Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume17 Chapter3

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A Leisurely Dialog[edit]

Part 1[edit]

She awoke before the wake-up call. The sound of rain filled her ears.

It was dark, due to either the weather or the curtains being closed. Or maybe it was still night, not yet morning. If she got up and walked over to the window, she would know right away. But both her eyelids and her body were heavy, and she was cozy, wrapped up in a blanket. Her nose was cold.

"Oh yeah, Yoshino-san!"

Finally remembering last night's events, Yumi instantly woke up. But looking over to the neighboring bed, there was nobody there. Just the vacant shape of a sleeping body left behind in the blankets.

"Ba . . . bathroom?"

The sheets were not warm. While feeling the empty space with her hand, Yumi was certain it had been a long time since the bed was vacated. At least five minutes or more.

"W-what. . . ?"

She began rapidly feeling worse; so much so that she might even throw up. It appears while this happened, Yumi slept like a log. She had stopped paying attention after falling asleep.

Her feet got tangled as she went to open the bathroom door. Then —


It was locked from inside.


Don't lock the bathroom door if you're in ill health. They probably had such a rule in the Shimazu household.

"Yoshino-san! Are you okay!?"

She knocked on the door, hard. Bam Bam Bam. No response. If she was in there, choking, with something blocking her throat, she wouldn't be able to get up and open the door. Last night, no matter how hard she begged, it would have been better to leave Yoshino-san in the hands of the teacher.

"What should I do?"

Just as she made up her mind to call for help and turned away from the door, Yumi noticed something. Through a gap in the curtains, she could barely see daylight.


And yet, she could still hear the sound of rain. She could hear it coming from the bathroom.


If she listened carefully, she could even make out something like humming mixed in with the rain sound.

No way.

Yumi stood in front of the door. Soon the rain sound stopped, and the door opened from the other side.

"Sorry, Yumi-san. Do you need to use the bathroom?"

". . ."

Yoshino-san appeared, wearing a bathrobe and her hair dripping wet. Yumi, her mouth gaping wide open, shook her head.

"No? Okay. Sorry, just let me dry my hair," said Yoshino-san, then returned behind the door.

Yumi just watched all this then crouched, head looking through her knees. Unbelievable. A few hours ago Yoshino-san seemed to be so ill, but now she had recovered and was taking a shower. If Yumi had looked at her watch, she would see that it was half-past six. For now, she returned to her bed, feeling hazy and unable to calm down.

(I was worried and burdened.)

But friendship isn't a burden, is it? That's what I said last night.

(She was awake 30 minutes earlier than planned.)

Yoshino-san's physical condition improved as though she had a blessing bestowed upon her at 17 years of age. But Yumi was just Fukuzawa Yumi, not a saint. If she were, it was probably unnecessary to attend Lillian to study Jesus' teachings.

"Ah, I feel refreshed. Thank you for waiting, Yumi-san."

Yoshino-san came out of the bathroom in good spirits. Yumi felt the need to say something.

"Just a minute."

Yoshino-san guessed what Yumi was going to say, and answered, "I told you that I'd get better if I slept with a cooled forehead, didn't I?"

"I heard that, but . . ."

But usually one would still worry after all that.

"Before my shower, I took your uniform from the bathroom and hung it in the closet, so that it didn't get all damp."

While saying this, Yoshino-san opened the curtains and turned on the TV. Naturally, the broadcaster was reading the news in fluent Italian.

While looking at the screen, Yoshino-san confided in Yumi, "You were worried. You are the only classmate I can show my weakness to."

If she's going to say such a killer line like that. . . . The only response is, "That's all right."

That's all right.

She got a taste of what it must feel like to be Rei-sama, manipulated by Yoshino-san.

Yumi turned from Yoshino-san to face the TV, and replied, "I really was worried."

Two minutes after the TV news said 7:00, the room phone rang.

Part 2[edit]

At 7:20, arriving in the dining hall between the lobby and first floors, one group of classmates were already seated and had started eating.

"Yumi-san, Yoshino-san, over here." Tsutako-san and Mami-san beckoned with waving hands. "Two seats just opened up."


