MaruMA:Volume09:Chapter 7

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Seeing me return together with Josak, Lord von Christ’s face turns extremely pale, add that to my uncharacteristically solemn expression, and he assumes that I’ve met with some sort of danger. But that baseless worry doesn’t last very long, before it turns into another problem.

“I heard Your Majesty met the Shou Shimaron king, Saralegui?”

“That’s right.”

“In the bath?”


“But why would he show up in this kind of highway hotel…”

Of course he would feel confused, but what I have to say next is even more shocking.

“And then, Günter… We’ve been found out.”

“What? What’s been found out?”

“The fact that I’m the Maou.”

When he heard that, forget his pupils turning into tiny dots, his eyes practically turn white. First turning pale then turning white - he really is a busy man.

“H-h-h-h-h-how did things come to this? Don’t tell me Your—Your Majesty revealed your identity of your own accord?”

“Of course not, I’m not that stupid yet. He just saw through me. Logically in the foggy condition of the bath, he shouldn’t have been able to tell the color of my eyes. Josak immediately covered my head with a towel too. But we still got found out easily. Maybe I have some other mazoku quality besides my hair and eyes?”

“Well… Your Majesty has a beautiful appearance and noble aura and something wonderful that the lower class people can never even hope of having, but…”

“No, the only one who thinks so is you.”

Beside us, Saralegui fixes his hair with his slender fingers, saying, “Anyone can see you’re a king at first glance.”

I had even started suspecting if it was due to the maseki on my chest, but it isn’t a national treasure. If this stone was a legendary item that other kingdoms knew about, even ‘he’ wouldn’t have simply given it to me so easily.

But, we don’t have any time to spare to slowly figure out our worries.

Because by the time I finally manage to change into my clothes, Saralegui’s messenger is already standing by the door.

He passes on a declaration, “His Majesty wishes to dine with milords.”

What will come has come, we’re going to have breakfast with the king of Shou Shimaron. Dining with a hotshot isn’t something you can deal with just by saying, “It’s really delicious~” or “Thanks for your hospitality—”. That’s to say, this isn’t just a simple gathering and meal, it’s actually an invitation to a summit of leaders with toast in front of us.

We were meant to have a few more days before reaching the castle in the capital Saralegui, and it never occurred to us that we’d face our challenge on short notice in this hotel, so we didn’t have time for any mental preparations whatsoever.

Besides, the dueling card now has changed from Günter versus Saralegui, to me versus Saralegui. The saddest part is Günter, who was so ecstatic to be appointed “Special Ambassador of Shin Makoku with Full Authority under the Orders of the Maou”, has been abruptly pulled down from the main character’s seat. Just thinking about that, causes his cold sweat and tears to flow nonstop.

Anyway, we head towards a small restaurant that was booked ahead. Being a very through person, Saralegui is even waiting for us at the entrance, watching from the far end of the corridor. He is a high-status human ruler of a large country, but his personality is really quite FRANK. I say with a tone of sympathy, as though it has nothing to do with me, “The men in charge of protecting him must have it hard,” but for some reason Günter actually pinches my nose.

“What did you do that for—”

“…Your Majesty, ask yourself, is it logical for you to say that?”

I give him a stare full of resentment. What, if you have any grievances, just say it! Don’t want to deal with the naggy education minister anymore, now’s the time to focus on the summit between two countries. I use the strings on my apron as a replacement for a tasuki[1] and tie them tight, preparing the first sentence of greeting.

“Good morning, Your Majesty Yuuri.”

“Goof morning, Your Majesty Saralegui.”

Because this is my first ever high level summit, my words come out sounding strangled.

Meeting him again in a bright area, he’s still the pretty boy I imagined him to be. Just like in the bath, Saralegui is wearing pale colored glasses. Since they’re tiny things meant to protect his eyes, they don’t hurt his beauty at all. Overall, he still has a young girl’s slender figure, and fair smooth skin, so these aren’t illusions by the mixed magic after all.

