Hikaru ga Chikyuu ni Itakoro:Volumen1 Capítulo 2

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Capítulo 2: Al parecer, a Su Alteza "El Príncipe" le encantan las mujeres.

Tras infinidad de problemas, Koremitsu y Hikaru descubrieron que era posible alejarse el uno del otro en áreas espaciosas. Sin embargo, sólo podían separarse un máximo de tres metros. En lugares pequeños como un baño portátil, se verían obligados a estar juntos. Si Koremitsu no se movía, Hikaru era incapaz de abandonar el lugar.

¿Qué clase de broma es ésta? ¿Ahora debemos ir juntos al baño?

Las típicas amigas podían, incluso, dirigirse al baño tomadas de las manos, pero compartir el mismo baño era extremadamente incómodo para dos chicos. Y, para empeorar la situación, Koremitsu y Hikaru no eran más que conocidos.

Koremitsu recordó aquella incómoda sensación de orinar mientras observaba a Hikaru, sintiendo como su rostro ardía a medida que se sonrojaba.

Nada parecía más problemático que la presencia de Hikaru. La petición de Hikaru debía ser cumplida lo más pronto posible, permitiéndole así ascender al cielo.

A la mañana siguiente, Koremitsu se dirigió a la escuela con decisión.

Es primera vez que voy en un bus atestado de gente.

Hikaru, de forma juguetona, asomó la cabeza a través de una abertura entre la gran cantidad de personas a bordo, quienes iban como sardinas en lata. Nada parecía más sobrenatural que observar su tenue rostro solapándose con el de los desconocidos en aquel ambiente lleno de personas.

No le prestaba atención a Koremitsu, quien, deliberadamente, desviaba la mirada hacia otro lado. Hikaru comenzó a murmurar para sí mismo en cuanto se bajaron del tranvía y comenzaron a andar hacia la escuela.

Durante el camino, Hikaru se volvió para hablar.

Yo solía ser el representante de jardinería, y este mayo debíamos plantar algunas semillas, como Dalias o Hierba de Limón. ¿En qué clase de actividades participas tú, Koremitsu?

Sin percatarse de ello, Hikaru le llamó Koremitsu en lugar de “Akagi-kun”.

Koremitsu abrió la boca para reprender a Hikaru por dirigirse a él con tanta confianza, pero Hikaru intervino.

Te llamé de esa manera porque, de ahora en adelante, hemos sido “designados” como amigos. Sería demasiado distante de mi parte si te llamase “Akagi-kun” a estas alturas, ¿no crees? Tú también puedes llamarme Hikaru, Koremitsu.

Prosiguió de inmediato, sin dar espacio a ningún tipo de discusión.

Y bien, ¿a qué te dedicabas? Te uniste a algún club de artes marciales, ¿no? ¿Será boxeo o kung fu?

Fui miembro del Comité de Crianza de Animales en Primaria. En aquel entonces, me hacía cargo de pavos y conejos.

Frunciendo el entrecejo, Hikaru le respondió de forma un tanto vaga.

Ya veo. Así que te gustaban los animales.

—Los pavos son deliciosos.

Koremitsu habló de forma cortante.

Esa rosa es lindísima. Tanto como una Lycoris Radiata.

A Hikaru no pareció importarle, y continuó hablando solo.

¿Este príncipe tan despreocupado estará siquiera consciente de su muerte?

Koremitsu se contuvo de armar una rabieta mientras atravesaban la elaborada entrada de la escuela.

La Academia Heian era una escuela que contaba con todas las instalaciones educativas, desde un jardín de niños afiliado a una universidad. La secundaria y la preparatoria tenían entradas separadas, pero estaban ubicadas en la misma área del campus.

Koremitsu sacó los zapatos del casillero y procedió a ponérselos.


Hikaru dejó escapar un suspiro.

Leyó un reportaje de la escuela, que contenía una foto suya de cuando seguía con vida, pegado a la cartelera de noticias en el pasillo.

A su lado, había trozos de papeles de color. Cada uno contenía palabras de dolor.


“Fuiste la persona a quien más amé”.

“Jamás te olvidaré”.

“Hikaru-sama, tú fuiste nuestra juventud”.

Incluso ahora, había un montón de chicas aglomeradas en la cartelera, con los ojos enrojecidos a causa del llanto, mientras escribían mensajes.

Entre ellas, había una chica hecha un mar de lágrimas mientras leía todos los papeles. Se cubría el rostro con las dos manos, y una amiga trataba de consolarla, a pesar de que también exhibía lágrimas en sus ojos.

Koremitsu sintió que su cuerpo se congelaba.

Aseguras no tener amigos, ¿pero acaso no hay un montón de gente llorando tu muerte?

Su cuerpo se sintió en agonía, y su pecho estaba a punto de estallar a causa del calor.

Pensó que Hikaru lloraría, pero, en lugar de eso, escuchó una voz gentil a su lado.

Eres como una Margarita meciéndose junto a la brisa primaveral. Por favor, no llores. Las lágrimas no te sientan bien.

Inesperadamente, Hikaru se acercó a la chica sollozante, y posó sus manos sobre su espalda.

Extendió sus brazos alrededor y la abrazó como si de un objeto frágil se tratase, en lo que parecía ser un momento memorable (aunque por lindo que sonase, los brazos de Hikaru atravesaban el cuerpo de la chica). Procedió a hablarle con suavidad al oído.

¿Sabes lo que representa la Margarita en el lenguaje de las flores? Significa “alegría”. Vamos, sonríe. Muéstrame esa alegre sonrisa tuya.

La escena dejó a Koremitsu sin palabras.

¿Qué estaba sucediendo, exactamente?

Hikaru cerró los ojos lentamente y dejó escapar palabras dulces de entre sus labios. Parecía producir un brillo cegador mientras pronunciaba aquellas palabras con una voz tan encantadora que derretiría a cualquiera.


Koremitsu se quedó pasmado mientras Hikaru se acercaba a otra chica, le sujetaba su pequeña y temblorosa mano, y acercaba apasionadamente sus labios hasta las orejas de la fémina.

Tú, quien luce como un Aciano, por favor, anímate. Los Acianos representan “felicidad”. ¿No sueles estar llena de vida y radiante de esperanza?

Flotó por los alrededores y se detenía frente a las chicas que lloraban, les acariciaba el cabello y sujetaba sus manos.

Para tí, que eres como un Ranúnculo en un paraje salvaje: Te ves hermosa cuando sonríes. Ah, tú, que luces como una Campanilla de Invierno, lo mismo va para tí. Si lloras de esa manera, tus ojos se derretirán. Si te beso, ¿dejarás de llorar?

Sujetó con ambas manos aquél rostro, por el cual rodaban grandes lágrimas, y se acercó con gentileza. Llegado a ese punto, Koremitsu no pudo contenerse.


Hikaru, atónito, se volvió para observar a Koremitsu.

Koremitsu abordó furiosamente a Hikaru.

—¡¿Qué clase de mensajes de amor estás parloteando?! ¡Piensa en tus propios problemas! ¡No es momento de estar hablando de cosas extrañas a espaldas de la gente! ¡¿Eres idiota?!

Hikaru no aceptó la frustración de Koremitsu, reprochándole:

No puedo ignorar a una chica triste. Si encuentras una flor marchitándose, ¿no harías tu mejor esfuerzo en regarla y proveerla de fertilizante?

—¡Eso no tiene nada que ver conmigo! ¡Yo alimentaba animales! ¡No era el representante de jardinería!

En ese caso, si encontrases un gato herido, ¿no lo recogerías con gentileza y tratarías sus heridas?

—Por supuesto que no. Los gatos callejeros se lamen sus propias heridas.

Hay algunas heridas que no puedes tratar por tí mismo... Oye, Koremitsu, la gente nos está observando.

En cuanto Hikaru hizo la observación, Koremitsu se sintió paralizado.

Por supuesto, nadie más podía escuchar la voz de Hikaru.

Miró rígidamente a su alrededor, percatándose de un espacio vacío de dos metros que se había formado a su alrededor.

Las chicas dejaron de llorar y se estremecieron ante la presencia de Koremitsu, mostrando expresiones de horror. En cuanto hacían contacto visual con Koremitsu, sus hombros se crispaban, y desviaban la mirada.

