Omae o Otaku ni Shiteyaru kara, Ore o Riajuu ni Shitekure!:Volume 8 Chapter 2

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Chapter 2[edit]

The next day after the cultural festival was a holiday.

I did not feel like going outside, and even though I did not feel like playing games, I did not get out of bed all day.

As I lazily laid down on my bed, my mind kept playing back the scenes when Hasegawa rejected me.Wearing a Snow White princess costume, her face filled my head. How to erase the pain of the valuable holidays…I am such a fool.

“Rise and shine!” came the excited words of Akari who entered my room without permission.

No response from me.

“………… Naoki …………? "

I heard Akari but my head is filled with other things. The scene in the mountains, under the stars with Hasegawa. Today my heart is content watching the scenes in my head.

"Ma …… Mama ─ ─ um! Naoki … finally got sickness of the heart!”

No matter what Akari said, I did not react and my eyes are stayed closed.

Although Akari kept talking to Okaa-san, she is still not stopping.

"Wait……! Akari where did you learn that?"

There was no communication from Koisagasaki and Hasegawa all day that day. Of course, I also did not contact anyone.

The next day.

After a sleepless night, I greeted the morning and prepared for school with heavy feelings. Hasegawa …… and also Koigasaki … What kind of face do I show if we meet up? I don’t want to see them, but it cannot be avoided as we are in the same class. While I was thinking about such things, I arrived in the classroom in no time. I went inside feeling depressed…   "Oh,Kashiwada!"

"Did you get tired yesterday?”

"……eh!?"   My classmates who are talking around the teacher’s desk went over to me. These guys never talked to me before the cultural festival.

"Oh, ah ……"I am thinking what to reply.

"The class play, it seems that the reviews were unexpectedly good!"

"Kashiwada in women’s clothes is quite funny!"

The two boys are talking about the play at the cultural festival.

"Eh? Really?

"Kashiwada really looked good in women’s clothes!"

The good-looking girls said that (who never spoke to me so far) with a laugh.

"Oh, ha ha ……"

While being puzzled, I also laughed.

It was my first time since I enrolled that I was happy with my classmates who are not normally very friendly like this. I feel like, to be honest…back in elementary school.

I am glad. Until the cultural festival, the majority of my classmates would have not spoken to me. Being recognized and talking with them has overshadowed the embarrassment I felt in the play……

It was good to do Snow White.It made me laugh while exposing my embarrassing figure. I think that it was worth it. The desperation and the anxiety of forgetting your lines. I was going to my seat with a refreshed mood, then…


It happened suddenly. I was surprised by familiar voice. Turning around …… There is the familiar figure of Hasegawa.

Is it me or do I see Hasegawaa little sad in her eyes? Staring at me and is approaching me.

Why……? Why, did you call me like that?

I also see the face of Hasegawa now, it is empty. It is painful.

"Hasegawa …… Good morning"

After greeting Hasegawa, I went to my seat quickly to escape.

Hasegawa may have been trying to say something, but … I definitely do not want to talk anymore.


Kiritani grinning, said from behind me

"Before you came this morning, various rumors are going around about Hasegawa during the cultural festival. The rumors are also going around the classes and other schools…”

Some cute girls who were going around together during the school festival were talking about this in their backs…

"Rumors … What rumors?"

"Hasegawa and Sakurai were going around together in the cultural festival, some guys were witnesses…and other rumors of the same sort…"

Anyway, the rumors are not about me? Although its ok by me, the rumors has depressed Hasegawa.

"What happens with the girls flying around the cultural festival, what's going on!? By the way, what happened to you at the late night festival!? "

"Oh, ah ……"

Because …… at the festival, I confessed to Hasegawa. I completely forgot about it. But ……this guy, knew that I was in the campfire with Hasegawa. However, I have no plans to confess at that time but…

"Afterwards, I casually went looking for Saga but couldn’t find him…Did you find Hasegawa? Did you tell her!? "

Damn, this is the topic I don’t want to talk about the most now. However, I annot lie to Kiritani who is asking worriedly.

"Nothing, don’t listen to anything ……" I said in a low voice.


I'm sitting with my back turned to Kiritani

"Hey … are you serious?"

"The results are largely what you guessed ……”

No doubt, I did not expect the day to report like this …… Saying it, I became sadder. I saw the dark face of Kiritani become more and more white. Even I can’t believe I confessed; moreover it seems that I did not think that Kiritani would also be shaken.

"Man, it is serious…Because it was the cultural festival, I thought that it is perfectly good feeling …"

Uncharacteristically Paulo was panicked for a while, looking for something to say.

"Ah…… Well cheer up! Look, I heard it is difficult in the beginning. Ok, I know! I am going to a girls' school, we'll make a blind date setting!”

Kiritani is patting my back. Thanks for the thought and for encouraging me.

Then I imperceptibly noticed that Koigasaki also was in the classroom. She is happily talking with the girls in class. Looking at Koigasaki…I remembered the day before yesterday…a nice fresh scent.

I remembered it clearly, and I blushed when I got a clue. That the seat is far away. It was one of my salvation.

Many times since then, I thought about why Koigasaki did such a thing……No matter how I think about it, I don’t know why she did it. It might be nice if we can talk about it, adjusting my feelings within myself.

"I wish that Kashiwada,do the launch of …… the cultural festival?"

When the morning home room was finished, Kiritani spoke with a voice as if nothing had happened. Well, kind of attitude saved me.