Yoshino-san exchanged greetings then sat down. A man who appeared to be a waiter came up to the two of them and asked if they'd like anything. Understanding only the initial "Buon Giorno" but fairly sure it was a greeting, they replied "Buon Giorno" just in case.

"He's asking what would you like to drink," Tsutako-san explained for them. It seems breakfast was buffet style, but first, drinks were ordered. Even so, that was some incredible listening comprehension. He spoke quickly and muttered. Yumi couldn't understand a thing.

"We didn't understand, either. But the Wisteria class students who were sitting here a while ago explained it to us. So, what would you like?"

"What to drink. . . ."

But there was no menu. Without hesitation, Yoshino-san ordered, "Café au lait, please."

At that, the waiter tilted his head.

"What did you two get, Tsutako-san?" asked Yumi.

"Caffè latte."

"Then I'll get that too. Caffè latte, please."

Yoshino-san added, "Me too."

This time she ordered properly. If you thought about it carefully, café au lait was a French drink. Tsutako-san and Mami-san exchanged glances and chuckled. Likewise, the two of them had copied the Wisteria class students and ordered caffè lattes. So, they weren't smart from the beginning.

When they returned with their plates of scrambled eggs, bacon, and croissants covered in powdered sugar, their caffè lattes were already placed at their seats. Yumi mused that there weren't all that many vegetables, so Yoshino-san got up, poured a glass of tomato juice and brought it back for her.

"You can drink that, right?"

She was being excessively helpful, perhaps as a result of what happened last night.

"So, how was last night?"

Mami-san broached the topic while pouring herself another caffè latte. She wasn't holding her usual reporter's notebook, this was just idle chatter.

"The shower is hard to use."

"Ah, when you went to flush the toilet, did you know what to do?"

It looks like Mami-san had consulted Tsutako-san on this matter after answering the call of nature. At first, Yumi was also stumped: she could not find a lever like they have in Japan. But when she noticed a big square button on the wall (about the size of a small drawer in a writing desk) she got all excited. If that moves, that's it.

"Speaking of bathrooms, isn't the toilet small and cold?"

"Yeah. When I sat down, I let out a 'yikes!'"

"Okay, that's enough."

It was mealtime, so it would be better to end this discussion as soon as possible.

"Come to think of it, did any of you bring an alarm clock?"

Yumi disclosed the events of last night, when she asked for a wake-up call while in a panic. Then —

"It was on the TV, wasn't it?" Both Mami-san and Tsutako-san said after exchanging glances.


"It felt like programming a VCR, didn't it? At the set time, the TV will automatically turn on and wake you up."

". . . I didn't notice that."

She probably would have noticed if she had turned on the TV. But last night? Not so much.

"But that's good, right? Thanks to that, you were able to have a valuable experience."

The two of them had already finished their meals, so they waved, laughing, and left. Some folks who had come in were looking around for seats.

"Is it okay if we sit here?"

It was Michiyo-san and Itsue-san, also from Pine class. Little by little, the faces of Sakura class students were starting to appear, too.

"Yes, please do."

Yumi and Yoshino-san greeted them with warm smiles. The waiter came and greeted the new guests with "Buon Giorno."

"He's asking what do you want to drink."

Of course, somebody explained it to them.

Part 3[edit]

At half past eight, they left through the first-floor exit and got on a waiting bus. Once on board, they said a brief prayer then took attendance.

Today, the class was joined by a guide who would be showing them around, riding along in the Pine class bus. She was a Japanese lady, old enough to be their mother. She said her husband had been working in Italy for almost seven years.

"From here we will head towards Vatican City. First, an art museum. After that, we will visit St. Peter's Basilica. Is everybody in good shape?"


Yoshino-san was the first to answer and the loudest voice. Like a kindergarten child, she raised her hand high above her head with all her might.

". . . Hey, you didn't say anything to Guide-san, did you?" Yoshino-san asked, reclining in her seat. Yumi felt her gaze but said nothing. "In any case, I'm fine now."

"So you say."

A small peace sign. Well, even when one's health is bad, it is better to at least appear good. This goes for everyone, not just Yoshino-san.

"Oh, before I forget. I have two or three warnings and instructions for things in the hotel room."

The teacher started to talk while looking at her notebook. This was a kind of homeroom.

