Golden Time:Volume5 Chapter3

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Status: Incomplete

14% completed (estimated)


Golden Time 5: Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Golden Time vol05 136.jpg

You, you say you're lonely? ...Selectively picked out like that from the start,

"...Hm? Wha, what...?"

It was if Banri's waking brain had had a question mark painted over it. Drool spilling out, an angel arriving fallen from the paradise of late risers, he had woken all of three seconds earlier. He still couldn't deal very well with emotional topics.

'Well, so, it seems like you're feeling lonely. It's turning into gossip.'

"Yes...? Wh, where...?"

'Between me and Yana-ssan.'

At eleven in the morning it was already hot and humid.

Raising his body slowly like a cow from the uncomfortable night-sweat dampened sheets, Banri sat up on his bed. While scratching his stomach as if he were breaking out in a heat rash, he put his cell-phone to his chin, and listened once more to Two Dimension's voice in his right ear.

'I had a few things to do yesterday, and though I fired off an e-mail, the gist of the story I got from Yana-ssan was that he had just been invited over by you, and he gave me the impression he regretted having lightly turned you down. He said you sounded rather pitiful.'


Not having thought that Yanagisawa cared, Banri stopped moving for a moment. Even though it wasn't particularly important. Or rather, the guy wasn't to blame at all.

He himself was the one being unreasonable. With his emotional instability already like a chronic illness, he had turned himself over to his feelings of loneliness on his own and was suddenly saying things like "come over here." Was he a boyfriend or something? Worse, once rejected, he got all bent out of shape like a little child.

In this bright mid-day sunlight, when he remembered his self-centered self from last night, he was suddenly ashamed of many things. By contrast, the faithful Yanagisawa Mitsuo... would he concern himself with such a one as himself?

Banri, rubbing his dripping wet forehead with the back of his hand, turned on the television with his other hand for now.

Outside the curtain and window he'd left open as he'd slept, today, too, was emphatically mid-summer. An orchestra of cicadas resounded at high volume, hysterically echoing like the ringing of stir-fry pans and cymbals.

"Two Dimensions, did you perhaps call me because of that?"


"No way, that's nice... ah, you've got to be kidding! Those two people got married!?"

The variety show on the channel he'd randomly selected was on the subject of marriages between young talent. His attention suddenly switched to the television.

'Oh, you saw it on television, didn't you? Yes, yes, since this morning the news has been nothing but that. I mean, I don't have work today. Shall we go out and do something?'

"Eh! Yes, let's! But Two Dimensions, is your novel doing okay?"

Satou Takaya (a.k.a. Two Dimensions) was writing novels as a hobby. He remembered hearing not long ago that he'd been spending all his time on the task of late.

'I'm working on it, but because lately it's been nothing but that, I've already decided that today I would go for a change of pace. What about Kaga-san?'

"Aah... what to do? I know that she'll probably be coming over today. Typically, when she has nothing to do, she just comes over to my place. Even if we decide a meeting place beforehand, she'll tell me 'I want to walk with you to the meeting place,' thus she arrives beforehand at my place. That's her usual pattern."

'Her stalker habits are showing. Then let's go have fun together with Kaga-san. I hope I don't get in the way, though.'

"No way! It's not like that! We never do anything when it's just the two of us. If I said you were coming, she'd surely be happy. Let's try texting that hunk too."

'Yana-ssan said he's busy. When I texted him last night, I asked him if he'd call you out to have fun today. Then I was refused.'

"That so? I wonder if it was his job again."

'Hmm... perhaps. I mean, it seems his job keeps him busy day and night, but is he really that busy all the time? I mean, lately whenever I call him I get the feeling he's busy.'

"I wonder what it is? Before he stayed inside a lot, I mean he generally stayed in his own room listening to music or surfing the web, though he complained about how little spending money he had."

While Banri chatted with Two Dimensions, he flipped through the talk shows with the remote control. Even chasing after a little fresh entertainment, the movements of his fingertips operating the remote control were a sight to behold. But,

'Frankly, it's suspicious. That is. It wouldn't be a girl, would it?"

At Two Dimensions' words,


His fingers came to a stop. Now, this was the most interesting topic. He wasn't watching the talk shows at all. Abandoning the remote control, Banri, raising up his body melting from the heat,

"Yana-ssan, a girlfriend!? Seriously!? You've got to be kidding! ...No, no wait, Yana-ssan ought to have tons of 'em. There's no time or place where he shouldn't!"

He had to be bothering Two Dimensions, raising his voice without thinking and shouting 'Shut up!' Stop that. He was getting himself so riled up he was popping the veins on his temple. Somehow he managed to recover his composure.

"Sorry, sorry. I was careless and got excited... but I guess if it really seems like it, the other person,"


In no time at all getting back to the answer,

"...Is, that, so..."

He had no objections to that at all.

Since they'd entered the school, Yanagisawa had devoted himself to a pure, onesided love for her. Devilishly cute, Oka Chinami was popular throughout the school, regardless of gender.

Even when he tried to confess to her with drunken energy, when he tried to ignore her in a normal way, when he tried to maintain an injured distance, when he tried to be awkward, even while trying somehow to build a relationship as good friends... Chinami continued to be there, always, at the very center of Mitsuo's turbulent campus life.

If he was working to make his feelings known so they might become a couple, it was probably no mystery in how Mitsuo was behaving. For the sake of finally obtaining such an extremely lovely woman, he would probably devote his time, his money, everything he had.

"But if he's started dating Oka-chan, then I wonder why he hasn't said anything to us?

'Because if the relationship has only just started, you'd want to be left alone, maybe?'

"Ah~... hmm... is that how... it is?"

'Look, doesn't it seem like that couple that set one time, rowing out to the edge of the abyss to keep themselves away from outsiders, carefully shutting them out? From Two Dimensions' way of saying things, he understood, saying 'I see... it might be...'


Suddenly hearing a sound as if the door were opening, Banri started and raised his voice.

'What? What happened?'

"Well, something was suddenly opening the door... what do I do? Somebody has to be trying to break into my room right now..."

Catching on the deadbolt with a bang,

'Uh, wouldn't that be Kaga-san?'

From around the half-open door he could clearly hear Kouko's voice saying 'open~up~you~'.

"Yeah, it's Kouko... hold on a second, she can't undo the lock from outside."

<~~14% Completed~~>

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