Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume26 Chapter8 1

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X-Mark. Part 1[edit]

"How about sticking it on the back of a cat? Like in some sort of sling," Yoshino-san suggested.

"See, the cat would run away. It'd get scared with everyone chasing after it. So even if they called out to it or offered it food, it wouldn't come. Plus, the cat could go places they couldn't follow, like under the bushes or into small passages between the school buildings."

As she spoke, she traced a meandering path around the map, highlighting just such a route.

"Wouldn't it be fun to have the card move around?"

Their planning meeting was almost cooked. The gentle boil left only the parts that got stuck to the side and burned, so that adding more water wouldn't help.

"Fun? Are you being serious?" Yumi asked, although whether Yoshino-san was being serious or not didn't change that it was a troublesome idea.

"About half serious."

Half serious.

"What do you think, Shimako-san? Want to go with this?"

And it wasn't even an idea for her own card, but for Shimako-san's. She'd obviously got bored of the idea, but wanted it to be seriously considered for just a little while longer.

"Come on, Yoshino-san, when you said a cat, you meant Lunch, right? You know it would be impossible to catch Lunch, let alone stick something on her."

If she'd given it more thought, Yumi wouldn't have been drawn into this "half serious" conversation, but she was feeling exhausted so she didn't just let it pass for Shimako-san to judge.

"Oh, but Shimako-san could do it," Yoshino-san said, with a serious expression. "Merry-san is Sei-sama's cat, so if Sei-sama's petite sœur calls out to her, of course she'll come running."

But Shimako-san looked dubious.

"Goronta isn't my onee-sama's cat, and she doesn't come when I call."

Incidentally, "Lunch," "Merry-san," and "Goronta" were three different names for the one cat.

Yumi had referred to it the way the current second-years typically did, as "Lunch."

Yoshino-san would also call it "Lunch," but due to Rei-sama's influence, she'd called it by the name mainly used by the current third-years, "Merry-san."

Shimako-san used the name "Goronta," which had been used by the previous third-years, now graduated, including Satou Sei-sama.

"Hmm, I guess it won't work then."

The Lunch/Merry-san/Goronta line that Yoshino-san had been tracing on the map came to an abrupt halt when the lead in her mechanical pencil snapped, and she abandoned the effort.

". . . How about some tea?" Yumi proposed.

It was simple, but she thought they could do with a change of pace. They hadn't had anything to drink yet because they didn't want to get the maps wet, but they'd been talking so much her throat was parched, so it seemed like a good time for a short break.

"Sounds good," Shimako-san concurred and started to gather up the maps.

"Is black tea okay?"

The biscuit door opened at about the same time that Yumi stood up.

"Pardon me."

Shimako-san's sœur, Noriko-chan, stepped into the room.

"Oh, Noriko-chan's here."


Using her foot as a stopper so the door wouldn't close, Noriko-chan turned around and bent over, her upper body reaching outside the room.

"I searched the first-floor storeroom for the cardboard box we used for the tea party. I thought we could re-purpose it for the 'second-chance draw.'"

As she spoke, she picked something up and brought it inside.

"It wasn't that easy to find though."

But since she was carrying a cardboard box, that meant she'd found it after all. Where could it have been hiding?

"All the spare desks and chairs had been stacked, and a simple cardboard box is light, plus we had no future plans for it, so I thought it would have been casually set aside somewhere. But for some reason I couldn't find it. Even though it was visible, it was like I didn't see it."

After placing the box in the corner of the room, Noriko-chan took a breather. Then, noticing Yumi preparing the tea, she said, "I'll help with that," and bounded over.

"Even though it was visible, it was like you didn't see it. . . ?"

Yoshino-san asked from behind, so Noriko-chan turned around and answered, "Yeah."

"Even though I must have walked past it so many times when I was searching."

Hearing this, Yoshino-san snapped her fingers.

"That's it."

Just like that, the yellow card's hiding place was decided.

"Then it's gotta be here. Sorry for finishing early."

Yoshino-san clicked her mechanical pencil to push some lead out, then forcefully drew an X on their map of the second-floor of the school building, on the exterior wall of the staff room.