The first thing that attracts my attention is his hair color. Silky gold hair cascades down his shoulders like a waterfall, sparkling under the morning sunlight. Different from Wolfram and Madam Cheri’s HONEY BLONDE hair, his is a pale and gentle color as though one drop of golden dye was added to white. Although it’s easy to categorize them together, each has its own merits when you look closely.

What am I talking about, each have their merit, why do I sound like a pervy old geezer?

“Your Majesty Yuuri, I apologize profusely for inviting you over on such short notice.”

“I-I’m grateful f-for your g-gracious i-invitation… Ouch!” [2]

Wolfram kicked the back of my foot. Calm down, me. Quick, remember when you were chosen as the substitute oath-declarer at the Summer Games, and how you practiced every day for it. Although since I was only the substitute, when it came to the actual day all I could do was sit and listen.

I have to be calm and careful when conversing with this boy king, and try to find out what kind of character he is. Or perhaps to let Wolfram and Günter get a better picture, I should try and glean as much information as I can. Like whether he’s a good guy or a bad guy, or if he’s a person we can trust.

“… Likewise. I’m sincerely very happy we can have breakfast together, Your Majesty Saralegui.”

The ‘pretty’ boy king curves his light red lips into a small smile.

“Let’s not call each other ‘Your Majesty’ any more. We should be equal in standing, wouldn’t you agree, Mr. Yuuri?”

“I never requested that you call me Your Majesty, Saralegui.”

I actually called him without even an honorific. Although my pretense at calmness is still holding, the truth is I’m a nervous wreck inside.

But no wonder. The enemy is a natural born royal, receiving kingly training since childhood, a boy who’d grown up watching the back of his father and previous king for seventeen years, a man noble amongst nobles. In comparison, even though I’m praised and raised up by the people who surround me, I stumbled onto the throne through a lottery. I have absolutely never been taught how to stand above others.

Though I have met other people of high stature in the past, like Mr. Hyscliff and Belar the Second, back then I wasn’t using my true identity as Shibuya Yuuri to face them and was instead hiding under false pretenses. This is my first time going leader to leader, king to king one-on-one like this. This time what I say might be taken as the opinion of all the mazoku. If I only act self-deprecatingly, then all the people of Shin Makoku will be laughed at.

Right now, saying something comforting like ‘just be who you are’ has almost no use at all on the actual battlefield. If I can't show a power greater than what I actually have, then there's no way for me to hold my own against Saralegui.

I desperately straighten my back, not letting the other party look down on me no matter what.

The pressure makes me feel like I'm sitting with my butt hovering above the seat.

Firstly I must choose an appropriate tone of voice. The first person pronoun should be ‘we’, right? And stuff like when to show respect and when to show allowance must be noted. And instead of ‘have’, should I say ‘own’? [3]

And yet all the mental preparation I did beforehand is instantly shattered. Because Saralegui suddenly gives me a warm hug, wrapping me tightly with his slender arms.


“Really? Can I really just call you Yuuri?”

“…P-please call me that.”

I managed to keep a straight face, but on the inside I’m pitifully screaming ‘Eeeeeeee—’. The piercing gaze Wolfram is throwing at my back hurts. Instead of saying it's piercing like a needle, I should say it's like a crimson flame. No, wait! It's not just a glare, he's pinching me! He's pinching my butt!

Saralegui doesn't notice our little fight behind the scenes and he pulls me along by the arm in a carefree way. Like a child.

“Come in, we can chat inside. By the way, why are you dressed in a kitchen apprentice’s clothes?”

“Because I’m in the middle of stowing away so I don’t have a change of clothes.”

“Stowing away?”

Saralegui starts laughing lightly.

“Even the king has to stow away? Shin Makoku is so interesting. But that long apron looks really good on you!”

I don’t tell him that in fact I was planning to pretend to be a professional chef, and feign ignorance while I eavesdropped on the conversation between the Special Ambassador and the king of Shou Shimaron.