"The alarm clock is on the TV. Students who are not confident in working the machine can press the Reception button on the phone and ask for a wake-up call."

Sure enough, looks like there were reports of students who were distressed because they did not understand. She didn't know who they were, but Yumi was happy to learn that there were others like her.

"The string hanging from the top of the bathtub is not a switch for a ventilation fan. It is an emergency call cord. Do not pull it unnecessarily."

Upon hearing the teacher's words, about half of the students laughed. The remaining half turned pale. It was unclear how many cases there were of hotel employees coming running after students let out a small, "What's this for?" and gave it a quick tug, but it appeared to be quite a few. That included Yumi. She pulled with quite a lot of strength, but nothing happened so she gave up. She was glad she had given up, and breathed a sigh of relief. But in a true emergency, would someone have the strength to make it work? Her doubts remained.

"The toilet will flush if you push the big button on the wall," she paused, looking over the list. "I guess that should cover just about everything, yes?"

At this, they all laughed. It appears that there was nobody who had left without flushing.

Soon after the teacher finished her announcements, the bus stopped and the door opened. It was only about a ten-minute ride, so they arrived much sooner than she thought.

"Are we really here?"

There was no building outside the window. This place had an atmosphere more like the main street in front of a train station.

"Okay, everyone. Please take your bags and disembark. Because this bus will go back to the hotel to pick up the Sakura class. After getting off, please form two lines."

The guide quickly issued instructions. If you listened, the entrance to the art museum was much farther. The bus stopped here because this was the end of the queue. It was a waste of time and energy to walk all the way from the entrance to the end of the line. Knowing how far the line stretches is a skill that only a local guide who actually lives here would have.

The guide led on, carrying the Pine class flag, whereas the teacher brought up the rear. Two adults were at either end of the long line. Looking back and forth, all types of people could be seen. As expected, all roads lead to Rome; tourists had come here from all over the world.

In front, they could see a group of Wisteria class students who had left the hotel just before them. They stood out, thanks entirely to the dark uniforms. Outside of school, a group of students in uniform are hard to miss. That was probably why the school made everyone wear them on official trips: teachers could respond quickly if a student got into an accident or trouble.

"The bus ride was a lot shorter, wasn't it?" muttered Yoshino-san.

The line slowly but surely moved forward. From the main street, they turned onto a small side street, with signs of fashionable bars and apartments. Gazing at all this, Yumi found it in no way disagreeable.

"This country is relaxed."

The voice came from Mami-san, right behind her.


Yumi looked back over her shoulder.

"Rules, morals, environmental issues, things like that." Mami-san explained while taking notes. "First of all, the road is filthy."

As if it were common for people to drop cigarette butts, paper scraps, and vinyl. The roads in Tokyo weren't particularly pretty, but people were a bit more careful about dropping garbage.

"Besides, this is like a smoker's paradise, this country." Tsutako-san added, from next to Mami-san. These days, everywhere in the world, smokers are thought of as shameful. But in the hotel lobby, at cafe tables, on the street, everyone smoked with pride.

"Another culture's rules, huh?"

Pedestrians crossed even where there was no traffic signal. Whether or not that got in the way of traffic, they would normally hurry, smoothly making their way across. The drivers were used to this, easily avoiding pedestrians without slamming on the brakes.

"I'm not saying it's totally bad."

Don't get me wrong, Mami-san said. Tsutako-san nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Because you could also say they're leisurely, big-hearted, and generous. There, look."

They looked towards where she had pointed with her chin, where an old man sat. In the space before the old man was an empty can, into which passersby put money.

"Is that. . . ?"

"The act of giving one's own fortune to another. It's not a scene we see on the streets of Japan."

Sure enough, this is a Christian country, muttered Tsutako-san. A culture that produced compassionate hearts. A culture where leniency was the rule.

It wasn't whether it was good or bad. It was the national character.

It and was just not polite to be surprised by foreign cultures. Definitely not. No matter what you say, they were travelers. From their position, they were only a brief intrusion into this land.

"It would be nice if we discover all sorts of things."

On this trip, Yumi thought. Until now, all that they knew of the world was what they had seen on their own. It was a complicated, but important thing.

"All sorts of things?" Yoshino-san replied.

What kind of thing, specifically?