¿Acaso no luzco como un sujeto peligroso que grita de la nada en medio del pasillo?

Había decidido actuar con decoro en la escuela, con el propósito de nunca más recibir apodos vergonzosos como “El Demonio Rojo”. ¿Su plan sería arruinado ahora?

—Ah... eh...

Quería revertir la situación de alguna forma, pero fuerzas mayores le impedían hacer más que sudar frío. Quedó sin habla ante el impacto del momento.

Lentamente, su cara comenzaba a calentarse.

Ésto es malo. ¿Me he sonrojado?

—¡N-No estoy hablando con ustedes!

Les riñó con una expresión nerviosa en su rostro, y se apresuró en abandonar la escena.

No te preocupes, Koremitsu. Tu reputación no se verá afectada por el simple hecho de entrar a la escuela y gritar de la nada en el pasillo. Además, eres el vigésimo séptimo rey de los delincuentes, que se las arregló para darle una paliza a un ejército de delincuentes. Es imposible que ganes una peor reputación que esa, así que relájate.

¡¿Qué clase de consolación es esa?!

Juró de corazón no volver a hablarle a Hikaru en público.

Debido a la vergüenza y arrepentimiento que le produjo su error, la expresión de Koremitsu se veía diez veces más aterradora de lo normal, y su mirada diez veces más fiera. Llegó al aula de clases, abrió la puerta, y encontró a una pequeña chica frente a él, la cual estuvo a punto de desmayarse en aquel instante.

Ahh... B-Buenos días... Akagi.

Era una chica un tanto sosa, que portaba anteojos y llevaba el cabello con trenzas cortas. Era la representante de la clase. Koremitsu no sabía su nombre, y los demás estudiantes también se limitaban a llamarla “repre”.

Recordó su primer día en la escuela tras ser dado de alta del hospital.

Escuché que es el delincuente legendario…

Estudiantes de otras escuelas fueron a buscar pelea con él durante su época en escuela media, y ocurrió un incidente sangriento…

Dejó a diez personas al borde de la muerte.

Se esparcieron todo tipo de rumores extravagantes sobre él.

Era evitado por sus compañeros, quienes comenzaron a creer los rumores a medida que se volvían cada vez peores, y, eventualmente, aquella chica se convirtió en la única persona que hablaba con él.

Pero incluso así…

B-Bueno, soy la representante de la clase. E-Es un placer conocerte, Akagi. S-Si tienes alguna duda, siéntete libre de preguntarme…

Su rostro estaba completamente tenso. Estaba tan nerviosa que apenas pudo saludarle con una especie de chillido.

“Gracias. ¿Dónde está la cafetería?”

Eso era lo que quería preguntar, pero cuando Koremitsu estaba a punto de abrir la boca, la representante de la clase se apresuró a hablar.

B-Bueno, en fin, me retiro.

Aprovechó la oportunidad y salió disparada a su asiento, como una liebre escapando desesperadamente de lobos voraces.

Koremitsu se quedó observando cómo la chica mantenía las manos entrelazadas; temblando en su asiento, evidentemente rogándoles a los dioses que él no intentase hablarle. Si realmente se hubiese aventurado a preguntarle dónde quedaba la cafetería, probablemente hubiese gritado y se hubiese escondido bajo la mesa.

A pesar de ello, ella seguía cumpliendo su deber como representante, y cada vez que hacía contacto visual con Koremitsu, le decía su ya clásico “B-Buenos días” o “A-Adiós”.

Normalmente, se alejaba de inmediato tras pronunciar dichas palabras, pero esta vez se mantuvo en su sitio y le hizo una pregunta, llena de vacilación.

—Akagi… ayer asististe al funeral de Hikaru-sama, ¿cierto? ¿Le conocías?

Al parecer, ella también había estado presente.

Quería decir que en realidad no eran tan cercanos, pero Hikaru, quien estaba a su lado, comenzó a insistir en que ambos habían sido designados como amigos.

Ahora somos buenos amigos, Koremitsu.

¡¿Desde cuándo somos amigos?!

¡¿Tu falta de vergüenza no tiene límites?!

Justo cuando estaba a punto de gritar, se recompuso, apretando los dientes y frunciendo el ceño.

Eso estuvo cerca. Estuve a punto de asustar a todos otra vez.

Sin embargo, al instante, la representante de la clase saltó como una liebre.

—P-P-Perdón por interrogarte de esa manera. ¡No hay problema, no tienes que responderme!

Su rostro enrojeció y salió huyendo de la escena.

Lució furioso cuando apretó los dientes y frunció el ceño, así que era de esperarse que la chica se aterrase. Regresó a su asiento mientras sus trenzas temblaban, rezando justo como aquella vez.

Una chica tan tímida como ella es tan tierna como un Albaricoque Japonés cambiando de colores.

Hikaru habló con voz calmada.

No, eso no es ser tímida. La chica está aterrada, lo veas como lo veas.

Koremitsu reflexionó en que si viese el mundo de forma tan entusiasta como Hikaru, quizá también moriría con una sonrisa en el rostro. Sintió envidia de Hikaru, pero no quería que tales sentimientos se apoderasen de él, así que se dirigió a dejar el bolso en su asiento.

El asiento de Koremitsu se encontraba junto al pasillo, en la última fila.

Dirigió la mirada al asiento que se encontraba al otro lado. La chica allí sentada no se veía alegre esta mañana, mientras hacía muecas y fruncía el ceño, sujetando su teléfono celular.

Escribía mensajes con rapidez deslizando sus dedos hábilmente a través de la pantalla. Siempre estaba usando su teléfono, ya fuese antes de clases o durante el descanso.

Su brillante cabello color té caía hasta sus hombros esbeltos, cubriendo sus sienes y enrollándose en sus orejas. Koremitsu se percató de que sus dedos no se detenían. Los ojos de la chica mostraban cierta ferocidad a medida que fijaba la mirada con más intensidad que antes, y parecía absorta en el envío de mensajes mientras observaba la pantalla del teléfono.

Ignoraba por completo al delincuente salvaje que se sentaba a su lado.

Era una cosa sentirse contrariado al ser temido por todos los demás, pero era peor que ella no le prestase la más mínima atención. Ni siquiera le fulminaba con la mirada, mucho menos le saludaba. Cualquiera se preguntaría cuál era su problema.

La chica seguía sentada junto a un frustrado Koremitsu, absorta en sus asuntos como si nada más importase. Poseía una poderosa fuerza de voluntad que rivalizaba con su completa falta de temor.

No, supongo que ella también era malinterpretada acerca de tener una personalidad violenta debido a haber nacido con una mirada agresiva y era excluida a razón de ello. Por eso ha estado usando su teléfono para pasar el tiempo. Probablemente sea una chica muy solitaria. Semejante línea de razonamiento provocó que la llama en su estómago se apaciguase.

Sin embargo, para Hikaru, quien merodeaba a su lado, parecía que sin importar lo extraño que fuese la falta de interés de la chica por todo a su alrededor, que sin importar cuánto ignorase la presencia de Koremitsu, ambos eran puntos que le sumaban atractivo.

Una chica concentrada en hacer algo es igual que un Hibisco. ¿Le enviará mensajes a su novio?

Hikaru intentó espiar el contenido del teléfono.

—Oye, déjalo.

Koremitsu le advirtió con suavidad.

En cuanto pronunció aquellas palabras, la chica a su lado dejó de escribir, y se volvió para fulminar con la mirada a Koremitsu.

Sus ojos expedían un destello feroz, como un felino negándose a que alguien se acercase.

Quería explicarle que no le hablaba a ella, pero no lo dijo.

Decidió devolverle la mirada, cosa de la cual se arrepintió.

Un chico parloteaba ruidosamente mientras corría hacia la puerta del aula de clases.

—¡Oigan! ¡El Rey de los Delincuentes perdió la cabeza de repente frente a los casilleros de zapatos! Al parecer, les gritó a las chicas inconsolables que dejaban mensajes en la cartelera de Hikaru-sama, “¿POR QUÉ LLORAN, JAURÍA DE PERRAS EN CELO?! ¡PUEDO LAMERLAS DE PIES A CABEZA SI TANTO EXTRAÑAN AL SUJETO!” Menuda barbaridad, incluso raya en lo satánic-... ¡Ack!

