Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut:Volume 11 Episode 5

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Episode 5 – Sacred Eclipse ─Gigas─[edit]

Part 1[edit]

The howl of the Abyss and the rumble of the ground resembled an ominous alarm.

The gigantic fortress shook vertically as though it was going to crumble. The vibration reverberated in the underground’s second Drag-Ride hangar.

But, the attention of the two who confronted each other there wasn’t diverted at all.

They were simply concentrating their whole attention at the existence of the opponent they ought to defeat who was standing in their way.

「Over Limit? That’s strange, how can you use it when it’s supposed to be a hidden code?」

More than ten ml ahead of Singlen who was smiling dubiously, Yato no Kami was standing with its shape transformation already finished.

Above the armor with peculiar form that resembled the armor of the nation of Koto, several more blades were sticking out.

Furthermore its distinctive four legs stretched to the back and front, taking shape as though its lower body was a horse.

From the special equipment type that excelled in various functions, it transformed into a shape that was more specialized for battle.

「Yes──that’s true. This Over Limit is the true form that is liberated by my Divine Raiment, Spell Code. This is achieved not by going through the normal procedure.」

Normally, this transformation was executed by exposing and undoing the hidden code to release the limiter.

However, Yoruka used the forced control ability from her own Spell Code to reach until deep into the system and implemented the Over Limit.

Of course, Yoruka had tested this method many times since some time ago, and she also carried out its execution in real battle.

Against an opponent that handled special battle techniques called Battle ArraySenjin and used Leviathan with its Divine Raiment that combined offense and defense into one, even Yoruka and Yato no Kami would be at a disadvantage. (TN: From now on I’ll mention Singlen’s technique name with Japanese words. Usually other character’s skills or Drag-Ride weapons will have English names from the author, but Singlen’s technique doesn’t have anything like that. So I’ll use the Japanese name for them.)

This was a trump card for the sake of surpassing and killing the Blue Tyrant.

「I see, whether it’s those useless three hidden techniques or this Over Limit, till the end you are going to imitate that Chore Prince. It’s pitiful, both of you whose incompetence only allows you to be used by a man of that degree, and also your future.」

Singlen glared at Yoruka with an arrogant attitude that looked down on other people till the end.

In response, Yoruka didn’t seem like she was angered in the slightest. Only her purple eyes shined mysteriously.

「The secret medicine that Dragon Marauder used, Elixir. It seems to bring a supernatural strength temporarily for the user but──in order for the effect to become entrenched, it looks like an operation called Baptism is necessary.」

「Hoo, what about it? Are you mocking yourself because even after obtaining such power, you are still unable to do anything against me until now?」

Singlen’s exasperated words was responded to by Yoruka with a fearless smile.

「The most I could do was making the effect to be entrenched into a mere three percent of my whole body, but thanks to that this eye became able to see something really good. Not only can it perceive the wavelength of the opponent’s consciousness, I can also understand the subtlety of their heart somehow. That’s including how you are actually really cautious about the matter of Aruji-sama──」

Even when Yoruka pointed that out, Singlen’s complexion didn’t change at all.

He only kept putting on his bold smile and turned an eye that was filled with bottomless darkness towards Yoruka.

「Ha-ha-ha. That’s a great joke. Is this okay for you failure? The time you can fight is decreasing even now in that state right?」

「And then one more thing, you aren’t a human, are you? You give off the same smell as me. You are harboring some kind of fatal defect, the smell of a broken thing is──」


The moment Yoruka said those words, water torrent was fired from Leviathan at violent speed.

Several streaks of water that were unleashed like gigantic spears were evaded by the four legs of Yato no Kami.


Different from the previous four legs for the sake of moving to many directions, the current armored legs that were in the form suitable for charging passed through the undulating water streams while succeeding in drawing near Singlen.

Yoruka entered into the range, at the same time she raised up her katana shaped Blade and swung it down to Singlen’s shoulder.


But, Singlen scoffed. Right at that moment, a vortex of water stream surrounded Leviathan.

It wasn’t mere water, but a pile of mass that was dispatched by a powerful force field.

If the water was dropped from a high place, it would become hard like a rock. Or if super pressure was applied to it, it would become a water shield that could divide even steel. Singlen defended using that──but,

「──That’s naïve.」


The solid shield of water stream was cut apart and even a part of his barrier was pierced through.

Singlen who had his double layered defense pierced blew away Yoruka using Howling Roar and took some distance.

「So, you achieved the movement akin to the unity of a rider and horse. That’s your combat strength from that Over Limit.」

A knight on a horse displayed his strength by managing to put the horse’s power and mass behind his own weapon.

Normal Drag-Rides were only moved by the user’s control, but Yoruka was fighting with a different usage method.

The back of the four legs unleashed an explosive propulsive force and kicked on the ground, that power was connected from the lower body to the upper body armor which was transmitted into the unleashed slash.

Thus she manifested a destructive power that surpassed the simple strengthening of Over Limit.

「As you know, it will be the end if you are touched directly, so please be careful.」

Yoruka who showed a devilish smile attacked further with her purple eye shining.

She avoided the attacks that Leviathan’s Divine Raiment unleashed one after another and her blade finally reached.


  • BIKII-!*, a line of scratch was carved on Leviathan’s thick armor.

Yoruka delivered a surprise attack after making Singlen conscious of Spell Code. Without stopping she twirled around and her next hidden technique burst.

「──End Action.」

The consecutive attacks that were unleashed without even a single breath of gap in between due to the alternate use of mind control operation and body control operation, realizing infinite consecutive attacks.

Singlen put up a double layered guard of water stream and barrier, but Yoruka didn’t pay that any mind and forcefully broke the defense from above.


After dozens of consecutive slashes, that defensive state was finally broken and multiple slashes struck. Singlen was pushed into a hollow on the wall that looked like a coffin which was there for putting a Drag-Ride in place.

「Haa, haa……──Howling Roar.」

Even with herself running out of breath after a hundred consecutive attacks from End Action, Yoruka dealt another attack without break.

Countless rubble further fell from above Leviathan that was buried into the smashed wall, burying it.

But, even after dealing that many attacks, it couldn’t be said that Singlen was cornered.

That was because Leviathan was always covered by a membrane of water from its Divine Raiment Leaning, preventing lethal damage.

(Then── I have to let out a power that cannot be blocked by that shield of water.)

Like that, Yoruka took distance in order to gather strength for a sure-kill attack. At that moment, her devilish eye that received Baptism read a disquieting wavelength.


A line of death that pierced the left part of Yoruka’s body.

She began to leap to the right reflexively, but she didn’t make it.

  • KINN!*, when the high pitched sound of slicing wind that felt like it was piercing the eardrums could be heard, the attack was already over.

「Wh, at? This is──」

  • Pakiri*, with that sound, the armor of Mythrildite was lopped off as though it had been severed by a sharp blade.

The water slash Singlen unleashed accomplished that from a distance of 50 ml at minimum.

True Battle Array Aeon FireShin Senjin Gouka──Mizuchi.」(TN: Mizuchi = mythical dragon-like beast)


Yato no Kami’s left armored arm and one front leg were severed, but the rest were safe.

But, that power easily cut apart the barrier that, although it wasn’t deployed at maximum strength, but it was in a strengthened state from Over Limit.

Singlen’s battle technique that made practical use of tuning──focusing energy into one point, Battle Array – Aeon FireSenjin – Gouka was thoroughly a technique of direct attack using a weapon.

But, the attack just now was a blade slash from a pure water stream.

「Shin Senjin……? Is that a technique that puts even one’s own Divine Raiment under the control of tuning?」

Used in conjunction with the Divine Raiment of Leviathan that manipulated water, the energy of a Drag-Ride and the energy of the Divine Raiment were combined to form a slash that was concentrated to a point.

The water blade that was generated from that cut apart a firing range of dozens of ml with overwhelming power.

Because Yoruka was taking quite a far distance, she escaped from a direct hit to her flesh body, but seeing how her barrier and armor were useless, it showed that the power of the attack was something that was impossible to defend against no matter how much she struggled.

「It’s, enough already……」

The piled up rubble were smashed gravelly and Singlen stood up.

He directed that jet black empty eye with unseen bottom towards Yoruka along with a pitying smile.

「It has been a long time since I faced an opponent with some fight in them. I went along with you thinking that it might be a nice warm up before the battle against that man but──this is no good huh. It’s too dangerous to play around with you.」

「……Looks like I’m being belittled. Even though I too still haven’t shown my full strength too.」

「In that case don’t be stingy and show it to me right away. Otherwise──you are going to die here.」

Singlen grinned, at the same time rain poured down from the ceiling due to Leaning.

It wasn’t a heavy rain that was endowed with force like a bullet, but a normal rain.

(It’s not an attack from above? Then why──rain is pouring down?)

When Yoruka was about to ponder about that fact, Leviathan charged forward.

True Battle Array Moon ReflectionShin Senjin Midzuki──Web CutAmikiri

A water blade was fired at the same time with the slash of Singlen’s huge Blade. Yoruka dodged while backing away.

In order to not get hit directly again by Shin Senjin Gouka just now, Yoruka laid a trap and observed for a chance to counterattack in order to not overlook the activation of the technique.

──But, before Yoruka’s aim could produce a result, the inside of the underground hangar became even darker.

The number of the remaining torches was decreased because of the water hitting them.

At the same time, because of the thick fog that was covering the surrounding, the field of vision became overwhelmingly worse.

「You are using too much water. In a situation where sight is not working──Yato no Kami that can use camouflage has the advantage.」

「Is that so? Then try it. That’s if you can.」

Yoruka grasped Singlen’s position with her radar and slashed at Leviathan’s side.

A surprise attack using the darkness and mist.

But, her slash cut through empty air utterly. She slashed once more at her opponent’s blind spot.

However the result was the same. She was dodged, or parried with sword. The result was only the armor of Yato no Kami getting even more broken.

(How, can this be? Even though I should have concealed my presence the best I can──)

Why was Singlen, who shouldn’t have radar, able to completely predict her movements? When Yoruka came to a standstill because she didn’t understand the reason for that, a thrust of water stream shot out towards Yoruka.


She was sent flying to a wall that was dozen of ml away, but Yoruka didn’t stop moving and escaped.

On the other hand Singlen didn’t move at the slightest from his position while he was closing his eyes quietly.

「I don’t think it’s possible but, your so called seriousness is not about using the same trap the second time right?」


Singlen drew out his Sword Device and activated his Divine Raiment.

At the same time countless blades of water pillar that rose up from the whole hangar destroyed Yoruka’s trump card.

「How, did you know?」

Yoruka stiffened with a dumbfounded expression.

The thick mist cleared up at that moment and Singlen showed his grinning face.

Kumo no Ito──it was a special armament that laid out unseen steel strings in the surroundings, a trap that was laid around in order to be a conductor for Spell Code. All of them were instantly cut apart.

Even though Singlen was inside a dim darkness with thick mist filling the room, he cornered Yoruka accurately.

The rain had been pouring down all the time since before, but the rain itself didn’t have any offensive power.