"Launch? Oh ……"

Apparently, the festival executive committee was the topic at home room. This Friday at the Monjaya near the schoolI will do the launch of the cultural festival, so that people who can get out should be as much as possible…

"I …… pass…"

I could not bring myself to participate in such an event. In this dark moodI think I would not enjoy it at all. And I would have to be close to the seat of …… Hasegawa, it would seem like prison.

"I’m serious. What would happen to the leading role if you don’t come?"

Kiritani says in a teasing tone. What main role…… is that like the role of Snow White in the play? It is certainly the leading role. However, the launch would not change even if I do not participate.

"But, well, that's right ……"

Kiritanisaid with a wry smile as he looked at my face. I have thought that I do not want to go into the matter of Hasegawa. Rising with a fast pen, he wrote his name towards the "in the absence of" of the outgoing absence table. In the unlikely event a cultural festival committee member and others say something, I will say that there is a need. Well, even if I do not go or go it does not change, and I already said something about notgoing, I don’t think there is anyone else who would say more ……

"Kashiwada-kun …"

"…… Tsu!?"

I was surprised at the voice. I turned around and there was Hasegawa just outside the immediate vicinity.

Well, what on earth…?

She is a little pale and shaking. Then she came straight staring at my eyes.I immediately looked away from Hasegawa.

"Are you not participating in the launch …?"

Hasegawa, saw that my name to those of the "absence" has been written, it has been multiplied by the so voice.

"What? Oh, yeah ……"

"Well if possible…I want you to participate……"


For a moment, I was surprised by the words of Hasegawa. But, I noticed that immediately the words of the class president

"I'm sorry … but … because there is a reason."

"… is that so…"

Talking with Hasegawa was very awkward for me. I want to end it soon.

"Ah, but …… maybe most of our class…… I think will participate?"

As Hasegawa was the class president, I thought she wanted the participation of a lot of classmates as much as possible so I used this as a follow-up.

"………… I, I ……"

Hasegawa spoke something as I was leaving with my back turned.

"I…… I wanted Kashiwada to come."

She spoke with her head down and without looking at my face.

"Oh … I'm sorry …! What …"

I started to say so I returned to my seat.

…… I want you to come?

What are you saying Hasegawa….Why did you say such a thing while keep waving at me… !?

I looked at the characters of "Kashiwada" that I wrote under the "absence" with a confused head.I myself wrote to the bottom of the character of the "absence" a befuddled head the character of "Kashiwada"

Hasegawa, a little angry,

“Now erase your name and write it under the "attendance"

Even though I thought about fixing it, I was irritated when I was caught.

But I did not change and was absent for the launch. However, some habits did not change since I fell in love. I found that my eyes are subconsciously following Hasegawa during class or even at vacation time. I decided that it cannot be helped as it has become a kind of habit for me.

Now then…… can I ever forget Hasegawa? Someday… will someone else come to be my new love?

After school that day, I have nothing to do in particular and got up from my seat to go home.


"… !?"

Standing in front of my desk blocking me is Koigasaki. I suddenly remembered the day before yesterday…… I remember being tightly hugged by this person…how upset she was. I hit my foot on the chair. I wonder what does she want.

"Ah……what is it?"

"We need to talk a bit. Would you come to the rooftop?"

Rooftop … then it is not safe to talk about in here…

Why did you make it that way, why do you do this kind of thing, why can you call out to me just like it was nothing?


When I came out of the room, I was at the back of Koisagasaki who was about to head to the roof. She turned around and asked me.

"Ah … no, no …… nothing"


I tried to talk about the day before yesterday, but I did not have the courage to speak about that after seeing how unusual it is. I do not know what to say when I if the topic comes up…

With her attitude like that, I feel conscious and excited and I feel like a fool. Perhaps, the day before yesterday was my dream, or was it a delusion? I almost wish it was.

Haa … I do not really know what this person is thinking.

I continued to walk silently behind Koizagasaki and climbed the stairs to the roof. The Koigasaki also did not turn around or say anything until we got to the rooftop.

"Well, maybe I do not want to ask…but… did you confess to Hasegawa?"

As soon as we arrive at the rooftop, Koinsagasu asked me such a question with her arms folded.


This… this is … I do not understand the intention of the question.

"So, when you confessed…what did she said?"

In other words, what did she say… What do you want to know? Are you trying to analyze her words? Even though I'm saying this I cannot hide my feelings in front of Rikigasaki who is acting as if there was nothing about the day before yesterday…

"Oh… Well she said that I am an irreplaceable and important person, but there is no romantic emotion…I still do not understand that kind of thing, yet …"

To be honest, I did not want to remember but I told the truth to Koigasaki. I think now, the words that Hasegawa said…it was probably a desperate phrase so as not to hurt me.

"So……" Koigasaki thinks after listening to my words.

"Originally, I thought I'd heard it at the time, but the day of the festival …… Yamamoto, Hasegawa’s brother, is getting along well?"

"Ohhh …"

By the way, I have not told her about that matter yet. Although it is not where I report it.

"Hasegawa-san and her older brother, you mean you helped them make up properly?"

"Oh, that's right …… So … at the late night festival I had no intention of confessing. At first, there was a boy who is trying to talk to Hasegawa, but I stopped it. And then I was thanked by Hasegawa for the matter with her brother. …… I went with the flow and told her I was an otaku. Then, Hasegawa told me… "It does not matter that Kashiwada is an otaku, he is an irreplaceable and important person to me…"

Yes, I was very happy then. If I can, I would like to return to that time before I confessed. However, I felt that my mood got too good and confessed and that it ended up with such a result …

"Well, that's right! That, that is … That's a pretty good feeling!?"

Koigasaki and I were both surprised.

I already totally talked to Koigasaki about this with me.