Probablemente dejó escapar aquél “¡ack!” al final debido a que sintió el instinto asesino irradiando del cuerpo de Koremitsu. En aquel momento, el chico quedó empapado de sudor frío, sin saber qué hacer.

—No... e-eh... Con eso de “El Rey de los Delincuentes” no me refería al “Maestro Delincuente” de esta clase... E-es de otra... bueno, eh, acerca de eso... ¡LO SIENTO MUCHO!

El chico se arrodilló para rogar clemencia, y sus compañeros palidecieron.

¿Ahora soy el Rey de los Delincuentes sin importar qué? ¡¿Por qué estás pidiendo perdón, maldito idiota?!

Mientras el corazón de Koremitsu se sumía en la desesperación, Hikaru, el culpable, hablaba con sorpresa mientras dedicaba a la escena una mirada de lástima.

Vaya, es la primera vez que veo a alguien arrodillarse pidiendo perdón. Vaya que produce un impacto inolvidable. Lo emplearé con alguna chica la próxima vez, sin duda.

Mientras la conmoción continuaba, la chica sentada junto a Koremitsu frunció el entrecejo y volvió a mensajear.

♢ ♢ ♢

The freshman, red-haired delinquent had forced his classmate to kneel down and ‘apologize’.

Once that classmate apologized, he was unable to even walk properly, had difficulty talking, and retired for the day.

This rumor quickly circulated around school.

After class, a depressed Koremitsu arched his back as he sauntered down the 3rd level corridor.

The students who brushed by him kept their distance, avoiding him like a plague.

“Cheer up! There’s nothing that can shake your legend as the strongest now.”

It still can’t be considered consolation at all!

My already-poor reputation just took a turn for the worse. Whose fault do you think it is here!?

This carefree bastard here’s already dead, and yet he’s still trying to hook himself up to girls without any restraint.

“...Don’t you realize that you have a responsibility here?”

He clenched his fists as he muttered the question.

“Eh, because of me? But Koremitsu, I still feel that when I see a crying girl, I should comfort her with my best effort.”

Hikaru spoke almost like he was narrating his beliefs.

“Well, once my wish is granted, I’ll go to Heaven peacefully. I’ll cause you a lot of troubles before then, but please endure for now.”

Hikaru’s voice carried an admiring tone, and it was hard to begrudge him any further.

He looked like an easygoing prince, but he was unexpectedly clever.

I know this and still hang out with him.

Koremitsu turned to look at Hikaru and question him.

“Let me ask you again. That girl’s definitely in the arts club, right?”

The moment those words were said, Hikaru’s eyes grew tender and that amorous drive of his kicked into gear.

“Yes. She would always be painting in the arts room after school. She’s like a princess from the Heian era. Her silky black hair is dazzling. She’s delicate, pure, extremely refined as a lady, and a very cute girl.”

Even if you talk about your own lover like that, I can’t feel anything at all.

This is a reference to the princesses of the Heian Era, such as those mentioned in the textbook who wore Ceremonial Dresses [1] The raiment was often tight and the wearer’s body would bulge. Furthermore, the girl’s long hair would be troublesome to wash, and it seems disgusting to have many fleas and lice inside.

What exactly am I thinking of here?

“But she’s your girlfriend, and you are on good terms to the point that you were planning to celebrate her birthday together, right? It was your funeral yesterday. Won’t it be hard for her to attend club activities after such great loss?”

Perhaps she was resting at home, unable to attend school.


“Ahh, yes, you don’t have to worry about this. Aoi will definitely be in the arts room like usual.”

Hikaru’s voice sounded vague all of a sudden as he looked away subtly.


Koremitsu betrayed his concern about this aloud.

Well, it’s fine, I suppose. If she’s here, I can hurry up and settle this quickly.

He did not delve his thoughts into the matter any further as he arrived in front of the arts room. He then proceeded to open the door.

Wah! They’re all girls!

The aroma of perfume fluttered in the wide classroom. Bright sunbeams shone in through the wide windows, and there were tables, chairs, plaster statues, canvas littered all over.

There were probably eight girls inside.

They were doing their own designs, coloring, reading magazines that were left aside and doing manicures for each other as they chatted away.

To Koremitsu, all the girls looked the same to him.

At the same time, the girls on the opposite side were stunned by the arrival of the legendary red-haired delinquent who had suddenly barged in.

The classroom immediately descended into silence.

Their frozen expressions and terrified eyes signified a strong fear and helplessness. One of the girls doing a manicure was holding a cover in one hand and glass bottle in the other as she shuddered to Koremitsu’s glance.

“Ah...is someone called Aoi Saotome in?”

He felt a pain near his stomach, probably due to nervousness, and his expression was more stricken than usual. His wolf-like, sharp eyes were something he was born with, and he could not change it.

The club members were all afraid as they retreated to the window.

At this moment, there was a girl exuding certain pride who continued to paint alone.

Her locks were long enough to reach her waist, and had a pretty white butterfly ribbon tied on. She was a little shorter than average, and she looked thinner than average, too.

Huh? Where have I seen this person before...?

As he tried to recall the girl’s identity, she stood up and gave a menacing expression as she walked toward Koremitsu.

Her limbs were extremely thin, and her face was so small Koremitsu could cover it with his hands.

Her long hair without frills swayed sweetly to the girl’s stride. Long eyelashes were like a framed border to her eyes, which were so large they looked like they were about to drop, and she shot a belligerent look at Koremitsu.

The moment he saw her stern expression, he realized it.

I see! She’s the one who caused the commotion at Hikaru’s funeral!


There was no doubt that she was that girl.


This voice rang inside his ears again.

Oh damn. Is she the one you can’t let go of in your heart!?

That girl, Aoi Saotome, walked towards Koremitsu and stopped in front of him.

Koremitsu intended to explain things first, but she interposed first.

“I refuse.”

A voice fraught with disgust filled the room, denying him.

I haven’t even said anything here!

Aoi again emphasized with a forceful tone.

“I refuse. I refuse anything you say! I don’t like men, and I don’t want to say anything to you here!”

After that, she bit her delicate lips and turned her back.

What in the world is with this woman?

At this point, Koremitsu was speechless instead of being infuriated. There was no way out; he could not back away from here even if it was for the sake of his life .

“Wait! Actually it’s about Mika- Hikaru...”

He wanted her attention, but unexpectedly, the flowing black hair flourished as she swung away.

“I-I-I-I-I- I really hate everything about that person! I felt... tainted the moment I heard his name!”

She seemed ready to kill with her eyes as she growled, slamming the classroom door right in front of a completely disconcerted Koremitsu.


Koremitsu was shut out, quietly whispering to Hikaru.

“What’s going on...aren’t you two dating or something?”

Hikaru, floating behind Koremitsu the entire time, gave a bitter smile.

“Instead of saying that we’re dating, I would say that...we’re betrothed.”


This might happen in the Heian Era, but High School students are being betrothed in the modern day - the Heisei Japanese Era!? Well, I suppose that’s normal among the rich.

Koremitsu looked again at Hikaru, who responded with a cool expression.

“Aoi had always been upset with me, saying things like ‘You’re a useless harem prince’, and ‘You’re a guy in love who switches partners every day.’ Well, I don’t have any male friends, so I had been playing with girls since I was young. I would not refuse any request that came my way, and I would happily accept gifts if a girl had any good intentions. Whenever I see a pretty lady, I think it would be impolite of me if I don’t try to strike up a conversation with her; and when I see a cute girl, I’ll definitely go to her and tell her that she’s cute.”

“I can’t sleep when I’m alone as I’m scared of loneliness, and I can only relax when someone accompanies me. Right! Women are like flowers, and I think it’s a man’s responsibility to blossom their beauty! This is something that surpasses the exalted Law of Nature, something equivalent to the principles of religion– uh, huh? Koremitsu? Why are you holding your head? It looks like the veins are popping from your temples. Are you listening to me? In other words, my passionate love for the existence known as female is like my passionate affection for flowers—”

That’s enough. Don’t continue any further! Don’t talk about exalting or surpassing with such a serious look!

Koremitsu yelled in his heart, only more convinced that this person was really a playboy.

