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09. Oasis[edit]

FX:*horse neighs*

Venera: Are you tired, your Majesty?

Yuuri: I'm fine, Hazel.

Venera: Right now, all you can see is desert but if we continue a little bit more there should be an oasis. By the way your Majesty, there's something that I've been wondering about...

Yuuri: Hm?

Venera: That child with the wound on his stomach who's as beautiful as a prince... why does he look so angry and difficult to approach?

Yuuri: Ah... That's probably... because I hurt him.

Venera: What did you say?! Something happened underground, right? Something like friends trying to kill each other.

Yuuri: Why do you say that?

Venera: Listen, boy. The tunnels are an evil place. It enters the human mind, leaving a deep wound. That's the kind of cursed place it is.

Yuuri: Hazel, what's up with that? This is not something that someone who's a veteran adventurer would say.

Venera: It's because of my adventures that I'm saying it. I believe what I see with these eyes. And over there, everything I saw happened for real. It was all real, no matter how absurd the phenomenon was.

Yuuri: What do you mean by absurd?

Venera: Impossible scenes would take place, friends would kill friends for absurd reasons.

Yuuri: That's... (what happened to me)!

Venera: Does that make you remember something? But that wasn't your fault. You mustn't blame yourself. When I came "here" with the box, and I had to travel through that tunnel from the royal tomb, it was the most agonizing escape of my life.

Yuuri: Have you told this to anyone else?

Venera: You mean about the tunnels?

Yuuri: That's right.

Venera: No, I haven't told anyone. Because as far as I know, no one else has entered that place.

Yuuri: Then, it's only me, right? I'm the only one... who has experienced the same things as you.

Venera: I guess that's right, huh?

Yuuri: In that case, I'm the only one who can say this to you, right? Hazel, it wasn't anyone's fault. You mustn't blame yourself.

Venera:*sniffs* Thank you, boy.

Yuuri (monologue): After finally arriving at the oasis, it was more beautiful than I could have imagined... well, kind of. By "kind of" I mean, that my eyes were as always not working well and I couldn't see it myself.

Yuuri: Water pollution?

Conrad: That clear lake water is polluted?

Venera: That's right. According to the people who live by the oasis, apparently there are two equestrian tribes that want to control the water supply. After one of them lost their temper, they sent a magic user and in only one night, they made the water undrinkable.

Wolfram: Was it a houjutsu user? What a problem...

Yuuri: But... why is houjutsu a problem?

Wolfram: Things that have been altered by houjutsu can only be brought back to their previous form by either houjutsu or even more powerful majutsu.

Yuuri: But, you know? All the equestrian people use this water source, right? If the oasis is polluted, and they themselves can't drink, won't it be a problem for them?

Venera: The equestrian people who caused the problem, seem to have come here often to take water back with them.

Conrad: I knew it. The magic user who altered the water must ...

Yuuri: ... have thought it would be a good idea to have it all for themselves? What a bunch of nasty fellows, huh? It's unfair. It goes against the well-being of their native place.

Venera: Monopolizing the water source in the desert would by itself corrupt them with power.

Yuuri: I see. *chuckles* Well, then? We can't let them monopolize it, right?

Wolfram: Yuuri, what are you planning to do?

Yuuri: Purify it. We'll say that the water was restored to its original form... that's the rumor we'll spread.

Yuuri (monologue): The moment of the deciding battle, quickly took a turn for the worse. After spreading the false rumor that the water source was cleaned of pollution, the equestrian people entered the oasis at night. The problem was that another tribe of equestrian people[1], who had polluted the water, started showing up here and there, and both hostile powers started to fight at the oasis.

FX: *fire*

Yuuri: The air is hot... what is this? Is something happening?

Venera: It's a fire. Those guys started a fire.

Wolfram: Yuuri, the flames are coming. They're coming this way, let's go!

FX: *they run away*

Yuuri: I can tell just from the sound; the flames are burning fiercely. Is this not a common fire!?

Venera: If it's a fire, it doesn't matter if it's common or uncommon. We have to hurry up and leave the town! Otherwise we'll be forced into the lake.

Saralegui: *laughs* Yuuri, you're blind, right? I'll tell you what's going on.

Yuuri: Saralegui!

Wolfram: You bastard!

Saralegui: It's amazing! Amazing! The whole town is burning, it's like its being eaten by a fire snake. This was surely done using houjutsu, ne? There's no doubt about it.

Yuuri: Magic?

Saralegui: You know this, right? A fire made with houjutsu is different than other fires. It cannot easily be put out with water.

Venera: One of the equestrian tribes, brought many shinzoku who can use attack houjutsu. It seems it could have been them... What a dirty thing to do...

FX: *woman screaming*

Saralegui: *laughs* People are burning!

Yuuri: *stops* What?

FX:*man screams*

Saralegui: I said people are burning. Ah, look! Over there, and over here too! They jump into the lake one after another, but... that's awesome! They're still on fire!

Yuuri: People are... ah... ah...

Wolfram: Yuuri!


Venera: Stop, boy! Don't go that way! Agh... I guess it can't be helped, huh?

FX: *Hazel goes to Yuuri's side and grabs him by the shoulders*

FX: *water magic activating*

Venera: Calm down, boy. Your Majesty!


FX: *Ue-sama BGM, but he doesn't turn into Ue-sama, it's just Yuuri using his majutsu at will*

Conrad: Yuuri!

Wolfram: Yuuri, stop it! Don't use majutsu!

FX: *water dragons*

Venera: What are these? Are they water DRAGON?

FX: *Hazel screams as she's struck by the water waves and she holds onto Yuuri. The water of the lake rises and puts out the fire. *

Wolfram: *runs* Conrad, Yuuri is in the lake ... !

Conrad: I know. And it seems that Hazel was carried away with him.

Saralegui: Amazing.... Is this Yuuri's majutsu? Ah... look! He put out the fire in the blink of an eye!

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  1. In the novels it is explained that there are two tribes: the ones from the north and the ones from the south. Apparently it was someone from the south who polluted the water.