Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica:Volume 9 Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Unshakable Determination

Part 1


It was the concept the Crimson Twilight member Tiana possessed.

-- The ability to memorize any object she had directly touched and then draw or pull it towards herself.

At first glance it seemed a little lackluster, however in battle 'Attraction's' effects could bring about amazing results.

The strength of the attraction could be freely adjusted from nothing to within the maximum limit at any time, and also, at any time, could be canceled. In addition to simply pulling the opponent closer, at any point in time she could break their movements and throw off their timing.

Also she could freely choose what she wanted to commit to memory, and store as many as she wanted. As for removing those memories, it also only depended on her preference.

However, if she remembered too many the attraction force would weaken, being unable to focus with so many choices. This was only shortcoming of her ability.

Through trial and error Tiana had worked out that three to five memories were most advantageous for battle.

So -- as soon as the fighting with Kyouya started Tiana went to memorization.

In fact there were several opportunities. Although she wasn't able to land a the hit, Kyouya had been deflecting her attacks directly.

Moreover because he had never witnessed this ability he didn't feel the need to avoid contact.

Therefore she was able to forcibly pull him over, and at long last land an attack.

"...... Looks like he's dead."

She looked away from her left hand, and focused on the pile of rubble fell that Kyouya was trapped underneath.

The 'Attraction' memories of him had also disappeared from her mind.

However, Tiana didn't erase those memories herself. In case of a living object, when vital signs of the object stopped the object would be recognized as changed, and the original memory would naturally fade.

"-- Then, now the mission is complete."

That was obtaining the phoenix cells, and defeating COCOON's Hikami Kyouya.

From the intelligence Memeko provided, Tiana already knew that the rest of COCOON and that the Japanese government were readying to take action against Kyouya.

The situation here was turning for worst, and naturally there shouldn't be any reason to continue to stay.

If there was......


Tiana suddenly turned her sight to a far off direction.

Her eyes rested on youth who insisted on tagging along with her.

After losing consciousness Onizuka Kenya laid fallen.

-- His unconsciousness was caused by none other than Tiana's hands.

The reason was because Onizuka tried to obstruct her -- based on some cheap sense of sentimental justice.

Tiana didn't particularly mean to get him involved.

In fact he defiantly ignored her advise, and stubbornly came without permission.

...... However.

She could have shook him off, nevertheless she ultimately let him follow along.

Tiana wondered if it was because of some sort of sentimental attachment for him.

Through a strange occurrence she became a freeloader in Onizuka's home, and even though they only spent a short time together, she felt a warm family feeling within herself.

Maybe deep down, she really expected something from him.

Even through he learned her true identity, and what kind of person she was.

Still...... by chance, could things remain unchanged?

-- Of course, that was merely wishful thinking on her part.

Although Onizuka was an alternate world returnee, in the special autonomous region he was just an ordinary person.

And Tiana was nevertheless a terrorist feared throughout the world.

So, when Onizuka tried to stop her, she thought 'Ah, as I thought.'

Even if the two people were face to face, there was still an insurmountable gap between them.

Even staying in the same home together, Onizuka and herself were living in different worlds.



Tiana still couldn't remove her gaze away from Onizuka's body.

Onizuka was still alive. He was just unconsciousness, and would wake up sooner or later.

Even left ignored, also there was no danger no his life.

...... But......

At that time to prevent him from making things more difficult, she was forced to use a heavy hand.

Therefore even when he wakes up, he might be unable to leave on his own.

And there was a possibility that any help wouldn't come down here. Moreover, because of her fight with Kyouya the underlying rock structure of the huge area had been disturbed, and the ceiling may collapse at any time.

"No choice then......"

Tiana muttered. At least until they're outside she would have to carry him.

As she thought that, she took one step towards Onizuka.

-- That small action ended up saving Tiana's life.

Suddenly a flash of light came from behind.


She twisted her body in that moment, somehow avoiding the attack.

