Omae o Otaku ni Shiteyaru kara, Ore o Riajuu ni Shitekure!:Volume 9 Chapter 6

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That day was Monday as usual. I went to school, took lessons, had a lunch break, and I was planning to go to Azuki-chan's class to have lunch with Azuki-chan. The door in front of our class opened and Azuki appeared.

At that point, I thought it was a little strange. Usually, she would be waiting for me to come out in the hallway, even if she can open the door of the classroom. Furthermore, when I saw her appearance, I missed the timing to call her out. After opening the door swiftly, with a serious expression, she came into the classroom without hesitation, I was thinking that she will come to my seat as it is ... ... but she instead went to the seat of Koigasaki who was at the front. I can’t catch the contents of the conversation of our distance, but both seem to be talking about something seriously. What on earth are you whispering about?

I wondered as I headed for the two.

"Oh, Naoki .... Today ... Momo-chan has important story, so we can’t eat lunch together."

"Well, that's all right, but ... ...."

What important story? I wanted to ask, but Azuki's seriously ... ...

I was perplexed by the appearance of clumsiness; I could not say anything.

"Well, Momo-chan, let's go"

"Oh, ok ......"

Koigasaki seemed to be embarrassed, and followed Azuki - chan, and the two went out of the classroom. I saw Azuki's situation like that for the first time .... What the heck was that? I'm so worried that I'd like to ask her when she returns. When lunch break came to an end, Koigasaki returned to the classroom.

Her look was ...... It looked like a face that was thinking something. While I was watching Koigasaki ... unexpectedly, Koigasaki also saw me. Even if the distance is far, one can see clearly that our eyes met.


It's only a few seconds ... ... Koigasaki was staring at my eyes. It looked like a very sad face. She seemed like she has something to say, then Koigasaki immediately turned her eyes away, and then I did not see them anymore. ...... What on earth was that? After school that day, I go as usual to Azuki-chan's class to pick her up and walk along the way to the station.

"Well ... It seems you talked to Koigasaki at lunch today. What were you talking about?" As naturally as possible, I asked.

"... ...!" The shoulders of Azuki-chan sways for a moment.

"Oh, yeah ... it’s ... It's not a big deal" Azuki replied with a slight impatience. "Oh is that so?"


............ No, it is obviously suspicious! Azuki-chan ... are you trying to conceal something to me? "... Or is it something ... hard to say?"


Azuki-chan was a little surprised by my words, and in a hurry I deflected eagerly.

"Don’t worry ... I would not force you if I do not want to say ..."

I force myself to say it so it will not be disliked, but .... I was curious and worried but I have no choice. It is a little shocking that Azuki wants to keep a secret from me. It seems that she was talking with Koigasaki with a very serious look, but ... what on earth were they talking about? When hidden in such a way, I become extra anxious.

Then, as usual we were talking about anime and cosplay related stories and Christmas things, while not touching the matter. From that day .... Azuki's situation became strange.

Even when we talk, it’s all about unimportant things. If I invite her to walk home from school, she refuses.

"Azuki-chan ... many things have been happening recently, but what happened to you?"

I got worried and asked Azuki-chan while I was eating lunch.

"Whaa! Nothing, nothing!"

"No, I think there are things that you are worried about .... If something happens, I want you to tell me ..."

"There is nothing! Ah ...... Because I am hooked on this season's anime, I'm lonely because they are about to end soon ... I guess I am thinking about that ...!"

Azuki made a smile and said such a thing, but I knew that it was a lie.

"Oh ... Naoki ..."

Unexpectedly, Azuki-chan takes a serious look and speaks to me.

"Do you listen to the radio ...?"

"Ha ... .... ra… radio ...?"

A question comes out from nowhere. Radio? Now why now? It's a topic that is too abrupt.

"No, but I will not ask for it, but why?"

"... .... Ah, that's ... I see ... okay, I do not mind ..."

Azuki said so, making a smile again and trying to end that topic.