Just like all the secret negotiations happen over the corporate lunchtime or in high class restaurants, we eat as we talk. But because I’m naturally slow, I was never able to multitask. So even though the table is covered with a luxurious breakfast, even a glutton like me is in no mood to eat.

There’s another reason my appetite declined, actually.

Aside from the soldiers standing guard at the entrance and Saralegui’s personal guard, there are a few more of his men in the room, and one of them is a familiar face.

He has Shou Shimaron’s standard hairstyle and a textbook beard, plus a drawn, wan face and thin single-lidded eyes. Maybe it’s due to his appearance, but rather than saying he gives off an overall impression of strength, it’d be better to say he’s like a sharp weapon. And last of all, there’s that memorable army uniform of yellow and blue as well as that cheek with even more scars than last time.

This person is the king of Shou Shimaron’s loyal lapdog, Nigel Weisz Maxine.

He is the original Cropped Ponytail, but like I would ever shorten that into something cute.

“Ah, it’s you! Crop Pony!”

Crap, I said it again…

Maxine is the man who made Caloria hell on earth. If it wasn't for this man running a careless experiment by the order of the king, that tragedy in the south west area of the continent wouldn't have happened. He had used us, who had been travelling north on the Longerbal River, as guinea pigs and opened the most evil of all weapons, ‘the End of the Land.'

Using the wrong key he got from goodness knows where.

… It was that certain someone’s left arm.

Speaking of experiments, I wonder what those experiment partners are doing now? Is Gwendal being played around with like a toy by Miss Anissina? Maybe he’s even letting loose blood-curdling screams now? I try to think about the happy life I led in Covenant Castle, but seeing the worst man in Shou Shimaron, I can’t relax no matter what.

Josak lightly places his fingertips on the the arm I'd twisted behind my back and Wolfram is frowning slightly too. The only one who doesn't recognize Crop Pony is Günter. But today's Nigel Weisz Will-Never-Die Maxine isn't the same as usual. He's blinking non-stop. It's unnatural. Those thin lips which are usually curved into a cruel smile are now twisted in a troubled way.

I wonder if he's been blamed for the repeated failures and was labelled as incompetent within his country.

“Eh, you know Maxine?”

“Of course I do.”

A taste of bitterness welling from deep within my throat, the fist I’m gripping so tightly shaking uncontrollably. If it weren’t for Wolfram sitting on my right, stopping me, I would have long since grabbed Maxine’s shirt and pushed him to the wall.

“It’s this scum who turned Caloria into hell on earth.”

But the one who ordered Maxine isn’t anyone else. It’s the king of Shou Shimaron, Saralegui. And that same man is right before me now, even smiling gently.

“Speaking of that, Caloria received Shin Makoku’s help during that crisis, didn't they? I'm really grateful for your free aid and assistance. Let me thank you in place of a representative of Caloria. After all, back then that was still my territory."

It's difficult to find the hidden meaning behind words. Is he saying we did something unwanted or is he sincerely grateful? Judging by his innocent smile, it seems fine to accept his words at face value.

“Technically, it was something we were supposed to do immediately. Although we belatedly offered financial assistance, we were rejected by Flynn Gilbit. Of course she will accept us someday, so we still have manpower and machinery standing by. Now if only Flynn would soften up... Oh yeah, she's the leader of an entire country now. I can't simply call her Flynn anymore.”

He shrugs his shoulders like a child who was scolded, making him look even younger than his actual age.

But no matter what, the one thing I can’t forget is that he’s the true mastermind behind this entire incident. Getting the wrong key and box, then ordering Maxine to open it, it was all him, the king. Is he trying to hide his own guilt? Or maybe he doesn’t know I witnessed everything on scene?

“Saralegui, what do you think the reason behind the tragedy in Caloria was?”

“Of course I know.”

“If you know, then how can you still be so--”

My angry, shuddering words are suddenly interrupted.

“I’m sorry!”

Saralegui suddenly puts both palms onto the desk and lowers his pale golden head.