That is … seeing the attitude of Koisagasawa today compared to the day before yesterday … simply, was I feeling too sorry? Did she do it just to comfort me… is there was no other thing……?

…… That was obvious from the beginning! Why am I feeling depressed now? What the heck am I expecting …I become ashamed of myself…

"Kashida? What, what's the matter? So, what's the rest of the story?"

"Oh, oh … oh … well, I got struck down and got Honorable death …… "

"………… Tsu"

As soon as she heard my words, Koigasaki falls silent.

"…………, but …. now that I heard your story, Hasegawa-san, did not mean anything wrong, right? She said, "an irreplaceable and important person", and though she does not feel love now, its possible for her feelings to change…"

"You …… what do you saying?"

"I’m saying………it is still too early to give up …you do not have to give up yet…"

Because Koisagasaki diverts her face from me and sits down, I do not know what kind of expression she is making now.

It is early to give up…?

Even still, the confused expression of Hasegawa when I confessed clearly comes to mind. Hasegawa, told me that she was happy for me…… It was really confusing.

My mental power is not strong enough to keep loving without giving up. And … I'm sorry for having bitter feelings but I do not want to get hurt any further.

"Do not say such things… having strange expectations…"

"……Kashida! ……"

"I have already decided to give up ……"


Looking at me, Koisagasawa no longer said anything.

If I had a tougher mental power…Even if I did not give up yet, how could I win? The me now, it is impossible.

"……You are…………"

I wanted to say what I was worried about for a long time. Depending on her answer, I think that I will be shocked that I cannot recover, but … I can’t help asking.

"You … you, what's up, with a campfire … you were talking to Suzuki…?"

"Oh, yeah ……"

I spoke what’s on my mind.

"…… confess… did you ……?"


Koigasaki raised a loud voice.

"I confessed? To who?"

"Well, the festival seems to be a good time for confessions, you know…"

"I did not confess… When I heard that my friend wants to confess, I went searching for him, then I met Mr. Suzuki by chance along the way, so we talked… "

"Well … that, is that so …?"

So…she did not confess…

"…But Suzuki …well … I heard he sent you a doujin he bought in the summer comic. I was totally excited by the talk with the launch of the department… "

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I forgot to report it to you.”

Surprisingly, Koigasaki replied. More … this is it! In the case of I am very happy ~! I thought that she would be excited…… but Koigasaki was extremely calm.

"You …… are not you happy?"

"Oh, yeah, I was happy, Suzuki has come to talk to me more than before."

Keeping myself calm, I was not be very happy when Koigasaki continued her story.

I wonder why I am in such a depressed state now? Certainly, I was getting more and more depressed now.

When her story ended, Koinsagasu started to return from the rooftop to the classroom.

"Ah, Koijisaki ……"

In spite of this, I spoke to her back.

Somehow, I felt sorry for falling apart like this. By all means, I want to talk about the day before yesterday. I want to make sure that was not my dream or delusions. Why on earth did you do such a thing, what did you mean by that … I would like to ask.


Turning to me, Koigasaki asks.

"Oh no, no …… that ……"

"Do you want to say something from what I said earlier?"

That attitude when she asks in a frustrating manner is as usual makes me sad.

"No, no … That's why ……"

"Ah, it is serious now, it is bad, please clarify!"

"…………… Oh, the day before yesterday … In the late night festival, in the school building … Ah about that…"

I used my courage and said something.

"………… Tsu!"

At the moment when she heard my words, the face of Koijisaki is stained red.


She quickly looked away from me. I'm trying to talk but it seems she is not listening. I took a good look at her, her face is still bright red and the skirt is tightly clasped.

This reaction … she’s embarrassed … Is not it?

Koigasaki started walking with a quick pace with her back turned to me without saying anything.

"Hey, hey ……"

In a hurry I followed her back. Koigasaki never turned around nor uttered a word, and kept walking the stairs with a quick pace. Seen from behind, her ears are bright red. At the time I got off the stairs I tried to put my hands on her shoulders who was walking in the corridor. Suddenly, someone called out to us.

"Oh, Kashii! And Koigasaki-san!"

"Su, Suzuki …?"

As expected, Koigasaki also stopped, looking at the face of Suzuki.

Suzuki was not alone, he was with three boys. Somehow I recognize them …… Oh, maybe they are members of the light music club? It was the faces I saw onstage during the cultural festival.

One of them, a flashy guy with blond hair saw the appearance of Koigasaki and called out.

""I cannot come today! Oh … sorry, that …… I have a previous appointment…"

"Seriously ~! Super super sorry!"

"Koigasaki-san, don’t worry about it … Hey, Kowano don’t make trouble,"

Another boy hit the back of the one who called out to Koigasaki.

"Well, nice seeing you two."

"Oh, ah ……"

Suzuki greeted us and the others from the light music club also greeted us.

"Today … Was there something …?"

I was wondering about the conversation earlier. I asked Koigasaki after the people from the light music club left.

"Oh, yeah … We did a light launch on the day of the cultural festival, but we launched a proper launch today. After that, we are supposed to party at Suzuki-kun…"

"Wow! Seriously! Why are not you going!?"

She was saying she had a previous appointment…

"There are four boys gathered, I will be the only girl. I am better with boys than before, and have joined the launch at the cultural festival. Even though the launch was tense and tiring, I became able to talk with Suzuki, but I am not still good with other boys…"

That means …… there is no previous appointment and you did go because you do not want to go…… I can certainly imagine that the situation will be quite severe for Koizagasaki who is not good with boys…

"What can I do…I wish I could go along with Suzuki so much … is this not a lost opportunity? Because, impossible is impossible, even though I want to hurry but because if I went there ……"

"Would you like to go to Suzuki's house?"

