Mushi Uta:Volume 2nd Episode 07

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Episode 07. The Ripples Reflecting the Dream[edit]

The faces of Ichinokuro Arisu, Saionji Ena and Kujou Takako lined on top of one other with quailing looks.


Ena crouched her body on the ground, while Takako rested above her. Above them was Arisu who leaned her body forwards, staring beyond the door into the room darkened by blackout curtains.

Above Arisu’s head was a signpost with the words, ‘Arts Room 2’. And affixed to that sign hanging was another signboard that read, ‘The Fortune-telling Society’s 100% Accurate Divination Booth’.

At the backs of Arisu and the girls who were peeking into the room, a bustling scene was depicted beyond the windows. Large crowds of people made their way around students dressed in mascot costumes, visiting the wide plethora of stands.

However, it was a separate world in the Arts room.

Blackout curtains completely covered the windows, plunging the room into darkness. Colourful tapes decorated one side of the lengthy wall, along with (hopefully fake) bones of unknown origins.

A single small desk was placed in the centre of the room. A crystal ball sat atop the desk covered with black tablecloth, and two person sat on the chair. —More specifically, two person were seated on one chair.

“I’m overjoyed at your visit after such a long time. *Lick* *Lick*

Mushi Uta Bug 2nd p123.jpg

A girl with a black cloth (probably a mantle?) draped over her uniform licked the neck of the boy which was wrapped with her hands.

“…Don’t lick my neck!”

The cheeks of the youth with the girl seated atop his laps—Kusuriya Daisuke, had a spasm.

“Hey, show me all about Kakkun again. *Nibble* *Nibble*

“…Don’t nibble my earlobe!”

“By the way, what was today’s business again? *Kiss*

“…Didn’t I just tell you…”

Daisuke was seated on the chair, and the girl in the mantle sat atop his laps. When Arisu’s eyes got used to the darkness, she could see that there was something (she wanted to call it a collar, but common sense rejected that option) placed around her neck.


Arisu softly closed the door.

With hollow expressions, the three girls averted their faces from the room.

“Arisu… I’m sorry, but I need to leave first…”

“…My apologies, me too…”

Ena and Takako walked down the corridor shakily as if they received a shock. Arisu could do nothing but watch them go in a daze.

“Indeed… I thought that I shouldn’t avert my eyes from reality and do my best to face everything directly, but… only this time, I don’t think I can do it…”

“—More, more, Kakkun… *Lick*—

Hearing the sweet voice coming from within the room, Arisu trembled in dread.

Part 1[edit]

Under the clear skies, a buoyant music wafted through the air.

The moment one walked passed the gaudily decorated school gate, they would be faced with the specially installed stage. The band on stage was probably a recreational one formed by students as the accompaniment did not match the tempo of the vocals, but even so, the music still created a jovial atmosphere.

Long tents were positioned along the school building, where assorted signposts were placed before them at regular intervals. Most of them sold food and beverages, but there were also game stalls such as a shooting range.

In addition to the students in uniform, there were a lot of people in casual clothing as well. They mostly consist of students from other schools as well as nearby residents. They mingled along with students handing out fliers as well as the costumed mascots advertising their respective stalls.

Arisu, Ena and Takako had come here to the Private Honami University Affiliated Middle School’s cultural festival.

“Hey, Arisu! They’re having a frisbee tournament at the field. Wanna join with me? We’ll sweep home all the prizes!”

Ena, dressed in a punkrock style wearing a hole-ridden jeans and skirt lined with chains, coupled with a jacket and wristbands, pulled Arisu’s arm. In her hand was a pamphlet that she got from the organising committee tent just now.

“Frisbee, huh. With your fearsome dexterity, I fear that you might really dominate the game.”

Holding a drink on one hand, Arisu laughed. The miniskirt, jacket and boots she was decked out in were all overseas branded goods.

“Arisu-san. It is bad manners to eat and drink while walking, you know.”

Takako opined to Arisu while walking with her hands behind her back. The casual wear she was in was a rare sight, a combination of hot pants with a cardigan and leg warmers.

“Speaking of which, Arisu… isn’t the colour of that drink out of the world? I wonder just what did they put in. Even I wouldn’t dare to try that.”

“It’s surprisingly good, though. Not to mention, didn’t you just wolf down that charred-black yakisoba just now, Ena.”

“Yea, it was really burnt to a crisp. Well, but that’s how you’re supposed to enjoy the festival food. Aren’t you gonna eat anything, Takako?”

“Erm, I don’t really like this kind of food… By the way, isn’t it about the time to meet up with Daisuke-san?”

Reminded by Takako’s words, Arisu looked up at the clock installed on the school building. As she mentioned, there were barely any time left before the appointed three o’clock.

“You’re right. Well then, I’ll see you guys in a bit. I’ll contact you when I’m done.”

“Hey, can we really not follow along? I’m kind of interested in Kusuriya-kun’s acquaintance as well. It’ll be fine if we just accompany you to the meet up place, right? Please?”