The beam of light just missed Tiana's side, crashing into the wall ahead,


Seeing the end result of the wall, Tiana found herself at a loss for words.

It was because the wall had disappeared. There wasn't even one sound either. A hole had been drilled through the wall the same thickness of the beam of light, like a tunnel. How far it extended couldn't be confirmed, because the light from within the dark room could only shine so far into it.

In addition -- the beam didn't just pierce through rock.

Although Tiana herself moved in time, the crushing axe she was holding had taken the brunt of it, and now only half of the handle remained as the huge axe-head had vanished. And,

"-- Oh, you actually avoided it."

Suddenly, an icy voice traveled to her ears, followed by the sound of unhurried footsteps.


When Tiana turned around, she found a similar hole had been opened from the mountain of rubble as well as Kyouya's figure.

The JPN-Babel uniform he had been wearing had already changed to a mainly white with blue combat one.

...... Just now that beam.

Tiana Randohauzen was convinced.

Not only was he able use fire and ice magic, but also the torrent of light he shot at her was part of his real concept ability.

A dreadful power. A direct hit from that, and the consequences would have been too horrible to contemplate.

...... Only.

There was a bigger problem that worried Tiana.

Her blow with her crushing axe or the fist she drove into him a little while ago there was definitely a feeling of had hitting him.

However, Kyouya was standing there calm and composed, as if nothing happened. Still that was only part of the problem.

Since he was still alive, then why would the 『Attraction』 memories of him disappear?

This was not a low ranked spell an absolute barrier could stop.

A concept ability was the ultimate power a member of Crimson Twilight and COCOON had obtained.

Even if you take into consideration the affinity of different powers it still wouldn't produce be any effect, even for her leader, the strongest member, Cecil Endheart it was impossible.

...... The only possibility.

Tiana made a bold assumption.

That was that after her attacks earlier -- Kyouya had actually died.

And of course it also meant it wasn't caused by her crushing axe or fist.

After repeated and grueling special training a very select few have been known to had reach a superhuman domain, in which it was said they could freely manipulate their autonomic nervous system, and even temporarily stop the beating of their heart.

So then a concept ability that acts directly on an living object the effects could be naturally removed when the object dies like with Tiana's "attraction. In short, a person could put themselves in a state of suspended animation to fend off some concept abilities.

If Kyouya could do that it would explain why her memories disappeared,

"...... It does not matter, anyway."

Tiana tossed aside remaining broken half of her weapon with a slight smile.

Since Kyouya had failed to die, now she only had to make sure she kills him this time.

Therefore Tiana at once closed the distance with Kyouya, and launched an attack with her empty hand. Then,

"You really are courageous...... even after witnessing my destructive power, you still dare to fight with hand-to-hand combat."

Causally talking while in the midst of dodging, Kyouya then revealed a self-confident smirk,

"Are you not afraid of death?"

"Fortunately, that kind of power your light beam has should make it impossible release right away. Before my back was towards you and couldn't see it for sure, but according to common sense it should require some degree of preparation and concentration for some time, and maybe even there are only a limited number of times you could unleash it."

Moreover, Tiana continued,

"It's so dark in here, and I can also see any signs of light as to when your about to fire."

"Indeed...... as expected from a veteran at using the concept abilities."

Her insight seemed to be quite sharp, and Kyouya,

"However, your ability also is not without limitations. If I'm not wrong, you need to directly make contact to use your ability. That's why you once again charged in to attack, am I right?"

It had been seen through......

"So what?"

Tiana laughed.

At a level where both parties were able to use concept abilities with only one look they could reasonably guess the others power as a whole.

Under the same conditions -- the key to success was when to use their own power.

...... That being the case.

The situation greatly favored herself, Tiana thought.

No other reason than -- her close combat skills were above Kyouya's.

If Kyouya started to invoke his concept ability, a momentary opening would be exposed of which she could take advantage of to attack.