He probably tried to sweet-talk girls to gain their affections before, just like how he did so this morning. If his fiancée had witnessed it, she would definitely have called him out for cheating on her. There were only women at his funeral, so it was to be expected that she would give him an ear lashing.

To think that he could call her his ‘girlfriend’ unabashedly.

“...Can we end this partnership, Mikado?”

Stunned, Hikaru answered in turn.

“But Koremitsu!”

Hikaru pleaded.

At this point, Koremitsu could only think of breaking away from Hikaru and returning home.

Koremitsu was fooled by Hikaru’s claims of having no friends at all. He, who could only eat alone at lunch, was different from Hikaru, who definitely had companionship to enjoy. Hikaru would be surrounded by girls, some of them even waiting to serve him their hand-made lunches.

There was no reason for Koremitsu to help this Casanova.

But if he did not help Hikaru move into the afterlife, Hikaru would be watching him whenever he went to the toilet, and when he might be bathing, sleeping or doing anything at all.

Koremitsu could not take this shameful play if it kept going. He was already viewed as a delinquent and avoided at all costs by fellow students, so he would be unable to take it if someone called him a possessed man who often spoke into the air.

As expected, he had to fulfill Hikaru’s wish as soon as possible.

Tch, never mind!

Koremitsu endured the unhappiness in his heart as he opened the arts room door again.

“Aoi Saotome. I—understand your feelings very well! Your fiancé Hikaru continued to fool around with other girls, and he’s the worst worthless harem bastard, but-”

Aoi came over and slammed the door shut again.

Koremitsu was not dejected, however, opening the door for another go.

“But—Mi, Hikaru always had a thought for you in his heart, and he let me, as a f-fr-fri-friend—“


The door was shut again.

The next moment he opened the door,

“Finish off what still needs to be done!”



Again, he tried. However, this time, there was a click from the other side of the door as it locked.

Damn it. The door’s locked from within.

“No! I still have a duty to pass on Hikaru’s words to you!”

Koremitsu yelled to the other side, hitting the barrier between them.

“I’ll reject any religious advice here.”

It elicited harsh reception from the halls.


The moment he yelled, the door opened...


Colored water was thrown onto him.

“I don’t want to hear anything about you or Hikaru. I don’t want to listen to anything involving men - especially anything that involves Hikaru! If I had to choose between hearing about Hikaru and a slug soup, I'd rather have the latter!”

Hikaru, who was beside them, clutched at his chest after taking this searing hit.

The door was slammed shut and locked again.

Koremitsu was dripping with dirty water from head to toe.

Are you kidding me...?

Flabbergasted, it took a moment for the full weight of everything to occur to him.

“That’s why I say women–!”

♢ ♢ ♢

Miss Aoi is a pure princess.

Hikaru had been shielding his fiancée.

As her name suggests, impure things cannot approach a pure white Hollyhock.

Once he reached home, Koremitsu dipped himself in the bathtub, his eyes fixed upon the ceiling.

He was not in a stupor or anything of the like. He stared at the ceiling because Hikaru, still dressed in school uniform, was floating up there, surrounded by steam.

“Hollyhocks are flowers that bloom in midsummer. When there’s enough ventilation and sunlight, the green stems will grow straight and produce creamy pink flowers. They’re cute, but I find that white flowers suit Miss Aoi much better; they were ostensibly brought back from the Holy Land by the Crusaders. A flower that blooms in the Holy Land is perfect for Miss Aoi.”

He continued to prattle on, and it was impossible to tell if he was either defending Aoi or promoting himself as a gardening representative.

Why is it that I have to listen to a guy’s speech when bathing...?

“I don’t want to listen to anything involving men - especially anything that involves Hikaru!”

Koremitsu grew depressed thinking about the fiery angst in Aoi’s voice as she yelled. He was dealing with a princess who showed her disgust and opposition right from the get-go.

Hikaru’s wish seemed like it could never be fulfilled.

Will I end up as some delinquent haunted by a ghost for the rest of my life?

He felt that he should not have gone to the funeral.

If he could talk to his past self, Koremitsu would advise turning home from the funeral, lest he suffer more than he already was.

Besides, wouldn’t it be that I’m not the one? Won’t it be better for him to possess someone else?

It would be preferable if Hikaru chose a friendly and disciplined student. As Koremitsu saw things, Aoi would not have been so wary of this other person, and would have accepted the gifts without any hassle.

There would be a stark contrast made from the fierce-looking delinquent known as ‘The Wild Beast's Roar’ trying to approach her.

“I can only ask you for this favor, Mr Akagi.”

“I don’t have any real friends...”

He recalled the look Hikaru gave him in that earnest plea, and an inexplicable sense of responsibility came over him. A faint ache reached his heart.

“This is very important, a very important promise.”

Well, you said it there. Ugh - can’t you stick onto someone else? Do I really have to do this? Guh...

He leaned his face against the bathtub, muttering. Hikaru, who had finally closed on his Hollyhocks talk, spoke to him with a meek expression.

“Koremitsu, I just realized something.”

Don’t tell me you have a brilliant plan to win over Aoi’s heart, even as she’s starting to hate men more and more by the day.

Koremitsu looked up with anticipation, but what he saw was Hikaru dressed in a purple tuxedo as if he was in the Takarazuka Revue [2].


Koremitsu fell backwards at the sight, Hikaru following through with pride.

“I can change my clothes using my imagination. See, this is good too, right? This one’s also great.”

He proceeded to swap clothes, switching between tennis clothes, jockey attire, casual outdoor clothing, clothes befitting of a bespectacled elite salary man, and so on.

Hikaru made no reservations with his experimenting.

“Hey, this suits me most, right? I always wanted to try this out at least once.”

He even ended up in full Japanese Court Dress regalia. Worn during the Heian period [3], it was the most formal clothing worn by court officials.

“Hey, which do you think is the nicest one? It’s this one, right? Ah, I really want to take a photo, but I guess I won’t be shown. I can’t see myself on the mirror, which is really inconvenient. I can’t even see my own face.”

Hikaru sighed with regret.

Koremitsu really wanted to splash water on him, but held back knowing the water would just pass through.

Instead, he buried his head and shrugged his shoulders to show his frustration, bitterly speaking to Hikaru.

“You... bastard... whose sake do you think I’m suffering for!? Don’t do some fashion show so carefreely over there!”

Hikaru realized that he was in the wrong and felt ashamed of it.

He swooped down in front of Koremitsu, closed his shoulders, and got into Seiza position again (even so, his knees did not touch the floor at all).

“Well, yes, I’m reflecting on it. I was too excited before...and I’ve been troubled over having to rely on you all this time, Koremitsu. I tried everything I could to help - supernatural things like using telekinesis to move objects and possess animals, or to possess your body and talk to Miss Aoi directly.”

“Whoa, don’t enter my body now. I’ll get goosebumps.”

“Don’t worry, I didn’t succeed.”

“Is that so?”

Koremitsu heaved a sigh of relief.

“In that end, I could only change my clothing.”

That isn’t useful at all, you know.

“By the way, how should we move forward? Your fiancée finds your name impure because you’d been fooling around with girls back when you were still alive, and she’s rejecting us.”

“Hm, Miss Aoi is a serious person, but this is a cute point about her. It looks like we can only open her heart slowly until she’s willing to listen to us.”

“Uwa-! You want me to open her heart!? Why is it that I have to try getting into a woman’s favor? And you’re calling her cute? Are you out of your mind!?”

“Please do it! You’re the only one who can hear my voice, Koremitsu. If you’re able to beat an army of delinquents, you’ll definitely be able to open Miss Aoi’s heart.”

“I said before that this has got nothing to do with delinquents! Don’t look at me so expectantly! Besides, I couldn’t get along with women, kids and animals at all ever since childhood. My standing around alone and breathing is enough for those guys to hate me.”

“Leaving aside women and children, what about the animals? Didn’t you say that you were in charge of taking care of them when you were young?

The Heian Era-styled Hikaru held onto a fan and covered his mouth, and the crown with long cloth attached tilted sidelong with his head.

“Erm- yeah...I took care of the turkeys and the rabbits in elementary school, but they never approached me during the 6 years I dutifully fed them and cleaned their huts. Whenever I stepped into that rabbit hut, they would panic and run into a corner to hide, leaning on each other and trembling. The turkeys would also cringe whenever I looked in...”

