Kenkoku no Jungfrau:Terminology and Names

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The format will be as follows:

  • Raw text (Yomigana of the text) - Translation - Description of the term (My notes on the term)

Feel free to suggest improvements, though I'd prefer to talk about it before anything here is changed, so please leave me a note on the talk/discussion page. I'm not unreasonable so don't be afraid to make your case. If I don't respond immediately my email is [email protected], I should respond fairly soon after receiving an email.

If you think certain common terms should be added, feel free to add them yourself. If you don't have access or can't read the raw point them out and I'll track it down in the raw for you. I will be updating this page as I translate but other translators are free to use this as they wish, and expand upon it.


  • ヒース•ベルグラーノ - Heath Belgraano - The protagonist. (The last name is not set in stone)
  • マナ•ベルグラーノ - Mana Belgraano - The protagonist's sister. (Again the last name is not set in stone)
  • 罪禍(さいか) - Saika - A monster. (Currently being transliterated, feel free to offer suggestions. The best I have is Sinful Evil or Sinful Abomination)
  • エステル•ノルン•シュテルン - Estelle Norn Stern - A strange young lady who dresses as a clown. Also the main heroine. (Each of the names have significance both Estelle and Stern mean star, though Estelle is a name of French origin and Stern is of German. Norn comes from Norse mythology, it is related to the 3 norse goddesses of fate - The Norse equivalent of the Fates from Greek mythology - who are also known as the Norns.)
  • 竜(テぃーフエ) - Tifue - Estelle's dragon.
  • ルチル•アフナール - Lucile Afnar - The youngest of the current <Knights of the Round Table>. (Lucile here actually is supposed to be Lutile or something like that because the yomigana is ルチル but I I find Lucile sounds better than Lutile and it is fairly close in pronunciation. If you disagree feel free to voice it.)
  • ギャレット - Garrett - A member of the first division of the Estorelia Knight Order. Lucile's cousin.
  • 皇禍(おうか) - Ouka - A anomaly among Saika with the ability to take human form and the power to wipe out an entire chivalric order. (Currently being transliterated, feel free to offer suggestions. The best I have is Supreme Evil, Sovereign Evil, Supreme Abomination or Sovereign Abomination)
  • ガレーシュ - Gareth - The Commander of the first division of the Estorelia Knight Order. (Gareth here uses an off-the-norm spelling. The raw form of the name is ガレーシュ. However I’ve noticed a lot of this series has relation to arthurian legend [Knights of the Round Table and future stuff] so it makes sense that it would use an arthurian name. The one used here is probably borrowed from Sir Gareth.)
  • ペナス - Penneth - Heath's senior apprentice under their spearmanship master. Joined the current <Knights of the Round Table> in his 20s. (When your name is one character away from ペニス...)
  • ルナ - Luna - A fake name that Lucile uses the first time she meets Heath. (This is clearly the latin word for moon, and the moon is even referenced later in the passage that Luna is used.)


  • 剣刻の銀乙女(けんこくのユングフラウ) - Silver Maiden of the Blade Seals - The title of the series. (Subject to change if you have some ideas to improve it. Also ユングフラウ or Jungfrau is german for ‘young girl’, ‘maiden’ or ‘virgin’ )
  • <円卓の騎士>(えんたくのきし) - <Knights of the Round Table> - The twelve knights from the legend in which the <Blade Seals> were created. It became a modern day order of knights. (in some cases <> will be added for consistency.)
  • <占刻使い>(オーメントーカー) - Omen Speaker - Basically a magician who use seals called <Omens> to invoke magic. (The yomigana was Omen Talker but that doesn’t sound great in english [Plus I never trust Japanese to speak and utilize borrowed words exactly as they are in english] so I changed it to Omen Speaker [like the MTG card]. The kanji used in the name is 占刻使い The first 2 characters are a made up word which combines 占 meaning divination and 刻 which is an archaic unit of time used earlier and in the title of the novel. The last part, 使い, means user or bearer. )
  • ”竜殺し”の<騎士姫> - "Dragon-Slaying" <Princess Knight> - Lucile's nickname. (The formatting of the ”” and the <> may be changed on later uses of the term.)
  • エストレリャ騎士団 - Estorelia Knight Order - An order of knights.
  • <白手の騎士>(びゃくしゅのきし) - <Knight of Fair Hands> - A sword owned by Lucile. (Knight of Fair Hands is also an alias used for Sir Gareth. His fair hands nickname is a translation of ‘Beaumains’ from Le Morte d’Arthur [The Death of Arthur], by Thomas Malory, when Gareth is disguised as kitchen boy and is made fun of by Sir Kay.)
  • <湖の騎士>(みずうみのきし) - <Knight of the Lake> - Another sword owned by Lucile. (This is a reference to Lancelot. His father, King Ban of Benwick, and mother, Elaine were forced out of there country when Lancelot was an infant and Lancelot ends up in the care of the Lady of the Lake who raises him in her magical lake kingdom. From that Lancelot gains the surname ‘du lac’ which means ‘of the lake.’)
  • <占刻技師>(オーメンマイスター) - <Omen Meister> - A person who creates <Omens>. (Meister is German for master. In this case it probably means master craftsman. I’m leaving it in german to compliment the other German terms)
  • 剣刻戦争 - ⟪Blade Seal Wars⟫ - The battles that occur over possession of the ⟪Blade Seals⟫. (The ⟪⟫ are added for consistency. Every other term that uses "Blade Seal" uses ⟪⟫.)


  • 刻 - Koku - A unit of time equal to 2 hours. (I felt transliterating it was better than saying fractions of double hours or just outright making it easy for readers unlike what the author intended [e.g. 四半刻 In the current case I'd translate it as "A quarter of Koku" as opposed to "A quarter of a double hour" or "30 minutes"])
  • <占刻>(オーメン) - <Omen> - A seal which contains power.
  • ⟪剣刻⟫ (けんこく) - ⟪Blade Seal⟫ - A seal containing a blade from legend. (A friend of mine helped me with the translation. The first kanji, 剣, is easy, it means blade/sword, though in this context blade is a better fit. The second part is a bit tougher. 刻 can mean many things: it can mean a unit of time as it did in the prologue, it is part of multiple verbs which can mean to cut, shred or engrave and finally it is part of the word for seal. From context and the help of a fellow translator, we decided that it is likely a shortened way of referring to 'seal' [刻印] as Japanese people love to shorten terms and it maintains its pronunciation across both terms.)
  • ⟪円卓の剣刻⟫(えんたくのけんこく) - ⟪Blade Seals of the Round Table⟫ - The full name of ⟪Blade Seals⟫.
  • ⟪賢者の刻印⟫(けんじゃのこくいん) - ⟪Sage's Seal⟫ - A seal which can grant any wish to the one who gathers all of the ⟪Blade Seals⟫.