And -- even if she couldn't expose any openings with her skills to launch an effective attack, it would be enough just to touch him. So Tiana interlaced feints in her continuous attacks,

"-- I did it."

After successfully touching Kyouya's arm. She immediately flew backwards, trying to distance herself from him a little.

The preparations were complete.

...... The next step was to break his stance, and then go in for the attack.....

Now it was all about when to attack.

"-- It's too bad, but I will not let you have a chance to do so."

The moment after Kyouya said so he unfolded a magic formation, launching a piece of ice the size of a football at her.

"Again, with an element-based magic attack......"

Such an low level attack could not restrain her even a little bit.

Also any kind of attempt to dodge would be wasteful.

Therefore, Tiana charged forward letting her absolute barrier negate the attack. However,


The next moment, she was struck with an intense pain.

The mass of ice Kyouya released directly hit her stomach as if the absolute barrier never existed. The force blown her backwards slamming her in the rock wall behind her.

"Gu...... Hah......!"

Tiana spit out a mouth full of blood.

She wasn't sure how many of her ribs were broken, but it was definitely several of them and based on the fact she spit out blood how badly her internal organs were damaged.

But -- before she analysised her physical condition Tiana had a bigger question.

So she agonizingly asked,

"...... H...how.....?"

Why wasn't the absolute barrier able to nullify Kyouya's elemental magic?

The answer came immediately.

"-- Did you think I would carry out my plan without the absolute certainty of success?"

When Tiana looked up, she saw a cold smear on Kyouya's face and,

"Do not forget -- that I alone have to face both the the rest of COCOON and Crimson Twilight. In fact I have long since transcended you, and about to enter the realm of a God."

As he said so, Kyouya's body began to emit a faint golden light.

"That light......"

Tiana Randohauzen knew what the gold glow represented.

It was the same light a higher-order-life-form gave off when it was about to use its power.

...... So..... that was the reason......

Until now, Tiana didn't understand why Kyouya went through the trouble to obtain the <Phoenix cells> only to refer them as toys. In addition to his concept ability, he had a more powerful trump card up his sleeve.

Cecil had warned her before, and it seems that it was a mistake to not withdraw when she had the opportunity.

However, now was too late to regret.

"-- This is the end."

Kyouya stretched out his right hand -- and the next moment an explosion occurred.

-- But, the person engulfed in flames was not Tiana.

It was Kyouya.

Part 2

At the same time Kyouya was being swallowed by flames a young man slowly got up from the ground.

The young man's eyes were similar to the glare of a wild dog.

He attempted to put a stop Tiana, but instead Onizuka Kenya had suffered a beating.

-- It was only about ten seconds or so that Onizuka had regained consciousness.

When he awoke he suppressed the severe pain shooting throughout his body to force his head up, and what he discovered was Tiana being cornered by Kyouya.

With just that Onizuka roughly understand the situation, and immediately decided to take action.

The result was the attack that just hit Kyouya.

However, a direct attack would have been nullified by Kyouya's absolute barrier, so he aimed at another point.

He focused at where Kyouya had been preparing his fire magic attack, therefore enveloping Kyouya in both Onizuka and Kyouya's own fire.

"Ha...... haa......"

Onizuka's breathing became very heavy.

Tiana's bare hands were enough to destroy thick concrete walls. Previously Onizuka suffered several consecutive punches, so it was naturally not difficult to imagine the damage done to his body. If he relaxed even a little he would immediately lose consciousness.

Still Onizuka gritted his teeth, keeping his consciousness using everything bit he had left in his body.

It was because there was something that he had to do. Therefore,

"Now! Run Tiana Randohauzen!"

Onizuka Kenya shouted at the top of his lungs.

He never for a seconded imagined that Kyouya would be defeated by his attack.

...... I'm not any kind of match for such a monster......!

However, if he could slightly delay -- there was a small chance to escape.

In this case it was not possible for most people to escape. In fact, even Onizuka thought it was impossible for he himself.