(Then──for what reason is the rain pouring? This rain……)

This place is an underground Drag-Ride hangar, so it was impossible for it to rain here.

In other words, Leviathan was undoubtedly causing this rain.

When Yoruka wracked her brain regarding that fact, she noticed the true shape of Shin Senjin Midzuki.

「Is it predicting and──grasping the situation from the Drag-Rides mechanical sounds?」

Singlen’s Shin Senjin Midzuki that predicted the opponent’s next action from the mechanical sounds of the Drag-Ride.

Normally it was performed by using a Wire Tail that was directly touching the opponent’s Drag-Ride, but when it was combined with Leviathan’s Divine Raiment into Shin Senjin Midzuki, it became a radar that detected the movement and presence in the surroundings from the sound that was reflected by the pouring rain.

Thus this rain spied out Yoruka’s location and action, at the same time it also saw through the Kumo no Ito that was secretly laid out.

「Nice prediction. But this is over. In the end──you are unable to even accomplish your earnest desire as a heartless tool. You chose the wrong hand to wield you.」

Singlen laughed. Right after that, *clatter clatter* Yato no Kami’s frame was starting to creak.

She was close to running out of steam due to the energy consumption of Over Limit.

She also couldn’t think of an idea to overcome Senjin.

Her prediction before the battle, that she had a thirty percent chance to defeat Singlen if she risked her life was off.

Yoruka herself was called as an inhuman devil, but this man was also a monster.

Even while she was feeling the premonition of defeat, she was thinking of a method to at least take him together with her.

Because, she who wasn’t a human could only do something like this.

Because Yoruka herself, who was unable to answer Lux’s wish as a human, could only accomplish her mission as a tool like this.

Because she had no heart, no matter how much Lux treated her as a human, she wouldn’t be able to meet his expectations, that was why──

However, if it was the way to connect with others as a tool, then even she who wasn’t a human was able to understand it.

Useful things had a value to be placed at someone’s side.

That was the only relationship with other people that Yoruka could comprehend.

『That Sword Device is something really important for you isn’t it?』

「Yes──that’s right.」

Yoruka suddenly let slipped a smile at the sensation of the Sword Device that she had grasped when she noticed.

A tool for the sake of accomplishing her objective.

If that was the case──there was no way it would be let go till the very end.

「If you have that much power, then why are you trying to make use of Aruji-sama?」

Yoruka asked with a calm and composed attitude even while listening to the scream of her own body.

In response, Singlen turned a dark eye towards Yoruka with a disinterested look.

「I’m only moving the necessary pieces for my objective. It’s something that you who became a tool through your own wish will never understand no matter what.」

「Then, it’s unnecessary to feel hesitation to get rid of you. With this I now have no duty to keep you alive for the sake of Aruji-sama.」


The moment Singlen showed a dubious face, the remaining three legs of Yato no Kami moved and closed in from the front without any sound.

「──Instant Strike」

Yoruka’s attack that read the gap when the consciousness cut off and was launched within the instantaneous timing.

Because it took advantage of the unconsciousness, originally it should be a special move that was impossible to defend, even so she preserved the technique until now in order to not let Singlen prepare countermeasures.

Leviathan’s movement should stop for an instant with a slash that struck the shoulder where the Force Core was stored.

She would cut the armor with a returning slash, activated Spell Code, and put the Drag-Ride under her control.

That was the strategy that Yoruka pictured but──when she slashed the wet shoulder armor, a strange out of place sensation traveled through Yoruka’s body.


True Battle Array Royal DomainShin Senjin Oudo── Earth SpiderTsuchigumo

A water membrane was covering his armor.

Leviathan’s armor wasn’t just wet, a water barrier to disperse impact was constantly laid out on it.

It didn’t matter even if she attacked during Singlen’s unconsciousness, because the defensive membrane had been put up since the very beginning.

It slightly lessened the force of Yoruka’s sword, making it unable to stop Leviathan’s movement.

After dealing a focused sure-kill attack, this time it was Yoruka’s Yato no Kami that was exposing a fatal opening.

「Leave your master to me. Thanks for all the hard work.」

Singlen swung down his great sword with a grin that was convinced of his victory.

At that moment, the tip of a blade pierced Singlen’s left chest.

「Wh, at……?」

「You are too careless. You are within my range you know?」

Yoruka with her shining purple iris smiled bewitchingly and put more strength.

Right after that, even Yato no Kami that she wore also raised up its Blade overhead, and then it unleashed an attack that made the frame creak.

「──Recoil Burst!」

Right after her words, the super powerful attack struck from zero distance.

The Blade pierced the air, blew away the remaining water wall, and made the Force Core on the shoulder to be exposed along with Leviathan’s armor.

「Gu, a……!」

A hoarse groan was wrung out from Singlen’s throat and he was blown away by the impact.

The hangar’s wreckage and rubble got dragged by his flight and then he collided on the wall that was a few dozen ml away.

The white of Singlen’s eye was showing with a Sword Device staying stabbed in his chest, and he expired.

「……Haah! Haah!」

Yoruka was running out of breath, at the same time the Over Limit was dispelled.

The thick mist that was filling the underground hangar and also the pouring rain were vanishing when she noticed.

At the same time a drip of blood was trickling from the corner of Yoruka’s lips.

Because of Over Limit, the burden on Yoruka’s body was beyond measure. And like that she unleashed Recoil Burst from super close distance.

She received the aftershock from the powerful impact that smashed apart the enemy’s Divine Drag-Ride from nearby. Yoruka herself was also wobbling on her feet, but,

「This fight, is settled now.」

She killed Singlen who was laying many traps in order to make use of Lux as a disposable piece.

After removing this obstacle that might be the greatest of them all, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration even if it was said that she had fulfilled the contract that she exchanged with the emperor of the Old Empire.

But, it was fortunate that her life was still remaining.

In order to win in this battle that revolved around Avalon, she still had to fight for Lux’s sake.

That man called Fugil was the first imperial prince of the Old Empire, but she heard that he actually was a man of unknown identity.

It might also be necessary someday to question even that man who was serving as the general of the Lords.

Because even if the right of inheritance of the past belonged to Fugil, Yoruka had already decided that she would serve only Lux.

「How strange. For someone who is not a human like me, to think of such thing──」

As expected she couldn’t hide her exhaustion from showing on her face. Like that she unintentionally slipped out a self-depreciating chuckle.

Before she knew it, she had decided to serve under someone regardless of her own code.

Even though she let herself be employed as royal guard under a contract with her little brother who picked up herself who was unable to have any kind of desire and attachment, right now──

  • PAKIi-!*

A sound that was like the snap of dry wood caused Yoruka to return to her senses right away.

When she turned her gaze, Singlen who was blown away until the wall of the hangar was lifting up his body from inside the rubble.

He pulled out the Sword Device of Yato no Kami that stabbed into his heart, then he carelessly tossed it away.

「It’s a shame, Assassin Blade. I’ll retract my previous statement. You are really something. If I was a human──I would definitely die from that.」

Singlen lifted up the corner of his lips into a smirk and grasped the Sword Device of Leviathan.

At the same time, he summoned a new additional armament. The broken armor pieces were reconstructed along with a force field, forming up an armor that was covering his body once more.

「How!? The destroyed Drag-Ride is──!?」

Lithograph of CounterfeitSlyt……the other special armament of Leviathan. As long as the Sword Device at least still remains, the armor can be regenerated just once. Although after using this, it will become unusable for a while.」


Yoruka was breathing hard with heaving shoulders. She was sweating while merely watching that.

She who had no emotion felt no fear.

But, a hopeless situation was blocking her way.

Something even more terrifying than the resurrection of the Divine Drag-Ride Leviathan.

That was the jet black eye socket behind the taken off eye patch covering Singlen’s left eye. Black pattern was covering his left body side from there.

That appearance was the same like the Devil that used Elixir──but, he wasn’t using Elixir itself.

In other words, this was Singlen’s power from Eilxir taking hold into his body through Baptism.

A certain quality was necessary just to make Elixir become entrenched into the body, and the Baptism would torment the target with immense anguish and side effects.

After such procedure that was like a curse was applied to someone, their strength would be raised in exchange of their lifespan.

「How shocking. Forget about being the same like me, you are a monster that far surpassed that──. Your young look and height, those are because of the effects of Baptism which was applied on half your body stopping your growth isn’t it?」

「Ku-ku—ku, what a really rude woman. But you did well. In respect to that determination, I’ll let you depart from this world painlessly.」


Instantly, Yoruka picked up the tossed away Sword Device of Yato no Kami using Kumo no Ito and tried to leap backward.

Right after that, faster than Yoruka who should be jumping back in full speed, Singlen leaped forward with his Blade raised overhead.

True Battle Array God’s MightShin Senjin Kamui──Road of EvilAkuro

Using Leviathan’s Divine Raiment, it increased one’s own propulsive force using water stream and doubled the force of the charge.

Its foundation was the release of basic braking mechanisms using tuning.

In order to avoid burden to the user, the range of the frame’s mobility and action was reduced by the mobility restriction.

Releasing all those restrictions and putting additional armor on the Drag-Ride was Over Limit, but Singlen here executed a falsely similar act even though the result was a level below Over Limit.

If that was all, then Over Limit was obviously stronger, but,

(This is, he is controlling his own armor like a puppet using water stream to give himself a push, increasing the strength even more……!)

By combining Shin Senjin and the Divine Raiment Leaning, it produced a water stream that was used to give a boost to Leviathan’s movement and doubled its strength.

The impact and after-effect from doing that should put abnormal damage and burden on the user, but because Singlen was strengthened with Baptism, he was able to endure it.

Yoruka barely endured against the offense of Shin Senjin Kamui that possessed sure kill destructive power in each attack.

──But, her armor was mercilessly and emotionlessly destroyed, and she was beaten like a bug whose wings were plucked off.

「Ka, hah……!」

Her Blade was destroyed, and with it the joints of her right arm snapped.

Water bullets that shot through her barrier broke her ribs. She vomited blood.

Blood was trickling from the left eye that she continued to overwork, making her unable to see.

The fingers that were gripping the control stick were crushed by impact.

The joint of her right ankle was washed away by water stream and twisted to a wrong direction.

Broken armor piece stabbed her side, causing blood to spurt out.

But, she had no leeway to even writhe from the intense pain that burned her nerves.

Strength was leaving her whole body along with her senses. Cold water washed away her blood and her body temperature.

One portion of her limbs broke, blood was flowing from her closed left eye, and her whole body was soaked with blood due to all the cuts. Like that half of Yoruka’s body sunk under the water along with Yato no Kami’s wreckage, a smile on her lips.

(……I blundered, completely)

She had no more weapons remaining.

Even so a smile was tugged on her lips.

She barely kept her grip on her Sword Device with three fingers that weren’t broken, and she gazed at Singlen with her remaining eye.

「──Farewell strong warrior. Pray that you will be reborn as a human in the next world and die.」

Singlen lifted up his Blade from a distance to perform the last rite for Yoruka.

Yoruka thought while feeling the final moments of her life.

She had done what she could.

This time she could die as tool for sure, fulfilling her earnest desire.

Even though she should be satisfied with just that, she felt a guilty feeling somewhere within herself.