“Nope… Well, if it’s only until there then it’s fine I guess. So, you guys coming along?”

“I wonder what kind of person Daisuke-san’s acquaintance is.”

They walked across the lively festivities and entered the school building. After changing for the indoor slippers, they walked down the corridor packed with each individual class’ attraction.

The location that Daisuke had specified seems to be in the building next door. The three girls proceeded down the corridor lined with signboards.

Outside of the window, an out-of-season morpho butterfly flitted along at the back of the three girls near the ceiling.

“Hey hey, what should I do if that friend is a girl? Or even worse, if they’re not just friends, but share a deep relationship… Ah, I don't think I will be able to recover from that.”

Clinging onto Arisu’s arm, Ena moaned towards the heavens exaggeratedly. Takako laughed in response.

“It might be that he wants to introduce his girlfriend to Arisu-san.”

Ah! No way! That can’t be, Kusuriya-kun is our property!”

“Who knows, maybe she might be his fiancée?”

Nooo! That can’t be!”

Ufufu, what if they’re already married.”

Hiii! …Or rather, that can’t be the case. Takako, do you really enjoy seeing people suffer that much…?”

Kusuriya Daisuke. The freeloader at the Ichinokuro house.

Arisu had not come here to the Private Honami University Affiliated Middle School to have fun at their cultural festival. It was to meet with one of Daisuke’s acquaintance. That person was a student at this school.

She did not hear the specifics from him, but he did mention that the person was ‘someone with a few screws loose in their head’.

“I don’t think their lovers. He did say that they are not even friends.”

Ena and Takako looked at Arisu questioningly at her words.

“Eh? Really?”

“That sounds somewhat forlorn.”

They proceeded down the corridor on the second floor and headed towards the special classroom block.

Different from near the school gate or the field, this block seemed to be quite devoid of people. There was still the presence of people on the first floor which was connected to the gym, but the second and third floors were completely silent.

“…Hey, Ena. Is it really this way?”

“The second Arts room, right? This is the right way. …I do wonder why the surroundings are so deserted though.”

“That must be it.”

The place Takako pointed to was the deepest and darkest area.


An awkward silence descended amongst the three of them.

There was indeed a sign that read, ‘Arts Room 2’. However, affixed to that sign hanging was another signboard that read, ‘The Fortune-telling Society’s 100% Accurate Divination Booth’.

The door was covered by blackout curtains, and a black curtain was drawn over half of the corridor’s window.

It was as if only that area was isolated in darkness.

“W-will you be alright, Arisu? There’s some kind of abnormal atmosphere around here.”

“It’s eerily quiet over here.”

“L-let’s check it out for now. We’ll all look at once, okay. D-don’t leave me alone here, please.”

The three girls took a gulp and stood in front of the blackout curtain. With Ena at the bottom, Takako in the middle, and Arisu at the top, the three of them drew back the curtain along with the door.

Inside, they saw Daisuke’s ‘acquaintance’.

“I’m overjoyed at your visit after such a long time. *Lick* *Lick*


All expression disappeared from the girls’ faces.

Hit by a sense of giddiness, Arisu recalled the events that led up to this situation.

Part 2[edit]

In the main building of the Ichinokuro house, one of the many spare rooms belonged to Kusuriya Daisuke.

“There’s something we need to speak about, Daisuke. I’m coming in.”

Without even waiting for an answer, Arisu, dressed in pajamas, opened the paper sliding door.

Daisuke was in the middle of a call. Everything about him, from his hairstyle to his facial features, screamed average. He took a glimpse towards her and sighed.

[Other than Nene-san, there’s also many others whom he intends to bring into our branch. Would you like to speak with Branch Director Haji himself? I’ll connect you right away. While waiting, how about some calming music? La~lala~la~]

An excessively boisterous voice came from his mobile phone such that it even reached Arisu.

“Rather than those people, tell him that we need to change the reception of the intelligence team, Maimai. …I’ll contact you again later, cutting now.”

[Lala~la~. Ah, yessir, I’ll pass that on. …Hmm? Wouldn’t I lose my position if they are new members entering the intelligence team. But, don’t mind, Maimai-chan. If you continue working hard, surely a bright future awaits—]

Daisuke ended the call, cutting off the annoying voice abruptly.

“Somehow, I feel like I just heard the most individualistic person of all times. Is that your friend?”

“Please don’t joke about that. That was just a colleague. How do I put this… It’s not like I’m referring to all of them, but there’s a large number of weirdos amongst the Special Type Mushitsuki, there’s also some crazy ones too…”

“That’s quite a stereotype. Aren’t you just discriminating them?”

“—Rather than that, what do you want to speak about. And also, learn how to knock at least.”

With a serious expression, Arisu sat in front of Daisuke who had a look of exasperation.

“I want to borrow your assistance. —Ah, saying it like that makes it sounds like I’m the one with a lower standing. Let me rephrase that, you shall assist me. You shall put in all your efforts for my sake.”

“…Well, it’s not like I expected your attitude to change after all these times anyway. So, what’s with this all of a sudden.”

