. I had to absorb ectoplasmic fluid and purify my body and mind first, because it has been a long while since I last summoned a Mibu wolf—"

The replenishment of ectoplasmic fluid was essential to those wielding mystic powers, such as Chevaliers and noetic masters.

Masatsugu asked Shiori, "So that wolf is called a Mibu wolf?"

"Indeed. Given the current emergency situation, I wish to have another retainer beast apart from the pipe fox, which is why I asked Hatsune to obtain it. Uh... Masatsugu-sama. C-Could you please stop staring at me...?"

"Excuse me."

The drenched undershirt was clinging tightly to the princess' body.

Shiori's curves became even more obvious than before, displaying the perfect shape of her breasts to Masatsugu. Hatsune seemed to have reached the "G" realm but the princess rivaled her, having crossed the "F" boundary...

Distracted by random thoughts, Masatsugu was just about to shift his gaze—He interrupted himself.

An idea had occurred to him by chance and now was the perfect chance to bring it up.

"Princess, you just said you're willing to pay any price within your ability to give, right?"


"Excuse me, but I don't think you are currently capable of paying any large reward. The status, fame and wealth you pledged... It's an empty promise at best, no different from drawing a cake to satisfy hunger."

"Well—true. You do raise a fair point."

Shiori looked up and straightened her back resolutely, accepting Masatsugu's criticism.

Such behavior was probably not intentional. Masatsugu smiled in response, thinking what an amusing person the princess was. Despite priding herself on shrewdness and political machinations, she was willing to treat "people" in earnest.

During the lunch gathering today, she actively interacted with the boarding students.

Weaving through the students on her own, she did not keep Hatsune or Masatsugu at her side. She could definitely have saved herself a lot of trouble had she brought either one of them along with her. During the date today, she had also treated him earnestly, speaking her mind without reservation, trying to win Masatsugu's approval.

Masatsugu could see the "pure" and "murky" sides of Princess Shiori.

"My hope is that you could accept redemption of your reward in the future."

"That is one solution, but Princess, there are rewards you are able to offer right away. You are a very attractive woman and satisfying me in womanly ways—"


"—would be an option."

"I-I concede that you have a point. B-But how should I say this!?"

Shiori instantly became very flustered while she tried her hardest to feign calmness.

"I-I do know that I possess a pretty face, which ought to be quite attractive to men..."

"Do you have such self-awareness?"

"Y-Yes. It is just that, regarding love, romantic relationships, one night stands, purely physical relationships... I lack experience and comprehension in such matters, which is why I felt reluctant to offer such rewards on my own initiative."

Shiori recovered a dignified gaze and did not shy away from making eye contact with Masatsugu.

"Assuming you find me worthy, Masatsugu-sama, I-I am willing to be your lover. As a daughter of the imperial family, I might have difficulty entering an official marriage with you, but as your mistress—"

"Princess, I was only joking."

"Eh......!? Masatsugu-sama!"

Masatsugu admitted to joking with a straight face, instantly angering Shiori. Unfazed, he said, "I understand after listening to you. You are fully aware what kind of price is required to advance in a single bound—using unscrupulous methods..."


"For the sake of obtaining the trump card that is "me," you have already paid the corresponding price, haven't you?"

"Masatsugu-sama... This is not something you need to concern yourself with."

Shiori smiled faintly and did not provide any other response.

Masatsugu found it very amusing to find out that Fujinomiya Shiori was a woman of this sort. At the same time, he found himself unbelievable. For the past two years, he had never appraised other people like this before, yet now, he was able to read the princess' character very naturally.

It would appear that he must have been a soldier or a warrior in the ancient past after all.

Just as he thought that, a bell-like sound was heard at the scene, the arrival of a pipe fox. Shiori glanced at the fox's furry face and her expression turned solemn again.

"Almost a hundred Crusades are advancing towards the Suruga tutelary fort!?"

Evidently, the battle for Suruga was not going to be settled peacefully any time soon.

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