"I certainly would like to go to Suzuki's house, but …"

Koigasaki thought hard but immediately gave a conclusion that "it is impossible".

Until now I have been helped by her many times. Even though it did not work, but … this person got along with Hasegawa to give me a chance to date Hasegawa. She also supported me during our date and encouraged me many times when I was getting down. Even when I reconciled Hasegawa and Yamamoto, I asked for her help. At the very least, I would like to return the favor…

Besides, because I've wasted the opportunities this person gave me… I would feel bad if I don’t help her now. I pulled out my cell phone from my pocket. I opened the phonebook and press the call button.

"……Kashiwada? …… Who are you calling ……"

"Hello Kashii? What's wrong? "

Suzuki answered after the first ring.

"Ah …… Today's launch of the light music club… How about if I go there… with Koisagasaki ……"


It was not Suzuki that I who made that sound, it was from Koigasaki in front of me.

"Koigasaki’s appointment was with me…… Listen about Koikagasaki coming to the launch now, well …… I want to go or something…"

"Oh, was that so? In that case of course! Now we are already at the station… "

"Good! Well then, go ahead. Koigasaaki and will immediately follow. I know the Omaenchi area.

"Really? Well, I'm waiting ~ "

Before my eyes who ended the call, Koigasaki was wearing an expression of a mixture of anger and embarrassment and stared at me.

"Oh, you … what were you thinking!?"

"…… Is it better for me go with you than you going alone?"

"Well, that's right … but you have nothing to do with the light music club!" It was what Koigasaki said.

Suzuki said such a thing is okay with a cheerful response, but I think that it would be quite a bad guy if I were from another club. Besides outsiders, she is trying to break into their launch party even though she is not interested with anything other than Suzuki. It seems that other light club members who heard stories from Suzuki are complaining about this time. I think that I am going to go to such a place from now, although I said it by myself, it is very embarrassing.

"I can’t wait…its intriguing and intense and I can get inside the first meeting ….!"

"……, Um …"

What Koigasaki said is truly intriguing. There is no confidence that you can enter any of the light music clubs. Dang, I don’t want to go. My stomach hurts just by imagining.

"Hey, you have a face that says you don’t want to come,"

"I do not want to go there! Well, I may not be welcome there …"

"……! Well then, I will call Suzuki and tell him …"

"No, I will go! Definitely go!"

"…… Ha!? You know what you are saying …"

"I do not care anymore! It because of you that I will go!?"

"………… Tsu…………"

For me who unintentionally made a loud voice, Koisakazaki was surprised and relieved.

I did not say anything for a while and I was watching her face, but eventually I nodded.

"Okay, since you told Suzuki, I will definitely go!"


Koigasaki makes a straightforward reply to me. I was dazed, so I cannot see her expression well. It seemed to be convincing, so we decided to head for Suzuki's house.

When we arrived at Suzuki's house and pushed the interphone, Suzuki said that we go inside to the living room.

We went up. There seems to be no one inside the house other than Suzuki. Suzuki's house is a two-storey building where I have been to several times. When I entered the living room on the first floor, everyone was there including Suzuki there. Two people on the sofa, one sitting on the table, and another sitting alone on the carpet, preparing to play with the Wii. Only Suzuki is in the kitchen.

"Sorry for the bother…"

"Oh, Koisagasaki, I have been waiting ~!"

Said the person calling out to Koikagasaki at school earlier. The blonde boy is happily looking at the face of Koigasaki. Koigasaki makes a bitter smile and she stood and bowed.


A boy who was hitting the back of blond earlier sighed. He has black hair and long bangs and is wearing pierced earrings, a slightly rough looking boy.


Another with short hair and boyish looks is silently studying the situation. When I saw him at the cultural festival stage, I think he is the drummer. Aside from Suzuki, of course, the others also have looks that stand out. The drummer is the only one that looks normal.

However, they instantly judged that we are not going to get along very much, after looking at our uniforms and their get-ups. Suzuki got along well with the plain Otaku like me, so maybe we have good relations as well… I think…


Three people looked at me in silence, as I appeared from behind Koigasaki. Everyone asks,

"What's this guy?"

"Why are you here?"

“Is he a new face?”

"Oh, please go up, go up ~"

The difference in temperature between Suzuki who welcomes us with a smile and the members of other mild sound parts is too great…… It is like urging me to return home.

"Do you know how to cook Kashii? Should I pour meat or vegetables into the pot?"

After I was able to speak to Suzuki, so I decided to go with Koigasaki towards the kitchen where Suzuki is. Suzuki seems to have prepared vegetables, but I am not sure what to do next. The kitchen had plenty of meat to put in and a small amount of vegetables. These were bought by the light music members with their own money.

I wonder if we have to pay for the food later…

"Oh, that's right …… Today Nabe Pa is the menu …" Koisagasawa muttered.

Nabe Pad …… Nabe Party …… I got it.

"I have never cooked, so I do not know how …"

"Oh, I …… think I shall do it? I am helping when my mother cooks at home …" Koigasaki proposed. I guess she could cook……

"Oh yeah! Well then …"

Koigasaki can help Suzuki! As I tried saying it…… I stopped. I thought about letting Koisagasaki and Suzuki cook together, to develop our relationship with each other. In that case, I may be disturbing the two. I could not stay here, but I can join the members of the light music club instead. It may be difficult as it is our first meeting and we belong to different classes.

"Well, three people …… can they prepare the pot?"