But, Tiana was different, and should have enough time.

-- Onizuka didn't think what Tiana did to Tanaka and Phil was right.

Therefore he wanted to stop her, and confronted her.

...... But.

Onizuka Kenya did not want Tiana Randohauzen to died here, and lose the gentle smiling face of the girl that changed himself.

He never wanted that extinguished.

-- However the situation developed in which he didn't imagine.

Tiana which he thought would immediately escape, or at least take the opportunity to counterattack Kyouya,


She stared at him, as if she couldn't believe that Onizuka would try to help her.

"Y-you fool...... what are you doing!"

Onizuka could not help but rushed towards Tiana.

...... Damn it, we must hurry!

Dragging his seriously injured body, Onizuka could not help but secretly pray in the heart.


"--Sorry, no one escapes."

As if ridiculing Onizuka, a could voice reached his ears.

And at the same time, the fire around Kyouya condensed into a crimson sphere floating above the palm of his hand.


"Unfortunately, you were a little slow --"

As he finished, Kyouya sent the huge fireball towards Tiana.


At also almost at the same time Onizuka jumped towards Tiana.

The next moment. The most lower area was shaken, as an intense explosion broke out.

Part 3

-- Taking advantage of Hikami Kyouya's rebellion every trace of the <Phoenix cells> had to be completely erased.

It was the only option for Japan to survive for their own betrayal.

A few hours ago Prime Minister Sasagawa Shinya decided to send troops to the special autonomous region.

It was currently around midnight, and the Prime Minister's official residence was enveloped in a heavy pressure.

The source came from the mood between Sasagawa and the collective members of the cabinet in the cabinet meeting room.

"Following phantom 01, phantom 02 and phantom 03 signal was lost. It seems they were most likely shot down from the ground...... and none of the pilots can be reached at present."

"The latest cutting-edge stealth fighters were annihilated that easily......"

A real time report came from the unification headquarters to the Minister of Defense as he angrily spat.

The new stealth fighters that were scrambled to suppress JPN-Babel were personally established by the Minister of Defense himself. He believed this force could share the burden of the national defense of Japan. Moreover, huge sums of money and countless man-hours of research were invested to be developed by the air force.

Seeing years of effort mercilessly destroyed the old face of the minister of defense minister couldn't help but become red because of anger,

"Staff chief! What about the combat helicopters and the ground forces?"

"Yes sir! Out of the five combat helicopters three were shot down, the remaining are continuing on mission. At the present time the enemy forces have not yet been eliminated within JPN-Babel's grounds......"

The Staff chief was reporting the current situation over a monitor with a very bitter expression,

"...... The ground forces tried to neutralize the enemy with gas, but unfortunately it ended in failure. Thereupon the second teem and third teem were sent in to overwhelm them with numerical superiority, but they were pin down by the enemy forces within the grounds. And according to the third team's report, the second team has been annihilated -- Sorry, please wait me a moment."

It seemed new information had become available as a subordinate of the Staff chief whispered something into his ear and,

"...... Just received news that the remaining two combat helicopters have been shot down, and it is likely that the teams still on the ground have also been suppressed."

"What? Was it enemy reinforcements?"

"No -- there seemed to be only four people from beginning to the end. I'm afraid the war potential of those Babel students are particularly outstanding."

"Damn...... those monsters!"

The Minister of Defense slammed his fist on the desk.

"I can appreciate your feelings, but please pay attention to your words."

And Sasagawa calmly said,

"Although those returnees that are residing in special autonomous regions are now enemies to us, do not forget that most of them are people of our country who have Japanese nationality."

"...... I'm sorry. It was a slip of the tongue, but Prime Minister the way things are going --"

The Minister of Defense was exposing his inner anxiety as,

"I understand..... Staff chief, I would like to hear your opinion."

Sasagawa's line of sight move to the huge monitor of the wall,

"Apart from the fighters, the combat helicopters and the ground troops mobilized only made up about 30 percent of the military's strength, or so I was informed?"