“After what happened at the pool, I came to thought. There really are many different kinds of power that Mushitsuki have.”


Referring to monsters which remains to be whispered as rumours amongst the people despite the official denial of their existence by the government.

The Mushi feeds on the dreams of people in order to grow. The people possessed by them are referred to as Mushitsuki, gaining the use of various different kinds of power in exchange for their dreams.

The young Mushitsuki girl that Arisu met at the indoor pool facility the other day had the ability to instill fear in people.

Kusuriya Daisuke too was a Mushitsuki. Apart from him, Arisu had also met many other Mushitsuki, each with a different ability.

“And so, I thought. You have been in the organisation… the SEPB, which has a lot of Mushitsuki, for a long time, isn’t it? In that case, wouldn’t you possibly know of a Mushitsuki with the ability to find out about Mari?”

The Special Environmental Preservation Bureau.

That was the organisation that Daisuke belonged to, a governmental agency that was established to capture Mushitsuki. Hanashiro Mari—the original owner of the morpho butterfly that was now entrusted to Arisu, is the reason for which Daisuke is monitoring Arisu.

“…There’s no way anyone with such a convenient ability exists. From the very start—”

Replying to Arisu who was pressing him for an answer, Daisuke paused. He seemed to have recalled something, but continued with a puckering expression.

“—there’s no such person.”

“…Just now, you were lying very blatantly, Daisuke.”


He averted his face without speaking.

Arisu stood up wordlessly and grabbed the still seated Daisuke’s arm. Pulling the right arm of Daisuke who had a look of question, she flipped him over in one fluid motion.

“And there. Arisu Upper Cross Armlock~!


“How dare you feign ignorance to your master’s queries, inexcusable! If you don’t spit out what you know in three seconds, prepare to hold your chopsticks with your left hand from tomorrow onwards! One, two…

Part 3[edit]

“—More, more, Kakkun… *Lick*—

With her fingertips on the door, Arisu hesitated over whether to open the door or not. She had a feeling that if she were to open it now, she would witness something that she mustn't.

Ena and Takako had already abandoned her with pale faces.

“W-what should I do… That was Daisuke, right? Eh? What? Are they in that kind of relationship? Showing me that kind of thing, what am I supposed to do? Should I report it to the police—”

While she muttered to herself in a frenzy, the door opened all of a sudden.

A grimacing Daisuke stood in front of her. The other girl was clinging onto his neck with a beaming smile.

“…If you’re going to enter, do it quickly.”


Arisu answered meekly with a nod.

—The Arts room devoid of tables and chairs was quite spacious.

However, as the windows were completely covered by blackout curtains, one could not see well in the room. The only illumination in the room came from the lamp hanging on the wall. On top of the table in the middle of the room, there was what appears to a basin of water.

*Hustle* *Hustle* *Hustle*

Leaving behind the silent Daisuke and Arisu, the girl headed to a door deeper in the room.


She opened the door and retrieved two more chairs.

*Hustle* *Hustle* *Hustle*

She placed the chairs in front of Arisu and Daisuke.

*Thunk* …Please have a seat. *Turn* *Hustle* *Hustle* *Hustle*

Flapping her mantle, the girl returned to the black table and sat on her own chair.

Arisu stared at Daisuke with imploring eyes.


“…Don’t say a word. That's just the kind of person…”

The girl just stared at Arisu without appearing to do anything.


The ends of her lips went up. She just continued to stare at Arisu while occasionally mumbling, ‘*Grin* *Grin*’.

She had a very distinct hairstyle, with straight bangs in addition to hairstyle of different lengths on the left and right sides. Her hair above her right ears was cut shortly and tied, while her hair on the left side stretched till her waist. The star-shaped stickers pasted below her left eye glittered from the light from the lamp.

Arisu thought that the girl would look quite cute if she did not speak.

However, all that was ruined by the black mantle she wore, the collar-like choker on her neck, and most of all—the artificial smile that could not be described in any other way apart from a grin. All of it was worsened by the murky gloom in her eyes that almost seemed to lick Arisu caught in her gaze.

Feeling a chill, Arisu shivered. It was not just her appearance. She could feel a queerness not found in normal people coming from the girl.

“Kurisaka Ayuyu. A member of the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau Central Headquarters, Secret Class Rank 4 of the Experimental team, Kororo. …Even if I mentioned that, it’s not like you would know that anyway.”

“You may call Ayuyu~ as Ayuyu~. *Bobs head*

Ayuyu took a bow towards Arisu. However, she immediately shook her head.

*Shake* *Shake* You can’t after all. The only one who can call Ayuyu~ Ayuyu~ is Kakkun. Please call me Ayuyu.”

With another, ‘*Grin*’, the ends of her lips rose again.

“…N-nice to meet you.”

Arisu did not know how to reply her and just returned a stiff smile.

“—I’ll leave the rest to you, Kororo.”

“Don’t be so cold, Kakkun. Just call me Ayuyu~.”

“Wait a minute!”