Koremitsu recalled his past with gloom written on his face, Hikaru’s face showed a forced smile in return.

“Is- is that so?”

He changed the defeated tone in his voice to recover himself.

“But that’s still amazing! You still took care of them even though they were afraid! Not just anyone can do that. You’re like a modern-day Buddha to be able to put in all your effort despite the stereotypes thrown onto you!”

“I can’t bring myself to be happy with that kind of follow-up.”

“That’s why, when dealing with Miss Aoi, please use that compassionate attitude to fight again. It’s alright, Miss Aoi is very elegant. No matter how much she hates you, she won’t kick at you. The bucket’s too heavy, so she can’t use that to splash water on you; she had to use palette before instead.”

He continued with what could not even amount to an argument.

“Speaking of which, aren’t you a harem king beloved by everyone here? You’re an expert at luring in girls and understanding their hearts anyway. Don’t you have any useful suggestion here?”

“What expert do you mean? I’m not a host to any harem. Also, my methods may be too tough for you.”

Hikaru stared at Koremitsu, seeming to have a difficulty articulating what he meant by that.

“Never mind. Let’s try it.”


Despite offering, Hikaru was not enthusiastic.

“Anyway, try smiling.”


“What I mean is that you show the ‘I have an interest in you, too’ look. Try smiling like me.”


Hikaru gave a smile as gentle as the breeze.

It was a really cheerful smile - dazzling. That emotive feel the corners of his eyes seemed to display not to be forgotten.

“Woah...I think my heart just fluttered!”

Despite the other person being a guy.

“If that can’t work, try closing your eyes softly and saying ‘I don’t feel like going home today’ with a lonely look.”

Hikaru closed his eyes.

Effortlessly, he transitioned into a tragic expression. A fuzzy feeling that would encourage anyone to protect him wholeheartedly washed over Koremitsu.

“Woah...now I’m really captivated by that.”

This guy’s really amazing! As expected of the harem prince! No wonder everyone at his funeral were girls!

He thought these words to himself; words that would devastate Hikaru if said aloud.

“Alright, let me try this.”

Koremitsu rose from the tub optimistically, facing the mirror with a ‘smile.’

“Eh? What is it? Koremitsu?”

“Well, I can’t move my face muscles.”

HgCnI V01 081.jpg

How could this happen? He had gone long days without smiling at all in the past, and through this time, his facial muscles grew weak.

No. Thinking about it, Koremitsu realized that his baby and kindergarten entrance photos all showed him giving hideous looks, his eyes glaring like they were about to attack the camera.

Is that so? So I’m not good at smiling, huh?

But it was not in his nature to retreat before the battle began. He forcefully lifted the ends of his lips and tried flashing a ‘smile’.

The mirror reflected the devastating sight of a savage-looking boy, his facial muscles twitching. If a few blood stains were added onto the face, it was likely that any girl would faint upon seeing it.

Even Koremitsu was horrified by the look of that menacing person in the mirror. It was chilling even in spite of the fact that he was his own bathroom.

“Ugh - not giving up yet!”

He flared his nostrils and gritted his teeth to try again, but the harder he tried the more he could only see his reflection becoming increasingly horrendous.

“We– well, Koremitsu, you shouldn’t force yourself there.”

Koremitsu turned to Hikaru, his hands still pulling his face.

“Ah–a-a-and then, I think it’s better for you to have a serious expression than a smile given your personality, Koremitsu. You see, you’re really manly, unlike this tender me!”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah! I think you’re really suited to act in those cold-blooded acting roles or those V-cinema films! Men really admire that stuff.”

Hikaru tried his best to enliven the mood.

“Yeah. I guess it’s true that it’s unmanly to start smiling foolishly when there’s nothing funny.”

Koremitsu pulled himself through.

“Then, I’ll try to look bitter and lonely...”

He tried to show the “I don’t want to go home tonight” expression.

He closed his eyes and lowered his shoulders.

However, as he glanced up and eyed himself in the mirror, he found that there was a man looking back at him with black aura and vengeful attitude.

Instead of a “I don’t want to go home tonight” vibe, he was giving off a “Let’s start the hell’s banquet tonight” kind of vibe.

I’m really...

Koremitsu was dejected in front of the mirror.

“Actually, you look best when you’re naturally Koremitsu! I think you already have enough charm yourself!”

“I don’t need you to comfort me!”

Koremitsu lifted his head of red hair and shouted angrily.

“It’s impossible for someone like me to open a girl’s heart when no nearby female dog, cat, ferret or hamster will even approach me! I’ll be haunted by a perverted prince in costume floating over my head even when I bathe!”

“Don’t be like this! Don’t give up on yourself like that! If you’re unhappy about me wearing clothes, I’ll take them off. You see?”

Before he finished his words, the Heian-era noble clothes immediately vanished. Hikaru appeared nude as he floated about the rising steam.

Suddenly, this naked male had appeared before Koremitsu’s eyes.


He reeled back in shock, and this momentum caused his head to slam into the wall. He then slipped in all his confusion, landing with his body sprawled and facing up.

The glass door of the bathroom slid open, and there was Koharu, dressed in a flimsy pinafore, standing with her sleeves rolled up as she growled.

“Koremitsu! What are you doing alone in here!?”


Koremitsu apologized, and at the same time, felt it was a good thing that Koharu could not see Hikaru.

That was because a stark naked Hikaru was floating in front of her, his mouth still showing no signs of stopping.

“Your older sister is either the Trifoliate Orange-type or the Mandrake-type. She’s really amazing.”

“Idiot, she’s not my older sister. She’s my aunt, divorced once, and is a 36-year-old hag.”

Koremitsu slipped out these words reflexively. Koharu returned them with a beating.

♢ ♢ ♢

The next morning, Koremitsu found his bento placed on the chabudai.

He thought that it was to make up for the excessive beating from the previous day, and brought it to school. When he opened the lunch box during break, he found that it was filled with red bean paste.

“She wants a fight with me!? That 36 year old!?’

“Amaazing...it’s really red bean paste. That doesn’t seem appetizing at all.”

Hikaru muttered as he floated above. He was dressed in the white suit and black pants of the school uniform.

“Damn it.”

Koremitsu stuffed the bento box back into his bag and walked out of the classroom.

“Where are you going?”

“To the snack shop. I can’t possibly have red bean paste for lunch.”

He headed off to the snack shop located at the end of the second level.

However, he arrived a little too late as there remained only a slice of yakisoba bread, a piece of jam bread, a chocolate roll and a slice of sugar toast available.

Koremitsu did not like to eat sweet things. To him, the bread with jam and chocolate roll were evil.

Thus, he could only choose the yakisoba bread.

Well, I guess it’s good that there’s still yakisoba bread left, rather than having nothing to eat...

With a gloomy look on his face, he reached his hand forward.


Simultaneously, another hand reached in from the other side, also grabbing the yakisoba bread.

This is bad. My lunch is doomed if I can’t buy this.

Koremitsu immediately looked in their direction with his trademark glare.

In the face of his savage expression and hideous stare, any ordinary person would have crumbled on the spot. A devilish aura seemed to glow behind his slightly arched back.

However, the other person grabbing the yakisoba bread was someone Koremitsu knew.

The fierce-looking girl beside me in class!

This person next to him shared a shocked expression with Koremitsu. However, it quickly changed into an antagonistic stare.

She raised her eyebrows, her eyes burning like flames as she glared back at Koremitsu.

It was unbelievable to think that in the face of this person known to others as ‘The Hellhound,’ there was a girl who still kept her fighting will.

However, he would definitely not hand over the yakisoba bread to her.



The two of them were like wild animals that had just met their natural enemies, as each of their expressions, tense lips and quaking brows were trying to scare the other off.

“~~Uu (Hey, let go of it. That’s my prey.)”

“Uuu~ (No way. I touched it first!)”

Neither would back down as they argued intensely.

In the midst of the silence now between them, sparks flew.

What should I do?

In terms of strength, he definitely would not lose to a girl.

However, if he were to pull the bread by brute force alone, he may end up ripping the plastic packaging, and the bread may end up dropping onto the floor. If he tried pulling with a firmer grip, he would end up pinching the bread.