If she died protecting the nation of Koto, what would her little brother who was left behind have thought.

And then, Lux──what would he think.

「Shin Senjin Gouka──Mizuchi.」

A water blade was fired along with Singlen’s voice that told of her demise.

  • KIN-!*, a high pitched sound that cut through the air.

Just an instant before she could hear that sound, a gust of wind landed down in front of her.



But she only barely understood, that the dull groaning sound leaking out from a mouth didn’t come from her.

Lux entered the underground hangar a few seconds before. He found Yoruka who was on the verge of death and his body moved at once.

He instantly understood that she was dying, and also that she was in a state that was impossible to dodge or block Singlen’s attack.

If he covered for her using himself as a shield, he might be taken down.

Without even any time to deeply calculate such thing, when he noticed, he was standing in front of her.

──But, he was too optimistic.

The special move of Singlen who had unleashed the power of Baptism, Shin Senjin Gouka──Mizuchi.

The water blade that was fired from the Blade severed through his barrier that was deployed in full power, the shockwave of Howling Roar he fired, and the armor he wore, tearing apart Lux’s chest vertically.

His heart stopped from the bleeding and impact.

In other words it was instant death.

「Aruji, sama……?」

Yoruka called out to Lux’s back, but there was no reply.

There wasn’t even the sound of breathing coming from him.

「──Insolent man. Messing up the plan of this me like this, so his caliber is only half-baked like this after all.」

Along with an exasperated sigh, Singlen with his body that was wholly turned black displayed an eye with shining crimson iris.

「His path is closed without being able to become either a hero or a ruler. That means that this is your limit.」

Singlen’s murmur wouldn’t reach Lux’s ear anymore.

That fact struck Yoruka who was left behind alone.

「Why, is this……?」

The armor of Bahamut was dispelled and Lux collapsed backwards. His body lied above Yoruka who was similarly lying down face up.

Both his eyes were shut quietly, his pulse had stopped completely.

「Why did you risk your life, for the sake of the likes of me? Even though I cannot repay you with anything, even though someone inhuman like me, can only be useful by obtaining battle results──」

She understood that there wouldn’t be an answer to her question.

Even so Yoruka continued to form words piece by piece.

「……Aruji-sama, was completely mistaken.」

Yoruka suddenly let out a smile of resignation. She raised her upper body and leaned her back on a rubble, then she stared at the face of her dead master.

「Even though, you should have just abandoned someone useless like me right away. Even though I cannot, repay your favor with anything──」

The same like that time with her little brother, she was unable to spill even a trickle of tear.

In exchange, the tear of blood that flowed from her abused left eye trickled down her cheek and fell on Lux’s chest.

She only embraced the corpse of her master along with a sweet despair enveloping her whole body, and raised a soundless wail.


Part 2[edit]

About the same time──outside, in the vicinity of the first fortress.

Around Garden.

Between the wasteland and the blue sky where a lot of Abyss were spreading out, a fierce fight that no one knew when it would end was unfolding.

「Shit! The number is too many! I’ll take care of this place! First we will secure an escape path!」

The commander Lisha raised her voice and gave instruction to the Triad.

The White Ridge knight order that was attracting the Abyss swarm was rallying themselves with the assistance of Zweigbergk, but in the first place they wouldn’t be able to retreat if they couldn’t break through the encirclement.

It seemed that Greifer and Coral were each facing a Drag-Knight of Dragon Marauder. They had no leeway to assist them.



Lisha raised a yell that sounded like a howl and bombarded a Gargoyle.

Even if they secured an escape path, there was no way they could start retreating until Lux returned back with Yoruka.

If they left the two alone smack dab in the middle of an Abyss swarm, it was obvious what would be the result of that in the end.

「Good grief, in battle, everything won’t go as expected huh!」

Because the new battle style that Lisha mastered would exhaust her completely in short time, she was unable to use it here.

A battle without Lux, Krulcifer, Celis, Philuffy, and Yoruka, was very difficult.

Lisha once more realized just how much help their existences were.

「But ──I cannot lose.」

Even while feeling despair from the Abyss that continued to appear from empty air one after another, she was unable to endure when she thought of the other girls.

She wasn’t a princess who could only get protected.

She would also lead everyone in battle, with strength and skill as a Drag-Knight.

Because that was her dignity as the princess who Lux served, her objective.

「When this battle is over safely, I’ll tell him properly! That’s why, no matter how many powerful enemies there are around me, there is no way I’ll get defeated hereeeee──!」

She suppressed the enemy movement with Suppressor’s gravity field and then sniped them with Seven Heads.

While Lisha was continuously holding back the enemy desperately by repeating that attack many times, the Triad were also fighting behind her.

「Airi, please be careful. I’m searching the enemy with radar, but it will be troublesome if unseen Abyss is targeting us.」

Airi nodded briefly at Noct’s words and hid herself behind the cover of a rock.

The intensity of the battle far surpassed the imagination, even so Noct was splitting her focus to protect Airi rather than securing an escape path.

「Good grief──someone persistent is hated you know!?」

「Yeah, exactly. Lacking in consideration and restrain is also the same!」

Tillfur and Sharis each attempted to break through with Hammer and Breath Gun in their respective hands, but things didn’t really go well.

In a situation where a large swarm was surrounding from four directions, the energy consumption was too intense even if they fought the Abyss equally.

Airi was watching that deadly battle from behind a rock while feeling the suspense inside her heart.

(The Triad, they are already near their limit in using the strengthened type general purpose Drag-Rides.)

When Noct and the others were training to use the strengthened type general purpose Drag-Rides, it was none other than Airi who was measuring their usage time limit.

Airi knew how, in order to become the strength of Lux──and also the Academy, they acted like usual on the surface, while behind the scenes they were also continuing to work hard desperately.

Airi also knew how currently, those girls were gradually exceeding the limit of their stamina.

Even if they kept at it with willpower, it wouldn’t continue for long. Their armor would be dispelled soon.

The Abyss’s encirclement could be broken through with a bit more.

But, even though it would be just one more push, they were lacking a bit of firepower.

「Noct! You don’t need to worry about me! Please go assist those two!」

「No. I cannot approve of that. I will be breaking my promise with Lux-san if Airi is exposed to danger.」

Noct was replying with a calm voice while battling an Abyss slightly to the front. But,

「We will be annihilated either way if we are unable to escape like this! If I’m only becoming a burden, I have the resolve to die!」


Noct who heard that yell showed a slightly pained look.

After worrying for a few moments, Noct took a deep breath and turned the back of her EX Drake towards Airi.

「Please forgive me Airi. I made you speak that much. That’s because of our powerlessness.」

「It’s the same for me. This is because I was unreasonable and asked to come along.」

When Airi smiled softly, Noct also slipped out a chuckle.

「Yes. You’re right. Let’s get scolded together later.」

Noct murmured that while simultaneously using EX Drake’s Step. She began giving cover fire using her Cannon.

『Both of you please lure away the enemy! I will fire my remaining fire power.』


「Take care of it, Noct!」

Tillfur and Sharis who were battling Abyss with close range weapons in hand guessed Noct’s intention with just that sentence.

No matter how much training they accumulated, the three’s Drag-Ride aptitude value, stamina, and technique wouldn’t be a match with the members who could handle Divine Drag-Rides.

Then, in order to win a battle using a strong point that was unique to only the three of them, they strengthened their coordination along with their personal training.


A swarm of flying type hissed while attacking. The two moved in the trajectory with shape of ‘8’ and gathered them in one spot.

The moment around ten Abysses were gathered at their crossing point, Sharis and Tillfur raised their voices simultaneously.

「──Howling Roar!」

The vortex of shockwave that was filled with the power of a strengthened type general purpose Drag-Ride pressured the swarm from left and right and stopped their movement.

Right after that, Noct launched a following attack from her Cannon without even a moment longer.


The atmosphere was enveloped with flame blast and the Abyss were smashed apart along with the impact.

Even so as expected several Abyss survived the attack.

The remaining Abyss were showered with swings from Hammer and Blade.

「Magnificent, everyone──」

With this an escape path was opened, and it became possible to retreat temporarily with Lisha and the others and reorganize themselves.

After that it would be only Lux and Yoruka who were inside the first fortress that they had to worry about.

The Triad unintentionally relaxed their tension after throwing all their strength. In that moment, Airi felt unease in her body.


Her weight vanished and she felt like she was pulled into the air.

That moment when she floated high into the air, Airi was kidnapped by a Drag-Ride that flew with fierce speed from behind.


With a shocked expression Noct used Step and pursued, but she didn’t reach.


Sharis flew to chase after the unfamiliar saffron colored Drag-Ride, but at that moment her EX Wyvern was hit by an invisible power that threw her to the ground.


Sharis turned a somersault with a short scream. Looking down at the three who were left behind, the masked girl left wordlessly.

「Be careful Sharis! It looks like she is using some kind of strange Divine Raiment!」

Tillfur also skated forward in the attempt of pursuit, but the figure of the kidnapper Drag-Knight vanished altogether with Airi.

At the opposite side of Lisha who was fighting hard a hundred ml behind, the three were left behind there while standing dumbfounded.

Part 3[edit]

Inside the underground Drag-Ride hangar of the first fortress── The walls, floor, and even the ceiling were completely destroyed.

Just like the remaining torch that was faintly illuminating the darkness, Lux’s life was also going out.

His consciousness that sunk into darkness could faintly hear the screams of the girl who was unable to find any words.

The sensation of blood dripping from the girl’s left eye.

His body felt the warmth of the skin embracing him.

This was an inevitability that would visit him someday when he continued to risk his life recklessly and dangerously. He was finally brought down.

Rather, his luck was too good that he was safe until now.

(Airi……sorry. Even though I told you that I won’t let you be alone──)

He felt pained for lying to his only little sister, for being unable to stay at the side of Lisha and the others till the end.

However separated from that, he didn’t feel the slightest regret for trying to save Yoruka until the very end.

There were many things on his mind, being on the verge of death.

But, right after that something hot permeated into Lux’s chest.

And then suddenly the scene that he saw wasn’t his memory with the girls, but a bizarre scene.


  • Zazazaza-*, an image of memory that was covered with static like a sandstorm was flowing into Lux.

It wasn’t the phenomenon of recalling the past when dying, it felt like he was shown the memory of someone else.

He could see from overhead view, a strange space that was surrounded by silver walls and surface.

It was inside a facility that vaguely resembled the interior of a Ruin.

At the center of that room that was surrounded by several unknown objects, an unfamiliar girl was standing.

The girl in dress was folding her arms with her back turned on him. She was talking as though speaking to someone.

「Your whole family including you, have a certain instinct imprinted into their genetics. A competitive factor was planted by the predecessor scientist in order for your family to grow into an even more excellent existence. That factor is considered to bring out the aspect of overtaking and betraying other people from your family, and because of that all of you were persecuted. Even everyone of Xfer said that they will only have anything to do with us, the imperial family of the Lords.」


Lux had no memory of this.

There was no girl with a similar face to this girl among the imperial family of the Old Empire.

