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Chapter 9[edit]

They weren't the words he'd been expecting.

"But why can't I go along?!"

Wolfram thought he had misunderstood.

"The search parties have already been assembled. They've been divided into seven lines of approach: the motherland, the autonomous regions, the occupied territories, the islands, etcetera. With the results of the analysis that includes new information and reports, it was decided that the ships will set sail for Shimaron this evening."

Lord von Voltaire unfolded a map on which the lines of approach were drawn. Out of the corner of his eye, he threw a brief and grumpy glance at the doll sitting cosily on a chair.

"Normally I would go myself, but the person I leave in charge of the castle in my absence is like that."

Okiku was staring blankly at the air with its clacking mouth sloppily hanging open. Its eyes and eyebrows were crescent-shaped like it was laughing, but it wasn't laughing at all. To be honest, it was quite terrifying.

"I can't entrust the royal castle to a doll and leave the capital."

"So, then I-!"

"If you go, I would have to transfer command of a search party to you. It would take a wasteful amount of time to select the members. If the departure delayed by a day, it will take that much longer to reach the destination. In times like these, speed is of the essence."

"There's no need to change anything! Even if you can't spare someone to accompany me, I will work independently. I'll choose subordinates and make plans by-"

"I won't allow it."


"If you take part in the expedition, certain precautions would have to be taken. Even if you go on your own, I forbid you from setting out to help search or take part in the rescue for any reason. Don't add to the work I need to do. Especially if you're doing this for Yuuri."

Then he issued further orders to his men.

"Hey, there's no one written down for the adjutant position for the second party. Who did Makalhin suggest? Also, the fourth party's distribution ratio isn't 5:3:1. Take people from Lord Weller's subordinates even just to pad their numbers by one. They’re well versed in human culture. There's no reason to stand at attention. Run."

The young soldiers hastened back to their areas of responsibility. With bloodshot eyes, Wolfram watched his oldest brother go through details one by one and deal with them. He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep since yesterday, but he wasn't feeling tired because he was too exhilarated.

"Is everything on schedule with the third and fifth parties departing from Gyllenhaal? Last I heard, Hyscliff intends to recruit a civilian detective agency in in Hildyard, and an unofficial team will set forth from Cavalcade. The cards for relaying information will be deployed in this order: white, yellow, and red. Remember that so there's no mistakes. Lord von Bielefeld?"

"Yes!" Being addressed with his last name, Wolfram gives a surprised answer and his head snaps up.

"Do you understand why I don't want you to go?"

"... Because I'm short tempered and spoiled?"

"That is also a reason."

The corners of the shellwork cuff link dig into his fingers as Wolfram clenches his fists tightly.

"Is it because I lack caution, am too emotional, and can't move around without attracting attention in enemy territory?" he asks tersely.

"Hm, you've analyzed yourself well, but none of those are the main reason."

"Then why?"

Gwendal opened a button on his collar, pulled up a chair, and finally sat down. The shadows that lay over his blue eyes were darker than usual.

"You'll have to use your head and think about that while you lend me a hand in the castle."

It was late afternoon after he had not managed to get much food down his throat when Wolfram noticed Gisela leading a horse by the reins.

Wolfram had gone around and spoken with a few trustworthy soldiers in order to go to Shimaron despite heing forbidden. They all supported him and several asked to accompany him.

But thinking about the situation calmly, the Bielefeld troops were first and foremost soldiers of Shin Makoku. It was taken for granted that in the absence of the king, they would follow the orders of his representative, Lord von Voltaire. If it became known that they deliberately disobeyed his orders, their chivalry would be seen as treason.

Wolfram could not leave these men destitute, some of which had received honors and some who had families, because of his own selfish whims.

He had been walking along the stone path that led to the courtyard thinking that his only choice was to go alone.

Possibly on her way to the riding grounds, she was petting her beloved horse's neck as she walked with several men.

"Oh, Your Excellency, thank you for earlier."

There was a silver pin sparkling faintly in her dark brown hair that was bound into a low bun in the back of her head.

"If you're looking for Günter, he's with my brother. He perches on a stool and mutters to himself."

Now and then he flings fire-red thunderbolts from his eyes. Gisela laid a finger to her lips and took on a worried expression.

"... I am truly sorry that he's so creepy."

"That's not for you to apologize for."

"Well, but he is still my father, who I'm otherwise so proud of. Despite that, Okiku won't budge from the king's headquarters and Lady Anissina is glued to Snow Günter's side. She won't even let me take care of him. So that's why, right?" Gisela asked the four men behind her with a smile. "We decided to take this opportunity to go on a vacation. We've done a lot of overtime lately and we haven't taken an extended leave in the past few years."