Got to think of a plan here...!

“Koremitsu, you’re dealing with a girl here. Just give her the bread! Ladies first!”

Behind him, Hikaru spoke in amazement.

“No way! Even though she’s a woman, I won’t hand over my lunch to her!”

He let these words slip and showed an opening in his regret for saying them. The fiendish girl proceeded to kick Koremitsu in the knee.

It was a brilliant kick, one encompassing the perfect harmony of speed, timing and power perfectly.


Koremitsu lost his footing, and the bread slipped from his hand.

“Wah, Koremitsu!”

The enemy took the bread mercilessly.

“Ack! You—”

Koremitsu looked over and found that she had already paid for and kept the yakisoba bread for herself.


She took the bread, turned around leisurely, and looked over at the enraged Koremitsu.

Her glossy, light beige hair swayed.

“It’s your fault for taking me lightly as a girl.

She spoke with an icy tone, seemingly mocking him, and took the yakisoba bread and a cup of latte coffee before promptly leaving.

Koremitsu watched her long, slender legs in a short skirt disappear gradually from his field of vision.

“Ugh, why is she so violent!? I let her get what she wanted.”

“Yeah, those are nice looking legs.”

Nothing was left on the counter for Koremitsu’s lunch.

“Why is the other stuff sold out already!?”

He yelled as he rattled the empty cases, frightening the bread shop lady.

“Damn it - that girl... I hope she becomes afflicted with a cellphone-reliant disease and sends so many messages that she develops tenosynovitis until her fingers drop off.”

Koremitsu, who was on the rooftop meant to be prohibited, ate his lunch of red bean paste, milk, vegetable juice, sports drink and vitamin water as he continued to lament away regarding the injustice he just suffered.

“That’s enough already. Isn’t it, Koremitsu? She’s a girl, after all. A delinquent like you will be hated by others, you know.”

“I’m not a delinquent.”

“If you want to deny it, you have to keep your actions in check.”

Hikaru’s chastising started to cause Koremitsu a migraine. Before now, the only one who complained was Koremitsu about Hikaru’s own mannerisms.

What in the world? Why is he acting all mature all of a sudden?

He remembered that when Hikaru was arguing with him in front of the shoe locker, he claimed that he “couldn’t leave a crying girl alone,” showing a stern expression.

In fact, this guy’s very gentle with girls. Is this the definition of a gentleman? Well, maybe it’s an overstatement, but I do feel unhappy that it’s somewhat true.

“Shut...shut up.”

“Also, the one sitting beside you in class is Miss Shikibu. You should get along better with others.”

“She’s named Shikibu? How do you know her name?”

“Really, Koremitsu, how can you not know the name of the girl sitting beside you? And she’s so pretty too; she has such cute eyebrows, and she’s a really attractive girl. Regarding this Miss Honoka Shikibu, she’s a rather popular person.”

“Huh? That cold-hearted girl who keeps sending messages?’

Koremitsu once thought that since she gave such a fierce look as she sent messages, throwing off an ominous presence, she was definitely the type of person to be isolated by the others in class.

“Miss Shikibu’s not only popular with the boys. There are quite a lot of female fans out there, too. She’s athletic, often helps others, and has a very keen sense of chivalry. She’s someone the girls really admire.”


As in, being helpful to others!?

“I don’t know. I don’t know what those people think at all!”

“Even if you look away and deny it...don’t you find that Miss Shikibu has very nice looking legs!?”


“That feisty expression of hers really entranced me."

"I just find it disgusting."

"Her hair's an alluringly smooth, tan color."

"How is that squirrel-like color nice to look at?"

"...I say, Koremitsu, aren't you being too picky with girls?"

"Yeah. Gramps has always been telling me not to be too kind to girls."

Hikaru sighed, continuing.

"There's nothing more beautiful and cute than girls in this world. They're gentle, yet hardy."

The insistence carried in saying this was something Koremitsu felt he could never understand in all his life, and he wanted it to remain that way.

Women were an existence foreign to Koremitsu, as he would eye them with gloomy pupils at times - they in all their inexplicable fragility before him.

"If only you could understand the beauty of girls."

Hikaru muttered in a sad tone, quickly changing his voice to be cheerful again.

"Okay, how about you try dating a girl? Let's go a find a girl who can make your heart race. I'll demonstrate to you. Then, let's call in two girls and go out as a group of four. It'll be fun!"

"Aren't you already dead?"

"Ah, yeah."

"Seriously, this is something important, okay? I see you forgot that you're a ghost with his funeral rites done."

Hikaru let out a snicker.

"It's definitely your fault."


Almost in complete disregard of Koremitsu’s outburst, Hikaru spoke gently in a register that seemed to bleed a wonderful fragrance with each word.

"Because you were able to hear my voice, and you could talk with me. It feels like I made a friend. We can go to school and return from school together, we can go to each other's home - we can even chat with one another during class breaks or lunch break."

Koremitsu's head started to feel hot.

What in the world is this guy saying?

Koremitsu's heart started to waver for some ridiculous reason, and he was caught in confusion.

Is- is that so?... Is this what going to school, returning from school, and having lunch with a 'friend' means? I see, so that's how it is.

He mused what Hikaru said.

His face felt like it was in sweltering heat.

His chest began to itch so much, it was nearly unbearable.

"We aren't exactly real friends, but just 'designated' as such, right?"

As he spoke, he deliberately averted his eyes from Hikaru. The latter remained calm in reply.

"...Well, yeah. We're just 'temporary' friends until we give Miss Aoi her gifts."

Koremitsu realized that he may have hurt Hikaru's feelings when he said they were only 'designated' as friends. His heart ached at the thought with an abnormally strong sense of loneliness.

"Oh, so I'll just help you complete your wish and let you ascend to heaven! I really can't stand it whenever you start to explain things related to flowers. Speaking of which, flowers wilt very easily, and they can snap easily; they can be crushed easily, can't be eaten, and serve no other purpose whatsoever."

Koremitsu did not know what to do about this inexplicable loneliness inside him, his voice gruffer than before.

There was no reason for him to mention flowers.

Hikaru's was still as optimistic as ever.

"Ah, yet there are edible flowers, like dandelion, violets, roses, and more. They taste rather good as well. Oh yes, let's invite girls to pick some grass next time."

Koremitsu, trying to contain his unease until this point in time, could only show bewilderment in his eyes upon hearing Hikaru's proposal.

Picking grass?

Hikaru started to explain excitedly.

"In other words, let's go pick edible grass in the wild next time. Those girls who like to go outdoors to the hills and forests are really cute, and we can increase our intimacy with others as we make food. Also, it can satisfy your desire for food, you know? Ah, but I feel that girls prefer to have someone giving them the flowers instead of enjoying them. If you pick a simple flower that can only bloom in the wild, her affection for you will increase greatly!"

Koremitsu tried to picture the scene in his mind.

"You see! There are dandelions everywhere! Let's have dandelion tempura and boiled dandelion for dinner tonight!"

On some verdant grassland, Hikaru held dandelions in both hands, a radiant smile on his face.

For reasons unknown, there was Yodel music in the background.

He was surrounded by a hoard of unfamiliar girls.

"Kya! You're amazing, Hikaru!"

"I want to try out your cooking, Hikaru!"

They were jumping about and cheering with delight.

“—For example, a crown made from dandelions or White Clovers will be very effective. For a hardy boy like you, people will like it if you can make a flower crown clumsily. She will definitely feel very touched. Even if it’s only a flower, you can put it on the ring finger. That would be equally effective. I’ll teach you how to do it; it’s very simple, and I’m sure you’ll agree, Koremitsu—”

“Didn’t I tell you not to talk to me about flowers and women already, you harem prince!?”

Koremitsu’s harsh words were a thin veil over the regret he had for his insensitivity with Hikaru. The pain in his heart lingered, but heavy atmosphere was lifted with Hikaru’s suggestion.

As expected, this guy’s just a carefree harem bastard!

Hikaru shrugged his shoulders, feigning resignation.

“Looks like I failed.”

“Anyway, now’s not the time to try and hook up girls, but to seriously think about how you can pass your feelings on to your fiancée. Your fiancée is rather tough to deal with. The gifts you want to present her aren’t the sort that can be stuffed into a shoe locker, after all.”