"What's wrong with the radio?"

"Oh, no ...... Well ... I have heard quite a bit, so I thought that Naoki is listening ... I just asked .... There is no deep meaning, so do not mind."

The radio ... what the heck was that? Did it really have no meaning to our current story? Azuki-chan ... ... what are you worrying about? Why will not you tell me anything? What can be thought is that day ... ... on lunch break, disappearing with Koigasaki from the classroom, talking about something ... then I feel like I got strange things. What did they talk about then? Azuki said that there is nothing important in their talk.

What on earth did you talk about? I know that they are on good terms with each other, did they have a quarrel? I was very worried.

Three days passed with such conditions, and after school closed, I went into a winter vacation. Finally, Christmas Eve is coming.

It was a long wait ...... I was worried about the recent strange behavior of Azuki-chan and I was a bit uneasy as to whether I can enjoy today properly. On that day, we will meet at Harajuku station at 3 o'clock, eat Christmas cake at Oyamondo's stylish cafe, walk around Omotesando, watch the Christmas lights… exchange gifts ... It was what I planned.

Actually, I wish I could treat her for dinner, but I spent too much money on presents and clothes. I am sorry to Azuki for dinner, but dinner is at a cheaper place such as fast food and family restaurant.

While I am waiting for Azuki at Harajuku station, I remembered the day that I came to Harajuku with Koigasaki. But in a panic, I quickly erased the face of Koigasaki from my head. Today I have a date with my favorite girlfriend, Azuki.

Let's not think about other girls.

Anyway, I'm really worried about recent behavior of Azuki. I’ll ask what happened to her again today. Since I am her boyfriend, I would like to help her about her situation if I can

"Oh, Naoki! Thank you for waiting!"

Azuki arrived on time at the station looking stylish as usual and very cute. She usually wore makeup, but she has little makeup today.

"Oh, the place is here"

"Wow, that's fashionable! I usually do not enter such a place!"

When I brought her to the stylish cafe Gouranavi, which gave a high evaluation when I checked it, Azuki was impressed by the place.

"Thanks for bringing me here, Naoki!"

I was glad when I saw her rewarding with a smile and it was worth investigating. It is a little expensive for a cafe where coffee will cost as much as 500 yen, but today is special because it is Christmas. Of course, I will pay here. ...... As always, I was told that such a thing would be better.

While tasting the delicious cakes and coffee, enjoyable conversation blooms. I thought that if Azuki's behavior is strange today, I would ask again what happened ... but my worry seemed useless, today Azuki seem to be having fun.

Look at her state, I also feel secure. A little over an hour, we left the cafe.

"I'm sorry, you treated again ... Are you ok with that?"

I pushed Azuki who insisted on paying over and over, managed it somehow, but Azuki looked carefully at my face.

"Do not worry because I want to do so!"

"Please don’t overdo it, ok? Because I am very happy just because I can spend Christmas with Naoki ... Oh, that's right! I am going to treat you in our next date!"

The wild words of Azuki made me smile unexpectedly. We were walking around the streets of Omotesando with a dazzling view.

"It’s very cold."

Azuki rubbed her hands in front of her face. Looking at her like that ... I swallowed hard and tensed up.

I wonder if I can kiss her today. I want to. I want to mess her up. We have not kissed since the day we went to the sea.


I grabbed Azuki's left hand.

"Here ... this way, you will not be cold!"

"No, Naoki, you ...!!"

Azuki-chan seems surprised to see my face. Her hands were cold. Then we held hands while walking around Omotesando. Although there are crowds, I was proud and I am happier than any other boyfriend now. Hopefully ... I hope that Azuki also thinks so.

I was supposed to have held hands with Azuki-chan a few times, but now holding her hands like this ... ... It's such a painful thing that my body got hot, it's such a feeling, my heart pounding and will not stop ringing.

I think again. I am now ... happy.