"Yes, Prime Minister. Currently, the fourth through sixth team of marines are off Babel's campus awaiting orders."

"Then, is there any possibility of success if all the remaining troops are mobilized?"


After Sasagawa's question the Staff chief took a moment of silence.

After a while......

"...... I think that it would be extremely difficult even if all of our military's strength is deployed. Please forgive me for saying this..... but our forces can't compete against them. If we use our number advantage to wear them out, then perhaps there is a slight chance of winning --"

"No, unfortunately I can not do that."

Sasagawa shook his head because,

"The European Foreign Minister informed us a little while ago that Michael Arcwood and Letiah Crisis (Changed from Retia) have finished with their negotiations with the European Union on behalf of COCOON and are on the way to London's Heathrow Airport. I believe that you are also aware that...... it will only take two hours for their plane to reach Japan."

This was also one of the reasons why COCOON could maintain their control on the world.

The technology COCOON had developed from other worlds had made them able to control the earth's sky.

However, Sasagawa did not want to give up hope.

"Then --"

And Sasagawa decided to go with the last-resort measure,

"Staff chief...... what is the current position of our nuclear submarine?"

"It is on standby in the Pacific Ocean, about 100 km from the island."

"Are the cluster-type nuclear warheads ready to fire?"

"...... Yes, Prime Minister."

The tone of the Staff chief became very heavy and,

"As soon as you give the order -- It is ready to be launched."

Everyone present was well aware that the special autonomous region was heading towards a tragic end.

The chain reactions of the nuclear explosions would not only raze JPN-Babel to the ground, but the whole artificial island.

The Staff chief and the other top officials expressions were all grim, but Sasagawa remained determined.

"Issue the command for all the troops within the special autonomous region to immediately withdraw."

"-- Prime Minister!"

A secretary who was waiting off the side could not help but raise her voice.

"There isn't any time...... this is the only way."

Sasagawa Shinya said indifferently.

In order to protect Japan, this was a necessary evil.

"As soon as all of the soldiers are safety out to sea -- launch the nuclear missiles."

Part 4

A series of noises echo down within the highest floors of JPN-Babel.

It was the sharp sound of metal striking at the irregular rhythm scattering sparks in the dark hallways.

What was clashing into each other were the half-moon swords and meteor hammer, without neither gaining the upper hand.

It was the showdown between Nanase Haruka and Aihara Minami.

It was long after Kaidou had stepped in to save Haruka did the two started fighting. As of now most of the surrounding walls had already been destroyed, and the floor itself has become a vast open battle space.

Even so, the fighting showed no signs of stopping.

"Hhha ha ah ah ah ah!"

Using her wind magic Haruka flew forward at high speed.

In response, Minami moved to intercept with her meteor hammer, sending the heavy iron ball at the end of her weapon forward. Haruka crossed the blades in her hands stopping the heavy iron ball, after which Haruka a close distance away from Minami unleashed her wind magic.

A group of intense winds gathered, and rushed towards Minami. But,


Minami had silently created an earth wall that blocked everything.

Still, her magic being stopped was within expectations.

"My magic is no over yet."

Under Haruka's influence her winds split apart to avoid Minami, and then transformed into countless air bullets that took aim from every direction.

The shotgun-like wind attack completely engulfed the area around Minami.

Avoidance was impossible.

But Haruka's magic did not hit Minami.

The ground had suddenly swelled forming a dome shell around Minami stopping all the air bullets.

And the next moment, the offensive switched.


Haruka created a small tornado below her feet at once. The reaction caused her to rapidly rise into the air.

At the same time, innumerable spikes pierced through the floor.

Fortunately she reacted fast enough, otherwise she would of been skewered. The thought caused Haruka to break out in a cold sweat.

-- However, it was too early to feel relieved.

The spikes that appeared out the floor all fired out towards Haruka.

"Well -!"