This was the most troublesome thing for Koremitsu.

Hikaru promised to give Aoi six different presents on her birthday, but they were not things that could be bought in a shop and given to others so easily with a “Hi, please accept this.”

In order to make her accept all these presents, the notorious Akagi Koremitsu had to act as the messenger for Hikaru Mikado and make Aoi accept these presents willfully.

Can I really do this?

We’re just ‘temporary’ friends after all.

Koremitsu frowned with a groan, Hikaru speaking up.

“Ah, I just forgot something very simple.”


“Only Miss Aoi and I know about my promise to give seven presents to her.”


“In other words, if you tell her this, it proves that you’re my representative, and she may actually open her heart to you.”

“Ohh - this sort of thinking certainly can work!”

Koremitsu poked his body out.

“You should have said that right from the beginning, you bastard. Now we have some progress.”

“Ahaha, I was really absent-minded.”

“Looks like my days of going to the toilet and bathing alone are just over the horizon!”

Under the cerulean sky, they both held each other’s tender hands like genuine friends (even though it was impossible), and they took the moment to savor their happiness.

♢ ♢ ♢

Lunch break ended, and once Honoka Shikibu could catch the sight of Koremitsu on his way from the roof toward the classroom, she glanced over with a wrathful expression.

Koremitsu also remembered his own grudge of having his yakisoba bread taken away, and intended to glare back; but the hope that he could still resolve the situation regarding Aoi prevented him from doing so.

Humph. I’m not some petty guy who sweats the details.

He chose to ignore her.

The school day came to an end. Koremitsu stood from his chair and headed off to the arts room on the 3rd level to fulfill his responsibility as Hikaru’s messenger.

“Huh? Nobody’s around.”

“It looks like we’re a little early.”

There was no one in the classroom - only a stone plaster for design looked back at them. The canvas and easels were lying in a corner.

“This is...Miss Aoi’s painting.”

Hikaru floated to a canvas piece and smiled.

Koremitsu, too, walked over and took a peek.

“Eh- that’s unexpectedly...well-drawn.”

He was not simply complimenting her for the sake thereof, but was truly enchanted by it.

It was a painting of the school’s staircase drawn from the bottom stair and looking upwards. The painting was made to look like it was shrouded in a layer of golden mist, covered along with a splendid mix of calming hue.

Rays of light that shone in from the top of the stairs were warm, and one could not help but close his eyes and feel their embrace. However, there was a sense of loneliness in how this scenery had no one in it.

Is this gentle and slightly lonely painting that cynical girl’s...?

“Miss Aoi is very good at painting backgrounds, whether it’s the stairs, the school’s shoe locker, the corridor, the book racks in the library, the stage of an empty gym, the water cooler in school—she’s always able to use soft colors and depict the minor details ordinary people don’t normally notice.”

Hikaru looked like he was the one who painted the piece of art as he proudly smiled.

Gazing upon the painting, his eyes were intense - like they were protecting treasure - and were filled with what seemed a medley of powerful emotions. Sunlight danced off of particles in the air all around an open window, where they fluttered as Hikaru stood.

This guy’s an unrepentant playboy, but his feelings for Aoi are real...

Even Koremitsu, who was slow-witted in matters of romance, could understand a little of what Hikaru felt as he examined Aoi’s painting.

He, who was unwilling to help Hikaru before - only hoping to send him to Heaven - after seeing Hikaru’s sincere affection for his girlfriend, truly wanted to pass Hikaru’s feelings on to her.

I’m just your ‘temporary’ friend for now... but I ended up accepting your plea because of fate. I’ll definitely help you present your gifts to Aoi. I’ll definitely express to her your feelings.

He said this to himself as a commitment.

“What are you doing?”

A tense voice came from behind.

A pale-faced Aoi was standing in the doorway. She frowned slightly, biting her lips in anger.

“Please get out.”

Her slender shoulders trembled. Perhaps she was fearful of Koremitsu’s appearance.

“Miss Aoi, please listen to Koremitsu.”

Hikaru said this, ostensibly to try calming her down.

His voice could not reach Aoi’s ears.

“As I’d said yesterday, I don’t want to talk to you in any way.”

Koremitsu looked over to Hikaru with an expression that said “Leave it to me.” He stiffened his facial muscles, gave the most serious expression he could muster, and walked towards Aoi.

Aoi was not alone in her shock with this.

“I haven’t presented Hikaru’s second gift to you.”

Upon hearing this, Aoi’s body convulsed. Her eyes betrayed surprise. She was, without a doubt, rattled that Koremitsu referenced something only she and Hikaru could know.

Alright, it looks like I got her attention.

He glanced aside at Hikaru, who had been watching them tensely and giving a thumbs up, indicating that things were proceeding smoothly enough.

“Hikaru promised to give you seven gifts, and the remaining six are with me for the time being. I hope to give them to you on your birthday, so on that day, please—”

Suddenly, a bag was thrown at him.

As Hikaru called out, “Miss Aoi, please stop!” the bag hit Koremitsu square in the face.

“What- what in the world?”

Aoi looked like a cat with its hairs standing as she panted in heaves and glared at Koremitsu.

She was livid.

Her fists were now trembling more than before the moment Koremitsu spoke. She was biting her lips harder, and her eyebrows were lower.

Before Koremitsu could understand what was going on, she threw everything from paint brushes to wash pails to drawing pencils.

“Please don’t make such a lie! Why would Hikaru ask you such a thing before he died!? He died from an accident!”

Argh, I forgot about this.

The moment Hikaru gave Aoi her first present, he was unable to know that he was about to die.

“Miss Aoi. Koremitsu heard from me that I intended to give seven presents to a very important girl, and he decided to help me in order to fulfill this mission!”

Hikaru continued to explain as he stood beside them.

“Tha-that’s right! I’m Hikaru’s - friend! I heard about the seven gifts before—that he wanted to hand those gifts to a very important girl!”

He shouted as he dodged the brushes and pencils. As he was too anxious, he ended up saying things without order.

“You first entered school the day right before Golden Week. Asa said that you only appeared once in school before Hikaru’s death, and that you can’t possibly be Hikaru’s friend. She said that you intended to lie to me; she said that your words are all lies, and that I shouldn’t listen to you.”

Who’s Asa? Oi!?

“Miss Aoi. Please calm down. I’ve been close friends with Koremitsu for a long time.”

“That’s right! I’ve been sworn brothers with Hikaru for ten years already.”

“Hikaru never had any male friends ever since kindergarten! All his playmates were female! That’s what Asa said too! Hikaru can’t possibly have any male friends!”

Then again, who’s this Asa anyway!?

There were red, blue, black, and green paints tubes thrown right at him. Aoi, who was panting erratically on a canvas now, gritted her teeth as her eyes became hot flames.

“If what you said was even the slightest bit true, that means that Hikaru told others of the promise he had with me. He definitely leaked it out during a pillow talk with another woman, and that woman told others out of excitement, only for you to hear it.”

“That’s not true, Miss Aoi!”

Hikaru grew desperate.

Aoi lost control of her emotions. No matter how they tried to deny her accusations, she would refuse to hear them out.


Aoi continued on the assault, looking like she would even throw the canvas and easels over.

“This won’t do, Koremitsu. Let’s try again another day.”

“I say, Mikado. You aren’t really trustworthy, aren’t you?”

“Please go!”

Koremitsu raised his bag face to block the projectiles thrown at him on his escape. Aoi did not cease until Koremitsu was out the door. He then opened it again.

“I’ll come back!”

He yelled as he poked his face out from behind the bag, and a palette hit his chin, knocking him back.


He slipped and tried to regain his balance, but ultimately failed as he fell onto the floor in the halls.


There was a high-pitched voice, and Koremitsu’s nose picked up something sweet, his face buried in something soft.

Hm? What is it? Why are there cushions on the floor?

“This, this is bad, Koremitsu! Even I’ve never done such a thing in the school corridors before!”

Why is Hikaru so anxious?

At the next moment,


He was hit hard in the chest.

He lifted his head and found Honoka Shikibu’s face inches away. Her face was flushed red, and her murderous expression looked right back at him.