Arisu clung on desperately to Daisuke who got up to leave. Glimpsing at Ayuyu to the side, she whispered to Daisuke softly.

“W-where are you going, Daisuke…! Are you going to leave me alone with that girl? What do you want me to do? What are you aiming for? I’ll apologize for stealing your side dish this morning…! Getting back at me like this is too much!”

“Calm down. And don't cry. …Didn’t you say that you want to meet with a Mushitsuki with the ability to find out about Hanashiro Mari.”

“I-it’s this girl…? Really?”

“Yea. I don't really know what would actually happen either, but…”

His expression turned sharp. Catching a glance at Ayuyu, he spoke in a low voice.

“Be careful. Apart from her ability… watch out for her as well.”

“W-what do you mean?”

“I’ll be nearby this room. If anything happens, just shout for me immediately. I’ve also brought my equipment just in case. I’ll rush over straight away.”

“Equipment? Why would you need that thing?”

Without answering Arisu, Daisuke turned towards Ayuyu with a strict countenance.

“Don’t do anything unnecessary, Kororo. If you engage in some meaningless ‘play’, I will…”

“No need for worries. I will keep to our promise. *Grin*

However, the nodding Ayuyu was still staring intently at Arisu. Feeling manacled by the stare, Arisu felt a chill run down her back.

Daisuke glared at Ayuyu for a while before leaving the room without saying anything.

Right after he closed the door behind him, silence descend in the room.

Arisu and Ayuyu stared at each other in silence. When Arisu gulped, Ayuyu just continued staring at her with an eerie smile.


*Grin* Now then, shall we begin. This isn’t an order from the Central Headquarters, but if I don’t do this properly, then it wouldn’t feel right to have Kakkun’s body in exchange—*Cough* I was just kidding. Please pretend you never heard that.”

“…That makes me very curious about what did Daisuke underwent…”

“I’ve had Kakkun go far away. If there are Mushi of the same type around, their wavelengths would overlap.”


Arisu knotted her eyebrows. With a faint smile on her lips, Ayuyu held her hands over the basin. Her appearance with her face barely lit by the candle flame truly looked like that of a fortune-teller.

“What is going to happen now? Daisuke didn’t tell me anything.”

“You are being possessed by the Mushi of your deceased friend, right. You want to know why did she leave you the Mushi. …Is that correct? *Glimpse*

Ayuyu glimpsed at the morpho butterfly fluttering above them. In response, Arisu meekly nodded.

“Yes, indeed.”

“I shall tell you then. About what your friend—what was Hanashiro Mari thinking… *Smirk*

Her dark pupils shifted from the morpho butterfly to Arisu, causing her to take a gulp. A sadistic smile appeared on her face as she questioned out of nowhere.

“But, before that… Let me ask you, how much do you know about Kakkun?”

Arisu vacillated, her eyebrows knotting.

“About Daisuke?”

“Special Environmental Preservation Bureau East Central Branch member, Blaze Class Rank 1, Kakkou—Kakkun is the strongest Mushitsuki. Do you know why is he that strong?”

“Why, you ask…”

“That is because Kakkun knows of pain. I know that from what I have ‘seen’. Beginning with Fuyuhotaru, he has defeated a large number of Mushitsuki, far more than anyone else. He himself also had plenty of brushes with death and lived to tell the tale. …The reason Kakkun fights on for so long is because of his promise with Fuyuhotaru. And also…”

Ayuyu’s expression softened for a second. Unlike the gloomy smile she had till now, a lovely smile flashed across her face.

But the next moment, the unnerving smile returned to her face.

*Grin* I know the pain that Kakkun felt. I also know of the pain of other Mushitsuki. Kakkun and I have shared our pains, that’s why we are so lovey-dovey.”

“Looking from Daisuke’s angle, it sure doesn’t look very lovey-dovey though…”

“In addition to that, we share a common point. —*Grin* I hold the foulest ability in the whole of the SEPB. I have grasped the weakness of countless Mushitsuki and made them cooperate with the SEPB. Kakkun and I are the undoubtably the most despised in the SEPB. *Smirk*


The water in the basin started to stir right before Arisu’s eyes. Following that, the water began to morph under Ayuyu’s hands.

Splashing around the basin, some water floated into the air and distorted, forming into a single droplet.

Soon, a creature made of water formed in Ayuyu’s hands. There were eight thin legs on a flat disk-like body, with a frontal portion that was likely its head having three compound eyes and wriggling feelers. Its distorting shape trapped the light from the candle, appearing as though it would fall apart any time.

“Having a Mushi despite not being a Mushitsuki, a Mushitsuki that could be considered an anomaly… In fact, you are quite famous amongst the higher-ups of the Central Headquarters. Even a high-ranking member like myself is already aware of your existence. Despite that, do you know why there hasn’t been any orders from above for me?”


Arisu, whose attention was caught by the unknown creature, lifted her face.

*Grin* One of the reason is because it is dangerous. Other Mushi absolutely hates my ability. That’s why, whenever I try to interfere, the Mushi resists… What would happen if I cannot suppress it—the answer is obvious. The Mushi will rampage.”