She was different from the first imperial princess Listelka and the third imperial princess Hayes, but she certainly had distinctive silver hair like the Arcadia family.

Even when Lux tried to throw a question, he was unable to make any words inside the image.

The girl wearing a dress and flower crown quietly continued to talk as though doing it in Lux’s place.

「Even so Fugil, you proved to me that it’s a mistake. I will wait for you to wake up from having Baptism applied to your whole body. In order to change this world that is covered with dispute, this time for sure. I will complete the transforming Drag-Ride in this Avalon before you wake up.」

Looking closer, he could see that the girl was talking to a small black box.

Perhaps, that was a machine that was recording the girl’s words.

And then.

For some reason the girl turned towards a wall and peered into a cylindrical water tank beside it.

Lux’s eyes couldn’t see clearly, but inside a slender body of a girl was floating.

「Sacred Eclipse is also near completion. I swear I will build something wonderful without fail before you are awake. In order to grant both our wish, to save someone else──」

The girl next went down a stair towards the underground and opened the door of a room that was locked securely.

Inside, there was the figure of a young man that was entered inside a transparent huge metal box. He was undergoing a surgery by machine with his eyes closed all along.

(That’s──Fugil, niisan!?)

When he saw until that point, a question emerged inside Lux.

The question was, from which age did this scene come from?

(Did he come and enter the Ruin secretly since the era of Old Empire?)

No, Lux rethought, there was no way that was true.

Listelka Rei Arshalia who was a survivor from a few hundred years ago said that Sacred Eclipse existed since the past as a calamity that destroyed the world.

『I’ll tell you one thing for the end, my foolish little brother. Since the beginning, I am not an imperial prince or anything of this empire.』

On the last day of the coup d’etat, his elder brother who betrayed him and murdered the emperor said that.

If his words were correct, then Fugil’s true identity──just what…….

The girl lovingly caressed the metal coffin where Fugil was sleeping, then she slowly turned around.

The moment the face of the girl became clear to Lux after turning around, a terrifying chill ran through him.

(What, the. This girl……!)

The face of that girl, he had recollection of it even though only faintly.

No, just now, a memory that should be forgotten was resurrected in his mind.

In the past, seven years ago, when Lux went to Ries Island for a rescue there──

This girl, appeared there.

「Uh, gu……!」

His voice slipped out, even though he couldn’t feel his body at all until now, a headache assaulted him.

His memory was muddy.

At that time, Philuffy should have died because she was unable to adapt to the seed of a Ragnarok. The reason she was resurrected──was because of Sacred Eclipse.

That thing appeared before him along with light, and then to Philuffy who had stopped breathing──

Lux recalled a part of his memory and his breathing stopped from feeling taken aback.

Before Lux’s eyes, he could see once more the chalk white room that was surrounded by an inorganic wall.

The girl was standing there. She was peering into the cylindrical water tank while talking somewhat caringly.

「The Sacred Eclipse that you and I created, will be drawn towards the heart of a strong person, and grant salvation for only once. If their feeling is a pure wish, in order to grant it──Sacred Eclipse will grant strength, this Elixir」

When the silver haired girl that he had never even seen before smiled, Lux’s consciousness was cut off with a snap from the scene he was watching.

Right after that, intense pain ran through the blackout, and his dim vision suddenly opened.

Part 4[edit]

「Aruji, sama……?」

When he opened his eyes, he could see the worn out Yoruka peering onto Lux’s face.

At the side, the silver haired girl that he had just seen inside the dream──no, something humanoid which really resembled that girl was standing there.

It was looking down on Lux while sporting a gentle smile that looked angelic.

The drop that was shining in seven colors spilling from its fingertip was trickling down to the wound on Lux’s chest.

「This is, Sacred Eclipse? Is it……? No, rather than that my──?」

Here Lux finally noticed how he should have died already.

The deep fissure that was carved on his chest had vanished when he became aware of it.

「What happened? This is──」

Yoruka also noticed Sacred Eclipse and murmured with an astonished expression, but Lux didn’t understand anything.

At that time, Singlen who was standing arrogantly at some distance away suddenly let out his voice.

「Ha—ha—ha. This is interesting! I see, so it’s a jackpot at this first and last time! This miniscule chance of the surface side of Sacred Eclipse performing revival, just like with me at that time!」

Singlen’s crimson eye socket shined while his body under the armor suit was dyed black and he yelled.


Lux and Yoruka became alert against that laughing voice that sounded like he was possessed, but Singlen only pressed on his face and continued to laugh.

「I was misjudging this guy. It was my eyes that were cloudy. What is necessary so one can be called a hero isn’t physical strength or even ingenuity. It’s the heaven’s decree at the critical moment when it counts! You accomplished the last miracle without intending it──or perhaps it’s because of that foolish choice of trying to save everyone. In that case even without me using you, you will surely deliver your fang at the throat of that guy!」

Singlen spread his arms towards the sky and laughed loudly without suppressing down his mad excitement.

Right after that, the black pattern of devil transformation receded from his body. He returned to his usual form that was no different from a human.

Lux and Yoruka were taken aback, even so their hands moved towards their Sword Devices, it was then.


A howl that sounded like rumbling ground thundered from above, the whole hangar shook fiercely.

「I see──now I have no more need to tame you to kill that guy. It’s pointless even if I stay here. I’ll lose my remaining pieces if I don’t quickly assist them. I’ve broken that nasty lethal weapon too. I don’t have anything to do here anymore.」

「Wait, you’re going to run away after going this far?」

Singlen said that and turned around, but Lux called out to his back.

But, Singlen only turned around his head and returned back his usual dark eye glint.

「What did you plan to make me do!? Who do you want to kill!?」

Hearing the question that the agitated Lux spat out, Singlen’s mouth warped into an arc.

「There is no time to have that talk here. Until you recover your memory──look forward to it in anticipation. In exchange I’ll teach you something good. That Sacred Eclipse which revived you, it will inverse to 『reverse side』 soon. Defeat it now that you are resurrected.」


Lux was shocked and looked at the Sacred Eclipse, then the shape of the beautiful silver haired girl transformed.

It looked injured as though its whole body was carved, its skin was carbonized as though flame had burned it, and its eyeballs rotted and fell.

And then, its mouth formed a wide grin that was like a crescent moon.

At the same time it unleashed a bottomless malicious killing intent towards mankind.

The last and greatest Ragnarok──the one that would guide the world to destruction was slowly starting to change.

「I’ll be waiting, Chore Prince──no, Black Hero. You will understand the meaning of my words someday. Including how this world won’t change at all unless I accomplish what I have to do.」

Singlen only said that and rode the wave that Leviathan’s Divine Raiment created. He withdrew from the underground Drag-Ride hangar.

Yoruka who was crouching in a dying state and Lux whose wound was healed were left behind.

And then, there was also the Sacred Eclipse that was carrying out an ominous transformation slowly.

Yoruka was watching that with only her blue right eye while her body wasn’t stirring at the slightest.

With that, even Lux understood that she already didn’t have even a scrap of strength to resist.

「──Why, Aruji-sama came for the likes of me?」

She didn’t try to look at Lux.

Yoruka merely muttered with a low voice as though she was talking to herself.

「Why did you secretly try to defeat Singlen? Surely someone at your level should have understood what would happen to you.」


Lux picked up his Sword Device that fell on the ground and silently sent his thought.

Perhaps thanks to the Elixir that was poured on him, not just his wound, even his stamina was recovered.

He summoned Bahamut once more. He might be able to fight against this Sacred Eclipse.

「Perhaps, I’m the same like that. Knowing that Yoruka is braving through danger in order to protect me, I was unable to leave you alone.」

When Lux showed such powerless smile, Yoruka quietly shook her head.

「Aruji-sama──really doesn’t have eyes for evaluating people.」

Yoruka formed a resigned smile and objected like that to Lux.

「Putting your hand into fire in order to pick up a tool like me…… there is a limit even in making a stupid plan. Just for the sake of this kind of broken doll, that doesn’t have any emotion or anything」

Yoruka sighed with a serious face seemingly exasperated.

Lux couldn’t read her emotion.

Even so──what he should say as her master was decided.

「That’s not true. I remembered about the time when Philuffy came back to life. At that time, Sacred Eclipse granted my wish.」

That scene that flowed into him along with Elixir──the actions of that girl who looked the same as Sacred Eclipse, he still didn’t understand what was the meaning of that.

However, there was just one thing that he was convinced about.

Just like how his wish once saved Philuffy, Sacred Eclipse also responded to Yoruka’s hidden wish and saved Lux.

「Thanks to Yoruka’s wish, I was saved. That’s why, something like you being a tool without emotion, isn’t true.」


Lux’s smile looked persuasive.

Even so Yoruka’s eyes wouldn’t meet Lux.

She kept crouching beside Lux with a fleeting expression while listening to that.

Her broken fingers kept tightly grasping her Sword Device.

「That’s right isn’t it.」

She replied like that with a voice that was filled with emptiness.

「I am not a faithful tool or anything. I cannot even control a single emotion of mine. I’m just a poor excuse of a human. Just like what my father told me once, I am a failure that is not human.」

Yoruka muttered indifferently without even a self-torturing feeling mixed within her voice.

Even so Lux called to her.

「After the fight against Gigas, I was happy that Yoruka came for me. The Old Empire was destroyed completely without me being able to save anyone, but with that it felt like I was able to save it just for a bit.」


Yoruka’s face didn’t change even after hearing those words.

But, her shoulder shook just slightly.

「Yoruka. I’m not asking you who are a tool to become human. However, I don’t want to use and throw away the human you like a disposable tool. Just like how you didn’t let go of your katana, I need you, in order for me to keep being myself──」

「I am, Aruji-sama’s……katana?」

SaijakuBahamut v11 08.jpg

Yoruka was half dumbfounded hearing those words. She stared at the Sword Device of Yato no Kami.

In order for her to become her little brother’s servant, in order for her to persist in her contract, she didn’t let go of this katana until the very end.

Even though she was unable to understand a human’s emotions, if it was a feeling about needing something then she could understand it.

In order for Lux to carry out his own belief, he saved Yoruka when she was his opponent, like that──

「Besides, calling yourself a failure isn’t right. Humans, all of them are imperfect creatures. Anyone, no matter who, will all make mistakes and hesitate. Even me, Lisha-sama, and also everyone else. That’s why──it’s fine for you to stay beside me.」

Saying that, Lux held out his hand towards Yoruka.

Yoruka hesitated for a moment, then she put her hand on that hand.

「──As you wish, Aruji-sama.」

The time between the two stopped for a few moments.

He could feel the warmth of Yoruka’s blood as though it was showing her feeling for the first time.

  • DOoOON!*

But, right after that the underground Drag-Ride hangar shook intensely.

Because of the fierce battle that happened here, the first fortress itself was starting to crumble.

The Sacred Eclipse that was already losing its human shape was also a concern, but first they should escape from here.

「Yoruka! We are getting out!」

Lux summoned Bahamut once more and quickly put it on as armor.

(──I can do this.)

Although the scar on his chest was remaining slightly, he could move perfectly.

It was slightly baffling why Lux didn’t go through devil transformation like other people after getting Elixir poured on him, but there was no time to ponder it.