“I’m really very sorry. Everyone knows that a terrible calamity will strike if the box is opened. Especially using an uncertain key, making the power even more impossible to control. We should have known that we could never attain the desired result!”

Without raising his head, he continued yelling, leaving no space for anyone to interject.

“Ever since we got the box by some unique chance, I’ve told my men time and again, to guard the box carefully, and utterly. Its overwhelming power is indeed very attractive, but I understand clearly that we humans have no way to control a power that defies the laws of this world, surpasses the human intelligence. But I still… could not believe in the power of a legendary box. I thought that man could overthrow the gods, and that victory in war comes not from some box, but from the power of humanity. I thought that the people and all my men understood me, and agreed with me, were willing to follow me…”

I’m completely subdued by Saralegui’s presence. Forget fighting back, I can’t even open my mouth to agree.

“But a few of the more superstitious soldiers... could not fight the temptation of that power. They were attracted by the holy power of the 'the End of the Wind' and brazenly took action without considering the consequences... No, they did it for the country and for the people of Shou Shimaron. When I think of it as the result of that, I can't blame them. Also, even though it was the reckless action of a few soldiers, not realizing it and stopping them is my crime. Not being able to fulfil my duty as king is my fault. I failed at keeping an eye on all of my country's land and at grasping all of my minister's hearts. This happened because I(informal) ... I (formal) did not lead as a king. As a result, I did something dreadful to the soldiers... Don't you think so, Maxine?”

The Crop Pony is standing by the window side. His shoulders are shaking really violently and he’s biting his lip without a word.

“Why aren’t you replying?”

Another Shimaron soldier in the room scolds him in a low threatening voice.

“…Your Majesty’s words ring true.”

Maxine replies straightforwardly, making me unable to shut my mouth which had already taken on an ‘oh my god~’ shape. What happened to you, Crop Pony? Why are you so serious and well-behaved today? Purposely speaking slowly and menacingly, isn’t that the specialty of the real Cropped Ponytail?

This isn’t the Maxine I know. Besides, he deserved it, I’m not gonna pity him.

“He is also repenting to this day. After his successor is determined, he will personally pay for his sins. I'm thinking of punishing him severely in a way that will satisfy Caloria and the victims in the south-west area of the continent, but..."

Saralegui's agitated tone slows down and a quiet anger rises in his voice.

"He should be made to apologize here and now for the trouble he caused you."

Nigel Weisz Maxine slowly raises his head to peek at his master’s expression.

“This stupid man does not expect forgiveness, but at the very least he hopes you will accept his sincere apologies, right?”

The expressionless man’s face only twitches a little, and the same light that shone in his eyes when he yelled Saralegui’s name that day flits through them again. But that light quickly vanishes, becoming a deep brown tinged with despair.

The man’s master orders him in a cruel voice.

“You must apologize to Yuuri, Maxine. Kneel, take his shoe…”

I think, ‘Don’t tell me he wants him to lick my shoe?!’ and take a surprised half-step back, preparing to reject him solemnly.

“… and put it on your head.”

So in the end it isn’t licking it, but putting it on his head?! That’s a weird way to apologize. Is this the Shimaron version of a kneeling apology? But, how should I say this, mn— It still counts as a culture exchange between countries, so if doing this can solve matters, I will endure it.

I get it now. In order to rule over odd and problematic subordinates as someone young, you have to show a strong and forceful attitude like this. This makes me respect him and scold myself at the same time.

In this light, I realize I’m actually really lucky. I’m surrounded by people who call me a noob yet let me do as I wish, people who frown deeply yet are still willing to take the suggestions of an amateur like me, people who nose bleed while devotedly giving me courage, and people who work hard at infiltration work while enjoying their love of cross-dressing. And when I first came to this other world and was feeling the most uneasy, there was also a person who took my hand and was closer to me than anyone else.