Immediately Haruka invoked her flight magic to dodge the spikes heading straight at her. However, the spikes altered their trajectory mid flight, and closely pursed her.

"Humph...... In that case!"

Haruka spun around while flying, and waited until last moment to attract all the spikes in order to release a shock wave destroying the spikes.

However, the spikes broke apart into tiny pieces that completely filled the air, blocking Haruka's vision.

Minami had disappeared from her sight. I messed up -- but it was already too late as she thought so.

The air vibrated with a low noise that reached Haruka's ears, and reflexively she crossed her half moon swords taking up a defensive posture.

At almost the same time a huge cannon ball was already about to hit her.

Although it was only made of hardened dirt, under the influence of Minami's magic it weighed more and was heavier than steel.

She could not withstand it.

Still, Haruka chose not to avoid it. Instead she thought to add a magical attribute to her half moon swords. However, the property attached was not wind but thunder, giving the blade a super-electromagnetic vibrations allowing it to cut through anything.

"Lets seeeeeee --!"

Haruka tightly griped the sword hilts, and brandished her weapons. The huge cannonball was divided into four, and hurtled past Haruka's side, smashing into the the floor behind her.

Together with a loud crash, a cloud of dust sprang up.

"Ha......hah ......!"

While gasping for breath, Haruka fixed her eyes ahead.

Minami was standing there unruffled, with an unusually calm face.

...... Something's not right.

Even though you must not distracted yourself in the mist of battle, Nanase Haruka couldn't help but wonder.

The enemy in front of her was her close friend, and at the same time also went through all the same joys and hardships as a member of the Student Council, the same Aihara Minami.

Babel exists as an educational institution for boys and girls with special abilities who returned from different worlds.

In this JPN-Babel, in charge was COCOON's Hikami Kyouya, who also served as the president of the student council, and out of necessity the student council had to be made up of the strongest.

Minami doing her part in the council also participated in the ranking tournaments.

Haruka understood Minami's strength well. However,

...... Then how did it change so suddenly......?

The Minami that she knew was never this powerful. At the very least, in the ranking tournament that was just held their strengths were on par.

However now, Minami had very obviously been overwhelming her. It was like she was a different person.

Fire, water, earth, and wind -- were the most basic properties of elemental magic.

Each had their own special characteristics that gave them advantages, but fire and water, and earth and wind were polar opposites, making them neither superior or inferior to their opposites.

In fact, the key to its strength lied in the user's spiritual power and ability to concentrate, of course, hard work and innate talent were part of that.

And in following Akatsuki to Alayzard Haruka had gone through a dramatic growth.

So theoretically Haruka should of been able to easily overcome Minami.

And as if seeing through Haruka's thoughts,

"Resistance is useless... ... You can not defeat me now."

Minami said in a monotone voice and,

"Even though it is Kyouya who is linked with Ousawa Miu, we had directly touched her before coming here."

"Miu? Why would you need to touch her....."

Facing Haruka's questions, Minami slowly said,

"She is not merely someone from a different world, she herself is a higher-order life -- with extremely high power (Ultra) in that."

Minami paused for a moment.

"As long as you use of her power you can raise a soul to a higher dimension -- achieving a similar effect without the need to visit another world twice like with you and Kyouya."

"Miu....... is a ultra-higher-order life......"

Haruka finally understood because of Minami's explanation.

That was the reason why Kyouya desired to obtain Miu so much.

...... Oh yes, so it turns out this was why.

Kyouya said that he intended to make an utopia using Miu.

Haruka thought that there must be something special about Miu, but absolutely not did she think Miu was an ultra-higher-order life.

She did not think there was such power in the everyday common Miu. But if what Minami said was true, then you really may be able use her power to transcend COCOON and Crimson Twilight.

...... Then, did Ousawa Akatsuki also know about this......?

And then he kept her by his side to try and take advantage of her power to stop COCOON and Crimson Twilight.