He carried Yoruka in his arms and escaped while avoiding the avalanche of rubble.

Lisha and the others said that they temporarily retreated to link up with the New Kingdom army at the second fortress but──

「──Lux-kun! Be careful!」

The moment Lux escaped to the sky near the Garden, Coral’s voice came to him.

The Gargoyle and Chimera that attacked from left and right were killed instantly by Lisha and Greifer respectively.

「Lisha-sama and Coral!? And even Greifer!? Why──」

「It’s troublesome, but this is also a duty of an allied country yeah. More importantly……」

Greifer suddenly gazed at the front of Garden with sharp eyes.

Over there was the figure of a girl in dress whose eyes were covered with shadow──the main body of Sacred Eclipse. A swarm of more than a hundred Abyss was swirling around it.

「It’s that thing! As expected that thing is calling the Abyss here! No matter how many we defeat, the Abyss keep appearing one after another. If we don’t destroy that Sacred Eclipse at least, even if we return to Cross Field like this──」

Lisha was glaring at the sky with her crimson eyes while breathing hard.

It seemed that Singlen’s right hand man, Zweigberk was already leading the White Ridge knight order of the Blackend Kingdom to retreat.

In exchange it seemed the Drag-Knights of the New Kingdom military were coming as reinforcements, but they might get annihilated right away if they came to this battle situation.

「But it’s strange yeah? Where did those damned Dragon Marauder lot vanish to? Drakkhen also ran away, the mysterious masked girl who Coral saw is also gone.」

Greifer grumbled with an annoyed tone.

Right behind him, there were the figures of the Triad whose armors were dispelled because they had already surpassed their limit.

「Yes. My deepest apologies. I detected their presence broadly until the middle, but their signal cut off somehow in the sky. Also Lux-san, even Airi got kidnapped──」


That report caused Lux’s complexion to change and he stopped breathing.

Seeing Noct’s figure that was gasping for air, it must be something that was outside her power.

Coral who was similarly anxious called to Lux who couldn’t say anything.

「I’m sorry Lux-kun. If only I didn’t let that masked Drag-Knight get away──」

「Right now that doesn’t matter!」

Lisha lifted up her sword resolutely in response to the dejected Coral.

「There isn’t any time to feel frustrated about the enemy’s trap that we didn’t notice! No matter what Dragon Marauder’s objective is, if they kidnapped the little sister, then they should contact us later for negotiating hostage!」

Lisha raised her voice to rouse up everyone there.

If Lux and the others were swallowed by fear and despair here, the battle line would break.

If that happened, they wouldn’t be able to save Airi either way.

「Thank you very much, Lisha-sama.」

Lux recovered his calm hearing her voice and said his thanks briefly. He then stared forward.

Certainly, if the enemy planned to kill Airi, they could easily do so.

For them to kidnap her meant that they had intentions to make use of her for something.

「Even so, how are we going to fight this time? This situation is completely jumbled up. I don’t get what the hell is going on.」

Greifer spoke casually while glaring at the Garden and the first fortress.

Certainly this time the motives of various forces were all mixed up.

Lux took a deep breath and quickly sorted out the situation in his mind.

Queen Raffi of the New Kingdom requested Lux and Lisha to bury the Grand Force inside Garden so that they wouldn’t be suspected of secretly keeping it.

But, Singlen who saw through that made his White Ridge knight order to hide inside Garden beforehand, laying a trap to catch Lux red handed.

Singlen’s aim of grasping Lux’s weakness to add him under his command ended in vain, but Dragon Marauder that was similarly hiding inside the Ruin snatched away the Grand Force and then they called a lot of Abyss.

The three division commanders of Dragon Marauder were all present, and then the Drag-Knight who was employing and cooperating with them──the masked girl also appeared and battled Coral.

Outside the Garden, Yoruka who was convinced of Singlen’s scheme resolved herself to assassinate him and infiltrated the first fortress, but she failed.

When Lux came to save Yoruka, Sacred Eclipse appeared and then they escaped. But then a swarm of Abyss in a number that was incomparable to before appeared around the Sacred Eclipse.

After that, Zweigbergk led away the White Ridge knight order and retreated. In this situation, Lux and the others similarly had to escape from here.

But, if they didn’t defeat Sacred Eclipse that showed up once more, they also couldn’t go back to Cross Field like this.

Lisha turned around while breathing roughly from exhaustion and raised her voice.

「Either way, we have to defeat that monster at any cost. Can you fight, Lux!?」


In a situation where once again more than a hundred strong Abyss swarmed between the wasteland and the blue sky, Lux nodded.

Right after that, the girl in dress standing far ahead──the Sacred Eclipse formed a wide grin on its mouth and came attacking with its flesh body.

The Triad who had become unable to operate their Drag-Rides anymore went into standby at the rear.

The enemy presence was near, but they were applying first aid treatment to the wounded Yoruka during this time.

The remaining combat force, Lux, Lisha, Greifer, and Coral engaged the Sacred Eclipse.

「Hah! You look like a spoiled young lady, but you’re quite the tomboy huh.」

Sacred Eclipse flew towards them as though running on the air. In response Greifer wearing Cuelebre intercepted it and unleashed a slash in spiraling trajectory with his Tail Blade.

Using the blade of many joints, it was a powerful attack with a trajectory that was difficult to read.

Sacred Eclipse held its hand for defense, but the blade slipped through and suddenly split its head from the top into two.


Lux and Lisha opened their eyes widely seeing that brilliant performance.

But, beside them, Coral gasped in surprise.

「Greifer! Don’t let your guard down!」


「Ahaha, Greifer is really terrible.」

The Sacred Eclipse healed its wound while simultaneously changing its shape instantly. It created the shape of a different girl.

A girl wearing a dress with ornamenta that looked like piled up flower petals, with a golden tiara put on her brownish blonde hair.

It was a girl that Lux once saw when he took the Class promotion exam in the Vanheim Principality, Greifer’s master, princess Milmiette. Sacred Eclipse transformed into her appearance.

Even if someone understood it in their mind that it was a fake, but if their important someone was right in front of their eyes, they would instinctively refuse to attack.

It might be a lag of an instant that was less than a second, but the moment Greifer’s hand stopped, countless fleshy colored branches stabbed out from the whole body of Sacred Eclipse.

「──Photon Dive!」

The ability of invincibility of Cuelebre’s Divine Raiment barely activated in time, repelling those countless branches.

「Wait Greifer! The enemy is right in the middle of those Abyss!」

Behind the Sacred Eclipse that was sent flying, the gathered Abyss that numbered nearly a hundred were standing by.

If Greifer threw himself into there, he would be safe for a few seconds, but after that there was a high possibility that he would be showered with concentrated fire.

But, Greifer didn’t back down even knowing the danger.

「Certainly that’s true. But, if this monster is aiming for that then it’s a really poor move yeah. Doesn’t it know that reckless challenges are my hobby?」

In order to destroy the core of Sacred Eclipse here, Greifer closed in further and swung his Blade.

He cut apart the branches that were hard like steel and let out consecutive attacks in order to stab his blade into that heart.

「You are really cruel aren’t you Greifer? Have you forgotten your gratitude to me?」

Sacred Eclipse tried to shake up Greifer once more with Milmiette’s appearance, but this time Greifer didn’t falter.

He replied shortly while dealing an attack of his Blade at the same time.

「Sorry, but the princess already knows that I’m a rude guy. Too bad.」


He cut off its two arms and then he was going to deal the finishing strike, but at that moment several hundred branches stretched out in high speed from the Sacred Eclipse’s back.

They instantly stabbed into the Abysses that were hovering in the sky, and immediately after the stabbed Abysses dried up and crumbled.

「Get away Greifer! Sacred Eclipse is absorbing the Abysses’ life force!」

Almost at the same time with Coral’s scream, a portion of the branches attacked Greifer.

Because the invincibility of Photon Dive had just ended at that timing, Greifer shielded himself with his Blade, but the branches twisted and struck his side.

「Gu, a……!」

Fortunately because Coral was nearby, he deftly caught him.

But, Greifer’s barrier was pierced through and his armor smashed. He vomited out blood.

「That bastard……! Copying the movement of my Tail Blade──」

Glancing at Greifer who was gritting his teeth, Lisha started at Sacred Eclipse with a dubious expression.

「This is weird Lux, isn’t that Sacred Eclipse similar? With the Ragnarok that we fought previously──with Yggdrasil?」

「Yes. I also think so.」

Lux shuddered inside his heart.

Sacred Eclipse that they fought previously in the Campus Festival had the ability of tentacles and unlimited regeneration.

That was to say, it resembled the ability of the first Ragnarok that Lux and the others fought──Poseidon.

From here it became a rough guess but, perhaps Sacred Eclipse was tracing the abilities of the Ragnarok that they had defeated until now.

「Then, those Abyss that are only flying around Sacred Eclipse, could they be the meal for it?」

「If it’s a Ragnarok in the same type like Yggdrasil, the possibility is high. If I remember right, its trait should be strengthening and evolution. Each time it is defeated, it will acquire resistance and restore itself. In order to secure the energy for that, there is a possibility that it will not give any order to the Abyss around purposefully.」

Tillfur and Sharis were making such conjecture in the back while catching their breaths.

The same like the Yggdrasil that Hayes once manipulated, it was made to eat several hundred Abysse beforehand and secured energy source for its evolution.

「Yes. How it dealt with Greifer-san’s sword too, if it is inheriting Yggdrasil’s trait, it will be strengthened if we deal half-baked attacks to it here.」

Furthermore this time they had fewer battle force than that time.

And then, the three division commanders of Dragon Marauder were also hiding somewhere, and their employer was also lurking around.

「Then, there is no other choice but to shower it with simultaneous attacks. Even if we retreat from here while fighting, there is no way we can lead that thing back with us.」

It seemed everyone felt the same, everyone there consented at the same time.

Lux too, although he had his stamina and injury recovered, but he couldn’t use Over Limit.

Previously, he used counterattack of Critical Hit to reflect back the attack power of Yggdrasil after it was strengthened to the limit, defeating it. But it was unclear whether the same method would work this time.

The method of making the opponent’s strength evolve until the very limit also carried the risk of total annihilation for their side if they made the slightest mistake──it even might become the trigger of world destruction by creating an enemy that no one could defeat.

「──Yosh, then this time let’s go with the safe plan. What’s important is to defeat the surrounding Abysses first to make that Sacred Eclipse diet, it will be fine like that.」

If they destroyed the energy source of Sacred Eclipse, it wouldn’t be able to evolve.

In other words, the strategy was to crush the swarm of several hundred Abyss in the surroundings, and then they would deal the finishing blow to Sacred Eclipse for the last.

「Even so, that damned vice-captain-sama. Even though he acted self-importantly, he is gone at the crucial time.」

「It’s useless to even mind about that Greifer. More importantly, it looks like you don’t have a broken bone but, can you still move?」

Coral stepped forward to take the role of attracting the enemy. Greifer scratched his head with a disagreeable expression at Coral’s question.