*Smirk* In the past, under the orders of the Central Headquarters, I attempted to interfere with the wavelength of Kakkun’s Mushi. The end result—including me, around ten people of the guards almost died. Since then, I have been forbidden from using my ability on strong Mushitsuki. In actuality, today’s job is a secret from the Central Headquarters, and Kakkun also told me to stop immediately the moment I detect any risk.”

Arisu was flabbergasted.

“Even so, why do you think I still accepted this request…”

“I-isn’t it because it was Daisuke who requested for it?”

“Of course, that was part of the reason. *Smirk* …But, the true reason is that I wanted to take up this mission. When I heard about the Mushitsuki that wasn’t a Mushitsuki, I had always wanted to meet with you.”


*Grin* *Smirk* …Does a Mushitsuki really believe that they can befriend a normal person?”

Arisu widened her eyes, while Ayuyu laughed extremely peculiarly.

“Being feared by the masses, and living in fear of having their dreams completely consumed by their Mushi… there’s no way that a Mushitsuki would believe in a normal person who had never experienced all that. Only a Mushitsuki can understand the feelings of another Mushitsuki… Yet, you claim that Hanashiro Mari was really your friend? You thought that you guys were friends? *Snicker*

“Wha-…! Mari IS my friend! That goes without saying—”

*Smirk* That’s why, I wanted to ‘play around’ with you… The moment when you realized that your expectations were betrayed, just what kind of face would you make… Just imagining that makes my heart pound nonstop.”

A look of ecstasy crossed Ayuyu’s face and her body was trembling just as she mentioned.

“It would be good for you to experience some pain as well.”

This girl…!

Arisu’s face twisted.

There’s a large number of weirdos amongst the Special Type Mushitsuki—the words that Daisuke said must have applied to people like the girl in front of her. Ayuyu appeared to truly want to watch Arisu get hurt from the bottom of her heart.

“I hate you. Despite not being a Mushitsuki, you pretend to be one… gaining just the power without going through any suffering. That’s why, I will definitely not stop halfway no matter what. Whatever’s gonna happen is not going to be my concern, okay? *Smirk* However, if you prostrate yourself and lick my feet, then I might consider letting you off. *Heart Pounding*


“Come on, if you don’t, then I’m going to start soon. Say it, say, ‘I am sorry for pretending to be a Mushitsuki’.”

“…Who do you think you’re babbling on about to?”

Arisu slowly got up from her chair. Anger bubbled up from her heart.

—See you tomorrow.

Mari had said that with a smile. Arisu could affirm that that smile was genuine.

The one who doesn't know anything is Ayuyu.

Despite the short time, Arisu had passed her time together with Mari. The girl in front of her was the one who did not know what did Arisu and Mari felt yet declared that Arisu had been betrayed.

Arisu believed in Mari.

—Mari is definitely not a cruel Mushitsuki who revels in hurting other people.

“Get on with it quickly. I will not allow you to stop halfway.”

Arisu stated flatly.

The smile disappeared from Ayuyu’s face.

“…Someone like you can just break.”

The water in the shape of a diving beetle in her hands deformed. The candle flame in the wall-mounted lamp fluttered.

The Mushi made of liquid gradually transformed. At the same time, the movements of the morpho butterfly become erratic.

“Kakkun is surely the same as Hanashiro Mari.”

Ayuyu said.

“I don't know what you think about him, but… Kakkun does not think of you as a friend. The only reason that he stays by your side is because of his mission.”

Arisu bit her lips.

She already knew that. However, having that stated so flat out still made her chest hurt for some reason.

The body of the diving beetle split into two, revealing two pairs of wings.


Seeing its newly transformed shape, Arisu was speechless.

It was the morpho butterfly.

Completely similar in shape to the morpho butterfly dancing near the ceiling, another morpho butterfly was born.


Ayuyu looked down with a distorted smile at the morpho butterfly glistening with silver radiance in her hands.

“My ability allows me to view the memories of the past seen by other Mushi…”

Suddenly, the shape of the butterfly made of water collapsed.

The mass of water fell into the basin with a splash. When it became still, the surface of the water reflected the light from the lamp.

—No, it was not due to the reflection of the light from the lamp. What was reflected on the surface was something completely different.

“I wonder what kind of appearance did the Mushi saw of its host…”

Arisu’s face stiffened.

What was displayed on the water surface was the figure of a girl with her mouth hidden behind a muffler—it was Hanashiro Mari.

Part 4[edit]

“T-this is…”

Arisu choked out a quivering voice. Supporting herself on the table with both of her hands, she stared into the basin with her body leaning forwards.


With her hands above the water, a smile formed on Ayuyu’s face. Looking closely, Arisu could see tiny water droplets floating around her. The droplets trapped the light from the lamp, causing the area around Ayuyu and the table to glitter and appear as if they were in another space.