Shikibu’s breasts were right below Koremitsu’s face, confirmation that the cushion-like thing from before was Shikibu’s cleavage. The worst part was that Honoka’s knee pressed into his abdomen.

A more forceful impact came. Shikibu clenched her fist and hooked it from the right side into Koremitsu’s forehead.


Koremitsu rolled off her.


Shikibu proceeded to kick at Koremitsu’s shoulders and abdomen with her heels and toes.

Koremitsu cried in anguish as he took her kickboxer-like hits.

“Miss Shikibu, you’re mistaken! This was an accident!”

Hikaru tried his best to explain, but, as had already been proven once that day, his explanations were futile.

Shikibu gave a scornful gaze down at the walloped Koremitsu, who laid motionless in his disheveled uniform.

“If you dare to push down another girl in school and bury your head in her breasts again, I’ll beat you up good!”

With this declaration, she walked off.

A crowd formed around Koremitsu as onlookers started their exchanges over the fight.

“Shikibu’s so cool.”

“The delinquent sure has it rough.”

Aoi, who was standing at the door, had her input also.

“...It’s just like what Asa said. You’re the worst.”

She muttered it coldly, slamming the door shut.

Amid the strewn textbooks and stationery, Koremitsu sprawled on the floor.

Damn iiiit!!! Didn’t I crash into Shikibu’s breasts because of the palette you threw at me!? And that Asa or whatever definitely hates my guts, right!?

He vociferated in his mind.

A voice beside him rang louder than the others.

“Koremitsu! Hang in there, Koremitsu! Don’t die off too!”

Hikaru said some ominous things.

♢ ♢ ♢

“As expected, women are no good. That fierce-looking girl kicked me without giving me a chance to explain, and that fiancée of yours just went crazy and threw all the brushes and paint at me! I’m not some shooting target, for goodness’ sake—! That’s why I say women—!”

Koremitsu sat down atop the tatami mat in his house, muttering his grandfather’s catchphrase to vent his frustrations.

He still felt sore from the beating he’d received from Shikibu; his wounds were so bad that he’d nearly been hospitalized.

“Anyway...I’m really sorry about all of this.”

Hikaru, carefree by nature, could only be seated and apologize to Koremitsu.

“For Miss Aoi to have deemed me so untrustworthy... It’s not as though I’d never expected it, but I couldn’t have imagined that it would be so serious... Has Miss Aoi taken my treatment of women to heart? But each flower has a charm of its own.”

“Your reflection on this had better be as deep as the sea, you big pervert.”


Hikaru shrunk at his words.

“So what should we do now? She has treated you like a playboy who blabbered about this during a pillow talk with girls, and because of that, her defenses are even greater. Can we really open her heart before her birthday?”

“I forgot that Miss Aoi is different from the other girls.”

Hikaru frowned dejectedly.

“I can’t compose myself whenever I face Miss Aoi...even when I was alive, I did a lot more things to make her angry than to make her happy. Uu - I’m really a useless playboy.”

“Don’t say that you’re a pretty boy, alright? Besides, we can’t let this continue.”

“We may need someone who understands a woman’s heart to give suggestions.”

Koremitsu was surprised by the usefulness of Hikaru’s proposal.

“For example, we need a knowledgeable and gentle big sister, admired by all the underclassmen girls, someone everyone can talk to. Much like the flower of love from South America, Heliotrope - called purple fragrance in Japanese - a reliable woman with radiance, elegance and great knowledge.”

“Women again!?”

Suddenly, they both heard a cheerful song.

“Wh-what is that?”

It was a hit song from some popular band. The lyrics of the female vocals were an encouragement for love. However, one had to ask why it sounded in the first place.

“Koremitsu, your phone’s ringing.”

Koremitsu did not remember setting this song as his ringtone. That aside, it was unbelievable for him to ever receive a message.

He rummaged through his bag and found the phone flashing.

The phone was lavender in color, decorated with sparkling accessories, and there was the keychain of an ugly bear, or whatever it was, dangling from it.

“This phone isn’t mine.”

“It seems that it belongs to a girl.”

The phone continued ringing. Shall I pick it up?

He flipped the phone open, but he was unfamiliar with how it worked. He randomly pressed a few buttons, and the ringing stopped. Then, a message log appeared on the screen.

“To: Purple Princess: regarding the first date I had with Tomonori (>_<)”

“Purple princess?”

He continued to the other messages.

“Re: Purple Princess: I’m going to confess tomorrow~~”

“Purple Princess! Yuuki wants to talk to you regarding her ex-boyfriend!”

“Re: Purple Princess: I made up with K.”

He scanned through the list, and found the name Purple Princess all over the place.

“Purple Princess? That’s an idiotic name.”

He commented, and Hikaru injected.

“I heard of it before. It’s something the girls talk about between...well, wait, please let me recall. My memory increases tenfold as long as it has anything to do with girls. Oh yes, that was when I was walking back with the second year, Miss Reiko from Seibi Academy after we went to see the Renoir exhibition...”

He put his hand below his chin, and pondered for a while.

“Oh yes! She’s a mobile novelist!”

“A mobile novel?”

“Yes, it’s a sweet love story with lots of mood whiplash. Once she uploaded it onto the blog, there were a lot of replies asking for suggestions with love, and she’s hailed as the ‘expert in love’. Can your phone access the net, Koremitsu?”

“...I guess, but I never went online before.”

“Then, let’s try looking for this Purple Princess.”

With Hikaru guiding him, Koremitsu used his phone to enter the name ‘Purple Princess’ as a search query.

The top search showed a blog called ‘Purple Princess’s Mansion’.

“That one.”

Koremitsu clicked on it, and there was a dazzling, purple-based webpage with all sorts of functions on to boast.

There were a few sorted tabs that included ‘novel’, ‘love talk’, and ‘diary’. He clicked on ‘novel’, and there appeared prose in many paragraphs and line breaks.

“The breath sighing from the raccoon

Descends upon my face.



My heart aches.

Not good.

It looks like I’ve really fallen in love.”


A spicy breath? Heart ache? I don’t understand at all. And speaking of which, this is a novel? Or is it a poem?

He tilted his head, clicking on the ‘love talk’ tab.

“Today, I’ll answer Miss Cactus Flower’s troubles!

This is the mail sent from Miss Cactus Flower!”

“Purple Princess, please listen to me.

I’m a first year high school girl who really loves K from my class.

K treats me as a mere friend and never treated me as a girl before.

K likes Y-bi, my clubmate, and he actually asked me to help him ask her if there's anyone she's going out with.

What exactly should I do here?”

After this question, there was the Purple Princess’ answer:

“Miss Cactus Flower!

You must definitely show your feelings to K.

I know you’re scared of breaking your relationship with K, but it will feel even more unbearable if K goes out with another girl.

You should take action now!

To make your confession a success, this Purple Princess will give you some tips.

First, you have to let K know that you, Cactus Flower, are a girl. This is the most important thing!

Your hairstyle, jewelry, and makeup should all be a little girlish.

And then, if K asks you what’s going on, you should look weak and answer feebly.

“There’s someone I like, and I hope he notices me.”

After that, K will probably wonder who the person you ‘like’ is.”

Such questions and answers about love continued on the page.

Koremitsu looked at the phone.

“...Hey, the owner of this phone inside my bag is the ‘Purple Princess,’ right?”

“From the title of the mail, it certainly seems that way.”

“I just got kicked badly by Shikibu in front of the arts room, right?”

“Yeah, her skirt was exposed quite a bit. Her pretty legs could be seen, and her thighs were in clear view.”

“Once she went off, I stood up - the stuff in my bag dropped everywhere when I got up. I was embarrassed and furious, and anyway, I just picked up everything on the floor and put them into my bag...”


Hikaru and Koremitsu looked at the phone with intrigue.

“Maybe Shikibu’s phone...is inside there.”

“That’s a possibility.”

“In other words, this phone...”

Koremitsu had a bad feeling as he spoke.

“Is Shikibu the Purple Princess?”


  1. Jūnihitoe, literally translated as twelve-layered robe; worn by court ladies, starting in the Heian Era. Noted for their intricate and graceful designs.
  2. An all-female musical and theater troupe in Japan
  3. 衣冠束帯, Itai Sokudai

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