When I entered senior high school, I wanted to have a girlfriend and have happy memories. Now ... ... that my dream has come true. She is different from the girl who I wanted in the beginning, but now I love her, Azuki.

I love her more than anyone else.

Eventually the sky becomes completely dark and the Christmas lights shine brilliantly.

"Wow, beautiful ..."

Azuki was impressed and she was taking photos of the lights. Azuki-chan looks much better than the lights ... The thoughts come to my mind, but I have stopped saying anything else as my heart is beating.

"Oh, that's right! Naoki ... Merry Christmas!"

Azuki offered the paper bag she had in front of me.

"Oh, thank you ...!!"

From when I saw her getting a paper bag today, I was hoping secretly ... ... but apparently my expectation has come true. Even though she gave a gift for my birthday, at Christmas she still ....

"Oh, can I open it?"

"Yeah, of course!"

What came out from inside was a fashionable navy blue knitted hat.

"Oh, knit cap!"

I took it and wore it on the spot.

"Oh, Naoki is cute ~! It looks nice!"

Azuki took a picture of me in the knit cap with her smartphone.

This ... Is this our Christmas memorial photograph?

"Because I am not confident about this gift ... together, we got it ..."

"... With ... Koigasaki?"

I remembered that I heard her say that she had picked up a gift with Koigasaki the muffler given to my birthday.

"……No……" As soon as the name of Koigasaki comes out, Azuki got a dark expression.

"What ... could you make up with me?"

Unintentionally, I heard it.

"No ... Momo-chan and I are not fighting."

"Well ... ... Is that so ...?"

But, since that day, I never saw them together .... If it is not a fight, what is it all about?

"Besides, it was around a week ago that we got gifts together"

"Well ... that, that's right ..."

It was about four days ago when two of us went to talk somewhere. In other words, ... ... It was before that day when we went to buy a gift together. "... ... Azuki-chan ... do you have something against Koigasaki?"

After all, I could not stop worrying.

"Recently ...... You are acting strange ...."

Azuki shows her embarrassment at my words.

"... Well don’t worry .... I'm sorry .... I can’t say anything to Naoki for now ............ I really am sorry"

Azuki turned down and apologized to me for making me feel sorry.

She cannot tell ... ....? What on earth is it? There is no doubt that something happened between Koigasaki and Azuki - chan ... Is that the secret between the two people?

"Oh, that's right ... ... you cannot say ... ... I do not mind ..."

I was worried very much, but as Azuki told me so, I could not ask anything more. I did not want Azuki to make such a look.

"Oh, that's right!"

In order to change the topic, I remembered that I had not handed my gift to Azuki - chan yet. I removed the backpack from my shoulder and take out a small paper bag containing a present for Azuki - chan.

"Oh ...... !!, Naoki also got me a present ...!"

Azuki raised her voice in surprise. I wonder why I was not surprised at the gifts that I got from her.

"Wow ... ... Oh, thank you ... ... I'm sooo happy ...!!"

Azuki-chan seemed to be deeply impressed when she received my gift. By the way ... this is the first time for me to give a present to Azuki. Maybe that's why she was pleased ...... If you are happy with this, I would like to give more presents to Azuki-chan in the future. Next time will be Azuki's birthday next year ... No, before that it is White Day.

"......, this is ... It's a very expensive brand!"

Looking at the brand logo written on emerald green paper bag, Azuki is panicking. Certainly, it was expensive. About 20,000 yen. That’s why my money is already gone.

"No, that's not a big deal ..."

"Even I know about this brand ..."

"Try opening it, OK"

Azuki-chan takes a box out of the paper bag looking excited.

"Well, this is ... ... maybe ... ...."

What came out of the box ......was a Ring.

"I am ...... dreaming ..."

Azuki is rigid, staring at the ring.

"Try it"

After looking at my eyes, Azuki picked up the ring from the box and gently stuck to the ring finger of the left hand. She raised her left hand to the level of her face.

"Beautiful ..."