I just said what was on my mind. Sorry, Koigasaki… Even though I intended to cooperate, I have to leave you two immediately … However, when I was listening to the voices of the club members who seemed to have fun with the game as fun, I realized I was scared, thinking that it was impossible to join in.

"Oh, maybe I can do it alone, and you can play games instead!" Koigasaki said.

"You, you can do it by yourself …?"

When I thought about it, it seems that I would just be in the way in the kitchen, and that I cannot cook as well. Besides, Koigasaki may be thinking about making her points with Suzuki's rise by cooking for him.

"Well, can I leave it to you?"

Koigasaki nodded to Suzuki's words. Leaving the enthusiastic Koigasaki in the kitchen, me and Suzuki head towards the living room. There was no vacancy in the sofa, so I sat on the carpet.

Looking at the television screen, it seems that they are playing a game called "Super Mio Bros." By Wii. I knew it as soon as I had it. However……

"Whoa, what are you doing now!?"

"Ah-oh! Dead!"

It seems that they are not accustomed to playing the game that much, all the members died. Besides, they are noisy every time.

"Oh, will Suzuki play next?"

It seemed to have been the blonde calling out to Koizagasaki from a little while ago, and I pass a Wii controller to Suzuki.

"Oh, can you try Kashii?"

Suzuki looks at me carefully and gives me back the controller I got from blonde.

"No, no, it's okay … Don’t mind me, okay ……"

I knew that the others do not know me like Suzuki does, so today I thought that I should keep it my head low and discreet as possible, so I answered.

"Oh, then Kashii plays after me"

Suzuki talks with an easy face and starts the game with the controller in his hand. Then for a while, I was watching the other members play games. Suzuki tried to hand over the controller to me a couple of times, but I continued to refuse because it is awkward.

Well, thanks to Suzuki, I did not feel awkward much.

"Suzuki, can I use the toilet?"

"Oh, ok!"

I got up from the spot and headed to the toilet next to the kitchen.

…… Suddenly, before entering the toilet, I watched Koigasaki cooking and watch the kitchen fly.

"…… !?"

It seems that Koigasaki was just cutting the meat…… Even from me who has not much skill, she is holding the kitchen knife on her left hand and it felt something is wrong. Besides, the hand with the knife is trembling and looks extremely dangerous. Please use the right hand to cut the meat.

"Cha, you …!!"

I did not think about anything when I put my hand on the hand of Koigasaki holding a kitchen knife and stopped its movement. I judged that she was about to cut her hands as it was.

"……… Ah … no, no, no … what the hell!?"

Koigasaki looked at my face and lifted her voice with surprise. Unexpectedly her loud voice got me… I did not expect her to be surprised.

"Why, why, why, you did you suddenly touch my hand?

“ …, …, what do you mean, what do you mean …?"

Koigasaki makes a red face and is upset about. In a hurry, I dropped her hand.

"Well, you seemed to be having hard time right now, do you!? You are not used to handling a kitchen knife at all!"

"Er … um … um …………"

Koigasaki looked at her hand and could not say anything.

Because Koigasaki made a loud noise, the guys in the living room seemed to be curious about what is happening in the kitchen.

"Well, that … that… suddenly ……touching my hand … stop joking …seriously stop, what’s that …"

Next time don’t shout like that. My face is still red. Putting the kitchen knife on the chopping board, I held my right hand with my left hand.

She is not good at this, so it seemed she was surprised when she was suddenly touched …… until now I got such a reaction from her

Well, what the heck is that…? Was touching me so ddisgusting?

"Hey you, are you really used to cooking …?"

I remembered her hand holding the knife a while ago,


Koigasaki reacts silently to my words. The face that was red until a while ago is pale.

"…… How is the nabe going?"

As I looked at her reaction, I became increasingly uneasy I moved to the front of the gas table and looked into thesimmering pot.

"…how is it?"

I saw the pot and saw ……

"What …… what is this …?!?"

It became brown unnaturally, it looked far from delicious. It looks different from the pot made at my home.

"Why…… Why are you putting beef!? Put beef in just before you eat!"

Discolored beef is floating in a brown juice (?) In the pot. In addition, Chinese cabbage, carrots, chicken dumplings, white water falls are included, but the shapes and sizes of the vegetables are irregular, and the way of cutting is messed up.

This person…. Even though vegetables are already pre-cut so you can directly cook them, the vegetables looks like it was badly cut now. I stopped the fire in a hurry so that this pot will not get worse.

"In the first place, why is it brown …?!?"

When I remember the hot pot I usually eat at home, the soup was transparent ……

"Oh, that is … I put some oil for seasoning …"

"Oil…oil!? No… I taste some soup and ir is not good …!"

Is she also at the dangerous "bad rice of daughter-in-law" cooking level from Meshimazu?! The pot of eerie brown juice looks so bad that even a hungry person would lose his appetite.

"You …… Are you really helping cook at home …… you cannot do it if you do not know……!"

If this is the case, I feel like even I can do better.

"U …… Noisy! You don’t have to blame me too much!"

Koigasaki said as she left. However, I felt that my dish would be worse than hers if I did the cooking.

The people n the living room seemed to be wondering about us and they stopped playing and went into the kitchen


Each one is watching the inside of the pot and exclaiming.

"Damn …… I'm sorry … I didn’t know it would turn up like this…"

Koigasaki apologized with her head lowered towards the club members.

Ken: If this is the case, Koinsagasaki is accused by the light music club… "Oh no …… I'm sorry!” I said “…I was forced her to cook alone and did not help… to such a thing …"

I tried to say reduce the blame on Koigasaki even a little.

"…… Eh ………… Oh, you …"

Koinsagasa is surprised at me like that, I am staring at me with big eyes.