「Honor student-sama is rough at working someone else as usual. Even though there are nothing but some defenseless bunches gasping for breath behind, there is no way I can slack off ain’t it」

He spoke coarsely, but as expected he was good at taking care of someone else.

「Nicely said! Then, we are starting the strategy! Both of you, follow my command!」

Lisha spoke encouragingly and gave simple instructions through Dragon Voice.

While the decisive battle was going to start under an overwhelmingly disadvantagous situation, at the side──Yoruka who was receiving first-aid treatment from Noct and the others lifted up her upper body.

「Wai-!? What are you doing Yoruka-chi!? It’s dangerous for you to move, your wounds will open again.」

「Yes. As expected I also cannot overlook this as a friend. Please think about the feelings of your master Lux-san.」

Tillfur and Noct who were dressed in pilot suit tried to stop Yoruka in panic, but Yoruka didn’t listen to them.

But, the reason why she was moving was different from before.

「It’s alright. I won’t do something so reckless that will bring me death. More importantly Noct-san, can I ask you to repair my Yato no Kami? It’s greatly damaged but, its Force Core is safe so──」

Although she had her usual bewitching smile on her face, however her eyes informed them of the strong will inside her.

「I have no intention to rush into that swarm. I only want──one more chance to activate my Divine Raiment and special armament. In order to become Aruji-sama’s strength, in a different way from before.」


Yoruka’s atmosphere was somewhat different from before, causing the three to hold their breaths.

The Triad also had no more spare strength to even protect themselves, but seeing Yoruka’s eyes, Sharis resolved herself.

「Tillfur, we’re going to put on the strengthened type Drag-Rides once more. We will transfer all our remaining strength to Noct’s EX Drake. Let’s repair Yato no Kami as much as possible with that.」

「Wait a second!? If we do that, we won’t even have any strength left to walk away from here──」

「Either way we won’t be able to assist Lux-kun and the others anyway, so it’s pointless to keep any spare strength like that! Thinking about the matter of Airi getting kidnapped, it should be something trivial for us to at least be reckless here.」


Although there were many extenuating circumstances, it was a fact that Airi was taken away right under their noses.

Thinking how Lux was standing on the front line and fought in their place even then, then certainly there was no way they could just stay still here.

「It’s alright, even if you three don’t force yourselves.」

Yoruka who was wrapped in bandages gasped with feeble breathing.

「This is only my selfishness. I am only unable to bear it, to keep laying down like this without being able to be of any use as Aruji-sama’s servant.」

That was Yoruka’s true feeling.

Lux was considering herself not as tool, but as a person who was irreplaceable for the sake of accomplishing his ideal.

Then, there was no way she could just stay still like this like a meaningless tool.

In order to realize Lux’s ideal, as the sword of the Black Hero who brought salvation, she had to fight until the very end.

「──What, if it’s like that, then it’s the same for us.」

Tillfur suddenly showed a smile and put on her EX Wyrm once more.

She approached beside Noct who was similarly putting on her EX Drake and linked a cord to it and started transferring her remaining energy.

「Yeah. Even we hate it to be in a battle where we are only getting protected by him even though we introduced ourselves as Syvalles, that’s why we trained really hard.」

Sharis also stood up wobblingly while connecting the cord of her EX Wyvern with her best effort.

Noct who received the slight remaining energy from the two began to repair Yato no Kami while gasping for breath.

She performed temporary repairs that was focused on the Force Core, fixing only a bit of armor and the firing muzzle for the special armament.

Yoruka’s aim for making her choice to wish which part to repair.

She wouldn’t simply dedicate her strength to Lux, for the first time she was trying to cooperate with him.

She was relying on everyone’s strength, and on top of that she noticed that she would be doing something reckless.

「If that’s the case, then we are the same.」

Noct’s face was completely haggard, even so she made a faint smile.

Yoruka stayed still on that spot, looking fixedly on Lux’s back in order to squeeze out her last remaining strength.

Part 5[edit]

On the other hand, around that time Airi wasn’t between the wasteland and the blue sky, she was inside a room that also wasn’t within Garden.

It was a strange space with smooth metallic walls that were tinged with faint light, and unfamiliar structures assembled together on top of each other.

That place which closely resembled the internal structure of a Ruin was clearly the enemy’s base.

The air of the place was thick with tension that made her hesitate to even breath. There Airi was standing still without even trembling.

There were several times when she thought she was going to die.

When she was a sickly child, she was living side by side with death everyday. Even when her grandfather roused the anger of the Old Empire, also the time her mother died in an accident, and also after the coup d’etat, she was made to stand at the crossroad of life and death every time.

And then, even after Lux came to the Academy she experienced it several more times.

In this short time that didn’t even reach a year, they fought against powerful enemies many times.

She was kidnapped by the enemy in the Vanheim Principality and became a hostage.

Since then, she was covertly carrying a short sword and poison without telling anyone──not even her best friend Noct, so that she could perform suicide anytime.

Although only at the lowest position, she was still a former imperial princess, that was why she was resolved for at least that much.

What Airi feared the most wasn’t her death, it was that her life would be used as a negotiation chip against Lux.

Of course, Airi didn’t want to intentionally commit suicide and lose her chance for escape, but it would be a failure if she was late in making her decision.

Thus, in order to ascertain the path her destiny was heading, she was observing the tendency of her surroundings tensely.

It was a room where a wall surface was reflecting the scenery of the Garden’s surrounding, including the battle of Lux and the others.

The masked girl who kidnapped Airi, and a petite girl wearing robe who was obeying that girl were also there.

And then, the three division commanders of Dragon Marauder, the enemy of the world, were also standing there.

「──We finished our work. With this we will have you pay us our reward at the dawn of your rule over Avalon.」

First a muscular man with darkish skin handed over the large treasure box he was carrying.

The masked girl glanced inside it to confirm the content, then she turned her gaze towards Airi who was standing a bit far away.

「I will keep my promise, but don’t speak needlessly that others will hear. Haven’t you worked in the mercenary business for a long time, Gatouhan?」

The masked girl chided the dark skinned man with a voice that was as emotionless as her appearance.

The large man sighed ‘fuh’ with a wry smile while bowing courteously.

「Excuse my rudeness. Even like this I was previously the head of a 『savage tribe』. My loose lip is a bad habit from birth.」

「You immediately spoke needlessly right after getting told that. How astonishing.」

「Gatouhan put on air like a big shot, but he is unexpectedly stupid. Contractor-sama too, please let him off.」

Drakkhen with her female bandit appearance standing beside Gatouhan folded her arms sarcastically, while the youth Vine spoke bluntly.

But, the masked girl was curt.

「It looks like you are lacking in tension. Even though we still have to remove that Sacred Eclipse too.」

She only muttered that before giving a signal with her gesture, making the three division commanders to leave to another room.

When the metallic door opened and closed automatically, the little girl in robe who was at the corner of the room until now approached Airi slowly.

「-……!? Don’t come near me!」

Airi alertly backed away and grasped the handle of the short blade in her pocket.

She also took out a bag that was filled with poison.

「Stop resisting pointlessly. Do you want to die without seeing your brother’s face again?」

「It’s better to die rather than getting used by you all! If I’m going to become Nii-san’s burden here then──」

Airi raised her voice and steadied her short blade, then she pointed it to her throat.

She had resolved to be killed by other people several times before, but she had hesitation to do it herself.

The voice of reason which told her that she should stab herself right away was fighting the voice of instinct that told her she mustn’t die.

She recalled the face of Lux who waited upon the sickly her and tear almost oozed out. She reflexively endured it.

「You don’t want to die but, you won’t become a hostage……is it? It can’t be helped, let’s stop that.」


Airi was taken aback and her eyes blinked hearing the words of the masked girl that were said emotionlessly without any inflection.

When Airi was staring at the enemy before her while doubting her ears, the girl silently took off her mask.

「Then──make a contract with us. There is one thing that I want you to do. If you do that for us, I will let you go safely. I also won’t take you hostage.」


The moment Airi saw the exposed face, she became speechless.

That was the face of a girl she remembered seeing just once before at the campus festival.

Part 6[edit]

「──Damn, it all-!」

On the other hand, at the fierce fight against Sacred Eclipse that was unfolding far below the kidnapped Airi, a terrifying situation presented itself.

「What, in the world……! This thing, it’s entering a different world of troublesome compared to Yggdrasil!」

Lisha shouted loudly while throwing her Legions to attack the Abyss.

But, the attack that before this should deal some damage even if it couldn’t defeat the enemy was easily dodged by Gargoyles and Chimeras.

It wasn’t that her precision in controlling Tiamat was worsening, but the enemy reaction speed that was exceeding her accuracy.

「These guys, don’t tell me──. No, as I thought……they are growing!」

Coral was also muttering in frustration while the middle sized Blade he swung was dodged.

Even when his attack landed, his Blade would be deflected by the enemy’s skin and cracks were starting to enter the blade.


Sacred Eclipse was cackling eerily while stretching its branches to the surrounding Abysses.

At first they thought that Sacred Eclipse was only absorbing energy from the Abyss, but when Lux and the others aimed at the surrounding Abyss, it immediately began to stab its branches towards the remaining dozens of Abyss.

With that, the body of the Abyss swelled or their shape would change. They were starting to evolve.

They might get defeated before they could defeat the surrounding Abyss that were its energy source.

「Lux! Don’t use your Divine Raiment! We will do something about this right now!」

The swarm of Abyss was transformed into powerful enemies that even Bahamut would struggle against. When Lisha yelled so in front of such enemy, Lux obeyed her words and suppressed his strength.

Lux was also starting to suspect the omen of the enemy’s terrifying tactic.

(This is bad. It’s the same like the previous Sacred Eclipse, this thing is Yggdrasil’s evolved variant.)

It wasn’t merely using Abyss as food for its own evolution, it could even grant the resistance and evolution it obtained to the surrounding Abyss to strengthen them.

Like that, even the surrounding Abyss were transformed into powerful enemies that couldn’t be defeated without getting reckless, then the technique and ability used to defeat those Abyss would be absorbed back to Sacred Eclipse.

While they were defeating the hangers-on, an Evolved Sacred Eclipse that was beyond their means would be born.

(What to do──? Everyone who is fighting in my place won’t hold out for long.)

With how he was unable to use Over Limit, it was impossible to defeat the enemy with Critical Hit after strengthening it.

Then──the technique that applied Reload on Fire which Lux had newly invented──Violent Strike, there was no other way than that.

Violent Strike, the technique to make the enemy’s movement and ability rampage by activating Reload on Fire on the enemy and stopping their movement.

It was another matter if it was against a Drag-Knight, but he thought it would be ineffective against powerful creatures like the Ragnarok, but──

(A chance of victory, exists……!)

Lux felt a conviction after observing the surrounding Abyss that were strengthened by Sacred Eclipse.

It was hard to see because they were strengthened a lot, but the Abysses that had their evolution spurred by Sacred Eclipse were starting to crumble from the tips of their limbs.

A lot of energy was necessary to evolve them in short time, putting a burden on their flesh.

Putting aside Sacred Eclipse itself that was a Ragnarok, normal Abyss wouldn’t hold out for long. Their body was ruined from being unable to endure the strengthening.