"I see. Günter wouldn't make a fuss about it at the moment."

"Yes, so, these subordinates of my adopted father that he's always troubling and I planned out a pleasure trip[1] to get to know each other better. We all love hot springs, after all."

Wolfram knew two of the four men. Particularly the man with the bald head, who he'd seen around the castle all year. Was his name Dacascos?

The bulk of the soldiers who served under Lord von Christ were dispatched from various units. The king's advisor could only give direct orders to the elite guards and a small number of the castle guards. All of the other soldiers acted only in the name of the king.

These four men belonged to the small number of castle guards and it seems they did not receive orders in this emergency.

They were considered to be workers moreso than soldiers and their jobs consisted of menial tasks instead of fighting.

Wolfram let his gaze wander over Gisela head to feet as he examined her clothing and luggage. She wore a simple rider's uniform of moss green and white and no gold or gemstones anywhere on her person. Her luggage consisted only of a somewhat large backpack, and a leather pouch that hung off the saddle, presumably filled with rations.

"You said you're going to the hot springs? With so little luggage?"

"Ah, Your Excellency is used to going on trips with nobility so it seems odd for a woman to travel without a clothes chest. But since I've spent many years of my life in the military, I don't wear clothes that I would worry about getting dirty. They're nerve-wracking to move around in, right?"

She introduced her four companions and they stood at attention and greeted him. Only the last one bowed his head in silence and scrutinized the former prince with unfriendly, sanpaku eyes[2].

Gisela gently grasped Wolfram's hand.

"We plan to travel from Hildyard to the three Via islands. Unfortunately, now is not the time for the Fire Festival, but we might travel a bit farther if we find ourselves in the mood for it. In case our vacation takes a long time, please take care of my father. Please let him know I would be sorry if he worried about me."

"Okay, I'll let Okiku know."

Since she was speaking as if they were never going to see each other again, Wolfram got suspicious that she was going to elope with one of these men. But, when Wolfram had met her that morning in the Temple of Shinou, he had thought that she was infatuated with Conrart...

"Gisela!" Wolfram called her back, finally realizing what was going on.

The group stopped their horses and turned back to him, backlit by the sunlight. The light flooded over Gisela's pale skin - a special characteristic of her tribe - and painted her in delicate orange.

"Is something the matter?"

"May I come along?" Wolfram asked.


"On your pleasure trip."

Wolfram searched through the pockets of his clothes. His fingertips hit upon a bundle of bank notes. It was the money he'd taken as a bribe to the Temple, but with this much, he'd be able to buy some clothes. Of course, they would be of the highest quality. If he could manage without buying them, this sum would easily allow for a trip of several months.

"I want to go with you on your pleasure trip."

"Yes, of course."

As if she had predicted his request, Gisela stretched her right hand that she used for healing out to him.

The middle-aged soldier with the shiny head said, "This is a trip on a budget~" in an exasperated tone and the man with the unfriendly, sanpaku eyes laughed discreetly under the cover of the backlighting.

The three Via Islands were situated at the western edge of the territory ruled by Shimaron. Ships sailed from Noh dan Via towards the motherland. Wolfram does not ask how far they plan to go, but their goal is likely the same.

Thinking that Gisela needed this more, Wolfram finally opened his right fist. Inside lay the sweaty shellwork cuff link, half burned to black.

"This cuff link belonged to Conrart."

"From his left arm?"

"Yes. If you need it..."

Gisela took it between her fingertips and lifted it up to examine it in the the light. Then she laid it back in the hand of the younger brother and laughed for the first time in a while.

"I think you are laboring under a misunderstanding, Your Excellency."

"I'm not misunderstanding-"

"No, you surely think I have special feelings for His Excellency Conrart, right?"

"You don't?"

She swung herself light-footedly into the saddle and rode ahead.

"I just want to honor a promise I made to a friend."

Who was this friend? And what kind of a promise? She surely didn't mean Yuuri. Wolfram snatched a horse from a soldier who had been heading for the stables and rode after the 'pleasure trip group.'

In order to answer the question he didn't have time to ask, he would absolutely get Yuuri back.

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  1. The Japanese for 'pleasure trip' here is used specifically for office/company settings with coworkers.
  2. Never translated this word because there's no real one word equivalent. Sanpaku eyes are when the whites of your eyes show on the sides and underneath your irises, but not on top. It literally means 'three-white' eyes.