After making such guesses in her mine, Haruka could not help but laugh a little to herself.

...... Impossible.

It was not necessary to think.

Even though the time she spent together with him was short, Haruka Nanase knows that Ousawa Akatsuki was not that kind of person.

She knew how he spent his time in the alternate world of Alayzard, and also what he had accomplished.

In fact, Haruka was present and watched each and every move he made.

That's right -- Even if Akatsuki knew her true nature, he would not change how he would act towards Miu. This I am very sure.

What Akatsuki cherishes is surely Miu herself. As for whether she was an ultra-higher-order lifeform would be only a trivial issue to him. Then,

"That is also the same for me......"

Haruka smiled and nodded as it was only obvious.

Miu's true identity was not important

She decided to protect Miu, but also she and her and everyone else decided to support Akatsuki.

Therefore -- it was not possible to forgive anyone who would hurt, or even use her.

And it was impossible to give up. Then,

"...... Are you still planning to fight me?"

Minami eye's became suspicious as she watched Haruka's expression turn.

"Yes, of course."

Haruka Nanase smiled, and resolutely and proudly answered,

"Everyone else is still fighting. How can I just give up here?"

Thereupon Haruka once again faced off against Minami.

Out of the corner of her vision -- not too far from this place another battle was taking place.

That fight was no less fiercer than hers.

It was the duel between Kaidou Motoharu and Uesaki Ryohei.

Part 5

"Haa, this is too much......"

Even while fighting, Motoharu Kaidou could not help but sigh.

Contrary to his easy going tone he let out, the fight itself from the beginning was not at all.

That was because his opponent, Uesaki Ryohei, did not let up at all.

"Why don't you just give up?"

Ryohei said while swinging his Chinese Dao (broadsword) that he materialized from his AD.

That blade was magically imbued with the attribute of fire, giving off a crimson red color.

The intense high temperature was enough to make the atmosphere boil.

Whenever Ryohei swung his weapon a flame would follow in its trail.

"Whoa, that's dangerous."

Because of that, Kaidou had to take a wide margin whenever he evaded so as not to be scorched.

In addition, because the weapon itself had an attribute it was not a magic enchantment, so even a higher-order barrier was useless.

After greatly retreating backwards, Kaidou swung his right hand in the air.

He was trying to attack Ryohei with his materialized chain from the side.

"-- It is useless no matter how times you try."

Ryohei asserted, as he slashed at the chain with his Dao.

There was a high-pitched 'Kyn' as the super high temperature of the Chinese Dao effortlessly cut the chain into two.

"Ah, that's too horrible -- you cut it again!"

"What's so horrible? Since its an embodied weapon you can freely change its length."

Facing Kaidou's ​​complaint, Ryohei looked back with disapproval and,

"And you already regenerated the chain I do not know how many times. What's the point in grumbling now?"

“It is about feelings! My beloved chain is being cut apart by your sword like you're cutting through tofu!"

"Give me a break...... That is only an ordinary chain."

And Ryohei said as if he seen through Kaidou.

"Your real conceptual ability is...... "freedom binding chain," was it not?"

"Haah... ... Where did you hear that?"

Kaidou unintentionally sighed again. Most likely, it had something to do with Miu being a ultra-higher-order life.

If Kyouya used her power, then there was a possibility he was aware about everything that was occurring within JPN-Babel.

Under such circumstances, Kaidou wanted to avoid exposing the scope of his power as much as possible.

...... In addition......

It was probably due to the fact he suffered a spiritual wave attack of Miu's as a ultra-higher-order life.

Since that time, Kaidou was unable to successfully launch "freedom binding chain."

Concept abilities were techniques that had to open a channel with a higher dimension, unlike with normal magic. However, with Miu's attack belonging to an even higher level than his, most likely caused a temporary disturbance with his concept ability.

And more than likely Ryohei already theorized the condition Kaidou was in.

...... Really a thorny opponent.