Blonde, calling out to Koizagasaki several times from a little while ago, turned his face to Koiagasaki. Korikasaki gets frightened he would be angry and stiffens her body.

"No, no matter what we did, in the past, nothing we did worked out, so do not mind it!"

Blonde, after encouraging Koizagasawa with a smile, spoke to the other members in the back. Both Koisagasaki and I were relieved.

Other light parts that were called were "Oh yes.."

They are saying "It might not be too bad to try eating it" to Koizagasaki. These guys ……they too great! They are gentle to women … Even though the ingredients they prepared were ruined…

For the time being, I was relieved that what Koinsagasa was not blamed.

"Oh … I'm buying new ingredients! I will make it properly! I'm really sorry!" Koigasaki got her bag and starts preparing to go shopping.

"Well! No no no!"

"No, I … I take responsibility for what I did by myself!"

Blonde was trying to hold back Koigasaki. Apparently, she seems to be feel responsibility for having ruined the pot. However, to avoid the same trouble, I feel that it would be better to buy a pre-cooked meal…

Thinking that far, I suddenly thought.

"Ah …… That's right, let Suzuki guide you to the supermarket! Koikagasaki, he will help you and also help carry the ingredients back!"

This is a perfect opportunity to make Suzuki and Koisakazaki alone together!

"Oh, yes, that's right. I'll show you around."

"Oh …… Eee!?"

To my proposal, Koizagasawa is panicking.

"Then, everyone, relax properly"

Suzuki called out to us and went out of the living room with Koigasaki. I successfully made Suzuki and Koizagasaki go shopping together…Koigasaki well done…

After Koigasaki and Suzuki left, I noticed that this place became a very difficult space for me. Oh yeah …… I was left with the light music club members who I am not familiar with. They returned to the front of the television screen and restarted the game.



Suddenly, a Wii controller was offered for me. The blonde member offered me. Really…… Because it is a game for four people, without me they could not play the game… I have to play a game in this outrageous situation with members I am not familiar with …

"Well, friend of Suzuki, what’s your name?"

The blond came towards me.

"Ah …… I am Kashiwada ……"

"A schoolmate? But not in the same class as Suzuki? Been together since junior high school?"

"Ah, no …… I’m from a different secondary school …"

Being an Otaku, I could not explain well and I cannot say a thing about my hobby, but somehow I was desperately talking.

"Hey, I am from class C, Kawano, Kojima from the same class and Tanabe from class D."

Blond …… No, Kawano introduced me and other members to myself. Kojima is the black-haired long-fashioned visual-style guy and Tanabe is the drummer. Kawano is a surprisingly nice guy who greeted me even though he didn’t know me… I got a little glad.

…… So far the other members were also friendly… Anyway, I have to spend time with the members until Suzuki and Koigasaki came back. I also want to be able… to interact with them! Firming my resolve, the game began.

"Wow, you died easily! Why are you in Kuribo!?"

Those who are unfamiliar with this game will lose their lives one after another in simple places. Well, the character will spawn from the same spot where he died.

"Who is using Luige!?"

"Oh, that’s me …"

I noticed that Luige who I am manipulating was at the forefront.

"Wait a moment!" I raised my voice towards the other members trying to proceed.

"Because there is a big coin under this place and we must get it!" I unconsciously made such remarks desperately.

"What? Coin?"

"Thank you very much?"

"Oh, I got this game ……"

"That's it! I thought it was good!"

Both the visual looker Kojima and the small drummer Tanabe casually talked to me, so I got casual as well. The others copied me and tried going for the big coins.


I accidentally missed my Luige and got hit by the enemy and died before taking the big coins. From the moment I thought that they were noisy with games like games, but when they died they would just raise a loud voice ……

"Okay, then I'm …… Garbo"

"Oi Kawano, do not involve the others! I have died!"

Morio who was handled by Kawano followed me trying to get big coins. And from behind me, Penokio who was manipulated Kojima died as well.

"Bu …" I sprang out unintentionally.

At that time, the living room door opened and Suzuki with a plastic bag came in.

"I'm home …… Something exciting happened?"

Suzuki was a bit surprised to see our situation.



From the back of Suzuki and Koigasaki… Suzuki's older sister Mochizuki-san appeared. I wonder if she has just come back.

"I am Suzuki’s older sister. Thank you for taking care of my brother"

From the time I met her since I was at Suzuki's house, her hair color has changed. Overall it is orangeish brown hair, but only the tip of hair is decolorized to gold color.

"Suzuki's older sister! Super cute!"

Kawano sees Mochizuki, and the tension is rising. This guy… I'm also spent a lot of time with Koizagasaki, and I also like the appearance of women ……

This time it is Koigasaki and Mochizuki cooking in the kitchen. It was good …… Koigasaki, I am very sorry that I was anxious about you honestly.

Suzuki came here and joined the game (players who died were replaced became the order).

After that, also surprisingly … the game was exciting. I think that this game is something that is easy to get excited about …… I think that the club members were also a factor for the excitement. It was easy for me to talk normally with the others as well. I feel that I could feel relaxed while playing games at least.

"Even though I am not a member, they still treated me well."

And, though I always thought …… It might be just my misunderstanding. Actually, although I was not told something from them, I just thought of it without permission. I often become a strangely negative thinker but … that it was just a thought, it has been several times before. I think that it is my bad habit.

If you think about it, Suzuki’s sister and Koigasaki look alike although they live in different worlds.

And yet they got along well. Even though their appearance is loud and their personalities are uninhibited, I thought "they cannot become friends in real life".

