The Unexplored Summon Blood Sign:Volume3 Chapter2

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1/9 parts completed


Stage 02: The Scheming and True Beginning of the Girl’s Backdoor

“But if I’m going to do any work, I need to be given a super-sized reward first.”

“Yes, yes. Would this almond jelly be suffic-…”

(Stage 02 Open 05/23 14:00)

The Scheming and True Beginning of the Girl’s Backdoor

Part 1

Toy Dream 35 was divided into twenty-six blocks shaped like pizza slices. Block A was known as the main entrance due to the international airport and the duty free shops surrounding it.

Perhaps because the giant amusement park city had been constructed by a monster of a foreign company, the area was plenty crowded even midday on weekdays. There were businessmen in suits, parents with children holding balloons, two lines of uniformed students out on some kind of school activity, and even a mascot in a full-body costume saying “gozaru, gozaru”. Countless nationalities, races, and religions were all mixed together. They all wore colorful outfits, but that was due to the Delayed Walpurgis costume event more than due to foreign fashion.

That may have been why one pair blended into the otherworldly background even though they should have been a walking landmark.

One of them was a girl of middle school age wearing hot pants and a short-sleeved shirt over a long-sleeved shirt, both of which left her midriff exposed. On her feet and legs, she wore black knee socks and sneakers. Her semi-long hair was dyed brown and a somehow lively light filled her eyes. She wore a thin chain around her neck, so some sort of accessory was probably hidden at her chest.

The other was a college-aged woman. She had a sharp shaggy hairstyle and her straight long hair was dyed pink. She wore a miniskirt waitress uniform colored white and pink. The headdress, gloves, and knee socks were decorated with elegant white lace. The corset around her waist and the suspenders for her skirt accentuated her already large breasts. For accessories, she wore a pair of horns on the sides of her head and a something like a tail on the back of her waist, but it made one think of something other than a cow.

It made her look like a demon.

What she held in her hand did not look like a bag containing clothing and everyday necessities. It looked more like a silver pipe folded in two, wrapped with a red leather belt, and given a handle near the middle.

The brown-haired girl glanced around with that woman by her side.

And she spoke.

“Beyondetta, something isn’t right.”

“Yes, everything is running more smoothly than expected. If the Girl’s Backdoors we spread around in advance were causing trouble, the airport’s security level should have been increased.”

“So was that plan a dud?”

“I seriously doubt every last person was too afraid to use a gadget that stimulates one’s ‘desires’ so much, ma’am. That leaves only one possibility.”

“It worked, but someone already hunted them down, huh?”

The girl crossed her arms and rubbed her chin as she spoke under her breath.

She wore some sort of black leather glove on her left hand.

“But we made sure to choose people with no social connections and as little in common as possible. How could someone figure out who to suspect, find their location, and deal with them before it led to a commotion?”

“Ma’am, I suspect whoever it was predicted the algorithm rather than searching out their location.”

“You’ll need to explain it better than that.”

“It is true we worked to choose people as randomly as possible to make sure they could not all be defeated one after another. But some points in common were unavoidable.”

The demonic waitress raised her index finger.

“In other words, it had to be someone who would want to do awful things if they were given supernatural power. It had to be a weak-willed person whose rationality and conscience could not hold back their desires once they were given even slight power. That will naturally lead to similarities in their behavior.”

“So after capturing the first one, they used that one to create a flowchart?” The girl spat out the words. “Beyondetta, the original plan was for me to use the tenth Girl’s Backdoor to slip into Toy Dream 35 while the other nine threw the city into chaos. Then I was to quickly achieve my objective.”

“Yes, but I don’t see a paradise of naked girls awaiting orders as far as the eye can see, so we need to assume we will not receive the benefit of that disturbance tactic, ma’am.”

“What do we do now?”

“Yes, what do we do? How about we abort the mission and turn right back around?”

“Don’t joke.”

The girl pulled on the chain around her neck and produced the accessory that was the size of a large coin.

She snapped open the cover, looked at the photo inside, and then closed it once more.