While I was trying to escape reality, Maxine took a large and swaying step forward in silence and with emotionless eyes. This makes me want to take a step of equal distance backwards. This is too horrible. I don't know if the one being humiliated is the one apologizing or the one being apologized to. If it weren't for Saralegui, I would have rejected something so embarrassing from the start.

Crop Pony with his special beard, pales even further and approaches me with staggering steps. I could feel the other three mazoku aside from me tensing up in preparation of a trick. However, the human man filled with despair falls to his knees and bows his head so deeply his forehead touches the floor.

Wolfram hurriedly says in a small voice, "... What are you doing, Yuuri?"

"Eh, because he said..." I lift my right foot that Crop Pony had reached for with both of his hands and take off the chef's shoe. Then I placed the thin-soled and lightweight leather shoe on his dark brown ponytail with a 'pah'. "To put the shoe on his head."

"That's not right."

"Like a topknot~."[4]

"I told you it's not like that!"

"But Wolf..."

When I turned my head, the man who was staring at my naked right foot raised his head, so slowly it makes me impatient. He slowly raises his turbid gaze.

“You got the wrong guy.”

I take the shoe away from his head, the dust left behind there making me feel slightly guilty.

“The one you should be apologizing to isn’t me. Your apology doesn't matter to me. To whom you should apologize to and what you need to atone for, you should know better than anyone else.”

At first I touched his head to wipe the dust away, but gradually this movement mixes in with my attempt to hide my embarrassment and I end up using so much strength it's like I'm hitting him.

“I’m right, aren’t I, Nigel Weisz Maxine? Honestly, even I feel embarrassed, Maxine!”

Ah, I hate this.

Perhaps having noticed my red ears, Josak grabs Maxine's arm and roughly pulls him away from me, opening the door and chasing him out of the room and saying a few short words to the Shimaron soldiers on guard duty.

The one who ordered the apology, Saralegui, must have been really nervous too because he releases a deep breath as though there was a weight lifted off his chest.

“Every time something like this happens, I wonder if I have what it takes to be king… I don't yet have the ability to lead the citizens like you do. Yuuri, I really envy you. I'm envious of the citizens of Shin Makoku who have an impressive king like you!”

“There’s no such thing! It’s not like that, Saralegui!”

This isn't like I had heard. This is 180 degrees away from the Saralegui I imagined.

“Quick, raise your head. You’ve just been on the throne for two years, you’re only seventeen, right? To rule perfectly is impossible, it’s impossible regardless of who is king. Besides, Shou Shimaron is a large country, and I heard there are even complicated racial problems.”

“Because they invaded them,” Wolfram mutters in a voice only I can hear.

“S-so, it's impossible to keep an eye on everything in the country. Like me, I'm a complete rookie as a king and even now I still don't understand exactly what a king's supposed to do. It's because I have excellent comrades helping me that I could hold on until now. If there was even one of them missing, our country might have fallen long ago.”

The difference is too much! The enemy in my imagination was born royal, was taught the kingly ways since he was young, and was a man who purposely became the king of a large country. A despot with mysterious charisma who had already captured the hearts of his men, then rubbed and kneaded and beat them without letting go! Technnically, it should be like that!

“There’s no such thing as the perfect leader, Saralegui. You can’t take everything onto yourself!”

But then why exactly am I, as someone who won the throne through a lottery, cheering on the boy king of a country we have tense relations with? Is it like Miss Anissina said and Shin Makoku's intel department is for decoration purposes only?

“Thank you. You really are a nice guy, Yuuri.”


Saralegui raises his head to look at me, the eyes behind those lenses already moist.

“Mmm! Nah… I’m really not as good as you think!”

I mean, if I had just let him go on like that, he might have started yelling 'stupid stupid stupid, I'm so stupid!' while knocking his head on the wall.

"I believe all of the mazoku are very lucky."

"You're wrong, Saralegui."

The truly lucky one isn't all of them, it's me.

“Your Majesty.”

One of the soldiers still in the room whispers into his master’s ear—it’s the guy who scolded Maxine just now. This man has a regulation cropped ponytail too, but his lighter hair and beard color makes him seem gentler than Maxine. And I think compared to the original Crop Pony who had been standing stock still at attention, he seems closer to Saralegui.