If the speed of that abnormal evolution and regeneration jumped up by several times, even Sacred Eclipse would inevitably use up its energy, or it would start to break down due to the excessive evolution.

At that moment, the core of its breaking body could be destroyed using Quick Shot.

Lux’s plan was created on the fly, however he was made to realize that the plan was really far away from being accomplished.

「U, aah……!?」

Coral who got the back wings of his EX Wyvern smashed by a Diablos was sent flying to the ground.

Greifer took on the Abyss in Coral’s place, but he had no choice other than betting his full strength facing a top tier Abyss that was strengthened.

On the other hand Lisha was also approached by a strengthened Orthros and she was forced to eliminate it using Suppressor’s gravity force and Seven Heads in conjuction.

「Now-! I’ll deal a blow on you in front of Lux!」

Right after that, Lisha flew to the front of Sacred Eclipse that was trying to crawl its branch on the defeated Abyss and she activated Tiamat’s Divine Raiment once more.

Energy was focused at the center of Seven Heads’ firing muzzle.

She intended to fire the sure kill gravity force bullet that she showed at the decisive battle with Hayes.

But──at that instant, Sacred Eclipse suddenly changed appearances.

「Is it alright Lisha? Clinging like that to the likes of the Empire’s prince? Refusing to commit suicide and change sides to the Empire, your dead little sister won’t be able to rest in peace.」


Sacred Eclipse would read the hearts of the opponent it fought and traced the appearance of the human that could be said as the opponent’s weakness.

The one who showed up in front of Lisha was a man in his prime with similar blonde hair and crimson eyes.

Her father who died in battle at the revolution, the great man Count Atismata.

「──Shu, uT UPPPPPPPP-!?」

Instantly, Lisha yelled as though to force down all the emotions boiling up inside her body.

Lisha had also heard about the transformation trait of Sacred Eclipse from Celis and Lux who had fought it. But even with that knowledge she was unable to endure it, which was a troublesome point of this enemy.

The enemy would change its appearance into an existence that was important to them──no, it was even further than that, it changed into an existence that became their weakness.

Even though they understood that it was just a fake appearance, their humanity, senses, and instinct would reject that logic.

It was a weakness that existed due to them being proper humans.

To perfectly conquer that weakness, they had to stop being human.

Lisha forcefully break through it, even so that instant of delay brought about a lethal opening.


The moment purple light bullet──gravity force bullet was fired from the muzzle and impacted, Sacred Eclipse stretched its branches and counterattacked.

Several branches flew toward Lisha and smashed Tiamat’s armor, at the same time several branches that were stretched backward absorbed life force from the surrounding Abysses.


Right after that, the crackling gravity bullet swallowed Sacred Eclipse, breaking its limbs and it started to crumble.

(It’s not perfectly settled! But, the chance is only now──!)

Lux resolved himself like that and grasped Bahamut’s control stick in order to execute Violent Strike.

He headed towards the Sacred Eclipse and flew with full speed. The moment he was going to slash the blade of his great sword with the fastest speed, a girl’s voice reached his ear.



Lux faltered for a moment towards the voice of Yoruka that came to him through Dragon Voice.

The moment his dash was delayed, Lisha readied her large cannon to fire additional attack from Seven Heads.

And then Greifer used Photon Dive and slashed from behind, but both were sent flying simultaneously.


Both of them yelled uneasily together.

In front of them, Sacred Eclipse with its half broken body regenerated its body with a repulsive smile and transformed into the appearance of the girl in dress once more.

「This bastard already adapted to the Divine Raiment of us two in this short time!?」

The weakness of Greifer’s Photon Dive was the moment he touched the enemy from his initiative, the light of his invincibility would cut off only at the part that came into contact with the enemy.

In other words, if an unmoving enemy directly released attack like shockwave from their body in the instant of that contact, it was possible to counterattack even with the invincibility active.

Regarding Lisha’s Suppressor, it was simply obtaining pure resistance to gravity.

The speed of evolution and adaptability that exceeded the imagination caused everyone there to shudder.

(This is bad……! If the sure kill by Reload on Fire misses even once, there won’t be any more chance for me to stop Sacred Eclipse!)

But, if he wasn’t stopped by Yoruka’s voice just now, he would have been intercepted without doubt.

Sacred Eclipse was completely alert against Lux too while facing Lisha, Coral, and Greifer.

Just like how Lux tried to read the enemy’s attack’s preliminary movement using his discernment and experience, Sacred Eclipse was also learning even Lux’s observing eye.

(What to do!? Lisha-sama and Coral, even Greifer cannot fight properly anymore. There is also no time, at this rate──)

When Lux made a distressed expression like that, a voice came to him once more from Yoruka who was lurking at the rear.

『Aruji-sama, will you listen to my plan? There is a chance to defeat that Sacred Eclipse.』

When Lux twisted his body slightly to look behind, he saw Yoruka there on her knee, wearing Yato no Kami that only had a part of its shoulder repaired.

『You must not Yoruka! Stop acting reckless already! If you fight more than this, you will──』

『Please let her do this, Lux-san.』

Beside Yoruka, Noct sent him her voice immediately to calm him down.

Even though her tone was calm just like how she usually was, there was a strong will filling her voice.

While Lux was bewildered by that, Sharis and Tillfur also sent him their voices.

『I’m also asking you this Lux-kun. She isn’t planning to disregard your feelings. Surely she is trying to do the opposite.』

『Yoruka-chi is considering your will……or something? Perhaps, it’s something like that I think. That’s why, listen to her. Because we who are the most useless here also entrusted our feelings to her!』


Yoruka’s feeling that was different from before.

She wasn’t just thinking about Lux’s sake and fought, she was also trying to consider his will.

Not in order to become a sacrifice.

It was a method that Yoruka herself could do using her all, and then──

『Please allow me to use Aruji-sama’s body just for a moment. I swear that I will send Aruji-sama until that instant before Aruji-sama’s attack using Reload on Fire.』


Lux guessed her intention from her words and her appearance that was intentionally wearing Yato no Kami.

He also guessed at the same time why Yoruka also took off the bandage covering her left eye.

Right after that, in front of him the eyes of Sacred Eclipse shined and it devoured several more Abyss. At that moment it flew towards Lux.

「Run away Lux! That thing is learning to predict the enemy just like you!」

Lisha wearing Tiamat yelled while being soaked with blood. Lux moved at the same time.

At this rate they wouldn’t be able to win.

He readied his great sword to intercept the enemy even while he understood that. At that timing, letters that looked like a spell faintly shined on the armor of Bahamut.

「──Instant Strike」

He felt like he could hear the voice of Yoruka who was far in the rear even without Dragon Voice.

Sacred Eclipse mimicked Lux’s foresight and took a stance to intercept him based on his preliminary motion, but it was completely taken by surprise and received an attack from his Blade.

It was a special move that was only allowed for Yoruka who read the wavelengths of consciousness using her devilish eye and made use of that opening.

SaijakuBahamut v11 06.jpg

It wasn’t just the Sacred Eclipse that was taken by surprise, Lisha who was watching from the side was also the same.

「Lux’s Instant Strike!? No, don’t tell me──」

「A string is, stretching from behind……?」

Just as what Coral muttered, a steel string was connected to Bahamut’s back wing.

In other words, due to Yato no Kami’s Spell Code, Yoruka controlled Bahamut like a puppet and unleashed that single strike.

She overlapped her technique on Lux’s body and Drag-Ride.

It was a combination technique that was impossible to perform withou her trusting other people and entrusting her heart to him.

If it was the Yoruka from before, she wouldn’t be able to even think up this attack that surpassed the ability of a Ragnarok.

「Now──Reload on Fire!」

Right after that, Lux who was released from the binding of Spell Code activated Reload on Fire.

He didn’t compress and strengthen his own time, but decelerated the speed of his opponent. After doing that, in the time that was stretched by several times over he would unleash the special move──Violent Strike.

He would deal countless slashes from above the core of the enemy that was in the state of nearly a complete pause.

「──Gu, OOO, OOOoUU……!?」

Due to the deceleration of time, even the shriek that Sacred Eclipse let out echoed dully.

And then──five seconds later, the countless slash lines that were carved on its chest were tinged with light, which shifted into destructive power that assaulted to one spot.

Sacred Eclipse was blown away with super speed to the ground below while sparks scattered intensely from near the core in its heart where the impact collided.


But, an unexpected miscalculation for Lux occurred here.

Based on the feedback from the core destruction of Metatron that was also a Ragnarok he fought just the other day, the Sacred Eclipse’s core should be destroyed from the attack just now.

And yet this time the destruction stopped at only the core surface.

(Is it growing, that even its resistance is rising higher than the Sacred Eclipse I defeated with Celis-senpai previously!?)

A Ragnarok that would revive after a period of time even after its core was broken and became an even stronger specimen──Sacred Eclipse.

Lux felt its terror once more while he pursued the Sacred Eclipse that was sent flying to deal the finishing blow.

It shouldn’t be able to move yet due to the damage right after it got showered with consecutive attacks.

It was barely surviving, but if it was now he could defeat it.

Thinking that, he was going to deal even more attacks to it, but then Sacred Eclipse transformed into a different appearance.

Smooth blonde hair that was tied into a sidetail and crimson eyes.

It was the appearance of the Princess of the New Kingdom who Lux served, Lizsharte.

「──Please Lux! Stop it! Don’t kill me again!」


When he saw that, some kind of shuddering chill ran through Lux’s body.

At the same time his body stiffened still from terror.

(……What does, it mean? Again?)

He completely understood that Sacred Eclipse transformed into an existence that was the opponent’s weak point, and Lux intended to swing his sword with the resolve of that.

Whether it would be his mother who died in an accident, or his father the emperor, or his little sister Airi, or his comrades from the Academy──, he intended to force down any agitation that might well up inside him, and yet now his hand stopped completely.

Why was that?

It wasn’t a coincidence.

Right now he simply wasn’t aware of it, but seeing this figure of Lisha, he felt like he knew something.

Lux knew about this something that Sacred Eclipse was saying to him.

(Is it because of my lost memory, no……that’s not it! The me right now is imagining it? What is this, this sensation──)

It was no good, he couldn’t swing his sword.

The moment he thought that, the real Lisha raised her voice.

「……Do it! Lux! Don’t get led astray by that kind of fake! I am the real thing!」

Bahamut’s armor automatically moved almost at the same time with Lisha’s yell.

Spell Code.

The special armament steel string, Kumo no Ito connected to Bahamut, and Yoruka gave the command in Lux’s place.

──But, Sacred Eclipse reacted to that and instantly transformed its appearance.

A black haired boy who resembled Lux with a little trace of innocence remaining in him.

(Could it be, this boy is──Yoruka’s)

Lux guessed that he might be Yoruka’s little brother from his face that resembled Lux and also had a trace of Yoruka’s features.

But, Lux and Yoruka didn’t hesitate.

Right after that, he slipped through the branches that stabbed in counterattack and landed a blow with all his might.


The cracks on the core flickered with a flash and broke apart into pieces.