Kaidou re-examined Ryohei. Compared to the time he saw him fighting Akatsuki in the ranking tournament Ryohei was totally different. Could this also be due to the influence of Miu's power?

...... However, it doesn't seem to be that simple.

From Ryohei, Kaidou felt a similar atmosphere coming off him to his own.

In JPN-Babel, Kyouya was both severed as the president of the student council, and a member COCOON, and Haruka's distinctive upright character made them the most prominent with the school. Especially Haruka who was the most noticeable because she also concurrently served as a member of discipline committee, and exercised the authority of the student council.

Therefore, Ryohei had to wear the mask of being indifferent and unmotivated, and together with Minami be relegated to the shadows of the student council.

After all, it was not appropriate for the secretary of the council to out shine the vice president.

However, this was not a proper reflection of Ryohei. From simple fighting power to ability to judge, or even logical thinking Ryohei outperformed Haruka in all aspects.

And most importantly Ryohei understood how to deal with someone above his level.

The best evidence of that were how things were playing out thus far.

Certainly once you falter a little against such an opponent was when they will swoop.

Therefore, it was not possible for Kaidou to relax his guard not even a bit. Then,

"It is regrettable, you would have definitely won by now with your original ability."

While saying so, the flames around Ryohei's blade flared up.

"But your movements have obviously dulled... ... Well, it is understandable after your hard fight with Ousawa."

"If you sympathize with me, then take it easy on me."

"Against you? Facing an opponent the like's of you, you can't show even a little chink. In fact, you just have been pretending to be on the defensive, intending to lure me off guard, right?"

Kaidou's thoughts were completely read, and he couldn't help but say with a sour-face,

"There must be a lot of people who say your personality is bad?"

"The same could be said of you. You usually put up an act, and hide your true colors. Therefore, there is no reason to take what you say to heart. I try to act only when it is practical. You on the other hand are the type that enjoys to incite other people...... then watch from a far."

But then, Ryohei asked,

"Knowing full well that you temporary can't use your conceptual ability, then why continue to remain in JPN-Babel without escaping?... ... Is it because of a sense of obligation to Ousawa?"

"No way. We were only using each other for convenience. In what way would I be obligated to Akki."

And then Kaidou said with a frown,

"Moreover, I no more than said to him 'If by chance the vice-president sided with Hikami Kyouya, it would be troublesome for information to leak' in the end he unexpectedly threaten to kill me. Isn't that cruel?"

"Is that so? But then again, if what you said was actually happened, you would not have hesitated to take Haruka's life, right?"

"Well, most likely."

When Kaidou easily told it straight out, Ryohei bitterly smiled at that "immediate response" and,

"But...... yet you stepped in to helped Haruka. You could have waited until the battle was over to launch a sneak attack when our guard was down. It would have been easy to beat us."

"I've already told you. If Akki learns that I didn't help, it would be scary."

The reason was simple.

"That girl Hikami kidnapped has a grasp on everything that is happening in JPN-Babel right now. And her there's no guarantee she won't tell him later."

"From the way you talk, it sounds like you know what is happening, but......"

And Ryohei sighed,

"You rally think that Ousawa is capable of defeating Kyouya?"

"Well -- it might be impossible as it is now"

Kaidou answered and,

"None the less, letting Kyouya continue to do whatever he pleases will only make things more troublesome later. Therefore, it's best to beat him here."

But for that, there was something that had to be done first.

Therefore, Motoharu Kaidou decided to tell the reasons he was still here.

"At the time Akki came to JPN-Babel -- or to be exact it should be just before that, nine staff members had been attacked by some unknown person. That was not my doing, and I can't imagine Hikami Kyouya would take the time to handle such a tiny matter with his own hands. However, it would still require quite a skilled person to do so. Therefore, I can safety assume..... that you two were ambushers from Kyouya's side."

And Kaidou smiled,

"In order to beat Hikami Kyouya, you must first deal with those troublesome ambushers."