Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica:Volume 9 Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Unshakable Determination

Part 1


It was the concept the Crimson Twilight member Tiana possessed.

-- The ability to memorize any object she had directly touched and then draw or pull it towards herself.

At first glance it seemed a little lackluster, however in battle 'Attraction's' effects could bring about amazing results.

The strength of the attraction could be freely adjusted from nothing to within the maximum limit at any time, and also, at any time, could be canceled. In addition to simply pulling the opponent closer, at any point in time she could break their movements and throw off their timing.

Also she could freely choose what she wanted to commit to memory, and store as many as she wanted. As for removing those memories, it also only depended on her preference.

However, if she remembered too many the attraction force would weaken, being unable to focus with so many choices. This was only shortcoming of her ability.

Through trial and error Tiana had worked out that three to five memories were most advantageous for battle.

So -- as soon as the fighting with Kyouya started Tiana went to memorization.

In fact there were several opportunities. Although she wasn't able to land a the hit, Kyouya had been deflecting her attacks directly.

Moreover because he had never witnessed this ability he didn't feel the need to avoid contact.

Therefore she was able to forcibly pull him over, and at long last land an attack.

"...... Looks like he's dead."

She looked away from her left hand, and focused on the pile of rubble fell that Kyouya was trapped underneath.

The 'Attraction' memories of him had also disappeared from her mind.

However, Tiana didn't erase those memories herself. In case of a living object, when vital signs of the object stopped the object would be recognized as changed, and the original memory would naturally fade.

"-- Then, now the mission is complete."

That was obtaining the phoenix cells, and defeating COCOON's Hikami Kyouya.

From the intelligence Memeko provided, Tiana already knew that the rest of COCOON and that the Japanese government were readying to take action against Kyouya.

The situation here was turning for worst, and naturally there shouldn't be any reason to continue to stay.

If there was......


Tiana suddenly turned her sight to a far off direction.

Her eyes rested on youth who insisted on tagging along with her.

After losing consciousness Onizuka Kenya laid fallen.

-- His unconsciousness was caused by none other than Tiana's hands.

The reason was because Onizuka tried to obstruct her -- based on some cheap sense of sentimental justice.

Tiana didn't particularly mean to get him involved.

In fact he defiantly ignored her advise, and stubbornly came without permission.

...... However.

She could have shook him off, nevertheless she ultimately let him follow along.

Tiana wondered if it was because of some sort of sentimental attachment for him.

Through a strange occurrence she became a freeloader in Onizuka's home, and even though they only spent a short time together, she felt a warm family feeling within herself.

Maybe deep down, she really expected something from him.

Even through he learned her true identity, and what kind of person she was.

Still...... by chance, could things remain unchanged?

-- Of course, that was merely wishful thinking on her part.

Although Onizuka was an alternate world returnee, in the special autonomous region he was just an ordinary person.

And Tiana was nevertheless a terrorist feared throughout the world.

So, when Onizuka tried to stop her, she thought 'Ah, as I thought.'

Even if the two people were face to face, there was still an insurmountable gap between them.

Even staying in the same home together, Onizuka and herself were living in different worlds.



Tiana still couldn't remove her gaze away from Onizuka's body.

Onizuka was still alive. He was just unconsciousness, and would wake up sooner or later.

Even left ignored, also there was no danger no his life.

...... But......

At that time to prevent him from making things more difficult, she was forced to use a heavy hand.

Therefore even when he wakes up, he might be unable to leave on his own.

And there was a possibility that any help wouldn't come down here. Moreover, because of her fight with Kyouya the underlying rock structure of the huge area had been disturbed, and the ceiling may collapse at any time.

"No choice then......"

Tiana muttered. At least until they're outside she would have to carry him.

As she thought that, she took one step towards Onizuka.

-- That small action ended up saving Tiana's life.

Suddenly a flash of light came from behind.


She twisted her body in that moment, somehow avoiding the attack.

The beam of light just missed Tiana's side, crashing into the wall ahead,


Seeing the end result of the wall, Tiana found herself at a loss for words.

It was because the wall had disappeared. There wasn't even one sound either. A hole had been drilled through the wall the same thickness of the beam of light, like a tunnel. How far it extended couldn't be confirmed, because the light from within the dark room could only shine so far into it.

In addition -- the beam didn't just pierce through rock.

Although Tiana herself moved in time, the crushing axe she was holding had taken the brunt of it, and now only half of the handle remained as the huge axe-head had vanished. And,

"-- Oh, you actually avoided it."

Suddenly, an icy voice traveled to her ears, followed by the sound of unhurried footsteps.


When Tiana turned around, she found a similar hole had been opened from the mountain of rubble as well as Kyouya's figure.

The JPN-Babel uniform he had been wearing had already changed to a mainly white with blue combat one.

...... Just now that beam.

Tiana Randohauzen was convinced.

Not only was he able use fire and ice magic, but also the torrent of light he shot at her was part of his real concept ability.

A dreadful power. A direct hit from that, and the consequences would have been too horrible to contemplate.

...... Only.

There was a bigger problem that worried Tiana.