The greatest Ragnarok, Sacred Eclipse that showed its figure for the second time finally fell.

「Ku, kukukukuku……」

Sacred Eclipse was bisected in that young boy appearance. It vanished along with a faint smile.

Lux was breathing hard while looking down quietly on it.

「Thank you Yoruka, for giving me a push on the back──」

He slowly turned around before long. Until now his movement were manipulated by the Kumo no Ito.

The figure of the unfamiliar young boy in the end was a figure that Sacred Eclipse showed because it suspected even that.

「Also sorry. For making you attack the appearance of your little brother──」

「There is no problem.」

Yoruka dispelled the armor fragment of Yato no Kami and she powerlessly fell down.

Noct and Tillfur supported her from the left and right while she made a powerless smile.

「I don’t have a human heart, so I’m all right.」

「──No. You’re wrong.」

Lux who heard that quietly shook his head and smiled.

「I think that surely, Yoruka killed your heart for my sake. At the very least, I believe that you aren’t a human without a heart. That’s why──I’m sorry. Thank you.」

Yoruka’s eyes opened wide in astonishment for a moment hearing Lux’s words.

And then, she averted her eyes slightly as though in embarrassment and smiled.

「Perhaps that is so. If those are the words of none other than Aruji-sama, I will believe it.」

「Right. Surely that is so──」

This time Yoruka seemed to exhaust all her strength for real. Her eyes closed slowly and tension left her body.

Noct who was holding her checked her pulse, but it seemed she only fainted.

The girl who was treated by her surrounding as not human and who continued to affirm it herself until now.

Lux was happy from his heart that she was entrusting her feelings to him for the first time.

It felt like her feelings that were sealed by the word contract had softened slightly.

「Oi! What are you two doing flirting like that! There are still enemies remaining here!」

「That’s right. Even though it should still be my turn to guard Lux-kun.」

While Lux was thinking of such thing, Lisha got angry and Coral spoke jealously.

「Eh, wait!? That’s not my intention──」

Lux stared intensely to the front just as he was told even while getting flustered.

The countless Abyss had been liberated from Sacred Eclipse’s control. First they had to escape from here but──

That moment when he was about to take his stance, a familiar voice reached him from behind.

「Lux! Are you safe!?」

A golden Drag-Knight appeared from the blue sky.

The captain of Syvalles who Lux felt respect and affection for, Celistia was there.

「Celis-senpai!? Why are you here──?」

「It’s not just her Lux-kun. It looks like it’s not a mistake for me to rush here because of this bad feeling in my chest.」

The one who said that and appeared from the opposite direction was Krulcifer wearing Fafnir.

「I am, also here you know?」

In addition the one who appeared skating on the wasteland was Philuffy who should be resting because of her body condition.

Most likely she was notified of this predicament and she came here ignoring Relie’s order to rest.

「Protect Lizsharte-sama!」

「Form formation and charge! Don’t let those things touch our country’s princess!」

「You guys, you all also came?」

It wasn’t just the familiar girls, the Drag-Knights of the New Kingdom military also rushed here from Cross Field for them.

Their number was more than fifty.

Although the number of the surviving Abyss were about double than that, if Celis and others were here, Lux estimated that they would be able to fight for the time being.

What was left was to search for Dragon Marauder who seemed to make all these Abyss appear and take Airi back somehow──

(Please stay safe……Airi)

Lux was already wounded all over, even so he glared strongly to the sky. Right after that──a strange sound thundered at the surroundings.


「……Kuh, this sound, again」

First Greifer who sensed the sound of a horn flute complained. The whole troops readied themselves.

But, instead of attacking, the Abyss swarm turned around and flew high into the sky. They were wrapped by faint light before long and their figures vanished.

「──They are retreating!? No, the movement just now……」

「That was, transfer……!」

Coral wearing his half broken EX Wyvern muttered with a dubious expression.

Next Celis landed beside Lux and whispered with an urgent look.

「Please be careful Lux. Lady Magialca and I found something in the abandoned capital of the Marcafal Kingdom. The existence of Avalon that is protected by the Abyss── And also, the traces of where the seventh Ruin, Moon was heading to.」

「Avalon, is in the Marcafal Kingdom!? No more importantly, the Moon was moving you say──?」

Celis who went to the Marcafal Kingdom due to the aide exchange could return back here should only be if there was a really important matter.

「As for me, the circumstance is different but it’s something similar.」

Before Lux could ponder about it, Krulcifer also muttered beside him.

「While Mel is unable to move due to her recuperation, someone secretly infiltrated into the Hall. I heard that from Ney Louches. Who was able to enter and what did they bring out? I followed their trace and arrived to this direction.」

「They, brought out something?」

Lux felt a bad premonition hearing her words.

He couldn’t imagine that the Dragon Marauder would expressly steal treasure from inside the Hall.

If there was a situation that even the Gear Leader, Ney Louches couldn’t prevent from happening──

At that moment when Lux was trying to reach the heart of the matter, a blue pillar of light suddenly descended from the spot near where the Abyss suddenly vanished.

The girl floating inside that light pillar was abruptly thrown out to the sky powerlessly from there.


Lux yelled and flew his Bahamut at full speed.

He caught her body that almost free falled and she powerlessly smiled.

「Good grief. You are too slow, Nii-san.」

「Are you all right Airi!? Are you injured!? Just what happened──!?」

Lux forgot himself and rattled on in panic. Airi gently put her finger on his lips and quietly put her arms around his shoulders.

「There is no need to worry about me. I changed the subject a bit when talking, found an opening and escaped, that’s all. After all I am far more skilled with getting by in the world compared to Nii-san who keeps doing reckless things.」

「……I guess, you’re right.」

He let go his hand from the control stick and embraced his little sister tightly with his own hands.

He was about to make a request to the Drag-Knights of the New Kingdom military to bring her away from here to a safe place along with Yoruka and the others who were injured, it was then the scenery above the sky warped.



Right after a presence that felt prickling to the skin like a burn, a giant sphere appeared in the blue sky.

Even though it should be far away, high in the sky, but it was so gigantic that the full figure of its outline couldn’t be grasped.

A huge moon that was several sizes larger even compared to the royal castle of the New Kingdom.

The spherical castle that was clad in a dazzling phosphorescence was floating there majestically.

「Silver, moon……?」

Lisha was gazing in wonderment at that presence which was overwhelming anyone who saw it while slipping out a mutter.

Celis and Krulcifer, Philuffy and Yoruka.

Greifer and Coral, and not just them, everyone of the New Kingdom military who was witnessing that sight were similarly overwhelmed by that sight which was beyond imagination.

The Seventh Ruin──Moon.

The last Ruin that was completely untraceable until now even with all the countries using all their might.

Right now it suddenly appeared in front of them.

「I see, so that’s the reason a lot of the Abyss showed up here before Sacred Eclipse even appeared.」

Lux consented with what Greifer pointed out.

Since the start that Ruin was already there. They were only unable to see it.

The Seventh Ruin──Moon.

That Ruin which possessed a great amount of Abysses was letting them out while hiding right in front of them.

With that fact, the other puzzle inevitably also fell into place.

It was highly possible that Dragon Marauder members who appeared from somewhere and vanished suddenly also came and went from there.

When everyone there realized that and looked up to the sky once more,

『──Informing all of you dear ladies and gentlemen』

A girl’s voice suddenly resounded loudly in the area, at the same time a huge three dimensional image was projected above the wasteland.

The masked girl wearing robe that they happened to see before this.

Lux and the others saw that in contrast to her words, there weren’t any friendly signs from her.

『My name is, Soffice Xfer. A descendant of the clan that you all call as the XferKey’s Supervisor.』


Lux sensed Krulcifer who was listening to that beside him stiffen.

There was another comrade of hers other than Mishis who was joining hands with the Lords.

And then, it was actually the Seven Dragon Paladin of Turkimes Confederation──Soffice.

The girl in the three dimensional image took off her mask.

Brown skin and black hair, a face with a scarlet tattoo on it. Without a doubt it was her.

At the same time, her little sister who introduced herself as Uruk was also standing beside her. She took off her hood and showed her face.

Ears that looked like fox’s ears were growing out from her forehead.

「Automaton── as expected she is……!」

Yes, the strange occurrence that they talked about before Krulcifer departed to the Ymir Theocracy.

Uruk reacted to Krulcifer’s voice was because she was an Automaton. She possessed a trait where she had to obey a Xfer.

「This is a warning. All troops, as well as the Seven Dragon Paladins are to gather in the New Kingdom and stand by. Conquering the Ruin more than this is forbidden. Don’t come near the Ruin. I will bestow punishment if this warning is violated.」

Soffice informed with an assertive tone that broke no argument.

That was to say, she was saying that she was the traitor within the world alliance.

「Punishment? What, are you planning to reveal yourself suddenly like this!? It’s you who are surrounded here!」


When Lisha reflexively declared that, the Moon’s surface shined faintly.

Right after that, a terrific rumbling reverberated, and the Garden vibrated in response.

「──I thought you will say that. I will show proof.」

After saying that with a bland voice, a gigantic Abyss appeared.

One right under the moon, and one more from beside the Garden.

Their appearance couldn’t be seen clearly because they were covered by shadow, but the intense killing intent and the mass of their body made the whole army surrounding them to tremble in fear.

「O, oi wait……. What the hell is that……」

「I have never seen that kind of huge Abyss until──no!」

The Drag-Knights of the New Kingdom military who were still young shivered when they saw that.

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Even they who had no experience of battling Abyss immediately understood.

Those things that were gathered together by several for the first time, were the Abyss of the greatest and strongest class that were called as Ragnarok.

「Surrender──is not what I intend to say. However I won’t allow any opposition, including from the Lords. I will have all of you to stay still obediently until we reach Avalon.」

  • Silence*…… the threat that Soffice made caused everyone to be unable to move.

──But, more than ten seconds later, one of the soldiers raised his voice.

「Do, don’t screw around!」

「That’s right, you think we will let a dictator like you to rule this world!」

「Stop it! Everyone!」

Lisha immediately lifted her hand to stop her subordinates, but right after that a thick beam of light was fired to right below the Moon, blowing away the spirit of everyone.

Thunderous sound and shockwave that impacted the ground at a far distance blew away even sound and voice, gouging the ground.


Fortunately the location was an empty place without anyone there.

In exchange, a part of the wasteland that was extending flatly had a bottomless crevice spreading there.

「I liberated the Moon’s ability and put it under my control. Its ability isn’t just bombardment. It can also control the remaining three Abyss and give them simple instructions.」

The two gigantic Ragnarok that gathered right under the Moon proved Soffice’s words.

「If you all don’t do anything unnecessary, all the countries starting from the New Kingdom won’t be swallowed by the flames of war. If you understand, don’t lay your hand on the Ruins and Avalon anymore from here on.」

Soffice only told that and the hologram vanished. The two Ragnarok were absorbed inside the Moon.

And then the Moon which possessed overwhelming destructive and controlling power vanished like smoke.

「What is going on? No, what will happen to us──」

Lisha spoke while looking up to the sky in a daze. There was no one who could answer her.

Lux could only gently hold the hand of his master to give her encouragement.

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