"If I said lots of all sorts of things, then I meant lots of things!"

For example . . .

Just when Yumi replied, a horn blared. Involuntarily, the students all turned to see. "Ah!" they all cried out with a bit of delight.

"It's a wedding."

A bride in a wedding dress and groom in white tuxedo rode a lavishly decorated convertible.

"Oh, yeah. It's Saturday isn't it?"

The bride and groom's car was led and followed by cars full of what looked to be young people—their friends. With all their excitement, they gave more a feeling of making fun than congratulations.

"Sure is nice."

With enchanted eyes, the high school girls watched the merry-making.

Right after that, a Dalmatian, its owner dragging it by its leash, pooped while running.

". . . Sure enough, relaxed," Mami-san muttered with boredom.

From what that dog left behind, befitting of something "relaxed," it looked like it had an upset stomach.

Part 4[edit]

After 50 minutes in line, they finally reached the entrance to the art museum.

Do not absorb everything at art museums as if it is all the same. Yumi just realized this 10 minutes after walking in.

Starting out, she was filled with high spirits. But one after another the exhibits came into view. The sheer number was more than could fit in one person's brain. The memory of the previous picture could not be taken out; the next picture could not be put in. She had to, but could not, replace one work with the next. At each and every amazing religious painting, she thanked or apologized to Maria-sama.

"That's okay."

Katori-sensei said.

"Even if you look around aimlessly, you'll see something you like." In an art museum, it is better if you find one or two pieces that you like and think of them as 'hits'. If you don't, your eyes will roll into the back of your head."

"Although I will explain every important point, it's fine to take my words as background music. When there's a work of art that interest you, listen in."

Guide-san said the same thing. I instantly felt better. Even people who are well-versed in art get more than their fill in places like this.

And the artwork at the Vatican City art museum that Yumi thought of as a "hit" was Michelangelo's "Last Judgement."

Christ the judge is in the upper middle of the chapel's large wall, with the Holy Mother Maria nearby. Around him are many people to be judged. It is a very famous fresco. Said briefly, it is heaven and hell.

Because it's a famous painting, people are drawn to it. Or it may be the reverse: only because the painting touches people's hearts, it became famous. The size also helps: it's quite impressive.

Shimako-san gazed upon the art, overcome with amazement and unaware of Yumi who stood next to her. No, since Wisteria class started earlier it was Yumi who, staring at the fresco, was unaware that she had stepped next to Shimako-san.

Meeting here was an amazing coincidence. Yumi was about to greet her with "Gokigenyou." But she was startled by her friend's face.


Shimako-san was shedding tears.

"Shi, Shimako-san?"

"I wonder, why won't the tears stop?"

MM v17 p083.jpg

Her cheeks glistened as large drops spilled over them.

Were they tears of compassion for the people being judged? Or consideration for the despair of Christ, who must judge, and for the sorrow of the holy mother, her eyes covered?

Shimako-san herself said she did not know why she cried. The only thing for sure was that faith was involved.

Looking at the fresco, Shimako-san was as beautiful as Maria-sama.

The Wisteria class assembled, so Shimako-san left the chapel. Yoshino-san came up to Yumi and whispered,

"Really, Jesus has gotten fat."

She got to see two extremes of reaction in just a short moment.


They are both dear friends to Yumi.

Part 5[edit]

Within the art museum were occasional sales stands. They were simple shops, tables with items arranged on tables, selling things related to the Vatican City art museum. Guidebooks translated to languages of various countries, miniature replicas, the items varied by shop.

"Yoshino-san, what are you doing?"

Yoshino had stopped in front of a stand in the middle of a wide corridor. She had seen something important and turned around to take a look. And then, there.


With a serious expression, Yoshino-san gazed upon the rosaries arranged on the table. She didn't even glance at the paintings of Maria-sama next to the rosaries.

"Really, I was torn."

Determined to produce a little sister, as if she could make that little sister's face become visible.

"Going to buy a new one?"

"Hm. But Shimako-san gave Noriko-chan the one that she got from Sei-sama."

Because Sei-sama also received hers from her onee-sama, it had continued in the White Rose family for untold generations.

"For mine, Rei-chan bought one for me."