Mushi Uta Bug 2nd p145.jpg

“Even the Mushi have memories. My ability allows the wavelength of my Mushi to match with that of other people’s Mushi, forming a link to their memories that I can see…”

The morpho butterfly flew flusteredly around the ceiling. It looked as if it was running amok in pain.

“Reading the memories of a Mushi is the same as reading the memories of their host. However, that is not the case for you. If I can read the past memories of this Mushi, it should show that of its original host—that of Hanashiro Mari.”

It was just as Ayuyu explained.

The figure displayed in the water was that of Hanashiro Mari with her mouth covered by her muffler. She was at the rooftop of a tall building somewhere. Dressed in a strange white coat, she was looking down below her. —Probably because they were in the vantage of the Mushi, they were looking down on Mari from an even higher point.

[I’ll find it tonight for sure…]

The surface of the water stirred, and they could hear a soft voice.

The voice indubitably belonged to that of Mari.


It was the figure of Arisu’s close friend while she was still alive one year ago. The yearning and happiness from seeing her once again caused tears to muddle her sight.

[—ing Mushitsuki. Even if I have to turn all the Mushitsuki in Akamaki City into Fallen—]

The display on the water surface was riddled with static, and Mari’s voice was cut off halfway.


Arisu was shaken when she saw the sharp glint in Mari’s eye.

The Hanashiro Mari shown in the reflection was not the Mari that Arisu knew. The girl that she knew always stayed in the hospital room and was a docile girl who spoke gently.

However, the Mari being displayed had a severe expression that seemed to belong to another person. It belonged to that of a Hunter that was stalking its prey—alternatively, it belonged to that of a warrior.

[I found you—]

Mari lifted her head and grabbed the crutch next to her. In no time, silver feelers stretched out to cover her body and imprinted onto her skin. With silver patterns on her face and a shining spear in her hands, she jumped down the building.

There was a lone Mushitsuki on the ground. He saw Mari and materialised his Mushi with a look of shock. However, Mari just bisected the Mushi with a swing of her spear.

The random Mushitsuki was turned into a Fallen and collapsed onto the floor powerlessly.


Witnessing this ghastly scene, Arisu’s heart pounded strongly.

[It’s not him either—]

Leaving with her exceedingly cold voice, the scene in the reflection changed.

What appeared next was a hospital room.

It was Mari’s private room which Arisu was familiar with.


Above the bed, Mari was reading a picture book.

The terribly expressionless look on her face spoke of the reality of her solitude. Arisu could feel her heart wrenching in pain.

She watched as the seasons changed. The trees outside of the windows turned barren.

However, there was not a single change in Mari’s situation.

She was still only staring at the same picture book motionlessly.

It looked like she felt pain in her chest. Her face distorted all of a sudden and her body cowered.


Arisu reflexively stretched out her hand, but there was no way she could reach the past Mari. Her fingertip touched the surface of the water, forming ripples that distorted the view.

[Uu… uu…]

Clutching her chest, Mari was crying. Tears fell onto her laps as she bit her lips and tried to suppress her moans.


Arisu’s heart beat even harder, as if Mari’s own pain was being transmitted to her.

She stopped her outstretched hand and clenched it to a fist.

The lonely, inorganic and unchanging days continued as Mari battled her illness. She was expressionless whenever what looks to be her attending doctor spoke to her, but she would bite her lips when she was left alone. The figure of her crying wordlessly alone at night was displayed innumerable times.


All of a sudden, the water surface turned rough.

The water droplets around Ayuyu burst and she exerted more strength into her hands hovering above the basin.

The morpho butterfly floating near the ceiling ceased its writhing and merely looked down at Ayuyu and Arisu intently. The silver radiance it emitted slowly grew more intense.

Khh…! Looks like I can’t suppress it any longer… that was fast as expected. I’ve not met such a formidable target since Kakkun…!”


Arisu stared straight at the girl who was grimacing.

“You will not stop halfway. —That’s what you declared, right.”

Under Arisu’s glare, a fearless smile emerged on Ayuyu’s face.

*Snicker* …Naturally. After all, you are not yet broken. The fun has just begun.”

The choppiness of the water surface settled down.

It was tough looking at the miserable state of Mari’s past figure.

However, Arisu could not avert her eyes.

She must witness Mari’s true feelings with her own eyes no matter what. That was what she thought.


From the reflection that appeared once more, the shouting voice of a man could be heard. It was a voice Arisu had not heard before.

Mari was standing by the window dressed in the white coat. The man’s voice came from behind her and his figure could not be seen.

[Please stop this already, Mari…]

[Didn’t you say so. That Mushitsuki… if it’s me, then it might be possible to defeat that Undying Mushitsuki.]


The Undying Mushitsuki.

Arisu’s heart jumped.

The scene changed again.

[Just what is with this body! What is it so broken and tattered!]

Mari bawled.

And again.

[Nice to meet you, Hanashiro Mari-san.]

With a beaming smile, a girl greeted Mari.

That was the first meeting between Ichinokuro Arisu and Hanashiro Mari.


Arisu watched the scene without moving. Under her gaze, the figure of the two girls conversing repeated days after days.