She had made up her mind.

She had already been prepared to burn down the world and commit any hypocrisy if it meant achieving her objective.

“In that case, we’ll just have to keep going without everything we’d hoped for. Beyondetta, keep in mind this could come down to a war of attrition. We must eliminate every last one of those Anthills and the people sucking up the sweet nectar they produce.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The two of them continued speaking as they walked through the airport.

Summoners and vessels were abnormal individuals who would be entirely forgotten once they left a normal person’s field of vision. But they could not escape people’s eyes that easily in a crowded international airport.

So of course, the young woman in charge noticed when the two of them tried to slip past the border control gate.

“U-um, excuse me! Uh, please get in line and wait your-…”

The girl ignored her and moved the black leather glove on her left hand. She placed her thumb and forefinger at a right angle as a handgun gesture and aimed the pointer finger forward.

Simply glaring at her target had immediately effects.

Several red threads that only she could see shot out. The ends of the threads contained thick phantom blades with a four-on-top, one-on-bottom structure. They resembled bear traps or a human hand and they tore into the airport workers arms, legs, and torso one after another.

Only the victim and the assailant could hear the series of painful sounds. And the airport worker was not allowed to speak a word despite the intense pain she felt.

“Get lost, amateur,” spat out the girl.


After what sounded like arms and legs folding up, the female worker forcefully turned around like a poorly-controlled marionette. She then took off running in a straight line without stopping.

The demon known as Beyondetta gave an exasperated suggestion.

“Did you remember to specify ‘how far’ she is supposed to go, ma’am? I don’t think you had enough time to put together a proper flow.”

“I don’t know and I don’t care. This isn’t a problem with the specs of the Girl’s Backdoor you gave me.” The girl with semi-long hair spat out the words as she passed right through the gate that had lost its guard. “Beyondetta, recite our regulations.”

“Yes, ma’am. I, Beyondetta, have bound a contract to assist my client, Murasame Kuina-sama. The contract lasts until your objective has been achieved and we will use any means necessary. You will pay for the necessary expenses such as weapons and ammunition and I will bear the responsibility for any deaths or injuries. And, if deemed necessary to achieve your objective, we will immediately attack anyone related or unrelated to the matter at hand.”

“Okay,” said the girl named Murasame Kuina.

Reciting the regulations may have acted as a switch for her.

“Good. We’ll be assuming the decoy Girl’s Backdoors had no effect, but that doesn’t change what we must do. Our target is Government and we’ll start crushing the locations we already know. For the locations we don’t know, we can check through the data we find in the rubble afterwards or use the Girl’s Backdoor to draw the data out of people. Do you understand the plan for the moment?”

However, Beyondetta did not respond.

BloodSign v03 109.jpg

But not because she was being rude to her vessel and client.

Before she could respond, another voice cut in from the side.

“Hey, you! What do you think you’re doing!?”

Hearing a deep voice, the small girl started to form a handgun gesture with the hand in the leather glove, but she stopped partway through.

The guard who approached was a middle-aged man.

Murasame Kuina released the half-made gesture, waved her opened hand, and spoke to the demon next to her.


“Yes, ma’am.”

As soon as the woman answered, she released the “luggage” she carried. The red leather belt came apart and the folded silver pipe became a single long rod engraved with an ivy pattern. While listening to the latch click into place, the demon’s slender fingers stroked smoothly across its side.

This was a Blood-Sign.

It was the symbol of the summoners who used even the gods of legend as a stepping stone to reach their goals. Beyondetta smiled thinly as she spun it around and pointed it at the confused guard.

“If we could only have escaped your field of vision or controlled you with Girl’s Backdoor, we could have settled this peacefully.

A thud followed her words.

Something had fallen to the ground from between the demon’s legs and up her short skirt.

It was a black sphere less than five centimeters across.

Was the poor victim even aware it was an Incense Grenade with the pin pulled?

An incredible tremor shook the entire airport.

The gods may have been rooting for those who lived honest lives, but summoners could move beyond the Divine-class.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9


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