So it appeared that Rei-sama still had the rosary that Eriko-sama gave her.

It did not matter whether the rosary that is exchanged between soeurs was one passed down from generation to generation, or purchased new. Because if it was limited to just "generation to generation," that could cause problems.

"What about Yumi-san's rosary? Did Sachiko-sama receive it from Youko-sama?"

"I don't know."

Now that you mention it, she never asked.

"All I know for certain is that it wasn't something prepared for me."

It was on the day when they first exchanged words that Sachiko-sama made her sudden soeur proclamation. Even though Yumi did not accept it at first, it did become the rosary that now hung around Yumi's neck.

"I see. Before Yumi-san, Sachiko-sama asked Shimako-san."

Yoshino-san muttered things best left forgotten. If Sachiko-sama had bought something for their future little sister, it would have been with Shimako-san in mind. ...It was a bit complicated.

"So Yumi-san, aren't you going to buy one?"

"Aha, so plan to drag your friend along with you."

"I thought of something even better. Rosary Fortune Telling."

"What's that?"

"From the rosaries here, I purchase the one that fills me with inspiration." Then, once we return home, the first-year at school who best suits this rosary? I choose her to be my little sister. What do you think?"

  1. page 87

"What do I think?"

Like picking Cinderella by the size of her shoes. Anyway, while she could say it was fortune telling, it totally was not fortune telling.

"I'll pass."

Saying that, Yumi left the table. With Rosary Fortune Telling cast aside, the will to choose a rosary from those lined up faded.

They were florid and used colored stones. She preferred something simple.

For the time being, she left it at that.

Part 6[edit]

After the art museum, St. Peter's Basilica.

It is the Catholic headquarters. It is where the Pope is. It is a church built above the grave of the martyr St. Peter.

They waited in line for admission at the piazza's entrance gates. Just like the art museum, there was an amazing number of tourists. In line, about ten people ahead of the second year Pine class group, a western-looking middle-aged man and an Asian couple were denied entry. Guide-san explained that this was because the man wore short pants and sandals, the woman in the couple wore a slip dress that showed quite a bit of skin. This is a sacred place. Without appropriate attire, you won't be allowed to set foot within.

The couple was admitted once the lady put on a men's shirt and covered up her skin. But in the case of the shorts, there was no way to improvise a solution. The man shrugged and turned back.

"I wonder, was that man a Christian?"

Shimako-san said softly, while watching his retreating figure.

"Whatever your own religion, if you know you're going to visit sacred places, you need to dress suitably."

Yoshino-san struck a final blow. It was a sound argument, but a harsh comment.

"But, Japanese people are somewhat in danger, are they not? There seem to be few people going about daily life while devoutly holding faith."

Shimako-san said while Yumi was still thinking what to say.

"I think Japanese people are safe enough."


"We bought a guidebook and prepared, right? Like it said in the book, we paid attention to our clothes."

Seeing both Mami-san and Yoshino-san nod vigorously in agreement, it seems all three of them pored over every corner of that guidebook as if preparing for a test.

"By the way, do you need your passport when entering?"

Mami-san said as if she suddenly thought of it.


"Because Vatican City is literally a country."

Oh yeah, it is the smallest independent country in the world.

"Yeah, it's not Italy in here."

"I guess you're right."

"But if that's the case, what about when we entered the art museum?" We did not show passports then, right? But is that part of Vatican City?"

Probably because of its name, "Vatican Art Museum."

"So if this is not Italy, how does the Pope govern?"

"The Swiss Guard watches over Vatican City. Well, let's go."

After the man and the couple, nobody else was stopped due to clothing. The entrance flowed smoothly, and just like that, it was Yumi and friends' turn. Indeed, in the case of uniforms, once you look at one, there's no need to look over every single one, so they flowed through smoothly.

They were able to enter St. Peter's Basilica without even showing a passport. As they passed by the official standing at the entrance, they nervously had their bags searched, like before riding an airplane. Of course, the Lillian Academy for Women uniform was "suitable" and no cause for rejection.

Their first impression of the piazza was "it's like an outdoor stage." Or more precisely, "grounds set up for a concert." A colossal number of chairs were lined up, facing the church.

"They're preparing for tomorrow."

Guide-san explained for them.

