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"Yes. At the end of today's lesson about criminal punishments of Shin Makoku, I will tell of the exile, Your Majesty. The exile is..."

"I know something about this. They had it once on Earth too. Isn't it the punishment to send people onto islands and other places far away from the capital?"

"Exactly. Like always your majesty's vast knowledge makes a black kite do little circles[1]."

"Should I take that as a compliment or no..."

"However, the exile is a little different from the other punishments we've taked about."

"The others... like it's not the same level with locking unpopular loners in a newly wedded home for 20 days, or making someone listen to people endlessly talk about how cute their cats and dogs are?"

"Yes. It differs from those. At any rate, despite it being a criminal punishment, the exile has built up a branch in our literature."

"Ah. So people have been writing poems at the places they were exiled to?"

"No, not exactly like that. It began with the exiled retaining a right to choose someone, like their family or lover, to accompany them to the destination of their exile."

"Woah, from a Japanese's eyes that's really some original SYSTEM. We are nearly used to getting job transfers without any family."

"However as time passed by, instead of their husband, wife or fiance, people started to choose their cooks and also skilled huntsmen as the ones that would go with them. There were even ladies who were married to elder husbands, choosing to take their lowly gardeners to go."

"It's starting to give the smell of planned love affairs."

"And within the blink of an eye, their biographies were being appreciated as 'On an exile with you!' literature in the whole country."

"....Exile of love[2]...."

"And after that, the new branch of Exile Literature was born."

"I see--So in this world you really can't tell what's goona become a HIT---"

"Your Majesty. If this should happen to Your Majesty, who would you choose to take along with?"

"Me?! Let's see----if it was me----well firstly there's gonna be you, Guenter, and---"

"Yyyyour Majesty!"

"And then we'll need Gwen and Conrad and Wolf and.....after all if you don't make nine people you can't have a baseball game. Ah, and we'll also need an opposing team."

"....Your Majesty..."

"Only kidding, I was only kidding, Guenter. Don't be so sad about that. But if it really comes to this, I bet I won't be able to pick anybody."

"Why is that!?"

"Because, how can I drag loved ones into a crime I comitted by myself? Though it's gonna feel lonely, I'll be manning up and going on my own."

"Your Majesty.....what a, what a benevolent thing it is you're saying!"

"Aaargh Guenter, don't cling onto me and don't drip and don't throw those everywhere! Also don't pull on the strings--! Anyway I'm not planning to do anything leading to an exile, I'm really not----"

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  1. とんび(to-nn-bi). It's a word for the scavenger bird which apparantly also likes to take food from people, and at the same time a word meaning loitering shoplifters. I have to confess I never knew if the birds are called black kites from daily life and only just got that from Bing_(:зゝ∠)_ But anyways you gotta have mixed feelings about them making any kind of circles because of something you did.
  2. The original text of "On an exile with you!"="あなたと一緒にいざ流刑!" has the syllables あ(a) and い(i) in it which were marked in a different font, and put together they spell "あい"=love. There's just no way my vocabulary can make this happen and I'm deeply sorry.