*Smirk* Looks like you guys sure get along well. …Up till that point only, though.”

Ayuyu looked at Arisu who raised her head.


“Are you so sentimental that you can’t even speak. *Snicker* Well, be sure to fully enjoy the most of your playing at making friends.”

The reflection changed to another scene.

[Stop… don’t kill my Mushi… please…]

A Mushitsuki pleaded before Mari.


Mari looked at her own hands in shock.


Arisu too, looked at her hands.

[I… Is it okay for me to be together with Arisu as it is?]

Mari seemed to be talking to somebody.

[I… want to live—.]

A soft utter leaked from her mouth.


—I want to live.

Mari’s wish could be summed up in that one sentence.

Thump thump—.

The throbbing in Arisu’s heart quickened bit by bit.

[Thank you, Sensei.]

Mari said to the person who seemed to be by her side.

Again, the scene changed to reveal Mari with a serene—almost precarious transparent smile.

[Because Arisu is kind, even for my request, she will…]

Static appeared in the reflection once more.

The figure of Mari glaring into the room with a sharp glint in her eyes appeared.

[Right now, I… feel like I would not lose to anyone. Even if it’s against one of the Original Three, Aria Varei—even if it’s you.]


Beads of sweat appeared on the forehead of Ayuyu who looked taken aback.

“I-it can’t be, is that person… Sanbikime? The progenitor of the Fusion Types…”

[You are the Hunter, right.]

The girl which Mari was standing guard against was someone Arisu knew as well.

Rina—the girl she had met at the Central Headquarters of the SEPB the other day. She had called out to Arisu as Hunter the moment she saw the morpho butterfly.

[Target confirmed! Capture it!]

What appeared next were figures in white coats moving to attack Mari and Rina.

—The Central Headquarters wanted to capture Mari… Did they know about the morpho butterfly beforehand…?

Her heart was already beating so heavily that it sounded irritating to her ears.

However, Arisu’s consciousness was thrown into disarray the next moment.

“Has the Central Headquarters already faced off against Hanashiro Mari once? *Heart Throbbing* …But, I’ve never heard anything about… Kh!

The water droplets around Ayuyu dispersed once more. Large ripples propagated in the basin, disrupting the image.

Arisu’s heart palpitations reached its peak.

The morpho butterfly released a flash of silver light.


At the same time, Arisu felt her consciousness ‘connect’ with that of the morpho butterfly.

*Grin* It’s useless to resist… I can still go on.”


Ignoring Ayuyu whose expression hardened in contrast to her words, Arisu looked up at the morpho butterfly in a daze.

She gently raised her right hand.

The morpho butterfly landed on the palm of Arisu’s hand.

*Question mark?* Arisu-san, please view the image instead of that butterfly. You’re wasting my efforts—”


Arisu looked at Ayuyu and smiled with a grin.

“Arisu… -san?”

With the morpho butterfly in her palm, Arisu walked towards the corner of the room. She opened the cleaning supplies closet and took out a mop.

*Sweats* Could it be that—”

Arisu swung the mop around in a spin, pointing it towards Ayuyu.

—Right after, the morpho butterfly transformed.

Its wings morphed into feelers which entwined around the mop. Within an instant, there was a sparkling silver spear in Arisu’s hands.

“Diorestoi’s Mushitsuki… You are a hindrance.”

A frightfully cold voice spilled out from Arisu’s lips.

The colour on Ayuyu’s face drained.

“Could it be that… you are Hanashiro Mari-san?”

With Arisu’s face—Hanashiro Mari swung the spear at Ayuyu with a smirk.

Part 5[edit]

The silver spear cleanly bisected the basin filled with water along with the table.

The chair which Ayuyu was sitting on was also destroyed.


With a backflip, Ayuyu dodged the spear by a hair’s breadth.


Part of her forelocks scattered in the air. A distorted smile formed on her lips even as a streak of blood flowed down her face.

*Snicker* This is the first time I’ve seen such a method of ‘rampage’. You must have really hated seeing your past self. *Smirk*

Ayuyu stretched out her hand and the spilt water accumulated around her arm.

“However… I am also not a Secret Class Rank 4 for nothing. It would be best for you not to underestimate me.”

She hit the wall behind her with her arm where the water was collected.

Splash! A water film of around one millimetre thickness spread on the wall.

[You… do not die…?]

Mari’s side profile was projected into the wall of the Arts room. There seemed to be someone nearby, but their face could not be seen due to the backlighting.

“Let’s continue with the request. *Grin*


The face of ‘Mari’ twisted.

The silver spear swung horizontally in a slash.

A gale of silver scales grazed against the top of Ayuyu’s heard as she reflexively lowered her body.

A large tremor shook the school building.

The loud reverberation of destruction only lasted for a second.


Ayuyu gaped with her mouth wide open while holding her head.

A portion of the wall and the ceiling was gone without a trace. Bright sunlight shone into the previously dark room.

[I—want the—]

The image left on what remained of the wall was flickering, about to disappear any second.