The faithful from all around the world gather for Sunday mass. It was probably a lifelong dream for the faithful to participate in mass at the Catholic headquarters.

Like the basilica exterior, the interior was built to draw out the spirit.

First, the ceiling was very, very, high. And gorgeous and dazzling. Beautiful. Sparkling. Sublime. Brilliant. Anyhow, with one word "amazing." Although they had already looked at gorgeous things at the art museum, they were merely Japanese high school girls. They stood frozen, mouths agape.

It's a big world. They had never seen such a building.

While their heads were still in a daze, Guide-san led on, showing them Michelangelo's "Pieta", "Statue of Saint Peter" and more. Yumi had only impressions of the famous statues that were here, so as one would expect, she received quite a culture shock.

Part 7[edit]

Still half-dazed, the line of second-year Pine class left St. Peter's Basilica. After a walking a bit, they came to their senses, and feelings started to bubble to the surface.

"I'm hungry."

Looking at their wristwatches, it was already around 2 in the afternoon. There were stairs between the art museum and the basilica. Getting so late, it wasn't funny. They had been through so many places so quickly. For careful study, even a whole day is not enough.

"Just a bit longer, so please wait."

Like little chicks pestering a parent for food, voices of "I'm hungry" cried out here and there throughout the line. Because of that, even the students who were unconscious up to now, they started to notice their own hunger. It was troublesome.

After reaching an outdoor cafe where they had a reservation (or something akin to that), the ladies ate panini. Their insatiable hunger came out. They had walked far, so it tasted great.

Italian mineral water is carbonated. So when you want normal water, you have to ask for "no gas."

Yumi and her group of friends discussed it and ordered half with and half without, so that they could compare. At first, "with gas" was novel and popular. But by the end of the meal, "no gas" won everyone's vote. As expected, people return to the things they were familiar with as children. A few preferred "with gas", and thought about buying some to take back to Japan. But water as an Italian souvenir? They thought it would be heavy and bulky.

Now. "challenger" Yumi decided to end with a first experience of using the shop's restroom.

When she considered that there would be a cleaning lady, she took out some coins. Then into the cafe interior she went.

According to the guidebook, Italian for toilet is "bagno," and "for women" is "donna." In the situation where the restroom is locked from the outside, the key to borrow at the counter is "chiave."

While whispering this to herself so as not to forget, she made her way through the customer tables until a staircase came into view. On the wall by the staircase hung a piece of paper with an arrow pointing down and the word "Toilette" written on it. Apparently, this cafe's restroom was in the cellar. Yumi faced the dark cellar and headed down the stairs.

"...and that's all there was to it. No big deal. A brief report, as requested."

Back at the table after finishing with the restroom, Yumi reported on her new restroom experience & went into her feelings and minute details. But Yoshino-san looked impatient and kept looking at the exit.

"To sum up, the restroom was in the cellar? And did you pay? Did you not pay?"

"...I did not pay."

"Was there toilet paper?"

"There was."

"All right. I've heard enough. I will report any difficulties."

"Ah, Yoshino-san"

Without hearing that last call, the New Bathroom Experience, Second Unit jogged into the cafe and disappeared. Looks like she was in a state of urgency. Such things can't be helped. But.

"...Why didn't you tell me there wasn't any toilet seat?"

She came back and abruptly asked. So Yumi answered with childish mischief,

"If you think about it, isn't it the perfect toilet to strengthen your leg muscles?"

Yoshino-san threw those words back at her,

"Before muscles, what about balance?"

It seems that Yoshino-san had to use a Western-style toilet without sitting down.

One imagines that would be rather difficult.

Part 8[edit]

After a late lunch, then visiting Castel Sant'Angelo, then returning via bus to the hotel for a moment, they had some free time together as a class.

As a result of earlier homeroom discussions, Yumi and friends decided to stroll around the Piazza di Spagna and go to the Trevi Fountain this evening. For tomorrow's similar free time, they planned on the Colosseum and the Mouth of Truth. In other words, the Pine class had adopted a theme of "Roman Holiday."

"It feels like it's crammed with people."

It was the famous Spanish Steps, where a great deal of people crowded together. There was nothing to do, but some people were sitting and eating gelato they had gotten somewhere, imitating Princess Anne.