But… From my experience so far, there are many people who look different and yet are easy to talk and get on well. At least, from today … I will stop judging people only by their appearance, triggered by today's things. Let us all get along with one another… Let's keep on trying.

"I changed my hair color like in real moon ~!”

“Super cute ~!"

"Really! Thank you!"

"Oh, that necklace Q pod is not it?"

"Oh yeah … Momochan likes Q pod?"

"Yes, I like it a lot! I went to go to Q pod cafe in Harajuku once …"

"Oh, that, I went with my friends there once!"

"Oh, really?! How was it?"

"It was awesome! I will go with you next time!"

"Oh, is that OK!?"

As you know, Koigasaki and Mochizuki are comfortably talking while talking about cooking. It seems that girls are excited when with other girls. Because Koigasaki also seemed happy, in that case, it was good that Mochizuki-san came.

Soon there was a pot made by Mochizuki and Koigasaki. We interrupted our game and went to the kitchen. From the appearance, it was different from the pot made by Koigasaki made earlier. It looks delicious with its appearance and smell.


"Yappe super Umamori!"

They are very impressed by the pot even though they exaggerated a bit. When I saw the pot Koisagaki made a while ago, I encouraged Koigasaki although I guess I felt the danger…

Mochizuki-san and Koigasaki served the food as we looked to the pot. It looked very delicious. When Koigasaki made an eerie pot earlier, I wondered what would I do …… then Mochizuki came and we were really saved …

After enjoying the meal made by Mochizuki-san and Koigasaki, everyone cleaned up. Although Koigasaki was also initially nervous, thanks to Mochizuki-san, she seemed to be having fun as she was able to dissolve her tension. And I myself … surprisingly, I had a good time. Although I was in a depressed mood since after being dumped by Hasegawa, my mood changed to good today.

After cleaning up, the time was late, so we decided to return home. After splitting up with Suzuki and Mochizuki, me and Koigasaki headed to the station with one of the club members while talking.

"See you~"

"Koigasaki-san, although the cultural festival has ended, please come back to the light music club any time!"

"Oh, thank you……!"

"See you again, Koigasaki and Kashiwada, take care and return home ~"

"Oh, ah … thanks again!"

At the station we parted from the club member, and while walking from the station Koigasaki asked.

"…… you, what’s on your mind?"

Right after getting on, Koigasaki asked in such way.

"Oh, oh … well … well, it was easy for us to talk with the club members, it was unexpected …”

"Well … I was glad I went today … Though it was bad that the first dish was unsuccessful … It was still a lot of fun …"

Koigasaki reminded me with a gentle smile.

"Wow, you can play games, I respect you for the first time!"

"Well that game …that's the first time!" (Hey, you are too bad! How many times will you die in Kuribo!?")

"Well, I can’t help it! I do not usually play that game!"

We talked with each other while remembering.

"Really … It was fun today …… I was glad I went …… If I went alone, I might have felt bad ……"

Koigasaki stared at me after saying Shimizumi ……

What is it, suddenly…?

"…… Oh, you even held me with brute force…"

While staring at my eyes, she said with a serious look.

Suddenly if I remembered… I felt ashamed.

Rurou …

I turned my face to the side so that Koigasaki will not notice that my face turned red.

"Well, how about you and… Suzuki … did you talk?"

Because it is awkward, I changed the topic.

"Oh, oh … yeah …"

I think now, it seems that Koigasaki and Suzuki are definitely getting along, whereas I am not. I feel that my help may not be necessary soon……

"…… that …… I know … you are careful to make opportunities for me and Suzuki……"

"Oh, oh, oh ……"

Koigasaki again looks at me. What is it with this person today…

"Not only that …… Even when my dish failed, you still supported me…"

"No, no, no ……"

When I say that way, I feel ashamed. I felt my face getting hot again.

"Well, that's quite natural, because we have an agreement…"


So, we approached my station. Because I did not want to be noticed while being embarrassed, I was honestly relieved to separate from Koigasaki.

"See you tomorrow……"

I got to the station, and said to Koigasaki. But …

"……Why is your face down?"

"Eh, oh no … in fact, we are still in the middle of talking …!"

Still talking ……? It feels like you are in a bad mood ……

Is there something she wanted to talk about?

"……are you…"

Koigasaki opens her mouth without looking at my face.

"Really … really … are… you …… broken hearted now…?"

"Wha! What is it, suddenly …?"

Koigasaki is still depressed and said thing. Why talk about this? I was in a pleasant mood, but this reminded me of the bad things…

"But still … you, you still accompanied me so that I can go to Suzuki…"

Suddenly, what the fuck is it all about? What are you trying to say?

"You… why are you so friendly now? Are you all right?"

Until a while ago she was thankful to me … Wow … suddenly saying that …this guy……

"Why are you … why are you always helping us? Even if you are hurting, you still go this far …?"

Koigasaki looks at me with a serious expression. Why are her pupils… seem to be always just a little moist?

"…… Always …… Always, so ……”

“Even when I was involved in Ashida …… When my cosplay apparel was almost ruined by my sister … "

Koigasaki’s eyes fell, as if to remember the distant past, slowly speaking.

I remember her words. This is what she said when she quarreled with Ashida during one semester and at the time of pre-event during summer vacation. Why did she say such things before…?

"Even with Hasegawa… when I was decided to be Snow White at a cultural festival … when my book was demolished at a coterie event …"

Distorting her eyebrows, Koigasaki closed her eyes. It may be that we are remembering past events.

When I heard the words of Koigasaki, those sights from the past was spread before my eyes.