‘Mari’ approached Ayuyu without speaking.

Aa… uu…

Ayuyu retreated with a terrified expression. A second later, the emergency alarm rang throughout the school building.

“Diorestoi’s Mushi are just hindrances…”

Right as ‘Mari’ was about to swung down the spear on the frozen Ayuyu.

A black shadow cut between the two of them.

The jet-black figure swatted the spear away right before it met Ayuyu.

Silver scales disintegrated the wall diagonal to Ayuyu.


A youth covered in a black long coat stood between the two girls. Red lights shone on the goggles that covered half of his face. A green pattern ran along the small part of his cheek that was exposed.


‘Mari’ manipulated the spear adroitly, brandishing the spear in a horizontal sweep towards Daisuke.

However, the youth barely blocked the shaft of the spear with his elbow in the nick of time. He aimed a kick at ‘Mari’s’ leg.

But, she easily evaded the kick with a jump to the back. Assuming a frontal stance, she propped the spear in Daisuke’s direction.

Tch… Kororo, you disobeyed my instructions, didn’t you? You were supposed to stop immediately the moment you sense danger. —Calm down, Arisu!”

*Shiver* T-that’s wrong, Kakkun… The one there is—”

Behind Daisuke, Ayuyu choked up with a shivering voice.

[That’s why, I… will become Arisu…]

In the image which seems about to fade away anytime, Hanashiro Mari said.

“That person is… Hanashiro Mari.”


He must have been shocked, as he stiffened.

“Hanashiro Mari, you say…?”

Daisuke and ‘Mari’ stared at each other through his goggles. He seemed to tighten his clenched fists.

“You say you will become Arisu…!”

Even with the goggles covering his face, one could tell that his expression has hardened.

‘Mari’ grinned.

Kusuriya Daisuke.

She knew about him.

“So, you are Kusuriya Daisuke…”

Facing ‘Mari’ with her spear, Daisuke took out his handgun.

“I’ve heard from Sensei, so I know about you… About how you are also a Fusion Type and a strong Mushitsuki to boot.”

The two Fusion Type Mushitsuki stared into each other at close proximity.

“Kororo… cut your link with the morpho butterfly. Cancel your ability.”

In response to Daisuke’s low voice, Ayuyu retorted.

“B-but… It seems that that person knows of something far beyond what we can imagine. She also seemed to have been in direct contact with Sanbikime… And also, the Central Headquarters appears to have already met that Mushi in the past—”

“All that doesn’t matter. —Hurry up. If this continues, I have a feeling that something irreversible might happen.”

His severity must have been from the irregular atmosphere that he felt. Ayuyu raised her hands over the remaining fluid on the wall.


However, the reflection did not disappear. Ayuyu raised a pained scream.

“It can’t be…! I can’t separate the wavelengths… the link is—Ah… my Mushi is being… sucked in—”

Her face turned even more pallid and she shook nonstop.

[I must go—]

In the projection, Hanashiro Mari muttered.

“Between you and I… I’ve always wanted to test out which of us is stronger.”

‘Mari’ kicked off the floor towards Daisuke.

Clicking his tongue, Daisuke pointed the barrel towards ‘Mari’—.

Tch, looks like I have no choice… Sorry about this—”

The arm holding the handgun turned to the side.


Before Daisuke’s gaze and the barrel of the gun, Ayuyu’s eyes widened.


Lying on the floor, Ayuyu gave a smile towards Daisuke. There was not a speck of fear—on the contrary, as if that was what she wished for Daisuke to do, she flashed a blissful smile.

“If it’s pain, I’m already used to it. …Isn’t that right, Kakkun?”


Mushi Uta Bug 2nd p163.jpg

Daisuke wordlessly pulled the trigger.

The figure of Hanashiro Mari reflected on the water surface smiled peacefully.

[See you tomorrow, okay—]

The bullet skimmed past Ayuyu and smashed into the wall along with the thin film of water.


Ayuyu collapsed backwards without making any sound.

“My bullet should not be able to completely kill a Special Type. She should not have turned into a Fallen…”

Daisuke’s face twisted. —As if he could feel Ayuyu’s pain for his own.

The moment the reflection on the water disappeared, a change occurred in ‘Mari’.

All expression disappeared suddenly, and she collapsed into Daisuke’s arms. The morpho butterfly separated from the spear as though it was being ejected.


The girl groaned in Daisuke’s arms.

“Hmm? I…”

“…I guess I should at least ask. You are Ichinokuro Arisu, right?”

“Eh? Ah… W-what do you think you are doing hugging me, get away from me!”

Arisu’s cheeks flushed and she sent Daisuke flying. Then, she noticed the miserable state of the surroundings and took a look around the Arts room.

“W-what happened? Did you do this, Daisuke?”

“…Looks like it’s Arisu after all.”

Daisuke lowered his shoulders in ease.

“Hanashiro Mari eh… This has become much more troublesome than I ever imagined…”

With the emergency alarm in the background, the youth took a big sigh.

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