"Is it enjoyable, just sitting on the stairs?"

Grumbling while standing around without sitting is human nature. Laugh if you want. Because they came so far, no one would get punished for sitting down. So everyone in the Pine class sat down on the stairs. Without a moment's delay, Tsutako-san took pictures. While grumbling "that nearby old man is in the way" and whatever.

"Yumi-san, what are you thinking about?"


"From time to time, you sigh like you're thinking of something. Today... yeah, from the afternoon on."

Tsutako-san said from behind her camera lens. That's the Photography Club ace for you. She really saw people's expressions.

"Homesick already? Or do you miss your onee-sama?"

"No way. That's not it."

Shaking her head and waving her hands, Yumi denied it. Not even a day and a half had passed since they left Japan. It was a normal weekend. It was common to be unable to see your onee-sama. And they have experienced many even longer breaks since becoming soeurs.

"Then what is it?"

Tsutako-san laughed, then put down her camera and sat next to Yumi. Yoshino-san and Mami-san sat down on the stairs for a moment, and thus satisfied, were ready to go see the fountain. Rolling up the sleeves and splashing the water, goofing around, it sounded like fun.

"Didn't we go the Castel Sant'Angelo just a little while ago?"

Yumi confessed to Tsutako-san.

"Ah. That castle is said to be the stage for 'Tosca.'"

The opera "Tosca" is a tragedy where a woman kills to help their lover, but that fails, her lover is executed by firing squad, and she kills herself by leaping from a parapet. If briefly summarized.

"About that. While listening to the opera, I suddenly remembered Kanina Shizuka-sama."

"Rosa Kanina"

The singer who previously vied with Shimako-san for the title of Rosa Gigantea. Before she became a third-year, she traveled to Italy to study music.

"I wonder how she's doing. Is she happy?"

Standing now on the soil of Italy, it seems obvious, but, the land was vast and the people many. Shizuka-sama was probably somewhere under this wide sky, but without knowing her street address or the name of her town, if you wanted to see her, finding her while just passing by on a school trip seemed unlikely.

"Why wouldn't she be happy? No news could be evidence she's happy, right?"

After Tsutako-san said this, Mami-san "speaking of news" appeared from behind

"You surprised me. When did you get back?"

"Just now. While Tsutako-san and Yumi-san are happily telling secrets, I thought I'd listen in."

"But it wasn't a secret. So, what is this 'news' you bring us?"

"Oh, yes, yes! Did you know? There's a post office inside the Vatican art museum. The Sakura class wrote and sent picture postcards back to Japan."

"To their families?"

"No. To their onee-samas and little sisters."

Upon hearing 'onee-sama', Yumi suddenly became envious. It's not that she was homesick, but she wanted to see her onee-sama. It's not like she couldn't endure it. But this was a chance to send a picture postcard from overseas to her onee-sama. She didn't know when such a chance would come around again. Right now it was Saturday evening. She didn't know the business hours of this country's post office. Until she bought some stamps, she couldn't send anything even if she happened to see a mailbox.

"Come on, Pine class. We're going to Trevi Fountain."

Upon the teacher's order, they stood up and brushed off their skirts.

They were travelers, not free to do as they pleased.

Part 9[edit]

The Trevi Fountain had an appearance in the evening that she liked, Katori-sensei said.

Because of that one comment, Pine class put it on the schedule for Saturday evening.

Even after 50 years, The masterpiece "Roman Holiday" remains a movie popular with girls. Not just Pine class, but Wisteria and Sakura class also planned a tour of its settings. But only Pine class saw the Trevi Fountain in the evening. The other two classes planned to visit during the day tomorrow. Probably because in the story, it was bright when Princess Ann came here.

As the teacher had recommended, the Trevi Fountain was beautiful in the evening. Emerging from the darkness were many white statues, brightly lit. The water poured forth from around their feet. Actually, it seemed like it was the face of the Palazzo Poli, but it was too artistic for a building wall.

Turn your back to the fountain and throw in coins. It is said that if you do this, you will someday return to this place.

Yumi also pulled a coin from her wallet, and hollered "eee." Regrettably, since she had her back turned to the fountain, she couldn't tell which was her coin.