“I know, Storob.”

His name is Storob. Please be careful not to get it mixed up with ROAST BEEF[5].

The boy king nods his head softly, then stands in front of the chair he pulled over, saying, “We’re going to talk about more serious stuff from now on, so can I ask that everyone be seated? Although I said I'm fine, my men are still a little worried.”

Maybe because he’s skinny he doesn’t have a lot of stamina.

As I idly thought about that, we eventually took our seats. Just as I'd suspected before, the ones standing by are all men in soldier uniform. This really is a MUSCLE BREAKFAST with a heavy atmosphere.

Although there are enough chairs, Josak still stealthily moves to the door. The seating isn’t arranged according to our positions. That’s why I’m seated between Günter and Wolfram.

Saralegui, whose appetite is as small as I thought, raises a glass filled with what looks like orange juice.

“Then, we can’t just be talking about the Box and Caloria, I’m sure that’s not your only goal.”

Thinking his time had finally come, Günter steels himself and enters the conversation.

“I know this question is rude, but why did you come to a commoner's hot spring hotel like this one? We did send notice beforehand that we were coming on an official visit.”

Saralegui gives him only a fleeting glance and then turns his gaze back to me instantly. I look back at him, and realize that there’s a smile in his gentle expression. Looks like his mood wasn’t affected. Or maybe he just didn’t want to listen to someone who was never introduced.

“Saralegui, Lord von Christ Günter is a very capable prime minister and one of the most important people in Shin Makoku. He understands more things than I do, so I let him speak on my behalf. Just treat Günter’s opinion as my own.”

I planned to introduce everyone beside me at once. So I turn to Wolfram. But he shakes his head slightly. He narrows his emerald eyes, even creases his stern brows, the picture of hostility.

I’m scared that there’ll be another storm to face when we go back to our room, so I do as he wishes and spare the introductions.

“I know he is your confidante. But I just want to talk to you, Yuuri, and not… any other stubborn mazoku.”


Special Ambassador Lord von Christ is at a sudden loss for words.

What to do, GünGün’s brain juices are boiling over. If so, I’d better end this first conference quickly.

“I know, I kno~w, Saralegui! Just talk to me then, we’ll have a summit. An ‘Exciting Debate, Raw Egg at Dawn’, I can be Tahara Soichirou [6], okay?”

I hold up my pointer and middle fingers for the boy king sitting opposite me to see.

“There are two topics to discuss this time. One is why are you as a king here at a commoner’s inn? Although it is still kinda RICH and fancy here. And one more… I’ll be blunt with you, because I don’t plan on beating round the bush. The other thing is about Shou Shimaron’s radical diplomatic plans. Is it true that you are actively trying to contact the country under lockdown, Seisakoku, or is it just a rumor? We will have to take the appropriate measures according to your answer. Although I don’t want to ruin your mood, but if Shou Shimaron plans on joining forces with Seisakoku and BASHING the mazoku, that’s more than just bad news to us.”

Saralegui nods as he listens to me, seemingly without any intention of interrupting.

“Then let’s begin with the first question: why are you here at the hotel? Why didn’t you wait for us to arrive at the castle? Isn’t just a few days’ difference? Or is it inconvenient for us to meet at the royal castle?”

“Didn’t I tell you? I hope you’ll just call me Sara, it feels friendlier that way.”

After giving me a disappointing answer, Saralegui puts down his glass of juice. His fingers are really beautiful after all. He could make a living as a hand model.

“Because both these questions are related in cause and effect, please forgive me for not being able to reply in order. The reason we’re here is because we thought you guests from Shin Makoku would surely pass through here. After we predicted the course of your journey, we picked a place where we were certain we would encounter you.”

“I see.”

