Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume3 The First Question

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"... I have nothing to hide."

"I haven't said anything yet?"

"Such devious method of interrogation."

"Please look up on the proper usage of interrogation. And also, what are you hiding behind your back?"

"... Nothing."

"Shouko, give me your hand."


"Here, hm, a MP3 player."

"... Yuuji, you are so mean."

"How can a technologically incompatible person like you be carrying a machine? What's inside of this?"

"... Normal music..."

-ksha(recording playback sounds)- <If I win, I will marry you. Shouko, I love you.>


"... Normal music."

"After deleting the sound track I will return this back to you tomorrow."

"... So mean, I haven't even given this to my father to listen yet. And also we haven't hold hands yet."

"Father... You are trying to increase the number of weaknesses that you have on me, aren't you?!"

"... It's not like that. If I let father listen to this, we can have a smooth marriage."

"Shouko, go to the hospital now. If you take two or three shots, you may recover being a normal human being."

"... I don't think I'm pregnant yet."

"You need to go to the psychiatrist department! Hm?! What's that in your bag?"

"... Nothing special."

"MMm... What's this? [Yuuji and I future baby name list], hold it."

"... The name in most favor is using the a character from our first names."

"[Shouko] and [Yuuji] makes [Shouji]. Why this particular combinition?"

<Note. [Shouji] reads as soy sauce in japanese>

"... I hope to raise a tasty child."

"I can only see a child being brought up with a wrecked conscious."

"... Also to note, if our child is a son, his name is [Koshou]."

<Note. [Koshou] means pepper in japanese, and also [Koshou] is derived from [Shou] [ko] and no characters used from Yuuji's name>

"(Soy Sauce) is a daughter's name..."

First Question

Please explain why "you" would be in such grief from the following situation.

Father announced to me in a painful expression. "He has left this morning. Please forget about him." Having heard the news, I could feel a shocking pain splitting my body in half. My mind was wiped blank and devoid of any other thoughts. How he would end up would be a mystery. And my relationship with him is undetermined. Even as I had this idea in my mind, my emotions are still in disarray.

Himeji Mizuki's Answer

"His existance is as important as half of my body."

Teacher's comment:

Correct. As it is as important as half of his body, therefore if "he" is no longer there, the body will experience pain as if it has lost half of it.

Yoshii Akihisa's Answer

"He is as important as my lower half of my body."

Teacher's comment:

Why is it only limited to your lower half?

Tsuchiya Kouta's Answer

"Because he is my lower half of my body."

Teacher's comment:

Teacher believes this self conscious is not good.

After two months have passed after the new semester, where the daylight saving is starting to become more apparent. Because of the climate having the best temperature to sleepin in, I arrived school earlier than usual.

"Oh? You are early today, Yoshii."

As my foot just entered the classroom door, a classmate called out to me. Her face was petite with large and round eyeballs. Although having used a weird dialect, anyone can easily see that her face is of absolute stunning beauty.

"Morning, Hideyoshi. It's just that I woke up earlier than normal."