After signing an agreement …… A lot of things happened. Tough times. There were many things I had encountered. But … more than that, there were lots of fun events. If I had not signed an agreement with her, I think that I will not experience these things and I would have been living an even more boring high school life.

"Why are you always mentioning … our agreement …is that why you are trying to help…?"

At that time, I did not even understand my feelings and I could not answer anything.

For a moment, I also thought whether to make my answer vague… however, Koigasaki has a very serious look and I seriously thought that I had to answer my true feelings.

This time, I have to answer properly. Why do I help Koigasaki? The reason why I help Koigasaki…

"…… of course, when we first made our agreement, there was a reason. You cooperated and so I cooperated as well… But recently, it is not only that… I sincerely wanted to help you, go the extra mile… "

“…What is it ………"Koigasaki diverted her eyes from me and looked down.

"I cannot stand seeing you sad…"


"By cooperating with you, you're also going to be happy…We will both be happy… "


"It's also a matter of my feelings … I somehow feel uneasy when you are unhappy. Or, if I see your serious eyes, I know you are unhappy… I guess seeing you happy makes me feel better as well… Even if you laugh at me, I will still help you as much as I can. Even now … of course, from now on.."

My long speech, but … it contained all my feelings.


Koigasaki says nothing as she sits down.

"……I …… what can I say …………"

I have finally returned to my senses, I remembered the lines that I said right now, and I get shy and my face grew hot.

Damn, what a shameful thing to say… Despite my honest feelings, I admit it gave me a wonderful feeling.

Because Koigasaki kept silent for a long time, I was wondering what was the impression of my words were to her…

"… Wow!?"

Suddenly she hit me on my ass with her bag.

"Wha … what did you do that for?" I asked.

Actually, it seemed that she did not put much effort and it did not hurt so much.

"Wha …… what … that … why …! I do not understand anything at all!"


Damn, why did I make that bothersome embarrassing speech. What the hell! Are you Tsundere Heroine Katsu waving over unreasonable violence often like Ranobet! …… Don’t mix two dimensions with three dimensions…

"Well, that kind of …… well, anyway…… Ba, you're not such a bad guy!? It was a bit embarrassing! Well, looks like you’re reading too many cartoons!

"Ah …… Ah …! That’s terrible… you seriously asked so I answered seriously. That’s all! "

Blood came up to my head when I heard Koigasaki’s reply. At the station, we were screaming at each other. The people at the station are staring at us openly.

Ku… I am starting to regret my serious answer. Isn’t there a saying that says ’a guy who tells his honest feelings also abandons shame’? Oh, it takes a genius to make people feel unlucky! It is frustrating, but I do not want to get any more attention, so I decided to calm down.



Because Koigasaki muttered something while crying.

"What, what … What … it …… Why … Why are you saying that …"


Koigasaki stopped shouting, murmuring as she fell down. I forgot my anger as Koigasaki’s state suddenly changed. I am puzzled.

I noticed it now …… that her face was red. For a moment, I also thought that my face was red from my anger …… Is she embarrassed?

By the way, I remembered a guy who spoke hateful words when he is embarrassed. Well then, does she also have this attitude…?

"…… you, something of me …………"

"What? Now…?"

While Koigasaki is sitting, she murmured something with a small voice, but I didn’t catch it.

"It's nothing… just ……what is with the agreement… "

Koigasaki raised her face and looked at me. No anger can be felt from that face. She seems to be in severe difficulty, strongly needing something to tell me.

With an appealing gaze…

I wonder why……her eyes are teary.

Koigasaki, for me … "You are the only one with whom I have an agreement…"

…… That's impossible.

I told Koigasaki a little while ago, I told you why I help Koigasaki …One more thing, I have not told Koigasaki my other "Reason to help"

Of course, the words that I told Koigasaki earlier was all my honest feelings.

I can’t bear to see Koigasaki feeling down. If Koigasaki becomes happy from my help then I guess that's fine…

And I could tell her the last reason why I help her.

I would like to thank her for all her help… or no, it is different … by helping Koigasaki…I want to be seen as thoughtful, even wanting to be liked …… I'm expecting it in the depths of my heart. I cannot turn my eyes away from this feeling. And even if my mouth splits, I cannot say this.

I do not want to acknowledge how she is friendly with Suzuki … my chest hurts.

For me she is more than just a "partner with an agreement relationship". I do not want to acknowledge, but I do care about her…

"Someone who has just a relationship of mutual agreement ……? That's why it is not it …"


I swallowed but I never opened my mouth.

"Oh you are …… for me, that's important …" Koigasaki looks at me with a tearful eyes.

"Important ………… friends …… and what …"


It was a line that Koigasaki told me somewhere. An important friend …… That is a sure fact. … But, I already knew that myself. But that is not it. I am conscious of Koigasaki as something more than a friend … But, such a thing …… In any case, I can never say that. Even if my mouth rips, I do not want admit.


Koigasaki is waiting for me to speak for a while

Eventually, I kept my eyes away from her. Her eyes were … why, they looked like they lost their light like this.


Koigasaki shortly answers then turns her back on me. Eventually the next train will come. Koigasaki leaves silently as it is.

"……? Hey, … Hey …?"


Koigasaki did not answer my call, and did not look at me. What on earth happened suddenly? I kind of worry about the strange Koigasaki, I cannot feel like walking away from the place, after what happened with Koigasaki

I was looking at the scene.

"Please mind the closing doors"

The doors will close soon, the train with Koigasaki will soon depart. She did not respond to my call.

Why did you suddenly get angry?

Why are you crying?

Why did you ask …… such a thing?

For a while, I could not move a step from the spot while gazing at the track after the train left, and I returned home from the station stunned.

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