Mushi Uta:Volume 4 Afterword

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Hello, this is Iwai Kyouhei.

This series, “Mushi Uta”, has somehow embarked onto its fourth volume.

It was all thanks to the readers, you guys’ support, that it was able to continue on so far.

Thank you very much.

I will continue to put in my very best effort from now and onwards.

Regarding this work, I would like to add a trivial supplement.

I would be glad if you could read through this volume while feeling as though it was a making of a DVD movie.

Regarding the main characters and supporting characters.

I think that no matter whoever, everybody had wanted to stand in the centre of the stage with everyone’s admiration.

Being unable to become a regular for your club activities, or letting slip the chance of receiving some award, or things did not go the way you expected and you fail. Everyone probably had those time where they were unable to help it, and could only support the main character and resign themselves to be a supporting character.

However, even as the main character basks in the spotlight, there would also be those who would polish their fangs and wait vigilantly for a chance to snatch the position of the main character from behind.

And then, when those people finally become the main character,

—Ha, look at me now! It is I that is the true protagonist! Everyone, look at me!

Those who are able to proudly declare as such are, in my opinion, those who would truly shine as the main character. Aren’t those “supporting characters who never say die” the ones who would go on to be the next protagonist.

About duty.

To live life healthily and happily is what I feel is the duty of everyone. Anybody who had been brought into this world by their parents should have the rights to live a happy life.

On the other hand, there are those who decide on their own duty.

I want to do that, or that is something I must do no matter what—they carry their chest proudly proclaiming that those aims or objectives are the reason for which they live.

Whether it is the duty bestowed upon one, or one chosen by oneself.

I thought that it would be interesting to depict which takes precedence, or which would triumph over the other.

Concerning the organisation of the structure.

This time, I experimented with some slightly different styles.

The prologue is sooo lengthy! There were probably many who thought so. In fact, it wasn’t just long, I tried to include plenty of twists in it too, but… here I’m praying that they work.

Apart from that, I tried to modify the points of view a little bit in many places.

I plan to continue with these slight changes in impression in my following works.

In writing this work, as usual, I owe great thanks to much people from many different areas.

To the ones who were in charge of supervising my work, Onai-san and Yamaguchi-san, moreover, to Ruroo-san who handled the illustrations. When I received the schedule that there was only one month left from submitting the manuscript till printing, instead of the manuscript, I considered writing a runaway note, but… that I manage to make it somehow or the other, that is surely due to the support of everyone.

I truly thank you.

I have a feeling that this would continue to be the case from now onwards.

I digress a bit, but in the October issue of “The Sneaker” in which the bug series is serialised, I’ve put together a special feature for Mushi Uta. In the feature, there is an essay about my plans titled: ‘A letter to the future me who is one step away from finishing the manuscript for the final volume of Mushi Uta’.

Ever since the magazine got on sale, I’ve received queries saying, ‘Is Mushi Uta ending in the fourth volume?’, but… that was merely the plans of a virtual ‘future’ me. I apologise, that was just the selfish thought of the author who wondered, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if Mushi Uta could continue on just a bit longer’ (lol).

In the same October issue of “The Sneaker”, an extra edition of my other debut series, “Challenger of Killing Time”, is written too.

I am eagerly in the midst of writing its third volume as well.

Same as up till now, I plan on continuing with a different style than that for Mushi Uta.

All in all, I’ll put in my best so that you can enjoy yourself as much as possible.

October 2004

Iwai Kyouhei

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