"Why don't I take a picture of Takeshima-san with Fukuzawa-san and everyone all lined up? I'll press the shutter."

Katori-sensei offered, but Tsutako-san declined with "that's very considerate." She likes taking photographs far more than being photographed.

"Sensei, you're not going to throw a coin?"

"Oh, right. But even if I do not throw it, I come here often. Throwing a coin just to do it, isn't that a waste of money?"

Because she comes here often, she could say "I prefer the evening." Trevi Fountain in the daytime, Trevi Fountain in the evening, she knows these things.

"Sensei, was it Italy in your day?"

"No. Kyushu."

Katori-sensei was a Lillian Academy OG: Old Girl. She had attended Lillian Academy as a student. Ten or so years ago, it seems there were no plans at all for overseas school trips.

"Both last year and this year, I was the homeroom teacher for second-years, so this is the second year in a row I've been to Italy."

Katori-sensei said that she doesn't know what next year will bring, but as long as she's a teacher at Lillian Academy, she's likely to travel to Italy many times.

"Sensei, do you like being a teacher at Lillian?"

"Mm-hmm. Yes, I like it."

"Then you definitely should throw in a coin. You'll be able to come again. Because while you accompany school trips to Italy, you'll be able to be a teacher at Lillian."

"Oh no. I'll wish for coming on a personal trip."

Whispering this while she pulled out money, Sensei threw a coin.

Painting an exquisite and long arc as it shone in the brilliant light, the coin fell into the fountain.

Part 10[edit]

"This is unconfirmed information."

Mami-san said with a hushed voice, sitting at the dinner table.

Conversing at the restaurant next to the hotel. Porcini mushrooms roasted until browned, together with whitefish, plated, and served.

"Just a while ago, Sakura class students supplied the story. Oh, this story is off the record, please. Because if I get stuck, I might put it in the Lillian Kawaraban."

However, the Sakura class supplied something that might be useful later. This story was a scoop, but it probably would turn out to be nothing. More than that, she was leaking a rumor before publishing it herself. But Mami-san continued, unconcerned with that. She'd been staying in Italy, so maybe her reporter's soul had grown a bit leisurely.

"For the evening class activity, do you know where the Sakura class went?"

"A stroll through Borghese gardens?"

Yoshino-san answers in a flash. It felt like a quick answer, without putting on airs.

"Yes. There was a small accident there."

"A single student strayed from the pack. If that was all, everyone knows that. I'm sorry, but that is not a scoop."

Tsutako-san pointed out. To which Yumi nodded "yes, yes" in agreement.

Eventually, that student was crying and wandering around the park. A kind, local, elderly, couple found her and took her to where her classmates were. When we returned from Trevi Fountain, some Wisteria class students told me in the hotel lobby. Perhaps that was when Mami-san heard the news.

"I dared to visit the student's room for an interview."

"...did she answer your questions?"

"Under a promise of anonymity. So we'll call her... A-san."

Sakura class arrived at Borghese Gardens with various conditions attached. Travel in groups of several people was one of them. Of course, at the beginning, A-san was in a group of seven friends. Map in hand, they walked around the park. Taking pictures next to the splendid sculptures, riding around on bicycles, waving at the many young locals, it sounded like wonderful fun.

"Then, did A-san lose sight of her group?"

"That's correct."

Mami-san lowered her voice.

"She was distracted by something, separated from her group, and wandered around unsure of where to go. The time to assemble drew near, they had to return soon. But it looks like her group did not notice that they were missing a person. It was getting dark around there, and it was far better to travel together, so each group should track its own roll call."

"So, what did they do? Really, Mami-san. You're putting too much emphasis on this. Folks are good-natured."

Yoshino-san was striking out with admonitions, but really she was just antsy to know what happened next. Mami-san knew that. This was certainly a pattern she picked up from writing the Lillian Kawaraban.

In the middle of all the students excited over topics like the Vatican in the daytime and Trevi Fountain at night, only this table had their heads together, whispering in private. Won't our classmates notice? Yumi thought they'd have to notice. But everyone else was fully engrossed in their own stories, so nobody noticed anything in this direction.

Still, Mami-san lowered her voice.

"She saw Satou Sei-sama."

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