Her blow with her crushing axe or the fist she drove into him a little while ago there was definitely a feeling of had hitting him.

However, Kyouya was standing there calm and composed, as if nothing happened. Still that was only part of the problem.

Since he was still alive, then why would the 『Attraction』 memories of him disappear?

This was not a low ranked spell an absolute barrier could stop.

A concept ability was the ultimate power a member of Crimson Twilight and COCOON had obtained.

Even if you take into consideration the affinity of different powers it still wouldn't produce be any effect, even for her leader, the strongest member, Cecil Endheart it was impossible.

...... The only possibility.

Tiana made a bold assumption.

That was that after her attacks earlier -- Kyouya had actually died.

And of course it also meant it wasn't caused by her crushing axe or fist.

After repeated and grueling special training a very select few have been known to had reach a superhuman domain, in which it was said they could freely manipulate their autonomic nervous system, and even temporarily stop the beating of their heart.

So then a concept ability that acts directly on an living object the effects could be naturally removed when the object dies like with Tiana's "attraction. In short, a person could put themselves in a state of suspended animation to fend off some concept abilities.

If Kyouya could do that it would explain why her memories disappeared,

"...... It does not matter, anyway."

Tiana tossed aside remaining broken half of her weapon with a slight smile.

Since Kyouya had failed to die, now she only had to make sure she kills him this time.

Therefore Tiana at once closed the distance with Kyouya, and launched an attack with her empty hand. Then,

"You really are courageous...... even after witnessing my destructive power, you still dare to fight with hand-to-hand combat."

Causally talking while in the midst of dodging, Kyouya then revealed a self-confident smirk,

"Are you not afraid of death?"

"Fortunately, that kind of power your light beam has should make it impossible release right away. Before my back was towards you and couldn't see it for sure, but according to common sense it should require some degree of preparation and concentration for some time, and maybe even there are only a limited number of times you could unleash it."

Moreover, Tiana continued,

"It's so dark in here, and I can also see any signs of light as to when your about to fire."

"Indeed...... as expected from a veteran at using the concept abilities."

Her insight seemed to be quite sharp, and Kyouya,

"However, your ability also is not without limitations. If I'm not wrong, you need to directly make contact to use your ability. That's why you once again charged in to attack, am I right?"

It had been seen through......

"So what?"

Tiana laughed.

At a level where both parties were able to use concept abilities with only one look they could reasonably guess the others power as a whole.

Under the same conditions -- the key to success was when to use their own power.

...... That being the case.

The situation greatly favored herself, Tiana thought.

No other reason than -- her close combat skills were above Kyouya's.

If Kyouya started to invoke his concept ability, a momentary opening would be exposed of which she could take advantage of to attack.

And -- even if she couldn't expose any openings with her skills to launch an effective attack, it would be enough just to touch him. So Tiana interlaced feints in her continuous attacks,

"-- I did it."

After successfully touching Kyouya's arm. She immediately flew backwards, trying to distance herself from him a little.

The preparations were complete.

...... The next step was to break his stance, and then go in for the attack.....

Now it was all about when to attack.

"-- It's too bad, but I will not let you have a chance to do so."

The moment after Kyouya said so he unfolded a magic formation, launching a piece of ice the size of a football at her.

"Again, with an element-based magic attack......"

Such an low level attack could not restrain her even a little bit.

Also any kind of attempt to dodge would be wasteful.

Therefore, Tiana charged forward letting her absolute barrier negate the attack. However,


The next moment, she was struck with an intense pain.

The mass of ice Kyouya released directly hit her stomach as if the absolute barrier never existed. The force blown her backwards slamming her in the rock wall behind her.

"Gu...... Hah......!"

Tiana spit out a mouth full of blood.

She wasn't sure how many of her ribs were broken, but it was definitely several of them and based on the fact she spit out blood how badly her internal organs were damaged.

But -- before she analysised her physical condition Tiana had a bigger question.

So she agonizingly asked,

"...... H...how.....?"

Why wasn't the absolute barrier able to nullify Kyouya's elemental magic?

The answer came immediately.

"-- Did you think I would carry out my plan without the absolute certainty of success?"

When Tiana looked up, she saw a cold smear on Kyouya's face and,

"Do not forget -- that I alone have to face both the the rest of COCOON and Crimson Twilight. In fact I have long since transcended you, and about to enter the realm of a God."

As he said so, Kyouya's body began to emit a faint golden light.

"That light......"

Tiana Randohauzen knew what the gold glow represented.

It was the same light a higher-order-life-form gave off when it was about to use its power.

...... So..... that was the reason......

Until now, Tiana didn't understand why Kyouya went through the trouble to obtain the <Phoenix cells> only to refer them as toys. In addition to his concept ability, he had a more powerful trump card up his sleeve.

Cecil had warned her before, and it seems that it was a mistake to not withdraw when she had the opportunity.

However, now was too late to regret.

"-- This is the end."

Kyouya stretched out his right hand -- and the next moment an explosion occurred.

-- But, the person engulfed in flames was not Tiana.

It was Kyouya.