“Now I guess you must be wondering why I couldn’t wait for even those few days? Are all Shou Shimaron humans so impatient? The answer is no, we actually don’t have the time. If we waited until you reached the castle to start our journey, we’d never be on time. We plan on departing from this country in two days. Yuuri, we’ve decided to set sail from the Saralegui War Port your ship had arrived in.”

“I se— to where? Don’t tell me—?”

Saralegui pressed his lips that looked like flower petals together into a thin line and laced his fingers together in front of his chest.

“To Seisakoku.”

"What detailed preparations," Günter scolds softly, more offended than surprised. Maybe the people from Small Shimaron didn't hear him, probably.

“This is probably what you wanted to know, Yuuri. Does Shou Shimaron plan on starting relations with Seisakoku? The answer is ‘that’s right’.”

While I’m still hesitating on how to react, a sigh escapes my lips. The biggest mystery has been solved too abruptly, leaving me feeling suddenly weak. I take a hand completely different from Saralegui’s, one full of baseball calluses, and bring it to my forehead.

“… Is that so?”

“Are you unhappy?”

“Nah, at least not yet.”

"After many letters sent back and forth, we’ve decided on a date with the other party. Although we are neighboring countries separated by an ocean, the journey to Seisakoku will take a fair amount of time. According to the detailed navigation plans, taking past weather conditions and marine routes into account, if we don’t depart from Shou Shimaron within these ten days, we’ll surely be met with troublesome seasonal winds and currents. So, Yuuri, I really didn’t have the time to wait for your arrival at the city… But it really is a pity.”

The eyes behind the lenses narrow mischievously. Just when I was thinking he was talking about something serious, he immediately says something cute. As the king at the helm of a large country, who knew he’d be so childish. Although he’s one school year older than me, he’s the type that makes you want to stay by his side to console and encourage him on.

“What do you mean by ‘pity’?”

“I really wanted to show you around my castle. Now’s right in the middle of the second blooming season, so the garden’s really pretty. I’m sure you would love it.”

“Is that right? That sounds nice.”

I’m not paying a lot of attention to Saralegui’s words. Instead I’m distractedly thinking, ‘things are gonna get busy again’. Since the intel about restoring relations turned out to be true, then Shin Makoku must take the corresponding measures. After all, if a land shut away for 2000 years decides to have a special relationship with Shou Shimaron, then the other countries, starting with Dai Shimaron, will definitely not stay quiet about it.

Of course, Shin Makoku can’t just stand by and watch either. I’m really not good at diplomatic discussions, no, instead of saying not good, I should say I’m basically clueless. Günter, Gwendal, and all of the important people in the Ten Noble Families will surely react considerably and then start having non-stop meetings.

“Promise me that you'll come stay at my castle after this trip. You’re in no hurry to return home, right?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Although I am reluctant to interfere with other countries’ matters, we can't be the only ones left out. For better or for worse, this is a competitive world. With my grades in mathematics, contemplating national economic matters is no easy feat, but when it comes to a sales market, bigger is always better. Mmgh, my head is already starting to hurt. Looks like I’d better get back quickly and hand this over to the experts.

“Sorry, I think I should return immediately after all-”

“Don’t be like that, Yuuri. Didn’t I just say I wanted to take you around my garden? Didn’t you agree to stop by my castle after this trip? If you want to go back on your promise, I won’t let you on my ship!”

“Your ship?”

Did he mention a ship just now?

On both sides, Günter and Wolfram won’t stop knocking my knees. It hurts, it really hurts!

“I don’t understand your signals!”

“Don’t go back! Just don’t go back for now!”

What?! That’s mean, Wolf. Is that something the officially-recognized fiancé should say?!

“We’ll stay for now. We agree to stay a few days in Saralegui City after you return from your trip!”

Even the always overprotective Günter is leaning forward to sell me out.

“Huh!? What are you guys thinking-”

“That’s why, please bring us along on this trip to Seisakoku!”

I haven’t even finished asking my question and Günter has already promised the other party.

Although he’s the Special Ambassador I myself chose, I have absolutely no idea what he’s saying. Is Lord von Christ forcing Saralegui, whom we’ve just met, to take us to Seisakoku?