Her eyes, tears were overflowing.

"Naoki ...... Thank you. I'm sooooooo happy ... really, I am happy ............"

Azuki keeps looking at the ring and shedding tears.

"............ I am the only one, so happy, so ......"


Azuki muttered so with a small voice. I wonder why she was ... ... looking painful.

"No, no ... when it was my birthday, you help me with the celebrations ... in return ... ...."

Today, I wanted to give back to Azuki. To Azuki-chan who cheered me when I was swayed and underwater, I am so thankful that I can’t express it with words.

"Naoki ... ..."

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"I was very happy that you organized my birthday party .... It was such a gorgeous party, and you also baked a cake ... I really, thankful to Azuki-chan ...... "


Blocking my words, I heard it as if Azuki was surprised.

"Organized the party ... What is it about?"

"... My birthday party, didn’t Azuki-chan organize it?"

"Well ... no ... that party ... ..."

"Momo-chan organized?"

Azuki 's words, I suspected my ears.

I was rooted on the spot and becomes immovable.

That birthday party, Koigasaki organized ....? She did not say anything.

Because she herself said clearly that Azuki was organized it.

"Momo-chan planned it, reserved the place, called the guests ..."

"Eh what ... ... Koigasaki herself said that the party was planned by Azuki ..."

"...... Eh! Momo-chan ... ... she said that!?"

Azuki was as surprised as me.

"Momo-chan ... ... told you that I organized... ...!"

"Oh, yes ......"

She is puzzled very much. At my reply, Azuki looked down her spicy face.

"Well ...... Momo, chan ..."


Azuki-chan started tearing again while calling out the name of Koigasaki. However, this time I feel like the appearance is different. It was like being touched by a little bit ago .... Azuki's now seemed very spicy for some reason.

"Momo-chan .... Momo-chan always seems ... always support me and Naoki ...she gave over .... "

As I wipe her tears, Azuki keeps on.

"At that time .... even then ... I did not know the feelings of Momo-chan ..."

She seems to be talking to herself, not hearing anything.

"Azuki-chan ... are you okay?"

"... Sorry, ... suddenly ......"

I held Azuki 's shoulder and tried to appease her, but still tears kept flowing from Azuki – chan’s eyes.

"After all, it is useless ..."

Azuki muttered small and small. I could not understand the meaning of that word.

"After all ... after all I am so happy ... It is useless .... No ..."

Azuki keeps talking while crying. My heart feels so hot and its getting hotter.

"Oh, Azuki-chan ... What can I do ...?"

I suddenly can’t hide my embarrassment why she seems like this.

Azuki-chan seems to be surprised, for the first time, to know that Koigasaki lied to me saying "It was Azuki-chan who organized the party" .... Why is she crying so hotly, I don’t know for the moment.

Azuki suddenly ... took her body off of me. Her shoulder was freed from my grasp.

"Azuki-chan ...??"

"Naoki, sorry ... I, I ... ...."

"I want to be alone for a while, there is something I want to think about..."


Azuki cried, but looking at my eyes straight, ... with a serious look that way.

I did not understand the meaning of her words.

"Sorry, I really am sorry ... Naoki did nothing bad ... only ... ...."

"What ... What do you mean?"

"... I want to go away ... ... I want to be alone .... Naoki staying with me ... ... not good ..."


The inside of my head gets pure white in a moment. Do you want to be alone? Would not you stay with me?

... ... we will break up ... ... what?

"……I'm terribly sorry!"

"Oh ......Azuki-chan ..."

Then Azuki turned and ran away from me.

If I chased after her, I might have caught up.

But ... I could not afford that kind of thing.

Azuki's words circles around my head.

I am being dumped ....?

That was not definite. But she wanted to be alone, she said that she wanted some space.

The meaning Azuki – chan’s words ... I did not understand what she was thinking at all.

I was left behind alone under the twinkling Christmas lights. I can’t do anything, I am just standing.

Suddenly, my tears came.

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