“Günter, you know, now matter how you look at it, that's just too presump—”

“I don’t mind.”

“Yeah, of course he doesn't mi-... Saralegui?!”

The boy king unhesitatingly makes a bold statement with a nonchalant expression. No wonder they say a man is as good as his name[7].

“Although I intended to invite only Yuuri, if he does not wish to travel alone, I can allow you two to board the ship as well.”

In other words, he’s willing to let the three of us tag along on the Shou Shimaron ship on the diplomatic expedition to Seisakoku? I can almost hear the super beauty yelling ‘banzai’ three times in his head.

“Sara… You're really a nice guy.”

“I’m nothing compared to you, Yuuri.”

He shows an angelic smile that rivaled the stubborn prince's. In fact, now he looks more like an angel than the third son, who'd recently started to resemble his oldest brother.

I lean back on the chair and all of the strength drains out of my body.

How did I do in my first ever leaders’ summit? If the full score is 100, my performance should be 127, because no one made any noises of protest. I suddenly feel like going out and soaking in the sun, whistling.

When I completely relax after being released from that stress, the hunger hits me like a hammer.

“Phew—Since it’s rare to have such a lavish breakfast, then I won’t hold back—Though it might have gotten cold by now. Wolf, pass that jam over there to me!”

Just when I’m holding the previously freshly-baked piece of bread in one hand and reaching out for the purple jar—

An unnatural commotion comes from the corridor. Josak, who was standing by the door, moves his back away from the wall and his hand to his waist before remembering that everyone’s swords had been pulled into a corner. So he heads across the room with a ‘tsk’.

Günter and Wolfram stand up too and everyone heads in the same direction.

The only ones still seated are Saralegui and I, opposite to each other.

“That reminds me, Saralegui. I heard a troubling rumor. There are extremists against your rule…”

“It’s true, Yuuri.”

Just then, the door flies open as if it were smashed in. After that, there are hurried boot steps on the stone floor.

“What is the meaning of this?!”

A familiar voice.

“What’s with the security here?!”

“… Conrart…”

Günter murmurs the name of the one who was a close companion.[8]

Lord Weller, who had barged in, tosses a bleeding soldier away.

Except for a certain someone, everyone’s gazes land on him, with his sword unsheathed and covered in blood. I remain with my back towards him, staring at the sky outside the window.

I don’t see the need to turn around.

Because he’s no longer the man I once knew.

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  1. A tasuki(襷) is a cord used to tuck up the sleeves of a kimono.
  2. Yuuri really messes up here. He meant to say 'I'm grateful for receiving your invitation' (omaneki itadaite blahblah), but he ends up saying 'o-maneki neko' (those little cat statues that invite you in) and apparently gets flustered because of that and ends up repeating 'neko/cat' two more times. Then when he gets past the cat part and starts to say 'itadaite/receive' he says 'ita' which means board, pauses, and then says receive with the wrong verb conjugation which is when Wolf kicks him. Translated literally, he says "I-I'm grateful for board, receive your inviting cat cat cat... ouch!"
  3. Yuuri goes through a mental checklist of Japanese grammar and polite speech here, but he also throws in a pun at the end. "Should 'to be'(aru) be 'R'(aaru)?"
  4. Chonmage. Traditional Japanese haircut for men where the top of the head is shaved and the rest is oiled and gathered together into a thick ponytail-like bundle that is folded on top of the head.
  5. ストローブ (Storob) and ローストビーフ (Roast beef) share many of the same syllables.
  6. A Japanese newscaster with the morning news, debating on many social issues.
  7. Sara sounds similar to ‘sarari’, meaning decisive.
  8. The way this is written, it's unclear whose 'close companion' Conrad is being identified as here. Most likely Yuuri's because he's the narrator, but Yuuri could also be saying that Conrad was Günter's close companion considering that Günter was Conrad's teacher and boss and they were working very closely together.